Sister Nivedita University Syllabus FOR Three Years Bachelor Degree Course IN Computer Application (Bca) Under Ugc-Cbcs System

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DG 1/2 New Town, Kolkata – 700156

School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application




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DG 1/2 New Town, Kolkata – 700156

School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

Credit Definition

Type Credit
(in Hour)
Lecture (L) 1 1
Tutorial (T) 1 1
Practical (P) 2 1

Category Codification with Credit Break up

Definition of Category Code No Credit

Basic Science BS 1 18
Engineering Science ES 2 02
Professional Core PC 3 70
Professional Elective (Discipline Specific) PE 4 04
Open Elective (General Elective) OE 5 12
Humanities & Social Science including Management HSM 6 02
Project Work / Seminar / Internship / Entrepreneurship PSE 7 14
Mandatory / University Specified (Environmental Sc. / Induction
MUS 8 00
Training / Indian Constitution / Foreign language)
Total 122

Subject Codification Nomenclature

If “Type” = 3, then 1 –
Course No Seminar, 2 – project, 3 –
Type Semester (1..6)
1 – L/L+T, 2 – L+P, 3 – Sessional, 4 – P/Workshop
Level Category
1 – BS, 2 – ES, 3 – PC, 4 – PE, 5 – OE, 6 – HSM,
7 – PSE, 8 – MUS

1 – UG, 2 – PG, 3 – PhD, 4 – Diploma, 5 – Certificate

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DG 1/2 New Town, Kolkata – 700156

School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application


Mandatory Induction Program – Duration 3 weeks

 Physical Activity
 Creative Arts
 Universal Human Values
 Literary
 Proficiency Modules
 Lectures by Eminent People
 Visits to Local Areas
 Familiarization to Department/Branch & Innovations


Sl. Sub Type

No Cate Course Title Code Credit
gory L T P
1 BS Mathematics- I 1191111 4 3 1 0
2 ES Introduction to Computing 1203211 2 2 0 0
3 PC Digital Electronics 1203212 4 4 0 0
4 PC Introduction to C-Programming 1203213 4 4 0 0
5 HS Communicative English 1216115 2 2 0 0
6 PC Digital Electronics Lab 1203222 2 0 0 4
7 PC C-Programming Lab 1203221 2 0 0 4
8 BS Add-on course: Basic Mathematical ** 3 weeks
Computing (Duration)
Total Credit 20 24 hours


Sl. Sub Type

No Categ Course Title Code
it L T P
1 PC Computer Organization and Architecture 1201221 4 3 1 0
2 PC Data Structure 1201222 4 3 1 0
3 BS Mathematics II 1192121 4 3 1 0
4 OE Generic Elective * 2
5 OE Open Elective (Python) 1201223 2 2 0 0

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School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

6 OE Open Elective (Python) Lab 1201233 2 0 0 4

7 PC Data Structure Lab 1201232 2 0 0 4
Total Credit 20 24 hours


Sl. Sub Type

No Cate Course Title Code
it L T P
1 PC Object Oriented System and Analysis 1201231 4 3 1 0
2 PC Database Management Systems 1201232 4 3 1 0
3 PC Operating Systems 1202233 4 3 1 0
4 PC Design Analysis and Algorithm (DAA) 1202234 4 3 1 0
5 OE Generic Elective * 2 2 0 0
6 PC Object Oriented Programming Lab 1201241 2 0 0 4
7 PC Database Management Systems Lab 1201242 2 0 0 4
Total Credit 22 26 hours


Sl. Sub Type

No Cate Course Title Code T P
dit L
1 PC Computer Graphics & Multimedia Systems 1201241 4 4 0 0
2 PC Software Engineering 1201142 4 3 1 0
3 PC Computer Networks 1201243 4 3 1 0
4 BS Numerical Analysis 1192241 4 4 0 0
5 BS Operation Research 1201242 4 3 1 0
6 PC Software Engineering Lab 1201152 2 0 0 2
7 BS Numerical Analysis Lab 1192251 2 0 0 2
Total Credit 24 24 hours


Sl. Sub Type

No Cate Course Title Code
dit L T P
1 PC Mobile Computing 1201151 4 4 0 0

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School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

2 PC Programming with JAVA 1201152 4 4 0 0

3 PC Cryptography and Network Security 1201153 4 4 0 0
4 PSE Minor Project 1201451 6 0 0
5 PC Programming with JAVA Lab 1201162 2 0 0 4
Total Credit 20 28 hours


Sl. Sub Type

No Cate Course Title Code
dit L T P
1 OE General Elective -I 1202261 4 3 1 0
2 PE Professional Elective -I 1202262 4 3 1 0
3 PSE Major Project/ Thesis Work 1201461 6 0 0 0
4 PSE Industrial Training 2 4 weeks
Total Credit 16 20 hours

Total Credit: 122

Semester I
PAPER NAME: Introduction to Computing
Paper Code: 1203211

UNIT I: Introduction and definition of computer, Computer Generations, Characteristics of

Computer Computer, Advantages and Limitations of computer, Classification of computers,
Basics (8L) Functional components of a computer system. Types of Computer Software –
System software, Application software, Utility software, Virus, features, types of
viruses, virus detection prevention and cure. MSDOS: Operating System, Basic
Concepts of Operating System (DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX, LINUX, ANDROID)
UNIT II: Introduction, Keyboard, Pointing Devices, Speech Recognition, Digital
Input / Output Camera, Scanners, Optical Scanners. Classification of Output, Printers,
devices and Plotters, Computer Output Microfilm (COM), Monitors, Audio Output,
Memory (4L) Projectors. Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM),
Types of ROM. Classification of Secondary Storage Devices, Magnetic Tape,
Magnetic Disk, Optical Disk, Magneto Optical disk.
UNIT III: Introduction to languages, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler, High Level
Computer Language to Machine Language Conversion , Evolution of programming
Languages(8L) language, Classification of Programming Languages, Features of a good
Programming Language, Example of High Level Languages, Characteristics
of a good language Number system: Binary number system, Octal & Hexa-

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School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

decimal number system

UNIT IV: Concept of problem solving, Problem definition, Program design,
Planning the Debugging, Types of errors in programming, Documentation, Techniques of
Computer Problem Solving: Algorithm and Flowcharts Algorithm: Definition,
Program(6L) Characteristics, Advantages and disadvantages, Examples Flowchart, pseudo
code, decision table, Structured programming concepts, Programming
methodologies viz. top-down and bottom-up programming.
UNIT V: Basic elements of a communication system, data transmission modes, Types of
Introduction of Networks-LAN, WAN, MAN, Topologies of LAN (ring, bus, star, mesh and tree).
Internet (4L) Web Browsers, Searching, and Surfing, Creating E-Mail account, sending and
receiving E-Mails.
UNIT VI: Process, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessor Basic concepts on DBMS,
Introduction Advantages DBMS over traditional File processing System, Advantages &
about Disadvantages of DBMS, E-R diagram, File :- Attributes, Operations, Type.
System (2L)

Suggested Books:

1. Leon A. & Leon M., Introductions to Computers, Vikas Publication.

2. Balagurusamy E., Programming in ANSI C, TMH Publication.
3. Norton Peter, Introductions to Computers, TMH Publication. 4. Price Michael, Office
2010 in Easy Steps, TMH Publication.
4. Sinha P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publishing.
5. O’Leary Timothy, O’Leary Linda, Microsoft Office 2007, TMH Publication 3
Rajaraman, V., “Fundamental of Computers”. Prentice Hall India, New Delhi

Course Objectives:
1. Define and describe the hardware used in information technology (IT).
2. Define and describe the types of software used in IT.
3. Delineate and discuss societal issues involving the use of IT and networks.
4. Demonstrate the ability to create and use documents, spread-sheets, presentations
and databases in order to communicate and store information as well as to support
problem solving.
5. Use IT to acquire, differentiate and evaluate information and technology.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understanding the concept of input and output devices of Computers.
CO2 Learn the functional units and classify types of computers, how they process
information and how individual computers interact with other computing
systems and devices.
CO3 Understand an operating system and its working, and solve common
problems related to operating systems.
CO4 Learn basic word processing, Spread-sheet and Presentation Graphics
Software skills.

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School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

CO5 Study to use the Internet safely, legally, and responsibly.

CO6 Illustrate the role of the computer for personal and professional uses.

PAPER NAME: Introduction to C-Programming

Paper Code: 1203213

UNIT I: Overview of C: History of C, Importance of C, Structure of a C Program. Elements

TOPICS (8L) of C: C character set, identifiers and keywords, Data types, Constants and Variables,
Assignment statement, Symbolic constant. Input/output: Unformatted & formatted
I/O function in C, Input functions viz. scanf(), getch(), getche(), getchar(), gets(),
output functions viz. printf(),putch(), putchar(), puts().
UNIT II: Operators & Expression: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, unary, assignment,
TOPICS (8L) conditional operators and special operators. Arithmetic expressions, evaluation of
arithmetic expression, type casting and conversion, operator hierarchy &
associativity. Decision making & branching: Decision making with IF statement, IF-ELSE
statement, Nested IF statement, ELSE-IF ladder, switch statement, goto statement
UNIT III: Decision making & looping: For, while, and do-while loop, jumps in loops, break,
TOPICS (6L) continue statement. Functions: Definition, prototype, passing parameters, recursion.
The C Preprocessor. Storage classes in C: auto, extern, register and static storage
class, their scope, storage, & lifetime.
UNIT IV: Arrays: Definition, types, initialization, processing an array, passing arrays to
TOPICS(8L) functions, Strings & arrays. Pointers: Pointers and address, Pointers and function
arguments, Pointers and arrays, Address arithmetic, Character pointer arrays,
Pointers and functions, Pointer arrays, Pointers to pointers, Multidimensional arrays,
initialization of pointer arrays, Pointer vs. Multi-dimensional arrays, Command-line
arguments, Pointer to functions.
UNIT V: Structures: Basic of structures, Structures and functions, Arrays of structures,
TOPICS(4L) Pointers to structures, Self- referential structures, Table lookup, Type of,
unions and bit-fields.
UNIT VI: Input and Output: Standard input and output, formatted output-Print, Variable
TOPICS(2L) length argument lists, File access, File descriptor, Low level I/O- Read and
Write, Open, Create, Close.

Suggested Books:

1. Programming with C, Gottfried, TMH

2. Practical C Programming, Oualline, SPD/O’REILLY
3. Let us C-Yashwant Kanetkar.
4. Programming in C- Ashok N Kamthane
5. The C Programming Lang., Pearson Ecl. – Dennis Ritchie.

Course Objectives:
1. To impart adequate knowledge on the need of programming languages and problem
solving techniques.
2. To develop an in-depth understanding of functional and logical concepts of C
3. To provide exposure to problem-solving through C programming.

