Antiragging Affidavit of The Student 2021
Antiragging Affidavit of The Student 2021
Antiragging Affidavit of The Student 2021
Signature of Deponent
Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been
concealed or misstated therein.
Signature of Deponent
Note: As per UGC D.O. No. F. 1-15/2009(ARC) pt-III dated 25 Feb 2020, in compliance of the 2nd Amendment in UGC Regulations, it
is compulsory for each student and every parent to submit an online undertaking every academic year at & www.
50 E&OE
Sample filled “Anti Ragging by Applicant” below