Anjani Ayuningtyas KD NIM: 18.1422.S (4B)
Anjani Ayuningtyas KD NIM: 18.1422.S (4B)
Anjani Ayuningtyas KD NIM: 18.1422.S (4B)
Nurse: My name is Anjani Ayu and I'm a nurse practitioner and you are?
Nurse: Before we start it I just wanted to confirm your details. So it's Mr. Collins,
and you are 30 years old, and is this your address?
Patient : Well I've had a cough for a few days and it's just driving me nuts really.
Patient : I've got a sore throat and that's quite bad as well.
Nurse : Right, and the sore throat has it been there the same amount of time?
Nurse : Okay, is it worst any particular time for the day or night?
Patient: Well coughs are probably the worst first thing in the morning I noticed. It
killing when I get up, sore throats there all the time really.
Nurse : Ah okay, you can drink. What color is the muck that you're coughing up?
Patient: No.
Nurse: Is there any area in your throat or anywhere your chest that’s painfull?
Patiet : Well, main in my throat and neck I saw when I cough, after that, no they're
just the sore throat.
Nurse : Okay, does it travel anywhere else the sore throat of a radiation of pain?
Nurse : Okay, I just want to ask you more specific questions now, you said there's no
blood in the phlegm, but is there any fever and you feeling sufery?
Patient : first day I was little bit shaking like that but now not.
Nurse : Okay, and what about breathlessness, so you've got any breathing problem or
chest tightness?
Nurse: Ah, okay. Have you had any unexplained weight loss at all?
Patient : No.
Nurse : Okay, I just want to go through some of your key sort of body system, just
define about your overall health and can you tell me about, have you doing
suffer with headaches?
Nurse : Im just going to list off just to probe your mind a bit in terms of medical
history. Have you or any of your first-degree relatives of mom dad siblings
ever suffered with any jaundice where you seen yourself go yellow?
Patient : No.
Patient : Nah.
Patient : Good okay, have you ever had a heart attack or any member of your family?
Patient : No.
Patient : No.
Patient : No .
Patient : No.
Patient : No.
Patient : I do have an awful cough to start with but that't stop it.
Nurse : Okay I just want to sum up Mr. Collins. You've had this coughing sore throat
for the last three days and its sort of nothing makes it really better or do you
have taken do paracetamol that’s helped a little bit, you've not had any blood
in that phlegm, no fever, no unexplained weight loss, and you just really
want us to short out your sore throat and cough.
Nurse : Okay is there anything else you want to add to that before we move on ?
Patient : No.