Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle 10..

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At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to:
a. Identify the types of mother sauces
b. Know the importance of mother sauces
c. Apply the concept of financial literacy in buying the
ingredients of the sauce and
d. Demonstration of classifying the different types of sauces
A. Topic Five Mother Sauces
B. Subtopic Bread and Pastry
C. Materials PowerPoint and Quizzes
D. References
E. Method Lecture-Discussion
F. Value Knowing the importance of five mother sauces
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Good Morning Class. (The student will stand)
Good Morning Mr. Tolentino
Okay, let’s pray first (The students will stand)
Please lead the prayer, Fundador leads the a. Opening Prayer
prayer. (Fundador’s prayer)
2. Classroom Management
Before you take your seat, kindly pick (The students will pick the piece of trash
up the pieces of paper under your under their chairs and arrange their chairs)
chair and arrange your chairs properly.

Okay, you can take your sit.

3. Checking of Attendance
May I know who is absent
for today?
Sir, we have no absentees for today.
Okay, that’s great.
4. Review of the Past Lesson
Before we start our new
lesson, what is our last
lesson all about? (Students raise their hands)

Yes, Alfonso? Sir, it’s all about Bread and Pastry

Very Good, so can you

give me the definition of
Bread (Students raise their hands)

Yes, Jack Daniels?

Sir, baked food products are made of flour or
meal that is moistened, kneaded and
sometimes fermented..

Very well said Jack

Daniels, So now can you
give me also the definition
of Pastry?
Sir, pastry is sweet baked goods made of
dough having a high fat content

Okay, that’s right. So let’s

move on to our next lesson.
B. Presentation
1. Motivation
Now, before I’ll start the discussion I’ll show
you a picture that is related to our topic for
today, if you got the correct answer you’ll
have a plus points in your activity.

Okay let’s start, here is the picture what

have you noticed from the picture?

(students raise their hands)

Yes, Johnnie walker you’re raising your hand

That’s right, reminder if you already got a Sir, I think that picture is all about
plus points by answering correctly, you different kind of sauces
can’t raise your hand again give chance to
your other classmates.

Next, did any of you have any idea about

what are the different kind of sauces?
Yes Sir
Anyone in this class who wants to answer,
please raise your hand.

Yes, Emperador? What is your idea about

the different types of sauces?

(students raise their hands)

Okay very good that you have an idea

about this. • Sir, According to the picture I found
that the different sauces are: Tomato
Okay, let’s move on to our discussion so that sauce, Velouté and Béchamel
you will know the five Mother sauces
2. Discussion
What is Mother Sauces?

The term “mother sauces” dates back to the early

nineteenth century when French chef Marie-Antoine
organized sauces into four categories known as the
four grand sauces of French cuisine. The 5 mother
sauces include: Béchamel sauce,Velouté sauce,
Espagnole sauce, Sauce Tomato,Hollandaise sauce

Mother Sauces
 A mother sauce is a base liquid combined
with a thickening agent and additional
ingredients for flavor. Besides Hollandaise,
which is thickened with egg yolks, all of the
mother sauces start with a roux as their
thickening agent. Once you’ve made a mother
sauce, you can use it as a starting point for a
myriad of other sauces.
What Is a Roux and Why Is it Important?
Roux is a classic thickening agent made by cooking
equal parts flour and fat together until the raw flour
cooks out and the roux has achieved a brownish
color. It works as a thickener for sauces and stews,
but also provides a silky-smooth texture and subtle
toasty flavor to dishes.

What Is Béchamel Sauce?

Béchamel It’s simple and easy to master, made with
only a few ingredients: butter, milk and flour (for a
white roux), eggs, and salt. Roux is gradually
whisked with milk and cooked with egg yolks added
at the end—transforming the mixture it into a smooth
and creamy sauce that clings to the back of a spoon.
Béchamel sauce can be used alone smeared onto
sandwich bread for a croque monsieur, as a base for
scalloped potatoes, or used in the filling of a chicken
pot pie.

What Is Velouté Sauce?

