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Grid Solutions

CB Watch 3
HV Circuit Breaker Monitoring Solution Operational Timing
Utility Asset Managers all know how critical their transformers are and understand the risk, cost and • Verifies that mechanism is opening/closing
consequences of failure. They are now focusing on high voltage circuit breakers, which can be just as and indicates deviation in speed of operation
critical if they fail to operate and isolate the transformer when a fault is detected by the protection relay. • Detects performance degradation possibly
With circuit breaker fleets worldwide averaging >30 years of age and operating budgets shrinking yearly, linked to friction, corrosion or linkage failure
many Asset Managers are exploring ways to move from time-based to condition-based maintenance on • Timing compensation for cold temperature to
their circuit breakers while also providing increased availability and reliability. avoid spurious alarms
Capitalizing on 20 years of domain expertise and field experience, the CB Watch 3 is a compact, modular,
online monitoring solution, suitable for most high voltage circuit breakers. Thanks to its modular nature,
the monitoring functionalities can be selected to match the varied needs, from the simplest configuration SF6 Gas Monitoring
(gas monitoring only for example) to the most complete one for critical breakers. • Measures pressure, temperature (and even
The CB Watch 3 records information using non-invasive sensors and monitors key diagnostic moisture) of SF6 gas (or gas mixture like
parameters, some during each breaker operation and other continuously. It looks for significant changes g3) and calculates density and pressure at
normalized 20 °C
in performance and evaluates the breaker by providing an easy 1 to 5 risk assessment of the various
monitored functions. • Detects gas leaks, calculates gas leak rate and
gives advance warning before reaching critical
It highlights the timely need for mechanical maintenance or arcing contact replacement, reducing the
threshold levels
need for costly outages and fixed interval inspections. It enables instead to employ a more cost effective
and less reactive “as needed” maintenance approach.
With worldwide scrutiny on SF6 gas usage, increased environmental reporting requirements and even Arcing Contact Wear
possible penalties, precise early detection of small gas leaks is essential. The latest generation of EMC
• Measures the current during each interruption
resistant digital gas sensors is used to provide leak rate detection down to 0.1% per year and to forecast
as well as the arcing time
refilling needs prior to reaching threshold levels and affecting operation.
• Calculates the arc energy (I2T) and resulting
cumulative electrical contact wear/erosion
Key Benefits
• Modern modular solution that fills diverse fleet monitoring needs with the same platform
• Can be factory fitted on new GE breakers or retrofitted to most types and brands
Control Circuits
• Measures current flow through open/close
• Delivers reduced and optimized operating maintenance costs
coils to monitor for degradation
• Enables condition-based asset replacement strategy
• Can check coil continuity and DC supply level
• Helps reduce costly SF6 gas releases to the environment
• Uses temperature sensors to check for proper
• Seamless communication with control or asset management tools and through web server HMI operation of the cabinet heating systems

Applications Stored Energy System

The CB Watch 3 is suitable for most HV circuit breakers: live tank or dead
• Looks at the frequency and time taken to rearm
tank, with ganged or independent pole operation. But it is also increasingly
the stored energy system
used on GCB (Generator Circuit Breakers), on HYpact and on the circuit
breaker compartments of GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear). • Monitors the current used by the motor(s) to
The configuration chosen can be mounted inside the control cabinet detect any change in its profile
(especially when factory fitted) or next to it in it’s own separate enclosure.
Modular design for most brand/types of circuit breakers
100 mm (3.9") 108 mm (4.2") 54 mm (2.1") 54 mm (2.1") 54 mm (2.1") 54 mm (2.1")

130 mm (5.1")

6 3 4 5

Base Module 16 Digital Inputs 8 Analog Inputs 8 Analog Inputs 8 Analog Inputs 8 Temp Inputs 16 Digital Outputs

1 x SFP module for

FO or RJ45 Ethernet

3 x AC
1 x command
Interrupted 7 x cabinet
detection module
current CT 2 x, 3 x, 6 x, or 9 temp sensor 2 x relay banks
x Coil DC current (16 extra dry
sensors contact relays)

1 x or 3 x SF6 gas sensors 1 x or 3 x motor (AC or DC)

