Welcome Aboard Crew Guide Book 11.02.00 - Rev. 44

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Prepared by Approved by Authorized by For use on Original File Last Revision Revision No Pages
Crew Management Head of Crew Management President & MD, MSC CM MSC Cruise Fleet 20.Mar.2010 09 May 2022 44 11

To all Manning Agents: ensure that every embarking Crew Member (referred to as CM - Candidate and/or Repeater)
receives a copy of this welcome guide and signs this front page – this one-page receipt is to be retained by the Agent.


When signing this page, it means you understand and accept all the conditions in this booklet.
It also means you understand and accept the Rules (Section 11) and the Company’s principles that
prohibit intimidation, discrimination, sexual harassment, fighting, bullying, threatening and victimization.

You must agree to the conditions of this Welcome Aboard guidebook before you sign your contract.
Please sign and return it to your Agency.
Please remember must take this guidebook with you on board.

NAME DOB ____ _



___________________________Date__________ ________________________Date_____________

A manning agent shall not charge registration fees, or any other mandatory placement fees
which are not explicitly agreed on by the crewmember and authorized by MSC.
Immediately document and report any violation to: [email protected]

The following Standard Procedure are attached to the guidebook: (also available on the
Crew App)
11.07.01 – Shipboard Rules of Conduct
11.08.01 – Crew Complaint Resolution Procedure

DMLC - part II references to Chapter 7 are now in Chapter 6

Rules, regulations, and statutory instructions in this Crew Guidebook conform to the protocols and requirements
of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC-2006) and the International Transport Federation (ITF).

1. Minimum age (Reg. 1.1) 2.9

2. Medical certification (Reg. 1.2) 2.6
3. Qualification of seafarers (Reg. 1.3) 2.5 & 2.7
4. Seafarer’s employment agreement (Reg. 2.1) 2.1
5. Use of any licensed or certified or regulated private
recruitment and placement service (Reg. 1.4) 1.4
6. Hours of work or rest (Reg. 2.3) 9.3
7. Accommodation (Reg. 3.1) 5.2 & 6.10
8. On-board recreational facilities (Reg. 3.1) 6.13
9. Food and Catering (Reg. 3.2) 6.12
10. On board medical care (Reg. 4.1) 10.2 & 10.4
11. On board complaint procedure (Reg. 5.1.5) 10.1
12. Payment of wages (Reg. 2.2) 6.11 & 6.12

Rev. 05 01-Jul-03 Ma Compliance with ISO9001-2000
Rev. 08 11-Nov-15 Compliance with RINA
Rev. 16 08-Nov-08 Certified ISO22000
Rev. 27 16-Apr-16 DMLC, MLC2006
Rev. 36 05-May-17 Malta ships included
Rev. 39 19-Jun-20 Pandemic addendum
Rev. 43 01-Feb-22 Guide review, couple SOP addition
Rev. 44 09-May-22 Add travel expenses to par. 6.11 and review par. 11.9 alcohol policy
Welcome Message
by MSC Cruises Executive Chairman and CEO

Dear Crew Member,

Welcome aboard!

We are delighted to have you as part of our Crew. During the months ahead, you will be an
essential member of the big MSC Family. As a family-owned company, we consider every single Crew
Member to be a part of it. Furthermore, as a strong, independent business, we pride ourselves on looking
after every member of our team.

From the moment you step on board, you will also become an ambassador of MSC Cruises’ values.
Wherever you go and whatever you do, whether on board or ashore, you will always be representing us.

Your smile, politeness, service, and spirit are what makes you and our Brand special.
Be positive, friendly, warm, and full of the joy of life – our Guests will certainly appreciate it.

As a Company, we take pride in ensuring equal opportunities, offering every crew member career
development option based on merit. To this effect, we have introduced clear career paths to allow
talented, hard-working, and ambitious Crew Members to grow their jobs on board our ships, and also

As you start settling in the ship and her environment, we encourage you to carefully read this Welcome
Aboard Guide as it contains important information that is essential for your success in the months ahead.

Wishing you fair winds and following seas,

Kindest regards,

Pierfrancesco Vago Gianni Onorato

Executive Chairman Chief Exécutive Officer

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MASTER OF THE SEAS evaluations and no payment to third parties will allow
you to change role or department.

W elcome to the MSC Family. You are now

a Family Member of the biggest private
shipping company in the world.
Founded in 1970 by Mr. Gianluigi Aponte, the
Mediterranean Shipping Company has grown
If you are placed in a position where your Agent or any
person on board is asking for money, favours or gifts
from you, report this by sending an email to:

