Storz MP100 Booklet

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The document discusses how shockwave therapy can be used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions and provides an overview of the Shockwave Tissue Regenerator device and its business opportunities.

Conditions that can be treated with shockwave therapy include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, trigger points, jumper's knee, stress fractures, bursitis, hallux rigidus, shin splints, tennis elbow, non-healing ulcers, and rotator cuff tendonitis.

Benefits of shockwave therapy compared to other treatments include being non-surgical, having no side effects, accelerating healing, and being affordable. It has been shown to be more effective than other treatments like physiotherapy for certain conditions.

New Generation Of

Shockwave Devices with The

Controls in the Handpiece
Contents The Ultimate Shockwave Device
The Tissue Regenerator is the world’s most effective Shockwave treatment and can be used affordably by all
1 The Ultimate Shockwave Device Health Care practitioners.
1 Business/Revenue Opportunity
1 Success Rates
Business/Revenue Opportunity Success Rates
The Shockwave Tissue Regenerator offers the 91% improvement for Calcific Tendonitis
2 The Superior Technology of Storz
ultimate opportunity for business building and – Journal of American Medical Association, 2003
2 Shockwave is the Treatment of Choice boosting your bottom line. With success measured
by clearly defined goals and calculated return 90% success rate for Plantar Fasciitis
3 Products on investment, affordable treatment is available – Foot & Ankle International, 2012
through attractive lease or purchase terms. Anyone
3 MASTERPULS® Superiority
can be trained to operate the Tissue Regenerator, 77% improvement for Tennis Elbow
3 MASTERPULS® MP50 which is proven to be the ‘standard of care’ and – The Journal of Orthopaedics, 2005
4 The New MASTERPULS® MP100 treatment of choice for many conditions.
76% success rate for Achilles Tendinopathy
– The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007
6 Scientific Evidence
6 Study #1 - Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Conditions that can be treated by
8 times more effective for Hamstring
Therapy is Safe and Effective in the Treatment of Shockwave Therapy
Tendinopathy than regular physiotherapy and
Chronic Recalcitrant Plantar Fasciitis. Results of • Plantar Fasciitis/Heel • Non-Healing Ulcers chiropractic treatment
a Confirmatory Randomized Placebo-Controlled Spur • Calcific Rotator Cuff -– The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010
Multi-center Study. • Achilles Tendinopathy Tendonitis
8 Study #2 - Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Low • Myofascial Trigger • Scar Tissue Treatment
Energy Extracorporeal Pulse-Activated Therapy Points • Hamstring
(EPAT) for Chronic Plantar Fasciitis • Jumper’s Knee Tendinopathy A non-invasive surgical solution that
9 Study #3 - Shockwave Therapy for the Treatment • Stress Fractures • Osgood-Schlater accelerates the recovery from injured tissue.
of Chronic Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy in • Bursitis • Muscle and
Professional Athletes connective tissue
• Hallux Rigidus activation with
10 Study #4 - Low-Energy Extracorporeal • Shin Splints V-ACTOR.
Shockwave Therapy as a Treatment for Medial
• Tennis Elbow
Tibial Stress Syndrome
11 Study #5 - Eccentric Loading, Shockwave
Treatment, or a Wait-and-See Policy for Benefits
Tendinopathy of the Main Body of Tendo Achillis
• Non-surgical treatment
- A Randomized Controlled Trial
• No side effects
12 Study #6 - Radial Shockwave Therapy in
• Accelerates healing
Calcifying Tendonitis of the Rotator Cuff –
• Can be used by all health practitioners
A Prospective Study
• Affordable
• Coverage available from most insurance companies

The Ultimate Shockwave Device | 1

The Superior Technology of Storz Products
When you compare Storz and Shockwave Canada to other systems on the market, you’ll find that Storz is
simply the most advanced, least expensive and has the most reliable technology available. Storz is also the MASTERPULS® Superiority
category leader in research and development. Shockwave Canada provides unequalled medical support behind In the field of pain therapy and rehabilitation, MASTERPULS® Shockwave systems are a must-have for any
your lease or purchase. Here’s the proof: modern, successful medical practice. Manufactured in Switzerland, the MP 50, 100 and 200 are superior
quality devices offering ease of use and simple handpiece servicing at reduced costs. Compared to other
Shockwave systems, MASTERPULS® products are simply the most advanced technology available.

