XMFV6.8 UserGuide EN v1.1

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User Guide
XMF Overview

XMF Overview

Printing Press
Input Files Post-processor
PDF Job Creation Page Mapping Imposition Print






Pagination Mode [Job Edit] Screen


Imposition View

Maintenance and Administration · Centralised
management of native
ColorPath Organizer [Administration] Screen data in XMF shared
•• Media Profiles •• Templates folder (Optional)

•• Linearisation •• Press Device Profiles

•• Characterisation •• Ink Management
•• Archive Storage


XMF Overview..................................................................................... 2 4.1.1. Creating a Job Template....................................................................................................................44
4.1.2. Common Settings..................................................................................................................................45
Part 1 – Introduction........................................................ 4 4.1.3. Printing Press Information Settings.............................................................................................49
1.1. XMF Operations.......................................................................... 5 4.1.4. Plate Settings.............................................................................................................................................51
1.2. XMF Operation Examples........................................................... 6 4.1.5. Saving a Job Template.........................................................................................................................54
1.3. XMF Job Structure...................................................................... 7 4.1.6. 1-bit TIFF Output Work........................................................................................................................55

Part 2 – Startup................................................................. 8 4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job................................................. 58

4.2.1. Creating a New Stripping Template............................................................................................62
2.1. Installing XMF Client.................................................................. 8
2.1.1. Installing on a Windows PC.................................................................................................................8 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout..................................................................................................63

2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh..................................................................................................................12 4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job............................................................................................71

4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job....................................................................................................................75
2.2. Starting and Closing XMF........................................................ 17
4.2.5. Signature Proof Output.......................................................................................................................84
2.2.1. Starting XMF Server..............................................................................................................................17
2.2.2. Starting XMF Client ..............................................................................................................................18 Part 5 – Others................................................................ 86
2.2.3. Closing XMF Client................................................................................................................................19 5.1. Input Process............................................................................. 86
2.2.4. Closing XMF Server ..............................................................................................................................20 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping..............................................................................................................................86
5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)........................................96
Part 3 – Maintenance...................................................... 21
5.1.3. Inputting Replacement Data # (Creation of Multipage PDF After
3.1. XMF Maintenance Flow............................................................ 21
3.2. Recorder Linearisation............................................................. 22
5.1.4. Inputting Replacement Data $ (Automatic Mapping with a Rule Definition
3.2.1. Opening the Linearisation Curve Creation Screen............................................................24
XML File).........................................................................................................................................................104
3.2.2. Creating a Linearisation Curve.......................................................................................................25
5.2. Imposition...............................................................................107
3.2.3. Checking a Linearisation Curve.....................................................................................................29
5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition.........................................................................................................107
3.2.4. Adding a Screen Set.............................................................................................................................30
5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern.............................................................................................113
3.3. Printing Press Characterisation............................................... 32
5.3. Switching Press Devices.........................................................122
3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve...............................................................................................35
5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data..............................................125
3.3.2. Applying a Characterisation Curve..............................................................................................40
5.4.1. Setting Job Automatic Archive/Auto Job Deletion.......................................................125
Part 4 – Basic Operations................................................ 42 5.4.2. Archiving a Job.....................................................................................................................................126
4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF................................................................. 42 5.4.3. Restoring an Archive File................................................................................................................128

Part 1 – Introduction
FUJIFILM WORKFLOW XMF (referred to in this manual as "XMF") is a PDF/JDF compatible workflow RIP that uses Adobe PDF Print Engine. In addition, use of Mercury RIP architecture
enhances parallel processing. XMF enables centralised management of all processes from data input to production, imposition and output. This helps users make efficiency and
labour savings in printing production processes.

Input/Production Composition/Imposition Device Output

•• This manual describes the basic operations of XMF using examples of typical use. For descriptions of items, detailed settings or functions not included in this manual, see the supplied Reference Manual.

Part 1 – Introduction

1.1. XMF Operations

XMF is divided into separate applications; a server application called XMF Server, and a client application called XMF Client.
Routine operations such as data input, imposition, checking the job progress, and controlling the output device are performed using XMF Client that is installed on the client computer (Windows PC or Mac
OS X), while the actual computing processes and database management are performed on the server side.

XMF Client XMF Server

Client Application Communication Server Application
Input → Layout → Output RIP Processing/System Administration

■ Input/Job Management
PC 1


■ RIP Processes
■ Device Management
■ Maintenance
■ Imposition/Flat Work
PC 2

■ Device Output Control PC 3 TIFF Connected



Part 1 – Introduction

1.2. XMF Operation Examples

XMF is structured so that work progress and output devices are managed in units known as "jobs". These "jobs" contain all the relevant information, including the input data, imposition settings and output
destination devices. Information can be freely changed or added for each job.
This means that XMF can be used to construct a job system that is perfectly matched to a printing company's size or operation flow, all the way from simple RIP operations up to complex multi-site

Simple RIP Operation

Input Settings Device Settings

Imposition Operation

Input Settings Imposition Settings Device Settings

Multi-site/Multi-device Operation

Input Settings Imposition Settings " Device Settings A

Imposition Settings # Device Settings B

Device Settings C

Part 1 – Introduction

1.3. XMF Job Structure

In XMF, different types of information such as input processes, impositions and output settings are managed as "templates".
A job workflow can be constructed by freely combining these templates.


Input Settings Imposition Settings Device Settings

Input File Name Imposition Output File Name

Templates Templates Templates

Page Mapping Collation Mark Press Device

Templates Templates Profiles

Custom Marks

Barcode Templates

Template and Profile Sets

Part 2 – Startup
Part 2 describes the procedures for installing, starting and closing the software required for operating XMF.

2.1. Installing XMF Client

XMF Client can be installed on multiple client machines.
This section describes the procedures for installing XMF Client on a Windows PC and a Macintosh. This section also explains the upgrading procedures.

2.1.1. Installing on a Windows PC

1 Set the XMF installation DVD in the disk drive.

The confirmation screen for the software licence agreement is

••• If the confirmation screen for the software licence agreement is not
displayed automatically, double-click [ ] in the installation
DVD to start the installation.

When Upgrading XMF Client

When XMF Server is upgraded, the [Version Error] dialog may
appear at the XMF Client startup. In this case, downloading the
XMF Client upgrade installer and upgrading the XMF Client may
be required (page 19).
To start upgrading, decompress the downloaded XMF Client
installer file, and double-click [Setup.exe].
2 Select [Accept], and then click [Next].

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.1. Installing on a Windows PC

3 Select [Install Client Only] as the installation

type, and then click [Next].
1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
2 6-# 9 10-#
••• When upgrading XMF Client, select [Install Upgrade].
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
When Upgrading XMF Client
In an environment where multiple4 XMF Servers 11 XMF
6-&or multiple 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 and10-&
Clients are installed, the following screen is displayed.
Select the install folder for the XMF Client to be upgraded, 10-
click [Next].
7-# 10-'
7-$ 10-(

4 Select [Microsoft Windows GUI Clients] as the

XMF Client type to be installed, and then click

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.1. Installing on a Windows PC

5 Specify the software installation location, and

then click [Next].
If no specification is made, the default installation location (C:\
Program Files\FujiFilm\XMF) is used.

6 Check the installation location path again,

and then click [Next].
The installation starts.
•• Wait until the screen changes.

••• Once the installation starts, it cannot be cancelled while in progress.

Check the settings carefully before starting the installation.

5 When Upgrading XMF Client

In [Install Confirmation] screen, click [Open release notes] to
display and confirm the release note. When the confirmation
is completed, the [Release notes read] check box is checked
and the [Install] button becomes available, allowing you to start

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.1. Installing on a Windows PC

7 While [Launch Applications Now] is selected

after the installation is completed, click
XMF Client starts.

••• To log in to XMF Client, XMF Server must be running already.

8 When the XMF Client login screen is displayed,

enter the predefined password and click
Check that XMF Client starts correctly.
7 •• If you do not know the password, contact the administrator.

This completes the installation or upgrading of XMF Client on a

Windows OS.

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh

2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh

1 Set the XMF installation DVD in the disk drive.

2 2 Double-click and expand [Clients.dmg] in
[Mac] folder on the installation DVD.

When Upgrading XMF Client

When XMF Server is upgraded, the [Version Error] dialog may
appear at the XMF Client startup. In this case, downloading the
XMF Client upgrade installer and upgrading the XMF Client may
be required (page 19).
To start upgrading, decompress the downloaded XMF Client
installer file, and double-click and expand [Clients.dmg].

3 Open the mounted [Clients] folder, and

then add [XMF Client.app] to the Macintosh
[Applications] folder.
This completes the installation of the XMF Client application on a
Mac OS.
Next, add the module required for XMF Client operations to the
3 Mac OS.

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh

4 Double-click and expand [Silverlight.dmg] in

[Mac] folder on the installation DVD.
5 Open the mounted [ ] folder, and then
double-click [Silverlight.pkg].
5 The Silverlight installer starts.

6 Check the details, and then click [Continue].

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh

7 Check the details of the licence agreement,

and then click [Continue].
The confirmation dialog for the licence agreement is displayed.

8 Check the details, and then click [Agree].

The confirmation screen for the installation location is displayed.

Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh

9 Check the details, and then click [Install].

The installation starts.
•• Wait until the installation is completed.

10 Click [Close].
This completes the installation of Silverlight on a Mac OS.
Lastly, check the XMF Client operation.


Part 2 – Startup

2.1. Installing XMF Client / 2.1.2. Installing on a Macintosh

11 Double-click [XMF Client] that you copied into

[Applications] folder.
XMF Client starts.

••• To log in to XMF Client, XMF Server must be running already.

11 12 When the XMF Client login screen is displayed,

enter the predefined password and click
Check that XMF Client starts correctly.
•• If you do not know the password, contact the administrator.

This completes the installation of XMF Client on a Mac OS.


Part 2 – Startup

2.2. Starting and Closing XMF

The server machine on which the XMF server application is installed and the client computer on which the XMF client application is installed are always communicating information with each other. For this
reason, closing the XMF server application improperly will cut off communication with the client side, and may cause problems.
This section describes the procedures for starting and closing the XMF application correctly to ensure safe use of XMF.

2.2.1. Starting XMF Server

1 In [Start] menu of Windows Server, select [All

Programs] > [FUJIFILM Workflow XMF] > [XMF
Server] to execute XMF Server.
[Fujifilm Applications] starts.
You can check the starting status of the XMF system in [Fujifilm
Applications] window.
Wait until the indicator colour turns green.

Indicates that the starting process is

being executed.

Indicates that the XMF system

started correctly.

•• After the XMF Server starting process starts, it is minimised automatically in

the Windows system tray. To display again, double-click the XMF Server icon
in the system tray.

XMF Server icon

Part 2 – Startup

2.2. Starting and Closing XMF / 2.2.2. Starting XMF Client

2.2.2. Starting XMF Client

1 Start the XMF client application.

•• For Windows
In [Start] menu, select [All Programs] > [FUJIFILM Workflow
XMF] > [XMF Client].
•• For Macintosh
Double-click [XMF Client.app] in [Move] > [Applications].

2 2 When [Login] dialog is displayed, enter [User

name], [Password] and [Server].
••• If you do not know the user name, password or server name, contact
the XMF administrator. Note that the default settings when XMF is
deployed are as follows.
−− [User name]: "administrator"
−− [Password]: "administrator"
−− [Server]: Computer name or IP address of the Windows Server on
which XMF Server is installed

3 Click [Connect].
The XMF client application starts.

Part 2 – Startup

2.2. Starting and Closing XMF / 2.2.3. Closing XMF Client

When XMF Server Is Upgraded (Upgrading XMF Client) $ Click [OK] to display the following dialog, and then click [Yes].

When XMF Server is upgraded, downloading the XMF Client upgrade installer and upgrading
XMF Client may also be required. For each computer where XMF Client is installed, perform the
following procedures to check if upgrading is necessary and, if necessary, proceed to upgrading.
" Start the upgraded XMF Server.
# Start XMF Client and access to the XMF Server ".
If the following [Version Error] dialog appears, upgrading XMF Client is necessary. % When [Save As] screen is displayed, select the destination folder to save the XMF Client installer
Proceed to step $. If not, upgrading is not necessary. file, and then click [Save].
Downloading the installer file starts. When downloading is completed, [Download successful]
dialog appears.
& Click [OK].
Decompress the downloaded file, and go on to installing XMF Client.
For detailed installation procedures, see “2-1 Installing XMF Client” (page 8).

