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Comparative Study On Digital Adders

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The Report Committee for Sumant Dalmiya

Certifies that this is the approved version of the following report:

A Comparative Study of Adders


Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.

Nur A. Touba
A Comparative Study of Adders


Sumant Dalmiya, B.E.

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of

The University of Texas at Austin

in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Master of Science in Engineering

The University of Texas at Austin

December 2015

A Comparative Study of Adders

Sumant Dalmiya, MSE

The University of Texas at Austin, 2015

Supervisor: Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.

This report compares the area, delay, complexity (in terms of gate count)
and power of 16, 32 and 64 bit versions of different types of serial and parallel
adders. Ripple carry adder, Carry look-ahead adder, carry select adder and
parallel prefix adders like Brent-Kung, Kogge-Stone, Han-Carlson and Ladner-
Fischer were studied. For the parallel adders schematics were designed in
Cadence Virtuoso Schematic Editor using 2 input NAND, NOR and INVERTER
gate as the standard cells in 45nm technology. The other adders were
implemented using structural Verilog and synthesized using Design Vision (by
Synopsys). Auto Place and Route was performed using Cadence Encounter to get
the layout of the adders and then Parasitic Extraction was performed to get the
actual routing delay. Post-PNR netlist was used to compare the area, delay and
power of the various adders. Area-Delay product was used as a figure of merit to
compare the adders.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

2. Methodology 4

2.1. Gate Level Design 4

2.2. Schematic Level Design 15

2.3. Functional Verification 29

3. Results 33

4. Conclusion 40

5. References 41

List of Tables

Table 1: Pre APR Delay (in ns) 33

Table 2: Post APR Delay (in ns) 34
Table 3: Gate count results 36
Table 4: Area of Layout 36
Table 5: Power Results 37
Table 6: Area-Delay Product 38

List of Figures

Figure 1: Block Diagram of a 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder 5

Figure 2: Gate level representation of a 16-bit Ripple Carry Adder 5
Figure 3: Layout of a 16-bit Ripple Carry Adder 6
Figure 4: Gate level representation of a 32-bit Ripple Carry Adder 6
Figure 5: Layout of a 32-bit Ripple Carry Adder 6
Figure 6: Gate level representation of a 64-bit Ripple Carry Adder 7
Figure 7: Layout of a 64-bit Ripple Carry Adder 7
Figure 8: Block Diagram of a 16-bit Carry Select Adder 8
Figure 9: Gate level representation of a 16-bit Carry Select Adder 9
Figure 10: Layout of a 16-bit Carry Select Adder 9
Figure 11: Gate level representation of a 32-bit Carry Select Adder 10
Figure 12: Layout of a 32-bit Carry Select Adder 10
Figure 13: Gate level representation of a 64-bit Carry Select Adder 10
Figure 14: Layout of a 64-bit Carry Select Adder 11
Figure 15: Block Diagram of a 4-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 11
Figure 16: Carry Lookahead Adder Equations 12
Figure 17: Block Diagram of a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 12
Figure 18: Gate level representation of a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 13
Figure 19: Layout of a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 13
Figure 20: Gate level representation of a 32-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 13
Figure 21: Layout of a 32-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 14
Figure 22: Gate level representation of a 64-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 14
Figure 23: Layout of a 64-bit Carry Lookahead Adder 14
Figure 24: Pre processing block 15
Figure 25: Tree Structure for 16 bit Parallel Prefix Adders 16
Figure 26: Post processing block 17
Figure 27: Schematic of a 16 bit Brent-Kung Adder 17
Figure 28: Layout of a 16-bit Brent Kung Adder 18
Figure 29: Schematic of a 32 bit Brent-Kung Adder 18
Figure 30: Layout of a 32-bit Brent Kung Adder 19

