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DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q1 - W4

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: DEXTER S. DOLLAGA Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 12 – 16, 2022 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER



A. Content Standards
1.understanding of whole numbers up to 10 000 000.

2. demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions

B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in various forms and contexts.

2. is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems and real-life

C. Learning a.Find the common factors and the GCF of two – four numbers using continuous division a.Identify the multiples of a given number
Competencies/Objective b.Compute the GCF of the given numbers using continuous division b.Find the common multiples and LCM of two – four numbers
s M5NS-Id-68.2/Page 54 of 109 using continuous division
Write the LC code for c.Write the LCM of the given numbers using continuous division
each M5NS-Id-69.2/ Page 54 of 109
II. CONTENT Finds the common factors and the GCF of two - four numbers using continuous division Finds the common multiples and LCM of two - four numbers using
continuous division
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material  DLP Gr. 5 Module 9 DLP Gr. 5 Module 11
pages  BEAM LG Gr. 6 – NumberTheory  BEAM LG Gr. 6 – NumberTheory
 Lesson Guide in Elem.Math Gr. 5 p.33, Gr. 6 p.148  Lesson Guide in Elem.Math Gr. 5 p.44, Gr. 6 p.151
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning strips of cartolina, boxes, Flaglets, flash cards flashcards, strips of cartolina, coins, boxes, ruler
A. Reviewing previous A.Preliminary Activities 1.Drill
lesson or presenting 1.Drill Game – Skip Counting
the new lesson Mechanics:
Game – Flaglets Race
a.Divide the pupils into 4 groups.
Have a drill on the basic multiplication facts using the game “Flaglets b.Flash the cards one at a time and say,
“Give the next three numbers in the
Mechanics: Example:
a.Divide the class into four groups. The leader gets the flags.
0, 3, 6, 9, ___, ____
b.The teacher will flash the number written in the cartolina strips.
c.Ask the first member of each group to give the factors of the The first group, who can give the correct
answer, earns a point.
number. c.The game continues until all cards
d.The pupil who raises the flag first, gives the answer. The team gets have been flashed. The group with the
most number of points wins the game.
the point if the answer is correct. For every correct answer, a flag is Review
attached to a maze until a team reaches the finish line. If the answer is Review how to use the listing method to
incorrect, the pupil from the other team will give his/her answer. get the LCM of the given number.
e.The team whose flaglets reach the finish line first wins the contest. List some multiplies of two given
2.Review Write the common multiplies.
Game – Climbing the Ladder “Reach for the Star” The smallest common multiple is the
Mechanics: LCM
a.Divide the pupils into 2 groups. 3 6 9 12 15 21 24
b.Flash the cards with numbers.
4 8 12 16 20 24 28
c.The pupils identify the number whether it is prime or composite
numbers. The first pupil who answers correctly climbs one step of the Divide the class into 4 groups. Let each
ladder. group get the strip of cartolina and
d.The group who first reaches the top is the winner. complete the given chart. Get the LCM
using Listing method.
Numbers LCM

