Ucsp Week 7

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Department of Education

Bureau of Learning Delivery

Teaching and Learning Division

Grade Levels: Grade 11/12

Semester: First



UCSP11/12HSOIIa-24; UCSP11/12HSOIIb-25

How are you?
I‟m your teacher Raffy and will be your teacher in your subject UCSP.
We are now in the 7th week of the Second Quarter.
Are you ready?

 Explain the forms and functions of State and Non-state
 Differentiate the functions of Non-state institution in society.
 Discuss the specific role of a selected non-state institution to the
life of a community.

Organizations and institutions are usually considered

synonymous. Yet, we have to emphasize that the two are different. An
Organization refers to a formally constituted entity, composed of
individuals performing a set of functions for the achievement of a
certain mandate, obligation, or task. On the other hand, institution
refers to a structured domain, norms, rules, and even practices that
gives a sense of order to a specific set of relationships.

What do you think is the importance of having an institution?

Institutions govern a given society, or community. Most of the

relevant institutions are those that are based on the community
and are embedded in community practices, and operate in the
everyday lives of the people and not the domain of the state

Below is an outline box. Write in the boxes the things you will normally learn
from the State and Non-State organization. Categorize your answers either State or
Non- State Organization.
DWSD UCPB DOST UN (United Armed Forces of
Nation) the Philippines
PNB DPWH (Dungganon) COMELEC Cooperatives

State Non-State
______________ ________________
______________ ________________
______________ ________________
______________ ________________
______________ ________________


Why do we need to learn about institution and organization? It is because

today, we are going to learn about our new topic on State and Non-state

Let us try to trace the foundations of the word “state” as how people view it.

According to Aristotle, a great Greek philosopher said that,

“Human being is a political animal; he is not human but a beast or a
God if he could live outside the state. The State as Aristotle knew was
small- a city-state. In this small and very intimate city, it was not hard for
everyone to participate in politics.

Jean Jacques Rousseau, the French Philosopher and Political

Thinker, and also Aristotle, viewed state as the highest of all social
organizations. It is the highest not only because it is the higher and
larger than family, village, province, and so on, but also because it is
the organization that molds us and gives us character.

St. Augustine of Hippo, believed that the state was a necessary

evil. The Human being had original sin and he needed the state to
help him lead a normal life.
St. Thomas Aquinas believed that man by nature is a social being, and
he needs the state to guide him towards perfection. The state is like a
food, it is needed for man‟s nourishment.

For Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the state is the instrument of
the Exploitation of the proletariat and predicted that it would wither
away. Yet, for them the state was the cause of suffering of humankind,
it must, indeed, be a worthy thing to study, if only to find out how to
get rid of suffering and how human beings can lead a good life.

State is defined as “political association that establishes

sovereign power within a defined territorial area and possesses
a monopoly of legitimate violence” (Harrison and Boyd, 2003,

The state is the most powerful social and political

institution. The state is the largest political unit which represents a
group or people in the international community of nations.

A State is a community of persons more or less numerous,

permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a
government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants
render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.
Membership in the state is compulsory for all individual living
within its limits. The State power is complete. It can seize private
property, can send a person to prison or as a last resort, it may
take one‟s life.

What are the elements and functions

of the state?

Elements of the State:

 People- they are human beings, male and female, who live together for a
common end, notwithstanding differences in race, color, religion, or culture.
They must be sufficiently numerous to assure continued existence as a
collective body otherwise the ends of the union may be frustrated.
 Territory- it includes not only the land over which the jurisdiction of the state
extends, but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area of the sea which
lie alongside upon the coasts and the air space above it. Thus, the domain of
the state may be described as terrestrial, fluvial or maritime, and aerial.
 Government- it refers to the agency through which the will of the state is
formulated, expressed and carried out.
 Sovereignty-is the supreme power of the state to command and enforce
obedience to its will, from the people within its jurisdiction and corollary, to
have freedom from foreign control.

