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(11) EP 3 328 105 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) International Patent Classification (IPC):
of the grant of the patent: H04W 4/70 (2018.01) H04W 76/10 (2018.01)
30.08.2023 Bulletin 2023/35 H04W 4/20 (2018.01) H04W 8/22 (2009.01)
H04W 60/00 (2009.01)
(21) Application number: 16830037.4
(52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC):
(22) Date of filing: 20.07.2016 H04W 4/70; H04W 4/20; H04W 8/22; H04W 60/00;
H04W 76/10

(86) International application number:


(87) International publication number:

WO 2017/017931 (02.02.2017 Gazette 2017/05)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (56) References cited:

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB JP-A- 2011 045 038 JP-A- 2013 529 402
GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO US-A1- 2013 080 597 US-A1- 2013 083 765
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR US-A1- 2013 100 895

(30) Priority: 24.07.2015 JP 2015146266 • ALCATEL-LUCENT ET AL: "Evaluation of Small

Data solutions", 3GPP DRAFT; S2-130078 23887
(43) Date of publication of application: SMDATA EVAL, 3RD GENERATION
30.05.2018 Bulletin 2018/22 PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (3GPP), MOBILE
(73) Proprietor: NEC Corporation LUCIOLES ; F-06921 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS
Tokyo 108-8001 (JP) CEDEX ; FRANCE , vol. SA WG2, no. Prague,
Czech Republic; 20130128 - 20130201 22 January
(72) Inventor: TAMURA, Toshiyuki 2013 (2013-01-22), XP050684650, Retrieved from
Tokyo 108-8001 (JP) the Internet:
(74) Representative: MacDougall, Alan John Shaw et al h/TSGS2_95_Prague/Docs/ [retrieved on
Mathys & Squire 2013-01-22]
The Shard • CATT: ’CloT architecture for small data
32 London Bridge Street transmission’ 3GPP TSG-SA WG2#110
London SE1 9SG (GB) S2-152394, [Online] 10 July 2015, XP050987315
Retrieved from the Internet:
oc s/ S 2-152394 .zip>
EP 3 328 105 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Processed by Luminess, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 3 328 105 B1 2

Description mainly accommodated in the communication systems. A

mobile phone terminal, a smartphone, or the like fre-
Technical Field quently transmits/receives a larger amount of data than
the amount of data transmitted/received by an IoT device
[0001] The present disclosure relates to a technique 5 does. That is, communication systems specified in the
for communicating small data. current 3GPP are not optimal communication systems
to accommodate IoT devices, which have been desired
Background Art to have low power consumptions, thus causing a problem
that it is impossible to reduce the power consumptions
[0002] Communication systems that can accommo- 10 of the IoT devices.
date a large number of IoT (Internet of Things) devices [0006] Non-patent Literature 3 proposes impacts and
are currently being studied in 3GPP (3rd Generation Part- evaluations for various efficient small data solutions.
nership Project). [0007] Patent Literature 1 describes MTC signaling
[0003] Examples of IoT devices may be sensor devic- techniques wherein MTC data can be directly appended
es, smart-meters, home appliances, vending machines 15 to a control plane message. Such techniques are used
and the like that are connected to the Internet. IoT devices to communicate, to a WTRU, a network provider’s MTC
may also be referred to as MTC (Machine Type Commu- service or capability.
nication) devices or M2M (Machine to Machine) devices. [0008] The present invention provides a mobile com-
For example, IoT devices periodically transmit a very munication system, a mobility management node, a base
small amount of data to a server apparatus in comparison 20 station, a user equipment, and associated methods as
to the amount of data that typical mobile phones, smart- defined in the appended independent claims. Optional
phones or the like communicate. For example, an IoT features are defined in the appended dependent claims.
device may be a device that periodically transmits data
consisting of several tens of bytes. Advantageous Effects of Invention
Citation List [0009] According to the present disclosure, it is possi-
ble to provide a network apparatus, a communication ter-
Non Patent Literature minal, a communication system, a receiving method, a
transmitting method, and a program capable of perform-
[0004] 30 ing a communication procedure suitable for accommo-
dating an IoT device.
Non-patent Literature 1: 3GPP TS 25.331 V12.5.0
(2015-03) 8.1.3 RRC connection establishment Brief Description of Drawings
Non-patent Literature 2: 3GPP TS 23.401 V13.3.0
(2015-06) 5.3.2 Attach procedure 35 [0010]
Non-patent Literature 3: ALCATEL-LUCENT et al:
"Evaluation of Small Data Solutions", 3GPP Draft; Fig. 1 is a configuration diagram of a network appa-
S2-130078 23887 SMDATA EVAL, 3rd Generation ratus according to a first embodiment;
Partnership Project (3GPP), Mobile Mobile Compe- Fig. 2 is a configuration diagram of a communication
tence Centre; 650, Route Des Lucioles; F-06921 40 system according to a second embodiment;
Sophia-Antopolis Cedex; France, vol.SAWG2, no. Fig. 3 is a configuration diagram of a UE according
Prague, Czech Republic; 20130128-20130201 22 to a second embodiment;
January 2013 Fig. 4 is a table for explaining category information
Patent Literature 1:US2013/100895 A1 according to the second embodiment;
45 Fig. 5 is a configuration diagram of a MME according
Technical Problem to the second embodiment;
Fig. 6 is a configuration diagram of an eNB according
[0005] For IoT devices, it has been desired to reduce to the second embodiment;
their power consumptions and thereby enable them to Fig. 7 shows a flow of an Attach procedure according
operate for a long time. For example, assuming a case 50 to the second embodiment;
where a company manages a large number of IoT de- Fig. 8 shows a flow of a small data transmitting proc-
vices, it is desirable that the number of battery-charging ess according to the second embodiment;
operations, battery-replacement operations, and the like Fig. 9 shows a procedure for establishing a radio link
be small in view of the management cost. However, in specified in 3GPP;
communication systems specified in the current 3GPP, 55 Fig. 10 shows a procedure for establishing a radio
as described in, for example, Non-patent literature 1 and link specified in 3GPP;
2, a communication procedure is defined on the assump- Fig. 11 is a configuration diagram of an eNB accord-
tion that mobile phone terminals or smartphones are ing to each embodiment;

3 EP 3 328 105 B1 4

Fig. 12 is a configuration diagram of a communica- the network apparatus 10 and the communication termi-
tion terminal and a UE according to each embodi- nal 20 and a procedure for setting security between the
ment; and network apparatus 10 and the communication terminal
Fig. 13 is a configuration diagram of a network ap- 20 should be skipped according to the profile information
paratus and an MME according to each embodiment; 5 transmitted from the communication terminal 20.
[0016] When wirelessly communicating with the com-
Description of Embodiments munication terminal 20, the network apparatus 10 estab-
lishes a radio link between the network apparatus 10 and
(First Embodiment) the communication terminal 20. For example, the radio
10 link may be established between the network apparatus
[0011] With reference to the drawings, embodiments 10 and the communication terminal 20 at a timing at which
of the present disclosure are explained below. At first, a the power supply of the battery in the communication
configuration example of a network apparatus 10 accord- terminal 20 is changed from an OFF state to an ON state,
ing to a first embodiment of the present disclosure is ex- in a predetermined cycle, or at a timing at which the com-
plained below by referring to Fig. 1. The network appa- 15 munication terminal 20 transmits data.
ratus 10 may be a computer apparatus that operates by [0017] The establishment of the radio link is performed
having its processor execute a program stored in a mem- according to a predetermined procedure. The predeter-
ory. For example, the network apparatus 10 may be an mined procedure may be defined by a telecommunication
apparatus that is located in a communication network carrier that administrates the network apparatus 10. Al-
administered by a telecommunication carrier. The net- 20 ternatively, the predetermined procedure may be defined
work apparatus 10 may also be a communication appa- according to 3GPP or the like. Further, the establishment
ratus such as a base station, a server apparatus, a of the radio link may also be expressed as a configuration
switching apparatus and the like. Alternatively, the net- of a radio bearer, a configuration of a radio communica-
work apparatus 10 may be a router apparatus or the like. tion channel or the like.
[0012] The network apparatus 10 includes a commu- 25 [0018] Radio resources used for communication
nication unit 11 (also referred to as a transmitting and (transmission or reception of data) of user data may be,
receiving unit) and a determination unit 12. The commu- for example, a radio communication channel used by the
nication unit 11 and the determination unit 12, which are communication terminal 20 for transmitting and receiving
components of the network apparatus 10, may be soft- user data such as text data, audio data and image data
ware or a module which is executed by causing a proc- 30 between the communication terminal 20 and the network
essor to execute a program stored in a memory. Alter- apparatus 10. Alternatively, the radio resources may be
natively, these components of the network apparatus 10 frequency bands, communication timing, transmission
may be hardware or a chip. power and the like that are allocated to the communica-
[0013] The communication unit 11 receives profile in- tion terminal 20 for performing communication. In gen-
formation of the communication terminal 20 transmitted 35 eral, a U-Plane (User Plane) is used for communication
from the communication terminal 20. The communication of user data.
terminal 20 may be an IoT device that autonomously per- [0019] Separately from the radio resource used for
forms communication without any operation by users. communicating user data, there is a radio resource which
IoT devices may be MTC (Machine Type Communica- is used for communicating control data. The control data
tion) devices, M2M (Machine to Machine) devices and 40 is data that is used by the communication terminal 20 for
the like. Further, the communication terminal 20 may be starting, finishing or maintaining communication. In gen-
a sensor device, a smart-meter, a home appliance, a eral, control data has a smaller amount of data in com-
vending machine and the like. Further, data transmitted parison to the amount of user data. In general, a C-Plane
from IoT devices is assumed to be small data. Small data (Control Plane) is used for communication of control data.
can be transmitted even by radio resources for control 45 [0020] For example, in a case where the profile infor-
data since the transferred volume of the small data is mation of the communication terminal 20 indicates that
small. Therefore, in the case of transmitting small data the communication terminal 20 does not transmit/receive
by radio resources for control data, it becomes unneces- user data, the determination unit 12 may skip the proce-
sary to provide radio resources for user data. dure for configuring the radio resources used for com-
[0014] The profile information of the communication 50 municating user data. Further, in the case where the pro-
terminal 20 may be information in which operations of file information of the communication terminal 20 indi-
the communication terminal 20 or processing to be per- cates that the communication terminal 20 does not re-
formed by the communication terminal 20 are specified. quire a high level of security, the determination unit 12
[0015] In the procedure for establishing a radio link be- may skip the procedure for security setting.
tween the network apparatus 10 and the communication 55 [0021] Here, the communication unit 11 receives small
terminal 20, the determination unit 12 determines wheth- data transmitted from the communication terminal 20 via
er or not at least one of a procedure for configuring radio the radio link established based on the result of a deter-
resources used for communicating user data between mination made by the determination unit 12. For exam-

