Write Right Paragraph To Essay 3 - Answer Key

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Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Answer Keys
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 1 Writing an Essay

p.6 (Warm-up)
1. Circle the first sentence.
The paragraph is about why students should wear school uniforms.
2. Uniforms also help students focus on school.
Put ( ): (With uniforms, they won’t care so much about their look sand will pay more attention
to their studies)
3. Underline the last sentence.
It is saying that wearing uniforms is the best thing for students.

p.7 (Writing an Essay)

1. introduction
body paragraphs
2. Underline:
Many students don’t like wearing school uniforms. However, there are many reasons why
School and lesson fees are already expensive, so it helps to not spend more money on clothes.
If students don’t wear uniforms, they might waste time worry about what they will wear.
Thus, poorer students don’t’ have to feel bad about not having fashionable clothes.
To conclude, students can pick their own clothes why they are older.
3. Circle: However, Firstly, so, Secondly, Lastly, but, Thus, To conclude

p.8 (Introduction)
1. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat.
People are vegetarians for several reasons.
2. When I was ten, I moved to Canada from Brazil.
Moving to a different country was hard, but I learned many things.
3. Americans and Koreans have different thoughts about age.
While Americans don’t think age is important, age affects how Koreans act.

[Possible answers]
1. People from different countries celebrate Christmas in many different ways.
2. Many people think that having a pet wastes too much time and money.
3. Jake and Kent look the same because they are twins.
However, their personalities are very different.

p.10 (Body Paragraphs)

don’t eat meat because of their religion
think animals are friends
think animals shouldn’t be killed for food
think meat has a lot of fat

Firstly, some people don’t eat meat because of their religion. For example, Muslim and
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Jewish people don’t eat pork.

Second, vegetarians love animals. They think animals are friends. In addition, they think
animals shouldn’t be killed for food.
Finally, some people become vegetarians because they want to diet or be healthier. They
think meat has a lot of fat. Therefore, they choose to eat more vegetables and fruits.

p.12 (Conclusion)
1. I would be able to travel in my own plane, give my parents a great present, and help others
if I won the lottery. Even though winning is almost impossible, I still hope I get lucky one day.
2. Stress can make students sick, sleep less, and gain weight. Students should talk to adults
and do relaxing activities to deal with stress.

[Possible answer]
In conclusion, younger people need to speak differently to other people from their
friends in Korea. I think it is easier to get close to people of all ages in America.

Unit 2 Having a Lot of Money

p.15 (Warm-up)
1. I disagree that schools don’t need summer vacations because without them, students won’t
have time to do fun things like going on trips or to summer camp.
2. I disagree that students should go to school on Saturday because students need time to rest
and have fun.
3. I agree that children should start learning English before the age of five because it gets
harder to learn a new language when you get older.

p.16 (Writing Model)

1. Put ( ) around the first paragraph, < > around the conclusion
2. 1) People with a lot of money are often very stressed.
2) Some people do bad things to become rich.
3) Being able to buy many things doesn’t make someone happy.
3. They might steal from other people or gamble.

p.17 (Writing Analysis)

 disagree that people with a lot of money are the happiest

 are very stressed

Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

 work too hard

 do bad things to become rich
 steal or gamble
 lose a lot of money
 many things doesn’t make someone happy
 as important as
love and friendship

 happy with what they already have

p.18 (Sentence Building)

[Possible answers]
1. I don’t agree that the most exciting school subject is music.
2. I believe that you can be happy even if you are poor.
3. I agree that rich people should give money to poor people.

[Possible answers]
1. Friends are as meaningful as family.
2. Studying science is not as difficult as studying English.
3. Having free time is as necessary as going to school.

1. Even though studying English is necessary, it is not the only subject you should learn.
2. Even though you can learn many things in a classroom, you can learn some things better
outside of a classroom.
3. Even though rich people may look very happy, they might not be as happy as you think.
4. Even though classes are important, students also need more free time.

1. I agree that it is worth buying very expensive clothes.
2. I disagree that schools should begin later in the day.
3. I believe that people should be rewarded for recycling.