1) 6
2) 10

3) 9

4) 8

B. Establishing a purpose 3.Motivation 3.Motivation

for the lesson Show a picture of a girl helping her mother in their garden. Ask the
Show a picture of a boy and a girl
pupils to tell something about the picture. Elicit the value of
helpfulness. collecting used plastic bottles. Ask the
Ask: how do you show helpfulness at home? In school? Is it good to be
pupils to tell something about the
helpful? Why?
picture. Elicit the value of recycling used
Ask: What are the objects that can be
recycle? What do you do in the used
objects like plastic bottles, used papers,
glass bottles etc,. What are the good
effects of recycling in our environment?
C. Presenting 1.Presentation 1.Presentation
examples/instances of Present this problem to the class.
Present this problem to the class.
the new lesson Have the pupils read the problem. Then
ask: What did Richard and Francis
collected? What does the problem ask
for? How will you solve for the answer
to the problem? Can you think of ways
to solve it?
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Have the pupils read the problem. Then ask: How many depedclub.com for more
bougainvillea plants were sold? How many rose plants were sold?
What do Kendra and her mother needs to do with the bougainvillea
plants and rose plants? How will you solve for the answer to the
a.Using the same given numbers 36 and 60, find the GCF by using
continuous division.
b.Guide the pupils to get the GCF of the given numbers.
•Ask the pupil to write the number horizontally.
36 60
•What prime number can divide 36 and 60? (12)
2 36 60
•Ask the pupils to divide the numbers by the given prime number.
Write the quotients below the dividends.
2 36 60
18 30
•Continue the process until none of the numbers have a common
2 36 60
2 18 30
3 9 15
3 5
Therefore the GCF is 2 x 2 x 3 = 12.
•What is the GCF of 36 and 60?
•How did you get the GCF of 36 and 60?
By getting the product of all the prime divisor or the common factors,
we obtain the GCF of the given numbers.
D. Discussing new concepts Performing the Activities 2.Performing the Activities
and practicing new skills Group the pupils into 4 working teams and have them perform the Group the pupils into 5 groups. Give
#1 task using continuous division. each group a Manila paper and pentel
1.Richard bakes 42 cupcakes and 54 cookies. He plans to pack them pen for their solutions and answer s.
separately in small boxes. What is the biggest number of cupcakes and Tell the pupils that there are three ways
cookies that can be placed in boxes
Primeif these are of the same number?
divisors of getting the LCM the listing, prime
Solution: 2 42 54 factorization and the continuous
are (2 x 3)
3 21 27 division.
GCF is 6
7 9
8 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9
2.There are 12 grade V and 18 grade VI pupils who will join the 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 8 6
basketball team. What is the greatest number of Grade V and Grade
VI pupils that can be grouped together if all pupils are to be included?
Solution: 2 12 18 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1
Prime divisors
3 4 6 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 0 2 3 4
2 3
are (2 x 3)
GCF is 6 8 0 2 4
1. If the numbers are 81 and 99, what is the GCF?
Solution: 3 81 99 1.By Listing Method
Prime divisors
3 9 33
are (3 x 3)
2.By Prime Factorization
GCF is 9
3 11 8 =2x2x2
12 = 2 x 2 x 3
3Name the common factors of 39, 65, 117 LCM = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
13 39 65 117 Prime 3.Using the same given numbers 8 and
13 5 9 divisor is 13 12, find the multiples and the LCM by
GCF is 13 using continuous division.
Guide the pupils to get the multiples
and the LCM of the given numbers.
4.Find the GCF of 25 75 105 120 2 8 12
Solution: 5 25 75 105 120 2 4 6 Therefore the LCM is 2
Prime x 2 x 2 x 3 =.24
5 15 21 2 divisor is 5 2 3
GCF is 5 •What is the LCM of 8 and 12?
•How did you get the LCM of 8 and 12?
By getting the product of all the prime
divisor and the last set of quotients we
get the Least Common Multiples (LCM).
E. Discussing new concepts 3.Processing the Activities 3.Processing the Activities
and practicing new skills Ask the groups to present and discuss their answers on the board. Let the groups present their outputs.
#2 Expected answer: Ask: How did you solve the correct
• We solved problem by continuous division, we multiply the answer? Which multiples are common