A velouté sauce features a white stock thickened with

a blond roux, resulting in a velvety, smooth texture.
While the most common type of velouté uses chicken
stock as a base, you can make it with fish stock or
veal stock, depending on the protein in your final
What Is Sauce Espangole?

Sauce espagnole is a basic brown sauce that

originated in Spain in the late nineteenth century. It
was later popularized by chef Auguste Escoffier and
became one of the five French mother sauces we still
use today. It is a brown roux, to which veal stock and
tomatoes are added and simmered until reduced.

What Is Sauce Tomat?

Sauce tomat is made by cooking tomatoes in a base

of pork fat, aromatics, and stock until it reduces into
a thick sauce. Traditionally, it was further thickened
with a roux, but modern adaptations often skip this
step. Sauce tomat can be served simply over pasta,
spread over pizza dough, or as a flavorful base to
simmer proteins like eggs and fish.
What Is Hollandaise Sauce?

Hollandaise sauce is an egg yolk mixture emulsified

with unsalted butter and an acid, like fresh lemon
juice or vinegar. It’s a delicate sauce that is pale
yellow in color, smooth, and creamy. Hollandaise can
be used to make a range of other sauces or served on
its own as a finishing sauce for eggs Benedict,
poached fish, and asparagus.

3. Generalization
Okay do you have any question
regarding in our discussion?
Nothing Sir
Class, are you sure?
Yes Sir

Okay, it seems you all really understand our

lesson, so to sum it up can you give me the
Five Mother Sauces? (students raise their hands)

Yes, Matador?
Sir, the five mother sauces are
Okay, very good Matador. Can anyone béchamel, velouté, espagnole,
give me the definition of Mother sauces? hollandaise, and tomato.

Yes, Heineken your raising your hand. (students raise their hands)

Sir, A mother sauce is a base liquid

combined with a thickening agent and
additional ingredients for flavor.
Okay, very good.
4. Application
Using Quizzizz, the teacher will present the activity. Students will answer the
questions on the Quizzizz link provided by the teacher.
On a one-whole sheet of yellow paper, answer the following.

I. Arrange the jumbled letters and identify the types of mother sauces. Write your
answer on ½ crosswise.

1. is a versatile white sauce, and the base of a variety of comfort food dishes.

2. features a white stock thickened with a blond roux, resulting in a velvety,
smooth texture.

3. is a basic brown sauce that originated in Spain in the late nineteenth century.

4. is made by cooking tomatoes in a base of pork fat, aromatics, and stock
until it reduces into a thick sauce

5. is an egg yolk mixture emulsified with unsalted butter and an acid,
ike fresh lemon juice or vinegar.

II. Using the word bank below, write the correct term on the blank next to the definition.
Each word will be used only once.

Mother Sauce Demi-Glace Béchamel Sauce Sauce Supreme

Portuguese sauce Roux Tomato Sauce Mornay sauce
Hollandaise Sauce Espagnole Sauce

_____________________________1. Béchamel sauce with shredded or grated cheese

______________________________2. Is also known as a Brown sauce and is used as a base for
many sauces
______________________________3. A mixture of flour and fat that, after being slowly
cooked over low heat, is used to thicken mixtures such as soups and sauces.
______________________________4. A basic sauce used in the production of other sauces.
______________________________5 A classic French sauce made by finishing a velouté
with cream, butter, and lemon juice.
______________________________6. A sauce made of butter, egg yolks, and flavorings
(especially lemon juice).
______________________________7. A rich brown sauce that combines one part espagnole
sauce with one part stock, and is finished with sherry wine.
______________________________8. Made with puréed tomatoes to give the sauce
texture and flavor.
______________________________9. A rich cream sauce made from cream and a roux, with
an onion pique
_____________________________10. : A sauce of sautéed onions, chopped tomatoes, and
cloves of garlic that's finished with chopped fresh parsley
For your assignment:
• Search about Sauces that can be made from the five mother sauces
and their recipe.
It should be handwritten, and write it to yellow pad
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