Figure 31: Schematic of a 64 bit Brent-Kung Adder 19
Figure 32: Layout of a 64-bit Brent Kung Adder 20
Figure 33: Schematic of a 16 bit Kogge-Stone Adder 20
Figure 34: Layout of a 16 bit Kogge-Stone Adder 21
Figure 35: Schematic of a 32 bit Kogge-Stone Adder 21
Figure 36: Layout of a 32 bit Kogge-Stone Adder 22
Figure 37: Schematic of a 64 bit Kogge-Stone Adder 22
Figure 38: Layout of a 64 bit Kogge-Stone Adder 23
Figure 39: Schematic of a 16 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder 23
Figure 40: Layout of a 16 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder 24
Figure 41: Schematic of a 32 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder 24
Figure 42: Layout of a 32 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder 25
Figure 43: Schematic of a 64 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder 25
Figure 44: Layout of a 64 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder 26
Figure 45: Schematic of a 16 bit Han-Carlson Adder 26
Figure 46: Layout of a 16 bit Han-Carlson Adder 27
Figure 47: Schematic of a 32 bit Han-Carlson Adder 27
Figure 48: Layout of a 32 bit Han-Carlson Adder 28
Figure 49: Schematic of a 64 bit Han-Carlson Adder 28
Figure 50: Layout of a 64 bit Han-Carlson Adder 29
Figure 51: Waveform for 16 bit adders 29
Figure 52: Waveform for 32 bit adders 30
Figure 53: Waveform for 64 bit adders 30
Figure 54: Timing report for 16 bit Carry Lookahead Adder 31
Figure 55: Power report for 16 bit Carry Lookahead Adder 32
Figure 56: Pre APR Delay (in ns) 34
Figure 57: Post APR Delay (in ns) 35
Figure 58: Gate count results 36
Figure 59: Area of Layout 37
Figure 60: Power Results 38
Figure 61: Area-Delay Product Results 39
Figure 62: Area-Delay Product for parallel-prefix adders 39

1. Introduction

The simplest form of adder is the ripple-carry adder. An n-bit ripple carry
adder consists of n one-bit full adders connected in succession. The carry
“ripples” from the least significant bit to the most significant bit and hence the
name. Since, the carry in at any stage depends on the carry out from the previous
stage, the delay of ripple-carry adders is O (N) and increases linearly as the size
of the operands is increased. This becomes inadequate as the size of the
operands increases to 64 bits and 128 bits. Thus it is essential to look for other
Carry select adders [1] consist of two ripple carry adders and a
multiplexer. Addition of two n-bit numbers is done with two adders: one time
with the assumption that the carry in is zero, and the other assuming that the
carry is one. After the two results are calculated, the correct sum and the correct
carry is selected with the multiplexer once the correct carry of previous stage is
known. The number of bits in each carry select block can be uniform, or variable.
In the uniform case, the optimal delay occurs for a block size of √N, where N is
the size of the operands. The carry select adders are simple, but rather fast
compared to the ripple carry adders having a delay of O (√N).
The higher delay in the case of ripple carry adders is due to the carry
chain. In carry look-ahead adders, the carry signals are calculated in advance,
based on the input signals [2], [3]. For any bit position i, a carry will be generated
if the corresponding input bits are ‘1’ or if the carry-in to that bit was a ‘1’ and at
least one of the input bits are ‘1’. From this, a recurrence relation is derived that
expresses carry in to any bit position in terms of the relevant addend and augend
digits and some lower-adder carry. This can result in considerable gain in speed.
For wide adders, the delay of the carry-lookahead adders becomes
dominated by the delay of passing the carry through the lookahead stages. This
delay can be reduced by looking ahead across the look-ahead blocks [4]. In
general, a multi-level tree of lookahead structures can be generated to achieve
delay that grows with (Log N). All parallel prefix adders are parallel “carry look-

