HW5e - Elem - Test Unit 4A

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5th edition 

Unit test 4A Elementary 

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 3 Complete the sentences with some, any, or a(n).
verb to be. 1 There are some  keys in my bag.
1  Is  there a washing machine in your 2 Are there dictionaries on the
kitchen? bookshelf?
2 There some books in my bag. 3 Do we have cups in the dishwasher?
3 there any towels outside, near the 4 I need help in the garden this
swimming pool? morning.
4 There any flowers in the living room. 5 Is there bus at the bus stop?
5 There a café opposite the post office. 6 He doesn’t have address book.
6 No, there a garden in our school. 7 There aren’t pictures on the walls.
7 There some milk in the fridge. 8 I have books in my bedroom.
1 point for each correct answer  6  1 point for each correct answer  7 
2 Complete the questions. Write answers. 4 Circle the correct words in the conversation.
1  Are there any  bookshelves in your A Welcome to my new house! (1) This / These is the
classroom? kitchen, and (2) this / these is our living room.
Yes, there are.     B It’s wonderful. Are (3) this / these your children in
2 pen in your bag? this photo?
Yes, A (4) Well, this / these boy is my son, and
3 photos in this test? (5) those / that boys are his friends.
No, B  (6) Wow! Look at those / these flowers outside!
4 sofa in your living They’re lovely!
room? A Thanks. (7) This / These vegetables here are from
Yes, the garden, too.
5 shower in your B You have a lot of books.
bathroom? A Yes, we like reading. (8) That / Those books on the
No, table are from the bookshop on the High Street.
6 shoes in your bag? Look on (9) this / that bookshelf over there. You
can have (10) that / those red book – it’s amazing!
B  Thanks!
7 plates in your
bedroom? 1 point for each correct answer  9 
5 Complete the sentences with in or on.
8 kettle in your
kitchen? 1 My house is in  Cambridge Road.
Yes, 2 Don’t walk the middle of the road!
9 lamps in your living 3 Dan is the café.
room? 4 Lianne lives the second floor of this
Yes, building.
10 money in your 5 Is there a playground the park?
purse? 6 I can see a boy a swing.
No, 1 point for each correct answer  5 
1 point for each correct answer  18 

  1  Photocopiable  Headway © Oxford University Press 2019

5th edition 

Unit test 4A Elementary 


6 Complete the sentences with a preposition. 8 Circle the correct word.

1 My bicycle is n ext to  your bicycle. 1 Do you like Wana? No, I don’t. He’s awful / lovely.
2 The cinema is o the supermarket. 2 Mike’s garden is wonderful / horrible. It has some
3 Is there a supermarket n here? beautiful fruit trees in it.
4 Please wait i f 3 Oh, dear! These shoes are amazing / awful, but
o the school. they’re very expensive.
5 I met Emily i the cinema. 4 Is your town nice? Yes, it’s great / terrible.
6 The café is b the cinema and the 5 She studies really hard, but her English is excellent / 
book shop. awful. 
7 Oh, no! My phone is u the sofa and I 6 This coffee is lovely / horrible – I can’t drink it.
can’t reach it! 7 I like your new sofa – it’s a terrible / great colour.
1 point for each correct answer  6  8 Her house is awful / fabulous! It’s beautiful and it
  has an indoor swimming pool.
7 Circle the correct words to complete the text. 9 The film was excellent / dreadful. We actually
hated it!
1 point for each correct answer  8 
I like visiting new places (1) and / so seeing different   
cultures. Next summer, I want to visit Japan (2) but / 
because my friend, Yoshi, comes from Hokkaido. I also 
9 Write answers with the adjectives and not very (),
want to stay in Tokyo, (3) and / but I’m worried that I don’t  very (), and really ().
have enough money.  1 Is your flat old?
   No, it isn’t very old.  ()
Yoshi says that in Japan there are some hotels with very  2 Are your teachers nice?
small rooms – or capsules. A room in a capsule hotel 
is cheap (4) and / because comfortable. That’s good  ()
(5) because / so hotels can be expensive in a city like  3 Is that restaurant expensive?
Tokyo. Each capsule is only 1m x 1m x 2m (6) so / because     ()
they are really very small! In the ‘room’ there is a bed 
(7) because / but there isn’t a door. Each capsule has a TV  4 Excuse me. Are these curtains new?
(8) but / so there isn’t a bathroom. You share a bathroom           ()
with the other guests outside the capsule. There isn’t a 
locker in the room (9) and / so you must use the lockers 
5 Is the cathedral big?
in the hotel reception.  ()
6 Is your sofa comfortable?
Capsule hotels are common in Japan (10) but / because    ()
there aren’t many in the rest of the world. They sound 
perfect for me (11) but / and you can book them online.  1 point for each correct answer  5 
     10 Complete the conversation with the words in
the box.
1 point for each correct answer  10 
  quality     handbag  need    much    fabulous 
£95    too 
A I really like this (1) handbag  .
How (2) is it, please?
B It’s (3) .
A I think it’s (4) , but that’s
(5) expensive!
B It’s very good (6) . Do you want it?
A No, thanks. I don’t really (7) it.
1 point for each correct answer  6 

  2  Photocopiable  Headway © Oxford University Press 2019

5th edition 

Unit test 4A Elementary 


11  Write the prices and numbers.

1 two pounds ninety-nine £2.99    
2 a hundred and twenty-five pounds
3 one and a quarter
4 ten and a half
5 a million pounds
6 eight thousand
7 two point five
8 oh-two-oh eight-one-three-six-two-four-four-nine

9 three hundred and one

10 eight point two five
11 three euros fifty
1 point for each correct answer  10 
12 Correct the mistake in each item.
1 There is three cushions. are    
2 How any bathrooms are there?
3 Do you like this curtains?
4 Do you have a address book?
5 There are two old ladies on the bus
6 There aren’t some books.
7 Can you see those man? He looks like you!

8 That are my sunglasses.

9 Are there a shower?
10 There aren’t a museum near here.
11 This bathroom has the lot of towels.
1 point for each correct answer  10 
TOTAL    100 

  3  Photocopiable  Headway © Oxford University Press 2019

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