2.2.3. Closing XMF Client

1 1 Click [ ] in the main client desktop screen.

[Close XMF Client?] dialog is displayed.

2 Click [Yes].

Part 2 – Startup

2.2. Starting and Closing XMF / 2.2.4. Closing XMF Server

2.2.4. Closing XMF Server

1 Double-click the XMF Server icon in the

1 system tray to display [Fujifilm Applications]

2 Click [Force] or [When idle].

•• When [Force] is clicked, the server is closed even if a job is in
•• When [When idle] is clicked, the server is closed after the job in

progress is completed.

3 Click [Yes] in the close confirmation dialog.

The server closing process starts.
After the process is completed, [Fujifilm Applications] screen
•• Database backup is performed using Database Backup Utility. For details on
Database Backup Utility, see the supplied Reference Manual.

Part 3 – Maintenance
XMF can be used to perform centralised management of various output devices on a server. Part 3 describes the maintenance operations that are required for this device
management. These operations are recorder linearisation and characterisation.

3.1. XMF Maintenance Flow

In XMF, media quality management such as linearisation and characterisation is performed using the supplied ColorPath Organizer. The information set in ColorPath Organizer is managed on the XMF side
as information for output devices such as recorders or printing presses. Examples of basic maintenance flows are shown below.





Printing Media Profile


Press Device

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation

The main objective of XMF linearisation is to correct the steps that occur when exposing plates by performing linear adjustment for the recorder.
In general, linearisation must be performed for each screen that is used. However in some cases, for example when the resolution is the same for screens such as AM 150 lpi and AM 175 lpi, the same
linearisation values can be used.

Linearisation Objective

Before Linearisation After Linearisation

Deviation occurs in steps When linearisation is
when exposing plates performed, the exposure
amount is controlled,
and the step deviation is

Linearisation Workflow
This section uses the following work environment to describe the procedure for creating a new linearisation curve.
Linearisation Chart Output Chart Measurement Actual Value Entry and Verification
Output the chart before performing adjustment. Use a colorimeter to measure the screen. Enter the actual values, output again and check.
•• Perform the linearisation
work after adjusting the
recorder and checking
the condition of the
auto developer fluid.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation

Operation Flow

Start ColorPath Open the Linearisation

Select Plate Device Select Recorder Cassette
Organizer Curve Creation Screen

Linearisation Curve Creation Screen

Enter Curve Name
Select Screen Measure Add Screen
Output Chart Linearisation
Set Chart Set
Curve Editing
Select Curve

Add Sub Screen Set

Verify Save

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.1. Opening the Linearisation Curve Creation Screen

3.2.1. Opening the Linearisation Curve Creation Screen

First, open the linearisation curve creation screen from the XMF main
client desktop.

1 1 6 8 10-" 10-
1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.
2 6
The main screen of ColorPath Organizer is-#
displayed.9 10-# 10-
-$ 10
2 Select the plate device3to be6adjusted. 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
3 Select the cassette to be5 adjusted. 7-" 13
3 10-& 10-
4 Click [Linearize]. 7-# 10-'

The linearisation curve creation screen is displayed.
•• For details on the other settings and operations of ColorPath Organizer, see
the supplied Reference Manual.

2 4

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.2. Creating a Linearisation Curve

3.2.2. Creating a Linearisation Curve

Next, actually create the new linearisation curve.

1-' 1 Set [Select Curve to Edit] 6-" 8 10-"

1 screen. 10-

2editing6-# 9 curve,
In [Select Curve to Edit] screen, select the work to perform from
creating a new linearisation curve, a linearisation 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$
and applying a linearisation curve to a screen set.
In this example, a new linearisation curve is created. 10-
4 6-&Curve]. 11 10-% 10-
1-% " Select [Create a New Linearization

# Enter any linearisation curve 5 name 7-"in [Curve

13 Name].10-& 10-
1-& 7-#
In this example, "LinGroup1" is entered.
plate to be adjusted.
$ Specify positive or negative according to the type of
% Select the resolution of the screen set in [Resolution].

& Set the number of reference points in the chart in

[Step Wedge Type].
In this example, [21 Points Step Wedge] is selected.

' Click [Expose Chart].

••• Select [Step Wedge Type] - [Custom Step Wedge] to set any reference
points for the chart. You can also save or load a reference point pattern.
••• To create a linearisation curve without outputting a chart, click [Edit
Curve] to proceed to [Edit a Linearization Curve] screen.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.2. Creating a Linearisation Curve

2 Set [Expose Chart] screen.

1 6-" 8 10-"
[Expose Chart] screen is used to select the target screen set for
2-$ linearisation, and to output the chart. 10-
" Select the target screen 2 -# 9 in [Screen
set for6linearisation 10-# 10-
3 6-$ 10
•• Enter search conditions in [Type], [Recorder Type], 10-$ 10-
[Screening Family], [Ruling/Dot
4 Size],
[Comment] to narrow down the list display.
Shape] or
10-% 10-
# Click [Expose Chart].
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
The chart output job is registered in -#and executed10-'
The chart is output from the recorder. 10-(
$ Click [Next].

••• When [TIFF Export] is selected in [Plate Device], the chart output file is
output to the output folder specified in Configuration Tool.

3 Measure the chart.

Use the dedicated measuring device to measure each reference
point (step).

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.2. Creating a Linearisation Curve

4 Set [Edit a Linearization Curve] screen.

6-" 8curve. 10-"
1 a linearisation
[Edit a Linearization Curve] screen is used to enter the actual
4-# values of a measured chart to create 10-
" Enter the actual values of 2the chart
6-#for each 9 reference
10-# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$
# Click [Next].
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
4-" 5 7-" 13 10-&
••• To create a linearisation curve using the smoothing function, select
7-# 10-'
[Apply Smoothing]. The entire curve is interpolated based on the
entered values.
7-$ 10-(

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.2. Creating a Linearisation Curve

5 Set [Select the Screen Sets] screen.

1 6being 8 and10
[Select the Screen Sets] screen is used to add screen sets to which
5 to apply the linearisation curve currently -" created, to -" 10-
In this example, [Save] is clicked 2
output a verification chart.
without 9 set.10The-#
-# a screen 10-
confirmation dialog is displayed.
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
6 Click [No] to finish the 4work.6-& 11 10-% 10-
Curve to Edit] screen. 5 7-" 13 10-&
•• To continue linearisation work, click [Yes] to return to [Select
This completes the creation of the linearisation curve. 10-'
7-$ 10-(

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.3. Checking a Linearisation Curve

3.2.3. Checking a Linearisation Curve

Check the application status of the linearisation curve that you set.
The linearisation information that is applied to screen sets can be

1 1 6-" 8 10-"
checked in [Screening] pane of the XMF job settings.
1 Click [View Job Settings] 2 in6[Job
-# Edit] 9 screen.
10-# 10-
2 Click [ ] to display [Screening] 3 6-$ pane. 10 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
2 3 Click [Browse] in [Available 5 7
Screen Sets].
-" 13 10-&
[Screen Sets] dialog is displayed. 10-
7-# 10-'
4 Check [Linearised] column.7-$
An icon is displayed in [Linearised] column for the screen sets
which the linearisation curve has been applied.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.4. Adding a Screen Set

3.2.4. Adding a Screen Set

2 This section describes how to apply a linearisation curve that has

already been created to another screen set.

1 6-" 8
4 1 Display the linearisation curve creation 10-" 10-
screen. 2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
3 3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
2 Select [Apply Linearization
4 6
Curve to Screen
11 10-%
Sets] in [Select Curve to Edit]-&
screen. 10-
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
3 Select the linearisation curve7-#
to be applied in
[Curve Name]. 10-'
7-$ 10-(
4 Click [Next].
[Select the Screen Sets] screen is displayed.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.2. Recorder Linearisation / 3.2.4. Adding a Screen Set

8 5 Select the screen set to which to apply the

linearisation curve in [Screen Sets].
1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
6 Click [ ] to add the2selected 6-# screen9 set10to-# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$
[Screen Sets to Apply to the Linearization] list.
5 7 Select the added screen4 set6and 11[Verify].
-& click 10-% 10-

5 7-" 13 10-&
The chart output job is registered in XMF and executed
automatically. 10-
The chart is output from the recorder.
7-# 10-'
8 Check the output results, and 7-$click [Save]10
if -(
there are no problems.

This completes the work for applying an existing linearisation curve to

7 a screen set.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation

Characterisation curve correction is used to correct dot deviation caused by the ink dot gain that occurs mainly when outputting with a printing press, and returns the deviated values to appropriate values.
For example, there is slight loss in the central density of gradation when exposing a film. By correcting these areas with a characterisation curve, the central density loss can be corrected.

Characterisation Objective

Without With Characterisation

Characterisation Curve (After Correction)
Curve (Linear) Corrected to an appropriate
The neutral density of neutral density value.
magenta is too high.

Colour Chart Output Results Colour Chart Output Results

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation

Characterisation Curve Creation Flow

This section uses the following operation example to describe the procedure for creating a new characterisation curve.

Colour Chart Output Chart Measurement Characterisation Curve Creation

Output the colour chart before performing adjustment. Use a colorimeter to measure the density values. Create a correction curve based on the actual values.

Verification and Saving Media Profile Registration

Output and check the correction results. Register the curve in the paper (media) profile managed
by XMF.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation

Operation Flow

Start ColorPath Organizer

Apply Characterisation

Characterisation Curve Creation Screen

Basic Settings
Enter Curve Name
Select Target Output Chart Characterisation Save
Curve Editing
Inks for Curve Values
Select Curve

Press Media Profile Editor Screen

Apply Characterisation Curve to

Edit Existing Media Profile Save
Screen Set

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve

3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve

1 Open the characterisation curve creation screen from the XMF main
client desktop, and create a characterisation curve.

1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

The main screen of ColorPath Organizer is displayed.

2 Click [Characterization].
[Characterization Curve Management] screen is displayed.

3 Click [Create].
In this example, a new characterisation curve is created.
The characterisation curve creation screen is displayed.

•• For details on the other settings and operations of ColorPath Organizer, see
the supplied Reference Manual.
•• You can load a created characterisation curve file directly by clicking [Update
from file] on the [Characterization Curve Management] screen.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve

4-' 4 Set [Base Settings] screen. 1 6-" 8 10-" 10-

2 information 9 10-#
6-# settings.
[Base Settings] screen is used to configure the chart output
conditions, inks, and device/media 10-
4-" " Enter any characterisation name10
3 curve6-$ in 10-$ 10-
4-# [Characterization Curve Name].
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
4-$ In this example, "CharaGroup1" is entered.
5 7-" 13chart10
# Set the number of reference points in the in -& 10-
[Step Wedge Type]. 7-# 10-'
In this example, [23 Points Step Wedge] is selected.
4-% $ In [Ink Application Settings], select whether to apply
a different curve to each individual ink, or apply the
same curve to all inks.
In this example, [Apply Different Curves to Each Ink] is
4-& selected.

% When setting a spot ink as the characterisation target,

select the spot ink and click [ ].
In this example, because spot inks are not included, the
setting is not changed.

& Set the device/media information.

The device/media information is registered as a curve
creation condition. This setting is optional.

' Click [Expose Chart].

••• Select [Step Wedge Type] - [Custom Step Wedge] to set any reference
points for the chart. You can also save or load a reference point pattern.
••• To create a characterisation curve without outputting a chart, click [Enter
Curve data] to proceed to [Enter Curve Data] screen.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve

5-% 5 Set [Expose Chart] screen.

1 set for6-" 8 10
[Expose Chart] screen is used to select the plate device to use for
chart output and the target screen characterisation, -"
and to 10-
output the chart.
2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
" Select the plate device and cassette to use for chart
5-" output. 3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
# Select the target screen 4 -& 11 10
set for6characterisation in -% 10-
[Screen Sets].
5 7-" 13 10-&
•• Enter search conditions in [Type], [Resolution], [Recorder
7-#Size], [Dot Shape]
Type], [Screening Family], [Ruling/Dot 10 or
[Comment] to narrow down the list display.
5-# $ Click [Expose Chart].
The chart output job is registered in XMF and executed
The chart is output from the recorder.

% Click [Next].