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Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

4. To familiarize the basic syntax and semantics of C Language.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the fundamentals of C programming.
CO2 Recollect various programming constructs and to develop C programs.
CO3 Choose the right data representation formats based on the requirements of the
CO4 Understanding a concept of object thinking within the framework of the
functional model. Understanding a concept of functional hierarchical code
CO5 Understanding a defensive programming concept. Ability to handle possible
errors during program execution.
CO6 Implement different Operations on arrays, functions, pointers, structures,
unions and files.

PAPER NAME: Digital Electronics

Paper Code: 1203212

UNIT I: Number Systems & Codes: Decimal Number, Binary Number, Octal Number,
TOPICS (8L) Hexadecimal Number, Conversion – Decimal to Binary, Binary to Decimal, Octal to
Binary, Binary to Octal, Hexadecimal to Binary, Binary to Hexadecimal, Octal to
Binary to Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal to Binary to Octal; Floating Point Number
Representation, Conversion of Floating Point Numbers, Binary Arithmetic, 1’s and
2’s Complement, 9’s and 10’s Complement, Complement Arithmetic, BCD, BCD
addition, BCD subtraction, Weighted Binary codes, Non-weighted codes, Parity
checker and generator, Alphanumeric codes
UNIT II: Logic Gates: OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive – OR, Exclusive – NOR,
TOPICS (8L) Mixed logic. Boolean Algebra: Boolean Logic Operations, Basic Law of Boolean
Algebra, Demorgan’s Theorem, Principle of Duality. Minimization Techniques:
Sum of Products, Product of Sums, Karnaugh Map (up to 4 variables)
UNIT III: Multilevel Gate Network: Implementation of Multilevel Gate Network, Conversion
TOPICS (8L) to NAND-NAND and NOR-NOR Gate Networks, Arithmetic Circuits: Half Adder,
Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Carry Look Ahead Adder, 4-Bit
Parallel Adder
UNIT IV: Combinational Circuits: Basic 2-input and 4-input multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Basic
TOPICS (6L) binary decoder, BCD to binary converters, Binary to Gray code converters, Gray
code to binary converters, Encoder
UNITV: Sequential Circuits: Introduction to sequential circuit, Latch, SR Flip Flop, D Flip
TOPICS (4L) Flop, T Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, Master Slave Flip Flop
UNITVI: Basics of Counters: Asynchronous (Ripple or serial) counter, Synchronous (parallel)
TOPICS (2L) counter. Basics of Registers: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, Universal Registers

Suggested Books:

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School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

1. Digital Circuit & Design, Salivahan, VIKAS

2. Digital Design, M. Morris. Mano & Michael D. Ciletti, PEARSON
3. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits; Anand Kumar; PHI
4. Digital Electronics; Tokheim; TMH
5. Digital Electronics; S. Rangnekar; ISTE/EXCEL

Course Objectives:
1. To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application of knowledge to
understand digital electronics circuits
2. To prepare students to perform the analysis and design of various digital electronic
3. To introduce the basic concepts and laws involved in the Boolean algebra and logic
families and digital circuits.
4. To familiarize with the different number systems, logic gates, and combinational and
sequential circuits utilized in the different digital circuits and systems.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques
used in digital electronics.
CO2 To understand and examine the structure of various number systems and its
application in digital design.
CO3 The ability to understand, analyse and design various combinational and
sequential circuits.
CO4 Ability to identify basic requirements for a design application and propose a
cost effective solution.
CO5 The ability to identify and prevent various hazards and timing problems in a
digital design.
CO6 To develop skill to build, and troubleshoot digital circuits.

DSE – 1: Mathematics –I
Paper Code: 1191111

UNIT I : Matrix Algebra- Introduction & definition, properties of the matrix, A special
TOPICS type of matrices, the arithmetic of matrices, symmetric & skew-symmetric
(10L) matrices, orthogonal matrices, singular and non-singular matrices with their
properties, Trace of a matrix, Eigen value and Eigen vector computation,
Inverse of a matrix and related properties, numerical problems solving.
UNIT II: Differential Calculus: Review of limit, continuity and differentiability, L-
TOPICS (6L) Hospital rule, Leibnitz rule, successive differentiation, Rolle’s theorem,
Mean value theorem, Taylor series expansion,
UNIT III : Function of several variables, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous function,
TOPICS (4L) Partial differentiation, Jacobian, Maxima and Minimum of functions of one
and two variables.

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Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

UNIT IV: Integral Calculus: Review of integration and definite integral.

TOPICS (8L) Differentiations under integral sign, double integral, change of order of
integration, transformation of variables. Beta and Gamma functions:
properties and relationship between them.
Unit V: Differential Equations: Exact differential equations, integrating factors,
TOPICS (4L) change of variables, Total differential equations, Differential equations of
first order and first degree, Differential equations of first order but not of first
Unit VI: Equations solvable for x, y, q, Equations of the first degree in x and y,
TOPICS (4L) Clairaut’s equations. Higher Order Differential Equations: Linear differential
equations of order n, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear differential
equations of order n with constant coefficients.

Suggested Books:

1. Lay David C: Linear Algebra and its Applications, Addison Wesley, 2000.
2. Schaum’s Outlines: Linear Algebra, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 3rdEdition, 2006.
3. Searle S.R: Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics. John Wiley &Sons., 1982.
4. Gorakh Prasad: Differential Calculus, PothishalaPvt. Ltd., Allahabad (14th Edition -
5. Gorakh Prasad: Integral Calculus, PothishalaPvt. Ltd., Allahabad (14th Edition -
6. David C. Lay: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rdEdn, Pearson Education, Asia.

Course Objectives:
1. To recall and remember basics of matrices, complex numbers, and differential
2. To understand the concepts of basic mathematical methods for matrices, complex
numbers and differential calculus.
3. To apply methods to solve engineering problems.
4. To analyse engineering problems and evaluate.
5. To solve and evaluate the problems using matrices, complex numbers, and differential

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Perform operations on various discrete structures such as sets, functions,
relations, and sequences.
CO2 Ability to solve problems using Counting techniques, Permutation and
Combination, Recursion, and generating function.
CO3 Apply algorithms and use graphs and trees as tools to visualize and simplify
CO4 Use of K-Maps and Truth Tables to construct and verify the correctness of a
Boolean expression.
CO5 Understand the various properties of algebraic systems like Rings, Monoids,

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Department of Computer Science and Application
Bachelor of Computer Application

and Groups.
CO6 Come to know the applications of double and triple integration in finding the
area and volume.

PAPER NAME: Communicative English

Paper Code: 2206114

Unit-I: Essay and précis writing

Unit –II: Slide preparation and oral presentation principles
Unit –III: Written presentation of technical material
Unit –IV: preparation of bibliography, basic of official correspondence
Unit –V: Preparation of bio-data
Unit –VI: Group discussions should also be used and feedback is given to students

Suggested Books
1. The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1989 Gowers,
Ernest, "The Complete Words". Penguin, 1973.
2. IEEE Transactions on ''Written and Oral Communications" has many papers of
3. Ludlow, R., and Panton, F., "The Essence of Effective Communication", Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd. 1995.
4. Menzel, D.H., Jones, H.M., Boyd, L.G., ''Writing a Technical Paper". McGraw Hill,
5. Strunk, W., White. E.B., ''The Elements of Style", 3rd Edition, McMillan, 1979.
6. Munter, M., ''Business Communication: Strategy and Style” Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 1987.
7. Tubian, K.L., "A Manual for Writen of 1erm Papers, Thesis and Dissertation", Univ.
of Chicago Press, 1973.

Course Objectives:
1. To enhance the level of literary and aesthetic experience of students and to help them
respond creatively.
2. To sensitize students to the major issues in the society and the world.
3. To provide the students with an ability to build and enrich their communication skills.

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Bachelor of Computer Application

4. To equip students to utilize the digital knowledge resources effectively for their
chosen fields of study.
5. To help them think and write imaginatively and critically.
6. To broaden their outlook and sensibility and acquaint them with cultural diversity
and divergence in perspectives.
7. Equip them with basic knowledge to pursue careers in publishing, cinema, theatre,
journalism, education and advertising.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 To sensitize students to the language, forms and types of poetry, fiction, prose,
film and drama
CO2 To sensitize students to the nuances of spoken and written forms of English
CO3 To familiarize students with the concepts of copy-editing and impart to them
basic copy-editing skills and familiarize them with the diverse concerns
addressed by feminism.
CO4 To update and expand basic informatics skills and attitudes relevant to the
emerging knowledge society
CO5 To enable them to produce grammatically and idiomatically correct language and
help master writing techniques to meet academic and professional needs.
CO6 To provide sufficient practice in Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension, and
Remedial English from the perspective of career-oriented tests.

PAPER NAME: Basic Mathematical Computing (Add-on course)

Paper Code: **
Unit-I: Number System, Numbers-An Introduction, Number System, Divisibility Rules,
Number Some basic formulas, Introduction to Complex numbers, Operations on complex
System and numbers, Polar form, Euler form, De moiré’s theorem
Numbers (4L)
Unit-II: Quadratic Equations, Equations-Basic Idea, Equations-Basic Terminologies,
Quadratic Algebric Identities, Quadratic equation solutions, Geometry-Part 1, Geometry-Part
Equations and 2, Geometry-Part 3, Co-ordinate geometry-Introduction, Co-ordinate geometry-
2D Geometry Important formulae, Basic Concepts of 2D Geometry.
Unit-III: Introduction to Logarithmic function, Different bases of Logarithmic function, Rules
Introduction applied for Logarithmic function, Examples on Logarithms, Set Theory, Introduction
to Log and Set to Set Theory-1, Introduction to Set Theory-2, Introduction to Set Theory-3,
Theory (4L) Introduction to Set Theory-4.
Unit-IV: Introduction to Matrices, Operations on Matrices, Finding Inverse Matrix, Solving
Matrix and simultaneous equations, Introduction to Determinants, Properties of Determinants,
Determinants More examples on Determinants
Unit-V: Introduction to Calculus, Introduction to Derivatives, Examples on Derivatives using

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Bachelor of Computer Application

Calculus (8L) rate of change, Rules to find Derivatives, Examples on derivatives using rules of
derivatives, Introduction to Limits, Rules of finding Limits, Examples on Limits.
Unit-VI: Introduction to Surds, A Description on Surds, Rules and applications of Surds,
Indices and Some more examples on surds, Indices, Introduction to Laws of Indices, Examples
Surds (6L) on Laws of Indices.

Suggested Books:
1. I.I.T. Mathematics, M.L. Khanna
2. Senior Secondary School Math 12, R. S. Aggarwal
3. Problems Plus In IIT Mathematics, A Das Gupta
4. Solutions of Objective Mathematics with Chapter Tests, Dhanpat Rai

Course Objectives:
 This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of
Mathematics, the learning of basic computer applications.
 To explain the concept of Basic Mathematics
 Explain the fundamental concept of Computers
 To discuss the methods of implementing Mathematics in Computer Applications

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the theory of Basic Mathematics
CO2 Define design Quadratic Equations
CO3 Identify the significance of Log and Set Theory
CO4 Apply and solve different problems of matrix and Determinants.
CO5 Learn Calculus
CO6 Discuss Indices and Surds.


