Namibia. Revised Report On The Potential For Charcoal Production in Omaruru, Namibia (20648.en)

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Submitted by: I A GALLOWAY


Date: May 1994


1 Introduction

2 Background to the Charcoal Industry and Environmental

implications of production in Namibia

3 Availability of Charcoal

4 Commercial Infrastructure to Supply Charcoal

5 Choice of technology

6 Production

7 Capital Funding

8 Production Costs

9 The Market

10 Conclusions

11 Recommendations


The purpose of this study is to investigate the state of

the charcoal industry in Namibia, and the potential for
supplying 12 ooo - 15 ooo tons pa of charcoal to a proposed
ferrosilicon plant near Omaruru.

The study also explores sources of raw material for

charcoal production; environmental issues in reaping the
wood resources; technologies available for production and
capital and working costs estimates.



Namibia is not a country endowed with large natural

forests, and it does not possess a timber industry from
grown plantations. However, the country has a pollution
problem caused by thorn bush infestation, destroying the
animal husbandry potential of the country. Invader bush
infested about 10 million hectares of high potential
pasture. This bush is worthless for farming purposes. Due
to this infestation, about 30% to 60% of the grazing
potential in different areas in the Central, Northern and
Eastern parts of the country was lost. The Department for
Agriculture estimates the current annual loss for the
agricultural sector at N$100 million.

The possession of ca~tle is an integral part of the African

culture. Cattle was and still is used in many instances
for subsistence support and cultural aspects. Commercial
cattle farming was introduced in Namibia by the turn of the
century through the import of breeds from Europe and South
Africa. The industry established itself over most of the
country. The central, northern and eastern parts of the

country became known as the cattle ranching areas,

comprising the districts of Gcbabis, Windhoek, Okahandja,
Omaruru, Karibib, otjiwarongo, outjo, Tsumeb and

Ignorance about the optimal usage of the available grazing

in Namibia was the main cause of the gradual increase of
bush densification, viz

inadequate infrastructure on farms to allow optimum

farm management, resulting in overgrazing;
over estimation of the production capacity of the
spreading of seeds of unwanted species by farm
elimination of veld fires that controlled bush
densification as a normal occurrence in the ecology.

Charcoal production has therefore become an essential and

natural means of pasture reclamation, turning the noxious
bush to economic use. It must be noted that only the
noxious species are harvested, leaving the natural bush
species and the savanna in a state of equilibrium
appealing to the eye and with increased agricultural

The environmental impact of charcoal production naturally

depends on the technology selected to produce it, and
whilst that decision i3 not made at this stage, an
Environmental Impact Assessment cannot be done. (The brief
for the charcoal study thus did not include a detailed
Environmental Impact Assessment).


3 .1 General
At present there are between 35 and 40 small producers in

the country. Most of these are concentrated in the

Grootf ontein and Tsumeb districts, while there are isolated
producers in Gobabis, Okahandja and Karibib.

The reason for the concentration in the north is twofold:

1 Serious problem of bush encroachment on farmland.

2 A stable market created by Tsumeb Corp Ltd (TCL).

A typical producer is a farmer who hds one or two 'pipe

kilns' and produces between 20 and 60 tons per month as a
sideline to his farming operation.

Charcoal production provides a useful supplement to his

cash flow, while having the added advantages of reducing
the bush encroachment problem.

Estimated production is as follows:

Installed capacity:

37 No.x 1,5 kiln X40 t/mth x 12 = 26 640 Ton p.a.

Actual output:

37 No.X 1,5 kiln X25 t/mth X 11,5 = 15 956 Ton p.a.

Until recently a fairly large scale producer operated on

the Omaruru townlands ( 200 ton/month), marketing mainly
through an affiliate in South Africa. The operation failed
due to poor ma~agement and labour problems caused by the
high concentration of labour and the unstable political
climate at the time.

3.2 Source of wood

Charcoal production is normally associated with forests or
plantations of large, tall trees densely dispersed which
gives easy access in the immediate vicinity to large
volumes of raw feed.

This notion does not apply to most of Namibia: the terrain

is dry continental savannah which has been encroached by a
thornbush species which is no taller than 3 meters with a
trunk diameter of 7-15 centimetres. This means that
harvesting takes place over a much larger area for the same
biomass, and also requires more effort than is normally
associated with forest/plantation charcoal operations.