5-$ ••• When [TIFF Export] is selected in [Plate Device], the chart output file is
output to the output folder specified in Configuration Tool.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve

6 Print the chart with the printing press, and

measure the chart.
1 6-" 8 point-"
Use the dedicated colorimeter to measure each reference 10 10-

2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
7 Set [Enter Curve Data] screen. 7-# 10-'
7-$a characterisation10-(
[Enter Curve Data] screen is used to create
7-" curve by entering the actual values of a chart, and to output a
verification chart.

" Click [Actual] tab, enter the actual values for each ink,
and create the characterisation curve.

# Click [Verify].
[Expose Chart to Verify the Curve] dialog is displayed.

••• If the target curve values have been determined in advance, you can
create a characterisation curve by entering the target curve values in
[Target] tab.
••• To create a characterisation curve using the smoothing function, select
[Apply Smoothing]. The entire curve is interpolated based on the
entered values.
••• A created curve can be saved with [Save Curve]. A saved curve can be
loaded with [Load Curve].
••• When spot inks are the target for characterisation, enter the spot ink
curve values in [Spots] tab.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.1. Creating a Characterisation Curve

8 Output the verification chart.

1Chart]6-"screen are8selected
In [Expose Chart to Verify the Curve] dialog, the plate device and
screen set that were set in [Expose 10by-" 10-
2 6-# 9 10-#
default. If no change is necessary, simply click [Verify] to output
the verification chart. 10-
" Click [Verify]. 3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-%
The chart output job is registered in XMF and executed
automatically. 10-
5 from7the-"recorder.
The verification chart is output 13 10-& 10-
# Click [Cancel]. 7-# 10-'
[Expose Chart to Verify the Curve] dialog closes.
9 Print the verification chart, and click [Save] if
there are no problems.

This completes the creation of the characterisation curve.

Next, register the created characterisation curve as XMF printing press


Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.2. Applying a Characterisation Curve

3.3.2. Applying a Characterisation Curve

Register the created characterisation curve as media information for a
printing device managed by XMF.

1 Click [Media] in ColorPath 1 Organizer.

6-" 8 10-" 10-
2 Select the press device2(offset 6-#press)9to be10set.-# 10-
3 Select the media profile3to which 6-$ 10 to apply 10the-$ 10-
characterisation curve.4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
3 5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
4 Click [Edit].
[Press Media Profile Editor] screen is displayed. 10-'
characterisation curve, click [New] and7-$
•• If there is no media profile to which to apply the
create a media profile.

Part 3 – Maintenance

3.3. Printing Press Characterisation / 3.3.2. Applying a Characterisation Curve

5 In [Characterization Curves] list, select

8 the screen set to which to apply the
8 10-"
characterisation curve.1 6-" 10-
2 6
•• Enter search conditions in [Characterization 9
-# Curve], 10-#
[Resolution], [Recorder Type], [Screening Family], [Ruling/
3 6to-$
Dot Size], [Dot Shape] or [Comment] 10
narrow down the 10list -$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
6 Select the created characterisation
5 7-" 13 curve in
10-& 10-
[Characterization Curves].
7-# 10-'
7 Click [Set]. 7-$ 10-(
The characterisation curve is applied to the screen set.

8 Click [Save].
5 This completes the registration of the characterisation curve for the
printing press.

6 •• For details on the other settings and operations in [Press Media Profile Editor]

7 screen, see the supplied Reference Manual.

Part 4 – Basic Operations
Jobs in XMF are highly customisable, providing flexible support for a wide variety of operation types.
Part 4 uses examples of basic operations to describe typical methods of using XMF, from standard RIP output to progress management of multiple page jobs.

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF

One of the basic operations of XMF is the "RIP function", which converts PDF and PS files used for printing into binary data used for plates.
This section uses the following example to describe the procedure from converting single page PDF data into plate data to outputting the data as 1-bit TIFF.

Example: 1-bit TIFF Output

Input Data B2Poster.pdf
Input Method Drop Folder Input
Specified Location of Drop Folder F:\XMF_Public\DropFolder\1bitTIFF_OUT
Output Method 1-bit TIFF (LZW Compression)
Screening Family For Luxel T9800CTP, Square, 175 lpi/2400 dpi

Data Input RIP Processes Data Output (Separated 1-bit TIFF, LZW Compression)



RIP Pre-process Rasterisation Screening

(Vector) Process



Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF

Operation Flow

Common Settings Printing Press Settings

Create New Input Settings Overprint

Page Prep Select Press Select Output Select Press
Template Preferences Job Info
Workflow Item Printing Press Paper

Font Settings Others

Plate Settings

Add Plates
Set Imposition Set Device Settings Select Media Select Screening
Workflow Item


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.1. Creating a Job Template

4.1.1. Creating a Job Template

First, create a job template for converting 1-bit TIFF.

1 1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

[Administration] screen is displayed.
2 Create a new job template.
" Click [Templates].
2-# # Select [Job Templates] in [Select a template type].

$ Select [NewDefault], and then click [New].

[Job Edit] screen for creating a new job template is displayed.


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.2. Common Settings

4.1.2. Common Settings

In the job settings panel in the bottom right of [Job Edit] screen, configure the process settings as appropriate for the application.
This section describes the following settings, which are frequently used as common settings.

Input Set the data input method.

Page Prep Preferences Set the various processing methods for data
Fonts Set the processing method for the fonts in the
input data.
Overprint Define the overprint rules for RIP.

Job Info Enter the basic information for jobs, such as

the job name and processing priority.

•• For details on the other settings, see the supplied Reference Manual.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.2. Common Settings

1 Configure the input settings.

[Input] pane is mainly used to set the drop folder for data input.

" Click [ ] to display [Input] pane.

# Click [Add].
1-# [File Browser] dialog is displayed.

$ Select the location of the drop folder.

In this example, "F:\XMF_Public\DropFolder\1bitTIFF_OUT" is
1-$ % Click [Add].
The selected folder is set as the drop folder in the
corresponding job template.


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.2. Common Settings

2 Configure the page preparation preferences.

[Page Prep Preferences] pane is mainly used to define the
processing rules for spot colours and configure the autoflow
process settings.

" Click [ ] to display [Page Prep Preferences] pane.

2-# # Set the spot colour output in [Print Mode].
•• In this example, [Print As Spot] is selected.

3 Configure the font process settings.

In [Fonts] pane, set the font embedding at data input, and the
process if a font cannot be found.
In this example, the setting is configured to generate an error if a
font does not exist.

" Click [ ] to display [Fonts] pane.

3-" # Select [Fail Font Embedding if Named Font Cannot be


$ Deselect [Use Font Emulation].



Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.2. Common Settings

4 Configure the overprint settings.

[Overprint] pane is mainly used to define the overprint process
rules for text and line art.
In this example, the settings are configured so that the XMF

overprint function is not used.

" Click [ ] to display [Overprint] pane.

# Select [Respect document settings] in [Overprint


$ Deselect all the items in [White Overprint].

4-$ % Deselect [Use Creative Suite Blending].

4-% 5 Configure the job information settings.

[Job Info] pane is mainly used to set the job template name and
processing priority.
In this example, "TIFFExport" is set as the job template name.

" Click [ ] to display [Job Info] pane.

5-" # Enter [TIFFExport] in [Job Name].

This completes the configuration of the basic common settings.

5-# Next, configure the settings for the printing press information.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.3. Printing Press Information Settings

4.1.3. Printing Press Information Settings

This section describes how to configure the settings for the printing
press information in [ Press] workflow item.

1 Configure the device parameter settings.

[Device Parameters] pane is mainly used to configure the printing
press information and CIP4 output settings.

" Click [ Press] in [Job Workflow Manager] pane.

[Device Parameters] pane for [ Press] is displayed in the
bottom right of [Job Edit] screen.

# Select any printing press in [Press Device].

$ Select [Generate CIP4 Output].

••• When you execute a job after selecting [Output CIP4 concurrently

1-$ with plates] with [Generate CIP4 Output] selected, CIP4 data is output
concurrently with plate output.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.3. Printing Press Information Settings

2 Configure the media settings.

[Media] pane is mainly used to configure the media to use for
2-" printing and the press colour space settings.

" Click [ ] to display [Media] pane.

# Set any media in [Media Options].

2-# In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Media Type]: Default Press Paper
•• [Media Profile]: Default
•• [Press Colour Space]: Europe ISO Coated FOGRA27

$ Configure the colour conversion settings in [Color

2-$ Conversion Options].
Configure the detailed settings for colour conversion in
[Color Conversion Options]. In this example, the settings are
configured so that colour conversion is not performed.
•• [Use Job Settings]: Selected
•• [Convert to Press Color Space]: Not selected

This completes the configuration of the printing press information

Next, configure the plate settings.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.4. Plate Settings

4.1.4. Plate Settings

This section describes how to configure the output settings for a plate
device (1-bit TIFF).

1 Connect [ 1 6-" 8 10-" 10-

2 6drag-#and drop
From [Job Workflow Manager] - [Items], 9 [ 10 -#
Plates] 10-
[ Plates] is connected to [ 3 Press],6
onto "Workflow 1" in the workflow edit area.
and 10 pane10for-$
the setting 10-

4 6-& 11 10-%
Plates] is displayed under the workflow edit area.

5 7-" 13 10-&
In this example, the following frequently used settings are
described. 10-
Imposition 7-# 10-'
Configure the imposition settings for the

Device Settings
Set the recorder information for the
output destination.
Media Set the information for the plate that will
actually be output.
Screening Select the screen set to use.

••• For details on the other settings, see the supplied Reference Manual.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.4. Plate Settings

2 Configure the imposition settings.

[Imposition] pane is used to set the imposition output for XMF.
2-" " Click [ ] to display [Imposition] pane.

# Select any imposition template in [Template].

2-# In this example, the default setting of "None" is used so that
imposition output is not performed.

3 Configure the device settings.

[Device Settings] pane is mainly used to configure the settings

3-" related to the recorder (such as ruling/resolution or file format).

The settings vary depending on the recorder type.

" Click [ ] to display [Device Settings] pane.

# Set each item according to the output conditions.

In this example, the output settings for the 1-bit TIFF data are
configured as follows.
•• [Device]: TIFF Export
•• [Resolution]: 2438.4 dpi
•• [Hold Before Output]: Selected

3-# (After rendering is completed, the data transfer to the CTP

device (recorder) becomes pending, enabling the press
operator to start CTP processing at the desired time. When
unselected, the data is automatically output to the CTP
device after rendering is completed.)
•• [Save in Folder]: F:\XMF_Public\TIFFExport
•• [File Format]: TIFF
•• [Pixel Format]: Mono 1-bit
•• [Compression Type]: LZW TIFF
•• [Device Orientation]: Top to Bottom, Left to Right

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.4. Plate Settings

4 Configure the media settings.

[Media] pane is used to set the size of the media to be output.
4-" " Click [ ] to display [Media] pane.

# Set any media according to the output conditions.

In this example, the default setting of [Use Imposition plate
size] is used so that output is performed in the input data size.

5 Configure the screening settings.

[Screening] pane is mainly used to configure the screen settings
to use for plate output.

" Click [ ] to display [Screening] pane.

5-" # Select [Override Screen Settings].

$ Click [Browse] in [Available Screen Sets].

5-# [Screen Sets] dialog is displayed.

% Click [ ] to display the search panel, and search for

5-$ screen sets with the following conditions.

•• [Resolution]: 2438.4 dpi
•• [Ruling/Dot Size]: 175 lpi
•• [Screening Family]: Angle Family
•• [Dot Shape]: Square
•• [Recorder Type]: Luxel T9800CTP
5-% & Select a screen set that matches the conditions, and
click [OK].
5-& When rendering, the linearisation curve matching the
selected screen set is automatically applied. For details, see
"3.2. Recorder Linearisation".

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.5. Saving a Job Template

4.1.5. Saving a Job Template

After setting the required items, save them as a job template.