PAPER NAME: Computer Organization and Architecture
Paper Code: 1201221
Unit-I (6L) Principles of Computer design - Software, hardware interaction layers in
computer architecture, Central processing unit.
Unit-II (6L) Machine language instructions, Addressing modes, instruction types,
Instruction set selection, Instruction cycle and execution cycle.
Unit-III (8L) Control unit, Data path and control path design, Microprogramming Vs
hardware control, RISC Vs. CISC, Pipelining in CPU design:
Superscalar processors.
Unit-IV (8L) Memory system, Storage technologies, Memory array organization,
Memory hierarchy, interleaving, cache and virtual memories and
architectural aids to implement these.
Unit-V (4L) Input-output devices and characteristics, Input-output processing, bus

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interface, data transfer techniques, I/O interrupts, channels.

Unit-VI (4L) Performance evaluation - SPEC marks, Transaction Processing
1. Mano, M, "Computer System and Architecture", (3rd edition) Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 1994.
2. Pal Chauduri, P., "Computer Organization and Design", Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 1994.
3. Rajaraman,V., and Radhakrishnan, T., "Introduction to Digital Computer Design"
(4th edition). Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997.
4. Stallings. W, "Computer Organization and Architecture, (2nd edition) Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi

Course Objectives:
 Illustrate the structure, function and characteristics of computer systems.
 Exhibit the design of the various functional units of digital computers.
 Discuss different types of memories and their properties.
 Introduce basics of Parallel Computer Architecture.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Discuss the working of functional components of the computer
CO2 Demonstrate instruction execution cycle
CO3 Categories various memory types according to their properties
CO4 Describe the principles of memory management
CO5 Explain how interrupts are used to implement I/O control and data transfers
CO6 Examine various inter connection structures of multi processors

PAPER NAME: Data Structure

Paper Code: 1201222

UNIT I: Introduction to Python: Python variables, expressions, statements: Variables,

TOPICS(6L) Keywords, Operators & operands, Expressions, Statements, Order of
operations, String operations, Comments, Keyboard input, Example programs.
Functions: Type conversion function, Math functions, Composition of
functions, Defining own function, parameters, arguments, Importing
functions, Example programs
UNIT II: Conditions & Iterations: Conditions: Modulus operator, Boolean expression,
TOPICS (6L) Logical operators, if, if-else, if-if-else, Nested conditions, Example programs.
Iteration: while, for, break, continue, Nested loop, Example programs
UNIT III: Recursion, Strings, List, Dictionaries, Tuples: Recursion: Python recursion,
TOPICS (6L) Examples of recursive functions, Recursion error, Advantages &

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disadvantages of recursion: Strings: Accessing values in string, Updating

strings, Slicing strings, String methods – upper(), find(), lower(), capitalize(),
count(), join(), len(), isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(),isnumeric(),
isspace(), isupper() max(), min(), replace(), split(), 2.5 Example programs.
List: Introduction, Traversal, Operations, Slice, Methods, Delete element,
Difference between lists and strings. Dictionaries: Introduction, Brief idea of
dictionaries & lists. Tuples: Introduction, Brief idea of lists & tuples, Brief
idea of dictionaries & tuples.
UNIT IV: Data Structure using Array: Stack, queue, circular queue, priority queue,
TOPICS (6L) dequeue and their operations and applications. Searching and Sorting:
Searching: linear search, Binary search, their comparison, Sorting: insertion
sort, Selection sort. Quick sort, Bubble sort Heap sort, Comparison of sorting
methods , Analysis of algorithm, complexity using big 'O' notation
UNIT V: Linked List: Linear link lists, doubly linked lists, stack using linked list, queue
TOPICS (6L) using linked list, circular linked list and their operations and applications.
Trees: Binary trees, binary search trees, representations and operations, thread
representations, sequential representations, B tree , B+ tree
UNIT VI: Graphs: Introduction to graphs, Definition, Terminology, Directed, Undirected
TOPICS (6L) & Weighted graph, Representation of graphs, Graph Traversal: Depth first
search and Breadth-first search. Spanning Trees, minimum spanning Tree,
Shortest path algorithm. Hashing: Definition, Hashing functions, Load factor
and collision, open addressing (linear probing) and chaining method to avoid

Suggested Books:

1. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia,

Michael H. Goldwasser
2. Data Structures and Algorithmic Thinking with Python, Narasimha Karumanchi
3. Python Data Structures and Algorithms: Benjamin Baka

Course Outcomes:
1. To introduce techniques for representation of the data in the real world.
2. To design and implement various data structures and algorithms.
3. To understand algorithms and how to analyze algorithms performance.
4. To use existing data structures and algorithms in programming language libraries.
5. To apply data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems

Course Outcomes:

CO# Course Outcomes

CO1 Select appropriate data structures as applied to the specified problem
CO2 Implement operations like searching, insertion, deletion, traversing
mechanism, etc. on various data structures.

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CO3 Compare Linear and Non-Linear data structures.

CO4 Apply appropriate sorting/searching techniques for the given problems.
CO5 Design advanced data structure using Non-Linear data structure.
CO6 Determine and analyse the complexity of given Algorithms

PAPER NAME: Mathematics II

Paper Code: 1192121

UNIT I: Statements and logical connectives; truth tables. Predicates logic and
Logic(6L) Quantifiers Proof techniques, the nature of mathematical theorems and proofs;
direct proof, proof by contraposition, by contradiction. Use of counter
examples; the principle of mathematical induction
UNIT II: The notation of set theory - Subsets and the power set; binary and unary
Sets(6L) operations on a set; set operations of union, intersection, complementation,
difference, and Cartesian product. Demonstration of the denumerability of
some sets and the use of Cantor diagonalization method to prove the
uncountability, partition of a set
UNIT III: Binary relations as ordered pairs and verbal description; the reflexive,
Relations & symmetric, transitive and anti-symmetric properties of binary relations; the
Functions definition and terminology about partial orderings; graphs of partially ordered
(8L) finite sets; the definition of equivalence relation and equivalence class.
Functions; definition and examples; properties of functions one-t-one, onto,
bijective; function composition, inverse function
UNIT IV: Graph terminology; undirected graphs, simple, complete, path, cycle,
Graphs(8L) adjacency matrix, connectivity; Euler’s path and Hamiltonian circuit; graph
representation, trees. Digraphs and connectivity problems - Reachability
matrix analysis; Warshall’s algorithm
Discussion and Definition; similarities between propositional logic and set theory;
Algebra mathematical structures as models or abstractions incorporating common properties
& found in different contexts. Logic circuits; basic logic elements of AND gate, OR
Computer gate and inverter; representation of a Boolean expression as a combinational
Logic (4L) network and vice versa; procedure to find a canonical sum-of-product Boolean
expressions using Karnaugh map or Boolean algebra properties.
UNIT VI: The basics of counting, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and
Counting(4L) combinations, recurrence relations, solving recurrence relations, generating
functions, inclusion-exclusion principle, application of inclusion-exclusion.

Reference Books:
1. “Discrete Mathematical Structures”: Tremblay and Manohar, Tata McGraw Hill
2. “Discrete Mathematics”: 1st edition by Maggard Thomson
3. “Discrete M a t h e m a t i c s ”: Semyour Lipschutz, Varsha Patil II and Edition
Schaum’s Series, TMH
4. “Discrete Mathematical Structures”: Kolman, Busby and Ross, Prentice Hall India.
5. “Discrete Mathematics and its application” – Mott Kendle

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6. “Discrete Mathematical Structure” : G. Shankar Rao, New Age Publisher.

7. “Fundamental Approach to Discrete Mathematics” Acharjaya D. P. Sreekumar, New

Course Objectives:
1. To get the knowledge about sets, relations and functions.
2. To study the basics of lattices and graphs.
3. To get familiar with propositional logic..
4. To introduces a wide range of important mathematical concepts which forms the
main fundamentals for higher-level studies
5. To impart competence to the students for solving problems of the standards
pertaining to standards of the various national level competitive examinations like

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
Learn and design how logic gates are used in carrying out
CO2 Understand and identify set, inclusive, element, object, and roster
notation and elements of a given set.
CO3 Learn about different types of relations and equivalence
relations, composition of functions, invertible functions, and
binary operations
CO4 Understand and application of the fundamental concepts in graph
theory and tree.
CO5 To solve applied problems by using principles of Boolean algebra
CO6 Learn basic counting and solve application of inclusion-exclusion problems.

PAPER NAMR: Open Elective (Python)

Paper Code: 1201223

Unit-I Introduction to Python: Python keywords and variables, Python basic Operators,
(8L) Understanding python blocks. Python Data Types, Mutable and Immutable types,
Declaring and using Numeric data types.
Unit-II Conditional Blocks and Flow of control structure: Condition: if, else and nested if,
(6L) Loops: For loops, while loops, Nested loops, Enumerate, Loop manipulation: Pass,
Break, Continue Statement, Programming using conditional and loop blocks
Unit- Functions: def Statements with Parameters, Return Values, and return Statements,
III None and print, adding new function, parameters and argument, recursion, and its
(6L) use, Local and Global Scope, The global Statement, Exception Handling.
Unit- Complex data types: string data type and string operations, list and list slicing,
IV (6L) Use of Tuple data type. String, List and Dictionary, string manipulation methods,
List manipulation. Dictionary manipulation, Programming using string, list.
Unit-V File Operations: Reading files, different read functions. Writing files in python

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(6L) using write functions. File handling and organization.

Unit- Use of Libraries: Numpy, Pandas, matplotlib, Introduction to different framework
VI (8L) in python.

Reference Books:
1. Y. Daniel Liang,” Introduction to Programming Using Python”, Pearson Education.
2. Martin C Brown, “Python the Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill, India
3. Wesley J. Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, Pearson Education.
4. John V Guttag. “Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python",
Prentice Hall of India.

Course Objectives:
 To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
 To learn how to design and program Python applications.
 To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
 To learn how to identify Python object types.
 To learn how to use indexing and slicing to access data in Python programs.
 To define the structure and components of a Python program.
 To learn how to write loops and decision statements in Python.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the
use of Python control flow statements
CO2 Express proficiency in the handling of strings and functions.
CO3 Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python programs by
utilizing the data structures like lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets.
CO4 Identify the commonly used operations involving file systems and regular
CO5 Articulate the Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism as used in Python.
CO6 Implement Conditionals and Loops for Python Programs knowledge/skill
development and Use functions and represent Compound data using Lists,
Tuples and Dictionaries



PAPER NAME: Object Oriented System and Analysis

Paper Code: 1201231

UNIT I: Basic notion of objects, Multiple Views of Objects, Contrasting with Procedural
Introduction to Computation, Client-Server/Message Passing, Principles of OOAD, Abstraction

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OOAD (6L) Hierarchy, Decomposition Hierarchy, Member-Of.

