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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Mines, Petroleum & Natural Gas

Overview of Mining sector in Ethiopia

Abebe Bedassa (MSc. in Mineral Exploration)
May 11 , 2016
Addis Ababa
Ethiopia Overview
Geological & Mineral Potential
Mineral Potential
Basic data coverage
Regulatory & institutional Framework
Recent Development
Changes on legislations & procedures
on Status of the licenses
• Is located in East Africa with surface area of 1.14
• Bordered with The Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya,
Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti,
• Population: above 90 million
• Government : Federal Democratic Republic
consisting of 9 National Regional States and 2 city
• Agricultural country mainly exporting coffee, oil
seed, flower, leather etc.
• Highly prospective, under explored & currently
exporting gold, tantalum, dimension stones and
gemstones. The mining sector contributes less
than 5%..
• Gives much emphasis on expanding Infrastructure
(power, telecom, road and railway) to support the
growing economic development,
• Registered double digit Economic growth Since
• Ethiopian Air Lines has wide international &
• Addis Ababa the Capital City of Ethiopia domestic network
• Official language is Amharic & more than 70
is the seat of the African Union (AU), and
languages & English widely spoken) and
Head Quarter of the United Nations • Christianity & Islam are major religions
Economic Commission for Africa and • Installed power to date 4200MW & will grow to
other Regional and International about 10,000MW when the Renaissance Dam is
to be completed in 2017.Another 7000MW is
Planned in GTP 2
Geology & Mineral potential of Ethiopia
 The Ethiopian Geology
consists of:
a)Precambrian basement
rocks covers 25% of the land
mass. It contains exposed
belts in three parts of the
country. i.e Northern Green
Stone Belt (GSB), Western
GSB, & Southern GSB
Palaeozoic – few places
Mesozoic sed.Rocks-25%
Cenozoic volc. & sed.50%
• Highland Tertiary volcanics
• Tertiary as well as
Quaternary volcanics &
sediments of the rift valley
Simplified Geological Map of Ethiopia

Greenstone Belt


Southern Greenstone Belt

Northern Belt:-
Mineral Potential Terkemti, Adi Zersenay, zager
Western & SWBelt:- •Primary gold mineralization
•Tulu Kape,Dul, Metekel, Chamo, •Base Metals mineralization
Oda- Godere Primary gold deposits •Placer gold occurrences &
•Yubdo Platnium deposit deposits
•Bikilal, , Sirba & Kore iron
deposits& mineralization
•Keta & Abetselo Base metals
•Placer Gold deposits

Southern Belt:- Adola & Moyale

•Lege –Dembi, Sakaro, Moyale, Dawa,
OkotePrimary Gold deposits &
•Adola Nickel
•Kenticha Tanatalum
•Placer gold deposits
•Chromite mineralization
Industrial Minerals
Cement Raw Minerals:-
- Million tones
Fertilizer Raw Minerals:-
billion tones & phosphate-
Ceramics Raw Minerals:-
Kaolin-20Mt, Feldspar-500000t,
Glass Raw Minerals
Silica Sand-more than 3.4Mt,
Dimension Stones:-
Marble,Granite,Limestone,Sand Gemstones:-
Stone – in Million tone. Opal, Emerald, Sapphire,
Diatomite- 120Mt,Bentonite- Peridot, Tourmaline, garnet
Ethiopia becomes a major world potash producer for up to 100 years

 Potash companies working in partnership with a strong, stable and cooperative

 Ethiopia regarded as a low-risk, investment-friendly environment

 Become a world class deposit with low operation cost

 Major source of foreign income to Ethiopia

 Employment and development in Ethiopia

 Partnership with the Community

 Open blocks ( 10,000 km2) is vacant to apply
Potash project location



Production Targets per Annum

2 million tonnes MOP

0.75 million tonnes SOP

0.60 million tonnes SOP

2 million tonnes MOP & SOP

Total annual production of 5.35 million tonnes potash

is currently planned with significant scope for expansion.
Coal occurrences & deposits (~500 Million tons)
in the Tertiary sediments
Oromia RS = Dilbi – Moye – Yayu – Gojeb - Arjo - Nejo
Amara RS = Chilga - Mush Valley - Wuchale


Debre Libanos & Mugher Mush Valley


Hunda Bilisuma,
Geba, Arjo

Delbi, Moye, Yayu

Morca, Walayta-
Oil Shale – 1 billion
Location Map of Iron occurrences &
deposits of Ethiopia
•In the Ethiopian Rift Valley
•More than 10,000MW for
power generation
• More than 22
geothermal Fields identified
•Three of the Fields
(Aluto Langano,
Tendaho & Corbeti)
are at detailed stage
2.3. Basic Data Coverage
• Basic geological mapping coverage
at a scale 1:250,000 is 82%
• Ground gravity coverage at
1:500,000 is 100%
• Airborne geophysical
Magnetics & Radiometrics)
coverage is 30% of the
Landmass of the country

