Camp Havas Wbs

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Module 4: Final WBS from DB

Aratha Acevedo, Sophia Flores, Brian Koster, and Levi McClellan

Camp Havas Team

Organizational Leadership, Arizona State University

OGL 320: Foundations Project Management

Dr. Brent Scholar

Due: July 27, 2021

Work Breakdown Structure

Describe the overall project:

The overall project will provide a vacation experience for four people. It will require that all involved
be able to walk up to 10 miles along a Grand Canyon trail, set up camp, then return safely. There will
be planned events that require additional equipment if people wish to join.

Major Task Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Subtasks Subtasks Subtask Duration

Purchase tickets and Reserve camping site. 6 hours

make reservations.

Make travel plans to 6 hours

arrive at the destination
at or around a specific

Total duration (hours/weeks/days)

12 hours

Major Task Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Subtasks Subtasks Subtask Duration

Prepare for arrival. Send out an information Create a survey. 6 hours

packet to each guest
with a survey 1 week Make a list of required 6 hours
prior to arrival date. items.

Make a list of optional 6 hours


6 hours

Pack items. 6 hours

Answer questions or 6 hours

concerns about the trip.

Total duration (hours/weeks/days)

36 hours

Major Task Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Subtasks Subtasks Subtask Duration
VACATION!!!! Arrival at meet-up Check that all 6 hours
location and depart equipment is
towards the campsite. accountable. Especially
food and water
filtration with bottles.

Start hiking and 6 hours

determine the rate of
speed until arrival.

Arrive at the campsite. Set-up site, determine 3 hours

food preparation.

Initiate planned events. 12 hours

Departure from Break down the site and 3 hours

campsite. “leave no trace.”

Hike back to the 6 hours

original meet-up

Total duration (hours/weeks/days)

30 hours

Major Task Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Subtasks Subtasks Subtask Duration

Return home Arrive home and 6 hours


Post-Survey. Make a post-survey. 6 hours

Compile all surveys. 6 hours

Make a post-evaluation 12 hours


Total duration (hours/weeks/days)

30 hours
WBS Dictionary
Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.1.1

Work Package Name: Reserve camping site.

Work Package Description: Permits are required and must be purchased online only. Make reservations for 4 days/3 nights. Dates are March
14, 2022-March 18, 2022. Register online as soon as possible to be ready for February 1st, which is the first day to start purchasing permits.

Assigned To: Brian

Date Assigned: August 1, 2021 Date Due: February 1, 2022

Estimated Costs: $400.00 per person

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.1.2

Work Package Name: Make travel plans for camping trip.

Work Package Description: Make travel plans to Havasu Falls keeping in mind there are both men and women hiking, different ages and
different hiking skills. Obtain weather and average temperature patterns, research how many hours of daylight we will need to hike, explore
terrain difficulty, research hiking hazards, wildlife and insects that need to be considered a concern, and obtain information on the water
availability. Plans include costs for flight tickets, driving, or bus.

Assigned To: Levi

Date Assigned: October 1, 2021 Date Due: February 22, 2022

Estimated Costs: up to $ 500.00 per person

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.2.1

Work Package Name: Send out an information packet to each guest with a survey 1 week prior to arrival date

Work Package Description: Prepare a packet with trail maps, guides, rules and regulations of camping site, information of Havasu falls (how
many hours the hike is, and what is the distance of the hike), a survey regarding personal hiking skills and experience, and checklist for multi-
day hiking packing of what gear to take.

Assigned To: Levi

Date Assigned: February 1, 2022 Date Due: February 22, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 25.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Create a survey.

Work Package Description: Prepare a survey that asks the following questions: Have you hiked before? Have you hiked in a group? Have
you camped before? What activities do you enjoy while camping? How do you plan to cook your meals? Are you comfortable with traveling
to a location where there may be two or more days without a cell signal? Do you need to rent gear (tent, pack, sleeping bad, hiking poles)? Do
you have special needs? Are you afraid of heights? What is your ideal hiking partner? What do you average on a long distance hike? What
type of water purification do you use?