Up to 3 x coil Up to 3 x Travel 1 x DC voltage 1 x Ambient temp
current sensors
continuity mod. Sensor converter sensor

Modern Compact System While the system does have 2 x dry contact relays (1 x system watchdog and
1 x user assignable), it does support an option for 16 x additional assignable
The CB Watch 3 is modern both in terms of its design and its performance. It relays for more traditional connections to a SCADA system.
can capture high-speed waveforms thanks to its fast 0.4 ms data sampling
rate, enabling it to precisely analyze rapid events. The CB Watch 3 can also easily be interfaced with GE’s Orbit wireless
communication systems to avoid digging trenches for cables within the sub-
Interaction is through a Web-page server interface that displays both data station or to replace any missing network connection from the sub-station.
tables and graphs for easy understanding of the information. Connection is
made using any web browser to the CB Watch 3’s IP address using secure
https connection with SSL certificate. No software is required and the HMI is Complete Coverage Made Easy
available in several languages and in either metric or imperial units. The CB Watch 3 covers all the main monitoring requirements outlined in
IEEE C37.10.1 “Guide for the selection of monitoring for circuit breakers”. It
Modularity measures and checks key parameters every time the circuit breaker operates
One key advantage lies in its modularity: its ability to add modules as but also continuously monitors other items in between operations.
necessary to make the system as small and simple or as complex and powerful
as required for each individual breaker in your fleet, yet always using the same Risk Indexes
platform and HMI. With over 100 parameters being measured and 70 alarms that can be set,
Each input/output module enables more sensors to be connected, more data we wanted to facilitate the understanding of the data obtained and make it
to be acquired and more circuit breaker functionalities to be monitored. Small actionable, especially to non-CB specialists.
configurations can easily fit inside the circuit breaker’s control cabinet but the The CB Watch 3 continuously and automatically analyses the results obtained
CB Watch 3 is also available in its optional own cabinet. for each monitored function and uses algorithms to calculate an associated
Only one system (not 3) is required for an IPO (Independent Pole Operation) color-coded Risk Index (RI). An overall RI for the CB is then derived, measuring
breaker, just with more analogue input modules. It means only one IP address from 1 to 5 the risk to the CB successfully operating when next requested.
per circuit breaker and simplified communications. The functional RIs enable to pin-point what monitored function is causing the
Data Communication problem, down to the pole level for IPO CB. A log explains what triggered the
change in RI, provides a recommendation of what to do next and sets a flag if
In addition to being available through the HMI, all measured data points and maintenance is deemed required for that CB.
alarm status after each operation are stored in registers that can be remotely
accessed. Information from the last 50 operations is kept in memory for easy Integration with Perception
future comparison, along with associated graphs.
When used in conjunction with GE’s Perception Fleet software, the data from
Data can be downloaded to historians (or to GE’s Perception Fleet software) each CB can be polled and archived centrally. Further analysis, trending and
through Ethernet TCP/IP over either copper or fiber optic cables using either comparisons can then be made from the data accumulated over time.
Modbus, DNP3 or IEC 61850 Edition 2 protocols.
A fleet of CB can be ranked based on their Risk Index, in order to easily focus
Synchronization with the sub-station time is possible using either SNTP or IEC action on the CBs with the highest RI or with recently worsening RIs.
1588 (PTP) and all graph data points are also stored in COMTRADE format files
for easy comparison with relay information.

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Measured during each operation

Operation timing values recorded

Additional features
As the CB operating times can vary due to increased friction at low temperature
or lower DC voltage to energize the coil, these known timing variations (not
attributable to the CB) can be compensated for in order to avoid false alarms.
As we only need one system for an IPO CB, we can measure any pole to pole
discordance, when one pole exhibits a delay compared to the others.

Overview page with Risk Indexes

Operational Timing 1 Time trending graph Travel curve graph

In addition to the alarms, historical graphs are available so that you can trend
Ensuring that the Circuit Breaker (CB) continues to operate quickly and within the various timing values, from operation to operation, and spot any slowing.
specs is key to preventing fault currents from damaging transformers (and also When a travel sensor is present, its information can be used to provide more
from burning the CB coils out). precise data, check the auxiliary contacts and measure over-travel, but in most
retrofit cases, travel sensors are not present but are also not required.