Regulatory Framework
 Legislations:
 Mining proc.no.678/2010 (as amended)
 Mining Income Tax No.53/1993 (as amended)
 Mining Regulation no.182/1994
• Income tax for revenues generated from Mining Operations is
fixed to 25% and is calculated from net income.
• The law provides companies to have free of duties, import, and
export taxes.
 The aim of legislations:
 Aimed to attract investment & guarantee rights of
 Restricted the role of government to regulation of the
sector and generation and dissemination of basic geo-
science data
 promotion & development of the mineral & petroleum
Recent Development/ Changes on legislations & Procedures by
proclamation 816/2013
• Amendment on the Mining Operations Proclamation No. 678/2010;
– Reduction of Royalty on Gold from 8% to 7%,
– New license type ; Special Small scale Mining and Retention License are added
to the already existing types of licenses
– Amendments to nature of relinquishment
• Amendment of the Mining Income Tax Proclamation
– Reduction of Income Tax from 35% to 25%,
• Some changes to licensing procedures
– inclusion of biding procedures and
– Evaluation committee established to evaluate proposals
– Open blocks/areas could be checked at a desk from ICT Directorate
– Provision of PDF format license information upon request
• Cadastre System on operation
• Ethiopia accepts global EITI principles & requirements. Based on this, Ethiopia
obtained EITI Candidacy Status
Types of licenses (7 types) for Hard Minerals
3.4. Institutional Framework
Minister National Regional States

State Minister State Minister for

for Solid Petroleum&
Minerals Natural gas

Survey of
Duties & responsibilities of Institutions
Regional States are mandated to:
 Issue artisanal mining licenses for nationals
 Issue for domestic investors:
 reconnaissance, Exploration and retention licensees with
respect to construction and industrial minerals,
 small scale mining licenses for industrial minerals,
 Small and large scale mining licenses for construction
The Ministry have the powers and duties to:
 Issue reconnaissance, exploration, retention and
mining license other than those to be issued by the
Geological Survey of Ethiopia is responsible to carry out
basic geological mapping, mineral exploration & other
We welcome potential investors
• A total of 129 mineral exploration licenses and 71
mining licenses (gold, potash, tantalum, marble,
coal, iron etc) are granted in hard mineral sector
owned by foreign, joint-venture and local investors.

Recent Development on status of Mineral exploration
Some of exploration companies are advanced stage of exploration and
development stage of Mining.
Potash: Huge Resource
-Allana/ICL Potash has acquired mining license and is on
development work. Two Million tons of annual run of mine (ROM).
-Yara Dallol applied for potash large scale mining. 0.6 M (SOP) tons
-Circum minerals applied for large scale potash mining. 2.7 million
tons ROM
Advanced & development stage exploration for Gold & Base
- Kefi Minerals, acquired gold and silver mining licenses and is on
development stage in Oromia, western Ethiopia.
-Midroc-Metekel project is also at final stage to be granted
Mining license
 ASCOM precious metals co. at Dish
mountain, National Mining at Okote,
TRI at Adi Dairo & West shire are at
pre-feasibility stage of gold & Base
metals exploration. There are other
projects at advanced stage of
Mineral operations activities contribution
 Revenue
• Royalty 2 – 7%
• Income tax 25%
• Government free equity 5%
 Foreign currency earnings
 Import materials replacement
 Job opportunity
 Community development
 Infrastructure development
 Knowledge transfer 23
• Human Resource
-lack of skilled workers especially in the
fields of mine Geology, mining engineering,
mineral economics etc.
-migration/flow to private sector
• Gap between mining industry & educational
• Training and competency.
• Infrastructure
Mining in Ethiopia, particularly traditional gold mining has long
history and still is becoming important in foreign currency earning &
is playing important role in the economic development of the country
& livelihood of the people
The investment in the sector is growing from time to time and
Ethiopia is becoming a good investment destination mainly due to:
• Political stability and good governance,
• Conducive mining investment policy and environment,
• Attractive and competitive legal frameworks
• Geological favourability to host a wide variety of minerals
• Highly prospective but under explored geologically,
• Availability of numerous mineral occurrences;
• Availability of labor and hospitable people,
• Intensive infrastructure development
The government of Ethiopia welcomes potential investors to invest
in the mineral industry of Ethiopia for Mutual benefit.
Ministry of Mines
• Website: www.mom.gov.et
• E-mail: [email protected]

Geological Survey
• Website: www.gse.gov.et
• E-mail: [email protected]

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