[email protected]
quickly to become one of the world’s largest global
shipping lines, with a modern Cruise Fleet that
continues to grow at a breathtaking pace. 1.3 The Maritime Labor Convention
We believe that our winning difference is our Our contract with MSC has been prepared to fully meet
the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention of
People. YOU make the difference. YOU are the
2006 (the international protocol that protects the rights
main reason our Guests keep coming back to MSC, of Seafarers). These rules can be viewed at your
and why we have become Masters of the Sea. Manning Agent, and you will also find a copy in the Crew
Area on your ship.
MSC has prepared this guide to support you
settling in your new home. 1.4 Your Manning Agent
Your Manning agent is licensed and competent to
1. Before you leave home function as a legitimate recruitment agent for MSC.
The Agent, who is MLC complaint and under contract
In most cases, you will have been recruited through one
with MSC Malta Seafarers Co. Ltd, must provide you
of the Manning Agencies partners with MSC Cruises.
with detailed receipts for any payments you make to
Before you leave your Country, you will need several
them and following under section 1.1.
important documents, and in most cases your Agency
will be able to help you.
1.5 Ship’s Registry
Our ships are registered in The Republic of Panama, in
1.1 What you will have to pay for Malta and in the Bahamas. This means that in addition
2 To embark on MSC ships, you will need to provide to international laws and regulations, MSC Cruises also
the documents listed below. These are the only complies with the maritime regulation of Panama,
documents you will be required to pay or to Malta, and Bahamas.
advance the costs:
• All regulatory training courses (STCW 95). These 2. Documents you will need
must be provided by a certified training centre. We
recommend that you use a training facility where all 2.1 Your Contract
charges are explained before you start any course. When your position is confirmed by the Company, your
At the end of the course, you must receive a valid Manning Agent must provide you a seafarer’s
certificate to prove you have passed Basic Safety employment agreement – your contract. This contract
Training, STCW, Crowd & Crisis Management and must clearly indicate your salary structure and (for
Security Awareness. certain positions) the structure of Service Charge
• A passport valid for at least one year. Incentives and Commissions.
• A comprehensive Medical Examination that meets You must read and understand everything in your
the requirements of MLC2006 Contract, if unsure ask questions before you sign.
• A National Seaman’s Book (if applicable) The company reserves the right to extend or reduce the
• A Panama Seaman’s Book (if applicable) – the cost crew members’ contract as it sees fit, for business needs
will be refunded. set out in the employment agreement.
• If you are required to pay for a VISA, it will be The terms of your seafarer’s employment agreement, as
refunded. well as your compensation and benefits have been
negotiated on your behalf by FIT/CISL, which is the
1.2 What you must NOT pay for representative Union for seafarers on our ships and is a
It is illegal to pay for a job. It is illegal for your Agent or member of the International Transport Workers’
any other person onboard to accept money for this Federation (ITF). Details of the Collective Bargaining
purpose. Agreement are available onboard.
Apart from expenses listed in section 1.1, no other
payment should be made to embark. 2.2 Your Guarantee Letter
You must never offer gifts or favours to anybody (to be As soon as you are scheduled to join an MSC Cruises
re-hired, promoted, to move department etc.) ship, the Crew Department will send your Manning
Your work performance will be followed by the MSC Agent a Guarantee Letter. When you get this letter,
Crew Office, promotions will be based on fair make a copy, and keep it safe.

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2.3 Visas In times of pandemics, a more thorough medical
MSC covers the cost of all visas, but due to admin examination will be performed by authorized centres, in
difficulties in some countries you may be requested to compliance with current procedures. The agency
pay the Visa costs. The Visa cost will be refunded. oversees by assisting you and ensuring their compliance.
Make sure you get a receipt for your visa expenses to
present to the Crew Purser. 2.7 Specific Training
Please note that MSC does not cover any associated Some positions require specific training, your agent will
costs such as services charges, rush fees, etc. unless advise you about these if necessary
previously authorized by the Company.
2.8 Couple Policy
2.4 Documents and Trainings If you wish to share the cabin with your partner, please
All documents must be provided to the Crew Purser, in ask your Agency to provide you with the relevant policy
original, upon boarding the ship. They will be returned to submit your request. Ref. SOP 11.06.11
to you when you disembark. It is recommended to
maintain a copy for your records. 2.9 Mandatory Minimum Age:
To work onboard of our ships, all crew members must
2.5 Basic Safety Training be at least 18 years old.
STCW 2010 requires all persons working on board to
receive basic safety training or instruction in accordance 2.10 Mobile Phone
with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code. Amongst other data, MSC needs to provide your mobile
You are required to have certification in STCW Crowd & phone number to local partners at your embarkation
Crisis Management, and STCW Proficiency in Security port to organise your transportation to the ship and or
Awareness or STCW Proficiency in Designated Security to solve any logistic issue you may encounter during
Duties depending on your position. These courses are at your travel.
your expenses.
3. Leaving Home
2.6 Medical Examinations 3.1 Your airline ticket
Before you join the ship, you must pass a medical MSC will provide you with the tickets to and from the
examination by an authorized practitioner, who must ship from your home airport. You are required to
comply with the requirements of the International confirm your final home destination airport with your
Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Agency, as this cannot be changed once onboard.
Watch keeping for Seafarers. You are obliged to use the
MSC forms unless differently instructed by MSC.
3.2 Packing your bags
The medical examination can be arranged either by the
Storage space in your cabin is limited to the equivalent
Agency or by yourself, ensuring that you are using an
of one piece of luggage. Do not bring any valuable item
approved clinic. The certificate must state that you are
onboard as not all ships are equipped with safes.
fit to work on board a Ship and It must include reference
Check with the Agency the areas where you will be
to your colour vision and hearing status. This certificate
sailing, as you may need warm clothes.
must be in English. It must be valid for no more than 2
Always keep all relevant documents close at hand and
make sure you have a digital backup copy.
If the certificate expires while you are on board, the Ship
Doctor will organise the renewal in the next available
port with a qualified doctor (The renewal will be only
3.3 Luggage restrictions
valid for three months). Airlines differ in their allowances for how many bags,
weight, and size you can take on board with you. The
Any pre-existing condition, meaning any known illness, Company will refund extra costs up to 40kg, only upon
injury, or health condition that existed before been submitting the relevant receipt.
hired by MSC must be reported. if you are carrying any Weigh your baggage before you leave and tag every
prescribed medication, it must be reported on the piece.
relative medical forms, and you need to have the
doctor’s prescription as proof. 3.4 Cash/Credit Card
Any false information, misrepresentation, or omission of Carry some cash (or credit card) to cover any personal
facts are grounds for loss of benefits (including without expenses to make sure you have funds until your first
limitation, medical benefits, sick pay, maintenance, payday.
death benefits, and disability benefits) and/or
immediate termination of employment without appeal.
Your medical documents will be scanned at the onboard
medical centre and uploaded to the electronic health
system (SeaCare) and returned to you promptly.