1 Click [Save] in [Job Edit]1screen. 6-" 8 10-" 10-
2 If an error confirmation2dialog 9 10-#
6-#is displayed, 10-
3 click6-$ [OK]10
if there10
check the message, and
no problems.
A job template is saved.
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
3 Check the saved job template. 7been
-# added to 10-'
Check that the created job template has

[Administration] screen > [Templates] > [Job Templates].
2 This completes the creation of a job template for 1-bit TIFF output.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.6. 1-bit TIFF Output Work

4.1.6. 1-bit TIFF Output Work

Use the created job template to perform the actual output work for
1-bit TIFF.
1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
1 Use the drop folder to 2input6the -# data 9into10-# 10-
1 B2Poster.pdf
3 6-$ 10 10-$
Copy the target PDF data into the drop folder specified in [Input] 10-

pane of the job template or [Job4 6-& 11 10-%
Edit] screen.
In this example, the "B2Poster.pdf" target PDF data is copied into
5 7-" drop
the "F:\XMF_Public\DropFolder\1bitTIFF_OUT" 13folder10that is
-& 10-
specified in [Input] pane of the job template that will be used.

7-$starts. 10-(
After a short time, the job is added automatically to the XMF
Queue screen, and the computing process

When the process is completed, [Held before output] is displayed

in [State] column, and the status icon in [Plates] column changes
to [ Hold Before Output].

••• [ ] indicates that the RIP process is completed and the data is
waiting for an output instruction. The percentage on the right side
indicates the approximate progress of the job. The value varies
depending on the job structure.

Using the Drop Folder to Input a PDF Document File

By placing a PDF document file into the job folder within the drop folder, the placed PDF document file is uploaded, replacing the existing document data, if there is one, with the new document data.
When the Autoflow Process of the job is enabled, all pages in the [Reading Order] pane are automatically replaced.
* In this case, if you place a document file for replacement directly under the drop folder, the document file is not assigned to an existing job, but a new job will be created.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.6. 1-bit TIFF Output Work

2-" 2 Release the hold before output.

" Select the job, and click 1 ]6 the top 8 10
Queue screen.
[ at-" right of the-"
[Job Status] is displayed below2 the6Queue 9 and10
-# screen, you -# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$
can check the status of the selected job.
[Job Status] pane can be used to issue an output instruction 10-
for a held separation. 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
2-# # Click [ 5 7-"Manager].
Plates] in [Job Workflow
13 10-& 10-
The status of [
Plates] is displayed on the left side.

$ Right-click a separation name and select [Release 10-'

Separation]. 7-$ 10-(
The execution target selection dialog is displayed.

% Select the colour separations to output.

In this example, all the colour separations are selected.

2-$ 2-& & Click [OK].

The hold before output settings of the selected colour
separations are released, and the process is executed.
When the output process is completed, [Job Status] -
[Output] column changes to [100% Exposed].

Searching for a Job Log

Click [ ] in the Queue screen to display [Job Log] screen,
where all the job logs are listed. You can select a filter or other
conditions to narrow down the job logs. You can display up
to 4 Advanced Job Log windows at the same time. You can
display multiple windows for the same job and check using
different search conditions.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF / 4.1.6. 1-bit TIFF Output Work

3-" 3 Check the output data.

1 pane 6-"of [ 8Plates].10-"
Check that the 1-bit TIFF data has been output to the export
folder that was set in [Device Settings] 10-
" Right-click [Plates] column 2 of the 9 Queue
6-#job in the 10-# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
3-# name and the workflow4 6-& 11 10-%
# Select [Open Output Folder], and select the workflow
item name. 10-
5and 7you-"can check
The export folder is displayed,
13the output
10-& 10-
7-# 10-'
This completes the creation and output work for the 1-bit TIFF output
job. 10-(


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job

The XMF imposition function can be used to freely lay out pages as appropriate for the plate or sheet size.
In addition, the XMF pagination function enables the progress, binding style, and other pagination settings of signatures to be managed for each output setting, even for jobs with multiple print conditions.
The sections from "4.2.1. Creating a New Stripping Template" through "4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job," uses the following example to describe the procedure from imposing 16-page PDF data in
XMF to outputting the data as a 1-bit TIFF in the plate size.

Example: Imposition Job

Data Input

■ Output Job Information

Input Data A4Book_16P.pdf
Input Method Dragging and Dropping into the Imposition and RIP Process Data Output (1-bit TIFF)
Drop Folder
Used Job Template TIFFExport (Template created in
"4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF")

■ Imposition Setting Information

Binding Edge Left
Plate Size 720 mm × 500 mm
Sheet Size No Specification
Binding Style Saddle Stitch
Work Style Sheet Work
Alignment Head to Head A4Book_16P.pdf TIFF
Imposition Pattern 8-up (F8-7)
Gutter Head = 10 mm
Spine = 0 mm Imposition Information
Offset (Y) 30 mm from Centre Bottom
(Clip to)
Offset (X) Left/Right Centre

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job

Operation Flow

Imposition Layout Operations

Create Set Imposition Set Assembly Section Set Sheets Save

(Specify Media Size) (Specify Binding Style) (Specify Work Style)
Stripping Stripping
Template Template
Set Signature (Set Fold
Set Dynamic Marks
Pattern, Gripper, Gutter,
(Add Various Accessories)

Job Creation Imposition Settings

Create Output
Select Output
Job Select Job Add Number
Input Data Stripping
Template of Sheets

Pagenation Settings (next page)

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job

Pagination Settings

Set Total Number of Set Assign to Workflow

Set Signatures Set Sheets
Pages Sheet Groups Items

Signature Proof Output

Assign to RIP Proof
Signature Group

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job

Pagination Settings
In jobs for documents consisting of pages, the pagination settings are configured based on a pagination table such as the following. This table serves as a design for the printed material and describes
the structure and content of all pages by the sheet.
When creating a pagination table, create it according to the document type, binding style, binding edge, and print environment.

Sheet 1 (Pages: 1, 2, 27, 28)

Pagination Table Example
Cover, 4C/4C (CMYK)
Finished Product A4 portrait, 28 pages
Cover 4 pages, 4C/4C
Middle Pages 1 16 pages, 1C/1C Sheet 2 (Pages: 3 to 10, 19 to 26)
Middle Pages 2 8 pages, 2C/2C Middle Pages 1, 1C/1C (K)
Document Size, Colour, Binding Style,
Paper A1
Binding Edge Binding Style/Binding Saddle stitch/right, closed
Edge foot Sheet 3 (Pages: 11 to 18)
Middle Pages 2, 2C/2C (CK)

Sheet Page Number of Colours Sheet Page Number of Colours

Plate Size Supported by CTP
Sheet 1 Cover 1 4C (CMYK) Sheet 1 Cover 4 4C (CMYK)
Cover 2 4C (CMYK) Cover 3 4C (CMYK)
Sheet 2 3 1C (K) Sheet 2 26 1C (K)
4 1C (K) 25 1C (K)
5 1C (K) 24 1C (K)

Paper Size, Fold Paper Size 6 1C (K) 23 1C (K)

Pattern Supported Supported by 7 1C (K) 22 1C (K)
by Folding Machine Cutter 8 1C (K) 21 1C (K)
9 1C (K) 20 1C (K)
10 1C (K) 19 1C (K)
Sheet 3 11 2C (CK) Sheet 3 18 2C (CK)
12 2C (CK) 17 2C (CK)
Number of Signatures Per Sheet 13 2C (CK) 16 2C (CK)
14 2C (CK) 15 2C (CK)

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.1. Creating a New Stripping Template

4.2.1. Creating a New Stripping Template

To perform imposition output in XMF, first the source imposition layout

information (stripping template) must be created.

1 This section describes how to use the XMF imposition function to

create a stripping template with the following procedure.

2-" 1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

[Administration] screen is displayed.

2-# 2 Create a new stripping template.

" Click [Templates].

# Select [Imposition Templates] in [Select a template


2-$ $ Click [New] in [Stripping Templates].

Imposition View for creating a new imposition template is

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

In Imposition View, the imposition layout can be set as appropriate for the application in the settings pane displayed on the right side of the screen.
As an example, this section describes how to create the following imposition pattern that uses frequently used settings.

Imposition Mainly used to configure the binding edge,

media and sheet size settings.
Assembly Sections
1 6 8 10
Mainly used to configure the binding style
settings. -" -" 10-
2 6 9
Mainly used to configure the work style
settings. -# 10 -# 10-

Dynamic Marks
3 6-$ 10
Used to set the fold pattern.
Used to configure settings such as dynamic 10-
4 6-&
marks and text parts.
11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
7-# 10-'
•• For details on the other settings, see the supplied Reference Manual.

7-$ 10-(

Imposition Pattern Example 720 mm

Binding Edge Left Gutter: Head =
Sheet Size No Specification
10 mm
Binding Style Saddle Stitch
Work Style Sheet Work
Imposition Pattern 8-up (F8-7)
500 mm

Gutter: Spine =
0 mm

X Offset = Centre

Y Offset = 30 mm

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

1 Configure the settings in [Imposition] pane.

media and sheet size settings. 1 6-" 8 10-"
[Imposition] pane is mainly used to configure the binding edge,

1-" 10-
2 6-#pane. 9 10-#
" Click [ ] to display [Imposition] 10-
# Set each item according3 -$ 10
to the6output
1-# 4 6-& 11 10-%
In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Binding Edge]: Left 10-
•• [Plate]: Width = 720 mm, 5Height7
•• [Paper] > [Size]: None
= -"
500 mm
13 10-& 10-
7-# 10-'
7-$ 10-(

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

2 Configure the settings in [Assembly Sections]

2-" [Assembly Sections] pane is mainly1 used6to-"configure8the binding
10-" 10-

style settings.
2 6-# 9 10-#
In this example, the settings are configured for a saddle stitch 10-
imposition. 3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
" Click [ ] to display [Assembly -& 11
4 6Sections] pane.
10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-&
# Select [Saddle Stitch] in [Binding Style].
2-# 3 Configure the settings in [Sheet] 7-# pane. 10-'

In this example, the settings are configured for sheet work.10-(
[Sheet] pane is mainly used to set the work style.

" Click [ ] to display [Sheets] pane.

# Select [Sheet Work] in [Work Style].



Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

4 Configure the settings in [Signature] pane.

-" width8settings.
1 and6gutter
[Signature] pane is mainly used to select the imposition pattern

4-" and configure the gripper position 10-" 10-

First, set the imposition pattern.
2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
# Set [Imposition Pattern].
3 6-$ 10 10-$
" Click [ ] to display [Signature] pane.
In this example, the settings4
are as 6 -& 11 10-%
follows. 10-
•• [Horizontal Pages]: 2
•• [Vertical Pages]: 2
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
•• [Orientation]: Head to Head 7-# 10-'
•• [Pattern]: F8-7
7-$ 10-(

In XMF, the first page of the To change in [Signature] pane To change in [Preferences] dialog
signature may be placed on The signature being edited The settings can be configured so that
the back surface, depending on can be reversed. the first page is always placed on the front

1 6
the contents of the imposition Configure the settings as surface when placing a new signature.
pattern and the page preparation follows. In Main Client Desktop > [ ]>[

2 6
preferences. If the first page is •• [Rotation] = 180° Preferences] > [Imposition Options], select
placed on the back surface, it can •• [Flip] = Selected [Force Low Folio to Front of Sheet for Default

3 6
be moved to the front surface JDF Impositions].
with one of the methods on the

4 6

5 7
Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

4 Configure the settings in [Signature] pane.

1 6-" 8 10-"
(Continued from previous page)
Next, set the gripper position.


2 6-# 9 10-#
In this example, the signature is placed in the plate coordinate
position of "X = 0.00 mm, Y = 30.00 mm" relative to the centre 1
4-( bottom. 3 6-$ 10 10-$ 1
$ Click [ ] in [Position].
[Set Origin] dialog is displayed.
4 6-& 11 10-% 1
5 7-" 13[OK]. 10-&
% Set the reference point for the plate and click 1
Configure the settings as follows. 7-# 10-'
•• Set Reference Point: Centre Bottom 7-$
•• [Reference on]: Plate
& Click [ ] in [Position].

4-% 4-'
[Set Signature Reference] dialog is displayed.

' Set the reference point for the signature and click
Configure the settings as follows.
•• [Reference on]: Clip
•• Set Reference Point: Centre Bottom

( Set the XY offset values.