The economic utilisation of unwanted densif ied bush species

in Namibia, depends on, inter alia, bush population
density, size of the trees, distribution and composition of
the bush community. Whilst Omaruru is not nearly as dense
in bush as the North, the district still has a serious bush
encroachment problem. Statistics are given below:

• The number of trees per hectare is 3500

• Average air dry mass per tree size:

Tree size <0.75 m 0.75m - 2m >2m

Kg/ tree 0.53 2.981 16.35

Average Height (m) 0.508 1.385 2.582

• Calculation of wood available per hectare:
Formula: Avarage number of trees per hectare x percentage
tree size per height class x average air dry mass per tree
(3500 x 50% x 0.53) + (3500 x 50% x 2.981)
district = 6.144 ton/ha (614.4 ton/km2)

If one differentiates between thorn tree biomass and feeder

tree biomass, and considers only the thorn trees for
harvesting, the ton/ha bone dry biomass is halved to 3.35
ton/ha as the fiqures below indicate.

• Relative percentages of biomass: Categories

Tree size (m) <0.75 0.75 - 2 >2

Thorn tree (%) 36.69 57.71 75.73

Feeder tree (%) 63.31 42.29 24.27

• Calculation of the average air dry thorn tree biomass per

Formula = Average bone dry biomass per hectare for
each of the three breast heights x
percentage of the thorn tree biomass for
each of the three breast heights:
Omaruru = (927.5 x 36.69%) + (5216.75 x 57.71%)
= 340.29 + 3010.58
= 3350.87 kg/ha
= 3.350 ton/ha (335 ton/km2)

3.3 Suaaary of wood source around omaruru

• Available biomass (tons) ('000)

OMARURU 10 KM 20 KM 30 KM 40 KM 50 KM

Thorn and 193 772 1737 3089 4827

feeder trees
Thor'l trees 105 420 947 1684 2631

Within a radius of 50 km around Omaruru, there is a total

availability of 4827000 biomass (tons) of wood for charcoal
production, or if only t.hornbush species were counted
2631000 biomass (tons.)

At a yield of 30%, this gives 1.45 m and 790 ooo tons of

charcoal respectively. At 15000 tons per annum, that is 96
years and 52 years respectively. At 50% farmer
participation, this gives 48 and 26 years availability

There are alternate ways of calculating available wood, for


A Consider segment lOOkm radius (1/4 circle) to N-E of


Area: pi r2/4: 7 854 Km2

= 785 398 Ha

@ 3 ton/ha = 2356 194 tons wood

@ 20% yield = 471 239 tons charcoal

@ 15 ooo tpa = 31 years supply

@ 50% farmer
participation = 16 years supply

Note: Assuming that all charcoal requirements are

sourced locally, i.e. within 100 Km to N-E of
town (conservative).

B Consider segment of 150 km radius (1/4 circle) to N-E

of Omaruru.

Area: pi r2/4 11 781 km2

= 1178 097 ha

@ 3 ton/ha = 3534 292 tons wood

@ 20% yield = 706 858 tons charcoal

@ 15 ooo tpa = 47 years supply

@ 50% farmer
participation = 24 years supply

Whichever way one calculates the availability of timber

from this thorn ttee source, there is adequate supply for
the life of the ferrosilicon plant.


4.1 ownership of land

The land around the town Omaruru upon which the charcoal
1.;ood is located, is substantially privately owned. The
farms are large 3000-5000 ha, and previously cattle and

sheep producing. There has, however, over the past 10

years been a substantial decline in stock numbers of about

Due to this erosion of income for the farmers they are

actively searching for economic ways to:
eradicate the invader bush species
replace their lost income

As TCL created a market and stimulated local production in

the north, it can be anticipated that a similar situation
could occur in the Omaruru region.

The agricultural economy is experiencing difficulties at

present with low meat prices and ever increasing costs.
Farmers, in general, are having cash flow problems, and can
be expected to be receptive to any proposal which would
improve their situation; provided the initial reservations
due to the failure of the large producer and the present
marketing problems, are overcome.

A survey was done of potential producers in the district,

selected randomly in the telephone book. The results are as
% Who considered bush to be a problem
on their farm: 73

% Who showed an immediate interest in

charcoal production: 73

% Who were against any bush cutting/

charcoal production: 27

If these results are interpolated for 200 farms in the area

as discussed above (ave farm 4000 ha), the following can be

100 farmers (say 2 farms ea) 73% = 73

Say 50% actually go ahead = 36
@ 25 ton/mnth 909t/Month
x 11,5 month: 10455 ton p.a.

From these results it can be seen that the potential exists

to supply the entire requirement from local production,
both in terms of availability of raw material and in terms
of willingness of farmers to produce.

In practice it will require considerable effort in terms of

technical and financial assistance to farmers to develop a
reliable source of supply.

The process will be a gradual one whereby a few of the more

adventurous will be willing to start producing, while most
of the others will wait for signs that the project is in
fact financially feasible before climbing on the bandwagon.

It may therefore take two to three years before a local

supply is assured. In the interim, the oversupply in the
north (if this continues), could be used.

4.2 Potential for large scale nown productionn

Several factors mitigate against large scale capital
intensive methods of production.