UNIT II: Importance of modelling, principles of modelling, object-oriented modelling,
Introduction to conceptual model of the UML, Architecture, and Software Development Life
UML (6L) Cycle.
UNIT III: Classes, Relationships, common Mechanisms, Structural Diagrams, Behavioural
Structural Diagrams, Advanced classes, advanced relationships, Interfaces, Types and
Modelling Roles, Packages.
UNIT IV: Terms, concepts, modelling techniques for Class & Object Diagrams.
Class & Object
UNIT V: Interactions, Interaction diagrams Use cases, Use case Diagrams, Activity
Behavioural Diagrams, Events and signals, state machines, processes and Threads, time and
Modelling space, state chart diagrams.
UNIT VI: Component, Deployment, Component diagrams and Deployment diagrams.

Suggested Books:

1. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson: “The Unified Modelling Language
User Guide”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Reprint 2017.
2. Erich Gamma, “Design Patterns by Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”,
Pearson Education, 2015.
3. Meilir Page-Jones, “Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML”, 1st Edition,
Pearson Education, 2006.
4. Pascal Roques, “Modeling Software Systems Using UML2”, 1st Edition, WILEY
Dreamtech, 2007.
5. Atul Kahate, “Object Oriented Analysis & Design”, 1st Edition, TMH, 2007.
6. Mark Priestley, “Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML”, 2nd Edition, TMH,
7. Craig Larman, “Appling UML and Patterns: An introduction to Object – Oriented
Analysis and Design and Unified Process”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.

Course Objectives:
1. Introduces Object Oriented Programming concepts.
2. Introduces the principles of data abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
3. Introduces the principles of virtual functions and polymorphism.
4. Introduces handling formatted I/O and unformatted I/O.
5. Introduces exception handling.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes

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CO1 Analyse and model software specifications.

CO2 Understand the basic elements of modelling such as Things, Relationships and
Diagrams depending on the views of UML Architecture and SDLC.
CO3 Apply basic and Advanced Structural Modelling Concepts for designing real
time applications.
CO4 Design Class and Object Diagrams that represent Static Aspects of a Software
CO5 Analyse Dynamic Aspects of a Software System using Use Case, Interaction and
Activity Diagrams.
CO6 Apply techniques of State Chart Diagrams and Implementation Diagrams to
model behavioural aspects and Runtime environment of Software Systems.

PAPER NAME: Database Management Systems

Paper Code: 1201232

UNIT I: Database System Concepts & Architecture: Data Independence, Schemas,

TOPICS Instances, Database Languages, Database System Environments Data Models,
(4L) Basic Structure of Oracle System, Storage Organization in Oracle.
UNIT II: Data Modelling: Use of High –level Conceptual Data Models, ER Diagrams,
TOPICS Subclasses, Super classes and Inheritance, Specialization & Generalization,
(4L) Conceptual Object Modeling using UML Class Diagrams, Knowledge
Representation Concepts, Exercises.
UNIT III: Relational Data Model: Relational constraints, domain constraints, key
TOPICS constraints referential integrity, Constraints, relational algebra, fundamental
(8L) operations of relational algebra & their Implementation, interdependence of
operations, example queries. ER and EER to Relational Mapping: Mapping EER
model concepts to relation, tuple relational calculus, domain relational Calculus
UNIT IV: Database Design: Functional dependencies, irreducible sets of dependencies,
TOPICS loss less decomposition, 1st, 2nd& 3rd NF, dependency preservation, Boyce Codd
(8L) NF, Multivalued Dependency & 4th NF, join Dependency & 5 NF, domain key
normal form, restriction –union normal form, Denormalization.
UNIT V: Query Processing And Optimization: SQL Basic Queries in SQL, Subqueries,
TOPICS Retrieving a Query Plan – Table Space Span & I/O, Index Scan, Equal Unique
(6L) Index Lookup, Clustered vs. Non Clustered Indexing, Index Only Scan, Methods
for Joining Tables –Nested Loop Join Merge Join, Hybrid Join, Multiple table
Join, Transforming Nested Queries to Joins, Object Relational SQL, Procedural
SQL, Introduction to Embedded SQL.
UNIT VI: Transaction: Schedules, Serializability, Precedence Graph, Concurrency Control
TOPICS Techniques, Implementation of Transaction in Programs, Cursors and
(6L) Transaction, Dynamic SQL, Locking Levels of Isolation, Recovery,

Suggested Books:

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1. Fundamental of Database Systems- ElmasriNavathe- Pearson Education Asia

2. Database- Principles, Programming and Performance- Parick O’ Neil Elizabeth
O’Niel, Harcort Asia PTE Limited
3. An Introduction to Database Systems- C.J.Date, Addison Wesley, Pearson
4. Database System Concepts- Abraham Silberschat, Henry F. Korth, S.Sudarshan, Tata
McGraw Hill.

Course Objectives:
1. Explain the purpose for developing a data warehouse.
2. Describe and use the dimensional modelling techniques.
3. Use OLAP analysis with contemporary analysis and visualization tools.
4. Understand the purpose of data mining and knowledge discovery process.
5. Understand several different data mining techniques such as market basket analysis,
Clustering, classification.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain DBMS architecture, physical and logical database designs,
database modelling, relational, hierarchical and network models
CO2 Identify basic database storage structures and access techniques such as
file organizations, indexing methods including B‐tree, and hashing
CO3 Learn and apply Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
definition and database manipulation
CO4 Demonstrate an understanding of normalization theory and apply such
knowledge to the normalization of a database
CO5 Understand various transaction processing, concurrency control
mechanisms and database protection mechanisms
CO6 Improve the database design by applying normalization techniques

Paper Name: Operating Systems

Paper Code: 1202233

UNIT I: Introduction: Generations Concept of of Operating Operating systems, Systems,

TOPICS Types of 3 Operating Systems, OS Services, System Calls, Structure of an OS -
(4L) Layered, Monolithic, Microkernel Operating Systems, Concept of Virtual
Machine. Case study on UNIX and WINDOWS Operating System.
UNIT II: Processes: Definition, Process Relationship, Different states of a Process, Process
TOPICS State transitions, Process Control Block (PCB), Context switching Thread:
(12L) Definition, Various states, Benefits of threads, Types of threads, Concept of
multithreads, Process Scheduling: Foundation and Scheduling objectives, Types
of Schedulers, Scheduling criteria: CPU utilization, Throughput, Turnaround

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Time, Waiting Time, Response Time; Scheduling algorithms: Pre-emptive and

Non pre-emptive, FCFS, SJF, RR; Multiprocessor scheduling: Real Time
scheduling: RM and EDF.
UNIT III: Inter-process Communication: Critical Section, Race Conditions, Mutual
TOPICS Exclusion, Hardware Solution, Strict Alternation, Peterson’s Solution, The
(8L) Producer Consumer Problem, Semaphores, Event Counters, Monitors, Message
Passing, Classical IPC Problems: Reader’s & Writer Problem, Dinning
Philosopher Problem etc.
UNIT IV: Deadlocks: Definition, Necessary and sufficient conditions for Deadlock,
TOPICS Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance: Banker’s algorithm, Deadlock
(4L) detection and Recovery.
UNIT V: Memory Management: Basic concept, Logical and Physical address map,
TOPICS Memory allocation: Contiguous Memory allocation– Fixed and variable
(10L) partition– Internal and External fragmentation and Compaction; Paging:
Principle of operation –Page allocation Hardware support for paging, Protection
and sharing, Disadvantages of paging.
Virtual Memory: Basics of Virtual Memory – Hardware and control structures –
Locality of reference, Page fault , Working Set , Dirty page/Dirty bit – Demand
paging, Page Replacement algorithms: Optimal, First in First Out (FIFO),
Second Chance (SC), Not recently used (NRU) and Least Recently used(LRU).
UNIT VI: I/O Hardware: I/O devices, Device controllers, Direct memory access Principles
TOPICS of I/O Software: Goals of Interrupt handlers, Device drivers, Device independent
(6L) I/O software, Secondary-Storage Structure: Disk structure, Disk scheduling
File Management: Concept of File, Access methods, File types, File operation,
Directory structure, File System structure, Allocation methods (contiguous,
linked, indexed), Free-space management (bit vector, linked list, grouping),
directory implementation (linear list, hash table), efficiency and performance.
Disk Management: Disk structure, Disk scheduling - FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-
SCAN, Disk reliability, Disk formatting, Boot-block, Bad blocks

Suggested Books:

1. Operating System Concepts Essentials, 9th Edition by Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg
Gagne, Wiley Asia Student Edition.
2. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition, William Stallings,
Prentice Hall of India.
3. Operating System Concepts, Ekta Walia, Khanna Publishing House (AICTE
Recommended Textbook – 2018)
4. Operating System: A Design-oriented Approach, 1st Edition by Charles Crowley, Irwin
5. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, 2nd Edition by Gary J. Nutt, AddisonWesley

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6. Design of the Unix Operating Systems, 8th Edition by Maurice Bach, Prentice-Hall of
7. Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Edition, Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati, O'Reilly and

Course Objective:
1. Students will learn how Operating System is Important for Computer System.
2. To make aware of different types of Operating System and their services.
3. To learn different process scheduling algorithms and synchronization techniques to
achieve better performance of a computer system.
4. To know virtual memory concepts.
5. To learn secondary memory management.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understands the different services provided by Operating System at
different level
CO2 They learn real life applications of Operating System in every field
CO3 Understands the use of different process scheduling algorithm and
synchronization techniques to avoid deadlock
CO4 They will learn different memory management techniques like paging,
segmentation and demand paging, etc
CO5 Compare file naming in Linux and Windows.
CO6 Awareness of Android Operating System

PAPER NAME: Design Analysis and Algorithm (DAA)

Paper Code: 1202234

Unit I: Simple example of design and analysis of time complexity-Performance

Foundation Analysis: Space Complexity and Time complexity, Asymptotic Notation -
of Algorithm Polynomial Vs Exponential Algorithms.
Unit II: Divide and Conquer algorithm: Introduction to Divide and Conquer
Divide and Algorithms - Master Theorem – Sorting - Insertion Sort, Merge Sort using
Conquer links, Quick Sort- Analysis of linear and binary search algorithm. Horner’s
algorithm method of evaluation a polynomial at a given point, Strassen’s Matrix
(8L) Multiplication.
Unit III: Optimization Problems and Optimal Solution, Introduction of Greedy
Greedy Algorithms, Elements of Greedy Strategy. Fractional Knapsack, Job
Algorithms sequencing with Deadlines, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prims Algorithm,
(7L) Dijkstra’s Algorithm and their Analysis

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Unit IV: Dynamic programming: Design and analysis, computing a Binomial

Dynamic Coefficient, Multistage graphs, Traveling salesman problem.
programming Greedy approach: General method, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Knapsack problem,
(9L) Minimum cost Spanning trees, Single source shortest path problem.
Unit V: Back tracking: General method - Sum of subsets - 4-Queen Problem using
Back backtracking. Branch and Bound method- 4-queens - Least Cost Search,
tracking (7L) Traveling Salesman problem using Branch and Bound method.
Unit VI: Limitations of Algorithm- Introduction to lower bound theory, Decision trees,
Limitations Introduction to P, NP and NP complete problems, NP hard problems.
of Algorithm

Suggested Books:
1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein, "Introduction to Algorithm", PHI.
2. Parag Dave & Himanshu Dave, "Design and Analysis of Algorithms", Pearson Education.
3. Michel Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, “Algorithm design-foundation, analysis & internet
examples”, Wiley.
4. A V Aho, J E Hopcroft, J D Ullman, "Design and Analysis of Algorithms", Addison-Wesley

Course Objectives:
 To develop proficiency in problem solving and programming.
 To be able to carry out the Analysis of various Algorithms for mainly Time and Space
 To get a good understanding of applications of Data Structures.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Analyse the asymptotic performance of algorithms.
CO2 Write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.
CO3 Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.
CO4 Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.
CO5 Synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations.
CO6 Manipulate data pre-processing, good understanding of applications of Data



PAPER NAME: Computer Graphics & Multimedia Systems

Paper Code: 1201241

UNIT I: Overview of Graphics Systems: Video Display Devices, Refresh Cathode Ray
TOPICS Tubes, Raster-Scan and Random-Scan Systems, Input Devices, Hard-Copy
(4L) Devices and Graphics Software.