ahead” adders suitable for implementation in VLSI architecture. Using parallel-
prefix adders, addition can be performed in time O(log n) using area O(n log n).
Various types of parallel-prefix adders have been developed to minimize the
delay of the critical path by performing the execution of operations in parallel.
This is done by segmentation of the operation into smaller pieces that are done
in parallel.
Kogge-Stone [5] uses a technique called recursive doubling in an
algorithm for solving a large class of recurrence problems on parallel computers.
Recursive doubling involves the splitting of the computation of a function into
two equally complex sub functions whose evaluation can be performed
simultaneously. The Kogge-Stone adder has log 2N stages and a fanout of 2 at
each stage. This comes at the cost of many long wires that must be routed
between stages.
Ladner-Fischer [6] provides a general method for deriving efficient
parallel solutions to the fixed-length version of any problem solved by a finite
state transducer. The Ladner-Fischer adder computes prefixes for the odd
numbered bits and uses one more stage to ripple into the even positions. Cells at
high-fanout nodes must still be sized or ganged appropriately to achieve good
Brent-Kung [7] is a simple parallel adder with regular design. It takes into
account the problem of connecting the gates in an economical and regular way to
minimize chip area and design costs along with delay and complexity. It uses the
same idea as Ladner-Fischer but is not directly applicable because they ignored
fan-out restriction. Brent-Kung assumes existence of gates that compute a logical
function of two inputs in constant time and an output signal can be divided into
two signals in constant time.
Han-Carlson [8] is a new graph representation for prefix computation
that leads to the design of a fast, area-efficient binary adder. The new graph is a
combination of Brent-Kung and Kogge-Stone for prefix computation, and its area
is close to known lower bounds on the VLSI area of parallel prefix graphs. Han-
Carlson adders perform Kogge-Stone on the odd numbered bits, and then use

one more stage to ripple into the even positions. They claim it to be the fastest
possible area-efficient VLSI adder.
In this report the delay and complexity of 16 bit, 32 bit and 64 versions of
the following types of adders were compared:
 Ripple Carry
 Carry Look-ahead
 Carry Select
 Brent-Kung
 Kogge-Stone
 Han-Carlson
 Lardner-Fischer

Subtraction and overflow detection have also been implemented in the

adders by using 2’s complement arithmetic and the functional correctness of the
adders was verified using Verilog-XL and Modelsim.

2. Methodology

A structural Verilog code was written to implement the 16 bit, 32 bit and
64 bit ripple-carry, carry lookahead and the carry select adders whereas for
parallel prefix adders schematics were made using Cadence Virtuoso. Since the
same technology file and the standard cells were used for both the techniques,
there wouldn’t be any major source of discrepancy. All the adders had the
subtraction functionality as well. For this, an input add_sub was used to
indicate which operation was to be performed. For addition, add_sub = 0 and for
subtraction add_sub = 1. A 2:1 multiplexer was used to determine the second
input to the adder (B or ~B) based on add_sub. The signal add_sub was also
connected to Cin since to get –B, 1 is to be added to the 1’s complement of B.

Overflow detection was implemented by using XOR gates. Overflow

occurs when addition of two positive numbers results in a negative output or the
addition of 2 negative numbers result in a positive output. The carry in to the
MSB of the bits was XORed with the carry out from the last bit position to get the
overflow bit.

Once the structural Verilog was verified for correct functionality, it was
synthesized using Design Vision by Synopsys. The gate level netlist obtained
after synthesis was used for Auto Place and Route (APR). For parallel prefix
adders, since the design entry was done using schematic, the netlist obtained
from the schematic could be directly used for APR. Cadence Encounter tool was
used to Auto Place and Route (APR) and get the layout for these adders. Multiple
iterations were performed so that the layout obtained had minimum area as well
as delay.

2.1. Gate Level Design

Ripple Carry Adder

Ripple carry adders are made of full-adders with the carry bit propagating
from the LSB to the MSB. A simple block diagram of a 4-bit ripple carry adder is

shown below. A[3:0] and B[3:0] are the two operands and C0 is the carry-in. c1,
c2, and c3 are the carry bits that are propagated from LSB towards MSB and c4 is
the carry-out of the 4 bit adder. S[3:0] is the sum of A and B.

Figure 1: Block Diagram of a 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder

A full adder module was created and instantiated 4 times to make a 4 bit
ripple carry adder. Four 4-bit ripple carry adders were connected together to
make a 16 bit adder. Two 16 bit adders were used to make a 32-bit adder and
four 16 bit adders were used to make a 64-bit adder. The structural Verilog code
was then tested to ensure that the functionality was correct.