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4. Arrival at Destination o Food is not permitted in cabins except for items in
sealed containers or their original packaging.
4.1 Immigration & Customs o Any modification to the cabin is strictly prohibited.
Once landed at your destination you will need to go o MSC assumes no responsibility for any money or
through immigration / passport control. If you travel in personal items left in the cabin.
a group, stay together. Once cleared, collect your o If you see insects, report immediately to the Chief
baggage, and proceed to customs control. Crew Steward.
In case of loss of baggage, you need to report it at the o You are required to report of any deficiencies found
airline lost baggage counter normally situated in the in the cabin to the Chief Crew Steward.
baggage arrival area. It is important that you provide o Keep the cabin and bathroom tidy and clean.
the port agent address, as reported on the Guarantee o Change the linen on specified days.
Letter. You will need to provide a copy of the report to
the Crew Purser once you arrive onboard for follow up 6. Life onboard
on your behalf. Living together means that cultural sensitivity and a
positive attitude are essential. Working in a multicultural
4.2 Arriving before Embarkation Day environment requires you to be respectful and open
Depending on flight arrangements, you may arrive at minded.
your destination the day before the ship’s arrival. MSC
will book a hotel and provide you with the relevant 6.1 Gender Identity
instructions on meeting points, transportations, and
MSC Cruises recognises that individuals can identify with
meals. a range of different gender, and that gender identity
may or may not be associated with the sex assigned at
5. Getting on Board birth and gender presentation. As committed to a
In the event of a pandemic outbreak a Medical protocol diverse and inclusive culture, MSC Cruises provides a
will be enforced and will affect onboarding procedures. supportive environment to gender identities, where the
Which could also include testing, vaccinations, sharing depends solely on the will of the individual.
quarantine periods and wearing a tracking device. In the
event of testing positive, you may be transferred to an 6.1 The MSC Crew ID card
authorized shoreside facility and subsequently, as soon Every time you go ashore and return to the ship, the card
as it is negative, you will be either re embarked or must be scanned at the gangway. If you lose your card,
repatriated. you must report it immediately to the Crew Purser.
The Crew ID card is also used for all your purchases
5.1 Embarking onboard (in the Crew bar, Crew Disco, in the shops etc.)
An MSC representative will help you through
embarkation formalities at the port and guide you to the 6.2 Name-Badge
gangway. You must always wear the name-badge, on and off duty,
The ship’s Security Officers will inspect your baggage on uniforms and private clothes while on board. You
and check your documents. You will then be taken to a must remove it when ashore, unless on duty.
waiting area.
The Crew Purser, and/or the HR Officer and/or an 6.3 The Official Language
experienced crew member (Buddy system) will then The official working and safety language on all MSC ships
inform you about the onboarding procedures, your is English. It is also the language used by Safety
cabin, where to get your uniform, badge, MSC Crew authorities in all countries. All safety and information
identification card and Crew Payroll Card. notices are only in English.
They will also help you to familiarize with the life
onboard, the common areas, and the standard 6.4 Personal relationship
procedures. When engaging in consensual sexual activity, we
encourage that protective steps are taken for both
5.2 Cabin – for your safety and comfort prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and
o If you are sharing the cabin, it is important to family planning. The onboard medical center can answer
respect your fellow cabin mates. any questions you have on the topic.
o Alcohol It is not permitted in the cabin.
o Smoking is not permitted in you cabin nor anywhere 6.5 Safety
on the ship, except from specific crew smoking The Safety Officer will give you a Personal Safety Guide
areas. and Vessel Familiarization Booklet. Familiarized yourself
o Tampering with detectors/speakers is prohibited. them and ask the safety officer should you have any
o Heating appliances - such as irons, coffee machines, questions.
kettles, tattoo machines, etc. - are not permitted in A mandatory briefing and a compulsory safety exam in
the cabin English will be arranged as soon as possible to ensure
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that you have a clear understanding about safety, and On board purchase report will be provided by the Crew
your role in the safety organization. Purser.
Your participation to emergency drills is mandatory On a monthly basis and/or upon disembarkation, MSC
unless exempted by your department’s head. However, will automatically settle, your on-board purchases on
you are required to attend ad least one fire and one your Crew Payroll Card on which your salary is credited.
abandon ship drill per month. Travel expenses will be refund as per related articles of
During Ship inspections local authorities may ask you the collective bargaining agreement, linked to your
questions about safety equipment and procedures. Seafarer’s Employment Contract (SEA). Refunds will be
credited within 60 days from submission
6.6 Training on board
Training makes everyone proficient in their functions, 6.12 MSC Crew APP
keeps everyone informed about changes to procedures, MSC has created the me@MSC application. The APP is
and ensure that we are always ready to respond to free and accessible from your mobile device. By using
situations that can arise. the APP, you can review your payslip, check your