Functions of the State:

1. Establishing laws and norms- the state is the

focus for the establishment of laws that formally specify what
is expected and what is prohibited in the society. Also, laws
brings about the enactment of penalties for violating the
2. Providing Social Control- the state has the
power to enforce laws. The police, courts and various
government agencies make sure that the violation of laws is
punished. Internal revenue service seeks out tax evaders, the
courts sentence criminals to prison, and the police maintain
3. Ensuring economic stability- the state tries to ensure that a
stable system if distribution and allocation of resources exists
within the society.
4. Setting goals- if the society is to minimize drug abuse for
instance, the government must promote this a goal.
5. Protecting against outside threats- the task of maintaining a
society is to protect it from outside threats especially those if
the military nature. Hence, government build and maintain

Can you give us an example

of a State institution?

Example of State Organizations are as follows:

*Executive Branch- the Office of the President
and the departments under the Office of the President.
*Legislative Branch- the Senate and the House of Representatives.
*Judiciary Branch

Now, let‟s try to move on to the Non-state Institutions.

What is a non-state organizations? These are establishments which are not owned
and controlled by the government. Some non-state institutions are for profit and
others are nonprofits and some are for personal investments and for financial help.
Examples of these Non-State Institutions are as follows:
 Banks- are places or institutions where people place and
deposit their money or savings with corresponding interest on a
given period of time, and/or assets for safekeeping.
 Corporation- is a company or group of people
authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and
recognized as such in law. A legal entity created under state
law and id designed to generate a profit.
 Cooperative-is a legal entity owned and
democratically controlled by its members.
 Trade Union- is an organization whose membership
consist of workers and union leaders, united to protect and
promote their common interests.
 Transnational Advocacy Groups- are fluid and open
relationship among knowledgeable, committed actors
(individuals and organizations). They exists to change
international policy as well as make these changes real in the
day-to-day lives of ordinary people.
 Development Agencies-an organization committed to
distributing aid. Examples, AusAID, USAID, DFID, EuropeAid,
 International Organization- is an organization with an
international membership, scope, or presence. There are two
main types: 1. International Non-Governmental Organizations-
these include international non-profit organizations and
worldwide companies. 2. Inter-governmental Organizations-it is
mostly associated with the term „international Organization.
Example, United Nations (UN).

Why do you think we need to distinguish state from non-

state organizations?

“We need to learn how to distinguish what a

state from non-state organization so that we
should be able to know what establishment or
institution is controlled by the government or
not. Whether this institution is for profit. or

Very Good!

Can you now distinguish the difference when we speak of State and Non-
state organization? What do you think is the lesson we can get from this
class discussion?
“Yes. Both institution whether state or non-state are for public service. State
institution are formally governed and established by the government with its
norms, rules, and practices and for public service. While the non-state
institution is a private owned institution whether it is for profit and non-
profitable institution. The lesson we can learn from these institutions is that
they should be stewards of trust of the public and be transparent.”

Very Good!


Identify the different institutions/organizations inside the box. Categorize your answers
either State or Non- State Organization. Write your answer on the activity or answer sheet

World Bank DOLE PhilHealth COA DepED

International Asian
BIR Monetary Bank (IMF) Development Oxfam USAID
Bank (ADB)

State Non-State
______________ ________________
______________ ________________
______________ ________________
______________ ________________
I have learned that ________________

I have realized that ________________


I will apply _____________________________________________.

A. Identify a non-state institution in your community and familiarize yourself with its


Online: https://prezi.com/y-vq0dphqpi6/non-state-institutions/ July 31, 2020


Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, Phoenix Publishing House, Contreras, et.al. 2016.
Sociology Third Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 108 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 1JF, UK, Anthony
Giddens, 1997,p. 240-243

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Division of Negros Occidental
Region VI
Answer Sheet/ Activity Sheet
Subject Teacher: ___________________________________________Date:_________________

Name of Student: ________________________________________________________________

Grade level: ________________________Section:______________Specialization:_____________


Module Week: 7 Quarter: 2 ______semester

Contact Number: ________________

Printed Name &Signature of the Parent

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