PSP (EX-701) 50 Questions Bank With Solution

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Power System Protection (EX-701)

Question Bank with Answers

Q.1 State any two advantages of current limiting reactor, using single line
diagram show the placement of reactor in power system.
Advantages of Current Limiting Reactor:
1) Reduction of electromechanical loading and thermal stress of transformers
and switchgears.
2) Improvement of the stability of primary bus voltage during a fault on feeder.
3) Reduction of line to line fault current to levels below those of line to ground
faults or vice versa.
4) Protection of distribution transformer, power equipment and devices from
the voltage transients.
5) Increase in system reliability.
6) As fault current/short circuit current is controlled suitable small capacity
circuit breaker can be used safely.
7) Introduction of reactor in the system ensure continuity of supply as troubles
are isolated.
8) Current limiting reactor reduces the magnitude of voltage disturbances
which is caused by short circuits.
9) It limits the fault current to flow into the healthy feeders or parts of the
system, thereby avoiding the fault from spreading.
Single Line Diagram of Current Limiting Reactor Showing the Placement
of Reactor in Power System:
Bus Bar Reactor:

Ring system

Tie - Bar system

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Generator Reactor:

Feeder Reactor:

Q.2 State the functions of following power system equipments with their symbols:
1) Circuit Breaker
2) Lighting arrester
3) Earthing switch
4) Current transformer

1) Circuit Breaker:
To make or break a circuit manually or remotely
under normal condition and to break circuit
automatically under fault condition.

2) Lighting Arrester:
To divert the high voltage surges towards
the earth,due to lightning or switching.

3) Earthing Switch:
To discharge voltage on the line
(due to charges of line capacitance) to earth
after disconnecting line from live section.

4) Current Transformer:
To step down the magnitude of line current for
measurement, protection and control.

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Q.3 Describe the difference between definite characteristics and inverse

characteristics of relays.

Difference Between Definite Characteristics and Inverse Characteristics of

The difference between the definite and inverse characteristics in respect of

relay is that the Definite time relays operate after a predetermined time when the
current exceeds the pickup value irrespective of the current magnitude. Whereas
the Inverse time relays operate in similar manner but the operating time depends
on the current magnitude. Higher the magnitude lower will be the operating
Q.4 State Basic Insulation Level (BIL). Explain its significance w.r.t.
insulation co-ordination of power system.

Basic Insulation Level(BIL):
Basic impulse insulation level (BIL) is the reference level expressed in impulse
crest voltage with a standard wave not longer than a 1.2/50µsec wave according
to IS.
Significance of BIL in Insulation coordination:
Insulation coordination is the co-relation of the
insulation of electric equipment and lines with the
characteristics of protective devices such that the
insulation of the whole power system is protected
from excessive over voltages. In order
to protect the equipment of power system from over-voltages of very high
magnitude, it is necessary to fix an insulation level for the system to see that any
insulation in the system does not breakdown or flash over below BIL.
Curve A is volt time curve of protective device and curve B is that of equipment
(apparatus) to be protected.

Q.5 A3 phase transmission line operating at 10kv and having a resistance of 1

ohm and reactance of 4 ohm is connected to the generating station bus bars
through 5 MVA step-up transformer having a reactance of 5%. The bus-
bars are supplied by a 10 MVA alternator having 10% reactance. Calculate
the short circuit kVA fed to symmetrical fault between phases if it occurs
1) At the load end of transmission line,
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2) At the high voltage terminals of the transformer.

Figure 1 shows the single line diagram of the network. Let 10,000 kVA be the
base kVA.

% Reactance of alternator on base kVA,
% XA = ×%
% XA= 10 × 103 × 10= 10%
% Reactance of transformer at base kVA,
%XT = 5 × 103 × 5= 10%
The line impedance is given in ohms. It can be converted into percentage
impedance by using expression.
% reactance of transmission line is
( )× Ω
% XL = ( )2
10 ×
10 × (10)2
= 40%
% Resistance of transmission line,
% RL = 2 = 10%
10 × (10)

The reactance diagram of the network on the selected base kVA is shown in
Fig.2 For a fault at the end of a transmission line (point F2),
Total % reactance = %XA + % XT + %XL
= 10 + 10 + 40 = 60%
% resistance = 10%
∴ % Impedance from generator neutral upto fault point F2
% = √(60)2 + (10)2= 60·83%
∴ Short-circuit kVA = 10,000 × 100/60·83
= 16,440kVA
(i) For a fault at the high voltage terminals of the transformer (point F1),

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Total % Reactance from generator neutral upto fault point F1

= % XA + % XT = 10 + 10 = 20%
∴ Short-circuit kVA = 10,000 × 100/20
= 50,000 kVA
Q.6 A 3 phase 66/11 kV star-delta connected transformer is protected by Merz-
Price protection scheme. The CT’s on the LT side have a ratio of 400/5 A.
Find the ratios of CT’s on the HT side. Also draw a neat connection
diagram of the complete scheme.