5 EP 3 328 105 B1 6

ple, the small data may be data generated by an loT eNB 40 relays control data that are transmitted/received
device. The small data is data having a sufficiently small- between the UE 30 and an MME (Mobility Management
er volume in comparison to the volume of user data such Entity) 50. Here, the eNB may be an RAN (Radio Access
as telephone call data, image data or the like. For exam- Network), an RNC (Radio Network Controller) or a BSC
ple, the small data may be sensor data, data having a 5 (Base Station Controller) for CloT (Cellular IoT). Alterna-
small volume (in the order of, for example, several tens tively, the MME may be a mobility management appara-
of bytes) that are periodically transmitted to the network tus, a packet switching apparatus, an SGSN or the like
apparatus 10, and the like. Further, the communication for CloT. Further, UEs may be terminals that perform
unit 11 also performs data transmission from the network communication using a 2G wireless technology, a 3G
apparatus 10 to the communication terminal 20. When 10 wireless technology, an LTE wireless technology or wire-
the determination unit 12 determines that small data can less technologies dedicated for CloT.
be communicated by using the radio resources for control [0027] The MME 50 performs mobility management of
data (C-Plane), instead of using the radio resource for the UE 30, authentication of the UE 30, setup processing
user data (U-Plane), because the volume of that small of a user data transfer path, etc. The MME 50 relays
data is small, the determination unit 12 can skip the pro- 15 control data transmitted/received between the eNB 40
cedure for configuring radio resources for user data. Fur- and an SGW (Serving Gateway) 60. The MME 50 or the
ther, when it is determined that a high level of security is eNB 40 corresponds to the network apparatus 10 shown
not required because of the small volume of data, the in Fig. 1. Alternatively, the functions implemented in the
determination unit 12 can skip the procedure for security network apparatus 10 may be disposed in a distributed
setting. 20 manner in the MME 50 and the eNB 40.
[0022] As explained above, the network apparatus 10 [0028] The SGW 60 receives control data for UE 30
can change the procedure performed at the time of es- transmitted from the MME 50. Further, the SGW 60 sets
tablishing a radio link between the network apparatus 10 up a communication path for transferring user data for
and the communication terminal 20 depending on the the UE 30 between the SGW 60 and a PGW (Packet
profile information of the communication terminal 20. Par- 25 Data Network Gateway) 70. The SGW 60 receives small
ticularly, the network apparatus 10 can skip some of the data which has been transmitted from the UE 30 via the
procedures performed at the time of establishing a radio MME 50 by resources for control data communication
link between the network apparatus 10 and the commu- (i.e., by the C-Plane). The SGW 60 transmits the received
nication terminal 20 depending on the profile information. small data to the PGW 70 by using the C-plane or by
[0023] The communication terminal 20 can reduce the 30 using the resources for user data communication (i.e.,
power consumption by skipping some of the procedures by the U-Plane). Moreover, the SGW 60 may transmit
performed at the time of establishing a radio link between the small data for the UE 30 transmitted from the PGW
the communication terminal 20 and the network appara- 70 to the MME 50 by using the C-Plane.
tus 10. Thereby, the frequency of the replacement or the [0029] The PGW 70 transmits the user data, that has
like of the battery in the communication terminal 20 can 35 been transmitted from an IoT server 80 or the like and is
be reduced. Thus, even in the case where a company or addressed to the UE 30, to the SGW 60. Moreover, the
an organization connects a large number of communica- PGW 70 transmits the small data transmitted from the
tion terminals 20 to the network apparatus 10, an in- SGW 60 to the loT server 80 or the like. Here, the MME
crease of the cost required to replace batteries in these 50, the SGW 60, and the PGW 70 may be collectively
communication terminals 20 can be minimized. 40 referred to as EPC (Evolved Packet Core) specified in
3GPP. Moreover, the MME 50, the SGW 60, and the
(Second Embodiment) PGW 70 may also be referred to as core network appa-
ratus, etc.
[0024] Next, a configuration example of a communica- [0030] The IoT server 80 may be a server which is ad-
tion system according to a second embodiment of the 45 ministered by a company different from the telecommu-
present disclosure is explained with reference to Fig. 2. nication carrier which administrates the EPC, or may be
The communication system shown in Fig. 2 comprises a server administered by the telecommunication carrier
node apparatus specified in 3GPP. that administrates the EPC. The IoT server 80 and the
[0025] The term "UE (User Equipment) 30" is used to PGW 70 may communicate through the Internet which
collectively refer to communication terminals specified in 50 is a public IP network. The IoT server 80 manages UEs
3GPP. The UE 30 corresponds to the communication 30 used as loT devices. Further, the IoT server 80 may
terminal 20 shown in Fig. 1. The explanations below are receive small data transmitted from UEs 30 used as IoT
given on the assumption that UEs 30 are loT devices. devices, and may perform analysis of the small data, etc.
[0026] A base station apparatus, i.e., an eNB (evolved [0031] Next, a configuration example of the UE 30 ac-
NodeB) 40 performs wireless communication with the 55 cording to the second embodiment of the present disclo-
UE 30. For example, the eNB 40 performs wireless com- sure is explained below with reference to Fig. 3. The UE
munication with the UE 30 using LTE (Long Term evo- 30 has an IoT application 31, a NAS (Non-Access Stra-
lution) as a radio communication system. Further, the tum) control unit 32, an AS (Access Stratum) control unit

7 EP 3 328 105 B1 8

33, a U-Plane (User-Plane) control unit 34, and a radio munication unit 35 demodulates a radio signal transmit-
communication unit 35. Each of the components consti- ted from the eNB 40 and outputs the demodulated signal
tuting the UE 30 may be software or a module by which to the NAS control unit 32, the AS control unit 33, or the
a process is performed by causing a processor to execute U-Plane control unit 34.
a program stored in a memory. Alternatively, each of the 5 [0038] Here, profile information included in a NAS mes-
components constituting the UE 30 may be implemented sage or an AS message is explained below. Profile in-
as hardware or a chip. formation on the UE 30 may be information about oper-
[0032] The IoT application 31 generates small data to ations or a contract of the UE 30, or information specifying
be transmitted to the IoT server 80. Here, a specific ex- processing performed in the UE 30 and so on.
ample of small data is explained. For example, when the 10 [0039] For example, the below-shown information may
UE 30 is a smart meter, the IoT application 31 may gen- be included in the profile information on the UE 30 which
erate data indicating an electrical power consumption as is an loT device. Moreover, the below-shown information
small data. Alternatively, when the UE 30 may be a sen- may be information that is set up every time the UE 30
sor device which detects temperature, humidity, etc., the transmits small data.
IoT application 31 may generate data indicating detected 15
temperature, humidity, etc., as small data. Further, the (1) Information indicating that Traffic Channel (U-
small data may be information managed by the UE 30 or Plane) for transmitting user data is made unneces-
information detected by the UE 30 or other types of in- sary (hereafter referred to as Traffic Channel unnec-
formation. essary information) because small data is transmit-
[0033] The NAS control unit 32 generates an NAS 20 ted by using the C-Plane as in the case of control
message which is transmitted/received to/from the MME data,
50 through the eNB 40. Further, the NAS control unit 32 (2) Information indicating that a security level lower
receives the NAS message transmitted from the MME than the security level used in an ordinary smart
50 through the eNB 40 and performs processing speci- phone, etc., is requested (hereafter referred to as
fied in the NAS message. The eNB 40 transmits the re- 25 low-security request information), and
ceived NAS message to the UE 30 or the MME 50 without (3) Information indicating that hand-over processing
performing processing related to the NAS message. In is made unnecessary because the UE 30 does not
other words, the eNB 40 transparently transfers the NAS move (hereafter referred to as hand-over process
message transmitted from the UE 30 or the MME 50. unnecessary information).
Note that the NAS message is control data. 30
[0034] The NAS control unit 32 generates a NAS mes- [0040] The "Traffic Channel unnecessary information"
sage including profile information about the UE 30. Fur- explained in the item (1) may be information indicating
ther, the NAS control unit 32 generates a NAS message an amount (size) of information of small data. In this case,
containing small data when it transmits the small data the eNB 40 or the MME 50 determines whether the Traffic
along with control data by using the C-Plane. 35 Channel (U-Plane) is necessary or not in consideration
[0035] The AS control unit 33 generates an AS mes- of the amount (size) of information of the small data. The
sage to be transmitted/received to/from the eNB 40. Fur- low security level explained in the item (2) may indicate
ther, the AS control unit 33 receives the AS message that, for example, the small data does not need to be
transmitted from the eNB 40 and performs processing encrypted or needs to be encrypted in a simplified level.
specified in the AS message. The AS control unit 33 gen- 40 [0041] Moreover, the hand-over processing explained
erates an AS message including the profile information in the item (3) includes hand-over processing (Intra RAT
for the UE 30. (Radio Access Technology) HO (Hand Over)) between
[0036] The U-Plane control unit 34 performs a process base stations using the same radio communication sys-
for establishing a communication line or a channel used tem and hand-over processing (Inter RAT HO (Hand
to transmit/receive user data to/from the eNB 40. Here, 45 Over)) between base stations using different radio com-
the NAS control unit 32 and the AS control unit 33 may munication systems.
be collectively referred to as a C-Plane (Control-Plane) [0042] Moreover, category information on the UE 30
control unit (not shown). The C-Plane control unit per- which indicates whether or not small data can be trans-
forms a process for establishing a communication line or mitted using the C-Plane as in the case of control data,
a channel used to transmit/receive control data to/from 50 whether or not a low security level can be requested, and
the eNB 40. whether or not hand-over processing can be made un-
[0037] The radio communication unit 35 performs a necessary may be set in the profile information.
process for wirelessly communicating with the eNB 40. [0043] For example, as shown in Fig. 4, the category
For example, the radio communication unit 35 modulates information on the UE 30 may be represented by using
a signal containing transmission data into a desired fre- 55 a bit string consisting of three bits. When small data is
quency and thereby generates a radio signal. Further, transmitted using the C-Plane (Control Plane), a value
the radio communication unit 35 transmits the generated "1" is set to the first bit, and when small data is transmitted
radio signal to the eNB 40. Alternatively, the radio com- using the U-Plane (User Plane), a value "0" is set to the