1. World’s most effective Shockwave treatment 5. Renowned medical advisors available at

• ‘Radial extracorporeal Shockwave therapy no charge MASTERPULS® MP50
significantly improves pain, function, and
6. Published and proven treatment protocols The Compact Radial Shockwave System Facts and Figures
quality of life’ - The American Journal of
with our technology The elimination of pain symptoms ensures rapid
Sports Medicine, 2008 • Compact and mobile: 9.5 kg
improvement in mobility and increased strength in the
• ‘Shockwave therapy can effectively decrease 7. World class institutions using our technology • Built-in compressor
treated regions. Up to 91% of patients respond well
plantar fascia thickness as demonstrated • Cleveland Clinic • Control and display all on handpiece
or very well to MASTERPULS® Shockwave therapy
objectively by ultrasound evaluation and • Johns Hopkins University • Hand operated Shockwave devices
significantly reduces patient-reported pain’
• Mount Sinai Hospital Key features at a glance
- Foot & Ankle International, 2012 Parameters
• Montreal General Hospital The highlights of this exceptionally efficient
2. Newly developed hand control, with all Shockwave system are: • Shock frequency: 1 – 15 Hz
• Duke University
main operating elements integrated into the • Compact design • Application pressure: 1 – 4 bar/11 MPa
• University of Toronto
handpiece. This allows for safer treatments • Low capital expenditure and maintenance costs
• McGill University
on patients as changes can be made to Indications
• Maximum mobility, can be easily carried anywhere
settings without looking away from the • Queen’s University
• Treatment of Tendinopathies
• Newly developed hand control, with all
patient • Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
main operating elements integrated into the • Trigger point therapy
• Frequency, energy levels and number of 8. No replacement of applicator heads necessary handpiece. Frequency, energy levels and number • Activation and loosening of muscle and
shocks applied can be adjusted directly via of shocks applied can be adjusted directly via connective tissue
selector buttons. Only product of its kind on 9. Storz has over 60 years of experience
selector buttons. Only product of its kind on • Acupuncture Shockwave therapy
the market the market. This allows for safer treatments on
10. Vibration-Shock technology treats acute and
3. State of the art titanium and ceramic heads chronic injuries patients as changes can be made to settings
for superior comfort, manufactured for without looking away from the patient
11. Storz is a world leader in:
exclusive distribution by Shockwave Canada • Vibration therapy (V-ACTOR.)
• Effectiveness
4. Proven research and development with • Medical support
our products
• Research and development
• Technology

Shockwave is the Treatment of Choice

Visit our website for more information on products and scientific evidence:

2 | The Superior Technology of Storz Products | 3


The ‘Ultra’ System in Radial Shockwave Therapy

The new MASTERPULS® MP100 creates a perfect balance between performance and efficiency, mobility and
weight, versatility and low maintenance costs.

Key features at a glance

• Newly developed hand control, with all Pulse Frequency/Pressure
main operating elements integrated into the • Radial Shockwave therapy: 1 – 21 Hz/1 – 5 bar
handpiece. Frequency, energy levels and number • Vibration therapy (V-ACTOR®): 31 Hz
of shocks applied can be adjusted directly via
selector buttons. Only product of its kind on Oscillating ‘D-ACTOR®’ Technology
the market. This allows for safer treatments on
• For better myofascial Trigger Point therapy
patients as changes can be made to settings
without looking away from the patient
‘Deep Impact’ Shock Transmitter
• Compact design
• For the treatment of deep pain regions
• Built-in high-performance compressor makes
the system even more powerful and provides ‘CERAma-x™’ Shock Transmitter
excellent therapy success rates
• Elastic shock transmitter for Shockwave
• Low maintenance costs Indications

