Action Names PDF

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Game Maker 6.

1: Short Action Names

Move Stop Sound End Block Particle Secondary

Move Fixed Check Sound Else Create Emitter
Move Free Previous Room Exit Event Destroy Emitter
Move Towards Next Room Repeat Burst from Emitter
Speed Horizontal Restart Room Call Parent Event Stream from Emitter
Speed Vertical Different Room Execute Code Play CD
Set Gravity Check Previous Execute Script Stop CD
Reverse Horizontal Check Next Comment Pause CD
Reverse Vertical Set Variable Resume CD
Set Friction Test Variable Check CD
Set Alarm
Jump to Position Draw Variable Check CD Playing
Jump to Start Set Cursor
Set Time Line Score
Jump to Random Open Webpage
Time Line Position Set Score
Align to Grid
Display Message Test Score Draw
Wrap Screen
Show Info Draw Score Draw Sprite
Move to Contact
Show Video Show Highscore Draw Background
Restart Game Clear Highscore Draw Text
Set Path
End Game Set Lives Draw Scaled Text
End Path
Save Game Test Lives Draw Rectangle
Path Position
Load Game Draw Lives Horizontal Gradient
Path Speed
Replace Sprite Draw Life Images Vertical Gradient
Step Towards
Replace Sound Set Health Draw Ellipse
Step Avoiding
Replace Background Test Health Gradient Ellipse
Main1 Draw Health Draw Line
Create Instance Score Caption Draw Arrow
Check Empty
Create Moving Set Color
Check Collision Extra
Create Random Set Font
Check Object Create Part System
Change Instance Set Full Screen
Test Instance Count Destroy Part System
Destroy Instance Take Snapshot
Test Chance Clear Part System
Destroy at Position Create Effect
Check Question Create Particle
Change Sprite
Test Expression Particle Color
Transform Sprite
Check Mouse Particle Life
Color Sprite
Check Grid Particle Speed bold = used in book
Play Sound italic = registered version
Start Block Particle Gravity

Taken from: Jacob Habgood and Mark Overmars. The Game Maker’s Apprentice, Game Development for Beginners

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