Raw Material
Unlike other charcoal producing are~s, the bush is spread
relatively 'thinly' here, causing transport of wood to
become a major cost and thus favouring decentralised

Profit margins are such that only the lowest paid labour
can be used. These are less likely to be dissatisfied if
employed in the rural farming atmosphere of low wages, than
in a "factory" se~up where better conditions are expected.

While co-ordination of producers wi 11 require a sound
management and administrative structure, day to day

management of workers in the veld is done better by

individual producers on their own farms than by foremen in
a big firm.

As benefits derived from economies of scale are restricted
by item 1 above, small producers with small overheads are
able to produce at lower costs than large scale producers.

In addition to this, farmers tend not to allocate the full

cost of, say tractors and trailers, which they may already
use on the farm, to the charcoal operation. They remain
happy as long as a positive cash flow is achieved.

The obvious advantage of "own production" is control of the

source of supply. It could be possible to achieve a
measure of control by tying up producers with financial
assistance and supply contracts etc.

A ~urther alternative would be a combination of the above,

whereby a number of medium scale plants are operated on
farm~ whose owners want their bush cleared but do not want
to make charcoal themselves. Production at these plants
could then ba used to cushion the effects of under or over
production by small producers.

This could be the most practical approach to the charcoal

supply aspect.

4.3 Recommended commercial infrastructure to produce charcoal

There are naturally several ways in which to organise the
charcoal industry to serve the ferrosilicon plant.

The ferrosilicon plant can let the industry organise

itself to meet the supply. However, due to shortage
of ca pi ta 1 and expertise it is not a recommended

The ferrosilicon plant can set up and manage the

various production units itself, paying farmers
royalties only.

The ferrosilicon plant can provide capital and

expertise to individual farmers and tie them into a
long term supply contract. The farmers are assured
of a stable market the year round and the ferrosilicon
plant is assured of supply. In this instance it is
envisaged that the ferrosilicon plant assists farmers
to export a portion of their production to increase
their average sales price and enhance earnings.

To this effect the ferrosilicon producer plans to enter

into a 50: 50 joint venture with the Okahand ja charco:tl
producer who will provide the expertise and management for
the venture.

This joint venture company will in turn provide loan

assistance and expertise to individual farmers to set-up
charcoal producing units.

This joint venture will also assist individual farmers to

export excess production.

It is suggested that a separate company be formed to act as

go-between between the prod:icers and the buyer. It is
important that the producers feel that their interests are
being protected and that they are not at the mercy of a

It may b€ a good idea to allow them a shareholding in the

"Charcoal Supply Co" to encourage loyalty towards it.

The responsibilities of the company would be as follows:

Recruitment and establishment of producers


Technical and managerial backup for producers

Quality control

Marketing of export component

Marketing of by products - if any

Liaison between producers and buyer


Poss. own Exports

production Charcoal Supply Co By products

Namibian Metals (Pty) Limited

4.4 Agreement of the farmers

As the ferrosilicon study is a pre-feasibility study NO
FORMAL AGREEMENTS can be made with individual farmers until
a decision is made to go ahead with the ferrosilicon

However, 73% of the 31 farmers canvassed in telephone

interviews, were keen to fall into the scheme proposed.
This is considered a high enough percentage to give the
project a sound footing as it confirms farmers' needs to
generate cash income.

For purposes of this study, it iG presumed that only 50% of


land owners either wish to produce charcoal, or will permit

bush clearing on their properties.

This brings the available timber from thorn bush species

alone, to a 26 year life of production.


5.1 General
The technology presently used by most farmers is extremely
wasteful. A substantial increase in efficiency can be made
if they use the right type of technology. Theoretically,
a recovery rate of 33% of charcoal with a fixed carbon
content (FC) of ± 85% can be achieved. In practice this
should be about a 25% recovery rate with a FC of 80%·-82%.
This means that producers will have much lower production
costs per ton of charcoal and a higher market price. The
industrial market bases the price on quality, ie. the fixed
carbon content (FC) of the charcoal, percentage of
volatiles and percentage of ash. A high ash content of
between 6%-8% seems characteristic of the bush species of
Namibia. A high ash content of charcoal is unacceptable to
some industries.

5.2 The central problem

The state of art in c~~rcoal manufacturing technology in
Nambia cannot satisfy the requirements of the conditions
for economic charcoal manufacturing in Namibia. A wide
range of technologies, patented or not patented, is
available. The problem is that the patented and proven
technologies are too expensive for local farmers or
manufactureLs to purchase. Prices for plants with a
capacity of 4 000 tons of charcoal per annum range from
N$2,5 million to N$4,5 million each. These plants are also
inappropriate for local conditions as it cannot be
repositioned frequently enough in optimal relation to the
raw material source. Large scale plants, for the

briquetting of fines, cost about N$3 million each.

