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Review Innovations CE Review for November 2022 – Engineering Mechanics 7

WORK AND ENERGY Coefficient of restitution, e:

v 2 ' - v1 '
Work is defined as the measure of energy transfer when a e=-
v 2 - v1
force moves an object through a distance.
Values of e:
energy transferred = work done
e = 1: perfectly elastic impact
(energy is conserved)
A. Gravitational potential energy = mgh
e = 0: perfectly plastic impact
mass (both particles stay together after impact)

Situation 1: A horse pulls a cart with a force of 200 N at an
angle of 27º with the horizontal and moves along at a speed
m = mass in kg or slug of 10 kph.
g = 9.81 m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2 1. How much work does the horse do in 12 minutes?
h = height from the datum in m or ft 2. Determine the output power of the horse in hp.

B. Elastic Potential Energy = ½ kx2 Situation 2: A ball of mass m = 2.60 kg, starting from rest,
falls a vertical distance h = 55.0 cm before striking a vertical
coiled spring, which it compresses an amount y = 15.0 cm,
until it comes to rest. What is the value the spring stiffness
constant k of the spring? Assume the spring has negligible
x mass and ignore air resistance.
k = spring constant in N/m or lb/ft
x = deformation in meters or feet

C. Kinetic Energy = ½ mv2

m = mass in kg or slug
v = velocity in m/s or ft/s


1 1
k (x 2 2 - x12 ) + m (v 2 2 -v12 ) = +W + (-W)
mg (h 2 -h 1 ) +
2 2
Situation 3: A 2000-lb car starts from rest at point 1 and
Momentum – defined as the product of an object’s mass and moves without friction down the track shown. Using g = 32
its velocity. ft/s2,
p = mv 1. determine the force exerted by the track on the car at
point 2, where the radius of curvature of the track is 20
Newton’s Second Law of Motion ft.
In terms of momentum, the rate of change in momentum of 2. determine the minimum safe value of the radius of
an object is equal to the net force applied to it. curvature at point 3.

Δp mv2 - mv1
 F = Δt = Δt
m (v - v ) Δv
 F = Δt = m Δt 2 1

 F = ma
Impulse delivered by an object is defined as the product of
the force and time over which the force acts.

Situation 4: If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the

Impulse = F t = p
100-kg crate and the plane is μk = 0.25, determine the
compression x of the spring required to bring the crate
Conservation of Momentum
momentarily to rest. Initially the spring is unstretched and
The total momentum of an isolated system of objects remains
the crate is at rest.
m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1’ + m2 v2’

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for November 2022 – Engineering Mechanics 7

Situation 5: A 20-lb collar slides without friction along a

Situation 5: A golf ball of mass 0.045 kg is hit off the tee at a vertical rod as shown. The spring attached to the collar has
speed of 38 m/s. The golf club was in contact with the ball an undeformed length of 4 in. and a constant of 3 lb/in. If the
for 3.5 x 10-3 s. Determine the: collar is released from rest in position. Determine its velocity
3. impulse imparted to the golf ball after it has moved 6 in. to position 2.
4. average force exerted on the ball by the golf club

Situation 6: The magnitude and direction of the velocities of

two identical frictionless balls before they strike each other
are as shown. Assuming e = 0.90, determine the velocity of
each ball after the impact.

Situation 6: As shown in the figure, the block of mass m =

1.6 kg is placed on a horizontal plane and attached to an ideal
PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE: spring. The static and kinetic coefficients of friction between
the block and the plane are given in the figure. The spring
Situation 1: A person pulls a 50-kg crate 40 m along a has a stiffness of k = 30 N/m and is undeformed when x = 0.
horizontal floor by a constant force Fp = 100 N, which acts at The block is launched at x = 0 with the velocity of 6 m/s to
a 37° angle. The floor is rough and exerts a friction force, f = the right.
50 N.
1. Determine the net work done on the crate.
2. Determine the required power (in hp) to pull the crate in
10 seconds.

