Resume Ekonometrika Bab 2
Resume Ekonometrika Bab 2
Resume Ekonometrika Bab 2
• Look at table 2.1 which refers to a total population of 60 families and their
weekly income (X) and weekly consumption expenditure (Y). The 60
families are divided into 10 income groups.
• From the preceding discussion and Figures. 2.1 and 2.2, it is clear that
each conditional mean E(Y | Xi) is a function of Xi. Symbolically,
• ui = Yi − E(Y | Xi)
• or
– (1) E(Y | Xi), the mean consumption of all families with the same
level of income. This component is known as the systematic, or
deterministic, component,
• Yi = E(Y | Xi) + ui
• = β1 + β2Xi + ui (2.4.2)
• Y1 = 55 = β1 + β2(80) + u1
• Y2 = 60 = β1 + β2(80) + u2
• Y3 = 65 = β1 + β2(80) + u3 (2.4.3)
• Y4 = 70 = β1 + β2(80) + u4
• Y5 = 75 = β1 + β2(80) + u5
• Since E(Yi | Xi) is the same thing as E(Y | Xi), Eq. (2.4.4) implies that
• Thus, the assumption that the regression line passes through the
conditional means of Y implies that the conditional mean values of ui
(conditional upon the given X’s) are zero.
• It is clear that
• and
• But the stochastic specification (2.4.2) has the advantage that it clearly
shows that there are other variables besides income that affect
consumption expenditure and that an individual family’s consumption
expenditure cannot be fully explained only by the variable(s) included in
the regression model.
• The disturbance term ui is a surrogate for all those variables that are
omitted from the model but that collectively affect Y. Why don’t we
introduce them into the model explicitly? The reasons are many:
• 7. Wrong functional form: Often we do not know the form of the functional
relationship between the regressand (dependent) and the regressors. Is
consumption expenditure a linear (in variable) function of income or a
nonlinear (invariable) function? If it is the former,