Las HG 5 Q1 WK1

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Name of Learner: __________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________


Recognizing Personal Uniqueness
Quarter 1, Week 1

Background Information for Learners

Self-awareness will help you recognize your personal uniqueness. It will also help you
value yourself and manifest positive behaviors. When you were in Grade 4 or even in earlier
grade levels, you might have identified already some of your personal strengths. You might also
have started to cope with your weaknesses. Self-awareness is expected to deepen as you age.
In this activity sheet, you will identify your uniqueness from others. You will also
enumerate the changes as you age. You will also demonstrate positive and appropriate behavior in
valuing yourself. It may be fun to share your interests, thoughts, and feelings with your family
member, and express some appropriate actions you would want to do in valuing yourself!

Learning Objectives
1. identify your uniqueness from others;
2. enumerate the changes as you age; and
3. demonstrate positive and appropriate behavior in valuing yourself.

Activity 1: You and I have similarities and differences

Direction: Think one of your family members (mother, father, brother, sister) about his/her
likes, interests, talents, skills and values. List down his/her responses. List down yours, too!

My My Personal:
Likes ____________________________
Likes ____________________________
Interests __________________________
Talents ___________________________
Skills ____________________________
Skills ____________________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2: Let’s Talk

Direction: Write your answers to the following questions.

1. What do you have in common with a family member?


2. How are you different from your family member?


3. How do you feel about it?


Rubrics for Scoring:

Set of Criteria Description Points Earned

a. Appropriate answers to the Demonstrate all four criteria 4
b. Well organized and clear Demonstrate all three criteria 3
answers to the questions.
c. Originality of ideas Demonstrate two of the criteria 2
d. Free from grammatical errors Meets only one of the first three criteria 1


In this activity, I learned that _________________________________________________


I enjoyed most on __________________________________________________________


I want to learn more on _____________________________________________________


References for Learners

Ackerman, Courtney E. n.d. Positive Psychology. Accessed September 5, 2019.

Cherry. 2020. "Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development." Verywell Mind., April 14.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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