Situation 2: Assuming the average retarding force on the car

is FR = 700 N throughout, determine the power required of a
1400 kg car under the following circumstances.
1. Determine the value of x when the block first comes to
1. The car climbs a 10° hill at a steady velocity of 80 kph.
2. The car accelerates along a level road from 90 to 110 kph
2. Find the speed of the block when it reaches x = 0 for the
in 6.0 seconds to pass another car.
second time.
Situation 3: A dart of mass 0.100 kg is pressed against the
spring of a toy dart gun. The spring, with spring stiffness
Situation 7: A 12-kg hammer strikes a nail at a velocity of 7.5
constant k = 250 N/m and ignorable mass, is compressed 6.0
m/s and comes to rest in a time interval of 8.0 ms.
cm and released. If the dart detaches from the spring when
1. What is the impulse given to the nail?
the spring reaches its natural length, what speed does the
dart acquire? 2. What is the average force acting on the nail?

Situation 4: In the figure below, neglecting the size of the car Situation 8: The 50-kg boy jumps on the 5-kg skateboard
and the passenger, with a horizontal velocity of 5 m/s. Determine the distance s
1. Determine the required height h of the roller coaster so the boy reaches up the inclined plane before momentarily
that when it is essentially at rest at the crest of the hill A coming to rest. Neglect the skateboard’s rolling resistance.
it will reach a speed of 100 kph when it comes to the
bottom B.
2. What should be the minimum radius of curvature for the
track at B so that the passengers do not experience a
normal force greater than 4mg N? Use g = 9.81 m/s2.

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for November 2022 – Engineering Mechanics 7
Situation 9: A 125-kg astronaut (including space suit) 1. Determine the coefficient of restitution between the truck
acquires a speed of 2.5 m/s by pushing off with her legs from and car.
a 1900-kg space capsule. using the position of the capsule 2. Determine the velocity of the truck after the collision.
before the push as the reference frame, 3. Determine the velocity of the car after collision.
1. What is the change in speed of the space capsule? 4. Determine the loss of energy due to the collision.
2. If the push lasts 0.600 s, what is the average force exerted
by each on the other? Situation 15: A 28-g rifle bullet traveling 190 m/s embeds
3. What is the kinetic energy of the astronaut after the push? itself in a 3.1-kg pendulum hanging on a 2.8-m-long string,
4. What is the kinetic energy of the capsule after the push? which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc.
Determine the:
Situation 10: A man kicks the 150-g ball such that it leaves
the ground at an angle of 60° and strikes the ground at the 1. velocity of the bullet and the pendulum after impact
same elevation at a distance of 12 m away. Determine the 2. vertical component of the pendulum’s maximum
impulse of his foot on the ball at A. displacement
3. horizontal component of the pendulum’s maximum

Situation 16: A hockey puck is traveling to the left with a

velocity of v1 = 10 m/s when it is struck by a hockey stick
and given a velocity of v2 = 20 m/s as shown. Determine the
magnitude of the net impulse exerted by the hockey stick on
the puck. The puck has a mass of 0.2 kg.

Situation 11: The two balls masses 5 and 8kg are moving at
6m/s and 3m/s, respectively. Determine their velocities after
impact if the balls are moving:
1. in the same direction assuming perfectly elastic action.
2. in the opposite direction with e = 0.8.
3. in the same direction assuming perfectly plastic impact.

Situation 12: Calculate the recoil velocity of a 5.0-kg rifle that

shoots a 0.050-kg bullet at a speed of 120 m/s. Hint:
Conservation of Momentum. Answer Key:

Situation 13: The two disks A and B have a mass of 3 kg and 1. 1,194.54 J, 0.16 hp
5 kg, respectively. If they collide with the initial velocities 2. 91.89 hp, 81.77 hp
shown, determine their velocities just after impact. The 3. 3.0 m/s
coefficient of restitution is e = 0.65. 4. 39.33 m, 26.22 m
5. 4.91 ft/s
6. 1.285 m, 5.09 m/s
7. 90 kg-m/s, 11,250 N
8. 2.11 m
9. 0.1645 m/s, 520.83 m/s, 390.63 J, 25.71 J
10. 1.749 kg-m/s
11. V1’ = 2.31 m/s, V2’ = 5.31 m/s, V1’ = -3.97 m/s, V2’ =
3.23 m/s, V1’ = 4.15 m/s, V2’ = 4.15 m/s
12. -1.2 m/s
13. vA’ = 3.80 m/s, vB’ = 6.51 m/s
Situation 14: The 5000 kg truck and 2000 kg car are traveling
14. 0.75, 20 kph, 35 kph, 9.65 kJ
with the freerolling velocities shown just before they collide.
15. 1.701 m/s, 0.147 m, 0.895 m
After the collision, the car moves with a velocity of 15 kph to
16. 5.679 kg-m/s
the right relative to the truck.

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998

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