1. Desktop computers are not as useful as laptop computers.

2. Studying alone is not as helpful as studying with friends.
3. Having a lot of friends is not as good as having one or two close friends.

1. Even though learning at home is comfortable, you can learn more at school.
2. Even though you get more attention as an only child, you can get lonely.
3. Even though French is a beautiful language, learning Chinese is more useful.
4. Even though you can watch movies on your cell phone, watching movies on a big screen is
still better.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 3 Using the Internet

p.23 (Warm-up)

[Possible answers]
won’t be lonely when home alone
can protect house
expensive to feed and take dog to vet

Good points
I won’t be lonely when I am home alone if I have a dog.
A dog can protect our house from robbers.

Bad points
I will be sad when the dog dies.
It is expensive to feed a dog and take it to the vet.

p.24 (Writing Model)

1. The essay is about the good and bad points about using the Internet.
2. The Internet makes things easier. There is lots of information on the Internet, so people
don’t have to go to the library to do research.
3. The Internet makes people waste time. Many people spend so much time on it that they
don’t do their work or sleep.

p.25 (Writing Analysis)

 good and bad points about using

 things easier
 don’t need to go to library to do research
 use e-mail through the Internet

 people waste time

 too many interesting things on the Internet
 don’t have time to work or sleep

 spend too much time on the Internet

p.26 (Sentence Building)

[Possible answers]
1. Television makes things more interesting.
2. Email makes things faster.
3. Online shopping malls make things more available.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

4. Cell phones make things more convenient.

[Possible answers]
1. Online games make people stay indoors.
2. Television makes people read fewer books.
3. Cell phones make people talk too much.
4. Online shopping malls make people spend money too easily.

[Possible answers]
1. On the other hand, television shows lots of bad or violent things.
2. On the other hand, people can get addicted to online games.
3. On one hand, cell phones are good to have in an emergency.
4. On one hand, online shopping helps people find things they can’t find in stores.

1. Some people spend so much time shopping online that they don’t have time to do
anything else.
2. Some people talk so much on their cell phones that they have very expensive phone bills.
3. Some people play so many hours of online games that they don’t get their homework done.
4. Some people watch so much television that they spend all day indoors.

1. Computers make things faster.
2. Cars make things more accessible.
3. Electricity makes things more convenient.
4. Cable channels make things more entertaining.

1. Cars make people walk less.

2. Computers make people spend time alone.
3. Traffic makes people be late for work.
4. Fast food restaurants make people eat unhealthily.

[Possible answers]
1. On the other hand, cars create pollution.
2. On the other hand, fast food has little nutrients.
3. On one hand, 3-D films make you feel like you are in the movie.
4. On one hand, cell phone cameras are convenient when you forget to bring your camera.

1. Some people spend so much time hanging out with friends that they don’t spend time with
their families.
2. Some people have so many activities after school that they don’t have time to finish their
3. Some people get so nervous before a big test that they forget everything they studied.
4. Some people get so scared after watching a horror movie that they can’t sleep at night.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 4 Living in the Country

p.31 (Warm-up)
[Possible answers]
(✓) R&B I prefer R&B to rock.
I would rather listen to R&B.
(✓) basketball I prefer basketball to volleyball.
I would rather play basketball.
(✓) dramas I prefer dramas to romantic movies.
I would rather watch dramas.

p.32 (Writing Model)

1. The essay is about why the writer prefers living in the country.
2. People think the country is not as fun as the city.
3. The writer says you can go fishing or hiking in the mountains in the country.
4. In my opinion, the city is expensive, not clean, and loud.

p.33 (Writing Analysis)

 living in the city to living in the country
 rather live in the country

 country not as fun as the city

 pay for free
very expensive hiking in mountains
 cleaner quieter
 pollution fresh air many
never quiet quiet places

 expensive, not clean, and loud

Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

[Possible answers]
1. It is true that the country is quiet, but it doesn’t have many places to go.
2. It is true that eating at a restaurant is convenient, but eating out too often gets expensive.
3. It is true that the beach is great when it is sunny, but it can get too crowded and hot.