9 EP 3 328 105 B1 10

first bit. Further, when a low security level is requested, configuring procedure is skipped, it transmits a message
a value "1" is set to the second bit, and when a high indicating that the radio resource configuring procedure
security level is requested, a value "0" is set to the second is skipped to the eNB 40 through the base station com-
bit. Furthermore, when hand-over processing is unnec- munication unit 51. Alternatively, when the control unit
essary, a value "1" is set to the third bit, and when the 5 53 receives information indicating an amount (a size) of
hand-over processing is necessary, a value "0" is set to information of small data transmitted from the UE 30 and
the third bit. The category information on the UE 30 may it determines that the radio resource configuring proce-
not be limited to the example shown in Fig. 4. That is, a dure can be skipped based on the analysis of the infor-
bit string consisting of four bits or more, or two bits or mation, the control unit 53 transmits a message instruct-
less may be used according to the number of information 10 ing to skip the radio resource configuring procedure to
pieces to be set. Note that "0" and "1" may also be ex- the eNB 40 through the base station communication unit
pressed as setting/non-setting of a flag. 51. Further, when the control unit 53 receives a determi-
[0044] Next, a configuration example of the MME 50 nation result indicating that the security setting procedure
according to the second embodiment of the present dis- is skipped, it transmits a message instructing to skip the
closure is explained below with reference to Fig. 5. The 15 security setting procedure to the eNB 40 through the base
MME 50 includes a base station communication unit 51, station communication unit 51. Further, when the control
a determination unit 52, a control unit 53, and a network unit 53 receives a determination result indicating that the
communication unit 54. Each of the components which radio resource configuring procedure and the security
constitute the MME 50 may be software or a module by setting procedure are skipped, it transmits a message
which a process is performed by causing a processor to 20 instructing to skip both procedures to the eNB 40 through
execute a program stored in a memory. Alternatively, the base station communication unit 51. Further, when
each of the components constituting the MME 50 may the control unit 53 receives a determination result indi-
be implemented as hardware or a chip. cating that the hand-over process is unnecessary, it
[0045] The base station communication unit 51 re- transmits a message instructing to stop the process re-
ceives an NAS message transmitted from the UE 30 25 lated to the hand-over to the eNB 40 through the base
through the eNB 40. The base station communication station communication unit 51.
unit 51 outputs the received NAS message to the deter- [0048] Further, the control unit 53 transmits an EPC
mination unit 52. Moreover, the base station communi- type indicating that it can transmit a message instructing
cation unit 51 may output small data to the network com- to skip the radio resource configuring procedure and the
munication unit 54 when the small data is contained in 30 security setting procedure to the eNB 40 according to the
the NAS message. Moreover, the base station commu- profile information (i.e., information indicating an ability
nication unit 51 receives an S1 message transmitted from of the EPC) to the UE 30 through the eNB 40. Further,
the eNB 40. Here, S1 is a reference point specified in the control unit 53 may transmit the EPC type to the eNB
3GPP. The base station communication unit 51 outputs 40 by using an S1 message.
the received S1 message to the determination unit 52. 35 [0049] The network communication unit 54 transmits
The eNB 40 may transmit an eNB type (information in- the small data output from the base station communica-
dicating an ability of the eNB, may also be referred to as tion unit 51 to the SGW 60 by using a GTP (General
a NodeB type) to the MME 50 by using the S1 message. Packet Radio Service Tunneling Protocol)-C message.
Here, the "eNB type" indicates that the eNB 40 can sup- [0050] Next, a configuration example of the eNB 40
port an operation by which a radio resource configuring 40 according to the second embodiment of the present dis-
procedure can be changed, an operation by which a se- closure is explained with reference to Fig. 6. The eNB 40
curity setting procedure can be skipped, or an operation includes a radio communication unit 41, a control unit 42,
by which processing for hand-over can be stopped ac- and a network communication unit 43. Each of the com-
cording to an instruction from the MME 50. ponents constituting the eNB 40 may be software, a mod-
[0046] Depending on the profile information on the UE 45 ule, or the like by which a process is performed by having
30 contained in the NAS message, the determination unit a processor execute a program stored in a memory. Al-
52 determines whether or not to skip at least one of the ternatively, each of the components constituting the eNB
procedure for configuring the radio resource used for 40 may be hardware, a chip, or the like.
communication of user data between the MME 50 and [0051] The radio communication unit 41 performs a
the UE 30, and the procedure for setting security between 50 process for performing radio communication with the UE
the MME 50 and the UE 30. The determination unit 52 30. For example, the radio communication unit 41 gen-
outputs a result of the determination to the control unit erates a radio signal by modulating a signal including
53. Note that the determination unit 52 may obtain sub- transmission data into a desired frequency and transmits
scriber information from an HSS 90 and use information the generated radio signal to the UE 30. Alternatively,
about IoT contained in the obtained subscriber informa- 55 the radio communication unit 41 demodulates a radio
tion for the above-mentioned determination. signal transmitted from the UE 30 and outputs the de-
[0047] When the control unit 53 receives a determina- modulated signal to the control unit 42.
tion result indicating that, for example, the radio resource [0052] The network communication unit 43 is used as

11 EP 3 328 105 B1 12

an interface for communicating with the MME 50. For using a different security Key every time an RRC con-
example, the network communication unit 43 trans- nection is established between the UE 30 and the eNB
mits/receives control data to/from the MME 50. 40, high security can be achieved.
[0053] The control unit 42 performs a procedure for [0060] Next, the eNB 40 transmits a Security Mode
establishing a radio link with the UE 30 based on an in- 5 Command message to the UE 30 in order to perform a
struction transmitted from the MME 50. Specifically, the security setting between the eNB 40 and the UE 30 (S16).
control unit 42 establishes a radio link by transmitting/re- In response to the Security Mode Command message,
ceiving control data to/from the UE 30. Note that the con- the UE 30 transmits a Security Mode Complete message
trol unit 42 performs control so that it does not transmit to the eNB 40 (S17). In the steps S16 and S17, the se-
a message related to the process which the MME 50 has 10 curity Key that is transmitted from the MME 50 in the step
instructed to skip to the UE 30. S15 is used.
[0054] Further, the control unit 42 performs control so [0061] Next, the eNB 40 transmits an RRC Connection
as to transmit an eNB type indicating that among the Reconfiguration to the UE 30 in order to transmit/receive
processes for establishing the radio link, the radio re- user data to/from the UE 30 by using the RRC connection
source configuring procedure and the security setting 15 therebetween (S18). Next, in response to the RRC Con-
procedure can be skipped according to the profile infor- nection Reconfiguration message, the UE 30 transmits
mation to the UE 30 through the radio communication an RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete message
unit 41. to the eNB 40.
[0055] As a comparative example for the present dis- [0062] Next, in response to the Initial Context Setup
closure, a typical procedure for establishing a radio link 20 Request message transmitted in the step S15, the eNB
specified in 3GPP is explained hereinafter with reference 40 transmits an Initial Context Setup Response message
to Figs. 9 and 10. It is assumed that the UE 30 has not to the MME 50 (S20). Next, the MME 50 transmits a Mod-
performed communication for a predetermined period ify Bearer Request message to the SGW 60 in order to
and hence has entered an IDLE mode. It is assumed that instruct to set a path that is used to transmit/receive user
in the IDLE mode, the UE 30 is not synchronized with 25 data between the eNB 40 and the SGW 60 (S21). The
the eNB 40. SGW 60 further transmits the Modify Bearer Request
[0056] Firstly, the UE 30 transmits an RRC (Radio Re- message to a PGW 70 in order to set a path that is used
source Control) Connection Request message to the to transmit/receive user data to/from the PGW 70.
eNB 40 in order to start communication with the eNB 40 [0063] When a transfer path for user data is estab-
(S11). Next, in response to the RRC Connection Request 30 lished through the processes up to the step S21, the UE
message, the eNB 40 transmits an RRC Connection Set- 30 transmits a UDP (User Datagram Protocol)/IP(Inter-
up message to the UE 30 (S12). net Protocol) packet to the eNB 40 (S22). Further, the
[0057] Next, the UE 30 transmits an RRC Connection eNB 40 transmits the UDP/IP packet to the SGW 60
Setup Complete message to the eNB 40 (S13). The UE (S23). Further, the MME 50 receives a Modify Bearer
30 transmits an RRC Connection Setup Complete mes- 35 Response message from the SGW 60 as a response to
sage including an NAS message used in an NAS protocol the Modify Bearer Request message transmitted in the
to the eNB 40. In other words, the UE 30 transmits an step S21 (S24).
RRC message multiplexed with an NAS message to the [0064] Next, the SGW 60 transmits the UDP/IP packet,
eNB 40. In particular, the RRC Connection Setup Com- which is addressed to the UE 30, to the eNB 40 (S25).
plete message includes a Service Request message as 40 Next, the eNB 40 transmits the received UDP/IP packet
the NAS message. When the UE 30 starts communica- to the UE 30 (S26).
tion, it transmits a Service Request message to the MME [0065] Next, the UE 30 transmits a Measurement Re-
50. port message indicating a result of measurement of re-
[0058] Next, the eNB 40 transmits an Initial UE mes- ception quality and the like of signals transmitted from
sage to the MME 50. The eNB 40 sets the Service Re- 45 eNBs adjacent to the eNB 40 to the eNB 40 (S27).
quest message included in the RRC Connection Setup [0066] Next, the eNB 40 releases an Inactivity Timer
Complete message in the Initial UE message (S14). indicating a period of radio communication between the
[0059] Next, the MME 50 transmits an Initial Context eNB 40 and the UE 30, or detects that the Inactivity Timer
Setup Request message to the eNB 40 in order to instruct has expired (S28).
to set a Traffic Channel that is used to transmit/receive 50 [0067] Next, the eNB 40 transmits a UE Context Re-
user data between the UE 30 and the eNB 40 (S15). The lease Request message to the MME 50 in order to re-
MME 50 may incorporate, for example, a security Key quest to release a radio bearer between the eNB 40 and
used in a security setting between the UE 30 and the the UE 30 (S29). Next, the MME 50 transmits a UE Con-
eNB 40 into the Initial Context Setup Request message. text Release Command message instructing to release
The security Key included in the Initial Context Setup 55 the radio bearer between the UE 30 and the eNB 40 to
Request message may be a security Key different from the eNB 40 (S30). Next, the eNB 40 transmits an RRC
a security Key that was used when a security setting was Connection Release message to the UE 30 in order to
made between the UE 30 and the eNB 40 in the past. By release the radio bearer between the eNB 40 and the UE