Arcing Contact Wear 2

Circuit breakers use special arcing contacts specifically designed to withstand
the high electrical energy that occurs during opening. These contacts have a
finite life and need to be replaced, especially in high fault current subjected
environments. As inspecting and/or replacing them requires removing the SF6
gas, breaking the gas seals and opening the breaker, this should only be done
when absolutely necessary. Not only does it increase the likelihood of gas leaks
but there are EHS risks associated with opening a CB, just for inspecting the
state of the contacts.

Operation timing point charts

For each opening/closing operation and for each pole, a recording is made of:
• The date and time of the appearance of the command to open/close
• The reaction time (t1) between the command and the CB starting to
move. Any increase of this portion is linked to the coil or latch
• The operation time (t2) between the command and the CB finishing its
movement. This is the overall time taken by the CB Acquiring interrupted current from primary CTs
• The travel time (t2-t1) is also calculated as well as the contact separation/
By measuring when the current stops flowing through the CB, we can
touching speed. Any increase is linked to the physical motion
calculate the arcing time and monitor it for any increase.
The above values can be compared to nominal values (from Factory Acceptance
Test) and an alarm raised for any significant deviation. Since the current is much larger than normal during fault conditions (and
this is what wears out the contacts more quickly), it is essential to measure
the actual current involved in the arc. Some breakers can only do a few
openings under fault condition before the contacts need replacement.
By taking the measured RMS interrupted current, squared and multiplied by
the measured arcing time, we get the “I2T” energy value (or wear) that each
contact has been subjected to. By keeping a cumulative I2T energy total and
comparing it with the manufacturer’s stated life for the contacts, we can
trigger a timely contact replacement warning.

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Measured during each operation

Coil Current - Opening Coil Current - Closing

The cumulative run time and number of operations is also maintained for any
Control Circuit 3 motor/compressor maintenance requirement.

The control circuits, comprising the DC sources (1 or 2) and the individual

opening and closing coils (up to 9 for an IPO CB), are crucial to the execution of
the opening or closing commands from the protection relays.
Spring rewind motor data
Coil Current
Motor current
Any deterioration in the number of turns in a coil will decrease the coil
The current drawn by each motor during a rewinding/pump operation is
resistance and will increase the DC current flowing through each coil. By
measured and graphed. An alarm can be set on the maximum inrush current
measuring this current during each operation, we can detect any increase
(equivalent to the torque) in order to detect any additional friction (requiring
and thus any sign of deterioration prior to the coil becoming open circuit.
more torque) or a problem with the motor itself.
The current curve is displayed and stored. Alarms can be set on the mean
current value and the coil charge (current x time). If the DC Voltage is also
measured, then the actual coil resistance can be calculated and displayed.

Coil Continuity
This is more of a legacy requirement from when systems did not measure coil
current. While most modern relays already do this, coil “continuity” can also
be monitored. This is done by injecting a small current (below the level needed
to actuate the coil) and continuously checking for electrical continuity. But it
is invasive to retrofit (compared to clip-on CTs), and it does not provide any Motor current graph
deterioration warning.
Daily pump activity
By measuring the number of pump starts without CB operation every 24hr
Stored Energy Motors 4 period, we can detect if the pump is running regularly to compensate for a
pneumatic/hydraulic leak. The more the pump runs, the bigger the leak and
the higher the likelihood that the pump will over-work and eventually fail.
A spring is often used as the source of energy to move the CB contacts. It is
normally rewound by a motor at the end of each closing operation. In other
types of CB, a pump is used to maintain hydraulic or pneumatic pressure inside
a tank, independently of CB operation. Either mechanism can be monitored:

Motor/pump run times

By connecting to the motor on/off contacts or by using a relay, the time taken
by the motor/pump can be acquired. Alarms can be set. Any shortening of the
spring rewind time may indicate a partially broken spring. Any lengthening may
point to additional friction or a problem with the motor/compressor.

