NPK 000 N1 GS 6001 K Rev 3 Spesification For Painting and Coating
NPK 000 N1 GS 6001 K Rev 3 Spesification For Painting and Coating
NPK 000 N1 GS 6001 K Rev 3 Spesification For Painting and Coating
Historical Sheet
1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Propose ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3. Project Description .............................................................................................................. 4
1.4. Scope of Supply................................................................................................................... 4
2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................. 5
2.1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ........................................................ 5
2.2. Steel Structure Painting Council (SSPC) ............................................................................ 5
2.3. British Standards ................................................................................................................. 6
2.4. Swedish Standards ............................................................................................................... 6
3. REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. General ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.2. Abrasive Blasting .............................................................................................................. 10
3.3. Coating/Painting ................................................................................................................ 13
3.4. Coating/Painting ................................................................................................................ 13
3.5. Galvanizing Surfaces ......................................................................................................... 19
3.6. Workmanship .................................................................................................................... 19
3.7. Health and Safety .............................................................................................................. 20
3.8. Document Requirements ................................................................................................... 22
4. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................ 23
4.1. General .............................................................................................................................. 23
4.2. Responsibility for Inspection and Testing ......................................................................... 23
4.3. Inspection and Test Requirements .................................................................................... 24
4.4. Pre-Coating Inspection ...................................................................................................... 26
4.5. Coating Thickness ............................................................................................................. 26
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Propose
This specification covers the minimum requirements for surfaces preparation, coating
materials, application methods, and quality assurances for paint and protective
coatings to be used for “NPK CHEMICAL PROJECT 500,000 MTPY”, owner by PT.
Paint material to be used shall be obtained only from reliable and established
manufactures. All painting materials and procedure to be used for shop or field painting
shall be subjected to Purchaser’s approval. Vendor shall inform the name of paint
brand and its manufactures.
The most recent edition or revision of the following publications shall be referred to by this
specification, except where specifically modified by this specification.
BS 729 : 1994 Specification for Hot Deep Galvanized Coatings of Iron and Steel
3.1. General
Items that have had paint and protective coatings applied may be installed either
outdoor in an unprotected area or indoor. The paint and protective coatings shall
be suitable for the environmental conditions specified for such installations in the
Requisitions Package, and the specific details for the item being painted and
- Shop-prepared and/or shop painted surface that had been damaged and
require spot surface preparation and paint repair, includes touch-up.
- Non-metallic surfaces
- Surfaces to be fireproofed
- Weatherproofing on insulation
- Machined surfaces
- Threaded connection
Piping shall be fully coated in the area of pipe supports before mounted on pipe
supports. If metallic pads or double plates are required for reinforcement of
supported pipe, these reinforcements shall be applied before coating.
Outdoor surface preparation and coating shall be conducted during daylight hours.
Indoor painting is allowed 24 hours a day in a well-lit building if the environmental
conditions in described are met inside the building at all times during preparation,
painting, and curing.
b) Surface preparation for coating application will be carried out after all structural,
mechanical, piping welding, and testing works have been completed on the
c) All area which required field touch-up after erection or fabrication such as weld,
burn backs and mechanically damages area shall be cleaned by power tool or
hand wire brushing as per SSPC - SP2 or SSPC - SP3
f) Surfaces that are not to be coated shall be properly protected from abrasive
blasting and coating, preferably with cloth or cloth tape. Any paint deposited on
the surfaces shall be removed carefully. Following coating application, all such
protection shall be removed and the underlying surface restored to the original
h) Oil, grease, soil, dust, etc. deposited on surface after surface preparation has
been completed shall be removed prior to painting
i) All nameplates shall be securely masked before blast cleaning to protect from
blasting abrasive and paint.
m) Cleaning after blasting and before painting shall be done by vacuum cleaner,
flushing by dry compressed air, or clean brush.
n) Detergents or water washing is not allowed after cleaning except for cleaning
by fresh water after wet abrasive blasting.
Prior to abrasive blasting, the conditions set out in section 3.1.4 shall be fulfilled.
Abrasive blast cleaning shall be the preferred method of surface preparation for
carbon steel and shall be completed, as a minimum, to comply with SSPC-SP-10
at the time of coating.