13 EP 3 328 105 B1 14

30 (S31). Next, the eNB 40 transmits a UE Context Re- can instruct the eNB 40 about at least one of skipping of
lease Complete message indicating that the radio bearer the procedure for configuring a radio resource used for
between the eNB 40 and the UE 30 has been released user data communication, skipping of the procedure for
to the MME 50 (S32). setting security between the MME 50 and the UE 30, and
[0068] In accordance with the processes shown in 5 the elimination of the need for a hand-over process.
Figs. 9 and 10, the UE 30, which is an loT device, trans- [0077] When the MME 50 can instruct the eNB 40
mits small data as user data. That is, the UE 30 transmits about at least one of the skipping of the procedure for
the small data as the UDP/IP packet in the step S22. configuring a radio resource used for user data commu-
Further, even though the UE 30 is an loT device, the nication, the skipping of the procedure for setting security
security setting is made between the UE 30 and the eNB 10 between the MME 50 and the UE 30, and the elimination
40 in the steps S16 and S17 just as in the case where of the need for a hand-over process, the MME 50 sets
the UE 30 is a smartphone or the like. an EPC type in an S1 message that is used to carry the
[0069] Next, a flow of an Attach procedure according ATTACH accept message. The EPC type indicates that
to the second embodiment is explained with reference the MME 50 can instruct the eNB 40 about at least one
to Fig. 7. The Attach procedure is a process that is per- 15 of the skipping of the procedure for configuring a radio
formed in order to register the UE 30 in a network when resource used for user data communication, the skipping
the power of the UE 30 is turned on. of the procedure for setting security between the MME
[0070] Firstly, when a user turns on the power of the 50 and the UE 30, and the elimination of the need for a
UE 30, it transmits an RRC Connection Request mes- hand-over process. Further, when the MME 50 can in-
sage to the eNB 40 (S41). Next, in response to the RRC 20 struct the UE 30 about at least one of the skipping of the
Connection Request message, the eNB 40 transmits an procedure for configuring a radio resource used for user
RRC Connection Setup message to the UE 30 (S42). data communication, the skipping of the procedure for
[0071] Next, the UE 30 transmits an RRC Connection setting security between the MME 50 and the UE 30, and
Setup Complete message to the eNB 40 (S43). The UE the elimination of the need for a hand-over process, the
30 sets profile information about the UE 30 in an NAS:AT- 25 MME 50 sets the EPC type in the ATTACH accept mes-
TACH message, i.e.., an NAS message included in an sage. The EPC type indicates that the MME 50 can in-
RRC Connection Setup complete message. The AT- struct the UE 30 about at least one of the skipping of the
TACH message may be an ATTACH REQUEST mes- procedure for configuring a radio resource used for user
sage. data communication, the skipping of the procedure for
[0072] The UE 30 sets, for example, at least one of 30 setting security between the MME 50 and the UE 30, and
Traffic Channel (U-Plane) unnecessary information, a the elimination of the need for a hand-over process.
low-security request information, and a hand-over proc- [0078] Next, the eNB 40 transmits the ATTACH accept
ess unnecessary information in the NAS:ATTACH mes- message transmitted from the MME 50 to the UE 30
sage. (S47).
[0073] Alternatively, the UE 30 may set category infor- 35 [0079] As explained above, the UE 30 can receive the
mation represented by a bit string consisting of three bits ATTACH accept message in which the EPC type is set
in the NAS:ATTACH message as the profile information. by performing the Attach procedure. In this way, the UE
Further, the UE 30 may indicate the information by set- 30 can recognize whether or not the MME 50 can instruct
ting/non-setting of flags. the eNB 40 about the skipping of the procedure for con-
[0074] Next, the eNB 40 transmits an Initial UE mes- 40 figuring a radio resource used for user data communica-
sage in which an NAS:ATTACH message is set to the tion and the skipping of the procedure for setting security
MME 50 (S44). The NAS:ATTACH message is the between the MME 50 and the UE 30.
NAS:ATTACH message transmitted from the UE 30. [0080] Further, in Fig. 7, the UE 30 does not set profile
[0075] Upon receiving the NAS:ATTACH message information of the UE 30 in the RRC message in the step
transmitted from the eNB 40, the MME 50 performs an 45 S41. Therefore, the UE 30 does not receive the eNB type
Attach procedure between the MME 50 and the UE 30 that indicates whether or not the eNB 40 can skip a part
(S45). In the Attach procedure performed in the step S45, of the processes for establishing a radio link in the step
a procedure specified in 3GPP (Section TS 23.401 S42. Examples of the part of the processes for establish- or the like) is performed. Detailed explanation of ing a radio link include a procedure for configuring a radio
the procedure of the Attach procedure is omitted here. 50 resource used for user data communication and a pro-
[0076] Upon completing the Attach procedure for the cedure for setting security between the eNB 40 and the
UE 30 in the step S45, the MME 50 transmits an ATTACH UE 30.
accept message to the UE 30 via the eNB 40 (S46 and [0081] There is a possibility that the UE 30 does not
S47). Note that when at least one of the Traffic Channel transmit small data simultaneously with the execution of
unnecessary information, the low-security request infor- 55 the Attach procedure. As a result, the UE 30 does not
mation, and the hand-over process unnecessary infor- need to receive the eNB type from the eNB 40 during the
mation is set in the NAS:ATTACH message received in Attach procedure and hence does not necessarily have
the step S44, the MME 50 determines whether or not it to transmit the profile information in the step S41.

15 EP 3 328 105 B1 16

[0082] On the other hand, when the UE 30 transmits as the profile information.
small data during the Attach procedure, the UE 30 may [0089] When the UE 30 has not set the profile informa-
set the profile information of the UE 30 in the step S41. tion in the RRC message in the step S51, it sets the profile
Further, the UE 30 may set other profile information in information in the RRC Connection Setup Complete mes-
an RRC message that can be processed by the eNB 40, 5 sage. That is, the UE 30 sets the profile information in
in addition to the profile information set in the NAS:AT- both the RRC message and the NAS message.
TACH message in the step S43. [0090] Next, the eNB 40 transmits an Initial UE mes-
[0083] Examples of the case where the eNB that com- sage, in which the NAS:Service Request message trans-
municates with the UE 30 during the Attach procedure mitted from the UE 30 is set, to the MME 50 (S54).
is the same as the eNB that communicates with the UE 10 [0091] Next, the MME 50 transmits an Initial Context
30 during the transmission of small data include the fol- Setup Request message to the eNB 40 (S55). By trans-
lowing situations: mitting the Initial Context Setup Request message, the
MME 50 may notify the eNB 40 that the procedure for
(1) Situation in which the UE 30 does not move; and configuring a radio resource used for user data commu-
(2) Situation in which the UE 30 is in close proximity 15 nication and the procedure for setting security between
to the eNB 40 and even when a radio environment the MME 50 and the UE 30 may be skipped, and the
around the UE 30 varies, the eNB with which the UE need for a hand-over process is eliminated.
30 communicates is not changed. [0092] The skipping of the procedure for configuring a
radio resource used for user data communication may
[0084] When the profile information of the UE 30 is set 20 be, for example, skipping of the processes in the steps
in the step S41, the eNB 40 may transmit an RRC Con- S18 to S32 in Fig. 9. The skipping of the security setting
nection Setup message, in which the eNB type is set, to procedure may be skipping of the processes in the steps
the UE 30 in the step S42. Further, even when the profile S16 and S17.
information of the UE 30 is not set in the step S41, the [0093] The MME 50 may notify the eNB 40 of the skip-
eNB 40 may transmit the RRC Connection Setup mes- 25 ping of the security setting procedure by setting no up-
sage in which the eNB type is set to the UE 30 in the step dated security Key in the Initial Context Setup Request
S42. Alternatively, when the profile information of the UE message. Further, the MME 50 may notify the eNB 40
30 is set in the RRC message in the step S43, the eNB of the skipping of the procedure for configuring a radio
40 may transmit an ATTACH accept message in which resource used for user data communication by setting a
the eNB type is set to the UE 30 in the step S47. Further, 30 flag or the like.
even when the profile information of the UE 30 is not set [0094] After the eNB 40 has received the Initial Context
in the RRC message in the step S43, the eNB 40 may Setup Request message in the step S55, the processes
transmit the RRC message for transferring the ATTACH in the step S16 and the subsequent steps in Figs. 9 and
accept message in which the eNB type is set to the UE 10 are skipped.
30 in the step S47. 35 [0095] Next, the MME 50 transmits a GTP-C message
[0085] Next, a flow of a process for transmitting small in which the small data received in the step S54 is set to
data according to the second embodiment is explained the SGW 60 (S56). The GTP-C message is control data
with reference to Fig. 8. In Fig. 8, it is assumed that an transmitted/received between the MME 50 and the SGW
Attach procedure for the UE 30 has been already com- 60. Next, the SGW 60 transmits a GTP-U message in
pleted and hence the UE 30 is in an IDLE state. 40 which the small data received in the step S56 is set to
[0086] Firstly, the UE 30 transmits an RRC Connection the PGW 70 (S57). The GTP-U message is user data
Request message to the eNB 40 (S51). Next, in response transmitted/received between the SGW 60 and the PGW
to the RRC Connection Request message, the eNB 40 70. The SGW 60 may transmit a GTP-C message in
transmits an RRC Connection Setup message to the UE which the small data received in the step S56 is set to
30 (S52). 45 the PGW 70 (S57).
[0087] The UE 30 may transmit the RRC Connection [0096] When the UE 30 has not received the eNB type
Request message, in which the profile information is set and the EPC type, the UE 30 may not transmit the profile
in the step S51, to the eNB 40. In this case, the eNB 40 information and the processes in Figs. 9 and 10 may be
sets an eNB type in the RRC Connection Setup message performed in the UE 30, the eNB 40, and the MME 50.
in the step S52. 50 That is, the procedure for configuring a radio resource
[0088] Next, the UE 30 transmits an RRC Connection used for user data communication and the security set-
Setup Complete message to the eNB 40 (S53). Note that ting procedure are performed without being skipped. The
when the UE 30 has already received the eNB type and case in which the UE 30 has not received the eNB type
the EPC type, it sets an NAS:Service Request message and the EPC type is a case in which the eNB 40 and the
in which profile information and small data are set in the 55 MME 50 do not support skipping of the procedure for
RRC Connection Setup Complete message. For exam- configuring a radio resource used for user data commu-
ple, assume that the UE 30 sets Traffic Channel unnec- nication and the procedure for setting security between
essary information and low-security request information the eNB 40 or the MME 50 and the UE 30.