Assigned To: Levi

Date Assigned: February 1, 2022 Date Due: February 22, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Make a list of required items.

Work Package Description: Make a checklist for multi-day hike that should include: planned meals (label & organize daily meals), foods to
fuel your body during hike such as freeze-dried food, trail snacks that include dried fruits, nuts etc., amount of water to take on hike, what
clothing to take (pants, shorts, t-shirts, hoodie, waterproof shell, socks, underwear, camping footwear), cookware set & utensils, head lamp,
sleeping bag and mat, tent, compass and maps, first-aid kit, hygiene supplies, hand sanitizers, sun protection, medications, multi-knife, light
or water-proof matches, hat, lip balm, duck tape, zip ties, credit card, identification card, toiletries, whistle, watch.

Assigned To: Sophia

Date Assigned: February 1, 2022 Date Due: February 22, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Make a list of optional items.

Work Package Description: Make a checklist of optional items for multi-day hike that should include: insect repellant, hiking poles, baby
wipes, alcohol wipes, blister treatments, binoculars, camera, radio, swimwear.

Assigned To: Sophia

Date Assigned: February 1, 2022 Date Due: February 22, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.2.2
Work Package Name: Pack items needed for camping trip
Work Package Description: Using the information packet as a guide, the four guests will pack all belongings needed for the backpacking
trip. This is in conjunction with # and #
Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia
Date Assigned: March 8, 2022 Date Due: March 13, 2022
Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.2.3

Work Package Name: Answer questions or concerns about the trip.

Work Package Description: When answering questions and concerns one must know the travel requirements beforehand, travel limitations,
able to share some of your travel experience and answer appropriately.

Assigned To: Levi

Date Assigned: March 8, 2022 Date Due: March 13, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.3

Work Package Name: Vacation officially begins.

Work Package Description: Upon arrival of all guests, we will check that all items are accounted for, the itinerary is known to all,
precautions are addressed, and any further questions that have arisen since last contact is spoken. The hike begins, camping and events are
achieved, then departure is used with the backing motto of “leave no trace.”

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 14, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.3.1

Work Package Name: Arrival at location and begin hike to the campsite.

Work Package Description: Upon arrival at designated site, recheck weather, verify that campsite is not closed, verify everyone has permits
and identification. Remind the group that the hike is a “leave no trace” hike. Time until arrival at the campsite depends on walking speed,
breaks, and scenic observations.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 14, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:
Work Package Name: Check all equipment

Work Package Description: Have the group re-check equipment such as GPS, compass, water purification systems. Make sure everyone has
enough water for the hike, ensure first aid kits are packed and batteries are charged.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 14, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Start hiking and determine the rate of speed until arrival.

Work Package Description: Considering the average pace of each person in the group the pace will be 2 miles per hour.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 14, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.3.2

Work Package Name: Arrive at the campsite

Work Package Description: Coordinate with the group on deciding what area we are going to set up camp (do we want to be where the
action is or at a peaceful quiet area), near facilities, check surface area for debris (if near trees make sure no branches are going to break).

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 14, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Set-up site, determine food preparation.

Work Package Description: Coordinate with the group of tasks on pitching the tents, setting up a fire (if allowable), if not get reliable light
out and ready, preparing a meal, and replenishing water.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 14, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Initiate planned events to provide greatest enjoyment during the trip.

Work Package Description: This is a time when social interaction is used to satisfy human connection on an interpersonal level. Events
include, but are not limited to, swimming, campfire, watching the stars (weather permitting), playing board/card games, walking along nearby
trails, and doing meal preparation.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 14, 2022 Date Due: March 18, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.3.3
Work Package Name: Departure from campsite.
Work Package Description: Preparations to depart from the campsite. Check that all items are accounted for and that guests are ready for
Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia
Date Assigned: March 18, 2022 Date Due: March 18, 2022
Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Break down the site and “leave no trace”.