[Possible answers]
1. A meal at home is cheaper and healthier than a meal at a restaurant.
2. The beach is more exciting and more fun than the mountains.
3. Small towns are quieter and nicer than big cities.

[Possible answers]
1. Many people prefer eating at a restaurant to eating at home.
2. Many people prefer going to the beach to going to the mountains.
3. Many people prefer going to the movies to watching a movie at home.

[Possible answers]
1. Like many people, I would rather eat at a restaurant.
2. Like many people, I would rather swim at the beach.
3. However, I would rather relax in the country.
4. However, I would rather travel with my family.

[Possible answers]
1. It is true that learning English is important, but people shouldn’t stress out about it.
2. It is true that homework takes up a lot of time, but it is helpful for reviewing what you
learned in class.
3. It is true that public transportation is very convenient, but it is not as fast as riding a car.
4. It is true that going to university will help you get a job, but tuition is very expensive.

[Possible answers]
1. Fruit juice is more refreshing and more delicious than soda.
2. Jeans are more stylish and more expensive than sweat pants.
3. Tennis lessons are easier and more fun than language lessons.
4. Comic books are funnier and more interesting than fantasy novels.

[Possible answers]
1. Many people prefer watching shows on a television to watching shows on a computer.
2. Many people prefer eating hamburgers to eating vegetables.
3. Many people prefer being at home to going to school.
4. Many people prefer learning how to play a sport to learning a new language.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

1. Like many people, I would rather stay inside during the summer.
2. However, I would rather read books.
3. Like many people, I would rather snowboard.
4. However, I would rather be smart.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 5 How to Keep Healthy

p.39 (Warm-up)

Instead of going to sleep at 2 a.m., you should go to sleep earlier. You can also watch less TV.
Too much TV will make your eyes tired.

p.40 (Writing Model)

1. The writer is giving advice about how to keep healthy.
2. The writer suggests not to drink soda.
3. The writer suggests to walk up the stairs and move around sometimes when watching
television or doing homework.

p.41 (Writing Analysis)

 too hard or they are too busy
 easy things you can do

 drink water
 gain weight or get cavities
 drink a cup of water
 exercise
 help you not get sick or feel tired
 walk up the stairs
 get up sometimes
and move around

 will help you be healthier

p.42 (Sentence Building)

1. Instead of taking the elevator, you should walk up the stairs.
2. Instead of having cookies for dessert, you should eat fruit or yogurt.
3. Instead of studying all night before a test, you should prepare for tests early.
3. Instead of turning in your test as soon as you finish, you should check for mistakes.

[possible answers]
1. If you are trying to lose weight, don’t eat snacks late at night.
2. If you are feeling sick, go to sleep early.
3. If you are coughing, take cold medicine.
4. If you are not getting good grades, talk to your teacher.

1. Eating junk food will make you gain weight.
2. Wearing thin clothing in winter will make you catch a cold.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

3. Not preparing for a test will make you get a bad grade.
4. Speaking in your native language all the time will make you forget English.

1. Eating slowly will help you not eat too much.

2. Playing sports will help you lose weight.
3. Taking medicine will help you get over a cold.
4. Reading many books will help you improve your vocabulary.


1. Instead of getting mad, you should try to calm down.
2. Instead of turning on the TV, you should open up a book.
3. Instead of buying toys or comic books, you should save your money.
4. Instead of being nervous about speaking English, you should be confident.

[possible answers]
1. If you are studying for a big test, put away all distractions.
2. If you are having stomach pains, find somewhere to lie down.
3. If you are feeling bored, call up a friend.
4. If you are trying to be a good friend, be a good listener.

1. Running without stretching will make you hurt your muscles.
2. Doing everything at the last minute will make you feel stressed.
3. Not getting enough sleep will make you feel cranky all day.
4. Not reading the instructions will make you answer the question incorrectly.

1. Taking vitamins will help you not get sick.

2. Eating vegetables will help you stay healthy.
3. Listening to English radio programs will help you improve your English.
4. Learning from a good teacher will help you improve quickly.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 6 How to Stay Awake

p.47 (Warm-up)
[Possible answers]

Get to know people better

by asking questions and listening.
Go up to new students
first and introduce yourself.