The CTs on LV side are connected in star as transformer windings are in delta.
Whereas those on HV side are in delta as the transformer windings are in star on
that side.
Assume CT line current on LV side to be 5 A and then that on HV side
will also be 5 A. But HV side CTs are in delta. Hence the HV side CT current
will be
(CT line current)/√3 = 5/√3 A.
Assume line current (for convenience) of 400 A on LV side (delta side) of
transformer. When transformed to HV side the line current will be ILht given by
√3 x 66 x ILht = √3 x 11 x 400
ILht = (11/66)x(400) = 66.67 A.
On HV side the CT primary current is 66.67 A and CT secondary current is
5/√3 A, hence the CT ratio is 66.67/(5/√3) = (66.67√3/5) = 115.47/5.
Connection Diagram of the Complete Scheme:
Suppose current flowing in secondary side of transformer is 400 amp. This
current is primary current for the CT’s connected to delta side of transformer.
The secondary current of the CT will be 5 amp, since CT ratio is 400/5 A.

The secondary connection of CT,s are as:

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Q.7 With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of HRC fuse.

Construction of HRC Fuse:
HRC fuse mainly consists of heat resisting ceramic body. The fuse elements are
fitted inside the body. The ends of fuse elements are connected to the metal end
caps. The current carrying fuse element is compactly surrounded by the filling
powder. Filling material acts as an arc quenching and cooling medium when the
fuse element blows off due to excessive heat generated under abnormal

Under normal conditions, the fuse element is at a temperature below its melting
point. Therefore, it carries the normal current without overheating.
When a fault occurs, the current increases and the heat produced is sufficient to
melt these elements. Fuse element melts before the fault current reaches its first
peak value. Vaporized metal /fuse element chemically reacts with filling powder
and results in the formation of high resistance substance that helps in quenching
the arc.

Q.8 Differentiate between isolator and circuit breaker (any four point).

Difference Between Circuit Breaker and Isolator:
Sr.No. Isolator Circuit breaker
1 Symbol Symbol

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2 Operated on NO load Operated ON load /on occurrence

of fault.
3 No arcing during ON/OFF, so Heavy current is interrupted, arc
no arc quenching facility is produced hence arc quenching
provision facility is provided.
4 Visible operation in open air Operation is in oil or gas
(opening & closing of chamber (not visible).
5 Noise-less operation. Big sound on operation.
6 Economical Costly/Expensive.
7 No periodic maintenance Periodic maintenance is very
required (only contact much required.
8 Occupy less space. Occupy more space.
9 No tripping circuit. Requires tripping circuit for
10 Operation may be manual / Manually operated in normal
mechanical / pneumatic. condition & automatically
operated in fault condition.
11 Types are as follows: Types are as follows:
(a) Vertical break type (a) Air break C. B.
(b) Horizontal break type (b) Oil C.B.
(c) Pantograph type etc. (c) Air blast C.B.
(d) Vacuum C.B.
(e) SF6 C.B.
(f) MCCB etc.
12 Simple in construction. Complicated in construction.
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Q.9 State the precautions while using C.T with justification.

Safety Precautions while using C.T:
1) CT secondary terminals should never be kept open. CTs must be energized
only after connecting the burden across them. If it is left open then current
through its secondary becomes zero hence the ampere turns produced by
secondary becomes zero. As there is no counter m.m.f., unopposed primary
m.m.f. produces high flux in the core which produces excessive core losses
and heating the core beyond the limits. Similarly heavy e.m.f. will induced on
primary and secondary which may damage insulation of primary and
secondary winding. This is also very dangerous from the operator point of
2) PT secondary should never be shorted as they are designed for high
impedance burdens (extremely low currents).
3) To be used as per the specified rating of voltage, current & burdens only. The
burdens should never be exceeded when multiple ones are connected across
one instrument transformer. As they are designed to give the highest
accuracy at the rated burdens only, else for lower and slightly higher burdens,
ratio & phase angle errors are present and compensation is needed.
4) CTs for measurement must not be interchanged with those for protection and
vice versa as there is difference in design of measurement CTs and protection CTs.
The protection CTs has to carry heavy fault current for some duration of time
whereas measurement CTs has to carry only current upto rated value only.
Q.10 Define the following terms.
(i) Arc voltage
(ii) Recovery voltage
(iii) Restriking voltage
(iv) RRRV


i) Arc Voltage: The voltage that appears across the contacts of circuit breaker
during the arcing period is called as the arc voltage.
ii) Recovery voltage: The normal power frequency r.m.s voltage that appears

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across the contacts after the final arc extinction is called recovery
iii) Restriking voltage: The transient voltage that appears across the
contacts of the circuit breaker at or near the current zero during the
arcing period is called as the restriking voltage.
iv) RRRV: The RRRV (Rate of Rise of the RestrikingVoltage) is
defined as the slope of the steepest tangent to the restriking voltage
curve. It is expressed in volts per micro-second.

Q.11 Justify the statement ‘ELCB’ is must for a residential installation.

ELCB is must for a Residential Installation:

When the insulation of equipment fails and person touches the metal casing,
the leakage current (say i) flows through human body and he may receive
severe shock. However, if ELCB is used with residential installation, it
senses the fault current (leakage current) and operates in very short time
under such conditions and the current flowing through the body of person /
operator is interrupted. Thus the person is protected from getting electric
Referring to the figure, under normal condition, the phase current I flow
through circuit and same amount of current I return through circuit hence
relay does not operate. But when fault occurs, a small part of I say i
completes its path through fault, human being and earth. The return current
through neutral gets reduced to (I - i).Therefore, flux ϕB reduces to a
value less than the flux ϕA. Hence the resultant flux ϕr = (ϕA.- ϕB)
induces an emf, which is further amplified and operates relay circuit
within 50ms, resulting into opening of the mains and ultimately protects the
person / operator because of ELCB. So it is must for a residential
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Q.12 Describe microprocessor based relay with the help of block diagram.