Every crew member is subject to training, especially in Individual Performance Management (IPM) review and
the event of a pandemic outbreak, mainly to comply perform your self-evaluation, read the information
with precautions relating to hygiene and food handling. about the ship, access key standard procedure, and
Time and attendance to training will be conducted by more! Refer to the HR Officer for details.
the HR Officer for those crew members who are new.
All training sessions are included in your working hours, 6.12 Dining room (Messrooms)
except for Safety training can take place during working Dining times are displayed. You may wear your own neat
hours or when you are off duty. In either case, you must casual clothes if you are off duty. Drinking water, coffee,
attend all mandatory safety training. and tea-making facilities are provided for all meals.
The crew chefs have all been trained to meet the high
6.7 Probation period standards of food safety and quality on our ships, in
If you are joining MSC for the first time, you have a accordance with MLC requirements. All menus have
probation period to settle, to learn and perform well. been prepared by the Catering Department to provide
You will find details about this important aspect in your the best possible and nutritious food. A crew welfare
contract under the heading Probationary Period. committee collects all concerns and suggestions related
to food.
6.8 Laundry facilities
There are laundry facilities onboard where crew 6.13 Crew Bar
members can clean their personal clothing. Uniforms It is a place where crew members meet to socialize and
can be washed free of charge at the ship’s main laundry. relax, where they can buy a coffee or a drink using the
Crew Card. Some ships even have a crew disco where
6.9 Dry-dock, wet-dock and repairs fun events are held.
Our ships are maintained and inspected to the highest
standards. Periodically, this results in the ship being 7. Your uniform and how you look
taken out of service for few weeks and you may be
7.1 Grooming
transferred to another Vessel. During this period, the
Excellent grooming and personal hygiene are important
elevators service may be suspended, the water supply at
for all crew members; all are to look and smell fresh and
certain time, and eating times rearranged.
clean throughout their contract. Facial hair is to be very
tidy and clean; hair and make-up shall be of natural
6.10 Cabin Inspections
appearance and in a professional style.
Your cabin will be periodically inspected to make sure it
is safe, clean, and organized. You will be notified when 7.2 Uniforms
your cabin is inspected. A representative of from your All crew members onboard are required to wear a
department will be present, and your presence is not uniform depending on their role and department. All
mandatory unless it is a security inspection. crew members are to receive a complete set of uniforms
Cabins of female crew members will be inspected by a at embarkation.
senior female crew. Your Head of Department or a delegated person will
All inspections are carried out in accordance with the direct you to the uniform store. According to your
Maritime Labour Convention and held under the position, the store manager will provide the relevant
responsibility of the Staff Captain. uniform, and advise you on which items are chargeable.
When you disembark or change department, the
6.11 Payday uniforms received free of charges, are to be returned to
You will be paid on the 10th of each month according to the uniform store. (Skin-contact items, like shirts, pants,
your contract and in the currency indicated therein, skirts, shoes are not to be returned).
payments are done through the Crew Payroll Card The use of any personal items on uniforms is not
(SHIPMONEY Card) and available on the MSC Crew App. permitted.
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7.3 Tattoos, piercings, earrings be informed prior embarkation. Your Agency will
All visible tattoos on the face, head, or neck (when support you in filling the ‘Acceptance of living and
wearing the uniform) are prohibited. Under specific working conditions during application of IPCS Standard’
circumstances, MSC may allow tattoos or piercing, form.
please check with your Agency. Onboard you might be required to wear additional
personal protective equipment (PPE) and a tracking
7.4 Personal Protective Equipment device.
There may be times during your job where you are
required to work in machinery areas, lift or carry heavy 10. Company Policies
equipment, work in cold conditions, or transit areas that
could be under repair. In these cases, you will be issued
10.1 Complaints
All crew members are entitled to complain about
with personal protective equipment to ensure your
anything that affects their Seafarers Rights such as
safety. This equipment is issued free and remains the
property of the ship. unfair working hours, abuse by superiors, physical
conflict, unacceptable food, psychological torment,
8. Crew Wellbeing Activities bullying, harassment, racism, etc.
These Rights represent the obligations of MSC Cruises
MSC Cruises appreciates the work performed by the
and our onboard ship’s Command and Management
crew members, and the Company knows how important Team to provide safe and accepting working and living
it is to enjoy your free time. A calendar of crew activities conditions, in compliance with international rules and
is posted regularly in crew areas.
the MLC, 2006 requirements.
We have wireless internet service in all crew areas for
The Complaints procedure (SOP 11.08.01) also available
anyone using computers and smartphones. on CREW APP will be provided prior to your
We also have added a Training & Development channel embarkation. The HR Officer is available for advice
for Crew in-cabin TV on some ship classes.
about how to file a complaint. Should a complaint be
9. Working on board. not resolved onboard to your satisfaction, or in due