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UNIT II: Output Primitives: Points, Line Drawing Algorithms (DDA and Bresenham’s
TOPICS Line Drawing Algorithm), Circle- Generating Algorithms (Bresenham’s and
(8L) Midpoint Circle Algorithms), Ellipse-Generating Algorithms (Midpoint Ellipse
Algorithm only), And Filled- Area Primitives: Scan –Line Polygon Fill
Algorithm, Boundary-Fill Algorithm, Flood-Fill Algorithm.
UNIT III: Two Dimensional Geometric Transformations: Basic Transformations, Matrix
TOPICS Representations and Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite Transformations,
(6L) Reflection and Shear, Transformations between Coordinates Systems, Raster
Methods for Transformations.
UNIT IV: Two-Dimensional Viewing: The Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coordinate
TOPICS Reference Frame, Window-to-View Port Coordinate Transformation, Clipping-
(8L) Point, Line (Cohan-0Sutherland Line Clipping and Liang –Barsky Line
Clipping) and Polygon Clipping (Sutherland- Hodgeman Polygon Clipping).
UNIT V: Multimedia Systems Design: Multimedia Elements, Multimedia Applications,
TOPICS(6L) Multimedia System Architecture, Evolving Technologies for Multimedia
Systems, Multimedia Data Interface Standards, the Need for Data
Compressions, Multimedia Database.
UNIT VI: Data & File Format Standards: Rich –Text Format, TIFF File Format, RIFF,
TOPICS(4L) MIDI File Format, JPEG DIB File Format, MPEG Standards.

Suggested Books:

1. D.Hearn & M. P. Baker -Computer Graphics C Version, 2nd Edition Pearson

Education, New Delhi, 2006
2. J. F. Koegel Buferd -Multimedia Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006
3. R.A. Plastock - Computer Graphics (Schaums Outline Series), 2nd Edition,
TMH, New Delhi, 2006.
4. J.D.Foley- Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004

Course Objectives:
1. The main objective of the course is to introduce students with fundamental concepts
and theory of computer graphics.
2. It presents the important drawing algorithm, polygon fitting, clipping and 2D
transformation curves and an introduction to 3D transformation.
3. It provides the basics of OpenGL application programming interface which allows
students to develop programming skills in CG.

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Have a knowledge and understanding of the structure of an interactive computer
graphics system, and the separation of system components.
CO2 Have a knowledge and understanding of geometrical transformations and 3D
CO3 Have a knowledge and understanding of techniques for representing 3D

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geometrical objects.
CO4 Have a knowledge and understanding of interaction techniques.
CO5 Be able to create interactive graphics applications and use C++ builds functions
or equivalent graphics tools (Java, Pascal) to perform item (3), above.
CO6 Perform simple 2D graphics with lines, curves and can implement algorithms to
rasterizing simple shapes, fill and clip polygons and have a basic grasp of anti-
aliasing techniques.

PAPER NAME: Software Engineering

Paper Code: 1201142

UNIT I: Overview of Computer Based Information System- TPS, OAS, MIS, DSS, KBS
TOPICS Development Life Cycles- SDLC and its phases.
UNIT II: Models- Waterfall, Prototype, Spiral, Evolutionary Requirement Analysis and
TOPICS Specification, SRS System analysis- DFD, Data Modelling with ERD.
UNIT III: Feasibility Analysis: System design tools- data dictionary, structure chart,
TOPICS decision table, decision tree. Concept of User Interface, Essence of UML.
(6L) CASE tool.
UNIT IV: Testing- Test case, Test suit, Types of testing- unit testing, system testing,
TOPICS integration testing, acceptance testing
UNIT V: Design methodologies: top down and bottom up approach, stub, driver, black
TOPICS box and white box testing.
UNIT VI: ERP, MRP, CRM, Software maintenance, SCM, concept of standards (ISO and

Suggested Books:

1. System analysis and design, Igor Hawryszkiewycz, Pearson

2. Analysis and design of Information System, V Rajaraman, PHI
3. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley.

Course Objectives:
1. Be successful professionals in the field with solid fundamental knowledge of software
2. Utilize and exhibit strong communication and interpersonal skills, as well as
professional and ethical principles when functioning as members and leaders of multi-
disciplinary teams

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3. Apply their foundations in software engineering to adapt to readily changing

environments using the appropriate theory, principles and processes

Course Outcomes:
Demonstrate knowledge of the wider software engineering context, software
CO1 engineering processes and their applicability.
CO2 Understand a problem domain and to elicit, analyze, and specify the requirements of
a software system solution.
CO3 Describe and formulate test cases to perform different levels of testing

CO4 Identify and outline specific components of a software design that can be targeted for
CO5 Use the Agile process to develop a quality software product.

CO6 Analyze the engineering problems encountered in system and software development

Paper Name – Numerical Analysis

Paper Code: 1192241
Unit I: Representation of numbers: Round-off error, truncation error, significant error,
Topics error in numerical computation.
Unit II: Solution of transcendental and algebraic equations: Bisection, Regula-falsi,
Topics fixed point, Newton Rephson.
Unit III: Interpolation: Newton’s forward, backward, Lagrange’s and divided differences.
Unit IV: Numerical differentiation: Methods based on interpolations.
Unit V: Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 rd. rule. Solution of linear

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Topics equations: Direct methods – Gauss elimination, LU decomposition, Iteration

(6L) methods- Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel.
Unit VI: Ordinary differential equations: Single step method - Euler method, Runge-
Topics Kutta Method, multistep method. Approximations: Least square polynomial
(6L) approximation.
Suggested Books:
1. A. Gupta and S.C. Bose: Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Academic Publisher 3 rd
ed, 2013
2. M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K. Jain: Numerical methods for scientific and
Engineering Computations, New Age Internationals (P) Ltd, 1999.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the Potential pitfalls of numerical computations.
2. Able to solve a big system of linear equations.
3. Able to determine the roots of nonlinear equations.
4. Able to construct the interpolating polynomial.
5. Able to get the numerical solutions of Initial and boundary value problem.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understanding the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of numerical
CO2 Implementing numerical methods for a variety of multidisciplinary applications
CO3 Establishing the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of numerical
CO4 Understand the difference operators and the use of interpolation.
CO5 Understand numerical differentiation and integration and numerical solutions of
ordinary and partial differential equations.
CO6 Understand numerical techniques to find the roots of non-linear equations and
solution of system of linear equations.

Paper Name: Operation Research

Paper Code: 1201242
Unit I: Basic Operation Basics of Operational Research: Origin & Development of
Operational Research, Definition and Meaning of Operational
Research (4L)
Research, Different Phases of an Operational Research Study,
Scope and Limitations of Operational Research, Mathematical
Modeling of Real Life Problems.

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Unit II: Linear Linear Programming: Introduction to Linear algebra. Solution of a

system of Linear Equations, Linear independence and dependence of
Programming (8L) vectors, Concept of Basis, Basic Feasible solution, Convex sets.
Extreme points, Hyperplanes and Half spaces, Convex cones,
Polyhedral sets and cones.
Unit III: Application of LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks: "Understanding LSTM
Networks" blog post, optionally the original paper Long Short
Linear Programming (6L)
Linear Programming Problem Formulation, solution by
Graphical Method, Theory of Simplex Method, Simplex
Algorithm, Two phase Method, Charnes-M Method,
Degeneracy, Theory of Duality, Dual-simplex method.
Unit IV: Problem Solutions Transportation problem (TP) and its formulation. finding a
basic feasible solution of TP using North-West Corner Rule,
in Operation Research (6L)
Least Cost and Vogel's Approximation Method, MODI method
for finding optimal solution for TP, Assignment problem and
its formulation, Hungarian method for solving Assignment
problem, Transhipment and Travelling salesmen problem.
Unit V: Different Methods Revised Simplex Method, Bounded Variable linear programming
problem, Interior point algorithm for linear programming problem.
of Operation Research (4L)
Unit VI: Linear Integer Introduction to linear integer programming, Branch and Bound
Technique, Gomory's Cutting Plane Algorithm for pure and
Programming (6L)
mixed linear integer programming problem, E-Bala’s
Algorithm for 0-1 programming problem, Real life
applications of linear Integer Programming Problem.

Suggested Books:
1. G. Hadley: Linear Programming. Narosa, Reprint, 2002.
2. G. Hadley: Linear Algebra, Narosa, Reprint, 2002.
3. Hamdy A. Taha: Operations Research-An Introduction, Prentice Hall, 9th Edition, 2010.
4. A. Ravindran, D. T. Phillips and James J. Solberg: Operations Research- Principles and Practice,
John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
5. F.S. Hillier. G.J. Lieberman: Introduction to Operations Research- Concepts and Cases, 9th Edition,
Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2010.