Figure 2: Gate level representation of a 16-bit Ripple Carry Adder

Figure 3: Layout of a 16-bit Ripple Carry Adder

Figure 4: Gate level representation of a 32-bit Ripple Carry Adder

Figure 5: Layout of a 32-bit Ripple Carry Adder

Figure 6: Gate level representation of a 64-bit Ripple Carry Adder

Figure 7: Layout of a 64-bit Ripple Carry Adder

Carry Select Adder

Carry select adder is made up of blocks of ripple carry adders. Two Ripple
carry adders are used, one with carry in of 0 and 1 with carry in of 1, to generate
the sum and the carry out bits. Depending on the carry out from the previous
stage, the correct sum and carry out bits are chosen using a multiplexer. The
basic structure of a 16 bit carry select adder is shown below.

Figure 8: Block Diagram of a 16-bit Carry Select Adder

For 16 bit carry select adder, 4 bit ripple carry adders were used as basic
blocks. If uniform sized ripple carry adders are used, the delay for carry select
adder is minimum is the size of each ripple carry adder is √N. Hence, a 4 bit
ripple carry adder module was created and multiple copies of the same were
used along with multiplexers to get a 16 bit carry select adder. Similarly, 8 bit
ripple carry adder blocks were used for 64 bit carry select adders. For 32 bit
carry select adder, various experiments were done both with uniform size and
variable size ripple carry blocks. The following different block sizes were used
(from MSB to LSB):

1. Uniform sized 4 bit RCA Blocks

2. Uniform sized 8 bit RCA Blocks
3. (MSB) 2,6,6,6,6,6 (LSB) bit RCA blocks
4. (MSB) 6,7,6,5,4,4 (LSB) bit RCA blocks

5. (MSB)2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3 (LSB) bit RCA blocks

The carry select adder made with variable sized blocks of RCA (msb
6,7,6,5,4,4 lsb) was found to have the minimum delay. This was expected because
it has only 6 stages of ripple carry adders and the RCA block in the critical path
has only 4 bits. By the time the larger blocks of size 6, 7 compute the sum and
carry, the correct carry would be propagated from the previous stages and hence
the delay is minimized.

Figure 9: Gate level representation of a 16-bit Carry Select Adder

Figure 10: Layout of a 16-bit Carry Select Adder

Figure 11: Gate level representation of a 32-bit Carry Select Adder

Figure 12: Layout of a 32-bit Carry Select Adder

Figure 13: Gate level representation of a 64-bit Carry Select Adder

Figure 14: Layout of a 64-bit Carry Select Adder
Carry Lookahead Adder

The figure below shows the structure of a 4-bit carry lookahead adder. It
consists of 4 modified full adders and a carry lookahead logic block. The carry
lookahead block generates the carry signals c1, c2 and c3 for the 4 bit adder and
also the group generate and propagate signal.

Figure 15: Block Diagram of a 4-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

The carry lookahead block generates the carry signals and the group

propagate and generate signals as given by the following equations:

Figure 16: Carry Lookahead Adder Equations

Carry out from the 4 bit adder is given by the following equation:

Cout=Cin.P0-3 + G0-3

The group generate and propagate signals can be used to cascade the 4 bit
adders in order to get a 16 bit adder. This would require having 4 4-bit CLA
adders and an additional carry lookahead block as shown in the figure below.

Figure 17: Block Diagram of a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

32 bit and 64 bit carry look-ahead adder can be similarly made from 16 bit carry
lookahead adders.

Figure 18: Gate level representation of a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

Figure 19: Layout of a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

Figure 20: Gate level representation of a 32-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

Figure 21: Layout of a 32-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

Figure 22: Gate level representation of a 64-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

Figure 23: Layout of a 64-bit Carry Lookahead Adder

2.2. Schematic Level Design Entry

Cadence Virtuoso Schematic editor was used to make the schematic for
the 16 bit, 32 bit and 64 bit parallel prefix adders. The standard cells used were
2-input NAND gates and INVERTER gates in 45 nm technology.

The schematic of all the parallel prefix adders consists of following three parts:

I. pg generation block
This block generates the propagate and generate signals using the
following equations:
pi = ai xor bi
gi = ai and bi
The pg generation block for a single bit is as shown below.

Figure 24: Pre processing block

II. Tree structure to compute PG

The prefix operator used to make the tree structure implements the
following equations:
(g, p)•(g’, p’) = (g + p.g’, p.p’)

The tree structure used for 16 bit adders is given below. It was similarly

extended to get the structure for 32 bit and 64 bit adders.