17 EP 3 328 105 B1 18

[0097] Further, when the UE 30 has already received the skipping, the UE 30 can transmit small data to the
the eNB type but has not received the EPC type, the UE loT sever 80.
30 may transmit the profile information and request to [0105] Further, by using hand-over process unneces-
skip the procedure for configuring a radio resource used sary information as the profile information, the UE 30 can
for user data communication and the procedure for set- 5 reduce a processing load on the eNB 40.
ting security between the eNB 40 or the MME 50 and the [0106] Next, configuration examples of the network ap-
UE 30. paratus 10, the communication terminal 20, the UE 30,
[0098] The case in which the UE 30 has received only the eNB 40, and the MME 50, which are explained in the
the eNB type is a case in which the eNB 40 supports the above-described plurality of embodiments, are explained
skipping of the procedure for configuring a radio resource 10 hereinafter. Fig. 11 is a block diagram showing a config-
used for user data communication and the procedure for uration example of the eNB 40. As shown in Fig. 11, the
setting security between the eNB 40 and the UE 30 but eNB 40 includes an RF transceiver 1001, a network in-
the MME 50 does not support the skipping of the proce- terface 1003, a processor 1004, and a memory 1005.
dure for configuring a radio resource used for user data The RF transceiver 1001 performs an analog RF signal
communication and the procedure for setting security be- 15 process in order to communicate with UEs. The RF trans-
tween the MME 50 and the UE 30. ceiver 1001 may include a plurality of transceivers. The
[0099] In this case, for example, the eNB 40 may skip RF transceiver 1001 is connected to an antenna 1002
the processes in the steps S16 and S17 in Fig. 9 by skip- and the processor 1004. The RF transceiver 1001 re-
ping the transmission of the Security Mode Command in ceives modulation symbol data (or OFDM symbol data)
the step S16 even when the updated security Key is 20 from the processor 1004, generates a transmission RF
transmitted in the step S55. signal, and supplies the generated transmission RF sig-
[0100] Further, the eNB 40 has recognized that the UE nal to the antenna 1002. Further, the RF transceiver 1001
30 transmits small data based on the profile information generates a baseband reception signal based on a re-
transmitted from the UE 30. Therefore, the UE 30 may ception RF signal received through the antenna 1002
skip the processes in the step S18 and the subsequent 25 and supplies the generated baseband reception signal
steps in Fig. 9 even when the UE 30 is not notified of the to the processor 1004.
instruction about skipping of the procedure for configur- [0107] The network interface 1003 is used for commu-
ing a radio resource used for user data communication nication with a network node (e.g., other eNBs, Mobility
in the step S30. Management Entities (MMEs), Serving Gateways (S-
[0101] Further, when hand-over process unnecessary 30 GWs), and TSSs or ITS servers). The network interface
information is transmitted from the UE 30 as the profile 1003 may include, for example, a network interface card
information, the eNB 40 can skip a hand-over process (NIC) in conformity with IEEE 802.3 series.
for the UE 30. Examples of the hand-over process for [0108] The processor 1004 performs a data-plane
the UE 30 include a process for monitoring radio quality process including a digital baseband signal process for
of the UE 30 and the like. Therefore, the eNB 40 can 35 radio communication, and a control-plane process. For
reduce a processing load on the eNB 40 itself by skipping example, in the case of LTE or LTE-Advanced, the digital
the hand-over process for the UE 30. baseband signal process performed by the processor
[0102] As explained above, the eNB 40 and the MME 1004 may include signal processes in a PDCP layer, an
50 can skip transmission/reception of messages be- RLC layer, a MAC layer, and a PHY layer. Further, the
tween the UE 30 and the eNB 40 according to the profile 40 signal process performed by the processor 1004 may
information of the UE 30. In this way, it is possible to include signal processes in a GTP-U·UDP/IP layer in an
reduce the number of messages transmitted/received by X2-U interface and an S1-U interface. Further, the con-
the UE 30 and thereby to reduce the power consumption trol-plane process performed by the processor 1004 may
of the UE 30. As a result, it is possible to reduce the include processes in accordance with an X2AP protocol,
frequency of battery charging operations and battery re- 45 an S1-MME protocol, and an RRC protocol.
placement operations for the UE 30. [0109] The processor 1004 may include a plurality of
[0103] Further, when the eNB 40 and the MME 50 do processors. For example, the processor 1004 may in-
not support skipping of the procedure for configuring a clude a modem-processor (e.g., a DSP) that performs a
radio resource used for user data communication and digital baseband signal process, a processor (e.g., a
the procedure for setting security between the eNB 40 50 DSP) that performs signal processes in a GTP-U·UDP/IP
or the MME 50 and the UE 30, the UE 30 can perform a layer in an X2-U interface and an S1-U interface, and a
procedure for transmitting small data as user data. protocol-stack-processor (e.g., a CPU or an MPU) that
[0104] In this way, even when the eNB 40 and the MME performs a control-plane process.
50 that do not support skipping of the procedure for con- [0110] The memory 1005 is formed by a combination
figuring a radio resource used for user data communica- 55 of a volatile memory and a nonvolatile memory. The
tion and the procedure for setting security between the memory 1005 may include a plurality of physically-inde-
eNB 40 or the MME 50 and the UE 30 are present in a pendent memory devices. The volatile memory is, for ex-
communication system together with those supporting ample, a Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), a Dy-

19 EP 3 328 105 B1 20

namic RAM (DRAM), or a combination thereof. The non- formed by the baseband processor 1103 may include a
volatile memory is, for example, a Read Only Memory Non-Access Stratum (NAS) protocol, an RRC protocol,
(MROM), an Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM and a MAC CE process.
(EEPROM), a flash memory, a hard disk drive, or a com- [0115] The baseband processor 1103 may include a
bination thereof. The memory 1005 may include a stor- 5 modem-processor (e.g., a Digital Signal Processor
age disposed apart from the processor 1004. In this case, (DSP)) that performs a digital baseband signal process
the processor 1004 may access the memory 1005 and a protocol-stack-processor (e.g., a Central Process-
through the network interface 1003 or an I/O interface ing Unit (CPU), or a Micro Processing Unit (MPU)) that
(not shown). performs a control-plane process. In this case, the same
[0111] The memory 1005 may store a software module 10 processor may be used as both the aforementioned pro-
(a computer program) including a group of instructions tocol-stack-processor that performs a control-plane proc-
and data for performing processes performed by the eNB ess and a later-described application processor 1104.
40 explained in the above-described plurality of embod- [0116] The application processor 1104 is also referred
iments. In some implementations, the processor 1004 to as a CPU, an MPU, a microprocessor, or a processor
may be configured so that it performs processes per- 15 core. The application processor 1104 may include a plu-
formed by the eNB 40 explained in the above-described rality of processors (or a plurality of processor cores).
embodiments by reading the software module from the The application processor 1104 implements various
memory 1005 and executing the read software module. functions of the communication terminal 20 and the UE
[0112] Fig. 12 is a block diagram showing a configu- 30 by executing a system software program (Operating
ration example of the communication terminal 20 and the 20 System (OS)) and various application programs (e.g., a
UE 30. A Radio Frequency (RF) transceiver 1101 per- telephone-call application, a WEB browser, a mailer, a
forms an analog RF signal process in order to commu- cameral operation application, and a music playback ap-
nicate with the eNB 40. The analog RF signal process plication) read from a memory 1106 or other memories
performed by the RF transceiver 1101 includes a fre- (not shown).
quency up-conversion, a frequency down-conversion, 25 [0117] In some implementations, the baseband proc-
and amplification. The RF transceiver 1101 is connected essor 1103 and the application processor 1104 may be
to an antenna 1102 and a baseband processor 1103. integrally disposed (or formed) on one semiconductor
That is, the RF transceiver 1101 receives modulation chip as indicated by broken lines (1105) in Fig. 12. In
symbol data (or OFDM symbol data) from the baseband other words, the baseband processor 1103 and the ap-
processor 1103, generates a transmission RF signal, and 30 plication processor 1104 may be implemented as one
supplies the generated transmission RF signal to the an- System on Chip (SoC) device 1105. The SoC device may
tenna 1102. Further, the RF transceiver 1101 generates also be called a system LSI (Large Scale Integration) or
a baseband reception signal based on a reception RF a chip set.
signal received through the antenna 1102 and supplies [0118] The memory 1106 is a volatile memory, a non-
the generated baseband reception signal to the base- 35 volatile memory, or a combination thereof. The memory
band processor 1103. 1106 may include a plurality of physically-independent
[0113] The baseband processor 1103 performs a dig- memory devices. The volatile memory is, for example, a
ital baseband signal process for radio communication (a Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), a Dynamic
data-plane process) and a control-plane process. The RAM (DRAM), or a combination thereof. The nonvolatile
digital baseband signal process includes (a) data com- 40 memory is, for example, a Read Only Memory (MROM),
pression/restoration, (b) data segmentation/concatena- an Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEP-
tion, (c) transfer format (transfer frame) generation/de- ROM), a flash memory, a hard disk drive, or a combina-
composition, (d) transfer path encoding/decoding, (e) tion thereof. For example, the memory 1106 may include
modulation (symbol mapping), (f) OFDM symbol data an external memory device that can be accessed by the
(baseband OFDM signal) generation by Inverse Fast 45 baseband processor 1103, the application processor
Fourier Transform (IFFT), and so on. Meanwhile, the con- 1104, and the SoC 1105. The memory 1106 may include
trol-plane process includes communication manage- an internal memory device integrally disposed (or
ment in a layer 1 (e.g., transmission power control), a formed) in the baseband processor 1103, the application
layer 2 (e.g., radio resource management and a hybrid processor 1104, or the SoC 1105. Further, the memory
automatic repeat request (HARQ)), and a layer 3 (e.g., 50 1106 may include a memory disposed in a Universal In-
attach, mobility, and signaling related to telephone-call tegrated Circuit Card (UICC).
management). [0119] The memory 1106 may store a software module
[0114] For example, in the case of LTE or LTE-Ad- (a computer program) including a group of instructions
vanced, the digital baseband signal process performed and data for performing processes performed by the UE
by the baseband processor 1103 may include signal 55 40 explained in the above-described plurality of embod-
processes in a Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PD- iments. In some implementations, the baseband proces-
CP) layer, a Radio Link Control (RLC) layer, a MAC layer, sor 1103 or the application processor 1104 may be con-
and a PHY layer. Further, the control-plane process per- figured so that it performs processes performed by the