Operation of Microprocessor Based Relay:

The inputs from the power system through CTs and PTS are received by the
analog input receiver; they are sampled simultaneously or sequentially at
uniform time intervals. They are then converted into digital form through A/D
converter and transferred to micro-processor. Digital signals are in the form of
coded square pulses which represent discrete data. The signals are fed to micro-
processor which is being set with the recommended values, compares the
dynamic inputs and decides accordingly to generate trip / alarm signal to the
output device.

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Q.13 Explain negative phase sequence protection of alternator.

Negative Phase Sequence Current Protection for Alternators:

The CTs as shown in the diagram, feed the negative phase sequence filter that
consists of resistors and inductors so arranged that under normal balanced load
conditions the relay does not operate. But when an appreciable unbalance
occurs, the negative phase sequence currents sensed by the CTs and fed to the
negative phase sequence filter results in sufficient current to operate the relay R
that trips the circuit breaker CB.
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Q.14 State three protective devices used for the protection of alternator against:
(i) Over voltage
(ii) Over speed
(iii) Motoring
(iv) Rotor over heating

Protective Devices Used for the Protection of Alternator:

Fault Protecting Devices

i) Over voltage (i) Lightning arrester
(ii) Voltage regulators
(iii) Surge diverters
ii) Over Speed (i) Mechanical centrifugal device
(ii) Over frequency relay
(iii) Over speed relay
iii) Motoring (i) Reverse Power relay
iv) Rotor overheating (i) Thermal relays
(ii) Temperature relays (Sound Alarm)
(iii) Negative sequence relay

Q.15 State the advantages of SF6 Circuit breaker over other types of CB’s.

Advantages of SF6 Circuit Breaker over other types of CB’s:
1) Due to superior arc quenching property, they have very short arcing time.
2) As SF6 gas is non-inflammable, no risk of fire.
3) Noiseless operation.
4) It does not pollute the atmosphere.
5) Very much suitable in coal mines etc.
6) They have minimum maintenance cost.
7) The same gas is recycled and reused.
8) There are no carbon deposits on contact tips.
9) It is very much suitable for high voltage applications.
10) Because of very high dielectric strength, effective arc quenching is possible.

Q.16 Draw and explain basic relay circuit.

Basic Relay Circuit:
A typical basic relay circuit is shown in Figure. This diagram shows one phase
of 3-phase system for simplicity. The relay circuit connections can be divided
into three parts.
1) First part is the primary winding of a current transformer (C.T.) which is
connected in series with the line to be protected.
2) Second part consists of secondary winding of C.T. and relay operating coil.
3) Third part is the tripping circuit which may be either a.c. or d.c. It consists of

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a source of supply, the trip coil of the circuit breaker and the relay stationary

When a short circuit occurs at point F on the transmission line, the current
flowing in the line increases to an enormous value. This results in a heavy
current flow through the relay coil, causing the relay to operate by closing its
contacts. This in turn closes the trip circuit of the breaker, making the circuit
breaker open and isolating the faulty section from the rest of the system.

Q.17 Describe fault bus protection of busbars, with neat labeled diagram.

Fault Bus Protection of bus-bar:

In this scheme, the substation is so designed that every fault on the bus bar is
converted to earth fault. Under normal operating conditions, there is no current
flowing through the fault bus to ground and the relay remains inoperative. When
any fault occurs on bus-bar involving a connection between conductor and
earthed support structure, it will cause a flow of current to earth through the
fault bus. This results in operation of relay to actuate trip coil of CB to trip the
Q.18 State any four types of lighting arresters with their particular application.

Types of Lightning Arrestors:
1) Rod gap lightning arrestor
2) Horn gap lightning arrestor
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3) Multi gap lightning arrestor
4) Expulsion lightning arrestor
5) Thyrite or valve lightning arrestor
6) ZnO lightning arrestor

Applications of Lightning Arrestors:

1) Rod Gap Lightning Arrestor: It is only used for back-up protection in case
of main arresters.
2) Horn Gap Lightning Arrestor: It is only used for a second line of defense
like a rod gap arrester.
3) Multi Gap Lightning Arrestor: These are used where system voltage does
not exceed 33kV.
4) Expulsion Lightning Arrestor: These are commonly used on system
operating at voltages up to 33kV.
5) Thyrite or Valve Lightning Arrestor: These are commonly used on system
operating at voltages up to and above 220kV.
6) ZnO Lightning Arrestor: These are mainly used for surge protection.

Q.19 Enlist the faults and normal abnormalities observed in induction motor.
Explainworking of single phase preventer with diagram.