prime divisors to get the GCF. to 8 and 12? What is the smallest
multiple common to 8 and 12?
Expected answer:
•We solved problem by listing method
•We get the LCM using prime
•We solved problem using continuous
division; getting the product of all the
prime divisor and the last set of
quotients we get the Least Common
Multiples (LCM).
F. Developing mastery 4.Reinforcing the 4.Reinforcing the
(Leads to Formative Concepts/Lesson
Assessment 3) Discuss the
A.Discuss the presentation on top presentation on page 4
of LM Math Grade 5,
of page 1 of LM Math Grade 5.
and then give the
B.Have the pupils do the following following exercises.
A. Find the least
common multiples of
C.Find the common factors and the following pairs of
numbers using
the GCF of the following pairs of
continuous division.
numbers using continuous a)25 and 50
b)b) 7 and 14
c)c) 4, 6, 8, and 9
a)50 and 100 d)6 , 9 and 18
e)e) 3, 8 and 15
b) 66 and 99 c)
f)f) 7, 9, 21 and 63
9, 27 and 81 Ask pupils to work on
exercises A and B under
d)12 , 16 and 24
Get Moving on pages 4
e) 18, 30 and 42 and 5 LM Math Grade
5. Check the pupils’
Ask pupils to work on exercises A
answers. For mastery,
and B under Get Moving on pages have them answer the
exercises under Keep
1 and 2 LM Math Grade 5. Check
Moving on page 5 of
the pupils’ answers. For mastery, LM Math Grade 5.
Check on the pupils’
have them answer the exercises A
and B under Keep Moving on page
2 and 3 of LM Math Grade 5.
Check on the pupils’ answers.
G. Finding practical 6.Applying to New and Other 6.Applying to New and
applications of concepts Other Situations
and skills in daily living Have the pupils do the
Have the pupils do the exercises exercises under Apply
Your Skills on page 5,
under Apply Your Skills on page 3
LM Math Grade 5.
LM Math Grade 5. Encourage Encourage some pupils
some pupils to show and discuss to show and discuss
their answers.
their answers.
60 90 105 195
H. Making generalizations 5.Summarizing the Lesson 5.Summarizing the
and abstractions about Lesson
Summarize the lesson by asking:
the lesson Summarize the lesson
What is Greatest Common Factor by asking:
What is Least Common
(GCF) of two given number?
Multiple (LCM) of two
How do we find the Greatest given number?
How do we find the
Common Factor (GCF) of two
Least Common Multiple
given numbers using continuous (LCM) of two given
numbers using
continuous division?
•Greatest Common Factor or GCF •Least Common
Multiple (LCM) is the
is the biggest factor common to
smallest non-zero
two numbers. number that is a
multiple of all the
Continuous division is done
numbers in the set.
following the steps below: Continuous division in
finding the LCM is done
•Write the number horizontally
following the steps
and find a prime number that will below:
•Write the number
divide the numbers, if possible.
horizontally and find a
•Divide by that prime number and prime number that will
divide the numbers, if
write the quotients below the
dividends. Copy any numbers not •Divide by that prime
number and write the
divided below them.
quotients below the
•Continue the process until no dividends. Copy any
numbers not divided
two numbers have a common
below the dividend.
prime divisor. •Continue the process
until no two numbers
•Multiply all the prime divisors
have a common prime
common to the given numbers to divisor.
•Multiply all the prime
get the GCF.
divisors and the last set
of quotients to get the
I. Evaluating learning 1. C.Assessment C.Assessment
Find the Greatest Common Factor Find the Least Common
(GCF) of the given pairs of numbrs Multiple (LCM) of the
by continuous division. given pairs of numbers
1)16 and 24 by continuous division.
5) 18, 27 and 36 1)12 and 18
9) 48, 56, 64 and 72 2)11 and 99
2)20 and 30 3)5, 10 and 30
6) 36, 45 and 66 10) 4)4, 5 and 16
27, 45, 63, and 81 5)9, 54, 90 and 108
3)21 and 35/7) 36, 60, 84 and 108
4)32 and 40 / 8) 12, 16, 24 and 36
J. Additional activities for D. Home Activity Provide the following
application or Remediation exercise. You may give
remediation Provide the following exercise. more.
You may give more. Find the LCM of the
Find the GCF of the following following numbers.
numbers. 1) 3 4 6
1) 9 12/ 3) 18 24 32 3) 4 6
5) 21 28 12
35 42 2 2 3 5 4) 3 6 15
2) 15 20
4) 13 39 52
6) 10 12 14 18

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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