21 EP 3 328 105 B1 22

communication terminal 20 and the UE 30 explained in ples of transitory computer readable media include elec-
the above-described embodiments by reading the soft- tric signals, optical signals, and electromagnetic waves.
ware module from the memory 1106 and executing the Transitory computer readable media can provide the pro-
read software module. gram to a computer via a wired communication line (e.g.,
[0120] Fig. 13 is a block diagram showing a configu- 5 electric wires, and optical fibers) or a wireless communi-
ration example of the network apparatus 10 and the MME cation line.
50. As shown in Fig. 13, the network apparatus 10 and [0126] Although the present disclosure is explained
the MME 50 include a network interface 1201, a proces- above with reference to embodiments, the present dis-
sor 1202, and a memory 1203. The network interface closure is not limited to the above-described embodi-
1201 is used for communication with a network node 10 ments. Various modifications that can be understood by
(e.g., the eNodeB 130, the MME, the P-GW). The network those skilled in the art can be made to the configuration
interface 1201 may include, for example, a network in- and details of the present disclosure within the scope of
terface card (NIC) in conformity with IEEE 802.3 series. the present disclosure as defined by the appended
[0121] The processor 1202 performs processes per- claims.
formed by the network apparatus 10 and the MME 50 15 [0127] This application is based upon and claims the
explained with reference to the sequence diagrams and benefit of priority from Japanese patent applications No.
the flowcharts in the above-described embodiments by 2015-146266, filed on July 24, 2015.
reading a software module from the memory 1203 and
executing the read software module. The processor 1202 Reference Signs List
may be, for example, a microprocessor, an MPU, or a 20
CPU. The processor 1202 may include a plurality of proc- [0128]
[0122] The memory 1203 is formed by a combination 10 NETWORK APPARATUS
of a volatile memory and a nonvolatile memory. The 11 COMMUNICATION UNIT
memory 1203 may include a storage disposed apart from 25 12 DETERMINATION UNIT
the processor 1202. In this case, the processor 1202 may 20 COMMUNICATION TERMINAL
access the memory 1203 through an I/O interface (not 30 UE
shown). 31 IoT APPLICATION
[0123] In the example shown in Fig. 13, the memory 32 NAS CONTROL UNIT
1203 is used to store a group of software modules. The 30 33 AS CONTROL UNIT
processor 1202 can perform processes performed by the 34 U-Plane CONTROL UNIT
network apparatus 10 and the MME 50 explained in the 35 RADIO COMMUNICATION UNIT
above-described embodiments by reading the group of 40 eNB
software modules from the memory 1203 and executing 41 RADIO COMMUNICATION UNIT
the read software modules. 35 42 CONTROL UNIT
[0124] As explained above with reference to Figs. 11 43 NETWORK COMMUNICATION UNIT
and 13, each of the processors included in the network 50 MME
apparatus 10, the communication terminal 20, the UE 51 BASE STATION COMMUNICATION UNIT
30, the eNB 40, and the MME 50 in the above-described 52 DETERMINATION UNIT
embodiments executes one or a plurality of programs 40 53 CONTROL UNIT
including a group of instructions to cause a computer to 54 NETWORK COMMUNICATION UNIT
perform an algorithm explained above with reference to 60 SGW
the drawings. 70 PGW
[0125] In the above-described examples, the program 80 IoT SERVER
can be stored and provided to a computer using any type 45
of non-transitory computer readable media. Non-transi-
tory computer readable media include any type of tangi- Claims
ble storage media. Examples of non-transitory computer
readable media include magnetic storage media (such 1. A mobile communication system, comprising:
as floppy disks, magnetic tapes, hard disk drives, etc.), 50
optical magnetic storage media (e.g., magneto-optical a User Equipment, UE, (30) configured to set
disks), CD-ROM (compact disc read only memory), CD- first information indicating that the UE (30) sup-
R (compact disc recordable), CD-R/W (compact disc re- ports Cellular Internet of Things, CIoT, data
writable), and semiconductor memories (such as mask transfer using a Control plane, C-plane, or a Us-
ROM, PROM (programmable ROM), EPROM (erasable 55 er plane, U-plane; and
PROM), flash ROM, RAM (random access memory), a mobility management node (50) configured to
etc.). The program may be provided to a computer using receive, from the UE (30), a request message
any type of transitory computer readable media. Exam- including the first information and send, to the

23 EP 3 328 105 B1 24

UE (30), an accept message including second mobility management node (50);

information indicating that the mobility manage- means for receiving, from the mobility manage-
ment node (50) supports the CIoT data transfer ment node (50), an accept message including
using the C-Plane or the U-plane, character- second information indicating that the mobility
ized by 5 management node (50) supports the CIoT data
the UE (30) configured to send, after completion transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane; and
of a registration procedure, a Radio Resource characterized by
Control, RRC, connection setup complete mes- means for forwarding, to the UE (30), the accept
sage including small data and third information message and means for receiving, after com-
indicating that the UE (30) supports the CIoT 10 pletion of a registration procedure, a Radio Re-
data transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane, source Control, RRC, connection setup com-
to a base station (40). plete message including small data and third in-
formation indicating that the UE (30) supports
2. The mobile communication system according to the CIoT data transfer using the C-plane or the
claim 1, wherein the CIoT data is transferred to the 15 U-plane, from the UE (30).
mobility management node (50) using an Initial UE
message. 6. The base station (40) according to claim 5, wherein
the CIoT data is transferred to the mobility manage-
3. A mobility management node (50) for a mobile com- ment node (50) using an initial UE message.
munication system, the mobility management node 20
(50) comprising: 7. A User Equipment, UE, (30) in a mobile communi-
cation system, the UE (30) comprising:
means for receiving, from a User Equipment,
UE, (30), a request message including first in- means for setting first information indicating that
formation indicating that the UE (30) supports 25 the UE (30) supports Cellular Internet of Things,
Cellular Internet of Things, CIoT, data transfer CIoT, data transfer using a Control plane, C-
using a Control plane, C-plane, or a User plane, plane, or a User plane, U-plane;
U-plane; means for sending, to a mobility management
means for setting second information indicating node (50), a request message including the first
that the mobility management node (50) sup- 30 information;
ports the CIoT data transfer using the C-plane means for receiving, from the mobility manage-
or the U-plane; ment node (50), an accept message including
characterized by second information indicating that the mobility
means for sending, to the UE (30), an accept management node (50) supports the CIoT data
message including the second information in 35 transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane; and
such a manner that the UE (30) sends, after characterized by
completion of a registration procedure, a Radio means for sending, to a base station (40), after
Resource Control, RRC, connection setup com- completion of a registration procedure, a Radio
plete message including small data and third in- Resource Control, RRC, connection setup com-
formation indicating that the UE (30) supports 40 plete message including small data and third in-
the CIoT data transfer using the C-plane or the formation indicating that the UE (30) supports
U-plane, to a base station (40). the CIoT data transfer using the C-plane or the
4. The mobility management node (50) according to
claim 3, wherein the CIoT data is transferred to the 45 8. The UE (30) according to claim 7, wherein the CIoT
mobility management node (50) using an initial UE data is transferred to the mobility management node
message. (50) using an initial UE message.

5. A base station (40) for a mobile communication sys- 9. A communication method of a mobile communica-
tem, the base station (40) comprising: 50 tion system including a User Equipment, UE, (30), a
base station (40), and a mobility management node
means for receiving, from a User Equipment, (50), the communication method comprising:
UE, (30), a request message including first in-
formation indicating that the UE (30) supports setting, by the UE (30), first information indicat-
Cellular Internet of Things, CIoT, data transfer 55 ing that the UE (30) supports Cellular Internet
using a control plane, C-plane, or a User plane, of Things, CIoT, data transfer using a Control
U-plane; and plane, C-plane, or a User plane, U-plane;
means for forwarding the request message to a receiving (S43, S44), by the mobility manage-

25 EP 3 328 105 B1 26

ment node (50), a request message including using the C-plane or the U-plane; and
the first information from the UE (30); characterized by
sending (S46, S47), by the mobility manage- forwarding (S47), to the UE (30), the accept
ment node (50), an accept message including message and receiving (S53), after completion
second information indicating that the mobility 5 of a registration procedure, a Radio Resource
management node (50) supports the CIoT data Control, RRC, connection setup complete mes-
transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane, to the sage including small data and third information
UE (30); and indicating that the UE (30) supports the CIoT
characterized by data transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane,
sending (S53), by the UE (30), after completion 10 from the UE (30).
of a registration procedure, a Radio Resource
Control, RRC, connection setup complete mes- 12. A communication method of a User Equipment, UE,
sage including small data and third information (30) in a mobile communication system, the commu-
indicating that the UE (30) supports the CIoT nication method comprising:
data transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane, 15
to the base station (40). setting first information indicating that the UE
(30) supports Cellular Internet of Things, CIoT,
10. A communication method of a mobility management data transfer using a Control plane, C-plane, or
node (50) for a mobile communication system, the a User plane, U-plane;
communication method comprising: 20 sending (S43, S44), to a mobility management
node (50), a request message including the first
receiving (S43, S44), from a User Equipment, information;
UE, (30), a request message including first in- receiving (S46, S47), from the mobility manage-
formation indicating that the UE (30) supports ment node (50), an accept message including
Cellular Internet of Things, CIoT, data transfer 25 second information indicating that the mobility
using a Control plane, C-plane, or a User plane, management node (50) supports the CIoT data
U-plane; transfer using the C-plane or the U-plane; and
setting second information indicating that the characterized by
mobility management node (50) supports the CI- sending (S53), to a base station (40), after com-
oT data transfer using the C-plane or the U- 30 pletion of a registration procedure, a Radio Re-
plane; and source Control, RRC, connection setup com-
characterized by plete message including small data and third in-
sending (S46, S47), to the UE (30), an accept formation indicating that the UE (30) supports
message including the second information in the CIoT data transfer using the C-plane or the
such a manner that the UE (30) sends, after 35 U-plane.
completion of a registration procedure, a Radio
Resource Control, RRC, connection setup com-
plete message including small data and third in- Patentansprüche
formation indicating that the UE (30) supports
the CIoT data transfer using the C-plane or the 40 1. Mobilkommunikationssystem, mit:
U-plane, to a base station (40).
einem Benutzergerät, UE, (30), das dafür kon-
11. A communication method of a base station (40) for figuriert ist, eine erste Information zu setzen, die
a mobile communication system, the communication anzeigt, dass das UE (30) CIoT-, Cellular Inter-
method comprising: 45 net of Things, Datenübertragung unter Verwen-
dung einer Steuerebene, C-Ebene, oder einer
receiving (S43), from a User Equipment, UE, Benutzerebene, U -Ebene, unterstützt; und
(30), a request message including first informa- einem Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50), der
tion indicating that the UE (30) supports Cellular dafür konfiguriert ist, vom UE (30) eine Anfor-
Internet of Things, CIoT, data transfer using a 50 derungsnachricht zu empfangen, die die erste
Control plane, C-plane, or a User plane, U- Information enthält, und an das UE (30) eine An-
plane; nahmenachricht zu übertragen, die eine zweite
forwarding (S44) the request message to a mo- Information enthält, die anzeigt, dass der Mobi-
bility management node (50); litätsmanagementknoten (50) die CIoT-Datenü-
receiving (S46), from the mobility management 55 bertragung unter Verwendung der C-Ebene
node (50), an accept message including second oder der U -Ebene unterstützt,
information indicating that the mobility manage- dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
ment node (50) supports the CIoT data transfer das UE (30) dafür konfiguriert ist, nach Ab-