time, report the matter to:
9.1 Position Descriptions
Your Agency will show you a copy of your Position
Description before you receive your contract, and you [email protected]
will also receive a copy from your department head
when you embark. 10.2 Medical Treatment
9.2 Company Standard Procedures The ship’s Doctor is always available to you at no cost if
Your supervisor will give you the Standard Procedures you need medical attention.
for your duties when you embark, and we will train you The Company will pay for any necessary shoreside
to achieve the required MSC standard. medical attention, treatment or surgery caused by an
illness or injury caused at or by an accident or work-
9.3 Working hours related incident (including essential dental and/or
Your working hours and overtime are explained in your optical treatment). The Company will not pay for any
contract. To record the actual hours of work and the costs associated with “cosmetic” dental procedure,
hours of rest it is compulsory to swipe the ID at the optical, or other surgical procedures.
relevant stations every time the shift starts or ends.
If you experience gastrointestinal illness symptoms such
9.4 Career Path as vomiting or diarrhoea (even only one time),
Everyone on board has a Career Path – a plan for your respiratory symptoms, or pandemic symptoms, you are
future. Your Career Path shows the training, required to report to Medical Centre as soon as possible.
professional and language skills you need to possess to Do not report on duty and do not return to work if
be promoted. Additional information can be obtained experiencing these symptoms. Inform your supervisor
from the HR Officer on board. about feeling unwell. Make sure that your cabin mate
and your immediate close contacts also report to
9.5 Sanitation & Public Health
Medical to get checked too.
Proper sanitation practices keep the living environment
safe and healthy for crew and guests. These focus on If you are sick or injured, tell your supervisor, and visit
preventing the spread of illness that could make many the Medical Centre immediately. In the case of an
people sick and include personal hygiene, hand washing, emergency, tell your supervisor without delay and the
cleaning and sanitizing common surfaces, reporting Medical Centre will be advised. If you are Unfit for Duty
pests, and reporting illness. Some jobs have additional for one week or more, or if you must disembark because
specific public health requirements. of an illness or injury, the company will repatriate you at
An outbreak onboard can lead the Company to activate the earliest opportunity.
the prevention protocols, which could affect your life
Food-handlers must obtain a Return to Work note from
on-board. The acceptance of revised living and working
the medical centre.
conditions will be shared by your Agency and you must
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10.3 Urgent Medical Assistance
If you need urgent medical attention after hours when
[email protected] or through the
the Medical Centre is closed, contact the Medical
Emergency Number.
anonymous platform
10.4 Medical Insurance
From the moment you leave home to travel to the ship,
until you return to your home, the Company covers for 10.8 Social Media Policy
you the cost of a medical insurance to guarantee Using personal mobile phone for non-work-related
protection of your health. The Company also provides activities while on duty and at any given time in Guest
long term disability and death benefits as detailed in the areas. Including taking photos and making videos of
Collective Bargaining Agreement. Guests is strictly prohibited.
MSC Cruises recognizes the increasingly important role
10.5 Security Awareness that social media (blogs, chat rooms, online forums,
The Staff Captain is in charge of the Security on board. social networks, video sites, etc.) plays in the personal
The Chief Security has delegated responsibilities. lives of MSC Cruises’ employees both ashore and at sea.
However, all crew members have responsibility in Your Social Media activities have the potential to affect
relation to security: if you SEE something, SAY MSC reputation and/or expose the Company to business
something. or legal risk. All crew members must familiarize with
You must report any suspicious activity, whether it be and observe the Social Media Policy.Should you have
on board or whilst ashore at ports of call. any doubt on issues or content related to social media
Whilst ashore do not speak to unauthorised people in activities, or if you become aware of any inappropriate
relation to any aspects of the ship. You must be aware activities on Social Media send an e-mail to:
of security threats and always remain vigilant.
Report anything suspicious either to your supervisor or
directly to your Security team on board. [email protected]
10.6 Environmental Hot Line
10.9 Personal Data Protection
All crew members have the right and the duty to report
Most countries have laws regarding data protection in
about anything that could affect the environment
which all organizations are expected to observe high
(dumping into the sea, illegal discharge of waste waters
levels of data protection to keep sensitive information
etc., violation(s) of the Company's Environmental Policy)
safe, accurate, and lawful.
following the appropriate reporting lines by contacting
MSC has clear a data protection and privacy policy that
explains how the data will be used, including data of
Should you wish to remain anonymous you may also use
crew members.
the following channels, monitored 24/7:
MSC has also appointed a Data Protection Officer to
0044 7899064601 WhatsApp, even photos, or handle data protection issues and act as the point of
0044 2034099104 landline, (MSC CM UK) or contact for requests relating to the processing of
personal data. The Data Protection Officer can be
contacted at the following email address:
[email protected]