Configure the settings as follows.
•• [X]: 0.00 mm
•• [Y]: 30.00 mm

) Click [ ] to fix the relative positions of the

signature and plate.
The signature reference point ( ) and the plate reference
point ( ) are connected with a green dashed line
( ), indicating that their relative positions are fixed.
When the relative positions are fixed, the signature gripper
position is fixed even if the plate size is changed.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

4 Configure the settings in [Signature] pane.

Lastly, set the gutter width inside1 6-" 8 10-"
(Continued from previous page)
the signature. 10-
* Set each item in [Gutters]. 2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$
In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Spine]: 0 mm
•• [Head]: 10 mm 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
••• Click [
7-# 10-'
] at the top right of [Gutters] pane to set the gutter widths

7-$ 10-(


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

5 Configure the settings in [Dynamic Marks]

5-" [Dynamic Marks] pane is mainly 1used to6 -"
set 8 marks
the dynamic 10-" 10-
and text parts.
2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
3 6-$ 10 10-$
" Click [ ] to display [Dynamic Marks] pane.
4 6-& 11 10-%
# Click [ ]/[ ] to set each dynamic mark to output
5-# or not output.
5 as follows.
7-" 13 10-&
Each click changes the setting
•• [
•• [ 7-#
]: The dynamic mark is output.
]: The dynamic mark is not output. 10-'
Because this example is saddle stitch, the settings are
configured so that the following dynamic marks are output.
•• [Signature Trim Marks]
•• [Centre Register Marks]
•• [Corner Trim Marks]
•• [Colour Patches]

••• When each item name is clicked, the corresponding advanced setting
panel is displayed, and settings such as the dynamic mark shape can be

This completes the imposition layout.

Next, save the completed imposition layout as an imposition

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout

6 6 Click [Save As].

1 6-" 8 10-"
[Save Imposition Template] dialog is displayed.
7 Enter a template name2in [Template 6 -# 9 10-#
In this example, "4UP-720x500mm" is entered.
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
8 Click [Save]. 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
The created imposition layout is saved as a template.
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
9 Click [Close]. 7-#
7 [Save Changes?] dialog is displayed. 10-'
7-$ 10-(
10 Click [No].
This completes the imposition editing work.
11 Check the saved imposition template.
9 Check that the created imposition template has been added to
[Administration] screen > [Templates] > [Imposition Templates] -
[Stripping Templates] list.

This completes the registration of the imposition layout information.



Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job

4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job

This section describes how to use the stripping template created in

"4.2.2. Designing an Imposition Layout" to create an imposition output
job and output a 1-bit TIFF.

PDF 1 Use the drop folder to input the data into

1 A4Book_16P.pdf
Copy the target PDF data into the drop folder specified in [Input]
pane of the job template or [Job Edit] screen. In this example,
the "A4Book_16P.pdf" target PDF data is copied into the "F:\XMF_
Public\DropFolder\1bitTIFF_OUT" drop folder that is specified in
the "TIFFExport" job template created in "4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF".
After a short time, the job is added automatically to the XMF
Queue screen, and the process starts.

Inputting the Data Using the Queue Screen

You can also use the Queue screen to input the data as follows:

" Drag and drop the target data for imposition output
into the Queue screen.
[Add Job] dialog is displayed.

1-" PDF
# Select any job template in [Job Template].
A4Book_16P.pdf In this example, "TIFFExport" job template that was created in
"4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF" is selected.

$ Click [Submit].
The job is registered in the Queue screen.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job

2 2 Double-click the job name in the Queue

1 job6-"
[Job Edit] screen for the selected 8 10-" 10-)
is displayed.

2 6-# 9 10-# 10-*

3 Select an imposition template.
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-+
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-,
" Click [ Plates] to display the setting screen of [

3-" # Click [ ] to display5 7-" pane.

[Imposition] 13 10-& 10--
7-# template10to-'be
$ In [Template], select the imposition
7-$ 10in-(
3-# In this example, "4UP-720x500mm" that was created
Designing an Imposition Layout" is selected.

3-$ 4 Edit the imposition layout.

4-" The selected imposition template can be edited as appropriate for
the job.
In this example, because the job has 16 pages, 2 sheets of 4-up
are required. Because the selected imposition template only has 1
sheet of 4-up, add another sheet with the same settings.

" Click [Edit Template].

Imposition View is displayed.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job

4 Edit the imposition layout.

1 6-" 8 10-"
(Continued from previous page)
4-# 10-
# Click [ ] to display [Sheets] pane.
9 10-# 10-
4-$ $ Click [Copy].
[Number of Copies] dialog is3 displayed. 10 10-$ 10-
% Enter the number of sheets 4 to6copy 11 10-%
-&in [Copies]. 10-
5 7-" 13 10-&
In this example, "1" is entered.
& Click [OK].
Sheet 2 with the same settings as Sheet 1 is added. 10-'
7-$ 10-(


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.3. Creating an Imposition Output Job

5 Save the edited imposition layout.

5-" " Click [Save]. 4-# 1 6-"
5-# 8 10-" 10-
2 9 10-#
The edited contents are saved.

# Click [Close]. 4-$

3 Edit] screen10
Imposition View closes and [Job 10-$
is redisplayed. 10-
6 Check the imposition settings. 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
In [Imposition] pane of [ 5 you7can-"check13
Plates], 10-&
the imposition 10-
status of all sheets. 4-%
7-# 10-'
If there are no problems in any of the settings, click [Save] in the10
This completes the creation of the imposition output job.
top -(
right of [Job Edit] screen, and execute the 1-bit TIFF output process.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

In the pagination settings, set the pages, signatures, and sheets according to the pagination table.
This section uses the following example to describe the setting procedure for a pagination job.

Example: Magazine

■ Output Job Information

Input Data Magazine_28pg.pdf
Input Method Dragging and Dropping into the PDF
drop folder


■ Pagination Table
Sheet Page Number of Sheet Page Number of
Colours Colours
Sheet 1
Sheet 1 Cover 1 4C (CMYK) Sheet 1 Cover 4 4C (CMYK)
Cover 2 4C (CMYK) Cover 3 4C (CMYK)
Sheet 2 3 1C (K) Sheet 2 26 1C (K) CTP 1 Printing Press A
4 1C (K) 25 1C (K)
Sheet 2
5 1C (K) 24 1C (K)
6 1C (K) 23 1C (K)
7 1C (K) 22 1C (K)
CTP 2 Printing Press B
8 1C (K) 21 1C (K)
9 1C (K) 20 1C (K) Sheet 3
10 1C (K) 19 1C (K)
Sheet 3 11 2C (CK) Sheet 3 18 2C (CK)
12 2C (CK) 17 2C (CK)
CTP 3 Printing Press C
13 2C (CK) 16 2C (CK)
14 2C (CK) 15 2C (CK)

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

•• A job template can also be created using the following procedure. To create
a job template, create a new job template from [Administration] screen -
[Templates] pane, and then configure the pagination settings.
1 Magazine_28pg.pdf 1 Use the drop folder to input the data into
Copy the target PDF data into the drop folder specified in [Input]
pane of the job template or [Job Edit] screen. In this example, the
"Magazine_28pg.pdf" target PDF data is copied into the "F:\XMF_
Public\DropFolder\1bitTIFF_OUT" drop folder that is specified in
the "TIFFExport" job template created in "4.1. Creating a 1-bit TIFF".
After a short time, the job is added automatically to the XMF
Queue screen, and the process starts.

Inputting the Data Using the Queue Screen

You can also use the Queue screen to input the data as follows:

" Drag and drop the data into the Queue screen.

1-" PDF [Add Job] dialog is displayed.

# Select any job template in [Job Template].

In this example, "NewDefault" is selected.

$ Click [Submit].
The job is registered in the Queue screen.


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

2 Double-click the job name in the Queue

2 screen.
[Job Edit] screen for the selected job is displayed.

3 3 Click [ ] to start the pagination settings

[Confirm Discarding Settings] dialog is displayed. Click [OK].

4 Set the total number of pages.

4-a Set the total number of pages for the job according to the total
number of pages in the document to be created.
•• When the planned total number of pages is entered in
advance, if the number-up value is increased or decreased
later, you can check whether the result matches the planned
number of pages (a).

" Right-click [Reading Order] pane and select [Set Total

4-" [Total Pages] dialog is displayed.

# Enter the total number of pages and click [OK].

The set total number of pages is displayed in [Reading Order]
pane - [Pages].


Part 4 – Basic Operations

1 6-" 8 10-" 10-

2 6-# 9 10-#
4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job
6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
5 Set the signatures.
5-" 11 to10
Create the signatures according to the type of document be -% 10-
5 7-" content of10
pattern. The pages are assigned according to the13
created, binding edge, binding style, number-up and imposition
the-& 10-

set signatures.
7-# 10-'
In this example, the signatures are set using a stripping sheet
template. 7-$ 10-(
" Click [Add Signature], and select [Add signature from
Sheet Template].
[Add Signature from Sheet Template] dialog is displayed.

5-# # Select the stripping sheet template to use for sheet 1

from the list.
•• Enter or select search conditions to display stripping sheet

5-$ templates that match the conditions in the list.

$ Select [Specify Number of Signatures], enter "1", and

click [Add].
The signature is added to [Signatures] pane.

% Repeat steps # and $ to add the signatures to use

for sheet 2 and sheet 3.

5-& & Click [Close].

To Create a Stripping Sheet Template in Advance

" Click [ ] on the main client desktop.
# Click [Templates] in [Administration] screen, and select [Stripping Sheet Templates] in [Select a template type].
$ Click [New], and set a new stripping sheet template in the Stripping Sheet Editor.
In this example, create four pages of Cover 1/Cover 4 and Cover 3/Cover 2 for sheet 1.
% Click [Save], and name a proper name to save the stripping sheet template.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
6-" 6-# 6 Set the sheets. 2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
6-$entire10 10-$
Set the combinations of the sheets for the job and the
11 sheet.10-%
signatures to place on the sheets.
In this example, each signature is placed on a separate 10-
" Select the signature of sheet 5 1.7-" 13 10-& 10-
# Click [Add Sheet] and select [Add 7-#selected signatures
to a single sheet].
[Add Sheet] dialog is displayed.
7-$ 10-(
6-$ $ Select the stripping sheet template created on the
previous page to use for the sheet of sheet 1, and
then click [OK].
The sheet on which the signature of sheet 1 was placed is
added to [Sheets] pane.

% Repeat steps # and $ to add the sheets on which to

place sheet 2 and sheet 3.

7-", #, $ 7 Set the sheet groups.

Set a sheet group for each workflow item to be assigned.
In this example, each sheet is set in a different sheet group, to
enable assignment to different workflow items.

" Select sheet 1 in [Sheets] pane, and drag and drop

sheet 1 into [Sheet Groups] pane.
Sheet 1 is set in sheet group 1.

# Repeat step " to set sheet 2 in sheet group 2.

$ Repeat step " to set sheet 3 in sheet group 3.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

8 Configure the settings for the printing press

that will print sheet 1.
1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
8-" In this example, 3 workflow sets are set in order to print each
2 6-# 9 10-#
sheet with 3 different printing presses.
" Click [ Press].
6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
[Press Device].
11 10-%
# Select the printing press to use for printing sheet 1 in
$ Click [ ].
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
8-# [Media] pane is displayed.
% Configure [Media Options] settings. 7-$ 10-(
Select the media type and media profile according to the
paper to be used for printing sheet 1.

& Configure [Color Conversion Options] settings.

In this example, the settings are configured so that colour

conversion is not performed.
•• [Use Job Settings]: Selected
•• [Convert to Press Color Space]: Not selected

8-% ••• For details on the other settings of [ Press], see the supplied
Reference Manual.


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

9 Configure the settings for the plate to be used

for printing sheet 1.
1 6-" 8 10-" 10
9-" " Drag and drop [
2 6-# 9 Press].
Plates] to connect it to [
10-# 10
sheet 1 was set. 6-$ 10 10-$
# In [Template], select the sheet group in which the
The selected sheet group is assigned to [ 11
Plates]. 10-%
5 7-" 13 10-&
•• In this example, "1_1" ("sheet group number"_"sheet
number") is selected. 10
9-# $ Click [ ]. 10-'
[Device Settings] pane is displayed.
7-$ 10-(
% Select a CTP device in [Device].
In this example, "Luxel T9800CTP" is selected.

& Select the resolution in [Resolution].

In this example, "2400.0 dpi" is selected.

9-$ ' Select [Hold Before Output].