Course Objectives:
 To explain the concept of Operational Research
 Explain the fundamental concept of applications of Operation Research
 To discuss the methods of implementing Mathematics in Computer Applications

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the theory of Basic Operation Research
CO2 Define the design of Linear Programming
CO3 Identify the significance of applications of Linear Programming

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CO4 Apply and solve different problems of Operation Research

CO5 Learn different methods of Operation Research
CO6 Discuss Linear Integer Programming

PAPER NAME: Computer Networks

Paper Code: 1201243

UNIT I: Data Transmission Basic Concepts and Terminology: Data Communication

TOPICS Model, Communication Tasks, Parallel & Serial Transmission, Transmission
(6L) Models, Transmission Channel, Data Rate, Bandwidth Signal Encoding
Schemes, Data Compression, Transmission Impairments, Layering and Design
Issues, OSI Model, Services and Standards.
UNIT II: Computer Network: Network Topology, Performance of Network, Network
TOPICS Classification, Advantages & Disadvantages of Network, Transmission Media
(6L) (guided and unguided), Network Architecture, OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP,
SNA and DNA.
UNIT III: Data Line Devices: Modems, DSL, And ADSL, Multiplexer and Different
TOPICS Multiplexing Techniques: (FDM, TDM). Data Link Layer: Need for Data Link
(8L) Control, Frame Design Consideration, Flow Control &Error Control (Flow
control mechanism, Error Detection and Correction techniques) Data Link
Layer Protocol, and HDLC.
UNIT IV: Network Layer: Routing, Congestion control, Internetworking principles,
TOPICS Internet Protocols (IPv4 packet format, Hierarchal addressing sub netting, ARP,
(6L) PPP), Bridges, and Routers. Physical Layer: Function and interface, physical
layer standard, null modem.
UNIT V: Local Area Network: Definition of LAN, LAN topologies, Layered architecture
TOPICS of LAN, MAC, IEEE standard. Ethernet LAN, CSMA, CSMA/ CD, Token
(6L) passing LAN.
UNIT VI: Network Security: Security Requirement, Data encryption strategies,
TOPICS authentication protocols, Firewalls. Basic Applications: Telnet, FTP, NFS,

Suggested Books:

1. B. Fourauzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-

2. William Stallings- Data & Communications, 6th Edition, Pearson Education
3. Tanenbaum- Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, PHI, New Delhi.

Course Objectives:
 Demonstrate knowledge of principles of computer networking
 Understand details and functionality of layered network architecture
 Know Internet applications and their protocols

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 Understanding applications (e.g. Client Server applications, Web Services)

 Describe and use of Multimedia Information
Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
C01 To develop an understanding of Various IEEE standards for computer
CO2 Understanding the Internet protocol in multicasting routing protocols and
routing algorithms.
CO3 To learn mechanisms for overlay networks and various routing protocols
CO4 To know the multicasting and routing algorithms.
CO5 To acquire the basic network security principle including encryption
CO6 Examine the issues related to security in computer networks


PAPER NAME: Mobile Computing
Paper Code: 1201151

UNIT I: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Mobile Computing – Applications of Mobile

TOPICS Computing- Generations of Mobile Communication Technologies- Multiplexing
(4L) – Spread spectrum -MAC Protocols – SDMA- TDMA- FDMA- CDMA
TOPICS Systems - GSM – Services & Architecture – Protocols – Connection
(6L) Establishment – Frequency Allocation – Routing – Mobility Management –
Security – GPRSUMTS – Architecture – Handover - Security
TOPICS protocol-DSDV, Reactive Routing Protocols – DSR, AODV , Hybrid routing –
(6L) ZRP, Multicast Routing- ODMRP, Vehicular Ad Hoc networks ( VANET) –
MANET Vs VANET – Security.
TOPICS Architecture – WDP – WTLS – WTP –WSP – WAE – WTA Architecture –
(8L) WML
TOPICS Systems – Special Constraints & Requirements – Commercial Mobile Operating
(8L) Systems – Software Development Kit: iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows
UNIT VI: MCommerce – Structure – Pros & Cons – Mobile Payment System – Security

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Bachelor of Computer Application

Suggested Books:
1. Jochen Schiller, ―Mobile Communications‖, PHI, Second Edition, 2003.
2. Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Rajib Mall, ―Fundamentals of Mobile Computing‖, PHI
Learning Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi – 2012.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of mobile computing.
2. To learn the basics of mobile telecommunication system.
3. To be familiar with the network layer protocols and Ad-Hoc networks.
4. To know the basis of transport and application layer protocols.
5. To gain knowledge about different mobile platforms and application development

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Define mobile technologies in terms of hardware, software, and
CO2 Utilize mobile computing nomenclature to describe and analyse existing mobile
computing frameworks and architectures.
CO3 Evaluate the effectiveness of different mobile computing frameworks.
CO4 Describe how mobile technology functions to enable other computing
CO5 Know basis of transport and application layer protocols
CO6 Describe different mobile platforms and application development

PAPER NAME: Programming with JAVA

Paper Code: 1201152

UNIT I: Java Evolution and Overview of Java Language: How Java differs from C and
TOPICS C++,Java and Internet, Java and World Wide Web, Introduction, Simple Java
(4L) Program, More of Java, An Application with Two Classes, Java Program
Structure, Java Tokens, Java Statements, Implementing a Java Program, Java
Virtual Machine, Command Line Arguments, Programming Style.
UNIT II: Constants, Variables, and Data Types: Introduction, Constants, Variables, Data
TOPICS Types, Declaration of Variables, Giving Values of Variables, Scope of
(6L) Variables, Symbolic Constants, Type Casting, Getting Values of Variables,
Standard Default Values.
UNIT III: Operators and Expressions: Introduction, Arithmetic Operators, Relational
TOPICS Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement
(6L) Operators, Conditional Operators, Bitwise Operators, Special Operators,
Arithmetic Expressions, Evolution of Expressions, Precedence of Arithmetic
Operators, Type Conversion in Expressions, Operator Precedence and
Associativity, Mathematical Functions. Decision Making and Branching:
Introduction, Decision Making with if Statement, Simple if Statement, The if...
else Statement, Nesting of if ... else Statements, The else if Ladder, The switch
Statement, The ?:
UNIT IV: Operator. Decision Making and Looping: Introduction, The while Statement,

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TOPICS The do Statement, The for Statement, Jumps in Loops, Labelled Loops. Classes,
(6L) Objects and Methods: Introduction, Defining a Class, Adding Variables, Adding
Methods, Creating Objects, Accessing Class Members, Constructors, Methods
Overloading, Static Members, Nesting of Methods, Inheritance: Extending a.
Class, Overriding Methods, final Variables and Methods, Final Classes,
Finalizer Methods, Abstract Methods and Classes, Visibility Control.
UNIT V: Arrays, String and Vectors: Arrays, One-Dimensional Arrays, Creating an
TOPICS Array, Two-Dimensional Arrays, Strings, Vectors, Wrapper Classes. Interfaces:
(6L) Multiple Inheritance: Introduction, Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces,
implementing Interfaces, Accessing Interface Variables. Packages: Putting
Classes Together: Introduction, Java API Packages, Using system Packages,
Naming Conventions, Creating Packages, Accessing a Packages, Using a
Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes.
UNIT VI: Multithreaded Programming: Introduction, Creating Threads, Extending the
TOPICS Thread Class, Stopping and Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of a Thread, Using
(8L) Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, and Synchronization.
Managing Errors and Exceptions: Introduction, Types of Errors, Exceptions,
Syntax of Exception Handling Code, Multiple Catch Statements, Using finally
Statement, Throwing Our Own Exceptions, Using Exceptions for Debugging.
Applet Programming: Introduction, How Applets Differ from Application,
Preparing to Write Applets, Building Applet Code, Applet Life Cycle, Creating
an Executable Applet, Designing a Web Page, Applet Tag, Adding Applet to
HTML File, Running the Applet, More About Applet Tag, Passing Parameters
to Applets.

Suggested Books:

1. Let Us JAVA 2 Edition, Yashavant `Kanetkar, BPB Publications

2. Programming with JAVA 5th Edition, E Balagurusamy, TMH
3. Java - The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts and fundamentals of platform independent object
oriented language.
2. To demonstrate skills in writing programs using exception handling techniques and
3. To understand streams and efficient user interface design techniques.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Use the syntax and semantics of java programming language and basic concepts
of OOP.
CO2 Develop reusable programs using the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism,
interfaces and packages.
CO3 Apply the concepts of Multithreading and Exception handling to develop
efficient and error free codes.

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CO4 Design event driven GUI and web related applications which mimic the real
word scenarios.
CO5 Demonstrate on the multi-tasking by using multiple threads
CO6 Able to implement object oriented programming concepts using java and able to
develop interactive programs using applets and swings.

PAPER NAME: Cryptography and Network Security

Paper Code: 1201153

UNIT I: Introduction, Need for Security, Security approaches, Principles of Security, Types of
Introduction attack
UNIT II: Conventional Cryptographic Techniques : Conventional substitution and
Cryptography: transposition ciphers, One-time Pad, Block cipher and Stream Cipher,
Concepts & Steganography
UNIT III: Introduction, Algorithm types & Modes, Overview of Symmetric Key
Symmetric Cryptography, DES(Data Encryption Standard) algorithm,
Key IDEA(International Data Encryption Algorithm) algorithm, RC5(Rivest
Algorithm Cipher 5) algorithm.
UNIT IV: Digital Signature and RSA - Introduction, Overview of Asymmetric key
Asymmetric Cryptography, RSA algorithm, Symmetric & Asymmetric key Cryptography
Key together, Digital Signature, Basic concepts of Message Digest and Hash
Algorithm Function (Algorithms on Message Digest and Hash function not required
UNIT V: Basic Concepts, SSL protocol, Authentication Basics, Password,
Internet Authentication Token, Certificate based Authentication, Biometric
Security Authentication.
UNIT VI: Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic
System Transaction, Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Password Management,
Security (6L) Malicious Software, Firewalls, Trusted Systems

Suggested Books:
1. “Cryptography and Network Security”, William Stallings, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
2. “Network Security private communication in a public world”, C. Kaufman, R. Perlman and
M. Speciner, Pearson
3. Cryptography & Network Security: Atul Kahate, TMH.
4. “Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards” by William Stallings, Pearson.

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5. “Designing Network Security”, Merike Kaeo, 2nd Edition, Pearson Books

6. “Building Internet Firewalls”, Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman, 2 nd
Edition, Oreilly .
7. “Practical Unix & Internet Security”, Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford, Alan Schwartz, 3 rd
Edition, Oreilly
8. “Cryptography and Network Security”, V.K. Jain, Khanna Publishing House, 2017.