Immediate investigation will follow, and your anonymity [email protected]

is guaranteed.
MSC Malta enters into the employment contract with
10.7 Whistleblowing
the Crew Members and acts as Data Controller for the
MSC Cruises is committed to conducting business
processing activities that it carries out in connection
ethically and in line with MSC Cruises’ Code of Business
with the Crew Members’ personal data.
Conduct. An important aspect of accountability and
transparency is the Whistleblowing policy which enables 11. Rules & Regulations
you to voice concerns. Crew members are not only
encouraged but required to report any violations or 11.1 Discipline Policy
suspected violations of the Code. The Policy covers, but MSC does not impose financial penalties, but warnings
is not limited to, the following: failure to comply with (verbal and written) are applied in case of a disciplinary
the Code of Business Conduct, financial malpractice or offence.
impropriety or fraud, failure to comply with a legal Disciplinary actions are managed by the Staff Captain
obligation, dangers to health/safety, criminal activity, and the department heads concerned. The HR Officer
bribery, conflict of interests, unethical behaviours, ensures that disciplinary actions are fair and
attempts to conceal any of these. appropriate.
You can report the above either directed to you or We strongly advise you to familiarize with the Rules of
observed by you as a witness writing to: Conduct available on CREW APP.

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11.2 Rules of Conduct 11.7 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
This list of rules and regulations (SOP 11.07.00/01) All crew members are required to maintain a healthy
applies to every person working on board every MSC attitude towards personal health, hygiene, and the
Cruise ship. Warnings are given when the Rules are not dangers of sexually transmitted disease.
respected and can be increased up to the
disembarkation of the crew member.
11.8 Illegal Drug Use
MSC Cruises has a zero tolerance towards illegal drugs.
11.3 Zero Tolerance The unlawful use, possession, purchase, sale,
The Company will not tolerate any of the following distribution, or being under the influence of any illegal
proven violations: drug is strictly prohibited.
• Assault (fighting) Also strictly forbitten is the possession or use of any
• Discrimination commercial products, designed, marketed for human
• Sexual harassment or sexual assault consumption or not of certain cannabis plant materials,
• Inappropriate guest interaction products derived from them, which contain THC
• Illegal drug use or possession (tetrahydrocannabinol) and of synthetic cannabinoids.
• Substantial crime. The term human consumption means inhaled, ingested
Any behaviour involving these major violations will orally, or applied by any means such that THC enters the
result in automatic termination - also without warning – human body. Any crew member of any rank will be
for offenders, including first offenders. dismissed for violating this Company policy.

11.4 Minors 11.9 Alcohol Policy

MSC classifies a minor if they are under the age of 18. No crew member may consume alcohol resulting in a
Unless your role on board specifically details supervising Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level above 0.50‰.
minors, never be alone with minor. Avoid entering areas Violating this policy could lead to dismissal.
where you are alone with a minor, for instance in an Crew member on watch duty (as described in the Safe
elevator. If your role involves entering a guest cabin for Manning rules) must have a BAC level of 0.00‰ while
any reason, under no circumstance you should enter if on watch. Crew members on watch duty must not
minors are alone, leave immediately and report it ASAP consume alcohol or any other intoxicating substance
to your supervisor. within four (4) hours of the start of their duty.
Any crew member found to have BAC levels above these
11.5 Inappropriate Guest Interaction limits will be removed from duty and may be dismissed.
Your relationship with guests and other crew members Tests may take place as follows:
must always be professional and appropriate. o If there is reasonable suspicion of intoxication
Being over-friendly can be misinterpreted as sexual o Randomly on board
harassment or making sexual advances. o After an accident or near-miss on board
• Do not put your hands or arms on or around guests. The refusal of a crew member to undergo the alcohol
• Do not accept invitations to guests’ cabins. test, the attempt to tamper with the equipment, the
• Never try to approach minors. falsification of the sample or the inability, due to severe
You should never ask for, or give private telephone intoxication, to perform the alcohol test results in
numbers, to any guest. Never ask for, or give, personal dismissal from the ship.
usernames in relation to any social media web sites.
Crew members are not permitted to bring alcoholic
beverages on board, and you cannot buy bottles of
11.6 Sexual Harassment alcoholic drinks from any shop on board.
Sexual contact or any form of intimacy with guests is
If you buy alcoholic beverages ashore and bring these
prohibited. onboard, they will be confiscated at the gangway by the
Sexual contact includes casual (even well-intended) Security Team and will be returned to you on your final
embracing, touching any part of someone’s body,
disembarkation. Ensure that you receive a written
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual receipt for any alcohol taken by the Security Team. This
favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual receipt must be produced when you collect your alcohol
nature, or any action that could be interpreted by
before you disembark.
someone as an attempt to sexually violate or entice him
Our Security personnel may inspect all containers (water
or her. Any violations must be reported immediately to bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, etc.) at any time, and
your supervisor. anyone hiding or trying to hide alcohol will face
Having sexual relations with guests, sexual assault, and
disciplinary action.
rape are all criminal acts, and punishable by law.
International laws are very strict, and the punishment is 11.10 Random Drug and Alcohol Testing
severe. To ensure that every crew member is observing the
Any crew member violating these rules will be dismissed prohibition from consuming alcohol and recreational
and handed over to local authorities. drugs, MSC will conduct random tests to detect these

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MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©___________________________________________________________________________________
11.02.00 - Welcome Aboard! Crew Guidebook – 01 Feb 2022
11.11 Crime random searches of baggage. They may need to make
Crime implies that someone has committed an act investigations. All crew members must cooperate with
contrary not only to Company policies, but also to our Security Officers.
national and international laws. This includes smuggling, The Environmental Officer makes sure we comply with
theft, deliberate damage, sexual abuse or harassment, environmental rules and regulations.
bullying, discrimination, threat or intimidation, damage The Medical Officer oversees the medical facility. You
to the environment, endangering the safety of the ship, must know and remember the telephone number of the
or many other reasons. Medical Centre.
If you are victim of crime, you should report the matter The HR Officer is focussed on Welfare, Development
to the Chief Security Officer, or to the HR Officer or to and is available to discuss and resolve anything you may
your supervisor. face in an impartial way.
In all cases, any crew member responsible or involved in The Crew Purser provides notices for crew, takes care of
a crime act will be investigated, suspended from service embark/disembarkation documentation, and pays all
and, in most cases, disembarked. Crew salaries.
The Chief Crew Steward is responsible for the
11.12 Dismissal cleanliness of crew quarters.
If you are disembarked because it was proven that you
committed a serious violation of the Crew Rules, you will 14. MSC Cruises Human Resources
be sent home at your own expense.
A dedicated Human Resources (HR) Department ashore,
12. Returning Home assists all crew members from the moment of their first
employment until the time they return to their homes.
At least two months before you are due to disembark, The Crew HR organization appoints Manning Agents
we need to know when you will be available to return around the world and monitors how they care for you
after your holidays. To do this the HR Officer will contact and assist them to make sure you get all the pre-
you to request your availability dates. embarkation training you need before you leave.
12.1 Repatriation Crew HR also tracks your career on board from the
MSC pays the ticket and travel expenses to reach the moment you embark, evaluates your performance,
nearest airport to home, at the end of your contract. If organises promotions, and your professional path based
you decide to resign, or your contract is terminated for on your performance and skills.
disciplinary reasons, it will be at your own expenses. The HR function ensures that all international Rules and
MSC also pays your ticket and travel expenses in the Regulations relating to seafarers are implemented, and
following situations: that conditions on board are the best possible for the
• Compassionate leave: If you must go home urgently crew members.
because of the death of a spouse, child, parent, or a
• Medical repatriation: If you are injured or sick due
to an accident on board or an illness contracted on
board, requiring you being away from work for
more than one full week.
In all cases, the company will make every effort to get
you back on board as soon as possible.

