Detailed-Lesson-Paln-In-Earth Rotation

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Department of Education

Bislig City Division

Burboanan Elementary School

Detailed Lesson Plan in SCIENCE 6

I. Objectives:
At the end of a 50 minute period, 100% of the pupils will get at least 75% proficiency level and will
be able to:

a. Define what is rotation

b. Explain the cause of day and night
c. Demonstrate rotation and revolution of the earth using a globe to explain day and night (S6ES-
d. Give importance to the right amount of sleeping hours in order to be healthy
II. Subject Matter: Environmental Sanitation

Reference: Science Beyond Borders 6 page 209

Materials: Illustration board, strips of paper, graphing paper, charts
Integration: English, Music, Esp , and ICT
Values: Coopeation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance
Presenting the classroom standards;

1. Be kind, polite, and courteous to others.

2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and
4. Listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow
5. Work hard and always do your best.
6. Observe health protocols
7. Raise your hand when you would like to speak
in class, when leaving your seat or if you need to leave
the classroom for a reason.
8. Be ready to take the consequences if you break
the rules.

1. Drill (5 minutes)
This time I want everybody to please stand let us sing
together Daytime & Night time song. Let us follow the
song in the screen. Are you ready? Yes, maam!
Do you like the song?
What did you do during Daytime?
How about during nighttime?

2. Review (2 minutes)


Compare and contrast wet and dry season by writing the

activities you’ve done during the season and in the center write
the activities you can do both in dry and wet season.

It seems that you have already master our past lesson, are you
ready with the next lesson?

3. Motivation (5 minutes)
(Integration of HOTS and Across subject areas like Expressing
ideas using descriptive words, phrases and sentences and
identifying proper heading)
Describe what the people are doing in the pictures.
Can you give the proper heading for each set of pictures?
(Refer to power point presentation)

Day Time Activities

Night Time Activities

What activities did you do during daytime?

How about nighttime?
Why are people more active during day time than night time?
What makes day and night?
What makes our activities vary or change during day time and
night time?
What do you think is our lesson today base on the diagram
Answers varies

Let us know more about earth’s rotation as we go on with our


Find the words related to the movement of the earth in the given
cross word puzzle. After finding the words match it with its meaning
on the board. (8 words)

1. turn or cause to turn or whirl around quickly

2. the action of rotating around an axis or center

3. The period of darkness in each twenty-four hours; the time

from sunset to sunrise.
4. an imaginary line about which a body rotates

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation
Our lesson for this morning will be all about Earth’s
Rotation and our objectives are;

a. Define what is rotation

b. Explain the cause of day and night
c. Demonstrate rotation and revolution of the earth
using a globe to explain day and night (S6ES-IVe-f-
d. Know the importance of day and night by
planning daily activities

For us to meet our objectives, let us watch first, this

video about earth rotation causes Day and Night.

(Watching the video)


What is the video about?

Who are the characters in the video?

What are they doing in the first part?

Why do we wake up when it’s daylight?

-The video was all about Earth’s Rotation.
What do you call the earth’s representation?
-Science Kids, they are boys and girls

Can anybody locate the axis of the earth? -They are sleeping
What is an axis?

What do you call the movement of the earth on its axis? - We will work, play and go to school.

How long does it take for the earth to make one complete - Globe is the earth miniature.
-Yes, Axis is an imaginary line where earth rotates.
What causes day and night?
- The movement of earth on its axis is called earth’s

-It takes 24 hours or one for the earth to complete

one rotation.

- Earth’s rotation causes day and night

(To further pupils understanding of the concept and skills, lead

them to demonstrate how earth’s rotation affects day and night
through the use of improvised set up.)

(Prepare the globe and the flashlight ahead of time.)

1. We have here a globe and a flashlight.

(unlock the word globe)
2. We need three volunteers to illustrate to us the

1. Show us the correct direction on how the earth rotates on its


2. How does the Earth rotate on its axis?Is it from east to west
or west to east?

Is it clockwise or counterclockwise?

