P-005 Liquid Penetant Testing Procedure
P-005 Liquid Penetant Testing Procedure
P-005 Liquid Penetant Testing Procedure
This procedure describes guide lines for the detection of open to surface
discontinuities of welds including band of 25mm width on each side of the weld and
the Ferrous and Non-ferrous materials such as CS and SS etc. in accordance with
the Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code ASME Section V. for the Project both
Pipeline per ASME B31.8 and Process Piping per ASME B31.3
This document shall cover the liquid penetrant examination using Visible Solvent
Removable Color Contrast Method. Typical discontinuities detectable by this
method are cracks, seams, laps, laminations and porosity. The extent of
examination shall be as per applicable construction-Code requirements / project
specifications and client directives.
Amendments/Supplements to
2.3 ADCO Doc. No.
The qualification of NDT Inspector to carry out this testing shall be minimum of
ASNT Level II in accordance with the company’s Written Practice NDT-SOP-001-
03, which is in accordance with documents ASNT SNT- TC -1A in Liquid Penetrant
Testing method.
All personnel shall be aware at all times of hazards both of site and method in order to
prevent accident or injury to self or others.
4.1 General
Care shall be taken when using the following,
Electrical items such as lamps, ensuring undamaged wiring, correct plug for
socket, correct voltage, etc.
Keep the aerosol cans away from any direct heat or flame.
Scaffolding, safe and suitable for application with ladders lashed, etc.
4.2 Specific
As penetrant test materials are highly volatile, toxic, hydrocarbon based and
inflammable, care should be taken when working near naked flame.
Being supplied in aerosol form, care to be taken when exposed to heat, and
cans must not be left in direct sunlight.
When handling materials, wash hands immediately after use, flush eyes with
lukewarm water in event of contamination; avoid smoking, eating and drinking
whilst using products.
The essential variables as detailed below shall remain constant for all the testing.
Identification of and any change in type or family group of penetrant
Materials including developers, emulsifiers, etc.
Surface preparation (finishing and cleaning, including type of cleaning solvent
Method of applying penetrant
Method of removing excess surface penetrant
Hydrophilic or lipophilic emulsifier concentration and dwell time in dip tanks
and agitation time for hydrophilic emulsifiers
Hydrophilic emulsifier concentration in spray applications
Method of applying developer
Minimum and maximum time periods between step and drying aids
Decrease in penetrant dwell time
Increase in developer dwell time (interpretation time)
Minimum light intensity
Surface temperature outside 40˚F to 125˚F (5˚C to 52˚C)
or as previously qualified
Performance demonstration, when required
Table 1
SI No. Consumable Manufacturer Trade Name Group
Test surface to be examined include the weld and adjacent areas within at least
25 mm on either side of the weld edge shall be dry and free from any dust, oil,
grease, water, loose scale, paint or any other extraneous matter that could
obscure surface openings or otherwise interfere with the examination.
Surface preparation by grinding, machining or other methods may be necessary
where surface irregularities could mask indications of unacceptable
Grit sand blasting is not recommended prior to liquid penetrant inspection
8.2 Pre-cleaning
The Testing area shall be cleaned thoroughly with solvent cleaner by flushing
and wipe with the clean dry lint free cloth.
Typical cleaning agents which may be used are detergents, organic solvents,
de-scaling solutions, and paint removers. Degreasing and Ultrasonic cleaning
methods may also be used.
After cleaning with solvent / remover, drying of the surfaces shall be
accomplished by normal evaporation or with forced hot air, or as appropriate. It
shall be ensured that the cleaning solution has evaporated prior to the
application of the penetrant. The minimum and maximum drying time shall be
1 minute and 3 minutes respectively.
The temperature of the test surface and the penetrant shall be within range of
5° to 52°C (40° to 125°F).
In case the temperature of the component is outside the range as specified
above, the procedure may be applicable but require re-qualification and revision
as described in Para T-653 of Article 6 of ASME Sec V.