Read English books to

learn new vocabulary.
Ask your teacher to fix
your speaking mistakes.

p.48 (Writing Model)

1. The essay is about steps students can take to stay awake.
2. The writer suggests to take a short break.
3. You can take a nap.
4. Underline this sentence: It is best to finish all your work and go to sleep early.

p.49 (Writing Analysis)

 but get sleepy
 steps you can take

 take short break

 go outside and get fresh air
 stretch, and walk around room
 eat snack
 heavy snack piece of fruit
 take short nap
 sleep longer than 20 minutes or might fall fast asleep
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

 ask parents to wake you up

 finish all your work and go to sleep early

1. If you are having trouble avoiding a bully, there are some things you can do.
2. If you are having trouble finding your way home, there are some things you can try.
3. If you are having trouble finding someone to help you, there are some steps you can take.

[possible answers]
1. If you are still tired, you can splash your face with cold water.
2. If you are still worried, you can get advice from your parents.
3. If you still get picked on, you can talk to your teacher.
4. If you still have a hard time with directions, you can ask a police officer to help you.

[possible answers]
1. or you might have a hard time sleeping.
2. or you can get lost.
3. or you won’t be able to find someone to help you.
4. or you could forget everything you studied.

[Possible answers]
1. It is best to avoid the bully.
2. It is best to call somebody.
3. It is best to go to the library.
4. It is best to ask for a retest.

1. If you are having trouble sleeping, there are some things you can do.
2. If you are having trouble solving a problem, there are some things you can try.
3. If you are having trouble memorizing vocabulary words, there are some steps you can take.
4. If you are having trouble keeping your room clean, there are some steps you can try.

[Possible answers]
1. If you are still stressed from school, you can try a fun and relaxing activity.
2. If you are still scared of the dark, you can sleep with a lamp on.
3. If you still have trouble speaking English, you can practice with a native English speaker.
4. If you still feel bored, you can invent a new game with your friends.

[Possible answers]
1. or your friend might not want to be friends anymore.
2. or you could get into big trouble.
3. or you won’t have money for when you really need it.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

4. or you might have trouble staying awake in class.

1. It is best to stay in air-conditioned buildings.

2. It is best to say sorry to your friend.
3. It is best to take it back to the store.
4. It is best to take a deep breath.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 7 Making Our School Better

p.55 (Warm up)

[Possible answers]
We must get rid of the graffiti on the buildings.
We have to put more trash cans on the sidewalks.
We need nice restaurants and stores to go to.
We should have security cameras in various places.

p.56 (Writing Model)

1. The essay is about how to make the writer’s school better.
2. The writer suggests this because the school’s gym and sports equipment are old.
3. The writer’s second suggestion is to learn more things outside of the classroom.
4. Underline this sentence: To conclude, learning in the classroom is important, but so are
exercising and going outside to learn.

p.57 (Writing Analysis)

 make it even better

 improve gym and get better sports equipment

 gym and sports equipment
 gym class and recess
 have more balls and equipment to play with
 learn more things outside of classroom
 go to museums and historical sites
 listen to English speakers in auditorium

 going outside to learn

p.58 (Sentence Building)

[Possible answers]
1. There are ways to make our city cleaner.
2. There are ways to make our neighborhood nicer.
3. There are ways to make our club more amazing.
4. There are ways to make our country more famous.

[Possible answers]
1. It would be great to have more stores and parks to go to.
2. It would be good to have more classes to choose from.
3. It would be fantastic to have more activities to take part in.

[Possible answers]
1. For fresh air, we can go to the mountains.
2. For fun, we can go to the amusement park.
3. To learn English conversation, we can listen to English radio programs online.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

4. To help poor people, we can donate clothes we don’t wear anymore.

1. but so is knowing about current events.

2. but so are relaxing and playing with friends.
3. but so is improving our subway system.
4. but so are building libraries and making parks.

[Possible answers]
1. There are ways to make our band more popular.
2. There are ways to make our apartment more comfortable.
3. There are ways to make our team more successful.
4. There are ways to make our plan stronger.

