2-1 Enrichment
When you make a conclusion after examining several specific cases, you have used
inductive reasoning. However, you must be cautious when using this form of reasoning.
By finding only one counterexample, you disprove the conclusion.
Example 1
Is the statement −
x ≤ 1 true when you replace x with
1, 2, and 3? Is the statement true for all reals? If possible, find a
1 1 1 1 1
− = 1, − < 1, and − < 1. But when x = − , then −
x = 2. This counterexample
1 2 3 2
shows that the statement is not always true.
1. The coldest day of the year in Chicago 2. Suppose John misses the school bus
occurred in January for five straight four Tuesdays in a row. Can you
years. Is it safe to conclude that the safely conclude that John misses the
coldest day in Chicago is always in school bus every Tuesday?
5. Suppose you draw four points A, B, C, 6. Suppose you draw a circle, mark three
−− −−− −−− points on it, and connect them. Will the
and D and then draw AB, BC, CD and
−−− angles of the triangle be acute? Explain
DA. Does this procedure give a
quadrilateral always or only sometimes? your answers with figures.
Explain your answers with figures.