Before and after blasting, all weldments shall be closely inspected for the presence
of welding flux and spatter, slivers, inclusions, lamination, and underlying mill scale.
Imperfections shall be mechanically removed and the immediate area re-blasted.
Construction details that result in crevices, pockets, or annular spaces that cannot
be properly sandblasted or painted, are not acceptable and must be
redesigned/reworked prior to blasting (channel type nameplate brackets are an
For all purchased skid mounted equipment, the fabricator to individually paint each
equipment item, this may require disassembly of the skidded system for painting.
The bottom surfaces of all base plates are to be painted unless specified
Equipment that does not require protective painting over manufacture's standard
paint should be identified.
Abrasive material shall be hard, virgin, silica sand and with less than a 10 percent
breakdown rate, or other Purchaser's approved abrasives. Rounded river sand or
beach sand is not acceptable. Sand shall be used only once.
Blast abrasive shall be dry, clean, and free from impurities and contaminants. It
shall be of a type and size adequate to give a surface profile or anchor pattern of
25 to 75 microns and splash zone coating system shall be of 75 to 100 microns (if
applicable), unless specified otherwise. The abrasive shall contain not more than
75 parts per million chlorides by weight.
To achieve the required anchor profile, abrasive particle size shall follow the
surface preparation commentary of the SSPC manual to comply with SSPC-SP-10.
Blasting shall not be performed when the relative humidity is greater than 85
percent, or if the surface temperature is less than 5 °F above the air dew point.
The compressed air pressure supply (min. 100 psig) for blasting shall be free of
detrimental amounts of oil and water. Adequate separators and traps shall be
provided and shall be frequently checked and emptied.
Blasting to white metal shall be allowed only during daylight hours and only on
surfaces that will receive the first primer coat before sundown of the same day that
the white metal blast is complete. Surfaces that remain uncoated overnight shall be
re-blasted to white metal prior to applying the first primer coat.
Where repair or re-coating is carried out on coating systems, the affected area
shall be whip blasted to provide adequate paint key. The blast cleaning shall carry
over to the secure surrounding coating for a distance not less than 1 inch. The
coating edges shall be chamfered, based on a method approved by Purchaser.
Care shall be taken to ensure aluminum, stainless steel, and in general all
dissimilar metals, are segregated from the surface preparation operations of
carbon steel materials.
Abrasive blasting shall be done in an area removed from coating operations and
coated surfaces that are not yet dry.
All steels surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned to white metal in accordance with
In general, white blasted surfaces shall have anchor patterns in accordance with
the coating manufacture's recommendations.
The wet abrasive blasting uses water at high pressure, 10,000 or more psig, and
low volume, 2 to 15 gallons per minute, to prepare metal for painting. High
pressure water is conveyed though hoses to hand-held gun with a small diameter
orifice nozzle. After wet blast cleaning, the surface must be rinsed of spend
abrasives. It is necessary to use that prevents rust formation after rinsing. The wet
abrasives blasting is not used to shop clean new weldment.
Surfaces that have already received a vendor's coating systems, which is approved
in writing by Purchaser, shall be solvent cleaned as specified in SSPC-SP-1.
If the equipment vendor's coating system was not approved coating or brand, it
shall either be removed to bare metal and re-coated in accordance with this
specification, or with Purchaser's approval it may be top coated. If top coated, the
surface shall be solvent cleaned per SSPC-SP-1 and primed with a suitable
universal primer. The intermediate and finished coats of System 2 shall then be
applied. Vendor shall be fully responsible for compatibility between the equipment
manufacture's prime coat, the primer and the intermediate coat.
3.3. Coating/Painting
Prior to any coating application, the conditions set out in section 3.1.4 shall be
Careful attention shall be paid to thinning, mixing and curing times between
subsequent coats. Any brushing shall be carried out such that a smooth, uniformly
thick coat is obtained. There should be no deep or detrimental brush marks. Paint
shall be worked into all crevices and corners. Runs or sags shall be brushed out.
Prior to coating, surfaces blasted to white metal shall be dust free. The surfaces
shall be dusted preferably by dry brushing or by vacuuming with an industrial
vacuum cleaner. Pressure air blowing is permitted if suitable precautions are taken
to ensure that the air is free of moisture, oil, and other contaminants.