Some constraints that exist in the present state of

industry, are listed below. These constraints will also
determine, to a large extend, the appropriateness of
technology that should be applied:

a low yield per hectare and material that is difficult

to handle: the harvesting and handling of large
volumes of this material in the time required by high
volume production systems with a fixed location, is

high "fines" (<2cm diameter) percentage of charcoal is

produced because of a high percentage of small
material introdt.Ged into the carbonizers. Inefficient
technology is applied which results in fragmentation
of hot coal and increases the "fines" content.

intensive supervising of operations is required. The

unskilled and unproductive labour cannot handle
sophisticated technologies;

high costs of overland transport;

farmers lack capital and knowledge to manufacture or

buy more efficient and consequently expensive

market requirements in terms of quality, quantity,

continuity of production and delivery, result in high
production costs.

5.3 Criteria for plant design

Subject to the constraints mentioned above, the charcoal
manufacturing plant could be designed wjth two main
alternatives in mind:

5.3.1 Manufacturing of charcoal lumps:

The target is the barbecue market and the industrial
market. The latter requires lump charcoal as a
reduction agent in smelting processes. The process
must not be sensitive to a high ash content or the
mineral composition of the ash. In this process:

the wood ch1rge must consist of wood pieces of 1-

2m lengths with a diameter of 100-200mm. The
process does not allow for more than 30% of sizes
between 50mm and lOOmm. This requires an
expensive harvesting process where suitable wood
must be selected manually.

thus specified, we expect a wood yield of not

more than 5 tons per hectare.

workers load the harvested wood manually and

transport it to the carbcmizer by tractor and
trailer. Transport cost is minimised by the
movability of the carbonizer to limit the
transport radius to a maximum of 1 km. If
transport exceeds this distance by tractor and
low bed trailers, the volume to be transported
and the amount of equipment needed becomes
unbalanced. If so, the more expensive transport
mode of trucking must be used. The manual
loading of logs for transport by trucks is too
slow to be economical.

the process uses a retort for carbonizing. A

retort differs from a kiln therein that it uses
an internal heat source, ie. volatiles from the
same process. This results in a higher charcoal
yield from the same ~ood charge.

the "fines" will be lost in the process. If


feasible, it may be sold at a much lower price

than that of lump charcoal or briquettes if a
market exists. The percentage fines should be 5%
of total charcoal produced. The technology, used
by farmers, produces about 50% of total
production as "fines".

manual labour packages the lump charcoal in bags

provided by the distributor and which is then

5.3.2 Manufacturing of briquettes

In this process
the wood charge is wood chips. Chippers chip the
entire bushes to minimise manual labour and
maximise the harvested wood yield. Efficient
whole tree chippers are expensive;

a harvested wood yield of about 10 tons/ha can be

expected with substantial labour saving through
less material preparation;

cost of material handling will be minimised. The

chipper loads the chipped material directly onto
the trailer;

the cost of chipping will be added to the

harvesting cost, but could be off-set by less
manual handling;

chipped material can be transported more

economically over longer distances by truck
because of automatic loading and higher payloads;

the volumetric density ratio between chipped wood

and whole logs is about 1: 4. Theoretically,
therefore, the retort for charcoal production

from chips will be four times smaller than that

for whole logs or, conversely, can yield four
times more charcoal in comparison with unchipped
wood from the same size of carboniser. The cost
of the retort, though, will be higher than that
of a similar log wood retort;

an external heat source, ie. volatiles from the

charring process, will be used to increase
efficiency and ensure that the highest possible
charcoal recovery is achieved;

the total production may be briquetted or the

charcoal will have to be screened and the fines

suppliers verbally quoted the cost of a

briquetting plant at about N$3 million. I find
it difficult to see why this process cannot be
done manually or at least in part. We must also
investigate this as relatively low cost labour,
mainly women, could be employed for this purpose.
I inquired about this possibility. The chances
are good that a much less capital intensive
process can be implemented, as proposed by one of
the consultants;

if briquetting is done, "fines" produced by

farmers and which is now wasted, could be bought
and processed;

the price for packaged charcoal briquettes is

higher than that of lump charcoal.

5.4 Current production methods

5.4.1 Three basic methods of production are currently used
in Namibia:

1 Pipe kiln (See sketch in Appendix)

This is by far the most widely used methoe. A pipe

kiln consists of a steel cylinder, often made from old
oil tanks, ~ith a diameter of between 1,2 and 2m and
length 5 to am, mounted in a vertical position with an
airtight sliding gate at the bottom end, and a hopper
system to load wood in at the top. The kiln can be
operated on a continuous basis, with wood being
dropped in at the top, being carbonized in the top
half of the kiln and then falling down into an oxygen
starved zone in the bottom half of the kiln. Charcoal
is drawn off at the bottom and then cooled down in
sealed drums.
output : 1 - 2 ton per day


Low capital cost - ± Rl2 000

Simple operation
Continuous process


Inefficient - yield about 20%

High fines content ± 50\ fines -20mm
No by products recovered

2 Gaylard Retort (Sketch in Appendix)

This is a batch type retort and has been used by two

of the larger producers. It consists of a double
walled chamber into which the wood is packed. A fire
is made in the fire box and the wood heated to 350
degrees. Airtight doors are then closed to seal the
retort for the cooling cycle.