• Combinable handpieces ‘V-ACTOR®’ handpiece • Treatment of Tendinopathies

• Radial Shockwave therapy with various • For muscle and connective tissue • Hamstrings
shock transmitters activation/smoothing • Myofascial trigger points
• Vibration therapy (V-ACTOR®) 1. Achilles Tendinopathy
2. Bursitis Indications Success Rate
3. Hallux Rigidus Calcific Rotator Cuff Tendonitis 91%
4. Non-Healing Ulcers Plantar Fasciitis 90%
5. Tendonitis Achilles Tendinopathy 76%
6. Scar Tissue Hamstring Tendinopathy 80%
• Shoulder pain Tennis Elbow 77%
• Shin Splints Myofascial trigger points 80%
• Tennis Elbow Acupuncture Shockwave Therapy up to 90%
• Patellar Tendonitis
• Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spur Facts and Figures

• Shin Splints • Hand operated Shockwave devices

• Stress Fractures • Built-in high-performance ‘Silent’ compressor

• Enhancement of bone healing • Extended frequency/power range: 21 Hz/5.0 bar

• Muscle and connective tissue activation with • Precision pressure controller

V-ACTOR® • V-ACTOR® vibration therapy: 31 Hz
• Osgood-Schlatter • System weight: 10.5 kg

4 | Products Products | 5
Background: Results:
Radial extracorporeal Shockwave therapy is an Radial extracorporeal Shockwave therapy proved
effective treatment for chronic plantar fasciitis significantly superior to placebo with a reduction of
that can be administered to outpatients without the visual analog scale composite score of 72.1%
anesthesia but has not yet been evaluated in compared with 44.7% (P = .0220), and an overall
controlled trials. success rate of 61.0% compared with 42.2% in the
placebo group (P = .0020) at 12 weeks. Superiority
Hypothesis: was even more pronounced at 12 months, and
There is no difference in effectiveness between all secondary outcome measures supported
radial extracorporeal Shockwave therapy and radial extracorporeal Shockwave therapy to be
placebo in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. significantly superior to placebo (P < .025, 1-sided).
No relevant side effects were observed.
Study Design:
Randomized, controlled trial; level of evidence, 1. Conclusion:
Radial extracorporeal Shockwave therapy
significantly improves pain, function and
Three interventions of radial extracorporeal quality of life compared with placebo in
Shockwave therapy (0.16 mJ/mm 2; 2000 patients with recalcitrant plantar fasciitis.
impulses) compared with placebo were studied in
245 patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. Primary
endpoints were changes in visual analog scale Source:

Scientific Evidence composite score from baseline to 12 week follow-

up, overall success rates and success rates of the
American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008; 36:
2100-2109. DOI: 10.1177/0363546508324176
single visual analog scale scores (heel pain at first
Study #1 - Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is Safe and Effective in the steps in the morning, during daily activities, during For more information visit:
Treatment of Chronic Recalcitrant Plantar Fasciitis. Results of a Confirmatory standardized pressure force). Secondary endpoints
Randomized Placebo-Controlled Multi-center Study. were single changes in visual analog scale scores,
success rates, Roles and Maudsley score, SF-36,
Ludger Gerdesmeyer, MD, PhD, Carol Frey, MD, Johannes Vester, PhD, Markus Maier, PhD, Lowell Weil Jr, DPM, Lowell and patients’ and investigators’ global judgment
Weil Sr, DPM, Martin Russlies, PhD, John Stienstra, DPM, Barry Scurran, DPM, Keith Fedder, MD, Peter Diehl, MD, Heinz of effectiveness 12 weeks and 12 months after
Lohrer, MD, Mark Henne, MD, and Hans Gollwitzer, MD. From the Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma, Technical extracorporeal Shockwave therapy.
University Munich, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Germany, the Department of Joint Arthroplasty and Clinical Science, Mare
Clinic, Kiel, Germany, Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Center, Manhattan Beach, California, IDV Data Analyses and Study
Planning, Biometrics in Medicine, Gauting, Germany, the Department of Orthopaedics, Ludwig Maximilian University,
Munich, Germany, the Weil Foot and Ankle Institute, Des Plaines, Illinois, University Schleswig Holstein, Campus Lübeck,
Lübeck, Germany, the Department of Podiatry, The Permanente Medical Group Inc, Union City, California, the Department of
Orthopaedics, University Rostock, Rostock, Germany, and the Institute of Sports Medicine, Frankfurt Main, Germany.