13. Who’s Who on board

The Master is in overall command of the vessel,
represents the interests of the owner and maintains the
highest level of safety, environmental compliance,
comfort, and service.
The Hotel Director is responsible for the operation of all
aspects of guests’ accommodation, food and beverage,
entertainment, reception, and finance.
The Chief Engineer is responsible for the safe and
efficient operation of all technical equipment.
The Staff Captain is Second-in-Command of the ship, is
responsible for the safe navigation, shipboard safety,
and crew discipline.
The Safety Officer is responsible for the operational
safety of the ship and the safety training of the crew and
all personnel.
Security Officers are here to help protect the ship from
the outside threats. They have the authority to make
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11.02.00 - Welcome Aboard! Crew Guidebook – 01 Feb 2022
Original File
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November 21, 2010
Crew Management VP, Crew Management President & MD, CM MSC Cruise Fleet July 19, 2019 7 1 of 5
(SP 35.01.01)


• This Complaint Resolution Procedure is available to all crew members employed by MSC Malta Crew
• The procedure describes the following:
o The process by which a complaint can be filed,
o The Company response to complaints, and
o The escalation process of complaints.


The following excerpts have been taken from MSC Cruises’ Code of Business Conduct and embody the spirit
of the Company:

To make sure that each person’s individuality is respected, MSC Cruises does not tolerate any discrimination
based on sex, race, religion, language, gender, national origin, age, disability, political or ideological beliefs,
marital status, and sexual orientation or family responsibilities.

MSC Cruises strictly complies with applicable laws in all aspects of employment, in particular those laws
related to elimination of discrimination in respect of employment. Therefore, MSC Cruises is firmly
committed to support equal employment opportunity and diversity by ensuring that all decisions to recruit
and promote are based on merit.

Working Conditions:
MSC Cruises supports and respects internationally recognised human rights in conducting its business
relationship and activities worldwide.

MSC Cruises believes that each person deserves to be treated equally and properly and this responsibility
lies also with every Employee. MSC Cruises condemns forced labor and any form of exploitation or slavery
and complies with all applicable laws thereto.

Harassment and other Abusive Conduct:

MSC Cruises believes in and supports the fundamental dignity of all Employees and does not tolerate any
form of harassment or abusive conduct. Harassment and abusive conduct can include acts or threats of
violence to another person (including gestures, language and physical contact), the intentional damaging
of MSC Cruises’ property or the property of another person, or any other behaviour that causes others to
unsafe in MSC Cruises’ workplace.

MSC Cruises does not tolerate retaliation against any Employee who complains of
harassment or who participates in an investigation.

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MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©
11.08.01 – Crew Complaints Resolution Procedure
Original File
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by For use on Last Revision Revision No Page
November 21, 2010
Crew Management VP, Crew Management President & MD, CM MSC Cruise Fleet July 19, 2019 7 2 of 5
(SP 35.01.01)

MSC Cruise Management (UK) (“MSC”) recognizes that all crew members must be respected and treated in
a fair and just manner at all times by managers, supervisors, and fellow crew members. On board the ship,
all must function as a team in order to deliver excellent service. Therefore, it is important that crew
members communicate with one another to solve misunderstandings or correct mistakes promptly when
they occur.

For the purpose of this procedure, complaints are defined as a statement that “something is unsatisfactory
or unacceptable”. Examples include such issues as misunderstandings between co-workers, or a belief of
unfair treatment by a manager or a supervisor. Complaints can also include labor grievances between crew
members and MSC Malta Seafarers pertaining to disagreements on contracts, disciplinary action, or
working conditions.

All crew members onboard have the right to lodge a complaint and to have that complaint investigated
fairly, effectively and quickly. All complaints shall be given due attention, and no crew member will be
retaliated against or harassed for making a complaint.


1. General Provisions:
a. A crew member should always attempt to resolve complaints at the lowest level possible
following the procedures outlined below in ascending order.
b. However, since complaints may relate specifically to those individuals to whom the complaint
is to be made (or even to the Master of the ship), in appropriate cases the crew member shall
have a right to complain directly to:
i. The Master,
ii. MSC’s Crew Management department in London, U.K.,
iii. The Unions (when applicable), or
iv. Other appropriate authorities outside of the Company
c. Any kind of victimization of a crew member for filing a complaint is prohibited and shall be
penalized in accordance with the gravity of the actions taken against him or her. The term
"victimization" includes any adverse action taken by any person with respect to a crew member
for lodging a complaint which is not manifestly vexatious or maliciously made.
d. All crew members shall be made aware of this Crew Complaint Resolution Procedure. It is to be
displayed openly by all Manning Agents, and distributed to all newly hired crew members, who
shall sign confirming receipt and understanding of the procedure. This document of receipt shall
be uploaded in to the Crew Management System.
e. If for any reason a crew member has not received a copy of this procedure from their Manning
Agent, the Human Resource Officer onboard the ship will provide a copy and obtain a signed

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MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©
11.08.01 – Crew Complaints Resolution Procedure
Original File
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by For use on Last Revision Revision No Page
November 21, 2010
Crew Management VP, Crew Management President & MD, CM MSC Cruise Fleet July 19, 2019 7 3 of 5
(SP 35.01.01)

receipt from the crew member to acknowledge understanding of the procedure. The Crew
member shall be provided with a copy of the complaint procedures applicable on the ship.