At the end of the tree, the group generate and propagate from bit 0 to bit i,
i.e. Gi, Pi are available.

Brent-Kung Kogge-Stone

Han-Carlson Ladner-Fischer

Figure 25: Tree Structure for 16 bit Parallel Prefix Adders

III. Sum and Carry Out bits from PG and Cin

This block generates the output sum bits using Cin and Gi, Pi with the
following equations:
C-1 = Cin
Ci = Gi + Pi . Cin
Si = pi xor Ci-1
The block for a single bit is as shown below.

Figure 26: Post processing block
To reduce the overall delay of the adder, the critical path was studied and
buffers were inserted to reduce the branching effort. Also high-fan-out nets were
buffered to reduce the loading at each stage. The schematic and layout for
various parallel prefix adders are shown below:

Figure 27: Schematic of a 16 bit Brent-Kung Adder

Figure 28: Layout of a 16-bit Brent Kung Adder

Figure 29: Schematic of a 32 bit Brent-Kung Adder

Figure 30: Layout of a 32-bit Brent Kung Adder

Figure 31: Schematic of a 64 bit Brent-Kung Adder

Figure 32: Layout of a 64-bit Brent Kung Adder

Figure 33: Schematic of a 16 bit Kogge-Stone Adder

Figure 34: Layout of a 16 bit Kogge-Stone Adder

Figure 35: Schematic of a 32 bit Kogge-Stone Adder

Figure 36: Layout of a 32 bit Kogge-Stone Adder

Figure 37: Schematic of a 64 bit Kogge-Stone Adder

Figure 38: Layout of a 64 bit Kogge-Stone Adder

Figure 39: Schematic of a 16 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder

Figure 40: Layout of a 16 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder

Figure 41: Schematic of a 32 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder

Figure 42: Layout of a 32 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder

Figure 43: Schematic of a 64 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder

Figure 44: Layout of a 64 bit Ladner-Fischer Adder

Figure 45: Schematic of a 16 bit Han-Carlson Adder

Figure 46: Layout of a 16 bit Han-Carlson Adder

Figure 47: Schematic of a 32 bit Han-Carlson Adder

Figure 48: Layout of a 32 bit Han-Carlson Adder

Figure 49: Schematic of a 64 bit Han-Carlson Adder

Figure 50: Layout of a 64 bit Han-Carlson Adder

2.3. Functional Verification

Verilog XL simulations were performed to verify the functional
correctness of the adder. The waveforms for 16 bit, 32 bit and 64 bit adders are
shown below.

Figure 51: Waveform for 16 bit adders

Figure 52: Waveform for 32 bit adders

Figure 53: Waveform for 64 bit adders

After functional verification, Synopsys PrimeTime tool was used to

measure the Pre APR as well as Post APR delay of the adders. The timing report
for the pre-apr netlist of 16 bit carry lookahead adder is shown here. The unit
used is nanoseconds.

Figure 54: Timing report for 16 bit Carry Lookahead Adder

For power analysis, PT-PX (by Synopsys) was used. Average power
analysis was performed by manually annotating the switching activity using
“set_switching_activity” command.
A toggle rate of 0.25 was specified for data nets i.e. 0.25 toggles per period
of the base clock. Static probability was specified as 0.25 which means that the
nets are on logic state 1 for 25 % of the time per period of the base clock.

Figure 55: Power report for 16 bit Carry Lookahead Adder

3. Results

The tables and graphs comparing Pre APR and Post APR delays are as
given below. It can be seen that ripple carry adders have the worst delay among
all the adders. Carry select and carry lookahead offers significant improvement
over the ripple carry adder. The delay of carry select adder is more since it is
made up of blocks of ripple carry adders and the carry has to propagate
sequentially within a block. Parallel prefix adders offer the minimum delay as it
is proportional to (Log N) where N is the number of bits in the operand. Among
them, Brent-Kung has the worst delay among all the four adders since it has
more stages compared to the other adders. For 16 bit, Kogge-Stone, Han-Carlson
and Ladner-Fischer have approximately the same delay since the fanout is not an
important factor for operand size of 16. For 32 and 64 bits, Kogge-Stone has the
least delay since the fanout at any stage is limited to two and hence the delay is
less. Han-Carlson and Ladner-Fischer have approximately the same delay even
though Han-Carlson adder has one more stage than Ladner-Fischer. This is
because Ladner-Fischer adders have large fanouts, due to which the delays of
both the adders are comparable even after inserting buffers in Ladner-Fischer.