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

9-( 9 Configure the settings for the plate to be used

for printing sheet 1.
(Continued from previous page) 1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
9-) ( Click [ ].
2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
[Media] pane is displayed. 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
) Set any media according to the output11
* Click [ ]. 5 7-" 13 10-&
[Screening] pane is displayed.
9-* + Select [Override Screen Settings].
7-$ 10-(
, Click [Browse] in [Available Screen Sets].
9-+ [Screen Sets] dialog is displayed.

- Select the screen set to use.

9-, . Click [OK].

••• For details on the other settings of [ Plates], see the supplied
Reference Manual.


Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.4. Setting a Pagination Job

10 Click [ ] to add an output workflow set for

10 sheet 2.

11 Repeat steps 8 to 10 to set the output

workflow sets for sheet 2 and sheet 3.
Set the workflow sets according to the output conditions of each

12 After configuring the workflow set settings for

each sheet, click [Save].
The job will be executed in accordance with the settings in each

12 workflow set.

This completes the pagination job settings and output work.

•• You can change the names of workflows to printer or press names or other
names to enable operators to easily locate the proper workflow. To change a
workflow name, click on the workflow name of a tab, then enter the desired
workflow name.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.5. Signature Proof Output

1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
4.2.5. Signature Proof Output 2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
6-$ 10 10-$
In the pagination settings, signatures can be output for proofing. 10-
11 10-%
Because there is no need to configure the paper, gripper or other sheet
settings, proofing work can be performed efficiently. 10-
This section describes the procedure 5 7-"a signature
for setting
13 created10in-&a
pagination job in a signature group, and assigning the signature group
to [ RIP Proof ]. 7-# 10-'
1 Set the target signature for7proof -$ output10 in a-(
signature group.
To perform proof output for a signature in the pagination settings,
1-# the signature must be set in a signature group.
The signature can then be assigned to [ RIP Proof ] using the
set signature group.

" Click [ ] to display [Signature Groups] pane.

# Select the target signature for proof output in

[Signatures] pane, and then drag and drop the
signature into [Signature Groups] pane.
The selected signature is set in the signature group.

1-" In this example, signature 1 is set in signature group 1.

Part 4 – Basic Operations

4.2. Outputting an Imposition Job / 4.2.5. Signature Proof Output

2 Assign the signature group to [ RIP Proof].

1 ]6 connect8it to the
" Drag and drop [
RIP Proof to-"
2 6-#Plates]. 9 10-#
In this example, it is connected to [ 10-
•• When [
6-$ 10
RIP Proof ] is connected to [ Plates], [
Hold] is added automatically to enable the job to be
10-$ 10-
2-# stopped before output to the plate. 11 10-% 10-
2-$ # Deselect [Use Imposition From].
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
$ Select [Use Signature Group].
7-# 10-'
% Select the
target signature
for proof output
The selected signature group is assigned to [ RIP Proof ].
•• In this example, "sig1_1" ("signature group
number"_"signature number") is selected.

This completes the work for assigning the target signature for output
proof to [ RIP Proof ] in a pagination job.
If there are no problems in any of the settings, click [Save] in the top
right of [Job Edit] screen, and execute the output process for [ RIP
Proof ].

•• For details on the other settings of [ RIP Proof ], see the supplied
Reference Manual.

Part 5 – Others
Part 4 describes the basic XMF operations from input to output. Part 5 describes other features of XMF, including useful functions for data input and examples of imposition setting.

5.1. Input Process

This section describes useful functions that can be used when importing the input data into XMF.

5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

In XMF, when import rules for input files are defined in advance, the input data can be mapped automatically into the appropriate page slots. This reduces the work required for page placement, as well as
page placement errors made by operators.
This section describes the procedure for automatically mapping the input data into the page slots according to the following page mapping rules.

Auto Page Mapping Example

■ Job Information
Total Page Slots 16 pages
Input Data Magazine_Cover1.pdf, Magazine_BodyP3.pdf,
Input Data
Magazine_Cover2.pdf Rule 1
Used Job Template TIFFExport (Template created in "4.1. Creating a
Rule 2
1-bit TIFF") PDF

■ Auto Page Mapping Conditions

Auto Mapping Rule 1 When a PDF with the file name "any character
string_Cover1" is input, map it automatically in
page slot 1 (first page) PDF
Auto Mapping Rule 2 When a PDF with the file name "any character
string_Cover2" is input, map it automatically in
page slot 16 (last page)
Auto Mapping Rule 3 When a PDF with the file name "any character
string_Body-P<<page number>>" is input, map
PDF Rule 3
it automatically in the "<<page number>> + 1"
page slot

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

Operation Flow

Page Mapping Template

Create New Save

Page Mapping Page Mapping
Set Auto Page Mapping
Template Enter Template Name Template

Job Creation

Create Auto Page Check Results of

Mapping Job Select Page Auto Page Mapping
Select Job Enter Number
Mapping Input Data
Template of Page Slots

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

1 6-" 8
[Administration] screen is displayed.
10-" 10-
2-" 2 Create a new page mapping 2 6template.
-# 9 10-# 10-
" Click [Templates].
3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11
# Select [Page Mapping Templates] in [Select a
template type]. 10-% 10-
$ Click [New].
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
[Page Mapping Template] dialog is7 -#
displayed. 10-'
7-$ Name].
% Enter a template name in [Template
In this example, "Magazine" is entered.



Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

3 Set auto mapping rule 1.

1 6-" 8 10-"
Set the auto mapping rules to apply to the page mapping

3-" template. 10-

First, set auto mapping rule 1. 2 6-# 9 10-#
In this example, 3 auto mapping rules are set.
" Click [Add]. 3 6-$ 10 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-%
[Auto Page Mapping] dialog is displayed.
3-# 5 7-" 13 10rule-&
# Enter the file name condition in [Input Rule].
In this example, "*_Cover1*" is entered for auto mapping 10-
1. 7-# 10-'
7-$ 10-(
3-$ ••• When "*" (asterisk) is used in a file name condition for [Input Rule], it
indicates any character string (file name).

$ Set [Mapping Rule].

3-% Configure the settings as follows.
•• [Starting position]: Top Page
•• [Offset Page(s)]: 0 page

••• The items in [Mapping Rule] are as follows.

−− [Starting position]: Specifies the starting position for mapping
into the page slots.
−− [Offset Page(s)]: Adjusts the mapping page position relative to
the position specified in [Starting position].

% Click [OK].
[Auto Page Mapping] dialog closes, and the created rule is
added to [Auto Page Mapping Settings] in [Page Mapping
Template] dialog.

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

4 Set auto mapping rule 2.

1 6-" 8 10-"
Next, set auto mapping rule 2.

4-" " Click [Add].

[Auto Page Mapping] dialog2 6-# 9 10-#
is displayed. 10-
# Enter the file name condition 3 in6[Input-$ 10Rule]. 10-$
4 6-& 11 10-%
In this example, "*_Cover2*" is entered for auto mapping rule
2. 10-
4-# $ Set [Mapping Rule]. 5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
Configure the settings as follows.
•• [Starting position]: Last Page
7-# 10-'
7-$ 10-(
4-$ •• [Offset Page(s)]: 0 page

% Click [OK].
[Auto Page Mapping] dialog closes, and the created rule is
added to [Auto Page Mapping Settings] in [Page Mapping
4-% Templates] dialog.

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

5 Set auto mapping rule 3.

In the following example, [Input1 Rule] is6 8 10-"
Next, set auto mapping rule 3.

5-" -"
set as "*_BodyP<<Page 10-
number>>.*" for auto mapping rule 3.
2 6-# 9 10-# 10-
" Click [Add].
5-#,% [Auto Page Mapping] dialog3 6-$ 10 10-$
is displayed. 10-
# Enter "*_BodyP" in [Input4Rule]. 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5-$ $ Click [ 5 No].7-" 13 10-&
] and select [Page 10-
" is entered after "*_BodyP".
% Enter ".*" after " ".
7-$ 10-(
5-& [Input Rule] is set.

& Set [Mapping Rule].

Configure the settings as follows.

5-' •• [Starting position]: Page No

•• [Offset Page(s)]: 1 page (assigned to the slot of the “Page
No + 1” page.)

' Click [OK].

[Auto Page Mapping] dialog closes, and the created rule is
added to [Auto Page Mapping Settings] in [Page Mapping
Template] dialog.

6 Click [OK] to save the page mapping template.

This completes the creation of the page mapping template.
Next, use the created page mapping template in a job to actually
perform the auto page mapping.

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

7 Create the job to use for auto page mapping.

7-" " Click [ ] on the 4-# 6-" 8 10-"
1 desktop.
main client
2 Name]. 9 10-#
[Add Job] dialog is displayed.

# Enter any job name 4-$in [Job 10-

In this example, "Magazine" 3is entered. 10 10-$ 10-
$ Select a job template in 4 6-& 11 10-%
[Job Template].
5 7-" 13 10-&
In this example, "TIFFExport" that was created in "4.1. Creating
a 1-bit TIFF" is selected.

% Click [Submit]. 10-'
The created job is registered in the Queue screen.
7-# 8 Double-click the4-& job name in the Queue
[Job Edit] screen is displayed.


Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

9 Add page slots.

4-# of pages6for-"page mapping
added so that the total number 1 8 10
In this example, because the number of pages is 16, page slots are
is 16. 10-
" Click [Add Page] in [Reading
2 Order] pane.9 10-# 10-
[Add Pages] dialog is displayed.
10 10-$ 10-
# Enter "16" in [Additional Pages].
9-# 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
$ Click [OK].
The number of page slots in5 7-" Order]13 10-& 10-
4 -%

pane changes to
16 pages.
9-$ 7-$ 10-(

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

10 Set the page mapping template.

" Click [View Job4Settings],
-# 1and 6 -"click [8 ]. 10-"
9 10-#
[Input] pane is displayed.

4-$ in2[Auto Page Mapping

# Select [Auto Mapping] 10-
Settings]. 3 10 10-$ 10-
10-" 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-&
••• The auto page mapping function cannot be used at the same
10-# 4-%
time as autoflow. If [Auto Mapping] is selected while the autoflow
7-# 10-'
function is already selected, the following confirmation dialog is
displayed. Click [Yes] to cancel the autoflow function.

10-$ 7-$ 10-(

10-% $ Click [Search Templates].
[Search] dialog is displayed.

% Select the page mapping template to use.

In this example, "Magazine" is selected.

& Click [OK].

The settings of the selected page mapping template are

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.1. Auto Page Mapping

11 Map the pages automatically.

4-# 1 6-" 8 10-"
Input the actual pages into the created job, and check that the
pages are mapped automatically. 10-
" Click [ ].
4-$ 2 9 10-# 10-
[Page Mapping Manager] is displayed.

# Click [Add Documents].

10 10-$ 10-
11-# $ Select and input the files.
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-""Magazine_Cover2.
13 10-& 10-
In this example, "Magazine_Cover1.pdf",
pdf" and "Magazine_BodyP3.pdf"
are selected.
When the data is input, the pages are mapped automatically

11-$ 7
into the page slots according to the
page mapping template.
-$ of the specified

4-&mapping operations.
This completes the auto page

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

In jobs that output printed material with multiple patterns where only some of content is replaced, such as leaflet production, the replacement work can be very time-consuming. In such cases, using the
layer merge function of XMF enables the replacement separations to be managed efficiently.
This section describes how to convert a base separation and replacement separations (total of 7 documents) that were created as individual pages into a layered PDF, and manage this data as a replacement
job in XMF.

Example of Replacement Data Input "

Shop Name Replacement Separations (Single Page × 6 Files)


Base Separation
(Single Page)


Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

Operation Flow

Job Creation

Create New Job Submit Job

Input Data Select Input Files Merge PDFs

Job Editing

Edit Job Output

Add Section with
Set Layers Set Inks

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

1 1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

4-# 1 6-" 8 10-"
[Add Job] dialog is displayed.
2 Select the input files and 2 9 10-#
generate the layered
PDF. 4-$
" Click [Browse].
3 10 10-$ 10-
2-# 4 6-& 11 10-%
The file selection dialog is displayed. 10-
# Select all the PDFs to be5 7-" 13 10-&
merged as layers.
$ Select [Merge PDF Documents7as-#
-% Layers].
2-" 2-$ 2-% % Click [Open]. 7-$ 10-(
[Merge Documents] dialog is displayed.

& Select [Visible]4 -&

for the layer to display in the default
In this example, [Visible] is selected for "Flyer_Base.pdf".

••• The higher the position of the file, the higher the level of the layer. To
change the order of the layer levels, select a file and drag and drop it
into the desired position.