Output: 1-1,5 ton/day depending on the type of wood


High quality can be controllgd temperature is


High lumps ratio, 80% +20mm
High cost RSO ooo
Complicated operation
No by products recovered
Batch system
Not mobile

3 Inert Gas Method (Sketch in Appendix}

This system is based on the designs of more

sophisticated retorts and makes use of an external
heat source to heat the gasses given off by the wood
in a closed recirculating system. As the gas heats
up, excess hot gas is bled off and used to fuel the
external fire, which iu turn heats the gas through a
simple heat exchanger. This system has been developed
and used by one producer in Namibia. However, the
system is widely used in Eastern Europe. The life of
the plant is expected to be 15 years.

Output: 1 - 3 ton/day
Quality can be controlled - temperature is monitored
High lumps ratio, 90% + 20mm claimed
High yield - 30% + claimed
By products can be recovered
Non polluting operation
Can easily be re-positioned
High cost R40 000 - est
Complicated operation
Engine driven fan
Batch system

5.4.2 Discussion
Of the three systems in usH, the pipe k i 1n seems on

the face of it to be the most cost effective and

suited to local conditions.

Its major drawbacks a~~ its inefficient operation both

in terms of yield and in terms of wastage of energy
and by products. The low lump/fines is also a

The carbonizer should be a small mobile system which

can be moved easily. Operation and maintenance should
be simple, while the yield should be as high as
possible. It should also be possible to recover the

With this mind then, the inert-gas retort is in actual

fact ~ suitable. This system is widely used in
Eastern Europe and a detailed study should be made of
its use there.

The recovery of by-products which generates extra

income, and the higher yields makes this plant more

A small increase in yield results in a significant

reduction in the raw material cost component. For
example an increase in yield of 5% from 20 - 25%
results in a 25% reduction in the cost of raw
materials. This has a significant effect on the
feasibility of an investment in a charcoal producing

5.5 su-ary
It is clear that mobile plants will have to be employed in
charcoal production of any scale in Namibia. This is due
to the thinly spread ava i labi 1 i ty of raw material. The
decision to invest in low cost/low yield plants or higher
cost/higher yield plants, i~ governed by the availability

a~d cost of capital for this investment. As the

international financial community has indicated support and
the availability of low interest loans for the
establishment of this industry, it is herewith recommended
that the inert gas metbod of production be standardised in
the cooperative of farmers which will serve the
ferrosilicon plant.


6.1 General
The 15 000 tpa charcoal required by the ferrosilicon plant,
can be produced by Namibian Metals itself, or by
subcontracting to various interested farmers. The concept
would be to have mobile production units, and as the veld
is cleared of noxious bush, the harvesting and the plant
moves on to other regions.

For the purposes of this study, it is considered that

farmers will produce the charcoal and sell it on to
Namibian Metals. The company will play a role in setting
farmers up in the production and will of fer capital
assistance and a secure and even offtake. A selling
organisation will be established to assist farmers in
selling a portion of their production abroad at higher

In order to produce 15 000 tons of charcoal, 13 production

units will have to be established, each producing 100 tons
per month.

As insufficient labour exists and the farms upon which

production will take place, it is envisaged that the
woodcutters will come in form other regions and spend 3
month contracts on the producing farm. After this period
another contract lot will take over. At any one time then,
23 workers will operate a lOO tpm production unit.
6.2 Method of production
6.2.1 Wood Harvesting
The wood will be harvested by hand by the
contract workers who will work with basic
equipment only.

Each worker will pile a 1 ton lot of wood per day

which will be collected by a truck with a
trailer, and taken to the charcoal plant.

The wood is then put through a chipper, and air-

dried for 3 weeks before it is placed in the

6.2.2 Charcoal Production

As described in 5.4.

6.2.3 Packaging
The production scheduled for export will be packed in
25 kg paper bags. Production scheduled for the
ferrosilicon plant will be trucked in bulk.

6.3 Labour required in production

6.3.1 Wood cutting: One man is able to cut 3 m3 of wood per
day. This equates to 1 ton of wet wood. It is
presumed that as insufficient labour exists on the
farms for wood cutting, contract labour will be
employed as is the norm in the industry at present.
As the wood cutting is essentially manual and hard
work in the hot climate of Namibia, the contract
labour is hired in at 3 month intervals. For a
production unit of 100 tons per month of charcoal, 333
tons of wood is cut, requiring 15 men working 22.2
days per month.