Table 1: Pre APR Delay (in ns)

16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit

Ripple Carry 1.6753 3.1096 5.743
Carry Select 1.0028 1.4236 2.2239
Carry Lookahead 0.9933 1.3947 1.4832
Brent-Kung 0.5568 0.6606 0.8183
Ladner-Fischer 0.5125 0.5882 0.7261
Han-Carlson 0.5117 0.574 0.6877
Kogge-Stone 0.4959 0.5496 0.6597

Note: Due to large delay of ripple carry adders, it is omitted from the graph so as
to analyze the trend in the delay of other adders



16 bit
32 bit
64 bit

Figure 56: Pre APR Delay (in ns)

Table 2: Post APR Delay (in ns)

16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit

Ripple Carry 2.2987 4.2099 9.545

Carry Select 1.6825 2.2043 4.1861
Carry Lookahead 1.5346 1.9725 2.202
Brent-Kung 0.7493 1.0528 1.3653

Ladner-Fischer 0.6671 0.8042 1.0805

Han-Carlson 0.664 0.8546 1.047

Kogge-Stone 0.6572 0.7803 0.971

16 bit
32 bit
64 bit

Figure 57: Post APR Delay (in ns)

The tables and graphs comparing Gate Count and Area of the Layout are
given below. It is evident from these that ripple carry adders are the simplest
ones to implement. It doesn’t have any fanout issues and is regular in structure.
In contrast, carry select adders need a large number of gates since, it has two
blocks of ripple carry adders performing the addition and a multiplexer to
choose the correct output. The gate count of carry lookahead adder is a little high
since it needs gates with up to 4 inputs. Since only 2 input NAND and NOR gates
were used, the complexity increased. Among the tree adders, Brent-Kung adder
has the least complexity whereas Kogge-Stone has the most complexity. This is
expected since Kogge-stone adder has a large number of prefix operations.
Complexity of Han-Carlson is somewhat in between Brent-Kung and Kogge-
Stone. Ladner-Fischer has a comparatively lesser number of gates but it has high
fanout as the number of bits in the operands increase.

Table 3: Gate count results
16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit
Ripple Carry 588 1166 2326
Carry Select 832 1764 3528
Carry Lookahead 754 1507 3020
Brent-Kung 655 1297 2616
Han-Carlson 641 1325 2813
Ladner-Fischer 676 1458 3143
Kogge-Stone 744 1670 3718

16 bit
32 bit
64 bit

Figure 58: Gate count results

Table 4: Area of Layout

16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit
Ripple Carry 4836.81 8831.85 16383.5
Carry Select 6652.82 13599.24 24243.25
Carry Lookahead 6019.23 11368.39 21448.55
Brent-Kung 4537.33 8575.59 16097.22
Ladner-Fischer 4727.18 9919.49 19650.6
Han-Carlson 4753.16 8928.92 17583.7
Kogge-Stone 5946.37 12326.45 26112.73




16 bit
10000 32 bit
64 bit

Figure 59: Area of Layout

The table and graph comparing power are given below. Since, all the
adders are combinational, the power number doesn’t depend on the number of
cycles it takes to complete the addition operation and the trend is the same as
that of gate count since the total power consumed by the circuit is proportional
to the number of gates in the design.

Table 5: Power Results

16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit

Ripple Carry 2.43E-05 4.87E-05 1.11E-04
Carry Select 3.64E-05 7.12E-05 1.68E-04
Carry Lookahead 3.29E-05 6.33E-05 1.36E-04
Brent-Kung 2.73E-05 5.75E-05 1.21E-04
Han-Carlson 2.37E-05 5.50E-05 1.17E-04
Ladner-Fischer 2.73E-05 6.00E-05 1.28E-04
Kogge-Stone 3.00E-05 6.92E-05 1.56E-04

16 bit
32 bit
64 bit

Figure 60: Power Results

The table and chart for Area-Delay product is given below. Ripple carry
adders have the worst area-delay product as the delay is very high for them. For
carry-select adders, the area is not reduced much and the delay is considerable
higher compared to parallel prefix adders and hence their area-delay product is
also high. As can be seen from figure 62, Kogge-Stone has the worst Area-Delay
product among the parallel prefix adders because of its very high complexity.
Next is Brent-Kung because of its worst delay even though it is least complex.
Han-Carlson and Ladner-Fischer have very close Area-Delay product for 16 bits
but for 32 and 64 bits, Han-Carlson is better than Ladner-Fischer.

