PR 2 SLM-week-1-2

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Government Property


Senior High School



What I need to
Know of Education
Department Republic of the Philippines
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you to respond to social,
political and cultural change. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The activities used were patterned to all levels of learner. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative
2. Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields
3. Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses

What I Need to Know

Inquiry and Research are two terms that are almost the same in meaning.
Both involve investigative work in which you seek information about something by
searching or examining the object of your search. (Baraceros, 2016)

Research is a natural day-to-day activity of gathering information. It may in

the form of qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative researches are those studies in
which the data concerned can be described without the use of numerical data while
quantitative research suggests that the data concerned can be analyzed in terms of

Quantitative research designs use numbers in stating generalizations about

a given problem or inquiry in contrast to qualitative research that hardly uses
statistical treatment in stating generalizations. The numbers in quantitative
research are the results of objective scales of measurements of the units of analysis
called variables.

In this module, you will be encountering the characteristics of quantitative

research, its strength and weaknesses, its kinds and importance across disciplines.
In here also, we will be tackling kinds of variables and its uses.

The module is composed three lessons:

Lesson 1 – Characteristics, Weaknesses, and Kinds of Quantitative
Lesson 2 – Importance of Quantitative Research Across Fields
Lesson 3 – Kinds of Variables and their Uses
Intended Learning Outcomes
After studying this module, you should be able to:
1. define specific terms used in research
2. explain your understanding on the characteristics, strengths,
weaknesses and kinds of quantitative research
3. write a reflection based on the topics discussed

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following BEST defines quantitative research?

A. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem.
B. It is an activity concerned with finding new truth in education.
C. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals.
D. It is a systematic process obtaining numerical information about the
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of quantitative research?
A. Data are gathered before proposing a conclusion or solution to a problem.
B. Figures, tables or graphs showcase summarized data collection in order to
show trends, relationship, or differences among variables.
C. It seeks to gather a more comprehensive understanding of activities
related to human behavior and the attributes that rule such behavior.
D. Method can be repeated to verify findings in another setting, thus,
strengthen and reinforcing validity of findings eliminating the possibility of
spurious conclusions.
3. Which of the following describes the characteristics of research where data are in
a form of statistics?
A. Objective C. Numerical Data
B. Replication D. Large Sample Size
4. This characteristic of quantitative research which refers to its necessity to arrive
at a more reliable data analysis.
A. Objective C. Numerical Data
B. Replication D. Large Sample Size
5. The researchers know in advance what they are looking for. The research
questions are well-defined for which the objective answers are sought. All aspects
of the study are carefully designed before data are gathered.
A. Numerical Data C. Structured Research Instruments
B. Future Outcomes D. Clearly Defined Research

What’s In
Directions: Compare and contrast quantitative research and qualitative research
using a Venn diagram.

Notes to the teacher!

Should you have queries on the tasks, always
ask or communicate your subject teacher.

What’s New
Directions: In your own words, define/describe the terms comprehensively. Write
your answers on the blanks provided.
1. Research-___________________________________________________________
2. Quantitative-________________________________________________________
3. Method-_____________________________________________________________
4. Statistics-___________________________________________________________
5. Probability-_________________________________________________________
6. Characteristics-_____________________________________________________
7. Kind- ___________________________________________________________
8. Method-____________________________________________________________

What is It


Quantitative research is an objective, systematic empirical investigation of
observable phenomena using computational techniques. It highlights numerical
analysis of data hoping that the numbers yield unbiased results that can be
generalized to some larger population and explain a particular observation. Simply,
quantitative research is concerned with numbers and its relationship with events.

According to International Market Research (2018), Quantitative research is a

structured way of collecting and analyzing data obtained from different sources.

Quantitative research involves the use of computational, statistical, and

mathematical tools to derive results.
It is conclusive in its purpose as it tries to quantify the problem and understand
how prevalent it is by looking for projectable results to a larger population.

