Write Right Beginner SB 3

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Write right beginner3_속표지.indd 1 12. 10.

09 오후 3:24
We Are Planning Our

When I Grow Up, I Want to

Be an Astronaut

How to Get Over a Cold

My Terrible Day
Mark the completion of each lesson with the stickers at the back of this book.

My Apple Report

The Past and Now

Who Are the Most

Important People?

Molly’s Wish
Mr. Wright Easygoing Dad Mrs. Wright Strict Mom
- He is a computer - She is a math teacher.
programmer. - She is the strict
- He is the easygoing

Allisa Wright Bossy Allisa

- She is a tomboy.
- She thinks her parents love C h a r a c ter
d uc tI o n s
In t r o
Toby too much and they
spoil him.
- She wants to be a computer
programmer like her dad.

Toby Wright Playful Toby Molly Smart Molly

- He is loud and playful. - She is the Wright
- He makes Allisa mad family’s pet.
because he likes to touch - She can only talk to
her stuff. Allisa and Toby.
- He wants to be an - She is very smart.

Irie Quiet Irie Billy Funny Billy

- Allisa’s best friend - Toby’s best friend
- She is shy and quiet. - He is funny and
- She and Allisa like to playful.
read books and comics - He and Toby like to
together. ride scooters and play
at the playground.
Title Topic Writing Mode Text Structure Grammar Page

Lesson 1 Writing about Expository Dictionary The Simple

Jobs Writing Writing Present, When …
When I Grow
Up, I Want to
Be an Astronaut
Grow Up , …
Want to Be
Lesson 2 Writing about Expository Disagreement Present
Vacations Writing & Agreement Progressive,
We Are
Planning Our Writing Want /Decide to ,
Q Writing about Expository Cause & The Simple Past,
Lesson 3
Bad Days Writing Effect Writing Will , Because,
My Terrible
Day (Journal
Also 24
Lesson 4 Writing about Expository Sequence Have /Has,
Health Writing Writing Have to /Don’t
How to Get
Over a Cold Have to,
Lesson 5 Writing about Expository Compare Comparatives,
the Past and Writing & Contrast There is /are /
The Past
and Now Now Writing was /were,
Lesson 6 Writing about Expository Descriptive Many /Some /All,
Fruits Writing Writing There Are Many
My Apple
Report Kinds of 48
Q Writing a Narrative Story The Simple Past,
Lesson 7
Story Writing Writing Time Words,
Wish Quotations 56
Lesson 8 Writing about Persuasive Persuasive Superlatives,
Important Writing Writing Objective
Who Are the
Most Important People Pronouns 64

Writing Project
Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4
72 Sorry Letter
74 Myth
76 Book Cover
Lesson Components
In this stage, students brainstorm the writing topics.
• Step 1: Writing Opener

With the help of pictures, students learn the target
vocabulary and begin thinking about the writing

Graphic Organizer
Graphic organizers help students gather key words
and ideas.

Sentence Build-Up
Students make sentences with the key words.

Writing Focus has four stages: Writing Model, Writing Analysis, Writing Organizer,
• Step 2: Writing Focus and Language Focus. In this step, students learn how to write.

Writing Model
The Writing Model introduces students to different
writing forms.

Writing Analysis
Questions about the Writing Model provide a
better understanding of the passages. Through
the use of graphic organizers, students learn how
key words and ideas form the basis of sentences
and writing.

Punctuation Card
This punctuation guide teaches how and when
to use the different types of punctuation marks

Writing Organizer
Students examine writing structures.
Copying the Writing Model reinforces how to
organize ideas and sentences.

Language Focus
Students practice using the target language to
help boost their vocabulary and writing skills.
In this stage, students are guided through creating
• Step 3: Write Right their own writings.

Idea Map
With this mapping process, students brainstorm
ideas and learn how to organize their thoughts.

First Draft
Students complete their first drafts using the
graphic organizers from the previous page. The
provided writing structures help students arrange
their writings.