Different Causes of Abnormalities and Faults in Induction Motor:
Squirrel Cage Induction Motors:
A) Electrical / magnetic sections:
1) Electrical supply failure due to single phasing, under voltage,
unbalanced voltages and reversal of phases.
2) Short circuit faults between turns of a stator coil due to failure of
3) Short circuit faults between stator coils due to failure of insulation.
4) Short circuit faults between stator coil/s and body of motor due to failure
of insulation.
5) Open circuit in stator winding/coils or their terminal connections.
6) Loose or broken rotor bars.
7) Damaged core stampings/teeth.
B) Mechanical section:
1) Unbalanced rotor.
2) Damaged bearings.
3) End play in shaft, bent shaft.
4) Cooling/ventilation system failures, damaged fan.
5) Failure/disturbances of alignment.
6) Foundation arrangement disturbed.
Slip Ring Induction Motors:
A) Electrical / magnetic sections:
1) Electrical supply failure due to single phasing, under voltage,
unbalanced voltages and reversal of phases.
2) Short circuit faults between turns of a coil on stator or rotor due to
failure of insulation.
3) Short circuit faults between coils due to failure of insulation.

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4) Short circuit faults between coil/s and body of motor due to failure of
5) Open circuit in stator or rotor winding/coils or their terminal
6) Damaged core stampings/teeth of stator or rotor.
B) Mechanical section:
1) Unbalanced rotor.
2) Damaged bearings.
3) Grooved slip rings.
4) Worn out brushes leading to abnormal operation with sparking etc.
5) End play in shaft, bent shaft.
6) Cooling/ventilation system failures, damaged fan.
7) Failure/disturbances of alignment.
8) Foundation arrangement disturbed.

Working of Single Phasing Preventer:

Single phasing preventers are connected in secondary of line CTs. These mainly
contain a negative sequence filter. The output of negative sequence filter is fed
to the level detector, which further sends tripping command to starter or CB.
When one of the three input lines get disconnected because of any reason,
ultimately the NC contact gets opened which stops the motor to avoid further
damage when single phasing occurs.
Q.20 State and explain with diagram the principle of distance protection. What
are the advantages of distance protection over other types of protection of


Distance Protection Scheme for Transmission Line:

Impedance or distance protection scheme uses impedance relay. The relay

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operation is based on the impedance (or distance) between the relay and point
of fault. Figure shows arrangement for distance protection for typical
transmission line.
The voltage element of impedance relay receives supply from PT secondary and
current element receives supply from CT secondary. It measures Impedance at
relay location ( Z = V / I ) The protection zone of line is between A and B.
Under normal working conditions, the impedance of line is ZL. The impedance
relay is so designed that, it operates only when line impedance becomes less
than ZL.
When fault occurs between points A & B, the impedance of line becomes less
than ZL and impedance relay operates which operates the CB and line is
Advantages of Distance Protection:
1) System is economical
2) High speed of interruption
3) Suitable for very long and high voltage transmission lines.
4) No problem of pilot wires.

Q.21 State the criteria to select MCCB and circuit breaker rating for motor.

Factors to be Considered While Selecting MCCB / Circuit breaker for
Motor Operation:
1) Specifications of motor ( Rated voltage & HP capacity )
2) Type of motor.
3) Type of load and nature of duty.
4) Cost of motor and driven equipment.
5) Starting currents & Permissible overloads
6) Cost of protection schemes.
7) Breaking time.
8) Ambient conditions where motor is working.
9) Capacity of C.B ( Making capacity / Breaking capacity /Short time rating)
10) Rating of MCCB
11) Whether 3 Phase or single phase.
Q.22 Explain arc formation process and state the various methods of arc

Arc Formation Process:
When a fault occurs, a large current flows in a system and hence through circuit
breaker connected in circuit. The circuit breaker is opened by protective system.
At the instant when contacts just begin to separate, the face-to-face contact area
between contacts reduces rapidly and the large fault current gets concentrated
on reduced contact area. This causes very large current density at reduced
contact area, which in turn rises temperature of contacts. With further
movement of contact, the area again reduces, giving higher current densities and
higher temperature rise. The heat produced due to very high temperature heats
the surrounding medium and ionizes the medium. This ionized medium act as a
conductor and establishes the current through separated contacts. This current
through media due to ionization is called arc.

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Methods of Arc Extinction:

1) High resistance extinction method
2) Low resistance or Zero current extinction method.

Q.23 Classify electromagnetic attraction armature relays with only

basic constructional diagrams.

Classification of Electromagnetic Attraction Armature Relays with only
basic constructional diagrams:
1) Attracted Armature Type Relay:

2) Solenoid Type Relay:

3) Balanced Beam Type Relay:

Q.24 Explain the operation of static overcurrent relay with block diagram
and timecurrent characteristics.

Static Over Current Relay:
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The current derived from the main CT is feed to the input transformer, which
gives a proportional output voltage. The output voltage is then rectified and then
filtered at a single stage to avoid undesirable time delay in filtering so as to
excurse high speed of operation. A zener diode is also incorporated in the circuit
to limit the rectified voltage to safe value even when the input current is very
high under fault conditions.
A fixed portion of the rectified filtered voltage is compared against a preset
pick-up value by a level detector and if it exceeds the pick-up value, a signal
through an amplifier is given to the output device, which issues the trip signal.

Time Current Characteristics of Static Overcurrent Relay:

The AC current derived from C.T may contain harmonics , spikes etc. Hence
filters and spike suppressors are provided in the inpute stage (level detector) of
static relay. From the characteristics it should be understood that for more
current less time for operation is taken by the static relay.

Q.25 State and explain quality requirement of relay.