The data collection tools for a quantitative research are surveys and experiments.
Experiments can provide specific results regarding the cause-and-effect
relationship of several independent or interdependent factors related to a particular

The quantitative research suggests that the data concerned can be analyzed in
terms of numbers. An example that we can give for this study is a study comparing
the performance of Grade 12 in Amaya School of Home Industries and Tanza
National Comprehensive High School when ICT is integrated in teaching. This can
be approached by getting the average performance of both schools before and after
integrating ICT. Then the averages can be compared and analyzed to see the
differences or effectiveness. In this case, numbers are used as data for analysis.

Give your own example of a quantitative research?



1. OBJECTIVE. Quantitative research seeks accurate measurement and analysis of

target concepts. It is not based on mere intuition and guesses. Data are gathered
before proposing a conclusion or solution to a problem.


advance what they are looking for. The research questions are well-defined for
which objective answers are sought. All aspects of the study are carefully designed
before data are gathered.

3. STRUCTURED RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS. Standardized instruments guide

data collection, thus, ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and validity of data. Data
are normally gathered using structured research tools such as questionnaires to
collect measurable characteristics of the population like age, socio-economic
status, number of children, among others.

4. NUMERICAL DATA. Figures, tables, or graphs showcase summarized data

collection to show trends, relationships or differences among variables. In sum, the
charts and tables allow you to see the evidence collected.

5. LARGE SAMPLE SIZES. To arrive at a more reliable data analysis, a normal

population distribution curve is preferred. This requires a large sample size,
depending on how the characteristics of the population vary. Random sampling is
recommended in determining the sample size to avoid researcher’s bias in
interpreting the results.
6. REPLICATION. Quantitative methods can be repeated to verify findings in
another setting, thus strengthen and reinforcing validity of findings eliminating the
possibility of spurious conclusions.

7. FUTURE OUTCOMES. By using complex mathematical calculations and with

the aid of computers, if-then scenarios may be formulated thus predicting future
results. Quantitative research puts emphasis on proof, rather than discovery.


Strengths …
1. Testing and validating already constructed theories about how and why
phenomena occur.

2. Testing hypotheses that are constructed before the data are collected.

3. Can generalize research findings when the data are based on random samples of
sufficient size.

4. Can generalize a research finding when it has been replicated on many different
populations and subpopulations.

5. Useful for obtaining data that allow quantitative predictions to be made.

6. The researcher may construct a situation that eliminates the confounding

influence of many variables, allowing one to establish cause-and-effect
relationships more credibly.

7. Data collection using some quantitative methods is relatively quick (e.g.,

telephone interviews).

8. Provides precise, quantitative, numerical data

9. Data analysis is relatively less time consuming (using statistical software).

10. The research results are relatively independent of the researcher (e.g. statistical

11. It may have higher credibility with many people in power (e.g. administrators,
politicians, people who fund programs).

12. It is useful for studying large numbers of people.

Weaknesses …

1. The researcher’s categories that are used might not reflect local constituencies’

2. The researcher’s theories that are used might not reflect local constituencies’
3. The researcher might miss out on phenomena occurring because of the focus on
theory or hypothesis testing rather than on theory or hypothesis generation (called
the confirmation bias).

4. Knowledge produced might be too abstract and general for direct application to
specific local situations, contexts, and individuals.


Research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate
the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby
ensuring you will effectively address the research problem. Furthermore, a research
design constitutes the blueprint for the selection, measurement, and analysis of
data. The research problem determines the research you should.

Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical,

mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,
questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using
computational techniques.

The kind of research is dependent on the researcher’s aim in conducting the

study and the extent to which the findings will be used. Quantitative research
designs are generally classified into experimental and non-experimental.

EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH DESIGN. This allows the researcher to control the

situation. In doing so, it allows the researcher to answer the question, “What
causes something to occur?” This kind of research also allows the researcher to
identify cause and effect relationships between variables and to distinguish placebo
effects from treatment effects. Further, this research design supports the ability to
limit alternative explanations and to infer direct causal relationships in the study;
the approach provides the highest degree level of evidence for single studies.


 The sample groups must be assigned randomly.

