Detailed Lesson Plan in Triangle Congruency

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Grade 7

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
i. Illustrate triangle congruence (M8GE-IIId-1).

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Triangle Congruence
b. References:
i. Mathematics 8, Learner’s Module pp. 349-353
ii. Mathematics 8, Teacher’s Guide, Module 7, pp. 380-384
c. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, cut-out triangles, chart
d. Value: Cooperation, Collaboration

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation:
All rise for the prayer. [Student A], please [Prayer]

Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

How are you today? Fine Sir.

Take your seat! Seems that all seats are

taken, I assume nobody is absent.

a. Review:
Last meeting, we’ve defined some [Student will give terms of Geometry.]
terms that is commonly used in
Geometry. What are those

Ok good! You have mentioned

shapes, figures, etc. Those were
the usual terms that we talk
about Geometry.

b. Motivation:
Now, as you roam around in the
campus during your daily recess, I [Students will follow]
want you to think and give me
anything that can be related to
the figures of Geometry. I will
give you a minute and it starts

Okay, times up! Can you give me Chairs, chalkboard, windows, doors etc.
atleast 3 things you saw that can
be related to Geometry?

Ok good! You’ve mentioned

doors, windows, etc. What you The size of the doors is the same, sir.
can you say about the entrance
and exit doors?
Still the same shape and structure, sir.
How about these two
chalkboards? Windows? The sides of those figures have the same
measure with the sides of the other.
How are you sure that these
figures are the same?

Very good observation! In

Geometry, if two figures have the They are congruent!
same shape and size, how are we
going to call them?
[Students will follow]
Now, I want you to group into 4
by picking a figure here.All you
have to do is find your group
mate who is holding the same
shape as yours. The group that Yes sir.
forms first will be group 1; second
will be group 2 and so on. Do you

Ok go.

You have now your group. Using

the cut-outs, right your name in it
and put it back here. We tried to compare our shapes.

Now, how did you find your

group mates?

Ok good! Let’s have an activity.As

a group, use your body parts to
form 2 congruent triangles.
Present it in front.

But before that, you have to

choreo a 16-count dance moves
and then PORMA! I will give you
10 minutes to prepare and it
starts now.
B. Presentation
We’ve been talking triangles
because this morning, our objective is to

1. illustratetriangle congruence.

Before that, let us recall first. What are

the parts of a triangle? Sides, angles and vertices.

Okay very good. You’ve mentioned earlier

that, we can say that two triangles are
congruent if after rotations, they occur
physically the same.

However, what if we need solutions?

What solution can we give? [Student will give opinions.]

C. Discussion
Let us formally define triangle

By definition, if the corresponding sides

and the corresponding angles of two
triangles are congruent, then the
triangles are congruent.

What does that mean? [Student will answer]

Corresponding sides (or angles) are a pair

of matching sides (or angles) that are in
the same spot in two different shapes.

Now, consider these two triangles.

Let’s name these two as ∆ ABC and∆≝¿

.Geometrically,if we map∆ ABC to ∆≝¿ ,
then their correspondence are as follows:

Angles Sides

∠ A ↔∠ D AB↔ DE
∠ B↔ ∠ E BC ↔ EF
∠C ↔∠F CA ↔ FD

We have six corresponding pairs.

If we found out that these corresponding

Yes sir!
pairs (sides or angles)are congruent or if
their measures are equal, then by
definition, we can say that ∆ ABC and
∆≝¿ are congruent.

Do you understand?
Let’s have another activity. As a group,
answer the activity below.

Yes Sir!

Show your answer by taking a pic on it,

just use one phone per group and share it
to me. And we will be going to project it
here. Assign one member to present your
work. Understand? I will give you 5
minutes to do it and it starts now.

[Teacher will check the activity and give

[Student will answer]
[Teacher will wrap up]

Now, if we are going to say it this way: if

the two triangles are congruent, then
their corresponding sides and
corresponding angles are congruent, is it
still true?

Yes, the statement is still true. Actually,

this is what we call the CPCTC Postulate
or in other words: Corresponding parts of
congruent triangles are congruent.
Say for example:
Yes sir.
If ∆ PQR ≅ ∆ XYZ , then
PQ ≅ XY ∠P≅∠ X
QR ≅ YZ ∠ Q ≅ ∠Y
RP ≅ ZX ∠R≅∠ Z
Do you understand?

D. Application

With the same group, let’s have a short ``

Quiz Show. All you have to do is answer
the questions flash on the screen. I will
give you time to answer each question
depending on its difficulty level. Don’t
raise your answer yet, unless I told you to
do so.

Easiest Round: (1 point each) – 10 [Students will answer]

seconds to answer
Easier Round: (2 points each) – 20
Easy Round: (3 points each) – 1 minute
Final Easy Round: (5 points) –3 minutes

[Teacher will flash questions on the

screen. Each question, ask one student to
explain the answer.]

E. Generalization

To show that the two triangles are

congruent, you need to check first their
corresponding pairs (sides or angles), if
these pairs are congruent, then you can
say that the two triangles are congruent.
Also, if you say that the two triangles are
congruent, it follows that their
corresponding pairs (sides or segments)
are also congruent.

Do you have any clarifications? None Sir!

IV. Evaluation:

1. Given: ∆ CAB ≅ ∆ FDE , Write down the six pairs of congruent corresponding parts. (0.5
points per pair – total of 3 points)
2. Which triangles are congruent if MA ≅ KF , AX ≅ FC , MX ≅ KC ,
∠ M ≅ ∠ K ,∠ A ≅ ∠ F ,∠ X ≅ ∠C . Draw the triangles. (2 points)
3. ∆ SHU ≅ ∆ NOR , HS=15 , SU =9 , UH =8 , NR=2 x−1 and ON =2 y +5. Find the values
of x and y .
4. ∆ ONG ≅ ∆ lim ¿ ,
m∠ N =49 ° , m∠ G=72 ° , m∠ I =5 x + 4 , m∠ L=z −1 ,m ∠ M =7 y−z , find the values
x , y , and z .

V. Assignment
Research: Enumerate the triangle congruence postulates.

Prepared by:

Lowell B. Dela Peña Reviewed and Checked by:

Teacher 1
Meriam B. Endoy
Head Teacher 1

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