27 EP 3 328 105 B1 28

schluss einer Registrierungsprozedur eine eine Einrichtung zum Weiterleiten der Anforde-
RRC-, Funkressourcensteuerung, Verbin- rungsnachricht an einen Mobilitätsmanage-
dungsaufbauabschlussnachricht, die kleine Da- mentknoten (50); und
ten und eine dritte Information enthält, die an- eine Einrichtung zum Empfangen einer Annah-
zeigt, dass das UE (30) die CIoT-Datenübertra- 5 menachricht, die eine zweite Information ent-
gung unter Verwendung der C-Ebene oder der hält, die anzeigt, dass der Mobilitätsmanage-
U-Ebene unterstützt, an eine Basisstation (40) mentknoten (50) die CIoT-Datenübertragung
zu übertragen. unter Verwendung der C-Ebene oder der U
-Ebene unterstützt, vom Mobilitätsmanage-
2. Mobilkommunikationssystem nach Anspruch 1, wo- 10 mentknoten (50);
bei die CIoT-Daten an den Mobilitätsmanagement- gekennzeichnet durch
knoten (50) unter Verwendung einer Initial-UE- eine Einrichtung zum Weiterleiten der Annah-
Nachricht übertragen werden. menachricht an das UE (30); und eine Einrich-
tung zum Empfangen einer RRC-, Funkressour-
3. Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50) für ein Mobilkom- 15 censteuerung, Verbindungsaufbauabschluss-
munikationssystem, wobei der Mobilitätsmanage- nachricht, die kleine Daten und eine dritte Infor-
mentknoten (50) aufweist: mation enthält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30)
die CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwendung
eine Einrichtung zum Empfangen einer Anfor- der C-Ebene oder der U-Ebene unterstützt,
derungsnachricht, die eine erste Information 20 nach Abschluss einer Registrierungsprozedur
enthält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) CIoT-, von dem UE (30).
Cellular Internet of Things, Datenübertragung
unter Verwendung einer Steuerebene, C-Ebe- 6. Basisstation (40) nach Anspruch 5, wobei die CIoT-
ne, oder einer Benutzerebene, U -Ebene, unter- Daten unter Verwendung einer Initial-UE-Nachricht
stützt, von einem Benutzergerät, UE, (30); 25 an den Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50) übertra-
eine Einrichtung zum Setzen von einer zweiten gen werden.
Information, die anzeigt, dass der Mobilitätsma-
nagementknoten (50) die CIoT-Datenübertra- 7. Benutzergerät, U E, (30) in einem Mobilkommunika-
gung unter Verwendung der C-Ebene oder der tionssystem, wobei das UE (30) aufweist:
U -Ebene unterstützt; 30
gekennzeichnet durch eine Einrichtung zum Setzen einer ersten Infor-
eine Einrichtung zum Übertragen einer Annah- mation, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) CIoT-,
menachricht, die die zweite Information enthält, Cellular Internet of Things, Datenübertragung
an das UE (30) auf eine derartige Weise, dass unter Verwendung einer Steuerebene, C-Ebe-
das UE (30) nach Abschluss einer Registrie- 35 ne, oder einer Benutzerebene, U -Ebene, unter-
rungsprozedur eine RRC-, Funkressourcen- stützt;
steuerung, Verbindungsaufbauabschlussnach- eine Einrichtung zum Übertragen einer Anfor-
richt, die kleine Daten und eine dritte Information derungsnachricht, die die eine erste Information
enthält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) die CIoT- enthält, an einen Mobilitätsmanagementknoten
Datenübertragung unter Verwendung der C- 40 (50);
Ebene oder der U-Ebene unterstützt, an eine eine Einrichtung zum Empfangen einer Annah-
Basisstation (40) überträgt. menachricht, die zweite Information enthält, die
anzeigt, dass der Mobilitätsmanagementknoten
4. Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50) nach Anspruch (50) CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwendung
3, wobei die CIoT-Daten an den Mobilitätsmanage- 45 der C-Ebene oder der U -Ebene unterstützt vom
mentknoten (50) unter Verwendung einer Initial-UE- Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50); und
Nachricht übertragen werden. gekennzeichnet durch eine Einrichtung zum
Übertragen einer RRC-, Funkressourcensteue-
5. Basisstation (40) für ein Mobilkommunikationssys- rung, Verbindungsaufbauabschlussnachricht,
tem, wobei die Basisstation (40) aufweist: 50 die kleine Daten und eine dritte Information ent-
hält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) die CIoT-
eine Einrichtung zum Empfangen einer Anfor- Datenübertragung unter Verwendung der C-
derungsnachricht, die eine erste Information Ebene oder der U -Ebene unterstützt, nach Ab-
enthält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) CIoT-, schluss einer Registrierungsprozedur an eine
Cellular Internet of Things, Datenübertragung 55 Basisstation (40).
unter Verwendung einer Steuerebene, C-Ebe-
ne, oder einer Benutzerebene, U -Ebene, unter- 8. UE (30) nach Anspruch 7, wobei die CIoT-Daten an
stützt, von einem Benutzergerät, UE, (30); den Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50) unter Ver-

29 EP 3 328 105 B1 30

wendung einer Initial-UE-Nachricht übertragen wer- Verbindungsaufbauabschlussnachricht, die

den. kleine Daten und eine dritte Information enthält,
die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) die CIoT-Daten-
9. Kommunikationsverfahren eines Mobilkommunika- übertragung unter Verwendung der C-Ebene
tionssystems mit einem Benutzergerät, UE, (30), ei- 5 oder der U-Ebene unterstützt, an eine Basissta-
ner Basisstation (40) und einem Mobilitätsmanage- tion (40) überträgt.
mentknoten (50), wobei das Kommunikationsver-
fahren die Schritte aufweist: 11. Kommunikationsverfahren einer Basisstation (40)
für ein Mobilkommunikationssystem, wobei das
Setzen einer ersten Information, die anzeigt, 10 Kommunikationsverfahren die Schritte aufweist:
dass das UE (30) CIoT-, Cellular Internet of
Things, Datenübertragung unter Verwendung Empfangen (S43) einer Anforderungsnachricht,
einer Steuerebene, C-Ebene, oder einer Benut- die eine erste Information enthält, die anzeigt,
zerebene, U-Ebene, unterstützt, durch das UE dass das UE (30) CIoT-, Cellular Internet of
(30); 15 Things, Datenübertragung unter Verwendung
Empfangen (S43, S44) einer Anforderungs- einer Steuerebene, C-Ebene, oder einer Benut-
nachricht, die die erste Information enthält, von zerebene, U -Ebene, unterstützt, von einem Be-
dem UE (30) durch den Mobilitätsmanagement- nutzergerät, UE, (30);
knoten (50); Weiterleiten (S44) der Anforderungsnachricht
Übertragen (S46, S47) einer Annahmenach- 20 an einen Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50);
richt, die eine zweite Information enthält, die an- Empfangen (S46) einer Annahmenachricht, die
zeigt, dass der Mobilitätsmanagementknoten eine zweite Information enthält, die anzeigt,
(50) die CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwen- dass der Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50) die
dung der C-Ebene oder der U -Ebene unter- CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwendung der
stützt, durch den Mobilitätsmanagementknoten 25 C-Ebene oder der U -Ebene unterstützt, von
(50) an das UE (30); und dem Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50); und
gekennzeichnet durch gekennzeichnet durch
Übertragen (S53) einer RRC-, Funkressourcen- Weiterleiten (S47) der Annahmenachricht an
steuerung, Verbindungsaufbauabschlussnach- das UE (30) und Empfangen (S 53) einer RRC-,
richt, die kleine Daten und einer dritten Informa- 30 Funkressourcensteuerung, Verbindungsauf-
tion enthält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) die bauabschlussnachricht, die kleine Daten und ei-
CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwendung der ne dritte Information enthält, die anzeigt, dass
C-Ebene oder der U-Ebene unterstützt, durch das UE (30) die CIoT-Datenübertragung unter
das UE (30) nach Abschluss einer Registrie- Verwendung der C-Ebene oder der U -Ebene
rungsprozedur an die Basisstation (40) 35 unterstützt, an das UE (30) nach Abschluss ei-
ner Registrierungsprozedur.
10. Kommunikationsverfahren eines Mobilitätsmanage-
mentknotens (50) für ein Mobilkommunikationssys- 12. Kommunikationsverfahren eines Benutzergeräts,
tem, wobei das Kommunikationsverfahren die UE, (30) in einem Mobilkommunikationssystem, wo-
Schritte aufweist: 40 bei das Kommunikationsverfahren die Schritte auf-
Empfangen (S43, S44) einer Anforderungs-
nachricht, die eine erste Information enthält, die Setzen einer ersten Information, die anzeigt,
anzeigt, dass das UE (30) CIoT-Datenübertra- dass das UE (30) CIoT-, Cellular Internet of
gung unter Verwendung einer Steuerebene, C- 45 Things, Datenübertragung unter Verwendung
Ebene, oder einer Benutzerebene, U -Ebene einer Steuerebene, C-Ebene, oder einer Benut-
unterstützt, von einem Benutzergerät, UE, (30); zerebene, U -Ebene, unterstützt;
Setzen von einer zweiten Information, die an- Übertragen (S43, S44) einer Anforderungs-
zeigt, dass der Mobilitätsmanagementknoten nachricht, die die erste Information enthält, an
(50) die CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwen- 50 einen Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50);
dung der C-Ebene oder der U-Ebene unter- Empfangen (S46, S47) einer Annahmenach-
stützt; und richt, die eine zweite Information enthält, die an-
gekennzeichnet durch zeigt, dass der Mobilitätsmanagementknoten
Übertragen (S46, S47) einer Annahmenach- (50) die CIoT-Datenübertragung unter Verwen-
richt, die die zweite Information enthält, auf eine 55 dung der C-Ebene oder der U -Ebene unter-
derartige Weise an das UE (30), dass das UE stützt, vom Mobilitätsmanagementknoten (50);
(30) nach Abschluss einer Registrierungsproze- und
dur eine RRC-, Funkressourcensteuerung, gekennzeichnet durch