Coatings shall not be applied within 6 inch of unprepared surfaces or within 6 inch
of edges prepared for subsequent welding.
The initial primer coat shall be applied as soon as possible after preparation. In all
cases the primer coat shall be applied during daylight hours on the same day the
surface is prepared. All cases before the cleaned and or prepared surface shows
signs of oxidization or is subjected to contamination, surfaces developing rust or
became dirty prior to be painted/coated shall be prepared again.
Any surfaces inaccessible for proper coating application and/or inspection, shall be
coated prior to final assembly. Specifically, flange faces and bolts holes shall be
coated prior to final installation.
Prior to applying a succeeding coat, all coatings shall be allowed to dry at site
ambient conditions for at least the minimum time specified by the coating
manufacturer and not longer than the maximum time for site ambient conditions.
No coating shall be applied over a previous coating that is not thoroughly dry.
Coatings shall be applied by brush to all crevices, corners, edges, and other hard-
to-spray areas in accordance with section 3.3.4.
The coating film thickness referred to in this specification shall be the dry film
thickness (DFT) measured by a properly calibrated film thickness gauge and are
minimum values.
All areas such as external corners and edges, welds, bolts, nuts, and interstices
(excluding galvanized surfaces) shall receive a “stripe” coat prior to application of
the specified coat to ensure that these areas have at least the minimum specified
film thickness and to ensure continuity of the coating. The “stripe” coat shall be
allowed to become touch dry prior to coating with the specified coat.
All areas that will be subject to welding after painting shall be masked after blast
cleaning. Masking shall preferably be with cloth or cloth tape and shall extend at
least 2 inches on all sides of the intended weld area.
The contact surface of earthing bosses shall be masked after blast cleaning.
The cured coatings shall be visually free of pinholes, voids, bubbles, mud cracking
and other “holidays”.
Each coat shall be in a proper state of cure or dryness before the application of the
next coat. Material shall be dry for re-coating when an additional coat can be
applied without the development of any detrimental film irregularities, such as lifting
or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. Manufacturer's instructions shall be followed.
When successive coats of the same color have been specified, alternate coats
shall be tinted, when practical, sufficiently to produce enough contrast to indicate
complete coverage of the surface. When the material is the color of the steel, or
when the tinting of the final coat is objectionable, the first coat to be applied shall
be tinted. The tinting material shall be compatible with the material and not
detrimental to its service life.
Prior to the application of any coat of material all damage to previous coats shall be
touched up with the specified coating. Damage prior to delivery of finish coating
shall be re-primed and refinished.
Valve for above ground installation shall be painted / coated by the valve
manufacturer's standard painting specification in conjunction with valve
specification and applicable codes and standards.
The overlapping dimension for adjacent area where is coated another day is
minimum 6 inches beyond coating area of day and minimum 1 inch into previous
coated area.
- adhesive strength
- color stability
- weather resistance
- heat resistance
- Durability
- dilution stability
- overcoat ability
- recoatability
- paint application interval
- volume of solid %
- pigment/binder content %
Coating and other consumable materials shall be new. Coating materials shall be
supplied with manufacturer's certificate. Materials shall be supplied unopened in
the coating Manufacturer's containers. The unopened containers shall be clearly
identified. Labels and tags shall be intact and no coating shall be used after
Manufacture's recommended shelf life has expired.
Mixing of different coating materials is not permitted whether or not from the same
coating manufacture.
Coating material shall not be mixed or kept in suspension by using a bubbling air
stream. If settling has occurred it must be re-mixed immediately before using. No
thinner shall be added unless necessary for proper application. Type of thinner
shall comply with Manufactures instructions.
Materials shall not be left in a spray pot longer than the coating manufacture
recommends. If this limit is reached, the pot shall be emptied and cleaned, the
materials destroyed, and new material mixed.
The products of only a single coating Manufacture shall be used for each complete
coating system discussed in this specification. The use of different coating
manufacturer’s products for successive coats on a single surface, or piece of
equipment, is not permitted.
Thinning of coating materials is not allowed except when specifically called for in
coating Manufacture’s recommendations. The procedure and limits for thinning
shall be in accordance with coating Manufacture’s recommendations.