6 | Scientific Evidence Scientific Evidence | 7

Study #2 - Ultrasonographic Evaluation Methods: Study #3 - Shockwave Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Proximal Hamstring
of Low Energy Extracorporeal Pulse- Patients with chronic recalcitrant plantar fasciitis Tendinopathy in Professional Athletes
Activated Therapy (EPAT) for Chronic were prospectively recruited and underwent EPAT.
Plantar Fasciitis Ultrasound measurement of the plantar fascia and By Angelo Cacchio, MD, Jan D. Rompe, MD, John P. Furia, MD, Piero Susi, MD, Valter Santilli, MD, and Fosco De Paulis, MD

patient-rated pain scores were collected before Investigation performed at Sciuba Diagnostic Imaging and Rehabilitation Center, Sulmona, Italy
By Robert Gordon, MD; Charles Wong, BHSc; Eric J. treatment and at follow-up (minimum of 12 months
Crawford, BHSc Toronto, Canada
post-treatment). Twenty-five subjects (35 feet) met
Background: Results:
the inclusion criteria. The average follow-up time
Chronic Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy is an The patients were observed for a mean of 10.7
was 29.4 ± 13.1 (M ± SD; range, 12 to 54) months.
Background: overuse syndrome that is usually managed by non- months (range, 1-12 months). Six patients were
operative methods. Shockwave therapy has proved lost to follow-up because they underwent a surgical
Ultrasonographic measurement of the plantar
Results: to be effective in many tendinopathies. intervention: 3 (all in TCT group) were lost at 3
fascia can be used to objectively diagnose
plantar fasciitis. The purpose of this study was The average thickness of the plantar fascia of months; 2 (1 in each group), at 6 months; and 1 (in
Hypothesis: the TCT group), at 12 months. Primary follow-up was
to determine the long-term effectiveness of the symptomatic heels was 7.3 ± 2.0 mm before
Extracorporeal Pulse-Activated Therapy (EPAT) - treatment and 6.0 ± 1.3 mm after treatment (p Shockwave therapy may be more effective than at 3 months after the beginning of treatment. The
Shockwave therapy - for the treatment of plantar < 0.001). The average change in thickness of other non-operative treatments for Chronic VAS scores in the SWT and TCT groups were 7 points
fasciitis using ultrasonographic measurement as the treated heels was − 1.3 mm (− 0.8 to − 1.8 Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. before treatment (P = .84), and 2 points and 5 points,
an objective outcome measure, with a minimum mm; 95% CI, p < 0.0001). No correlation was respectively, 3 months after treatment (P < .001).
follow-up of 12 months. found between length of follow-up and change in Study Design: The NPRS scores in the SWT and TCT groups were 5
ultrasound measured plantar fascia thickness (r = − points in either group before treatment (P = .48), and
Randomized controlled clinical study; level of
0.04, p = 0.818). 2 points and 6 points, respectively, 3 months after
evidence, 1.
treatment (P < .001). At 3 months after treatment,
17 of the 20 patients (85%) in the SWT group and 2
Conclusion: Methods:
of the 20 patients (10%) in the TCT group achieved
For patients with a greater than 12-month Forty professional athletes with Chronic Proximal a reduction of at least 50% in pain (P < .001). There
history of heel pain, Shockwave therapy can Hamstring Tendinopathy were enrolled between were no serious complications in the SWT group.
effectively decrease plantar fascia thickness February 1, 2004 and September 30, 2006.
as demonstrated objectively by ultrasound Patients were randomly assigned to receive either
Shockwave therapy, consisting of 2500 impulses Conclusion:
evaluation and reduce patient-reported pain.
No relationship between length of follow-up per session at a 0.18 mJ/mm energy flux density Shockwave therapy is a safe and effective
and change in plantar fascia thickness was without anesthesia, for 4 weeks (SWT group, treatment for patients with Chronic Proximal
found after 12 months. n = 20), or traditional conservative treatment Hamstring Tendinopathy.
consisting of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, physiotherapy and an exercise program for
Source: hamstring muscles (TCT group, n = 20). Patients Source:
were evaluated before treatment, 1 week and 3, American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2011; 39: 146
6, and 12 months after the end of treatment. The DOI: 10.1177/0363546510379324
American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society DOI:
10.3113/FAI.2012.0202 visual analog scale (VAS) score for pain and Nirschl
phase rating scale (NPRS) were used as primary For more information visit:
outcome measures.
For more information visit:

8 | Scientific Evidence Scientific Evidence | 9

Study #4 - Low-Energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy as a Treatment for Medial Study #5 - Eccentric Loading, Shockwave Treatment, or a Wait-and-See Policy for
Tibial Stress Syndrome Tendinopathy of the Main Body of Tendo Achillis - A Randomized Controlled Trial

By Jan D. Rompe, MD, Angelo Cacchio, MD, John P. Furia, MD, and Nicola Maffulli, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS(Orth), FFSEM(UK) Jan D. Rompe, MD, Bernhard Nafe, MD, John P. Furia, MD, PhD, and Nicola Maffulli, MD, PhD, FRCS(Orth)
From OrthoTrauma Evaluation Center, Mainz, Germany, the Department of Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation, San From the OrthoTrauma Clinic, Gruenstadt, Germany, Rüsselheim-Bauschheim, Germany, the SUN Orthopaedic Group,
Salvatore Hospital of L’Aquila, Italy, SUN Orthopaedics, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and the Centre for Sports and Exercise Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Keele, University of Medicine,
Medicine, Barts, and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, England Staffordshire, England

Background: Results: Background: Results:

Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is a pain One month, 4 months and 15 months from Few randomized controlled trials compare different At 4 months from baseline, the Victorian Institute
syndrome along the tibial origin of the tibialis baseline, success rates for the control and methods of management in chronic tendinopathy of Sport Assessment (VISA)-A score increased in all
posterior or soleus muscle. Extracorporeal treatment groups according to the Likert scale of the main body of Tendo Achillis. groups, from 51 to 76 points in group 1 (eccentric
Shockwave therapy (SWT) is effective in numerous were 13% and 30% (P < .001), 30% and 64% (P < loading), from 50 to 70 points in group 2 (repetitive
types of insertional pain syndromes. .001), and 37% and 76% (P < .001), respectively. Purpose: low-energy SWT), and from 48 to 55 points in
One month, 4 months and 15 months from To compare the effectiveness of 3 management group 3 (wait and see). Pain rating decreased in
Hypothesis: baseline, the mean numeric rating scale for the strategies – group 1, eccentric loading; group 2, all groups, from 7 to 4 points in group 1, from
Shockwave therapy is an effective treatment for control and treatment groups were 7.3 and 5.8 (P < repetitive low-energy Shockwave therapy (SWT); 7 to 4 points in group 2, and from 8 to 6 points
chronic MTSS. .001), 6.9 and 3.8 (P < .001), and 5.3 and 2.7 (P < and group 3, wait and see – in patients with chronic in group 3. 15 of 25 patients in group 1 (60%),
.001), respectively. At 15 months from baseline, 40 tendinopathy of the main body of Tendo Achillis. 13 of 25 patients in group 2 (52%), and 6 of 25
Study Design: of the 47 subjects in the treatment group had been patients in group 3 (24%) reported a Likert scale
able to return to their preferred sport at their pre- Study Design: of 1 or 2 points (“completely recovered” or “much
Cohort study; level of evidence, 3.
injury level, as had 22 of the 47 control subjects. improved”). For all outcome measures, groups 1
Randomized controlled trial; level of evidence, 1.
and 2 did not differ significantly. For all outcome
measures, groups 1 and 2 showed significantly
Forty-seven consecutive subjects with chronic Conclusion: Methods:
better results than group 3.
recalcitrant MTSS underwent a standardized Shockwave therapy as applied was an 75 patients with a Chronic Recalcitrant (>6 months)
home training program, and received repetitive effective treatment for MTSS. non-insertional Achilles Tendinopathy were enrolled
low-energy radial SWT (2000 shocks; 2.5 bars in a randomized controlled study. All patients had Conclusion:
of pressure, which is equal to 0.1 mJ/mm 2; received unsuccessful management for >3 months, 4-month follow-up, eccentric loading and
total energy flux density, 200 mJ/mm2; no local Source: including at least (1) peritendinous local injections, Shockwave therapy showed comparable
anesthesia) (treatment group). Forty-seven subjects American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010, 38: 125 (2) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and (3) results. The wait-and-see strategy was
with chronic recalcitrant MTSS were not treated originally published online September 23, 2009 physiotherapy. A computerized random-number ineffective for the management of Chronic
with SWT, but underwent a standardized home DOI: 10.1177/0363546509343804 generator was used to draw up an allocation Recalcitrant Tendinopathy of the main body of
training program only (control group). Evaluation schedule. Analysis was on intention-to-treat basis. the Achilles Tendon.
was by change in numeric rating scale. Degree of For more information visit:
recovery was measured on a 6-point Likert scale
(subjects with a rating of completely recovered or Source:
much improved were rated as treatment success). American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007; 35: 3
DOI: 10.1177/0363546506295940

