Interview Preparation

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Interview Preparation

Topics to Look for at Interviews(Sorted as per priority)





Coding Practice-


Important Algorithms:
1) DFS
2) BFS
3) Matching Parenthesis
4) Hash Tables
5) Longest palindromic subsequence
6) Reverse a Linked list
7) Sorting Fundamentals- Quick,Merge,Heap,Hybrid
8) Recursion
9) Suffix and Prefix Sum
10) Binary Search

STL Cheat Sheet- (Inbuilt functions

for DELETE and FIND of elements in vectors)

Problems asked:
1. Next greater Element in an array:
2. Shortest path for traversal from (0,0) to (n-1,m-1) in a matrix. (similar)
3. Finding Prime number between a range of 1 to n: Sieve Method

Data Structures: Linked list has a limit for questions to be asked. There are few standard
problems you have to go through.
If the interviewer gives you a chance to pick your favorite data structure, go with a Linked list.
HR: HR wants to know if you are a team player: So tell/make up incidents when you led your
team to success.
Never tell HR, you wanna go for higher studies.

Take your time in interviews and let them take the stage and always answer what they want to
Go through GeeksforGeeks archives before every test and interview, Companies tend to ask the
same questions over and over at colleges, If you are lucky you will find the same question at the
test :>

This is Mathworks archive . When I went through

it, I understood they wanted strong OOPs concepts, So I did go through a 2 hr video on OOPs,
But they did not ask me, OOPs, but one of my friends had, and he was out.
The second thing I felt after seeing the archive was that Mathworks was heavy going with HR
rounds, and I did prepare for common HR questions, and not to my surprise, 3 out of 4 rounds I
had was HR and Manager. And I already knew that the rounds were going to happen randomly.

It might take a week or 2 to complete all the topics I mentioned above. But these are the only
things being asked, I am not good at OS but can answer questions asked. That's all we need for
the time. :>

Mathworks Interview

Amal Raj
Computer science and Engineering
Company: MathWorks
Role: Associate in EDG
CTC: 20L

Total rounds: 4
One group discussion followed by the HR, manager, and Technical, they call random as per the

Round 1: Group discussion

There were 7 students in a Webex meet with one interviewer. We were asked to introduce
ourselves, and were given the topic “is soft skills more important than technical skills to succeed
in a company”. Almost everyone was speaking for the topic, and each of us had about 3 mins to
finish our points. It was a quick round finished in around 20 mins.

Round 2: HR
A healthy discussion about the responsibilities I had taken up in school and college was
discussed. Time management and how I schedule work were discussed. The round lasted for
45 minutes and we had a good one on one conversation.

Round 3: Technical
2 coding questions

1. A DFS problem of traversing a matrix from [0 0] to [m n]. I completely solved the problem
2. A problem that needed stack to solve, I figured out a method, but could not implement
the code. You just need to keep your calm when you miss an answer
Then there were some questions from DBMS and os.

Round 4:Manager round

It was much like HR but was shorter for me. It went on for 30 mins.

CTC was based on the Interview performance.

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