Quality Requirements of Relay:
1) Selectivity: It is the ability of protective system to select correctly that part of
system in trouble and disconnect the faulty part without disturbing the rest of the
2) Speed: The relay system should disconnect the faulty section as fast as possible
to prevent the electrical apparatus from damage and for system stability.
3) Sensitivity: It is the ability of the relay system to operate with low value of
actuating quantity.
4) Reliability: It is the ability of the relay system to operate under
predetermined conditions.
5) Simplicity: The relay system should be simple so that it can be easily
6) Economy: The most important factor in the choice of particular protection
scheme is the economic aspect. The protective gear should not cost more than
5% of the total cost of equipment to be protected.

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Fundamental Requirements:
1) Detect abnormal conditions.
2) Disconnect abnormally operating part so as to prevent the subsequent fault.
3) Disconnect faulty part quickly so as to improve system stability, service
continuity and system performance.
4) Improve Transient stability.

Q.26 State the significance of directional relay. State the type of relay as a
directionalrelay with its working.

Significance of Directional Relay:
The directional operation of relay means that the relay operates only for a
certain direction of power. It is set such that it actuates for fault occurring in one
direction only or it does not allow the power to flow in revers direction.
Type of Relay as a Directional Relay:
Induction type reverse power relay.
Working of Induction Type Reverse Power Relay:

Figure shows the induction type directional relay used for the reverse power
protection. Here the shunt magnet coil and series magnet coil are exited from
machine to whom protection is to be provided (e.g. Alternator). When power
flow direction is correct, the disc rotates in the normal direction and does not
close trip contacts. But when the power flow reverses, the disc rotates in
opposite direction causing closure of trip contacts.

Q.27 Determine the time operation of a 1 A, 3 seconds overcurrent relay having

Plugsetting of 125% and Time multiplier of 0.6. The supplying CT is rated
400:1 Amp and fault current is 4000 Amp. The relay characteristics as per
PSM 1.3 2 4 8 10 20
Time of operation in sec 30 10 5 3.3 3 2.2

Rated secondary current of C.T. =1A
Pick up current = 1 × 1.25 = 1.25
Fault current in relay coil = 4000 ×
400 = 10
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∴ Plug setting multiplier (PSM) =

= =8
Corresponding to PSM of 8 (consider given table), the time of operation is
3.3 seconds.
Actual relay operating time = 3.3 × = 3.3 × 0.6
= .

Q.28 Draw neat labeled circuit diagram with proper current direction of
differentialprotection used for protection of alternator.
Merz Price Protection of Alternator:

Q.29 State the protections provided by buchholz relay with constructional

diagram. State the position of placement.

Protections Provided by Buchholz Relay with Constructional Diagram:

Detect incipient faults (minor faults leading to decomposition of oil with gas
formation) occurring below oil level in oil immersed transformers such as

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phase-phase, phase-core and gives the alarm signals so that preventive action is
taken before the condition leads to a major fault.
Detect sudden heavy oil movements due to severely violent faults in the tanks
and give the trip signals.
Position of Placement of Buchholz relay:
The buchholz relay is installed in the pipe connecting the conservator to main
tank. Usually this pipe is inclined by 9-10 degrees with horizontal plane.

Q.30 Describe “restricted earth fault protection” of a star connected, neutral

earthedside of power transformer.


Restricted Earth Fault Protection:

Referring to Figure, the star connected neutral earthed side is protected by

restricted earth fault protection. An earth fault F1 beyond the transformer causes
the currents I2 and I1 to flow in CT secondary. Therefore, the resultant current in
earth fault relay is negligible and relay does not operate for the faults beyond its
region. For earth fault within the transformer star connected winding F2 only I2
flows and I1 is negligible. So earth fault relay operates.
When fault occurs very near to neutral point, the voltage available for driving
earth fault relay is very small. Hence the practice is to set the relay such that it
operates for earth fault current of the order of 15% of rated current. Such setting
protects restricted portion of winding, hence the name is restricted earth fault
Q.31 Explain the principle of time graded protection used for protection of
feedersusing IDMT overcurrent relay.


Time Graded Protection Used for Protection of Feeders Using IDMT

Overcurrent Relay:
Figure shows time-graded over current protection of radial feeder using IDMT
over-current relays. Here the operating time is inversely proportional to the fault
current and finally becomes definite for particular current. With this
arrangement, the farther the circuit-breaker from the generating station, the
shorter is its relay operating time. The line or feeder is divided into number of
sections. Over-current relays are provided for each section. On occurrence of
fault in any section, all the relays towards generating station are initiated to
operate but the nearest relay operates first and trips the respective CB. If this
relay fails, the next relay towards generating station operates and so on. The
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relays towards generating station are set for higher currents and they operate
with time delays according to their inverse definite minimum time

Q.32 Explain with neat sketch the operation of attracted armature type
relay. State twoadvantages.
Operation of Attracted Armature Type Relay:

The coil is energized by the actuating quantity current or voltage proportional

to the system voltage or current as the case may be. The electromagnetic
force on the armature is proportional to the square of the magnetic flux (the
flux is proportional to the current in the coil) in the air gap between core and
armature. As the armature is attracted and its motion is linked to the trip
contacts that operate to give the trip signal. The force of attraction increases
as the armature nears the core (or as the air gap reduces). A restraining force
in the form of a spring can be used to avoid unwanted operation of the
armature relay for normal currents in the current coil.
1. Simple construction.
2. Reliable operation.
3. Unaffected by temperature changes.
4. Long life.
5. Robust construction.