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Continuously Measured
(like the gas moisture level) but also makes it easy to accommodate gas
Gas Leakage 6 mixtures (rather than pure SF6) with the same sensor. This is handy when N2
or CF4 is added for better cold climates performance or when using the newest
environment friendly gases like g3 (g cube).
Most new HV CB today use SF6 gas (or a mixture) to extinguish the arc and
insufficient gas pressure can prevent their operation (lockout).
Our fully digital, EMC-resistant, gas sensor can detect a leak in either one
DC Voltage Sources 2
common gas tank or three (one gas tank per pole). It has a male BSPP G1/2”
straight parallel thread to connect to existing tank valves (adapters or T-pieces
will be required depending on brand/type of CB). The voltage delivered by one or two separate battery backed-up substation
DC supplies can be continuously monitored. A low voltage during operation,
means a longer time to energize the coils, leading to slower overall operating
If the voltage drops too low (for example when on sub-station batteries), then
the coil will be unable to generate enough EMF to trip the latch. An alarm can
be raised indicating that the batteries need checking.

SF6 Gas Sensor with digital output

Gas Density / Pressure Spare Analogue Channels 3

Gas pressure varies with temperature so comparisons are often made using
the “gas density” as analogue gas sensors could only provide one value. Since
Depending on the overall system configuration, up to 4 spare analogue
we use digital sensors that can transmit multiple values over Modbus, we
channels can be used to measure and monitor other values as per customer
can get the gas pressure, the gas temperature and even (as an option) the
requirements. For example, the pneumatic pressure maintained by a pump or
moisture level in the gas. Using algorithms and tables for SF6 (or the gas the AC supply voltage could be monitored and displayed.
mixture used), the gas “density” is calculated and, more importantly, the
Any analogue sensor with voltage or current output can be used. The
“gas pressure normalized at 20 °C” (in bar or psig). This makes it easier as all
description and the units of the measured value can be specified, and min/max
nameplate threshold pressure values are indicated at 20 °C. Alarms can be set
alarms can be set.
for the following threshold levels:
• L1 “Additional filling required”: The CB is still capable of fulfilling its
function, but a gas refill is required to prevent reaching level L2
• L2 “Interlocking”: The CB is no longer capable of fulfilling its function and is
Cabinet Temperatures 5
either locked closed or automatically opened and then locked
• L3 “Overfilling”: When the amount of gas after refill is too high, there is a When operating circuit breakers in harsh winter conditions or when trying
risk of overpressure at elevated temperature to avoid condensation forming in hot humid weather, one wants to make
• “Liquefaction”: when at very low temperature (below freezing), a low gas sure that the heaters in the various drive and control cabinets are operating
pressure could cause the gas to liquefy (turn liquid) correctly.
While older systems relied on monitoring the heater current for continuity (to
check that the heating resistance was not open circuit), this no longer works
for thermostatically controlled heaters. By monitoring the end result instead,
the actual temperature in the various cabinets, one can ensure that the correct
temperature is being achieved and therefore that the heaters are working.
Alarms can be triggered if either the absolute temperature measured or the
calculated delta to outside temperature is starting to drift both low or high.
Gas values displayed per tank
Since 8 temperature sensors can be connected (7 + outside ambient), any tank
Gas Leakage Rate heaters can also be monitored in addition to the cabinets. Each sensor gets its
own user defined name for easier understanding in the HMI display.
Nowadays, in addition to making sure that the CB operates, detecting a gas leak
early has become key (before the gas is released to the atmosphere): whether
it is to be a good environmental citizen, to meet corporate / government leak
targets or just to avoid the extra gas cost and even any associated fines.
Any drop in density/pressure is measured, recorded, trended over time and the
gas leak rate is then precisely calculated. It is displayed in terms of pressure
loss, mass loss and % loss. Two % leak rate alarms can be set.
By extrapolating the leak rate, an estimate can be made of the future pressure
value after a user-specified time horizon in days. An alarm can be raised if
threshold level L1 is going to be reached within this long-term time horizon,
providing an advance warning that a refill will be needed. Similarly, another
extrapolation warns you about how quickly L2 will be reached once the L1
alarm has been received.

