IS875 (Part3) - Wind Loads On Buildings and Structures - IIT Kanpur-Part 9

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)

Table 15: External pressure coefficients, Cpe for combined roofs. [Clause]

0.8 o
Direction 1 c d Direction 2 α1 ≤ 30
b1 ≤ b2
0.6 a
b1 b2

Cpe = 0.4 (h1/h2 )-0.6


Cpe 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 h1/h2

- 0.2
Cpe = (h1/h2)-1.7

- 0.4
Direction 1 c d Direction 2

- 0.6 a
Cpe = 2(h1/h2)-2.9 e

- 0.8

- 1.0

Values of Cpe Portion Direction 1 Direction 2
a From the Diagram
Cpe = -0.5, (h1/h2) ≤ 1.7 -0.4
Cpe = +0.7, (h1/h2) > 1.7
c and d See
e See

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)

Table 16: External pressure coefficients, Cpe for roofs with a skylight. –[Clause ]

Wind +0.4 -0.6

-0.6 -0.5

Wind b -0.6

h2 h1

b1 b2

b1 > b2 b 1 ≤ b2
Portion a b a and b
Cpe -0.6 +0.7 See Table 15

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)

CODE COMMENTARY – Combined roofs - The average C6.2.3.9 –
external pressure coefficients for combined
This clause deals with a situation often found in
roofs are shown in Table 15
practice – that of a pitched roof with a porch (or a
car park), both open and closed. The clause takes
recourse to the use of clauses and
for assigning pressure coefficients on roof slopes
and on overhangs respectively. Two principal
wind directions are covered for the building with
varying geometrical proportions. – Roofs with skylight - The average C6.2.3.10 –

external pressure coefficients for roofs with
The clause gives pressure coefficients and the
skylight are shown in Table 16.
corresponding figures/tables are self explanatory - C6.2.3.11 –
Grandstands - The pressure coefficients on The clause gives pressure coefficients and the
the roof (top and bottom) and rear wall of a corresponding figures/tables are self explanatory
typical grandstand roof, which is open on
three sides, is given in Table 17. The
pressure coefficients are valid for a particular
ratio of dimensions as specified in Table 17
but may be used for deviations up to 20
percent. In general, the maximum wind load
occurs when the wind is blowing into the
open front of the stand, causing positive
pressure under the roof and negative
pressure on the roof.– C6.2.3.12 –
Spheres – The external pressure coefficients The clause gives pressure coefficients and the
for spheres shall be as given in Table 18. corresponding figures/tables are self explanatory.– C6.2.3.13 –
Frames – When taking wind loads on frames Pressure coefficients on different faces of a
of clad buildings it is reasonable to assume structure, namely the walls or the roof slopes are
that the pressures or suctions over the entire given in the Code. These values, as explained
structure will not be fully correlated. earlier, are obtained by averaging values of
Therefore when taking the combined effect of measured pressures in different parts of the
wind loads on the frame, the forces obtained structure. For analysing a frame, reactions from
in the frame may be reduced as per values of these different parts will be accounted for. Forces
Kc given in Table 19. on account of internal pressures will also be
included. The frame will experience the
integrated effect of these different force
components, caused by wind which is
characterized by randomness. Thus the forces
from different components are going to be only
partly correlated. A reduction factor on the
computed responses of the frame is thus being
permitted. The factor varies between 0.8 and 1.0.

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)


Table 17: Pressure coefficients at top and bottom of roof of grandstands open on
three sides (roof angle up to 5o) [Clause]
(h:b:l = 0.8 : 1 : 2.2)

Front and Back of Wall

θ J K L M

0.4 h
0o +0.9 -0.5 +0.9 -0.5
45 +0.8 -0.6 +0.4 -0.4
135o -1.1 +0.6 -1.0 +0.4
180 -0.3 +0.9 -0.3 +0.9


0o l


Top and Bottom of Roof

θ A B C D E F G H
0 -1.0 +0.9 -1.0 +0.9 -0.7 +0.9 -0.7 +0.9
45o -1.0 +0.9 -0.7 +0.4 -0.5 +0.8 -0.5 +0.3
135 -0.4 -1.1 -0.7 -1.0 -0.9 -1.1 -0.9 -1.0
180o -0.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.3