[Possible answers]
1. It would be fun to have more school events.
2. It would be wonderful to have more food choices during lunch.
3. It would be helpful to have more trash cans around our neighborhood.

[Possible answers]
1. For music class, we can go to an orchestra concert.
2. To help the poor, we can volunteer at a food bank.
3. To get foreigners to visit our country, we can offer information in different languages on
4. For excitement, we can go bungee jumping.

1. but so are saving money and donating to the poor.

2. but so is being a good friend and son.
3. but so are having time alone and reading books.
4. but so is being skilled in your native language.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 8 The Best Class Activity

p.63 (Warm-up)
[Possible answers]
the amusement park
The amusement park is the best place to go because it is a lot of fun. There are lots of
exciting rides, fun shows, and prizes we can win from games. We can also eat junk food.

the museum
The museum is the worst place to go because it is boring. We can’t do anything but look at
old things. We can’t even touch these things or take pictures of them!

p.64 (Writing Model)

1. The writer thinks they should have all-day activities at school for their class activity.
2. 1) They can have different activities.
2) Their school is the most convenient location.
3. It is not the best idea because those who hate swimming won’t like the beach.

p.65 (Writing Analysis)

 enjoyable and convenient for everyone
 to have all-day activities at school

 different activities
 what they want to do
 watching movies
 has to do same thing
 won’t like the beach
 those who don’t like hiking
 need buses waste time in traffic
 can move to gym or auditorium
 have a barbeque
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

 fun and relaxing

p.66 (Sentence Building)

[Possible answers]
1. The amusement park is the most exciting place.
2. The bus is the cheapest transportation.
3. Going shopping is the best idea.

[Possible answers]
1. That is why the best choice is to go to a spa.
2. That is why the best solution is to go camping.
3. That is why the best option is to stay at home.

[Possible answers]
1. Those who enjoy nature will like to go to the forest.
2. Those who like movies will watch them at the movie theater.
3. Those who want to relax will stay home and read books.
4. Those who want to go somewhere new will travel to places that are not well-known.

1. Those who get sunburned easily won’t stay outside for a long time.
2. Those who have a fear of flying won’t take vacations in faraway countries.
3. Those who don’t like crowds won’t like large music festivals.
3. Those who don’t want to spend a lot of money won’t stay in fancy hotels.

[possible answers]
1. Fried chicken is the most delicious food.
2. Egypt is the most interesting country.
3. History is the hardest subject.
4. Going on a family trip is the best summer plan.

[possible answers]
1. That is why the best choice is to go to the library.
2. That is why the best solution is to take the train.
3. That is why the best option is to go to a used bookstore.

[possible answers]
1. Those who love loud music will enjoy rock concerts.
2. Those who like animals will spend a day at the zoo.
3. Those who enjoy shopping will visit New York’s 5th Avenue.
4. Those who want peace and quiet will spend their summer in the countryside.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

[possible answers]
1. Those who can’t stand the cold weather won’t visit Boston in the winter.
2. Those who don’t like spicy food won’t put hot sauce or chili peppers on their burger.
3. Those who have a fear of heights won’t like mountain climbing.
4. Those who prefer studying alone won’t join study groups.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 9 If I Were President

p.71 (Warm-up)
[possible answers]
I would enter a movie theater and watch a movie for free.
I would help the police by finding out where criminals are hiding.
I would make objects look like they are floating to people who aren’t invisible.

p.72 (Writing Model)

1. The essay is about what the writer would do if he were president.
2. Students need to sleep more.
Poor people need support.
Foreigners need to feel welcome.

p.73 (Writing Analysis)

 help people have good lives
 help students, poor people, and foreigners

 need to sleep more

 school, homework, and after-school lessons
 require schools to give less homework
 need support
 make scholarships
 need to feel welcome
 make programs for local people and foreigners to talk and do activities together

 makes people’s lives easier

p.74 (Sentence Building)

[possible answers]
1. As president, I would make the last day of every month, “Free Ice Cream Day.”
2. As a parent, I would listen my kids and give them good advice.
3. As a teacher, I would make learning fun for my students.
4. As a superhero, I would stop earthquakes and hurricanes before they happen.