6.3.2 Wood transport: Four labourers are required for wood

transport, ie. Driver/Foreman, and three maintenance

repair people.

6.3.3 Production: Four labourers are required to rnanage the

production of charcoal at the kiln, which includes
loading and packing the product for export.

6.3.4 Labour summary: Thus approximately 300 labourers will

be active in the production of charcoal at any one
time. However, if one considers the rotation of the
contract workers cutting wood, then employmen~ and a
source of cash will be given to 884 workers in this
charcoal operation, per annum.

6.4 Quality
While quality is not a major factor in the existing local
and export barbecue markets, most of the charcoal produced
in the country is regularly tested. Typical results are as

Typical Range
Fixed carbon content 78% 70% - 86%
Volatiles 14% 10% - 20%
Ash 7% 3% - 10%
Moisture content 2% 1% - 5%

The charcoal is generally not suitable for industrial use

where an ash content of less than 2% is required.

The high ash content is typical in the Acacia species used

in production, and is generally higher in limestone areas
than in others.

A sample of charcoal originating in the Omaruru area was

tested and the ash ana!ysed. The results are as follows:


Moi::;ture % 2,72

Proximate analysis - % on dry basis

Volatiles = 14,09
Fixed Carbon = 81,60
Ash = 4,31

Triability Test

Bulk Density = 0,32

+ 6mm Fines = 94,62
- 6mm Fines = 5,38

Ash Analysis % in

Fe = 0,70 coke as Fe 20 3 = 1,00

Al = 0,75 A1 20, = 1,40
Ca = 26,50 Ca 0 = 37,08
p = 0,53 P20:1 = 1,22

6.5 Summary of production parameters

Production Co-operative
Unit total
Wood required per month 333 tons 4330 tons

Wood required per annum 4330 tons 51950 tons

No. of wood cutters 15 195

(Rotation 4 times p/a) 60 780

No. of transport labourers 4 52

No. of charcoal production 4 52


Yield 30% 30%

Total output 100 tpm 1300 tpm

1200 tpa 15600 tpa

Production breakdown:
- IJumps + 20 mm 90 tons 1170 tons
- Fines 10-20 mm 4 tons 52 tons
- Fines -10 mm () tons 78 tons


Fixed capital to set-up the pipe kiln and inert-gas system

of production, is as follows:

Pipe kiln Inert-gas

Fixed capital 70 000 125 000

Working capital 45 000 45 000

$115 000 NS17f. 000

International funding organisations have indicated that

they will be prepared to fund this venture at interest
rates of 4% per annum, whilst working capital can be funded
at 11% per annum. Th~ total interest bill is thus N$645 pm
for a pipe kiln and N$833 pm for the inert-gas method.

Repayment of fixed capital can be arranged over 48 months,

which amounts to a repayment of N$2 615 per month for a
inert-gas retort and for a pipe kiln N$1 460 per month.


A comparison is made of production costs for two systems of

production, namely the pipe kiln and the inert-gas

8.1 Production costs for a pipe kiln


Ton/mnth/kiln 25 Lumps 265 Export

No of kilns 2 Fines 130 TCL (N$160-less
N$30 tpt)
Tot output 50 Total 198 N$/ton on farm
Yield : % 20
Lumps +20mm % 50
Fines -20mm % 50


Price Amount
N$ N$

Kilns 4 10 000 40 'JOO

':'ractor 0 25 000 0
Trailer 1 10 000 10 000
Sieve 2 2 000 4 000
Housing 4 3 000 12 000
Shed 0 10 000 0
Tools 50 60 3 000
Bag closer 0 3 000 0

TOTAL 70 000




Wood cutting: N$/ton N$/ton N$/mnth

Wood Charcoal

1 ton (3 M3) p/man
p/day. ie monthly
earning N$250 15 75 3 750

Tools: 1 3 125

Wood Transport

Driver/Foreman: 1 5 250
Fuel 1 5 250
Maint.& Repair 3 15 750


Wages 2 labour/kiln 15 750

Maint. & Repair 2 100

Bulk Packing : 20kg used bags

Bags @ N$/bag . .20 10 500

Marketing & Administration --1.1 1 700



Sales: 50% (50 tons) @ N$130 N$6 500

(TCL @ N$160-N$30 tpt)

50% (50 tons) @ N$250 12 500

$29 000

Less: Operating costs

(100 tons x Rl47) 14 700
Loan repayments:
- 4% on N$70000 = 2800
- 11% on N$45000 = 4950 645
Capital repayment over
48 months 1 460

NETT CASH FLOW (per month) $12 195

8.2 Produc'tion costs for an inert gas method


Ton/month/retort 100
No of retorts 1
Yield 30%
Lumps +20mm : 90%
Fines -20mm 10%
Fines -lOmm 6%