Future proof
The use of digital sensors not only enables to transmit more values/features

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Feature Value data minute
Feature Value Data storage
Operation 0.3 seconds Long Term gas
Time horizon Refresh frequency Approx. every 1 second Last 500 values @ 1 per day
Motor current 12 seconds
Every 400 micro seconds ± 20mBar over most of range POWER REQUIREMENTS
Refresh frequency Gas accuracy
(0.4 ms) measurements Temperature Feature Value
± 2 °C
Accuracy 0.1 % of measuring range accuracy Power Supply DC source 100-250 V DC
measurements Pressure ± 32mBar below 0 °C, input range AC source 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
A/D conversion 16 bit Gas accuracy ±10mBar above 0 °C
measurement 125 V dc 1A
Time Accuracy +/- 1 ms with moisture Temperature Rating system
± 1 °C 100 Vac 1A
accuracy only
Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.1 °C (PT100 3-wire)
Accuracy 0.1 % of measuring range 240 Vac 1A
Operation data Last 50 operations Analogue
Data storage measurements A/D conversion 16 bit 125 V dc 1A
Pump data Last 15 pump starts Rating in
enclosure with 100 Vac 4A
Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.1 °C (PT100 3-wire) AC heater
240 Vac 2A
Time Accuracy +/- 1 second

CBW3 - Sxx Tx Gx Wx Cx Mxxx Hx Rx Nx Px Vx Exx Selection Description

System S11 Ganged CB, 1x open, 1x close circuits
S12 Ganged CB, 2x open, 1x close circuits
S31 Independent Pole Operation CB, 3x open, 3x close circuits
S32 Independent Pole Operation CB, 6x open, 3x close circuits
Timing T0 No CB operation timing
T1 CB operation timing
T2 CB timing and DC voltage monitoring
T3 CB operation timing, using travel sensor
T4 CB timing using travel sensor and DC voltage
SF6 Gas G0 No SF6 gas monitoring
G1 1x SF6 tank monitoring
G2 1x SF6 tank monitoring, with moisture
G3 3x SF6 tank monitoring
G4 3x SF6 tank monitoring, with moisture
Contact Wear W0 No arcing contact wear monitoring
W1 Contact wear monitoring, from CB's own CTs
W2 Contact wear monitoring, from CTs <50m
Coils C0 No coil integrity monitoring
C1 Coil current monitoring (all open & close coils)
C2 Coil current and continuity monitoring
C3 Coil continuity monitoring only
Motors M000 No drive motor monitoring
MSD1 Spring rewind, DC motor, 1x
MSD3 Spring rewind, DC motor, 3x
MSA1 Spring rewind, AC motor, 1x
MSA3 Spring rewind, AC motor, 3x
MPD1 Pump, DC motor, 1x
MPD3 Pump, DC motor, 3x
MPA1 Pump, AC motor, 1x
MPA3 Pump, AC motor, 3x
Temperature H0 No temperature monitoring
H1 Cabinet heaters temperature monitoring
H2 Cabinet and tank heaters monitoring
Relays R0 No extra dry contact alarm relays (2x)
R1 16x extra dry contact alarm relays (18x)
Ethernet N1 TCP/IP over MM fibre optic (1x LC connector)
N2 TCP/IP over copper wire (1x RJ45 connector)
N3 TCP/IP over MM fibre optic with 1588 (2x LC connectors)
N4 TCP/IP over copper wire with 1588 (2x RJ45 connectors)
Protocol P1 Modbus
P3 IEC 61850 Ed2
Power Supply V0 No power supply included
V1 Power supply 85-264V AC / 90-350V DC to 24V DC
Enclosure E00 Loose produt for GE/Customer retrofit
E01 Loose product for OEM integration
E2A In enclosure with stand, AC CBW3, AC heater
E2D In enclosure with stand, DC CBW3, AC heater

Grid Solutions
Lissue Industrial Estate East
Unit 1, 7 Lissue Walk
Lisburn BT28 2LU
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 2892 622915
[email protected]
 +44 (0) 1785 250 070
Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc. IEC is a registered trademark of Commission
Electrotechnique Internationale. IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers Inc. GE, the GE monogram and CB Watch are trademarks of the General Electric Company.
GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without notice and
without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Copyright 2020, General Electric Company. GEA-31972-(E)

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