Q.33 Explain why the secondary of a CT should not be open circuited?

Secondary of a CT should not be Open Circuited:

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If secondary of CT is open circuited, then current through secondary becomes zero

hence the ampere-turns produced by secondary which generally oppose primary
ampere-turns becomes zero. As there is no counter m.m.f, the unopposed
primary m.m.f (ampere-turns) produce very high flux in the core. This produces
excessive core losses, heating the core beyond limits. Similarly heavy e.m.f‟s will
be induced on the primary and secondary side. This may damage the insulation of
the winding. This is danger from the opeartor point of view as well. So secondary of
a CT should not be open circuited.
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Q.34 Compare electromechanical relay and static relay.

Comparison between Electromechanical Relay and Static Relay.

Sr. No. Electromechanical Relay Static Relay

1 Its accuracy is very high. Its accuracy is comparatively low.
2 Power consumption is high Power consumption is low
There are moving parts in this There are no moving parts in this
relay. relay
Its operating time is
4 Its operating time is very small.
comparatively high.
These are compact hence need
5 It needs more space.
less space.
Remote backup and monitoring Remote backup and monitoring is
is not possible. possible.
Its operation can be affected by Its operation cannot be affected
vibrations and shocks. by vibrations and shocks.
It is not affected by temperature It is very much affected by
changes. temperature changes.
9 Construction is robust. Construction is delicate.
10 These are affected by gravity. These are not affected by gravity
11 Lower torque / weight ratio Higher torque / weight ratio
Auxiliary power supply is not
12 Auxiliary power supply is needed.
Not affected by voltage
13 Affected by voltage transients.
Can be programmed as per
14 Cannot be programmed.

Q.35 With the help of neat sketch, explain principle of operation and
working of inductiontype overcurrent relay.
Principle of Operation and Working of Induction Type Overcurrent

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Figure represents the details of induction type overcurrent relay. It consists of

two electromagnets, the upper magnet is of „E‟ shape & on the central limb
of which are placed two windings. The upper winding acts as primary
winding and lower winding acts as secondary winding. The upper magnet
produces flux ϕ1 when current flows through primary winding. The alternating
flux ϕ1 of primary winding links to secondary winding ultimately induces emf
in the secondary winding. The emf induced in the lower winding produces
currentto flow through the winding placed on the lower „U‟ magnet. This
secondary current produces flux ϕ2. The two fluxes ϕ1 and ϕ2 are sufficiently
displaced from each other and cause eddy currents in the disc, which will set
up a torque on the disc causing rotation of the disc. The tapings are connected
to plug setting bridge for giving desired current setting.

Q.36 Explain differential protection for busbar with diagram.

Differential Protection for Busbar:
Under normal conditions, the sum of the currents entering the bus bar zone is
equal to those leaving it and no current flows through the relay coil. If a fault
occurs within the protected zone, the currents entering the bus will no longer
be equal those leaving it. The difference of these currents will flow through
the relay coil causing opening of circuit breaker.

Q.37 Explain time graded over current protection for ring main system of

Time Graded Over Current Protection for Ring Main System of Bus Bar:
The ring main consists of various generating stations and substations
interconnected by alternate routes. When the fault occurs in any section of the
ring, that section can be disconnected for repairs and power is supplied from
both ends of ring, maintaining the continuity of supply.
Figure represents the single line diagram of a typical ring main system,
which consists of a generator and four sub-stations S1, S2, S3, S4. As the
power can flow in both the directions under fault conditions, it is necessary
to grade feeder protection in both directions round the ring with directional
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In order to ensure selectivity, the circuit breakers at E & F should

open to clear the fault, there by maintaining other section intact. Actually
the power is fed to the fault via two routes i.e. (i) From G around S1, S2 and
(ii) from G around S4 and S3. The relays at A, B, C and D as well as J, I, H
and G do not trip. Therefore, only relays at E and F operate before any other
relay operates.

Q.38 Describe the operation of Buchholz relay with principle and installation.

Opeartion of Buchholz Relay with Principle and Installation :

The relay is located in the path of the oil from transformer tank to
conservator. As seen from diagram, the upper mercury switch operates the
alarm circuit due to tilting of the float by accumulation of gas evolved slowly
in the transformer tank due to minor faults, which may develop into major
ones if the alarm is not investigated.
Further lower mercury switch operates the trip circuit to switch off the circuit
breaker related to the transformer when there is a sudden flow or rush of oil
from the transformer tank to conservator. Such flow occurs when there is
serious fault in the transformer tank. Here the float (lower) is placed in such a
manner that it senses the sudden violent movement of oil from transformer
tank to conservator.

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Q.39 Explain arcing phenomenon in circuit breaker.

Arcing Phenomenon in Circuit Breaker:
When a fault occurs, a large current flows in a system and hence through
circuit breaker connected in circuit. The circuit breaker is opened by
protective system. At the instant when contacts just begin to separate, the
face-to-face contact area between contacts reduces rapidly and the large
fault current gets concentrated on reduced contact area. This causes very
large current density at reduced contact area, which in turn rises temperature
of contacts. With further movement of contact, the area again reduces, giving
higher current densities and higher temperature rise. The heat produced due
to very high temperature heats the surrounding medium and ionizes the
medium. This ionized medium act as a conductor and establishes the current
through separated contacts. This current through media due to ionization is
called arc.