ITEM No. Price Amount

Retorts & diesel engine 2 100 000 100 000

Tractor 0 25 000 0
Trailer 1 10 000 10 000
Sieve 1 2 000 2 000
Housing 2 3 000 6 000
Shed 0 10 000 0
Tools 30 50 1 500
Bag closer 0 3 000 0

TOTAL 125 500

WORKING CAPITAL .....!.2......2.Q..Q



Wood Cutting: R/ton R/ton R/mnth

Wood Charcoal

1 ton (3 M3) p/man
p/day. ie monthly
earning N$250 15 50 5 000

Tools: 1 3 300

Wood Transport

Driver/Foreman: 1 3.33 333

Fuel 1 3.33 333

Maint.& Repair 3 10 1 000


Wages 2 labour/retort 15 1 500

Maint. & Repair 2 200

Bulk Packing . 20kg used bags

Bags @ N$/bag . .20 --1.Q 1 000

96.66 9 666

Accounting for fines

96.66 x 100 = $103 $10 300

Marketing & Administration .s.....lZ s 1 700



Sales Price: N$250 mt x 100 tons 25 000

Sale of By-products (tar, etc) 8 300

$33 300
Less: Operating costs 12 000
Interest on loan 833
Capital repayment 2 615

NETT CASH FLOW (per month) $17 852

8.3 Transportation Costs

Typical transport rates at present are as follows:

Grootfontein - Walvis Bay N$110-/ton N$/tonkm

(Return load only if available) @ 700km = .16

Okahandja - Walvis rail Special rate

(N$450 -/6m container @ 6500kg) = .21

Okahandja - Walvis rail Std rate

(N$900 - /6m container @ 6500 kg) = .42

Cattle trucks N$4,00 /km @ 16 ton = .25

It is recommended that the following rates be used for the

purpose of this report:
a Grootfontein - Omaruru: 20c /tonkm @ 400km 80

b Local - ie. lOOkm radius: 25c/tonkm = 25


Tsumeb corp. Ltd. TCL provided the first stable market

and until recently bought about 750-900 ton/month of fines
(-20mm) and unsifted charcoal.

Due to various factors, they have now cut back to about 250
ton/mnth with a possibility of further cutbacks in the near

Local and Republic of South Africa (RSA) Barbecue Market.

This market takes +20mm charcoal, packed in 2,5: 3 or 5 kg

The local market is insignificant at 50-60 ton/mnth, while

estimated export to the RSA is 250 - 300 ton/mnth.

~estern Europe. Exports to Western Europe are also mainly

for the barbecue market packed as above. Problems are
being experienced with this market as it is highly seasonal
and depends on the weather· during the European summer.

At present no shipments are being made. Orders are usually


finalised towards the end of the year with most deliveries

occurring between January and June.

The present state of the market, both export and local,

(TCL) has led to an oversupply of charcoal and is causing
many producers to consider closing down. It would
therefore be an ideal time for a new large scale buyer to
enter the market.

An investigation is already underway to erect a briquetting

plant to absorb the excess production.

Summary: Surplus/
ton p.a. ton p.a.

Production total: 15 956

Production fines - 20mm 7 978
Market TCL: Previous 9 600

-1 622 **
Market TCL: Present 3 000

-4 978 **
Production Lumps +20mm (50%) 7 978

Barbecue Local & RSA (+20mm) 3 300
Export Western Europe 3 500

1 178 **
** Note: TCL buys unsifted charcoal from farmers who do
not export. The apparent surplus has thus
previously been taken up by them, balancing
supply and demand.

The present situation therefore represents an oversupply of

! 5000 ton pa of fines, assuming that exports to Western
Europe recover shortly.

The wi 11 ingness of producers to supply to Omaruru wi 11

obviously depend on the price offered by other markets.
While producers can be 'tied' into a supply contract at a

given price, problems can be expected if other producers

are consistently getting a better deal. It is therefore
necessary to look briefly at the proposed project in
relation to other markets for producers:

Export 11arket
• Advantages
Better price. (Can improve if Rand/N$ weakens)
Export advantages
Large potential - as yet not penetrated by local


Packaging required
Marketing - difficult and expensive
Cash flow problems
Sophisticated procedures - beyond the reach of small

Local Market: Ollaruru


Less transport, handling and packaging

Faster payment - better cash flow
Stable market


No export advantages

Export prices fetched in 1993 by Jumbo Charcoal of
Okahandja, amounts to:
N$550 pmt FOB Walvis Bay

Transport & FOB Charges N$200

Commissions HS 55

Net receipt FOR Omaruru NS295

This receipt is for ~ 20mm product, the minus 20mm fetching

N$160 at Tsumeb, ie. N$160-N$30 at FOR Omaruru. The price

which Tsumeb pays for charcoal depends on the grade

supplied. Prices range between N$160-N$190 PMT
(delivered), with the lower amount being paid for fines.
A ferrosilicon plant will be able to utilise the 10-20mm
fraction at full prices.