2. Onboard Complaint Procedures:

a. While on board a vessel the crew member can make the complaint, either personally or through
a fellow crew member spokesperson, to the crew member's supervisor, manager, the head of
the department, or the Human Resources Officer.
b. The supervisor, manager, head of department, or Human Resources Officer shall then attempt
to resolve the matter within a time appropriate to the seriousness of the issues involved, which
shall not exceed twenty (20) days.
c. If the supervisor, manager, head of department, or Human Resources Officer cannot resolve
the matter to the satisfaction of the crew member, the crew member may refer the matter to
the Master, who shall handle the matter personally. Should the crew member choose not to
refer the matter to the Master, he or she may use the Complaint Escalation Procedures as
described below.
d. In the pursuit of any complaint on board the ship, the crew member shall at all times have the
right to be accompanied by and/or to be represented by another crew member of his or her
e. The Master should attempt to resolve all complaints and grievances as soon as practicable and
appropriate, considering the seriousness of the complaint, but in any event shall respond not
later than twenty (20) days after receiving notice of the matter.
f. Responses to the complaints shall be in writing. The response shall describe the complaint and
the decision, and a copy of the response shall be provided to the crew member.
g. The Human Resources Officer may, on a confidential basis, provide crew members with
impartial advice on their complaint and otherwise assist them in following the complaint
procedures available to them on the ship.

3. Complaint Escalation Procedures:

a. If a crew member is not satisfied with the decision of the Master, or if the crew member chooses
not to appeal to the Master for whatever reason and is dissatisfied with the decision of his or
her superior officer, a crew member may deliver notice of his or her complaint or grievance and
of his or her dissatisfaction with the decision thereon to the representatives of the Union (if
applicable), the Panamanian or Maltese Director of Labor (depending on the Flag State of the
vessel), the competent labor authority in the crew member’s country of residence (SP 11.08.03
– List of Known Labor Authorities), or MSC Cruise Management (UK)’s Vice President, Crew
Management as follows:

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MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©
11.08.01 – Crew Complaints Resolution Procedure
Original File
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by For use on Last Revision Revision No Page
November 21, 2010
Crew Management VP, Crew Management President & MD, CM MSC Cruise Fleet July 19, 2019 7 4 of 5
(SP 35.01.01)

• FIT-CISL Federazione Italiana Trasporti (Italian Transport Federation)

Via Antonio Musa 4
00161 Roma
PH: +39 06
EM: [email protected]

• Malta Maritime Authority

Merchant Shipping Directorate,
Maritime House,
Lascaris Wharf,
Valletta VLT01,
PH: 356 212 50360
FX: 356 212 41460
EM: [email protected]

Panama Maritime Authority

Department of Maritime Labour Affairs,
PH: +507 501-5059
EM: [email protected]

• Competent Labor Authorities in Other Countries

See SP 11.08.03 – List of Known Labor Authorities

• MSC Cruise Management (UK)

Crew Management Department
5 Roundwood Avenue,
Stockley Park,
Uxbridge UB11 1AF
PH: +44 208 573 1918
FX: +44 208 573 6976
EM: [email protected]

The user of this document is responsible to ensure it is the latest version

MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©
11.08.01 – Crew Complaints Resolution Procedure
Original File
Prepared by Approved by Authorized by For use on Last Revision Revision No Page
November 21, 2010
Crew Management VP, Crew Management President & MD, CM MSC Cruise Fleet July 19, 2019 7 5 of 5
(SP 35.01.01)

Once notified by the representatives, MSC shall confer to resolve the dispute within
ninety (90) days of receipt of such notice.

b. The parties shall investigate whether the Onboard Complaint Procedures as set forth above
were followed and shall encourage that such procedures be exhausted unless the circumstances
of the case prevent it.
c. The decision of the Master shall govern until the claim or grievance is resolved by the
representatives and MSC. If the crew member is continuing to serve in his/her assigned capacity
during the resolution process, he/she shall continue to peacefully and satisfactorily perform
his/her duties, and the parties shall faithfully observe this Agreement while the grievance,
complaint or dispute is being resolved.
4. Administration
a. In lieu of making entries into the ship’s official log, appropriate entries pertaining to complaint
cases shall be recorded in the Complaint Log, which is kept in the office of the Human Resources
Director onboard.
b. Escalated cases received at [email protected] shall be recorded electronically by
the Crew Department.
5. Governing Documents
a. Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended in 2014, Regulation 5.1.5: “On-board
complaint procedures.”
b. Panama Maritime Authority, Merchant Marine Circular MMC-264: “Maritime Labour
Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Onboard Complaints Procedure.”
c. Merchant Shipping Directorate, Transport Malta, Merchant Shipping Notice 105 – rev. 1:
“Guidelines for the Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.”

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MSC Standard Procedures Manual ©
11.08.01 – Crew Complaints Resolution Procedure

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