Unless otherwise specified, Vendor shall comply with the finish coat color schedule
in as color coding on system only the approved coating brands in Appendix A shall
be used.
Suitable traps and separators shall be installed to remove water, oil, and other
contaminants from the air supply.
Traps and separators shall be of the continuous-bleed type and shall be checked
frequently to prevent carryover.
Suitable regulators and gauges shall be installed in the air supply to the pressure
pot and the gun.
Prior to application, all coating materials shall be vigorously stirred and/or agitated
in spray pots until pigments, vehicle, and catalysis are thoroughly mixed. During
application, coatings shall be continuously stirred by mechanical spray pot agitators
or other approved means.
Prior to adding new material, lines, pots, and guns shall be thoroughly cleaned
following each application. Solvents left in the equipment shall be completely
removed before coating the prepared surfaces.
For optimum spraying effectiveness, the pressure on the material in the pot and of
the air at the gun shall be adjusted and maintained to deliver the material at the
rate specified by the coating Manufacture. Air pressure and volume shall be the
minimum required to properly atomize the coating material.
The spray pattern shall be adjusted so that the coating is deposited in uniform
layers with the correct wet film thickness.
The spray gun shall be held perpendicular to the surfaces at all times and at a
distance that will ensure depositing a fully wet layer of material on the surface.
Arching of the spray gun is not permitted.
Parallel, even passes shall be made that overlap the previous spray coating by 50
percent. Large continuous surfaces shall be coated by two passes made at right
angles to each other.
All runs, air bubbles, sags, and other imperfections shall be brushed out
immediately or the coating shall be removed and the surface re-sprayed.
Coating shall be applied with a brush in all areas that cannot be spray coated
Brushes shall be of a style, quality, and composition (pure bristle or nylon bristle)
that enable proper coating application.
Round or oval brushes are the most suitable for rivets, bolts, irregular surfaces,
and rough or pitted steel.
Wide flat brushes are suitable for large flat surfaces. A brush width greater than 5
inches is not acceptable.
Coating shall be worked into all crevices and corners. Surfaces not accessible to
brushes shall be coated with daubers.
Touch-up and/or repair of damaged coating shall be carried out to ensure that the
coating requirements for the particular surface comply with this specification.
Coating damaged not exposing steel surfaces shall be cleaned and abraded. Hard
edges shall be feathered. The coating shall be made good to the full coating
system nominated for the area and complying with this specification. 5% of
equipment final touch will be done by painting personel at site signed by
manufacturer representative.
No coat shall be applied until the proceeding coat has dried. The material shall be
considered dry for re-coating when another coat can be applied without the
development of any film irregularities such as lifting or loss of adhesion or
undercoats, and the drying time of the applied coat does not exceed the maximum
specified for it as a first coat.
No paint shall be force dried under conditions which will cause cracking, wrinkling,
blistering, formation of pores, or detrimentally effect the condition of the paint. No
drier shall be added to a point on the job unless specifically called for in
Manufacture’s specification for the paint.
Paint shall be protected from rain, condensation and contamination until dry to the
fullest extent practicable.
3.4. Coating/Painting
Fabrication shall be completed (including all cutting, shipping, welding, and clean-
up) prior to beginning solvent cleaning and acid treatment of surfaces to be
Preferably, all surfaces to be galvanized shall be coated in a single hot dip. If the
size or configuration of the item does not permit a single dip, additional dipping
may be performed as long as the final galvanize surface is free of overlaps, spikes,
teardrops, cracks, or flakes.
If vendor does not have hot-dip galvanizing facilities, Vendor shall subcontract
experienced, competent coaters. Vendor shall verify that the coater’s facility has
the capacity to galvanize properly the required items. All subcontracted work shall
be approved by Purchaser.
3.6. Workmanship
Prior to beginning work, all vendor’s personnel shall be thoroughly familiar with the
material, equipment, this specification, and all applicable standards and codes.
Care shall be exercised at all times to prevent splashing, dropping, spillage, and
over spray of coating and abrasive materials.
Vendor shall protect all equipment, walls, floors, ceilings, and other surfaces from
damaged by coating materials and other contaminants.
Vendor shall clean any accidentally applied material from all surfaces. No
permanent color or stain shall remain from accidentally applied materials.