Check & Revise

Students check and revise their punctuation usage
in order to polish their writings. This section can
be used for self-correction or peer feedback.
• Workbook

Idea Map Language Practice

Students review how to use graphic organizers Additional exercises allow students to
and write sentences with the information practice the target language necessary to create
they contain. their writings.

Final Paper
Using teacher feedback and Check & Revise,
students correct their first drafts and write their
final papers.
• Writing Project
Hands-on, fun-filled activities give students
experience writing in different formats. Projects in
the Write Right Beginner three-book series include
making a card, a poster, a graphic novel, a book
cover, and more.
Writing about Jobs


1 Brian

g Opene
W ritin

When Brian grows up, he wants to be an astronaut. Circle the correct

answers and write.

A What does an astronaut do?

An astronaut studies space. ( studies / grows )

B What does an astronaut fly?

An astronaut flies a . ( space shuttle / spacesuit )

Word Bank
• grow up • study • fly/drive • space shuttle • spacesuit
• work • wear

8 Lesson 1
C Complete the Dictionary Chart and the sentence about

astronauts .

Word P Part of Speech

astronaut . noun .


Does What? studies space

Works Where? works in space
Special Things? 1. flies a space shuttle
2. wears a spacesuit

An astronaut is a person who studies space,

in space, a space shuttle,
and wears a .

Part of Speech Noun

Nouns are words that name people, places, and things.
• People – boy, girl, teacher
• Places – house, store
• Things – desk, chair

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be an Astronaut 9

Ex p o s
ito r y
r iting Focus Wr i
W ti ng

Writing Model
Read Toby’s dictionary paper and
answer the questions on the next page.

astronaut noun
An astronaut is
a person who
studies space,
works in space,
flies a space
shuttle, and
wears a spacesuit.
✱ When I grow up, I want to be
an astronaut.

10 Lesson 1
Writing Analysis

A What is the form of this writing? Circle the correct answer.

a. newspaper b. dictionary paper c. letter

B What is this writing about?

C What does an astronaut do? An astronaut space.


D Make a Dictionary Chart about astronauts .

Word Part of Speech


Does What?
Works Where?
Special Things? 1.

s (, ) in
Put comma
m s in a
b e tw e e n it e
s e ri e s .
Ca pi ta liz at io n t is a
A n a st ro n a u
Us e ca pi ta l let te rs at st u d ie s
p e rs o n w h o
th e sta rt of se nt en ce s in
s. sp a ce, wo rk
a sp a ce
sp a ce, fl ie s
Whe n I grow up, we a rs a
I wa nt to be an sh u tt le, a n d
as tro na ut . sp a ce su it .
Writing Organizer

Write the missing words from page 10.


Part of Speech


An a
studies space, in space,
a space shuttle, and
a spacesuit.

Example Sentence

I ,I
to an astronaut.

12 Lesson 1
Language Focus

A Present Tense Change the verbs into the present tense.

1. He flies
lies space shuttles. (fly)
2. She math. (study)
3. Dan the potatoes. (fry)
4. The baby . (cry)

B Complete the sentences using When , grow /grows up , and want /

wants to be .

1. When he grows up , he wants to be a

2. they ,
3. I ,
a doctor.

C Complete the sentences using …is a person who … and the

given words.
1. A teacher is a person who works at a school. (teacher)
2. An studies space. (astronaut)
3. A studies science. (scientist)

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be an Astronaut 13

Di c t i o
Write Right! Wr i
ti ng

Idea Map

Write a dictionary paper about what you want to be when you

grow up.

Make a Dictionary Chart.

Word Part of Speech


Does What?
Works Where?

Special Things? 1.

Expression Bank

• doctor • white coat • hospital • take care of sick people • cure diseases
• pilot • airplane • sunglasses • uniform • travel around the world
• I want to become a great .

14 Lesson 1
First Draft

Write a draft about what you want to be when you grow up

using your Dictionary Chart.


Part of Speech


A/An is a

Example Sentence

I ,
I to a/an
he ck &
Re vi se

1. C ap ita liz at io n15

2. C om m as

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