31 EP 3 328 105 B1 32

Übertragen (S 53) einer RRC-, Funkressourcen- nées sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan U ;
steuerung, Verbindungsaufbauabschlussnach- caractérisé par
richt, die kleine Daten und eine dritte Information des moyens d’envoi, à l’UE (30), d’un message
enthält, die anzeigt, dass das UE (30) die CIoT- d’acceptation comportant les deuxièmes infor-
Datenübertragung unter Verwendung der C- 5 mations d’une manière telle que l’UE (30) en-
Ebene oder der U -Ebene unterstützt, an eine voie, après l’achèvement d’une procédure d’ins-
Basisstation (40) nach Abschluss einer Regist- cription, un message d’achèvement d’établisse-
rierungsprozedur. ment de connexion de contrôle de ressource ra-
dio, RRC, comportant des données de petite
10 taille et des troisièmes informations indiquant
Revendications que l’UE (30) prend en charge le transfert de
données sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du
1. Système de communication mobile, comprenant : plan U, à une station de base (40).

un équipement utilisateur, UE, (30) configuré 15 4. Noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) selon la revendi-
pour définir des premières informations indi- cation 3, dans lequel les données de CIoT sont trans-
quant que l’UE (30) prend en charge un transfert férées au noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) à l’aide
de donnéessur l’Internet cellulaire des objets, d’un message d’UE initial.
CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de commande, plan C,
ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ; et 20 5. Station de base (40) pour un système de communi-
un noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) configuré cation mobile, la station de base (40) comprenant :
pour recevoir, en provenance de l’UE (30), un
message de requête comportant les premières des moyens de réception, en provenance d’un
informations et envoyer, à l’UE (30), un messa- équipement utilisateur, UE, (30), d’un message
ge d’acceptation comportant des deuxièmes in- 25 de requête comportant des premières informa-
formations indiquant que le noeud de gestion de tions indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en charge
mobilité (50) prend en charge le transfert de don- un transfert de donnéessur l’Internet cellulaire
nées sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan des objets, CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de comman-
U, caractérisé par de, plan C, ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ; et
l’UE (30) étant configuré pour envoyer, après 30 des moyens de transfert du message de requête
l’achèvement d’une procédure d’inscription, un à une entité de gestion de mobilité (50) ;
message d’achèvement d’établissement de des moyens de réception, en provenance du
connexion de contrôle de ressource radio, RRC, noeud de gestion de mobilité (50), d’un message
comportant des données de petite taille et des d’acceptation comportant des deuxièmes infor-
troisièmes informations indiquant que l’UE (30) 35 mations indiquant que le noeud de gestion de
prend en charge le transfert de données sur le mobilité (50) prend en charge le transfert de don-
CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan U, à une nées sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan
station de base (40). U ; et
caractérisé par
2. Système de communication mobile selon la reven- 40 des moyens de transfert, à l’UE (30), du mes-
dication 1, dans lequel les données de CIoT sont sage d’acceptation et des moyens de réception,
transférées au noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) à après l’achèvement d’une procédure d’inscrip-
l’aide d’un message d’UE initial. tion, d’un message d’achèvement d’établisse-
ment de connexion de contrôle de ressource ra-
3. Noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) pour un système 45 dio, RRC, comportant des données de petite
de communication mobile, le noeud de gestion de taille et des troisièmes informations indiquant
mobilité (50) comprenant : que l’UE (30) prend en charge le transfert de
données sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du
des moyens de réception, en provenance d’un plan U, en provenance de l’UE (30).
équipement utilisateur, UE, (30), d’un message 50
de requête comportant des premières informa- 6. Station de base (40) selon la revendication 5, dans
tions indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en charge laquelle les données de CIoT sont transférées au
un transfert de donnéessur l’Internet cellulaire noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) à l’aide d’un mes-
des objets, CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de comman- sage d’UE initial.
de, plan C, ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ; 55
des moyens de définition de deuxièmes infor- 7. Équipement utilisateur, UE, (30) dans un système
mations indiquant que le noeud de gestion de de communication mobile, l’UE (30) comprenant :
mobilité (50) prend en charge le transfert de don-

33 EP 3 328 105 B1 34

des moyens de définition de premières informa- charge le transfert de données sur le CloT à
tions indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en charge l’aide du plan C ou du plan U, à la station de
un transfert de données sur l’Internet cellulaire base (40).
des objets, CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de comman-
de, plan C, ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ; 5 10. Procédé de communication d’un noeud de gestion
des moyens d’envoi, à un noeud de gestion de de mobilité (50) pour un système de communication
mobilité (50), d’un message de requête compor- mobile, le procédé de communication comprenant :
tant les premières informations ;
des moyens de réception, en provenance du la réception (S43, S44), en provenance d’un
noeud de gestion de mobilité (50), d’un message 10 équipement utilisateur, UE, (30), d’un message
d’acceptation comportant des deuxièmes infor- de requête comportant des premières informa-
mations indiquant que le noeud de gestion de tions indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en charge
mobilité (50) prend en charge le transfert de don- un transfert de données sur l’Internet cellulaire
nées sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan des objets, CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de comman-
U ; et caractérisé par 15 de, plan C, ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ;
des moyens d’envoi, à une station de base (40), la définition de deuxièmes informations indi-
après l’achèvement d’une procédure d’inscrip- quant que le noeud de gestion de mobilité (50)
tion, d’un message d’achèvement d’établisse- prend en charge le transfert de données surie
ment de connexion de contrôle de ressource ra- CloT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan U ; et
dio, RRC, comportant des données de petite 20 caractérisé par
taille et des troisièmes informations indiquant l’envoi (546, S47), à l’UE (30), d’un message
que l’UE (30) prend en charge le transfert de d’acceptation comportant les deuxièmes infor-
données sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du mations d’une manière telle que l’UE (30) en-
plan U. voie, après l’achèvement d’une procédure d’ins-
25 cription, un message d’achèvement d’établisse-
8. UE (30) selon la revendication 7, dans lequel les ment de connexion de contrôle de ressource ra-
données de CloT sont transféréesau noeud de ges- dio, RRC, comportant des données de petite
tion de mobilité (50) à l’aide d’un message d’UE ini- taille et des troisièmes informations indiquant
tial. que l’UE (30) prend en charge le transfert de
30 données sur le CIoT à l’aide du plan C ou du
9. Procédé de communication d’un système de com- plan U, à une station de base (40).
munication mobile comportant un équipement utili-
sateur, UE, (30), une station de base (40), et un 11. Procédé de communication d’une station de base
noeud de gestion de mobilité (50), le procédé de (40) pour un système de communication mobile, le
communication comprenant : 35 procédé de communication comprenant :

la définition, par l’UE (30), de premières infor- la réception (S43), en provenance d’un équipe-
mations indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en charge ment utilisateur, UE, (30), d’un message de re-
un transfert de données sur l’Internet cellulaire quête comportant des premières informations
des objets, CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de comman- 40 indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en charge un
de, plan C, ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ; transfert de données sur l’Internet cellulaire des
la réception (543, S44), par le noeud de gestion objets, CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de commande,
de mobilité (50), d’un message de requête com- plan C, ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ;
portant les premières informations en provenan- le transfert (S44) du message de requête à une
ce de l’UE (30) ; 45 entité de gestion de mobilité (50) ;
l’envoi (546, S47), par le noeud de gestion de la réception (S46), en provenance du noeud de
mobilité (50), d’un message d’acceptation com- gestion de mobilité (50), d’un message d’accep-
portant des deuxièmes informations indiquant tation comportant des deuxièmes informations
que le noeud de gestion de mobilité (50) prend indiquant que le noeud de gestion de mobilité
en charge le transfert de donnéessur le CloTà 50 (50) prend en charge le transfert de données
l’aide du plan C ou du plan U, à l’UE (30) ; et sur le CloT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan U ; et
caractérisé par caractérisé par
l’envoi (S53), par l’UE (30), après l’achèvement le transfert (S47), à l’UE (30), du message d’ac-
d’une procédure d’inscription, d’un message ceptation et la réception (S53), après l’achève-
d’achèvement d’établissement de connexion de 55 ment d’une procédure d’inscription, d’un mes-
contrôle de ressource radio, RRC, comportant sage d’achèvement d’établissement de con-
des données de petite taille et des troisièmes nexion de contrôle de ressource radio, RRC,
informations indiquant que l’UE (30) prend en comportant des données de petite taille et des

35 EP 3 328 105 B1 36

troisièmes informations indiquant que l’UE (30)

prend en charge le transfert de données sur le
CloT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan U, en prove-
nance de l’UE (30).
12. Procédé de communication d’un équipement utilisa-
teur, UE, (30) dans un système de communication
mobile, le procédé de communication comprenant :

la définition de premières informations indiquant 10

que l’UE (30) prend en charge un transfert de
données sur l’Internet cellulaire des objets,
CIoT, à l’aide d’un plan de commande, plan C,
ou d’un plan d’utilisateur, plan U ;
l’envoi (543, S44), à un noeud de gestion de 15
mobilité (50), d’un message de requête compor-
tant les premières informations ;
la réception (546, S47), en provenance du
noeud de gestion de mobilité (50), d’un message
d’acceptation comportant des deuxièmes infor- 20
mations indiquant que le noeud de gestion de
mobilité (50) prend en charge le transfert de don-
nées sur le CloT à l’aide du plan C ou du plan
U ; et
caractérisé par 25
l’envoi (S53), à une station de base (40), après
l’achèvement d’une procédure d’inscription,
d’un message d’achèvement d’établissement
de connexion de contrôle de ressource radio,
RRC, comportant des données de petite taille 30
et des troisièmes informations indiquant que
l’UE (30) prend en charge le transfert de don-
nées sur le CloTà l’aide du plan C ou du plan U.






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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 2013100895 A1 [0004] • JP 2015146266 A [0127]

Non-patent literature cited in the description

• 8.1.3 RRC connection establishment. 3GPP TS • ALCATEL-LUCENT et al. Evaluation of Small Data
25.331 V12.5.0, March 2015 [0004] Solutions. 3GPP Draft; S2-130078 23887 SMDATA
• 5.3.2 Attach procedure. 3GPP TS 23.401 V13.3.0, EVAL, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP),
June 2015 [0004] Mobile Mobile Competence Centre; 650, Route Des
Lucioles; F-06921 Sophia-Antopolis Cedex; France,
22 January 2013, vol. SAWG2 (Prague [0004]


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