Phsical Weekly Plan

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Instructions: Apply your cultivated knowledge and skills in Physical Activity and Exercise as well as in Physical
Fitness and Health components by creating your own Physical Activity Weekly Plan.


DAY Physical Type of Focused Frequency REMARKS
Activity Physical Health-Related and Duration
Activity Fitness Component

MONDAY Walking Day to day Cardiovascular Time To increase

Jogging activities endurance allocated awareness in one’s
Badminton Muscular Strength (4:00 - surroundings
Recreational 5:00pm)
10 minutes for
20 minutes for
30 minutes for
TUESDAY Treadmill Day to day Cardiovascular Time To increase agility
Basketball activities endurance allocated and improve
Muscular Strength (4:00pm - cardiovascular
Recreational 5:00pm) health
Activity 30 minutes
per activity
WEDNESDAY Stretching/Me Exercise for Muscular Endurance Time To relax one’s mind
ditation strength and Flexibility Allocated:
Bicycling flexibility Body Composition (4:00 -
Aerobic 6:00pm) 1
Dancing Aerobic hour each
Exercises activity

THURSDAY Resistance Exercise for Flexibility Walking To improve body

Training such strength and Cardiovascular Time composition, and
as sit ups with flexibility endurance Allocated: improve
resistance Body composition (4:00 - cardiovascular
bands 5:00pm) 1 health
Aerobic hour each
Jogging Exercises activity

Day to day
FRIDAY Bicycling Exercise for Cardiovascular Time To relax one’s mind
Stretching strength and endurance Allocated: after school, and to
Zumba flexibility Flexibility (4:00 - be aware of our
Body composition 6:00pm) 1 environment
hour each
SATURDAY Stretching Exercise for Cardiovascular Time To increase
Volleyball strength and endurance Allocated: strength in these
Basketball flexibility (4:00 - certain areas, to
Muscular strength 6:00pm) increase vertical
Recreational 1 hour each jump
Activities activity (volleyball)and
agility (basketball)
SUNDAY REST DAY N/A N/A N/A To rest after a long

Criterion F Criterion A Criterion C Criterion T Criterion S
Filipino Pyramid Appropriate Personal Completeness Frequency and
Activity Duration
5- 5- 5- 5- 5-
High Quality High Quality High Quality High Quality High Quality
Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration

Student plans Activities are highly Goals are highly Plan shows a great Frequency and
included and original and specific to the deal of duration are well
balanced all the appropriate to the individual reflected introspection and thought-out,
levels of activity in goals they strive to by the presence of thought. Student showing an
the Filipino Pyramid meet. details that expand took this project understanding of
Activity Guide. the goals away seriously. Plan is the needs of
from simple very well done and personal fitness as
one-word appropriate for the well as the needs of
statements such as resources and the activity.
“better”. locations available.
4- Proficient 4- Proficient 4- Proficient 4- Proficient 4- Proficient
Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration

Student plans Activities chosen Goals described Plan was The frequency and
included and adequately address not only the specific completed in whole. duration of the
balanced some of the needs identified fitness attribute that Every day has been activities are
the levels of activity in the goals. is desired to do assigned a task appropriate to the
in the Filipino better in, but give with specific activity and
Pyramid Activity specific information duration indicated. adequate for
Guide. on how to do better. accomplishing its

3- Developing 3- Developing 3- Developing 3- Developing 3- Developing

Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration

Student plans Activities are not Some goals are Plan was lacking in The frequency and
included and appropriate for their personal while a few areas, duration for some
balanced minimal identified goals. others show a lack leaving a good activities is not
of the levels of Activities will not of thought and starting point, but understood or
activity in the inherently reflection. incomplete. incomplete. It is
Filipino Pyramid accomplished also lacking in
Activity Guide. desired objectives. appropriateness.
2- Emerging 2- Emerging 2- Emerging 2- Emerging 2- Emerging
Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration

Student plans Little effort was Goals listed are Very little effort was Student failed to try
included and made in the poorly thought out. done. Student to detail out the
balanced very selection of offered minimal frequency and
minimal of the activities. self-reflection to the duration of most of
levels of activity in goals of this the activities.
the Filipino Pyramid assignment. Major
Activity Guide. portions of the plan
are incomplete or
missing entirely.
1- Beginning 1- Beginning 1- Beginning 1- Beginning 1- Beginning
Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration

Student plans did No effort was made Student did not No effort was done. Student did not put
not include and in the selection of listed goals. Student offered no frequency and
balanced the levels activities. self-reflection to the duration to the plan.
of activity in the goals of this
Filipino Pyramid assignment. Major
Activity Guide. portions of the plan
are incomplete or
missing entirely.

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