Q.40 Give any four differences between equipment earthing

and neutral earthing.

Equipment Earthing Neutral Earthing

When the noncurrent carrying metallic

When neutral of three phase star
parts of the electrical equipment are
connected windings of transformers,
2 connected to earth through a very low
generators, motors is connected to
resistive path, it is called as equipment
earth, it is called as neutral earthing.
It provides protection to living beings
Provides elimination of arching
3 (animals/humans) against electric
grounds and over voltage surges.
Does affect stability of the power Stability of the power system is
system in any way. increased.
Equipment earthing is provided Neutral earthing is provided through
5 through Pipe earthing, Plate earthing solid earthing, Resistance earthing,
or earth mats etc. reactance earthing.
It provides protection to the living
beings and also can help protective It provides suitable means for earth
system to protect the system fault protection of equipment.
equipment against earth faults.
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Q.41 Define TSM and PSM in relays.

Time Setting Multiplier (TSM):
The arrangement provided for setting the operating time of protective relay
from zero sec to maximum permissible time for a specified current setting is
known as time setting multiplier.
Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM):
It is the ratio of fault current in relay coil to pick-up current.
PSM = (Fault current in relay coil) / (Pickup current)

Q.42 What are causes of faults in power system? State any four harmful effects
of faults.
Causes of faults in power systems:
1) Over voltages due to direct lightning strokes.
2) Over voltages due to switching surges.
3) Falling of external conducting objects, tree branches etc. on conducting
4) Accumulation of dust, dirt etc. on exposed components as lines,
insulators etc.
5) Perching of birds on lines, insulators or other components.
6) Ill-maintained sections of the power systems.
7) Heavy unbalanced loading on three phase lines even for short times.
8) Prolonged unbalanced loading conditions leading to overheating (due
9) Failure of joints.
10) Open circuited line or broken conductors.
11) Mechanical damage to components of the power systems.
12) Unusually severe atmospheric conditions as storm, rains, too high
13) Defective/improper selection of components used and faulty design of
thepower system sections.
14) Failure of insulation of components and equipment parts.
15) Accidents.
16) Over temperature.
17) Excessive internal and external stresses.
Effects of faults:
1) Heavy short circuits lead to damage to equipment mechanically and
2) Arcing during faults leads to fire hazards.
3) Heavy drop in the supply voltage to loads leading to their mal
4) Overheated machines due to unbalanced supply voltages.
5) Loss of revenue to supply agency owing to stoppage of supply.
6) Loss of system stability due to generators losing synchronism.
7) Distress load shedding.

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Q.43 Explain working of surge absorber with neat diagram.

Surge Absorber:
Voltage transients or surges on the power system may originate from switching
or lightning. These surges set up traveling waves in the transmission lines.
These traveling waves may reach the terminals of expensive equipment in
power system and may cause damage to it.
This amount of damage caused by surges not only depends upon the amplitude
of the surge but also upon the steepness of its wavefront. The steeper the
wavefront of the surge, the more the damage caused to the equipment. To
reduce the steepness of the wavefront of a surge generally, surge absorbers are
A surge absorber is a protective device, which reduces the steepness of
wavefront of a surge by absorbing surge energy.
Some popular types of surge absorber used in power system are as under:
1. Condenser or capacitor surge absorber.
2. Inductor and resistance surge absorber.
3. Ferranti surge absorber.
Condenser or Capacitor Surge Absorber:
A condenser connected between the line and earth can act as a surge
absorber. InFigure, a capacitor is used as surge absorber to protect the
transformer winding.

Since the reactance of a condenser is inversely proportional to frequency, it will

be low at high frequency and high at low frequency. The surges are of high
frequency, therefore, the capacitor acts as a short circuit and passes them
directly to earth. However, for power frequency, the reactance of the capacitor
is very high and practically no current flows to the ground.
Inductor and Resistance Surge Absorber:
This type of surge absorber consists of a parallel combination of choke and
resistanceconnected in series with the line.

The choke offers high reactance to high frequencies (XL = 2 π f L). The surges
have high frequencies therefore, are forced to flow through the resistance R
where the surgeenergy is dissipated.
Ferranti Surge Absorber:
It consists of an air cored inductor connected in series with the line. The
inductor is surrounded by but insulated from an earthed metallic cylinder
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called dissipator. Thisarrangement is equivalent to a transformer with short-
circuited secondary.

The inductor acts as the primary of transformer whereas the dissipator as the
short- circuited secondary. The energy of the surge is consumed in the
dissipator in form of heat due to transformer action. Generally, it is used for
the protection of transformers.

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Q.44 Describe the difference between fuse and MCCB.


Sr. No. Fuse MCCB

1 Fuse melts / fuses in case of MCCB trips off in case of
excessive load. excessive load.
2 Fuse needs to be replaced after MCCB is to be just put ON after
every operation. correcting the fault.
3 Porcelain base and top. Not Compact, small and attractive.
4 Works on melting / fusing due to Works on bi–metal expansion or
high temperature. induced magnetism.
5 Relatively economical than Relatively costlier than fuse.
6 Simple in construction. Complicated in construction.
7 Operating time is very small. Operating time is comparatively
(0.002 sec or so) large. (0.1 to 0.2 sec)
8 Risk in putting on the fuse No risk in putting “ON” the
element.(Unsafe) MCCB. (Safe).
9 Generally protects the load Generally protects the load
against short-circuit. against different types of faults.