All coating Vendor using this specification shall have a section in their Safety
Management System devoted to industrial coating applications. This shall include,
but not be limited to:
3.7.1. General
A safe area shall be established and clearly identified for handling and
storage of all flammable materials and for waste disposal. No source of
ignition shall be permitted within the safe area at any time.
Vendor shall take proper precautions before and during work in confined
areas and/or in areas with the potential for fire or explosion.
All electrical equipment to be used for painting work shall be suitable for
environmental condition and hazardous classification to be used. Refer to
IEC 60079-15 “Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres”.
Vendor shall provide and maintain fire extinguishers approved for the
expected fire hazard near or in all work areas.
Vendor shall provide and install sufficient scaffolding and staging for easy
access during surface preparation, coating application, and inspection of all
The supporting aids and the surface or item being worked on shall be so that
workers will have free use of body and arms.
Vendor shall exercise extreme care and caution when working in the vicinity
of in-service facilities. All valves, switches, and controls shall remain
unmoved and undisturbed.
Material safety data sheets shall always be available for review during
transport and prior to the application of the product. Manufactures
instructions for the safe handling of products shall be followed to minimize
the risk of injury or creation of health hazards to personnel.
Handling of coatings and chemicals shall be carried out with due care and
Vendor shall provide all operators with hoods for protection against
abrasives and with paint masks. The hoods and masks shall be worn at all
times when work is being done.
3.7.5. Earthing
All equipment, particularly nozzles, tanks, piping and cable trays / ladders
shall be earthed to prevent sparking and electric shocks from static
Vendor shall provide all required documents to support the coating works and keep
those documents readily available at all times at the job sites. Those documents
shall comprise of the following:
4.1. General
Materials, equipment, procedures, and work shall be subject to inspection at any time by
one or more Purchaser’s representatives. Vendor shall provide Purchaser representative
with ready access to all work areas, materials, equipment, and surfaces.
Purchaser representative shall have the right to reject any and all equipment, material, or
work that is not in compliance with the minimum requirements established in this
Vendor shall give Purchaser representative at least 2 days notice prior to starting any
work covered by this specification.
Work shall not proceed beyond the inspection points defined in section 4.3 in
representative’s prior knowledge and written consent and without approval of the
At all times, Vendor shall furnish and maintain on the job site in proper working condition
the following inspection and test equipment.
Surface magnifier
Holiday detector (Tinker & Rasor, Model No. AP, spy high voltage, elcometer D.C.
Holiday detector (high voltage) or equivalent
Vendor shall record all coating works using a specific form. A copy of each completed
record shall be submitted to Purchaser within twelve hours after the coating application.
4.3.1. General
Vendor shall generate quality records from the inspection and test
activities and in accordance with the approved inspection and test plan(s).
The records shall be compiled and reviewed by Purchaser following the
completion of each inspection and test.
Vendor shall utilize piece and member numbers previously applied during
construction to identify work areas. Traceability
All inspection and testing detailed below are the minimum requirements. The result
of all paint coating tests shall be recorded on a coating inspection report.
At least three gauge readings shall be taken for each thickness determination.
At least five separate thickness determinations shall be taken for each 10 m 2 of coated
surface. On coated surfaces less than 10 m2 in area, at least three thickness
determinations shall be taken. The results of the coating thickness check shall be
recorded on Vendor’s coating inspection report.
Any defective material, equipment, or work shall be replaced, repaired or re-done entirely
as necessary to meet the minimum requirements established by this specification. All
such corrective action shall be at Vendor’s expense without additional charges to
Prior to starting any work covered by this specification, the following inspections
shall be performed.
Available equipment and materials shall be visually inspected for compliance with
the minimum requirements established by this specification.
Additional equipment and materials furnished by Vendor during the course of work
performance shall be inspected prior to use.
Surface shall be visually inspected to ensure that the entire area to be coated is
properly prepared, clean, dry, and free of contamination in accordance with the
applicable SSPC Standard(s) and the minimum requirements established in
section 3.3.5.
The anchor pattern of all surfaces that have been abrasive blasted to white metal
shall be inspected to ensure compliance with the coating Manufacture’s
recommendations and the requirements established in section
Inspection of the anchor pattern shall include checks made with Pres-0-Film tape.