Course Objectives:
1. Learn fundamentals of cryptography and its application to network security.
2. Understand network security threats, security services, and countermeasures.
3. Understand vulnerability analysis of network security.
4. Acquire background on hash functions; authentication; firewalls; intrusion detection
5. Gain hands-on experience with programming and simulation techniques for security
6. Obtain background for original research in network security, especially wireless
network and MANET security.
7. Understand the trade-offs and criteria/concerns for security countermeasure
8. Apply methods for authentication, access control, intrusion detection and prevention.
9. Identify and mitigate software security vulnerabilities in existing systems.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the most common type of cryptographic algorithm and understand
the Public-Key Infrastructure
CO2 Understand security protocols for protecting data on networks
CO3 Be able to digitally sign emails and files and understand vulnerability
assessments and the weakness of using passwords for
CO4 Be able to perform simple vulnerability assessments and password audits
CO5 Be able to configure simple firewall architectures
CO6 Understand Virtual Private Networks

PAPER NAME: Project – I


General Elective -I
 Big data
 Parallel Computing for AI & ML
 Machine Vision
 UNIX and Shell Programming

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Professional Elective -I
 Deep Learning
 Cyber security
 System Architecture and Internet of Things
 Cloud Computing



Paper Code: 1202261(A)


TOPICS Introduction to Big Data, Big Data Analytics, History of Hadoop, Apache
(4L) Hadoop, Analysing Data with Unix tools, Analysing Data with Hadoop, Hadoop
Streaming, Hadoop Echo System, IBM Big Data Strategy, Introduction to
Infosphere BigInsights and Big Sheets.
UNIT II: HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System) The Design of HDFS, HDFS Concepts,
TOPICS Command Line Interface, Hadoop file system interfaces, Data flow, Data Ingest
(6L) with Flume and Scoop and Hadoop archives, Hadoop I/O: Compression,
Serialization, Avro and File-Based Data structures.
UNIT III: Map Reduce Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job Run, Failures, Job Scheduling,
TOPICS Shuffle and Sort, Task Execution, Map Reduce Types and Formats, Map
(6L) Reduce Features.
UNIT IV: Hadoop Eco System Pig: Introduction to PIG, Execution Modes of Pig,
TOPICS Comparison of Pig with Databases, Grunt, Pig Latin, User Defined Functions,
(6L) Data Processing operators. Hive: Hive Shell, Hive Services, Hive Metastore,
Comparison with Traditional Databases, HiveQL, Tables, Querying Data and
User Defined Functions.
UNIT V: Hbase: HBasics, Concepts, Clients, Example, Hbase Versus RDBMS. Big SQL
TOPICS : Introduction
UNIT VI: Data Analytics with python Machine Learning: Introduction, Supervised
TOPICS Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Collaborative Filtering. Big Data Analytics
(8L) with Bigpython.

Suggested Books:
1. Tom White “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide” Third Edit on, O’reily Media, 2012.
2. Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan, "Big Data Analytics" Wiley 2015.

Course Objectives:
1. Provide an overview of Apache Hadoop
2. Provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS Understand Map Reduce Jobs
3. Provide hands on Hodoop Eco System
4. Apply analytics on Structured, Unstructured Data.

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5. Exposure to Data Analytics with Python.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify Big Data and its Business Implications.
CO2 List the components of Hadoop and Hadoop Eco-System
CO3 Access and Process Data on Distributed File System
CO4 Manage Job Execution in Hadoop Environment
CO5 Develop Big Data Solutions using Hadoop Eco System
CO6 Analyse Info sphere Big Insights Big Data Recommendations.


Paper Code: 1202261(B)

UNIT I: Overview and Search Techniques: Introduction to AI, Problem Solving, State
TOPICS space search, Blind search: Depth first search, Breadth first search, Informed
(6L) search: Heuristic function, Hill climbing search, Best first search, A* & AO*
Search, Constraint satisfaction problem; Game tree, Evaluation function, Mini-
Max search, Alpha-beta pruning, Games of chance.
UNIT II: Knowledge Representation (KR): Introduction to KR, Knowledge agent,
TOPICS Predicate logic, Inference rule & theorem proving forward chaining, backward
(6L) chaining, resolution; Propositional knowledge, Boolean circuit agents; Rule
Based Systems, Forward reasoning: Conflict resolution, backward reasoning:
Structured KR: Semantic Net - slots, inheritance, Conceptual Dependency.
UNIT III: Learning and Classifier: Linear Regression (with one variable and multiple
TOPICS variables), Decision Trees and issue in decision tree,
UNIT IV: Clustering (K-means, Hierarchical, etc), Dimensionality reduction, Principal
TOPICS Component Analysis, Anomaly detection, Feasibility of learning,
(6L) Reinforcement learning
UNIT V: Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction, Artificial Perceptron’s, Gradient
TOPICS Descent and The Delta Rule, Adaline, Multilayer Networks, Back-propagation
(6L) Rule back-propagation Algorithm- Convergence;
UNIT VI: Evolutionary algorithm, Genetic Algorithms – An Illustrative Example,
TOPICS Hypothesis Space Search, Swarm intelligence algorithm

Suggested Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Tata MeGraw Hill
2. Understanding Machine Learning. Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David.
Cambridge University Press.
3. Artificial Neural Network, B. Yegnanarayana, PHI, 2005

Course Objectives:

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1. Build strong foundations in core areas of Computer science with a focus on Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning so that they can contribute significantly in the area
of research and innovation.
2. Develop professionals with high competency in recent tools and techniques related to
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
3. Bring out professionals and entrepreneurs to design and develop solutions for real
world interdisciplinary problems having positive societal impacts.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Develop strong theoretical foundations and practical skillsets in core areas of
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence to facilitate research, innovation,
and product development
CO2 Demonstrate fundamental understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and
expert systems.
CO3 Develop professionals and entrepreneurs with skillsets that enable them to
quickly adapt to latest tools and technologies
CO4 Enable the students to explore and execute projects having a strong impact in an
economic, social, and environmental context
CO5 Discuss the basics of ANN and different optimizations techniques.
CO6 Facilitate students to acquire good communication skills in terms of technical
reports, research publications, group activities, seminars, and presentations.


Paper Code: 1202261(C)

UNIT I: Image Formation Models: Monocular imaging system, Orthographic&

TOPICS Perspective Projection, Camera model and Camera calibration, Binocular
(4L) imaging systems
UNIT II: Image Processing and Feature Extraction: Image representations (continuous
TOPICS and discrete), Edge detection
UNIT III: Motion Estimation: Regularization theory, Optical computation, Stereo Vision,
TOPICS Motion estimation, Structure from motion
UNIT IV: Shape Representation and Segmentation: Deformable curves and surfaces,
TOPICS Snakes and active contours, Level set representations
UNIT V: Fourier and wavelet descriptors, Medial representations, Multi resolution
TOPICS analysis
UNIT VI: Object recognition: Hough transforms and other simple object recognition
TOPICS methods, Shape correspondence and shape matching, Principal Component
(8L) analysis, Shape priors for recognition.

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Bachelor of Computer Application

Suggested Books:
1. Computer Vision - A modern approach, by D. Forsyth and J. Ponce, Prentice Hall
Robot Vision, by B. K. P. Horn, McGraw-Hill.
2. Richard Szeliksy “Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications”
3. Haralick & Shapiro, “Computer and Robot Vision”, Vol II

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce students the fundamentals of image formation;
2. To introduce students the major ideas, methods, and techniques of computer vision
and pattern recognition;
3. To develop an appreciation for various issues in the design of computer vision and
object recognition systems;
4. To provide the student with programming experience from implementing computer
vision and object recognition applications

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify basic concepts, terminology, theories, models and methods in the field
of computer vision,
CO2 Describe known principles of human visual system,
CO3 Critically review and assess scientific literature in the field and apply theoretical
knowledge to identify the novelty and practicality of proposed methods.
CO4 Describe basic methods of computer vision related to multi-scale representation,
edge detection and detection of other primitives, stereo, motion and object
CO5 Suggest a design of a computer vision system for a specific problem
CO6 Design and develop practical and innovative image processing and computer
vision applications or systems and Conduct themselves professionally and
responsibly in the areas of computer vision image processing and deep learning.


Paper Code: 1202261(D)

UNIT I: Introduction to UNIX Operating System: 1. Introduction to UNIX: UNIX

TOPICS operating system, UNIX architecture: Kernel and Shell, Files and Processes,
(6L) System calls, Features of UNIX, POSIX and single user specification, Internal
and external commands 2. Utilities of UNIX: Calendar (cal), Display system
date (date), Message display (echo), Calculator (bc), Password changing
(password), Knowing who are logged in (who), System information using
uname, File name of terminal connected to the standard input (tty)
UNIT II: UNIX file system: File system, Types of file, File naming convention, Parent –
TOPICS Child relationship, HOME variable, inode number, Absolute pathname, Relative
(6L) pathname, Significance of dot (.) and dotdot (..), Displaying pathname of the
current directory (pwd), Changing the current directory (cd), Make directory
(mkdir), Remove directories (rmdir), Listing contents of directory (ls), Very
brief idea aboutimportant file systems of UNIX: /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin,

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/etc, /dev, /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/include, /usr/share/man, /temp, /var, /home

UNIT III: Ordinary file handling: Displaying and creating files (cat), Copying a file (cp),
TOPICS Deleting a file (rm), Renaming/ moving a file (mv), Paging output (more),
(6L) Printing a file (lp), Knowing file type (file), Line, word and character counting
(wc), Comparing files (cmp), Finding common between two files (comm),
Displaying file differences (diff), Creating archive file (tar), Compress file
(gzip), Uncompress file (gunzip), Archive file (zip), Extract compress file
(unzip), Brief idea about effect of cp, rm and mv command on directory. File
attributes File and directory attributes listing and very brief idea about the
attributes, File ownership, File permissions, Changing file permissions – relative
permission & absolute permission, Changing file ownership, Changing group
ownership, File system and inodes, Hard link, Soft link, Significance of file
attribute for directory, Default permissions of file and directory and using
umask, Listing of modification and access time, Time stamp changing (touch),
File locating (find)
UNIT IV: Shell and Process: Shell: Interpretive cycle of shell, Types of shell, Pattern
TOPICS matching, Escaping, Quoting, Redirection, Standard input, Standard output,
(6L) Standard error, /dev/null and /dev/tty, Pipe, tee, Command substitution, Shell
variables. Process Basic idea about UNIX process, Display process attributes
(ps), Display System processes, Process creation cycle, Shell creation steps (init
->getty -> login -> shell), Process state, Zombie state, Background jobs (&
operator, nohup command), Reduce priority (nice), Using signals to kill process,
Sending job to background (bg) and foreground (fg), Listing jobs (jobs),
Suspend job, Kill a job, Execute at specified time (at and batch)
UNIT V: Customization and Filters: Customization: Use of environment variables, Some
TOPICS common environment variables (HOME, PATH, LOGNAME, USER, TERM,
(6L) PWD, PS1, PS2), Aliases, Brief idea of command history: Filters: Prepare file
for printing (pr), Custom display of file using head and tail, Vertical division of
file (cut), Paste files (paste), Sort file (sort), Finding repetition and non-
repetition (uniq), Manipulating characters using tr, Searching pattern using grep,
Brief idea of using Basic Regular Expression (BRE), Extended Regular
Expression (ERE), and egrep, grep –E
UNIT VI: Shell script & System Administration: Introduction to shell script Simple shell
TOPICS scripts, Interactive shell script, Using command line arguments, Logical
(6L) operator (&&, ||), Condition checking (if, case), Expression evaluation (test, []),
Computation (expr), Using expr for strings, Loop (while, for), Use of positional
parameters: System Administration Essential duties of UNIX system
administrator, Starting and shutdown, Brief idea about user account
management (username, password, home directory, group id, disk quota,
terminal etc.)

