Resume Ekonometrika Bab 2

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Chapter 2

Two-Variable Regression Analysis : Some Basic Ideas

• Regression analysis is largely concerned with estimating and/or

predicting the (population) mean value of the dependent variable on the
basis of the known or fixed values of the explanatory variable(s).

• Look at table 2.1 which refers to a total population of 60 families and their
weekly income (X) and weekly consumption expenditure (Y). The 60
families are divided into 10 income groups.

• There is considerable variation in weekly consumption expenditure in

each income group. But the general picture that one gets is that, despite
the variability of weekly consumption expenditure within each income
bracket, on the average, weekly consumption expenditure increases as
income increases.
• The dark circled points in Figure 2.1 show the conditional mean values of
Y against the various X values. If we join these conditional mean values,
we obtain what is known as the population regression line (PRL), or more
generally, the population regression curve. More simply, it is the
regression of Y on X. The adjective “population” comes from the fact that
we are dealing in this example with the entire population of 60 families.
Of course, in reality a population may have many families.
The Concept of Population Regression Function (PRF)

• From the preceding discussion and Figures. 2.1 and 2.2, it is clear that
each conditional mean E(Y | Xi) is a function of Xi. Symbolically,

• E(Y | Xi) = f (Xi) (2.2.1)

• Equation (2.2.1) is known as the conditional expectation function (CEF)

or population regression function (PRF) or population regression (PR) for

• The functional form of the PRF is an empirical question. For example, we

may assume that the PRF E(Y | Xi) is a linear function of X i, say, of the

• E(Y | Xi) = β1 + β2Xi (2.2.2)

Stochastic Specification of PRF

• We can express the deviation of an individual Yi around its expected

value as follows:

• ui = Yi − E(Y | Xi)

• or

• Yi = E(Y | Xi) + ui (2.4.1)

• Technically, ui is known as the stochastic disturbance or stochastic error


• How do we interpret (2.4.1)? The expenditure of an individual family,

given its income level, can be expressed as the sum of two components:

– (1) E(Y | Xi), the mean consumption of all families with the same
level of income. This component is known as the systematic, or
deterministic, component,

– (2) ui, which is the random, or nonsystematic, component.

• For the moment assume that the stochastic disturbance term is a proxy
for all the omitted or neglected variables that may affect Y but are not
included in the regression model.

• If E(Y | Xi) is assumed to be linear in Xi, as in (2.2.2), Eq. (2.4.1) may be

written as:

• Yi = E(Y | Xi) + ui

• = β1 + β2Xi + ui (2.4.2)

• Equation (2.4.2) posits that the consumption expenditure of a family is

linearly related to its income plus the disturbance term. Thus, the
individual consumption expenditures, given X = $80 can be expressed

• Y1 = 55 = β1 + β2(80) + u1

• Y2 = 60 = β1 + β2(80) + u2

• Y3 = 65 = β1 + β2(80) + u3 (2.4.3)

• Y4 = 70 = β1 + β2(80) + u4

• Y5 = 75 = β1 + β2(80) + u5

• Now if we take the expected value of (2.4.1) on both sides, we obtain

• E(Yi | Xi) = E[E(Y | Xi)] + E(ui | Xi)

• = E(Y | Xi) + E(ui | Xi) (2.4.4)

• Where expected value of a constant is that constant itself.

• Since E(Yi | Xi) is the same thing as E(Y | Xi), Eq. (2.4.4) implies that

• E(ui | Xi) = 0 (2.4.5)

• Thus, the assumption that the regression line passes through the
conditional means of Y implies that the conditional mean values of ui
(conditional upon the given X’s) are zero.

• It is clear that

• E(Y | Xi) = β1 + β2Xi (2.2.2)

• and

• Yi = β1 + β2Xi + ui (2.4.2) Better

• are equivalent forms if E(ui | Xi) = 0.

• But the stochastic specification (2.4.2) has the advantage that it clearly
shows that there are other variables besides income that affect
consumption expenditure and that an individual family’s consumption
expenditure cannot be fully explained only by the variable(s) included in
the regression model.

The Significance of the Stcchastic Disturbance Term

• The disturbance term ui is a surrogate for all those variables that are
omitted from the model but that collectively affect Y. Why don’t we
introduce them into the model explicitly? The reasons are many:

• 1. Vagueness of theory: The theory, if any, determining the behavior of Y

may be, and often is, incomplete. We might be ignorant or unsure about
the other variables affecting Y.

• 2. Unavailability of data: Lack of quantitative information about these

variables, e.g., information on family wealth generally is not available.

• 3. Core variables versus peripheral variables: Assume that besides

income X1, the number of children per family X 2, sex X3, religion X4,
education X5, and geographical region X 6 also affect consumption
expenditure. But the joint influence of all or some of these variables may
be so small and it does not pay to introduce them into the model
explicitly. One hopes that their combined effect can be treated as a
random variable ui.

• 4. Intrinsic randomness in human behavior: Even if we succeed in

introducing all the relevant variables into the model, there is bound to be
some “intrinsic” randomness in individual Y’s that cannot be explained no
matter how hard we try. The disturbances, the u’s, may very well reflect
this intrinsic randomness.

• 5. Poor proxy variables: for example, Friedman regards permanent

consumption (Yp) as a function of permanent income (Xp). But since data
on these variables are not directly observable, in practice we use proxy
variables, such as current consumption (Y) and current income (X), there
is the problem of errors of measurement, u may in this case then also
represent the errors of measurement.

• 6. Principle of parsimony: we would like to keep our regression model as

simple as possible. If we can explain the behavior of Y “substantially”
with two or three explanatory variables and if our theory is not strong
enough to suggest what other variables might be included, why introduce
more variables? Let ui represent all other variables.

• 7. Wrong functional form: Often we do not know the form of the functional
relationship between the regressand (dependent) and the regressors. Is
consumption expenditure a linear (in variable) function of income or a
nonlinear (invariable) function? If it is the former,

• Yi = β1 + B2Xi + ui is the proper functional relationship between Y and X,

but if it is the latter,

• Yi = β1 + β2Xi + β3X2i + ui may be the correct functional form.

• In two-variable models the functional form of the relationship can often

be judged from the scattergram. But in a multiple regression model, it is
not easy to determine the appropriate functional form, for graphically we
cannot visualize scattergrams in multipledimensions.

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