Table 6: Area-Delay Product

16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit
Ripple Carry 11118.38 37181.21 156380.9
Carry Select 11193.37 29976.8 101499.2
Carry Lookahead 9237.11 22424.15 47229.71
Brent-Kung 3399.821 9028.381 21977.53
Ladner-Fischer 3153.502 7977.254 21232.47
Han-Carlson 3156.098 7630.655 18410.13
Kogge-Stone 3907.954 9618.329 25355.46






80000 16 bit
60000 32 bit
40000 64 bit


Figure 61: Area-Delay Product Results




16 bit
32 bit
64 bit


Brent-Kung Ladner-Fischer Han-Carlson Kogge-Stone

Figure 62: Area-Delay Product for parallel-prefix adders

4. Conclusions

Among all the adders studied, the ripple carry adder was found to have
the maximum delay and the lowest gate count which is consistent with
expectation as the ripple carry adder is the simplest form of adder. The delay of
carry select adder and carry lookahead adder is considerably less compared to
ripple carry adders. However, the complexity of carry select adder is quite high
since it uses two blocks of ripple carry adders to perform addition and a
multiplexer to choose the correct sum and carry. Parallel prefix adders have
significantly lower delays as compared to other adders. Among them, the Kogge-
Stone adder was found to have the least delay. This came at the cost of occupying
the most area for 16 bit, 32 bit and 64 bit versions. This is consistent as Kogge-
Stone adder has the most number of parallel prefix operations thereby
consuming the maximum area. The fanout at each stage is limited to two and
thus the delay for each stage is low. Brent-Kung has the least area since there are
very few prefix operations done but has the worst delay among tree adders as it
needs more number of stages to do the computation is large compared to Kogge-
Stone. Han-Carlson and Ladner-Fischer have delay and area between these two
extremes. The delay of Han-Carlson and Ladner-Fischer are approximately same
even though Han-Carlson has one more stage as compared to Ladner-Fischer.
This is because Lardner-Fischer adder has a large fanout towards the bottom. As
a result, the delay proportionately increases even after appropriately buffering
the nets. The area of Han-Carlson is slightly less than Ladner-Fisher. Also, Han-
Carlson is most efficient in terms of area-delay product.
As a result of this, Kogge-Stone should be used if delay needs to be
minimized with no constraint on area. Brent-Kung should be used if area needs
to be minimized with some allowable delay. If delay and area both need to be
optimized, Han-Carlson should be used. These results also support the claim of
Han-Carlson that it is the fastest possible area efficient adder.

5. References

[1] O. J. Bedrij, “Carry-Select Adders”, IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers,

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[2] A. Weinberger and J. L. Smith, “A logic for high-speed addition,” National
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[3] O. L. MacSorley, “High Speed Arithmetic in Binary Computers,” Proc. IRE, vol.
49, pp. 67-91, 1961
[4] N. Weste and D. Harris, CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective
(4th Edition), 2011
[5] P. M. Kogge and H. S. Stone, “A Parallel Algorithm for the Efficient Solution of
a General Class of Recurrence Equations,” IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Vol. C-22, No. 8, pp. 783-791, August 1973
[6] R. E. Lardner and M. J. Fischer, “Parallel Prefix Computation,” Journal of the
ACM, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 831-838, October 1980
[7] R. P. Brent and H. T. Kung, “A Regular Layout for Parallel Adders,” IEEE
Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-31, No. 3, March 1982
[8] T. Han and D.A. Carlson, “Fast Area-Efficient VLSI Adders,” 1987 IEEE 8th
Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, pp.49-56, May 1987


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