The Social Work Services, Processes, and Methods

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Lesson 11



INTENDED At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
OUTCOMES 1 understand how to conduct social work needs assessment for
individuals, groups, organizations, and communities; and
understand how to perform monitoring and evaluating for social
work effectivity.

Based on what you know or have experienced, how would you describe the
services, processes, and methods of social work?

Read out your answers to the class.

ww.. Engage
Look at the following social work processes:
Needs Assessment

Intervention/Program Design
What do you think is the most important
process among them? Why do you
think so? Or if you did not choose any, why do you think there is none that is most
important among the listed social work processes?

104 Disciplines and ldeas inthe Applied Social Sclences

DuBois and Miley (2008)
argue that the purpose of social work services, proCe
and methods theyenhancesocial
Primarily, functioning of individuals,
groups, organizations, and communities. They also serve to link the service recipient
systems with the needed resources. They likewise seek to improve the operation O.
social service delivery network and systems. They strive to promoterespectfor human
and social
rights justice through the development of social policy and legislation. 1o
attain success in these endeavors, social work sets goals that include enhancement
of people's capacities to resolve problems, cope, and function effectively; create
connections between the social work service users and the needed resources; prove
mechanism for accountability in effective and efficient delivery of social services; and
advocating social policy through public awareness campaign and political lobbying.

11.1. Conducting Needs Assessment for Individuals, Groups, Organizations, and


Social work services are not launched without careful and proper planning.
Anticipation of needs and the scale as well as allocating necessary resources
is part of guarantying effective and efficient delivery of social work services.
Needs assessment for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities is
a step taken to systematically identify the actual needs. This is done through
interviews, observation, and surveys that are done in a setting. The results of
analysis of the collected information become the basis for planning, identifying
the kinds of social work needed, the processes, methods, and tools needed to
deliver efficient and effective services. Where there is heavy drug addiction and
substance abuse, the social work practice may decide to focus on rehabilitation,
care, and prevention that are supported by social policy of any form. This ends
in the planning phase. The phases that come next would be the implementation
and post implementation phases.
11.2. Monitoring and Evaluating Social Work Effectivity

When social work intervention is planned, implementationis accompanied

by a detailed process documentation to be able to explain what is happening on
both sides, the social work, and on the recipients of services. Hence, this is called
monitoring. After certain period of implementation, or after accumulating a
number of services recipients, or at the very end of the intervention program, a
more comprehensive examination of the impacts and intluence of the services on
the recipients is done to determine the efficacy and effectivity of the program and
Services and to make an informed decision of what to do next about the program.
Itcanbephased out or the need to expand it may be found necessary. This is the
intent of the evaluation of social work services.
meaning and

Lesson 11 The Social Work Services, Processes, and Methods

Explain aeeaeeoeaacwoeoevwav.

What new learning did you develop about the social work services, processes
and methods? Pair up with your seatmate. In five minutes, take turns in sharing your
new insight.

Elaborate ww

Illustrate in a simple diagram or a flow chart the different processes and methods
involved in undertaking social work. Use the space below for your diagram and
include a brief description.

106 Disdiplines andtdeas inthe AppliedSocial Sclences

Name: Date:

Grade &Section: Score:

Test Your Knowledge

A. Name three ways of performing needs assessment in social work.


B. What phase comes after needs assessment?
C. Describe the monitoring phase within the process of social work.

D. What is the main intention in doing evaluation at the end of a social work

Check Your Understanding

Give a brief description for each process and describe its importance in social
work. Fill out the chart below.

Process Description Importance

Needs assessment




Lesson 11 The Socal Work Services, Procasses, and Methods 107

II. Apply our Learuing
Using the information you put in the chart in test IL, discuss now the method of
carrying out each process to ensure effectivity in social work.

Process Method

Needs assessment





108 Disclplinesand ldeas in the Applied Soclal Sciences

Extend awwwa m

Form groups of five members each. Choose an individual, group, or community

to study. Survey the needs of your chosen clientele. Find outthe social work program
that it went through and determine whether their needs were addressed effectively.
Propose suggestions on how their needs could be better addressed based on what you
learned about the social work services, processes, and methods. Report your findings
and proposal to the class.

Lesson 11 The Social Work Services, Processes,

and Methods 109

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