Surface shall be visually inspected to ensure the absence to skips, sage drips,
holidays, air pockets, foreign particle contamination, and any other defects.
Wet film thickness of the coating shall be measured to ensure that the coating will
have the proper film thickness when dry.
Surfaces shall be inspected to ensure that all coating material is thoroughly dry.
Coating dry film thickness (DFT) shall be checked using a micro test of equivalent
DFT gauge to ensure compliance with the applicable requirements given in section
3.3.7. Immediately prior to making checks with the DFT gauge, the instrument shall
be accurately calibrated in accordance with the gauge Manufactures instructions.
4.5.4. Completion
Upon completion of all work covered by this specification the following inspection
shall be performed.
Application All structural steel, carbon steel piping, pressure vessels and equipment with surface operating
temperature up to 100 0C
Preparation Abrasive blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SP-10
Product Min. DFT Surface
Coat Supplier Product Name
Generic Name (microns) Preparation
Primer Zinc-rich epoxy 100 International Interzinc EPA 075V
Jotun Barrier 77
Wattyl/Sigma Galvit EP 102
Intermediate High-build 100 Intergard HB Epoxy EX
epoxy Series
Jotun Jotamastic 87
Wattyl/Sigma Sigmacover CM
Finish Polyurethane 50 International Interthane PC Series
Jotun Hardtop AS
Wattyl/Sigma Paracryl IFC
Application Carbon steel piping, pressure vessels and equipment with surface operating temperature above
100 ºC and below 400 ºC
Preparation Abrasive blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SP-10
Product Generic Min. DFT
Coat Supplier Product Name
Name (microns)
Primer Inorganic zinc 50 International Interzinc 12
silicate Jotun Resist 78
Finish Silicone 50 International Intertherm 875
Aluminium Jotun Solvalitte
Application Internal surface of Storage Tank
Preparation Abrasive blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SP-10
Product Generic Min. DFT
Coat Supplier Product Name
Name (microns)
Primer two pack high 100 International Intertherm® 228
build epoxy with
Jotun Jotamastic 87
high resistance
Intermediate two pack high 100 International Intertherm® 228
build epoxy with
Jotun Jotamastic 87
high resistance
Finish two pack high 100 International Intertherm® 228
build epoxy with
Jotun Jotamastic 87
high resistance
Application Underneath Bottom of Storage Tank
Preparation Abrasive blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SP-10
Product Generic Min. DFT
Coat Supplier Product Name
Name (microns)
Primer Coaltar Epoxy 100 Hempel Hempadur® 15130
Finish Coaltar Epoxy 100 Hempel Hempadur® 15130
For brand new product name (equal with the product name that submitted to Purchaser) should have approval from
Compressors, Blower, Turbine, Diesel, Pump & motor (M) N-8 Light grey
E. Stationary Tank
1. Uninsulated RAL No. 9003 Milk white
2. Insulated RAL No. 9007 Aluminium/ Silver
F. Mobile Tank/ container
1. Sulphuric Acid RAL No. 3027 Dark red
2. Carbon Dioxide RAL No. 6026 Dark Green
3. Liquid Ammonia RAL No. 9003 Milk White
G. Bottling
1. Oxygen RAL No. 5017 Sky Blue
2. Liquid Ammonia RAL No. 9003 Milk White
3. Nitrogen RAL No. 1011 Dark Brown
4. Carbon Dioxide RAL No. 6026 Dark Green
H. Piping
1. Cooling Water (M) 7.5 GY 7/4.5 Green
2. Service water (M) 2.5 G 8/3 Light green
3. Process Water (M) 2.5 G 5.5/7 Light Green
4. Drinking Water (M) 2.5 G 8/3 Light Green
5. Fire Water (M) 7.5 R 4/14 Red
6. Plant Air (M) 10 YR 7/4 + N-95 Redish Brown + White
7. Instrument Air (M) 10 YR 7/4 Redish Brown
8. Nitrogen (M) 5 YR 3.5/4 Brown
9. Steam (M) 7.5 Y 9/12 Aluminium / Silver
10. Condensate TBA Aluminium & Yellow
11. Fuel Oil (M) N-6 Grey
12. Natural gas (M) 2.5 RP 4/12 Violet
(M) : Munshell Code