Chase Game Cards

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Chase Game


Make a game where you chase a

character to score points. Set of 7 cards

Chase Game Cards
Use these cards in this order:

1. Move Left and Right

2. Move Up and Down
3. Chase a Star
4. Play a Sound
5. Add a Score
6. Level Up!
7. Victory Message Set of 7 cards

Move Left and Right
Press arrow keys to move left and right.

Chase Game 1
Move Left and Right

Get Ready

Choose a backdrop. Galaxy Choose a character. Robot

Add This Code

Choose right arrow.


Choose left arrow.

Type a minus sign to move left.

Try It
Press the arrow keys.

x is the position on the Stage from left to right.
Type a negative number Type a positive number
to move to the left. to move to the right.
Move Up and Down
Press arrow keys to move up and down.

Chase Game 2
Move Up and Down

Get Ready

Click your character

to select it.

Add This Code

Choose up arrow.

Use the change y by block to move up.


Choose down arrow.

Type a minus sign to move down.

Try It
Press the arrow keys.

y is the position on the Stage from top to bottom.

Type a positive number to move up.

Type a negative number to move down.

Chase a Star
Add a sprite to chase.

Chase Game 3
Chase a Star

Get Ready

Choose a sprite to Star

chase, like Star.

Add This Code

Type a smaller number (like 0.5)

to make it glide faster.

Try It

Click the green flag to start. Click the stop sign to stop.
Play a Sound
Play a sound when your character
touches the star.

Chase Game 4
Play a Sound

Get Ready

Click the Sounds tab.


Click to select Choose a sound from the

the Robot sprite. Sounds Library, like Collect.

Add This Code

Click the Code tab and add this code.

Insert the touching

block into the
Robot if then block.

Choose your sound

from the menu.

Try It
Click the green flag to start.
Add a Score
Score points when you touch the star.

Chase Game 5
Add a Score

Get Ready
Choose Variables.

Click the Make a
Variable button.

Name this variable

Score and then click OK.

Add This Code

Add this block to

Robot reset the score.

Select Score from

the menu.
Add this block to
increase the score.

Use the set variable block to reset the score to zero.

Use the change variable block to increase the score.

Level Up!
Go to the next level.

Chase Game 6
Level Up!

Get Ready

Nebula Robot
Choose a second
backdrop, like Nebula. Select the Robot sprite.

Add this Code

Robot Choose your first


Choose the backdrop

to switch to.
Insert the Score block
into the equals block
from the Operators

Choose a sound.

Try It
Click the green flag to start the game!
Victory Message
Show a message when you go to
the next level.

Chase Game 7
Victory Message

Get Ready
Use the Text tool to write
a message, like “Level Up!”

Click the Paint icon You can change the font

to make a new sprite. color, size, and style.

Add this Code

Level Up! Hide the message at the beginning.

Choose the backdrop

for the next level.
Show the message.

Try It
Click the green flag to play your game.

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