HW5e PreIntermediate Test Unit 1A

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5th edition


Unit test Pre-intermediate

1 Read Sunila’s answers. Write the questions. 3 Complete the sentences with who’s or whose.
A (1) What’s your name ? 1 This isn’t my coat. Whose is it?
B It’s Sunila. 2 ‘ that man over there?’ ‘It’s
A (2) ? Bernardo’
B I was born in Mumbai. 3 mum is Turkish?
A (3) ? 4 Do you know making that terrible
B I’m here in Chicago because I’m doing a noise?
Master’s degree. 5 going to answer my question?
A (4) ? 6 worried about their exams?
B I’m studying art. 7 number is this?
A (5) ? 8 Do you know computer this is?
B In India, I was an English teacher! 1 point for each correct answer 7
A (6) ?
B I go back to India every year. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in the box.
2 points for each correct answer
meet miss talk be (x2) catch
2 Write the question words, then match (1–10) with make can run laugh
1 ‘Where did you meet?’ ‘We met on a
1 What’s in this cake? b blind date.’
2 did your car cost? 2 ‘What are you doing next week?’ ‘I’m
3 are you going on holiday for? a marathon!’
4 keys are these? 3 ‘Were you embarrassed?’ ‘Yes. The other students
5 reporters are there here? at me.’
6 is my seat – this one or 4 ‘Did you like him?’ ‘Yes, I did. He me
that one? laugh.’
7 didn’t you invite him? 5 ‘What’s she like?’ ‘She very tall and
8 are you going to the theatre attractive.’
with? 6 ‘What did you do?’ ‘We about lots of
9 is your birthday? things.’
10 is the art gallery? 7 ‘How are you going to get home?’ ‘I’m
the bus.’
a $25,000. 8 ‘Are you OK?’ ‘Not really. I my family.’
b Dates and raisins. 9 ‘Is she learning Turkish?’ ‘Yes, she .’
c Christopher. 10 ‘Could you play the piano when you were
d Mine. four?’ ‘No, I .’
e It’s in 1 point for each correct answer 9
October. f This
g It’s on Main Street.
h A week.
i Three.
j I don’t like him.
1 point for each question word,
1 point for each correct 18

1 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Unit test Pre-intermediate

5 Choose the correct words. A And how many languages do you
(4) ?
Hi, B Russian and a bit of English. I’d really like to
(5) Japanese.
I (1) ’s / ’m Adam. I’m Polish, I (2) comes / come from A Who (6) the cooking in your family,
Poznań, but now I (3) live / living in a flat in North London Anna?
with my mum, Wanda. I (4) coming / came to England in B Me! I love cooking – Japanese is my favourite.
2017 as a student. My mum wanted me to
A Do you (7) a lot of sushi?
(5) study / studied English, but I didn’t (6) liked / like it. I left
the course after two months and (7) get / got a job as a bike B Yes – sometimes. My mother (8) me
messenger. I’m lucky because I (8) has / have been how to do it. She lived in Japan for five years.
successful and we (9) can / can’t now pay for A (9) me who you would like to
my father to come to England too. I usually (10) go / went meet for your perfect blind date?
back to Poznań every summer, to see friends and family. But B Sorry, what did you (10) ?
I’m not (11) going / go next year because I
A What kind of man would you like to meet?
(12) meet / met a Turkish girl here in London – and we’re
(13) getting / got married! B Someone kind and funny.
1 point for each correct answer 9
1 point for each correct answer

6 Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form 8 Choose the correct word.
of the words in the box. 1 My grandmother lives in / for Istanbul.
2 She loves talking for / about so many things.
interest embarrass surprise
3 I’m doing my shopping on / at the supermarket.
1 ‘I visited three art galleries 4 They work for / to a big charity in London.
yesterday.’ ‘Really? Were they 5 We’re listening to / about an interview on the radio.
interesting ?’
6 He is nervous for / about his blind date.
2 ‘I can’t believe it – I got my Master’s degree!’
7 I like playing games to / on my games console.
‘Why are you so ? You worked really
hard.’ 8 Shall we go out for / to a meal tonight?
3 ‘I forgot to buy her a present.’ ‘Oh, how 9 Jakob is married with / to Arianna.
!’ 1 point for each correct answer 8
4 ‘Marta is on holiday. She’s gone to Mexico
City.’ ‘That’s . She doesn’t really like 9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
big cities!’
heavy busy important delicious long high
5 ‘Your face is very red!’ ‘I know – I feel really
.’ 1 Who’s the most important person at this
6 ‘Which pictures do you like best?’ ‘I’m meeting?
in the black and white photographs.’ 2 I made some cakes yesterday.
1 point for each correct answer 5 3 This is a really journey! I’m bored.
4 You can carry the bags.
7 Complete the conversation with the correct form of 5 I haven’t got time to talk. I’m having a very
the verbs in the box. day!
teach say do speak play 6 I wouldn’t buy anything there. They have very
I’m (1) talking
learn go make to Anna
talk Oblensky today. She prices.
loves sports. Anna, do you (2) tennis 5
1 point for each correct answer
every day?
B No, I don’t. But I (3) running every

2 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Unit test Pre-intermediate

10 Match the sentence with the correct meaning. 12 Correct the mistake in each item.
1 I’m having a rest 1 Wow! That film was really bored. boring
today. a I feel tired. 2 Why did you went to Dublin last month?
b I’m too busy.
2 I left my bag in the 3 ‘How many do you visit Paris?’ ‘Every two or
train. a I forgot my bag. three months.’
b My bag was under the seat. 4 I live to my parents in Beijing.
3 Spaghetti is a kind of 5 Please can I lend your pen?
pasta. a Spaghetti is 6 I’m Filipe. How does you do?
delicious. 1 point for each correct answer 6
b There are different types of pasta.
4 What did he mean? TOTAL 100

a He doesn’t like paying for things.

b I didn’t understand what he said.
5 I train hard every day.
a I don’t drive to work.
b I do a lot of practice.
6 Please can you give me those
dates? a I want to meet those
b I’m hungry.
1 point for each correct answer 5

11 Choose the correct phrase.

A How do you do?
B (1) Bye. / Cheers! / Pleased to meet you.
A Thanks very much for the flowers.
B (2) Same to you. / My pleasure. / Never mind.
A How are you, Mrs Robbins?
B (3) I’m fine, thanks. / I’m just looking. / No,
A Good morning!
B (4) Lovely day today. / Have a good weekend. /
I’m fine, thanks.
A Sorry I’m late.
B (5) Of course. / Same to you. / It doesn’t matter.
A Can you help me with this?
B (6) What’s the problem? / See you later. / Not at
A Bye! Have a good holiday!
B (7) Not at all. / Same to you. / Another time.
1 point for each correct answer 6

3 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press


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