' Click [Submit].

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

3 Submit the job.

" Enter any job name 4-#in [Job 6-" 8 10-"
1 Name]. 10-
4-$ in 2[Job Template]. 9 10-#
In this example, "Flyer" is entered.

# Select a job template

In this example, "TIFFExport"3 10
that was created 10-$
in "4.1. Creating 10-
a 1-bit TIFF" is selected.
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
$ Click [Submit].
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
3-" 4-%
The created job is registered in the Queue screen.

4 Double-click the job name the Queue
screen. 7-$ 10-(
[Job Edit] screen is displayed.


Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

5 Create a section for each replacement

5-" separation.
4-# 1 6-" 8 10-" 10-
" Select the layered PDF in [Reading Order] pane.
5-# 4-$in [Job2 Structure] pane,9 and10
# Click [Add Section] then
-# 10-
select [Add Section - Versioning]. 10 10-$ 10-
[Versioning Layers] dialog is4 6-& 11 10-%
$ Select [Version] for the layers to output as
13 10-& 10-
replacement separations.
•• Deselect [Version] for the layers with the common content.

% Click [OK].
The layers selected as replacement separations are registered

as individual sections.


Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.2. Inputting Replacement Data " (Layered PDF Generation)

6 Set [ Plates].
4-# 1 8 10-" 10-
2 9 10-#
" Click [ Plates].
6-" # Click [ 4-$ 10-
10 10-$
] to the right of each section in [Job
Structure]. 3 10-
6-# [ ] changes to [ ], and4
each section 11 to10
6-& is assigned [
-% 10-
7-" 13 10-& 10-
$ Click [ ].
4 -%
[Inks] pane is displayed.
% Set the inks according to the output 7-$ conditions.
In this example, all sheets other than Sheet 1 are set to output

the black separation only.

This completes the operations from importing the layered PDF to

6-% configuring the output settings.

After configuring the other output settings, execute the Plates output
process and check the results.

Output Results

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.3. Inputting Replacement Data # (Creation of Multipage PDF After Replacement)

5.1.3. Inputting Replacement Data # (Creation of Multipage PDF After Replacement)

This section describes how to combine PDFs with different numbers of pages (single page base separation and multipage replacement separations), and manage them as a replacement job in XMF.

Example of Replacement Data Input #

Base Separation PDF PDF After Replacement (6 Pages)

(Single Page PDF)

1 2 3

1 2 3

Shop Name Replacement PDF

4 5 6
(Multipage PDF)
4 5 6

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.3. Inputting Replacement Data # (Creation of Multipage PDF After Replacement)

1 1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

4-# 1 6-" 8 10-"
[Add Job] dialog is displayed.
2 Select the input files and 2 9 10-#
generate the layered
PDF. 4-$
2-# " Click [Browse].
3 10 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-%
The file selection dialog is displayed. 10-
# Select the base separation 5 and7replacement
-" 13 10-& 10-
2-" 2-$ 2-% separation PDFs. 4-% 7-#
$ Select [Merge PDF Documents as Layers].
7-$ 10-(
% Click [Open].

[Merge Documents] dialog is displayed.

& Select [Visible] for the layer to display in the default

In this example, [Visible] is selected for all layers.

' Select [Repeat Pages of Shorter Documents].

2-& The pages in the documents with the fewer pages are
repeated and merged so that all the documents (PDFs) have

2-' the same number of pages.

( Click [Submit].

2-( The PDFs are merged after the replacement has been
performed, and the data is input into the job.

This completes the process for combining PDFs with different numbers
Results of
of pages and managing them as a replacement job in XMF.
Inputting into an
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.4. Inputting Replacement Data $ (Automatic Mapping with a Rule Definition XML file)

5.1.4. Inputting Replacement Data $ (Automatic Mapping with a Rule Definition XML File)

This section describes how to create an XML file that defines the mapping rules in advance and then map pages automatically by loading the XML file in [Job Edit] screen.

Version names
1 Create a file that defines the mapping rules
in Excel and then save the file as XML data
Page order mapping (*.xml).

First sheet

Creation example:
Row Description Import Results
First row Any text (required) The content in each column becomes the name of each section. (Duplicates are not allowed)
2nd row Document names displayed •• The PDF files with the names entered from the 2nd row to the last row of each column are mapped to the pages consecutively.
onward in source files •• The 2nd row of the left side column is set as the 1st page of page mapping and last row of the right side column is set as the last page.
•• The files from the 2nd row to the last row of each column become the section pages for the name in the first row of the corresponding column.

•• Set the same number of pages in each section.

•• Blank pages cannot be set within a section.
•• Define the rules for the first sheet. Contents for the 2nd and subsequent sheets are not loaded.
•• When an import error occurs, the error dialog is displayed and mapping is stopped. The detailed error log is saved in the folder containing the XML file.
•• Although there is no restriction for the number of versions, setting takes time when there are more than 100. Therefore, dividing jobs per 100 versions is recommended.

Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.4. Inputting Replacement Data $ (Automatic Mapping with a Rule Definition XML file)

2 2 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

[Add Job] dialog is displayed.

3 Create the job.

" Enter any job name in [Job Name].

# Select [NewDefault] in [Job Template].

$ Click [Submit].
The created job is registered in the Queue screen.

4 Double-click the job name in the Queue

3-" [Job Edit] screen is displayed.


Part 5 – Others

5.1. Input Process / 5.1.4. Inputting Replacement Data $ (Automatic Mapping with a Rule Definition XML file)

6 5 In [Source Files] pane, add to register all the

input files to generate a layered PDF.

6 Select [Flow with page mapping rules file]

7 from [Add Documents].
The registered XML data (.xml) is displayed.

5 7 Select the XML data to be loaded and click
PDF [Open].

8 The XML file is loaded and the registered

mapping rules are applied.

••• When the pages have already been mapped, the current mapping is

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition
This section describes examples of imposition layout operations using the XMF imposition function.

5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition

An XMF imposition template can be used to perform a step and repeat imposition layout.
This section describes how to create a business card imposition layout according to the following settings.

Step and Repeat Imposition Example

■ Imposition Setting Conditions ■ Completed State

Template Name Business Cards 25-up - 720 x 500 mm
Plate Size 720 mm × 500 mm
Sheet Size None
Work Style Flat Work
Imposition Pattern Default 1x1 Grid
Content Adjustment No Page Scaling
Trim Box JIS B7 128 mm × 91 mm
Number of Step and 5 × 5 (25-up for Same Page)
Gap Rows = 0 mm, Columns = 0 mm
Offset Adjustment (Y) 20 mm (Clip to)
Offset Adjustment (X) Centre PDF

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition

1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

1 [Administration] screen is displayed.

2-" 2 Create a new imposition template.

" Click [Templates].

2-# # Select [Imposition Templates] in [Select a template


$ Click [New] in [Stripping Templates].

Imposition View for creating a new imposition template is

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition

3 Configure the settings in [Imposition] pane.

4-# [Imposition]
" Click [ ] to display 1 6-"pane. 8 10-" 10-
3-" 2 9 10-#
# Set each item according to the output conditions.
•• [Plate]: Width = 720 mm, 3 10 10-$
In this example, the settings are as follows.
Height = 500 mm 10-
•• [Paper] > [Size]: None
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
4 Configure the settings5in [Sheets] 7-" 13 pane. 10-& 10-
3-# 4-% 7-#
" Click [ ] to display [Sheets] pane. 10-'
# Select [Work Style]. 7-$ 10-(
In this example, [Flat Work] is selected.




Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition

5 Configure the settings in [Signature] pane.

" Click [ ] to display4-# [Signature]6-" pane. 8 10-" 10-
5-" # Set [Imposition Pattern].
4-$ 2 9 10-# 10-
3 10 10-$
In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Horizontal Pages]: 1 10-
•• [Vertical Pages]: 1
•• [Pattern]: Default 1x1 Grid
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10-& 10-
5-# 4
$ Set [Content Adjustment].
In this example, the settings are as 7
•• [Scaling]: No Page Scaling

% Set [Pages].
In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Size]: JIS B7 - 128.00×91.00
•• [Landscape]: Selected

& Set [Step and Repeat].

In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Rows]: 5

5-% •• [Columns]: 5
•• [Gap]: 0
•• [Page Flow]: Duplicate

••• To reflect the changed settings in the preview, click [Update].

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition

6 Configure the settings in [Alignment] pane.

4-# the press8
In this example, the bottom of the step and repeat imposition is
positioned about 20 mm vertically above centre 10 -"
bottom. 10-
6-# 4-$ 2 pane. 9 10-#
" Click [ ] to display [Alignment] 10-
6-% # Select all the signatures,3 and then click10
[ ] in 10-$ 10-
4 6-& 11 10-%
6-' [Set Origin] dialog is displayed. 10-
5 the7plate
-" and 13click [OK].
10-& 10-
$ Set the reference point for
Configure the settings as follows. 7-#
•• [Reference on]: Plate
•• Set Reference Point: Centre Bottom 10-(
6-$ 6-&
4-&dialog is displayed.
% Click [ ] in [Position].
[Set Group Reference]

& Set the reference point for the signature and click
Configure the settings as follows.
•• [Reference on]: Clip
•• Set Reference Point: Centre Bottom

' Set the XY offset values.

Configure the settings as follows.
•• [X]: 0.00 mm
•• [Y]: 20.00 mm

This completes the step and repeat imposition layout.
Next, save the completed imposition layout as an imposition

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.1. Step and Repeat Imposition

7 Save the imposition template.

7-" " Click [Save As].4-# 6-" 8 10-" 10-
2 9 10-# 10-
[Save Imposition Template] dialog is displayed.

# Enter a template 4-$name in [Template Name].

3 5x5_720x500mm"
In this example, "BusinessCard 10is entered.
10-$ 10-
$ Click [Save]. 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 7-" 13 10
The created imposition layout is saved as a template.
[No]-& 10-
7-# 4
•• To close Imposition View, click [Close], and then click
in [Save Changes?] dialog.
•• You can check the created imposition template in
7-$> [Imposition10-(
[Administration] screen > [Templates]

7-$ 4-# 1 6-" 8 10-" 1

Templates] > [Stripping Templates] list.

4 -&
2 9 10-# 1
This completes the registration of the step and repeat imposition
4 -$
Step and Repeat Imposition Results (Display in Imposition View)
imposition template, and check the output3
Create an imposition job using the registered step and repeat
results. 10 10-$ 1
4 6-& 11 10-% 1
5 7-" 13 10-& 1
4-% 7-# 10-'
7-$ 10-(

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

The collation mark editor in XMF can be used to easily create various collation mark patterns.
This section describes how to create a collation mark pattern according to the following collation mark settings.

4-# 1 6-" 8 10-" 10-)

■ Collation Mark Pattern Example
4-$ 2
■ Completed Settings in Collation Mark Editor
9 10-# 10-*
Text Part
Trim Offset (Top) 5 mm
3 10 10-$ 10-+
30 mm
Even/Odd Height 20 mm
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-,
5 7-" 13 10-& 10--
Job Name 4-% 7-#
100 mm Align to Character Width 10-'
Text Part Area
Job Name Offset 5 mm 10-(
Bindery Signature Number
Align to Character Width
Mark Area 40 mm

Trim Box
182 mm

Even/Odd Height 20 mm

Trim Offset (Bottom) 5 mm

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

Operation Flow

Create New Collation Mark Template


$ Collation Mark Editing

& Add Even/Odd
Enter Template Name Add Mark (Pattern) (#)
Mark (")

Add Text Part Add Text Part (Bindery Add Text Part (Custom
(Job Name) ($) Signature Number) (%) Text) (&)


Save Collation Mark Template

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

1 Click [ ] on the main client desktop.

1 [Administration] screen is displayed.

2-" 2 Create a new collation mark template.

" Click [Templates].

2-# # Select [Collation Mark Templates] in [Select a

template type].

$ Select [Default] in [Template Name], and then click

[Collation Mark Editor] dialog is displayed.