1. A parent’s role is to protect their children.

2. A president’s work is to keep the country safe.
3. A teacher’s job is to give students the best education.
4. A student’s duty is to do their best in school.

[possible answers]
1. in order to create many jobs and places for people to live.
2. in order to provide my kids with everything they need.
3. in order to make them trust me and tell me their concerns.
4. in order to help them stop crime.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

[possible answers]
1. so that they do not think I only care about improving big cities.
2. so that they will like books more than watching TV.
3. so that my students will remember the material better.
4. so that the world will be a safer place.

[possible answers]
1. If I were a millionaire, I would buy a mansion, a convertible, and fancy clothes and jewelry.
2. If I were an inventor, I would invent a contact lens that can film things like a video camera.
3. If I were a celebrity, I would star in action movies and do my own stunts.
4. If I were a parrot, I would learn how to talk like people and repeat what they say.

1. A doctor’s work is to help sick people.

2. A police officer’s job is to catch criminals.
3. A coach’s role is to train athletes to play their best.
4. A judge’s duty is to make fair decisions.

[possible answers]
1. in order to find cures for cancer and AIDS.
2. in order to build my own amusement park.
3. in order to interest foreigners to come visit.
4. in order to go to the Olympics and win a gold medal.

[possible answers]
1. so that we can travel to the past and the future.
2. so that they can rest and take vacations with their families.
3. so that we can get to know each other better.
4. so that many customers will come to my store and tell about it to their friends.
Write Right Paragraph to Essay 3

Unit 10 My Valuable Experience

p.79 (Warm up)

[Possible answer]
(✓) won an award or first place in a competition
(✓) been separated from your family for a long time
(✓) moved to a different city or school

1. I have won first place in a talent show before. I learned the importance of practicing hard
and became more confident
2. I have been separated from my family for a long time before when I was studying in a
different country. I was very homesick, but learned how to be independent
3. I have moved to a different school before. I changed from being very shy to more outgoing
p.80 (Writing Model)
1. This essay is about how the writer changed by joining the soccer team.
2. It was a valuable experience because it helped her be healthier, make great friends,
and have confidence.
3. She is now a happier, healthier person.

p.81 (Writing Analysis)

 on school’s soccer team for the past two years
 be healthier, make great friends, and have confidence

 improved health
 run around for hours, thin and fit
 gives helpful advice about soccer and life
 my best friends
 more confident
 always been a little shy and
scared to try new things

 happier, healthier person

p.82 (Sentence Building)

[Possible answers]
1. Living abroad was an amazing experience.
2. Moving to a new school was a difficult experience.
3. Traveling to Australia was an unforgettable experience.
4. Forgetting my lines during the school play was an embarrassing experience.

1. Now, I meet with fellow student leaders to immediately solve problems.

2. Now, I am outgoing and love performing for an audience.
3. Now, I try to be the first one to introduce myself and talk to a new person.
4. Now, I like going to concerts and finding new music on the Internet.

1. I have played the guitar for two years and four months.
2. I have lived in the United States for a year and a half.
3. I have been a boy scout for the past year.
4. I have gone to this school for the past six months.

1. I have always enjoyed meeting new people.

2. I have always liked to make people laugh.
3. I have always been a bit afraid of new experiences.
4. I have always been nervous when I have to talk in front of the class.

[possible answers]
1. Meeting my hero was a memorable experience.
2. Going mountain climbing was an exciting experience.
3. Giving a speech in front of the whole school was a scary experience.
4. Getting separated from my parents during our trip was a horrible experience.

[possible answers]
1. Now, I tell my friends about what is happening in the world.
2. Now, I enter swim meets and win medals and trophies.
3. Now, I have to share my room and belongings with my brother.
4. Now, I make sure to separate trash into paper, plastics, and glass.

1. I have waited for the bus for the past twenty minutes.
2. I have liked my favorite actor for many years.
3. I have been in the school’s chorus for six months.
4. I have had an English tutor for the last two years.

1. I have always been shy about singing in public.

2. I have always played baseball with my neighborhood friends.
3. I have always spent money without thinking.
4. I have always had a hard time explaining things to people.

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