3. Explain what causes day and night.

4. What makes day? What makes night?

Yes, it rotates from west to east

How many hours are there in one complete rotation or
one day? In a counterclock wise direction

Earth rotation causes day and night.

How many hours do you spend in school?
Part of the earth facing the sun experience day
How many hours do you spend at home? time while part of the earth facing away from
the sun experience night time.
How many hours do you spend sleeping?
Values Integration It take 24 hours to complete one rotation
What is the right amount of sleeping hours do children
need in order to be healthy?
we spend 9-10 hours in school

Is it good to stay awake during late night? Why? Why is -We spend 13-14 hours at home
sleeping in the right number of hours important?
-we spend 10-12 hours sleeping
That’s right, children like you should have proper rest because
you are still growing. You need to have proper rest for you to We should have 8-10 hours’ sleep in order to be
be healthy. healthy.

4. Guided Practice
(Pass the Basket)
We will play pass the basket, when the music start you are going to
pass the basket to your classmate , when it stops the pupil holding No, children like us should not stay wake during
the basket will pick a question and read it to the class and answer if late night, we should sleep early, in order for our
it is TRUE or FALSE. body to be healthy body.
1. Rotation of the Earth causes night and day.
2. It takes one year or 365 & ¼ days for the Earth to rotate
completely on its axis.
3. Different parts of the Earth experience day and night because the
Earth is rotating on its axis.
4. When the sun shines on the part of the Earth, that part is night
5. The activities of people on the different parts of the Earth differ
during day time and night time.


Integration of HOTS, Predicting Outcomes & Identifying

Cause & Effect relationship)

What is rotation?
What causes day and night?

What might happen if the earth does not rotate?

What effects might it bring to the earth itself, to the people and
other living organism on it, to the temperature, etc.


Group Activity-Directions:
1. Group yourselves into four.
2. Choose your leader.
3. The leader gets the activity sheets and the assessment card from
the teacher.
4. Go to your respective area assigned to you.
5. Begin doing the activity following the group standards.
6. Be mindful of the rubrics presented.
7. Finish in ten minutes, and then present your output in less than 3

Group 1 – Explaining the Cause of Day and Night


1. Fill in the blank.

The light comes from the _______.
The light shines on our planet _______________.
Every day the earth _________ around its __________.
When the sun shines on us it is _________________.
When we face away from the sun it is _________________________.

Earth sun axis daytime

rotates/spins night time

2. Label and color the picture to show where it is day and where it is night.

Group 2 – Earth’s Rotation Causes Day and Night

Group 3 – Differences between Day and Night

Group 4 – Day and Night Activities


I will give you 5 minutes to prepare, after 5 minutes you

are going to present your output in front of the class.

5 The pupils demonstrate well the

activity. Information are correct and
4 The pupils demonstrate well in the
activity. Minor errors may be present.
3 The pupils demonstrate limited
understanding in the activity.
Information’s are incomplete.
2 The pupils demonstrate little
understanding in the activity.
Information is incorrect.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How long does the Earth takes to complete its rotation?
a. One month c. 24 weeks
b. one day d. 24 days
2. In what direction does the Earth move?
a. north to west c. east to west
b. south to north d. west to east
3. What do you call the movement of the Earth on its own axis?
a. revolution c. circulation
b. rotation d. direction
4. Which is true about the sun?
a. The Earth rotates around it.
b. The Earth revolves around it.
c. It is the farthest star to earth.
d. It rises in the west and sets in the east.
5. Which is not true about Earth?
a. It revolves around the sun.
b. It rotates on its axis in clockwise direction.
c. It revolves in counterclockwise direction.
d. It takes one day for the Earth to complete its rotation.
8.Assignment ( IP Integration )
A. Direction: Watch the following in You Tube, then describe
in 3 sentences how the earth revolves around the sun.

Title: Revolution of Earth

B. Ask your Grandparents how they tell time long time ago
without the use of watch or clock.

Prepared by: Checked by:


T-II Master Teacher


School Head

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