 There must be a viable control group.
 Only one variable can be manipulated and tested. It is possible to test more
than one, but such experiments and their statistical analysis tend to be
cumbersome and difficult.
 The tested subjects must be randomly assigned to either control or
experimental groups.


 Constructions that already exist in the real world.

 Categories fall short in some way of the criteria for the true experimental
 Have some sort of control and experimental group, but these groups are
not necessarily randomly selected.


 Employ a single group that receives the "treatment," and there is no control
group. Pilot studies, one-shot case studies, and most research using only
one group, fall into this category

NON-EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. In this kind of design, the researcher observes the

phenomena as they occur naturally, and no external variables are introduced. In
this research design, the variables are not deliberately manipulated nor is the
setting controlled. Researchers collect data without making changes or introducing


 Systematic gathering of information from respondents for the purpose of

understanding and/or predicting some aspects of the behavior of the
population of interest.
 Concerned with sampling, questionnaire design, questionnaire
administration and data analysis.


 Correlational study is a quantitative kind of research in which there are two

(2) or more quantitative variables from the same group of subjects. It
determines if there is a relationship (or correlation) between the two (2)
variables (a similarity between them, not a difference between their means).


 It is also known as “ex post facto” research. The basic causal-comparative

approach involves starting with an effect and seeking possible causes (It
starts with cause and investigates its effects on some variable).


 It examines the patterns of similarities and differences across a moderate

number of cases. The typical comparative study has anywhere from a
handful to fifty or more cases.


 A type of study that uses standard social research methods for evaluative
purposes, as a specific research methodology, and as an assessment process
that employs special techniques unique to the evaluation of social programs.
What’s More

MIND CHALLENGE. Answer the following questions, follow directions given.

I. NON-STOP WRITING. In 10 mins., write your concise learning about the


1. What is quantitative research?


2. What are the characteristics of quantitative research?


3. Discuss the strengths of quantitative research.


4. Discuss the weaknesses of quantitative research.


5. Describe each type of quantitative research design. Give example each.

Example: Survey - used to gather information from groups of people by selecting

and studying samples chosen from a population. Example: Preference T.V network
of viewers Sahud-Ulan, Tanza, Cavite.

________________________________________________________________________ .

What I Have Learned

A. Directions. Answer the following questions. Use a separate paper for your

1. What is the meaning of quantitative research?

2. Cite at least five (5) of:

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Strengths of Quantitative Research

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

3. What are the kinds of research?



B. Directions: Based on the given discussion, define the following terms in your
own words. Write your answers on the blanks provided below.
1. Quantitative Research
2. Quasi Experimental
3. Pre-Experimental
4. Correlational
5. Causal Comparative
6. Survey
7. Evaluative

What I Can Do
Directions: Answer each question in not more than three sentences.
Explain your point through giving examples

1. Why do we need to study quantitative research? Relate your answers in helping

to solve the COVID-19 pandemic.


2. Name some institutions or organizations that often engage themselves in research. What type of
quantitative research do they usually use?

Content- 5 points
Grammar- 3 points
Spelling- 2 points
TOTAL- 10 points each item


Directions: Write a short reflection regarding the topic discussed. Use a separate
paper for your answer.
Informal Essay Rubric
Features 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of - Piece was - Piece was - Piece had a - Piece had a
Writing written in an written in an little style and no style and
extraordinary interesting voice voice
style and voice style and voice - Give some - Give no new
- Very - Somewhat new information
informative informative information and very
and well and well but poorly poorly
organized organized organized organized
Grammar, - Virtually no - Few spelling, - Several - So many
Usage, and spelling, punctuation, spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation, minor punctuation, punctuation,
or grammatical or and
grammatical errors grammatical grammatical
errors errors errors that
interferes with
the meaning

Baraceros, E.L. (2016). Practical Research 2. First Edition. Rex Bookstore

International Market Research, Inc. (2018). Definition of Quantitative research.

Retrieved from

Zaini, A. (2015). Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.

Retrieved from


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