It can be anticipated that producers will be prepared to

give a "discount" on local sales due to the benefits listed
above. It is however unlikely that they will drop below
the prices given above, as the small income generated is
simply not worth the effort required to produce.

It is estimated that farmers around Omaruru will be amiable

to prices of N$200-N$250 FOR Omaruru, particularly in the
light of:
1 assistance with financing;
2 a stable non-seasonal market
3 long term contracts

For the purposes of this study, it is suggested that prices

of N$250 FOR Omaruru be used.


The conclusions reached from this study are as follows:

1 That although a charcoal production industry exists in

Namibia, this industry is presently too small to serve
the ferrosilicon plant's needs of 15 000 tpa. This
industry is also established in the Okahandja and
Grootfontein/Tsumeb areas which are a little distant
from Omaruru with a consequent transport cost
implication for the ferrosilicon plant of getting the
(bulky) charcoal there.

2 That sufficient timber exists in the immediate area

~round Omaruru to produce charcoal over the life of

the ferrosilicon plant. Although this timber is on

privately owned farms around omaruru, 73% of the
farmers in the area are keen to have their timber
harvested, either by themselves or by others.

3 That the soil conditions and chemical make-up of the

trees around Omaruru is such that a low ash charcoal
can be produced, giving the opportunity for high
quality ferrosilicon production.

4 That whilst harvesting natural forests generally has

a strong environmental implication, the timber around
Omaruru is in fact a thorn shrub which has invaded the
natural savannah lands, and which is categorised by
the Government as noxious. The harvesting of this
shrub falls within the Government's eradication policy
which serves to restore the land to its natural state.

5 That the technology exists in Namibia to produce the

charcoal, but that mobile producing units will have to
be used, thereby negating the use of the Gaylard

6 That although the capital costs for a kiln using

inert-gas is substantially more than a pipe kiln, it
is nevertheless more economic to use this method, due
to higher yields of 30%, with low fines production of
± 6% - lOmm (10% - 20mm). This compares to a yield of
20% on the pipe kilns.

7 That there are several ways in which to organise the

commercial structure of the charcoal production for
the ferrosilicon plant, but that a joint venture with
a management company seems to be the most cost-
ef f icient way. To organise the charcoal industry
would clearly have to be the initiative of the
ferrosilicon company.

8 That whilst FOB prices for charcoal appear high at ±

N$550, farmers are individually not sufficiently
skilled and do not have the capability to exploit the
export market. This is particularly true as this
market is seasonal. However, an arrangement could be
made with individual producers for the ferrosilicon
company to export a certain percentage of their

9 That the number of labourers employed in the charcoal

production (15 000 tons) will at any point in time be
± 300; but that because labour would probably be
brought in from the north on short term contracts of
3 months, around 780 labourers will be able to earn an
income via thisindustry, per annum.

10 That the raw material, technology :u1d sound commercial

incentives exist to establish a charcoal industry
which can s~pply the ferrosilicon plant in the
quantities and qualities it requires, and at
attractive prices to both supplier and the
ferrosilicon plant.


That, should the ferrosilicon project go ahead:

1 the ferrosilicon plant management undertake the

initiative to establish and structure (commercially)
the charcoal industry.

2 the inert-gas method of production be further studied

with particular reference to its application in
Eastern Europe, in order to confirm this technology.

3 a buy-in figure for charcoal into the f errosi 1 icon

plant, be used of:



4 more work be done on delineating the dolomite sub-soil

regions around Omaruru, from which low ash timber can
be harvested to ensure high quality ferrosilicon

May 1994

': . ..-.; ... . . .....

/ / /
- \ ~000 IN
~ ~ PR£SSun£ f?EL/Et=


,..------ tNSULRTED
< CHlfl?BEA

_........___ ~ H£RT £rCHflNGEI(

_,.,.--- r I~ E
/(' fl-IEFJT 50URCf)

Fu£L /:"IRE

1 Wood loaded through top door
2 Fire is started and blower starts heating up system by blowing heated g~s
through the wood in a closed system
3 Once sufficient temperature is reached, excess volatiles from the wood are
used to fuel fire
4 Once the rquired temperature is reached, the system is stopped and allowed
to cool - Batch Process




//OL .:!. 12 m 3



1£1'1/"EP.RTURE~ ;



l'FR FOl?nn:.t>



Wood is packed into wood camber
2 Fire is started in fire box
3 This heat~ up the wood, driving off moisture and volatiles
4 When the required temperature is reache~, all doors are closed to avoid
further combustion



JUMBO CHARCOAL production plant in Okah<tndja

"Gaylar·d Retorts" and pipe kiln .

. ·,

Ty~ical "pi Pf' kilns" from ~m<t 11 N.:tmi hi an d1;u·cor11 producers.

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