Work Package Description: All guests prepare for leaving the campsite. Sleeping bags and mats are deflated, items inside the tent are
cleared, the tents are broken down, camping furniture is collapsed and stowed, water is collected (via water filtration choice of person) and
stored in reserved bottles, and all items are inside backpacks. Area is cleared with a “leave no trace” mentality. Optional: sun and insect
protection is advised at this time.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 18, 2022 Date Due:March 18, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Hike back to the original meet-up location.

Work Package Description: All guests will hike back to the location they met during the first day of the vacation.

Assigned To: Aratha, Brian, Levi, Sophia

Date Assigned: March 18, 2022 Date Due:March 18, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #: 1.4.1

Work Package Name: Arrival at home and unpack.

Work Package Description: All guests arrive at home. A complimentary “thank you” is sent as an appreciation for the time together.

Assigned To: Levi

Date Assigned: March 19, 2022 Date Due:March 30, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Make a post-survey.

Work Package Description: A post-survey will be made to address the camping trip’s success. This survey will be used in conjunction with
the previous survey to find whether the expectations of the guests were addressed, and in making a post-evaluation survey in regards to the
information collected.

Assigned To: Levi

Date Assigned: March 19, 2022 Date Due:March 30, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Compile all surveys.

Work Package Description:

Assigned To: Brian

Date Assigned: April 1, 2022 Date Due:April 8, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00

Project Name: Havasu Falls Camping Trip

WBS #:

Work Package Name: Make a post-evaluation report.

Work Package Description:

Assigned To: Brian

Date Assigned: April 1, 2022 Date Due:April 8, 2022

Estimated Costs: $ 0.00
Responsibility Assignment Matrix

WBS Element Project Stake

Team holders

Project Project Risk Administrative Financial Project Sponsors

Director Manage Manager Manager Analyst Team
r Member

Charter A R C N

Research N R/A S

Risk Management A C R N

Site Reservation N A R C

Financial Plan R C A N

Creating C A

Budget Approval R N C A

Status Report A R N

Key: R = Responsible, S = Support Required, C = Must Be Consulted, N = Must Be Notified, A =

Approval Required, G = Gate Reviewer


$Determine expectations of all attending guests.

$Customer service.

$Use a survey to document information.

$Determine satisfaction level for that particular trip.

$Provide a service for a growing need after isolation from the pandemic.

$Guarantee to guests that the location is reserved.

$Timely run events, departures, and meet-ups."

Task Dependencies

Purchasing tickets and making reservations should be the first task completed just in case we are unable

to make the reservations and therefore unable to proceed with the hiking trip. Making travel plans for the

camping trip must be a successor to the prior task. Preparing for arrival by sending out an information

packet to each guest with a survey is a task dependent upon another making a list of items and should be

done alongside making travel plans so as to save time. Preparing a survey is dependent upon the first

three tasks being accomplished. Making a list of required items and making a list of optional items are

dependent upon the plans being accomplished. Packing cannot be accomplished until the list of items

have been created. Answering questions or concerns about the trip is not dependent on any task and can

be repeated throughout the process, however we will have an answering question session that is

dependent on the above tasks to be finished.

Vacation officially begins is dependent upon all above tasks. Arrival at location and depart towards the

campsite must succeed the previous tasks. Checking the equipment must be done previous to beginning

the hike. Start hiking and determine the rate of speed until arrival is dependent upon the previous tasks

and must occur before arriving at the campsite, after which we can set-up the site and determine food

preparation. Once that is accomplished we can initiate the planned events to provide the greatest

enjoyment during the trip.

Breaking down the site and “leaving no trace” is dependent upon the previous tasks and must come before

departing from the campsite, after which we will arrive at home and unpack. We cannot begin the post

survey until we are home from the trip. Compiling all surveys will succeed completing the surveys and

the post evaluation report must be completed last.

Critical Path Explanation

Purchasing tickets, preparing for arrival, vacationing, and returning home are the four tasks that

we decided to include on the Critical Path. The reason we chose to place these tasks on the

Critical Path is because they are the main tasks included in our work breakdown structure. These

are the most crucial tasks that sum up the trip in the most expedient way.

Purchase Prepare for Vacation

tickets Arrival


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