For more information visit:

10 | Scientific Evidence Scientific Evidence | 11

Study #6 - Radial Shockwave Therapy in Calcifying Tendonitis of the Rotator Cuff –
A Prospective Study

By P. Magosch, S. Lichtenberg, P. Habermeyer. Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie, ATOS-Praxisklinik, Heidelberg, Germany

Aim: RSWT. Radiologically, no calcific deposit was

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence visible in 17.6% 4 weeks after RSWT. There was
of radial Shockwave therapy (RSWT) on the course disintegration in 20.5% and no change in the
of Calcifying Tendonitis of the Rotator Cuff. calcific deposit was apparent in 61.5%. At further
follow-up we found complete resorption of the
calcific deposit in 75% up to 12 months after RSWT
Material and Methods:
and there was no change in 25%. Overall three
35 patients with a mean age of 47.5 years suffering patients (8.5%) had to undergo surgical treatment
for an average of 28 months from Calcifying 3-7 months after RSWT.
Tendonitis with a Gaertner type 2 calcific deposit
with a mean size of 16.6 mm in typical location
(true a.p. view) were treated by low energy Conclusion:
RSWT three times. The acromiohumeral distance Shockwave therapy leads to significant
averaged 10.4 mm measured on the true a.p. pain relief and an improvement in shoulder
view. All patients were followed up clinically and function within the first 4 weeks. In view of
radiologically 4 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months after the the long history, the size and the spontaneous
last treatment. resorption rate of the calcific deposit, an
inductive effect of RSWT on the resorption of
Results: the calcific deposit can be assumed.
The constant score improved significantly (p
< 0.0001) during the first 4 weeks after RSWT
from a mean of 68.5 to a mean of 80.5 points
and remained approximately constant at 3, 6 Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2003 Nov-
and 12 months follow-up. After 4 weeks, 25.7% Dec;141(6):629-36.
of the patients had no pain and 54.3% reported
pain relief. 80.8% of the patients were painfree For more information visit:
and 19.2% reported pain relief 12 months after

12 | Scientific Evidence
When you consider all the superior benefits, you can
understand why Shockwave Canada Inc. is the only
choice that makes sense.

Shockwave Canada Inc.

89 Humber College Blvd., Suite 106
Toronto, ON M9V 1B8 Canada
Phone: (416) 741-SHOC(7462)
Toll Free: 1(888) 741-SHOC(7462)
Fax: (416) 741-8424
Email: [email protected]

For more information on products and scientific evidence, please visit

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