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)

Table 18: External pressure distribution coefficients around spherical structures




Position of Cpe Remarks

Periphery, θ in
0 +1.0 Cf = 0.5 for DVz < 7
15 +0.9 = 0.2 for DVz ≥ 7
30 +0.5
45 -0.1 where D is the diameter of the sphere
60 -0.7
75 -1.1
90 -1.2
105 -1.0
120 -0.6
135 -0.2
150 +0.1
165 +0.3
180 +0.4

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)

Table 19: Combination factors for wind pressure contributed from two or more
building surfaces to effects on major structural elements [Clause]

Design case Example diagrams
factor (Kc)
(a) Where wind action
from any single
surface contributes 1.0 ----
75 percent or more to
an action effect.
(b) Pressures from
windward and
leeward walls in
combination with
positive or negative
roof pressures 0.8

(c) Positive pressures on

roofs in combination
with negative internal
pressures (from a
wall opening)

(d) Negative pressures

on roofs or walls in
combination with
positive internal
pressures 0.95

(c) All other cases 1.0 ----

NOTE: The action combination factors less than 1.0 can be justified because wind pressures are highly
fluctuating and do not occur simultaneously on all building surfaces.

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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)

6.3 – Force Coefficients C6.3 -
The value of force coefficients apply to a An obstruction to the flow of wind by an object
building or structure as a whole, and when results in creating a pressure on the surface of the
multiplied by the effective frontal area Ae of object, in a direction normal to it. When
the building or structure and by design wind multiplied by the area over which the pressure is
pressure pd, gives the total wind load on that acting, a force results. Since the pressure over a
particular building or structure. surface varies, the computation of force over an
area can be done by dividing the surface into
F = Cf Ae pd
small tributary areas, and then summing up the
where F is the force acting in a direction forces over these small areas. In other words, a
specified in the respective tables and Cf is force over an element of a structure, or the
the force coefficient for the building. structure as a whole is obtained as an integration
NOTE 1 –The value of the force coefficient differs
of the term ‘pressure × area’, as relevant. Such a
for the wind acting on different faces of a force can be obtained on a clad building, or an
building or structure. In order to unclad building or its components and can be
determine the critical load, the total wind expressed in terms of a force coefficient, as in this
load should be calculated for each wind clause. In deducing the force coefficient the
direction. direction of the force has to be specified. A force
NOTE 2 – If surface design pressure varies with taken to act in the direction of the wind is called
height, the surface area of the ‘drag’, while that in a direction perpendicular to it
building/structure may be sub-divided so is called ‘lift’.
that specified pressures are taken over
appropriate areas. Whereas the use of the force coefficients as given
NOTE 3 –In tapered buildings/structures, the force will only help in determining the overall force
coefficients shall be applied after sub- system on the structure and its foundation in order
dividing the building/structure into to design the framework or to compute stability;
suitable number of strips and the load on the distribution of pressure (and hence the local
each strip calculated individually, taking pressure coefficient) is essentially required for
the area of each strip as Ae. designing the fasteners, cladding, and its support

6.3.1 – Frictional Drag: C6.3.1 –

A force due to frictional drag shall be taken The flow of wind around/over a structure, as
into account in addition to those loads mentioned already, causes surface pressures. In
specified in 6.2. For rectangular clad addition, there is friction between the surface of
buildings, this addition is necessary only the structure and the wind flowing over it. This
where the ratio d/h or d/b is greater than 4. results in a frictional force in the direction of
The frictional drag force, F′, in the direction of wind. This clause specifies the frictional drag for
wind is given by the following formulae: a rectangular clad building.
If h ≤ b, F′ = Cf′ (d - 4h) bpd + Cf′ (d - 4h) 2
hpd, and
If h > b, F′ = Cf′ (d – 4b) bpd + Cf′ (d – 4b) 2
The first term in each case gives the drag on
the roof and the second on the walls. The
value of Cf′ has the following values:
Cf′ = 0.01 for smooth surfaces without
corrugations or ribs across the wind
Cf′ = 0.02 for surfaces with corrugations or
ribs across the wind direction,

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