05 Fullvirt

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CS 695: Virtualization and Cloud


Lecture 5: Full virtualization

Mythili Vutukuru
IIT Bombay
Spring 2021
Full virtualization
• x86 and other hardware lacked virtualization support
• But cloud computing increased demand for virtualization
• VMWare workstation first to solve the problem of virtualization
existing operating systems on x86 (basis for this lecture)
• Type 2 hypervisor based on trap-and-emulate approach
• Key idea: dynamic (on a need basis) binary (not source) translation of
OS instructions
• Problematic OS instructions translated before execution
• Subsequently, hardware support for virtualization (previous lecture)
• Binary translation is higher overhead than hardware-assisted virtualization
• Used when hardware support not available
Full virtualization VMM architecture
Host OS context VMM context

Guest application
Guest VM physical memory

3. Guest OS and user

VMM userspace process applications run with
ring 3 less privilege

ring 1 Guest OS
1. ioctl call to run VM
6. VMM kernel driver or
ring 0 userspace process handle 4. Privileged actions
exits trap to VMM
2. World switch to VMM context
VMM kernel driver
(guest OS traps
(Host OS) 5. VMM switches back to host on here)
interrupts, I/O requests etc.
(Some traps handled by VMM without world switch)
Host and VMM contexts
• Each context has separate
page tables, CPU registers, World switch
IDTs and so on
• VMM context: VMM Host Memory page of
occupies top 4MB of user processes world switch user processes
address space code/data/context
mapped by both
• Memory page containing page tables
code/data of world switch code
mapped in both contexts data
• Host/VMM context VMM kernel driver context Guest OS
saved/restored in this
special “cross” page by VMM Host OS VMM
Understand difference with QEMU/KVM
• Where is context saved?
• Common cross page mapped into both host and guest address spaces
• KVM: Common memory (VMCS) accessible by CPU in both contexts via special
• Privilege level of guest OS?
• Guest OS runs in ring 1 (lower privilege). Instructions that do not run correctly at
lower privilege level are suitably translated to trap to VMM
• KVM: Guest OS runs in VMX ring 0. Some privileged instructions trigger exit to KVM
• How to trap to VMM?
• VMM is located in top 4MB of guest address space , guest OS traps to VMM for
privileged ops. World switch to host if VMM cannot handle trap in guest context
• KVM: VMM is not in guest context, guest traps to VMM in host via VM exit
Binary translation
• Guest OS binary is translated instruction-by-
instruction and stored in translation cache (TC)
user processes
• Part of VMM memory
ring 3
• Most code stays same, unmodified
• OS code modified to work correctly in ring 1
• Sensitive but unprivileged instructions modified to trap
Guest OS
• Guest OS code executes from TC in ring 1
• Privileged OS code traps to VMM
• E.g., I/O, set IDT, set CR3, other privileged ops cache (TC)
• Emulated in VMM context or by switching to host ring 1
• VMM sets sensitive data structures like IDT etc. VMM
(maintains shadow copies) ring 0
Dynamic binary translation
• VMM translator logic (ring 0) translates
guest code one basic block at a time to Guest user
produce a compiled code fragment (CCF)
• Basic block = sequence of instructions until a Basic block
Basic block
• Once CCF is created, move to ring 1 to
run translated guest code Guest OS
• Once CCF ends, “call out” to VMM logic,
compute next instruction to jump to,
translate, run CCF, and so on CCF CCF

• If next CCF present in TC already, then

directly jump to it without invoking VMM Translation cache ring 1
translator logic
• Optimization called chaining
VMM ring 0
Use of segmentation for protection
• Paging protects user code
from kernel code via bit in cs,ds cs,ds
page table entry User (flat) (ring 3)
• Segments are”flat” Host Guest
• Separate flat segments for user processes user processes
user and kernel modes
• Segmentation is used to
protect VMM from guest
• Flat segments truncated to ds
exclude VMM (ring 1)
Kernel Guest OS
• CS of guest OS (ring 1) pages
points to VMM cs TC cs, ds
• VMM (ring 0) segments Host OS (ring 1) (ring 0)
point to top 4MB VMM
Special case: GS segment (optional)
• Sometimes, translated guest code (ring 1) needs to access VMM data
structures like saved register values, program counters and so on
• In such cases, memory accesses are rewritten to use the GS segment,
e.g., virtual address “GS:someAddress”
• GS register points to the 4MB VMM area in ring 1
• Ensures that the translated guest OS code can selectively access VMM data
• Original guest code that uses GS (which is rare) is rewritten to use
another segment like %fs
• VMWare workstation is example of full virtualization, where
unmodified OS is run on x86 hardware via dynamic binary translation
• VMM user process and kernel driver on host trigger world switch from host
OS context to VMM context
• World switch code/data is part of both host and VMM contexts, special cross
page accessible in both modes has saved contexts
• VMM is in top 4MB of address space in VMM context
• Translated guest code runs in ring 1, traps to VMM in ring 0 for privileged
operations (trap-and-emulate)
• Traps handled by VMM in ring 0, or VMM exits to host OS for emulation
• Segmentation used to protect VMM from guest OS
• “Bringing Virtualization to the x86 Architecture with the Original VMware Workstation”, Edouard Bugnion,
Scott Devine, Mendel Rosenblum, Jeremy Sugerman, Edward Y. Wang.
• “A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization”, Keith Adams, Ole Agesen.

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