Trabajo Académico N14

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Trabajo académico N°14

Make 3 dialogues about different topics. Use the topics learned.

Dialogue 1
A: Hello, David.
B: Hello, Dr. Smith.
A: What can I help you with today?
B: I’m experiencing nausea.
A: Do you have any other symptoms?
B: I have a bad headache too.
A: Have you thrown up at all?
B: Yes, last night and again this morning.
A: Do you still feel like vomiting?
B: My stomach still feels upset.
A: Okay, what about your head, do you still have a headache?
B: Yes, it is very painful.
A: How would you describe the pain?
B: It feels like someone is squeezing my head really hard.
A: Okay, I’ll prescribe you something for the nausea.
B: Okay, thank you.
A: For the headache, take some paracetamol and get some rest. Come
back if it doesn’t get better.
B: Okay, I will. Thank you for your help.
A: No problem. Hope you feel better soon.
Dialogue 2:
Patient: Nurse, I think I might have a fever. It's so cold in here!
Nurse: Here, let me check your forehead.
Patient: What do you think?
Nurse: You feel a bit warm. Let me get a thermometer to check.
Patient: How do I raise my bed? I can't find the controls.
Nurse: Here you are. Is that better?
Patient: Could I have another pillow?
Nurse: Certainly. Here you are. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Patient: No, thank you.
Nurse: OK, I'll be right back with the thermometer.
Patient: Oh, just a moment. Can you bring me another bottle of water,
Nurse: Certainly, I'll be back in a moment.
Nurse: (coming into the room) I'm back. Here's your bottle of water.
Please put the thermometer under your tongue.
Patient: Thank you. (Puts the thermometer under the tongue)
Nurse: Yes, you have a slight fever. I think I'll take your blood pressure as
Patient: Is there anything to worry about?
Nurse: No, no. Everything's fine. It's normal to have a bit of fever after an
operation like yours!
Patient: Yes, I'm so glad everything went well.
Nurse: You're in good hands here! Please hold out your arm...
Dialogue 3:
Doctor: When did you last come in for a physical exam?
Patient: I had my last physical two years ago.
Doctor: Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work, an EKG or an
Patient: Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist.
Doctor: How have you been feeling in general?
Patient: Pretty well. No complaints, really.
Doctor: Could you roll up your left sleeve? I'd like to take your blood
Patient: Certainly.
Doctor: 120 over 80. That's fine. You don't seem to be overweight, that's
good. Do you exercise regularly?
Patient: No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to
get my breath back. I need to get out more.
Doctor: That would be a good idea. How about your diet?
Patient: I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I'll have a
hamburger from time to time, but generally, I have well-balanced meals.
Doctor: That's good. Now, I'm going to listen to your heart.
Patient: Ooh, that's cold!
Doctor: Don't worry. It's just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in and hold
your breath. Please pull up your shirt, and breathe deeply... Everything
sounds good. Let's take a look at your throat. Please open wide and say
Patient: 'Ah'.
Doctor: OK. Everything looks ship shape. I'm going to order some blood
work and that's about it. Take this slip to the front desk and they'll arrange
an appointment for the tests.
Patient: Thank you, doctor. Have a nice day!

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