MST2 U2a1 Gabrino S
MST2 U2a1 Gabrino S
MST2 U2a1 Gabrino S
11, 2022
Hydrosphere Atmosphere
‘Atmo’ for air
‘Hydro’ for water
All the living things includes human and all of the
It includes all the gaseous, liquid, and solid water of the
animals, plants, and microorganisms of earth.
planet earth.
The living things on earth interact with each other in
Most of the water in the atmosphere is in gaseous form
various ways, which is well elaborated under the trophic
and as it rises higher into the atmosphere it condenses
levels of food chain – how energy is transferred in
to form clouds which fall back on earth as precipitation.
ecological systems.
It ranges from 10 to 20 kilometers in thickness.
It extends from less than 1 m below the planet's surface
97% of all earth’s water is salty.
to more than 10,000 km above the planet's surface.
Oceans carry most of the salty water while the majority
The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the
of lakes and rivers carry fresh water.
organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet
The earth’s temperature is highly influenced by the
radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat.
When air temperature in the lower portion of this
The hydrosphere extends from Earth's surface
sphere changes, weather occurs.
downward several kilometers into the lithosphere and
The force of earth’s gravity pulls molecules of gases into
upward about 12 kilometers into the atmosphere.
a layer surrounding the planet.
It moves from one location to another over time.
The mixture of gases forms a layer around earth called
Water also changes state, it is a solid, a liquid and a gas
on earth.
Biosphere Geosphere
‘Bio’ for living things
‘Geo’ for earth
All the air in the atmosphere makes up the
atmosphere. The last non-living earth system
The higher the atmosphere, the thinner it becomes The solid part of Earth
and this trait gradually moves towards space. Made of soil, rock and metal
The atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (about 78%),
94% of the solid Earth is made up of the
oxygen (about 21%), and other gasses (about 1%)
such as carbon dioxide (0.039%), argon (0.93%) and following elements: oxygen, iron, silicon,
the rest are trace gases (krypton, neon, helium , and and magnesium.
xenon). This is why the geosphere is further divided
Within the biosphere, living things form ecological into sub-spheres namely the crust, the
communities based on the physical surroundings of
an area. These communities are referred to as
mantle, the outer core, and the inner core.