The applied penetrant shall be allowed to enter discontinuities. For the test
temperature defined (in Table-2), the minimum penetration (dwell) time shall be
as per Table-13.1 below.
Dwell time (minutes)*
Material Form Type of Discontinuity
Penetrant Developer
Aluminium, Castings and welds Cold shuts, porosity, lack
5 10
magnesium, steel, of fusion, cracks (all forms)
brass and bronze, Wrought materials – Laps, cracks (all forms)
titanium and high- extrusions, forgings, 10 10
temperature alloys plate
Carbide-tipped tools Lack of fusion, porosity,
5 10
Ceramic All forms Cracks 5 10
Glass All forms Cracks 5 10
Plastic All forms Cracks 5 10
*: The minimum dwell times given are valid for the temperature range 100C to 520C. The
minimum Penetrant dwell time shall be 2 times of the value given if the test temperature
0 0
ranges between 5 C to 10 C.
The Non-aqueous wet developer (agitate well before use) is applied directly to
the part by spraying after the removal of excess penetrant. It shall be sprayed in
such a manner as to assure complete part coverage with a thin, even film of
The developer evaporates rapidly at normal room temperature and does not
require the use of dryer. However, it should be used with proper ventilation.
Dipping or Brushing of developer is prohibited.
Developer Dwell time shall not be less than 10 minute. The surface shall be
closely examined during application of developer to monitor the behavior of
The testing area shall have adequate light to insure no loss of sensitivity in
the examination. A minimum light intensity of 100-foot candle (1000 lux) is
required during the evaluation of indications.
Indications which have any dimension greater than 1.6 mm shall be
considered as relevant.
A linear indication is one having a length greater than 3 times its width.
A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with a length equal
to or less than 3 times its width.
Any questionable or doubtful indication shall be retested to verify.
Careful evaluation is required to discriminate the surface defects due to
machining and grinding.
8.9 Post-Examination Cleaning
Cleaning after testing shall only be undertaken using a process that does not
adversely affect the part and if specified in the purchase order.
Only certified Level II Liquid Penetrant Testing personnel shall interpret and
evaluate the testing result.
Penetrant Testing
Fillet (Note (3) )
Weld Imperfection
A A A A √ A A A A A Crack √
A A A A √ A C A N/A A Lack of fusion -
B A N/A A √ N/A C A N/A B Incomplete penetration -
E E N/A D √ N/A N/A N/A N/A / Internal porosity -
Internal slag inclusion, tungsten
G G N/A F √ N/A N/A N/A N/A / -
inclusion, or elongated indication
H A H A √ A I A H H Undercutting -
Surface porosity or exposed slag
A A A A - A A A A A -
inclusion (Note (5) )
N/A N/A N/A J - J N/A N/A N/A / Surface finish -
Concave root surface
K K N/A K √ N/A K K N/A K -
(suck up)
Weld reinforcement or internal
L L L L - L M M M M -
(a) Weld imperfections are evaluated by one or more of the types of examination methods
given, as specified in paras. 341.4.1, 341.4.2, 341.4.3 and M341.4, or by the engineering
(b) “N/A” indicates the Code does not establish acceptance criteria or does not require
evaluation of this kind of imperfection for this type of weld.
(c) Check (√) indicates examination method generally used for evaluating this kind of weld
(d) Ellipsis (-) indicates examination method not generally used for evaluating this kind of weld
Reports shall have clear and detailed information about the component tested
and test results. After evaluation in comparison with the relevant acceptance
criteria, results shall be reported on prescribed form (Annexure – 1).
The qualified and certified PT level II technicians shall sign all reports.
Report number
Client’s name
Work order
Joint number
Project No.: P 90115
ADCO Doc. No.
Page 11 of 13
PT procedure number and revision
Weld number
Welder number
Welding procedure
Acceptance criteria
Lighting equipment
Date of examination
Record of indications
Following acceptance of report by Client, copy shall be filed together with copies
of sketch (es), specific procedures, technique sheets, photographs or other
relevant material, in such manner to allow easy retrieval if and when required.