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

3 Enter the collation mark template name in

1 6-" 8 10-"
In this example, "Paper back" is entered. 10-
2 9 10-# 10-
4 Set the even/odd mark.
10 is set10
In this example, the even/odd mark for paper binding as -$ 10-
4-" 4 6-& 11 10-% 10-

5 7-" 13 10-&
" Select [Even-Odd Mark] in [Mark Parts].
# Click [ ] on the 4-% 7-#
right side of [Mark Gap] to unlock.
[ ] changes to [ ]. 10-'
$ Set [Shape Part Settings]. 7-$ 10-(
In this example, the settings are as follows.
•• [Part Name]: Even-Odd Mark
•• [Pattern]:
4-$ •• [Shape]:
•• [Part Position]: Manual, 5.00 mm
•• [Part Height]: 172.00 mm
•• [Mark Height]: 20.00 mm
•• [Mark Width]: 3.00 mm
•• [Signature Range]: [From] = 1, [To] = To end, [Step] = 1
4-# •• [Show Signature Number]: Not Selected
•• [Style]: Filled
•• [Mark Gap]: 132.00 mm

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

5 Set the mark in the pattern.

1 6-" 8 10-"
In this example, set the mark in the pattern as follows.

" Select [Collating Mark] in [Mark Parts].

2 9 10-#
# Click [ ] on the right side of [Marks in Section] to
unlock. 10 10-$ 10-
5-" 4 6-& 11 10-%
[ ] changes to [ ].
$ Set [Shape Part Settings].
5 7-"
In this example, the settings are as follows. 13 10-& 10-
4 -%
•• [Part Name]: Collating Mark
•• [Pattern]:
•• [Shape]: 10-(
•• [Part Position]: Manual, 100.00 mm
•• [Part Height]: 40.00 mm
•• [Mark Height]: 10.00 mm
•• [Mark Width]: 3.00 mm

5-$ •• [Signature Range]: [From] = 1, [To] = To end, [Step] = 1

•• [Show Signature Number]: Not Selected
•• [Style]: Filled
•• [Marks Start]: 1
•• [Marks in Section]: 3
•• [Overlap Height]: 0.00 mm
5-# •• [Turning Point]: Normal

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

6 Set the text part for the job name.

1 6-" 8 10-"
In this example, the text part for the job name is set as follows.

" Click [New Text] in [Mark Parts].

# Set [Text Part Settings].
2 9 10-# 10-
In this example, the settings are as follows. 10 10-$ 10-
•• [Name]: Job Name
•• [Text Type]: Job Name
4 6-& 11 10-% 10-
5 mm7-" 13 10-&
•• [Part Position]: Manual, 30.00
6-" 4-%
•• [Part Height]: [Use Text Height
7-#= 1
as Part Height] Selected
•• [Signature Range]: 1 to To end, [Step] 10-'
•• [Alignment]: Centre Top
•• [Cropping]: None
7-$ 10-(
•• [Text Direction]: Vertical
•• [Font], [Size]: MS-Gothic, 10

6-# •• [Frame Type]: None

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

7 Set the text part number.

1 6-" 8 10-"
In this example, the bindery signature number is set as the text
part number as follows. 10-
" Click [New Text] in [Mark2 Parts]. 9 10-# 10-
# Set [Text Part Settings]. 10 10-$ 10-
•• [Name]: Signature Number
4 6-& 11 10-%
In this example, the settings are as follows.
7-" •• [Part Position]:4
5 Number
•• [Text Type]: Bindery Signature
7-" 13 10-&
Part, 5 mm
•• [Part Height]: [Use Text Height as7
-#Height] Selected

•• [Signature Range]: 1 to To end, [Step] = 1
•• [Alignment]: Centre Top 10-(
•• [Text Direction]: Vertical
•• [Font], [Size]: MS-Gothic, 10

7-# •• [Digits Before Rotate]: 2

•• [Frame Type]: None

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

8 Set the suffix for the text part number.

1 6-" 8 10-"
In this example, the suffix for the text part number is set as follows.

" Click [New Text] in [Mark Parts].

# Set [Text Part Settings].
2 10-# 10-
In this example, the settings are as follows. 10 10-$ 10-
•• [Name]: sig.
4 6-& 11 10-%
•• [Text Type]: User Text, "sig." 10-
5 Part,7-"
•• [Part Position]: Below Previous 0 mm
13 10-& 10-
8-" 4-%
•• [Part Height]: [Use Text Height
7-#= 1
as Part Height] Selected
•• [Signature Range]: 1 to To end, [Step] 10-'
•• [Alignment]: Centre Top
•• [Text Direction]: Vertical
7-$ 10-(
•• [Font], [Size]: MS-Gothic, 10
•• [Frame Type]: None

9 Click [OK].
[Collation Mark Editor] dialog closes, and the created collation
mark template is registered.

This completes the creation of the collation mark template.

Next, actually place collation marks on the imposition template and
check them.

Part 5 – Others

5.2. Imposition / 5.2.2. Creating a Collation Mark Pattern

10 Select an imposition template.


Select the imposition template for which to set the collation
marks, and then display 1 View.6-" 8 10-"
Imposition 10-
" Select [Imposition Template] in [Select a 9
type]. 4 -$
10-# 3 10 10-
# Select an imposition template in [Stripping
Templates] list, and then4 click 6 -& 11
[Edit]. 10-
5 7-" 13 10-&
Imposition View for the selected imposition template is
4-% 7-# 10-'
11 Place the collation marks. 7-$
" Click [ ] to display [Dynamic Marks] pane.
11-" # Click [Collation4 -&
[Collation Marks] pane is displayed.
11-# $ If [Enable Collation Mark] is not selected, select it.
11-$ % Select the collation mark template to use in [Collation
11-% The collation marks are placed according to the template

••• In [Dynamic Marks] pane, adjustments for settings such as the

placement location (head, foot, left, right), size, offset and colour can
also be performed for the placed collation marks. For the detailed
settings, see the supplied Reference Manual.

This completes the placement work for the collation mark pattern.

Part 5 – Others

5.3. Switching Press Devices

If an operator at a printing company needs to switch press devices just before printing starts, you can use proper press profile settings and press adjustment function to switch from one press device to
another with only easy adjustments:
•• The imposition parameters can be easily adjusted on
[Pagination] screen, without opening [Imposition Viewer]
2 -" screen.
•• Among the imposition parameters that should be changed

2 -# when the press device profile is changed, [Work Style] and

[Adjust Object Position] are changed automatically.

This section describes how to configure the necessary settings in

advance and adjust the imposition parameters when changing
press devices.

1 Click on the main client desktop.

[Administration] screen is displayed.

2 Set the press profile to enable automatic work

style and object position adjustment when
changing press devices.
" Select [Press Profiles].

# In [Press Device Profiles] list, select the desired press

device profile and then click [New].
[Press Device Profile] screen is displayed.

Part 5 – Others

5.3. Switching Press Devices

2 Set the press profile to enable automatic work

style and object position adjustment when
changing press devices.
(Continued from previous page)

$ In [Press Geometry & Marks] tab pane:

2-% •• In [Work Style], select the desired imposition work style
from the menu.
•• Select [Adjust Object Position] and then set the
appropriate vertical and horizontal positions of the object
on the sheet.
•• From [Select Global Sheet Mark Template], select the
2-$ desired global sheet mark template so that the press-
dependent marks will be easily selected just by switching
the press.

% Set [Paper to Plate Offset], [Punch Height], [Gripper

Height] and other items as necessary.

& In [Device Configuration] – [Name], enter the desired

name for the press device profile setting.
2-& ' Click [OK].
The set press device profile is saved.

Part 5 – Others

5.3. Switching Press Devices

3 Create a job and set pagination in [Job Edit]


4 When changing the press device, select [Press]

4 in the workflow tab pane, and set the press
" In [Press Profile Options] pane, select the set press
device profile of step 2 from [Press Device].

# Select [Press Profile Controls Press Geometry],

[Change the Work Style and Object Position when
4-" Changing the Press Device Profile], and [Press Profile
Control Global Sheet Marks].
[Work Style], [Adjust Object Position], [Paper to Plate Offset],
4-# [Punch Height], and [Gripper Height] set in [Press Device
Profile] screen are applied automatically.

Part 5 – Others

5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data / 5.4.1. Setting Job Automatic Archive/Auto Job Deletion

5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data

The archive function is used to output the job or template information together in one file, and back up the file as an archive file. The output archive file can be restored for use in a different XMF
environment or to be newly edited.

5.4.1. Setting Job Automatic Archive/Auto Job Deletion

In the job archive, there is a function that archives jobs according to a set schedule, and a function that automatically deletes jobs so unneeded jobs* do not remain in the XMF system.
(*A job that will not be used in the future after it has been completed.) For details on the contents included in the archive, contact the administrator.

1 In [Job Edit] - [Archiver Automation], set the

schedule for archiving and deleting job data.
Select the options you want to set from [Archive job], [Delete
Raster data], and [Delete job], and set the schedule for the
selected events.

••• In the following cases, the job cannot be automatically deleted.

−− When a job is protected
1 −− When a job is running
−− When [Job Edit] screen is displayed
••• In some cases, job auto archive and job auto delete cannot be
performed due to Administrator settings. In this case, contact the

2 Click [Save].

Part 5 – Others

5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data / 5.4.2. Archiving a Job

5.4.2. Archiving a Job

You can save job or template setting information and related information files in the archive file. If the native file management function is available, you can also manage the native files of the input data by
associating them with the job, and archiving them together with the job.

•• A special licence is required for using the native file management function.
•• The native file management function can perform the following operations automatically.
−− Generating a work folder for managing the native files when generating a job.
−− When a job is archived after completing the job, compressing the work folder of the job and storing it together with the job archive file.
−− When the job is deleted, the work folder of the job is also deleted.

Flow of Job Generation to Archive

XMF Server
" When a job is created, the work
Red: Manual folder is created automatically.
Blue: Automatic Job # The production department saves
the native files in the work folder
$ After proofing, run the job.
Compressed Job Archive % When archive is instructed, job and
Work Folder File work folder are archived automatically.
Archive Output

Native Files

Work Folder

Work Folder Location

Part 5 – Others

5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data / 5.4.2. Archiving a Job

Follow the procedures below to create and then archive a job.

1 Generate the job.
The work folder structure is copied, and the work folder of the job
is generated in the specified work folder location (folder).

2 Save the native files (ex. Illustrator/InDesign

files) created by the production department
in the work folder and manage them.
3 After proofing is completed run the job, then
archive the completed job.
3-$ When you set the archiving scheule in “5.4.1. Setting Job
Automatic Archive/Auto Job Deletion,” the job will be archived
according to the set schedule. At the same time as the job is
archived, the work folder is compressed and saved together with
the job archive file.
If you want to archive a job manually, proceed with the following

" Select the job to be archived in the XMF Queue

screen and click [ ] (Archive Selected Jobs).

# Select [Archive the Job now] or [Add the Job to the

next archive schedule].

$ Click [OK].
The archive file is saved to the set export folder with “.sbak”

To Set Archive in Details

In [Administration] screen - [Archiver] - [Edit Settings] , you can set the export folder for the archive file, folder name template,
and native file management.

Part 5 – Others

5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data / 5.4.3. Restoring an Archive File

5.4.3. Restoring an Archive File

The archive files of jobs can be restored for use in a new edition or reprinting.

•• When the native file management function is used, a job archive file is restored, uncompressing the compressed work folder of the job and restoring it in the work folder location.

Flow of Job Restoration to Reprinting

Job " When the job is restored, the

compressed work folder of the job
is extracted and restored in the
work folder location.
# Correct the native files in the
XMF Server
restored work folder and create
Compressed Job Archive PDFs.
Work Folder File Archive Output

Red: Manual
Blue: Automatic Work Folder
Work Folder Location (Folder)
Native Files

Part 5 – Others

5.4. Using Archive to Back Up Data / 5.4.3. Restoring an Archive File

1-" 1 Restore the job.

" Click [ ] (Launch the Archive window) in the XMF
Queue screen.
[Archiver] screen is displayed and [Import Jobs] is selected.

# Click [Archive Jobs].

1-# $ Select the job archive file to be restored, and then

click [ ] (Retry Selected Jobs).
[Restore Jobs] dialog is displayed.
% Select the desired job restoration settings (Job ID)
and then click [Restore Job].
The restored job is displayed in [Job Queue] or [Archive Jobs]
At the same time as the restored job is registered, the
compressed work folder of the job is uncompressed and
restored in the work folder location.

2 Correct the native files in the restored work

1-% folder and create PDFs.

3 Input the corrected PDFs into the job, and run

the job.

Fujifilm Corporation


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