Q.45 Write down specification and applications of Air blast C. B. and Vacuum C.
Specifications of Circuit Breaker:
i) Service type: Indoor / Outdoor
ii) No. of Poles: 1 or 3
iii) Nominal System Voltage:
iv) Highest System Voltage:
v) Rated normal current;
vi) Rated short-circuit breaking current (rms):
vii) Rated short-circuit making current (rms):
viii) Rated short-time current withstand capability for 3 sec:
ix) Rated insulation level:
x) S. C. Rating:
No. of breaks per phase:
xi) Operating air / gas pressure:
xii) Nominal frequency
Air Blast Circuit Breaker:
Air blast circuit breakers are used in electrical systems operating at 132kV and
aboveupto 400kV.
Vacuum Circuit Breaker:
Vacuum circuit breakers are used in electrical systems operating at
11kV, 25kV and33kV.
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Q.46 How can we use CT and PT for protection purpose?

CT and PT for Protection purpose:

Current transformer (CT) and Potential transformer (PT) are instrument

transformers, which are used in conjunction with protective relays for protection
The CT has fewer number of turns (usually single turn or simply a
conductor bar) on primary side and a large number of turns on the secondary
side. Due to this difference in turns, a large current on primary side is
transformed into current of low safe value on secondary side. The CT is
connected with primary in series with power system component carrying large
current and secondary winding feeds proportionately reduced current to
protective relay.
Potential transformer (PT) has large number of turns on primary side and
fewer number of turns on the secondary side. Therefore, it steps down the
primary voltage to lower safe secondary voltage. The PT is connected with
primary connected to high voltage system bus and secondary winding feeds
proportionately reduced voltage to protective relay.
Protective relay is a device that detects abnormal condition in electrical
system by continuously measuring / monitoring the electrical quantities such as
current, voltage etc., which are different under normal and fault conditions. The
current, voltage and phase angle are the basic quantities which change during
fault conditions. On the occurrence of fault, the system voltage and current get
affected. The CT and PT provides the information about the changed system
condition to the relay. The relay determines the faulty condition and operates the

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trip contact as shown in the figure. The trip circuit of circuit breaker is
energised. The current flows through trip coil of CB and the circuit breaker is
tripped (opened) to disconnect the faulty part of system from the healthy part. In
this way the CT and PT can be used for protection purpose.

Q.47 Write down limitation of differential protection of transformer.

Limitations of differential protection of transformer:
1) Due to the magnetization characteristics of the CTs used, the ratio errors
changewith respect to the circulating currents.
2) The pilot wires used may vary in length due to which the unbalance in
the secondary circuit parameter (resistance) is created that result in
improper scheme.
3) During heavy short circuit conditions the high currents create saturation
of the flux in core of CTs that lead to abnormal relaying or unexpected
behavior of therelaying circuit.
4) Tap changing may lead to change in settings & improper operation.
Inrush of magnetizing current may lead to inadvertent operation & hence
the settings are done for higher values of fault current (higher imbalance)
due to which accuracy of sensing & operation is decreased.

Q.48 Explain Horn-gap lightning arrester with neat sketch diagram.

Horn Gap Type Lightning Arrester:
It consists of two horn shaped metal rods A and B separated by a small air gap.
The horns are so connected that distance between them gradually increases
towards the top. One end of the horn is connected to the line through resistance
and choke coil while other end is effectively earthed. The resistance and
inductance limits the current flow at normal frequency and does not allow the
transients. Under normal operating conditions the gap G is non-conducting. On
occurrence of over voltage, spark takes place across the gap and high voltage is
diverted towards earth for safety of equipment. Arc being hot, moves up
naturally along the horns. So it is elongated and naturally quenched.

Q.49 Explain distance protection of transmission line with neat sketch diagram.

Distance protection of Transmission line:
Distance protection scheme uses impedance relay. The relay operation is based
on the impedance (or distance) between the relay and point of fault. Figure
shows arrangement for distance protection for typical transmission line. The
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voltage element of impedance relay receives supply from PT secondary and
current element receives supply from CT secondary. It measures Impedance at
relay location( Z = V / I). The protection zone of line is between A and B under
normal working conditions, the impedance of line is ZL. The impedance relay is
so designed that, it operates only when line impedance becomes less than ZL.
When fault occurs between points A & B, the impedance of line becomes less
than ZL and impedance relay operates which operates the CB and line is

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Q.50 Explain MHO relay in detail.

MHO Relay:
In this relay, poles 1, 2, 3
are energized by a voltage
V through polarizing coil
to produce flux, the
capacitor connected
provides phase shift. The
left pole 4 is energized by
a current which is the
operating quantity.
Here the rotor is hollow
cylindrical type which
turns around its axis.
Inside the rotor stationary
core is there. The
rotating field is produced by operating coil flux and polarized flux. This
rotating field induces currents in the cup to provide necessary driving torque,
which closes the trip contacts of CB. The relay operation depends upon
polarized flux because of voltage and operating flux because of current hence on
the ratio (I/V) = Y i.e. admittance, hence called as MHO relay.

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