Functional Specification (Workflow)
Functional Specification (Workflow)
Functional Specification (Workflow)
Created on 27.09.2022
Objective of Development:
Purchase Order printout is required to trace the material while sending the Purchase Order to
the Supplier. The Printout will contain the Vendor details, Article code, Article description,
ordered quantity, Net Price, etc. details and Header and Item text.
Detailed Description:
PO Approval processes need to trigger workflow from L1, L2, L3 and get approved.
Applied Logic:
Testing Case
Relevant Transaction Codes
Transaction Code Description
ME21N Create New PO
ME22N Change PO
ME23N Display PO
ME9F Process output
Special Requirement:
“Not Approved Specimen” should be displayed as watermark on the PO printout unless it is
approved by the authorized users.
The provided layout is for the First page only. There can be one more page required for Standard
Terms and Conditions.