Suggested Books:
1. UNIX-Concepts & Applications, Sumitava Das, TMH
2. Learning UNIX Operating System, Peek, SPD/O’REILLY
3. Understanding UNIX, Srirengan, PHI
4. Essentials Systems Administration, Frisch, SPD/O’REILLY

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Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize students with the concepts, design, and structure of the UNIX
operating system.
2. To teach students the use of basic UNIX Utilities.
3. To teach students the principles of UNIX shell programming.
Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Describe the architecture and features of UNIX Operating System and
distinguish it from other Operating System
CO2 Demonstrate UNIX commands for file handling and process control
CO3 Write Regular expressions for pattern matching and apply them to various filters
for a specific task
CO3 Analyse a given problem and apply requisite facets of SHELL programming in
order to devise a SHELL script to solve the problem
CO4 Differentiate between internal and external commands and Illustrate job control
CO5 Demonstrate the use of various grep and sed commands and demonstrate
splitting a line into fields and format the output
CO6 Identify and use UNIX/Linux utilities to create and manage simple file
processing operations, organize directory structures with appropriate security,
and develop shell scripts to perform more complex tasks.



Paper Code: 1202262(A)

UNIT I: Introduction to Deep learning & Neural Networks What is Deep Learning? ,
TOPICS (4L) Applications of Deep learning, Types of Neural Networks, Applications of
Neural Networks , Introduction to Keras
UNIT II: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Introduction to ANN, Perceptron and it's
TOPICS (6L) use, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Feed-Forward Neural Network.
UNIT III: Deep Neural Network, Activation Function, Cost Function, Gradient Descent,
TOPICS (6L) Back-propagation, Regularization
TOPICS (6L) Important Elements of CNN, Convolution, Max Pooling, Flattening, Full
Connection, Hands-On : CNN using Keras
TOPICS (6L) RNNs, Deep RNNs, Sentiment Analysis
TOPICS (8L) of NLP, Techniques used in NLP, Syntactic Analysis, Semantic Analysis

Suggested Books:

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1. Hands-On Unsupervised learning with Python by Giuseppe Bonaccorso – Packt

2. Python Deep Learning by Daniel Slater, Gianmario Spacagna and Peter Roelants –
Packt Publication
3. Machine Learning with Tensorflow by Nishant Shukla
4. Deep Learning with Keras byAntonio Gulli and Sujit Pal
5. Machine Learning for OpenCV by Micheal Beyeler

Course Objectives:
1. Make students comfortable with tools and techniques required in handling large
amounts of datasets.
2. They will also uncover various deep learning methods in NLP, Neural Networks etc.
3. Several libraries and datasets publicly available will be used to illustrate the
application of these algorithms.
4. This will help students in developing skills required to gain experience of doing
independent research and study.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Solve problems in linear algebra, probability, optimization, and machine
CO2 Evaluate, in the context of a case study, the advantages and disadvantages of
deep learning neural network architectures and other approaches.
CO3 Implement deep learning models in Python using the PyTorch library and train
them with real-world datasets.
CO4 Design convolution networks for handwriting and object classification from
images or video and Design recurrent neural networks with attention
mechanisms for natural language classification, generation, and translation.
CO5 Evaluate the performance of different deep learning models (e.g., with respect to
the bias-variance trade-off, overfitting and underfitting, and estimation of test
CO6 Perform regularization, training optimization, and hyper-parameter selection on
deep models and Analyse a deep learning model’s hardware node and GPU
scalability in preparation for deployment


Paper Code: 1202262(B)

UNIT I: Introduction to Cyber Security  Introduction, Computer Security, Threats,

TOPICS Harm, Vulnerabilities, Controls, Authentication, Access Control and
(6L) Cryptography.  Web attack: Browser Attacks, Web Attacks Targeting Users,
Obtaining User or Website Data, Email Attacks.  Network Vulnerabilities:
Overview of vulnerability scanning, Open Port / Service Identification, Banner
/Version Check, Traffic Probe, Vulnerability Probe, Vulnerability Examples,
OpenVAS, Metasploit.  Networks Vulnerability Scanning (Netcat, Socat),
Network Sniffers and Injection tools.

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UNIT II: Network Defense tools  Firewalls and Packet Filters: Firewall Basics, Packet
TOPICS Filter Vs Firewall, How a Firewall Protects a Network, Packet Characteristic to
(6L) Filter, Stateless Vs Stateful Firewalls, Network Address Translation (NAT) and
Port Forwarding.  VPN: the basic of Virtual Private Networks.  Firewall:
Introduction, Linux Firewall, Windows Firewall.  Snort: Introduction
Detection System.
UNIT III: Web Application Tools  Scanning for web vulnerabilities tools: Nikto, W3af, 
TOPICS HTTP utilities - Curl, OpenSSL and Stunnel.  Application Inspection tools –
(6L) Zed Attack Proxy, Sqlmap, DVWA, Webgoat.  Password Cracking and Brute-
Force Tools: John the Ripper, L0htcrack, Pwdump, HTC-Hydra.
UNIT IV: Introduction to Cyber Crime, law and Investigation  Cyber Crimes, Types of
TOPICS Cybercrime, Hacking, Attack vectors, Cyberspace and Criminal Behavior,
(6L) Clarification of Terms, Traditional Problems Associated with Computer Crime,
Introduction to Incident Response, Digital Forensics, Computer Language,
Network Language, Realms of the Cyber world.
UNIT V: Internet crime and Act: A Brief History of the Internet, Recognizing and
TOPICS Defining Computer Crime, Contemporary Crimes, Computers as Targets,
(6L) Contaminants and Destruction of Data, Indian IT ACT Page 3 of 23 2000.
UNIT VI: Firewalls and Packet Filters, password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spyware,
TOPICS Virus and Warms, Trojan and backdoors, Steganography, DOS and DDOS
(6L) attack, SQL injection, Buffer Overflow, Attack on wireless Networks

Suggested Books:
1. Cybersecurity For Dummies Author: Joseph Steinberg
2. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition Author: Jon Erickson
3. Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking Author: Christopher Hadnagy

Course Objectives:
1. To prepare students with the technical knowledge and skills needed to protect and
defend computer systems and networks.
2. To develop graduates that can plan, implement, and monitor cyber security
mechanisms to help ensure the protection of information technology assets.
3. To develop graduates that can identify, analyse, and remediate computer security

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Analyse and evaluate the cyber security needs of an organization.
CO2 Conduct a cyber-security risk assessment and Measure the performance and
troubleshoot cyber security systems
CO3 Implement cyber security solutions.
CO4 Be able to use cyber security, information assurance, and cyber/computer
forensics software/tools.
CO5 Identify the key cyber security vendors in the marketplace and Design and
develop security architecture for an organization.

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CO6 Design operational and strategic cyber security strategies and policies.


Paper Code: 1202262(C)

UNIT I: Internet of Things: An Overview, Internet of Things, IoT conceptual

TOPICS framework, IoT architectural view, Technology behind IoT, Sources of IoT,
(4L) M2M communication, Examples of IoT.
UNIT II: Design Principles for Connected Devices: Introduction, IoT/M2M systems
TOPICS layers and designs standardisation, Communication technologies, Data
(6L) enrichment, Data consolidation and device management at gateway, Ease of
Designing and Affordability.
UNIT III: Web communication protocols for connected devices, Message communication
TOPICS protocols for connected devices, web connectivity for connected-devices
(6L) network using gateway, Internet connectivity principles, IP addressing in IoT,
Proxy authentication, Media Access control, Application Layer Protocols.
UNIT IV: Data acquiring and storage, Organizing the data, Analytics, Knowledge
TOPICS acquiring, managing and storing processes, cloud computing paradigm for data
(6L) collection storage and computing, IoT cloud based services.
UNIT V: Sensor technology (Analog sensors and Digital sensors), Actuator, Sensor data
TOPICS communication protocols, Radio frequency identification technology
UNIT VI: Wireless sensor networks, Introduction to Arduino, Arduino IDE, Node MCU,
TOPICS Introduction to Raspberry Pi. IoT case study: Smart city street lights control and
(8L) monitoring.

Suggested Books:
1. Raj kamal, “Internet of Things architecture and design principles “, 1ed, Mc Graw
2. Adrian McEwen, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley Publishers, 2013, ISBN:

Course Objectives:
1. To make students know the IoT ecosystem and to provide an understanding of the
technologies and the standards relating to the Internet of Things.
2. The course will also develop skills on IoT technical planning.
3. Students will focus on building the Web of Things, from a brief introduction to
embedded systems, to designing the web APIs for access, to implementing the Web of
Things using MQTT and COAP.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain and apply the architectural principles used to design the Web of Things
based on RESTful principles.
CO2 Design basic Web of Things systems that connect multiple low-level sensors to
Internet-based applications that can control other low-level devices.

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CO3 Implement basic Web of Things systems based on the Raspberry Pi platform.
CO4 Apply technologies, standards, and protocols appropriate to low-level resource-
constrained sensor nodes.
CO5 Choose the most appropriate connectivity technologies for different application
CO6 Apply filtering techniques to process data toward reaching accurate decisions.


Paper Code: 1202262(D)

UNIT I: Introduction: Introduction to computer networks, evolution of computer

TOPICS networks and its uses, Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Network,
(4L) reference models: OSI reference Models, TCP/IP Protocol Suit Networking
fundamentals: Internet, Circuit switching vs Packet switching, ISPs, Delay and
Loss in Packet Switched Networks
UNIT II: Local Area Network LAN Architecture, LAN topologies- Bus/ Tree LAN, Ring
TOPICS LAN, Star LAN, Wireless LAN, Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, Token Ring
UNIT III: Application layer and data link layer Application Layer Protocols: HTTP, FTP,
TOPICS SMTP, DNS Data link layer design issues, Flow Control- Stop and Wait, Error
(6L) Detection, Error Control, error detection and correction, data link layer
protocols, sliding window protocols, example of data link protocol- HDLC
UNIT IV: Medium access layer Channel allocation problem, multiple access protocols,
UNIT V: The network layer Introduction, Routers, Network layer concepts, shortest path
TOPICS routing, flooding, distance vector routing, link state routing (without
(6L) algorithms), congestion control and quality of service, internetworking, IP, Ipv4
Addressing vs Ipv6
UNIT VI: The transport layer The transport layer services, elements of transport protocols,
TOPICS TCP and UDP, Brief introduction to presentation and session layer, E-mail

Suggested Books:
1. Data Communication & networking: Forouzan, B. A.
2. Data and Computer Communications, W. Stallings, Prentice Hall of India

Course Objectives:
1) The fundamental ideas behind Cloud Computing, the evolution of the paradigm, its
applicability; benefits, as well as current and future challenges;
2) The basic ideas and principles in data center design; cloud management techniques and
cloud software deployment considerations;
3) different CPU, memory and I/O virtualization techniques that serve in offering software,
computation and storage services on the cloud; Software Defined Networks (SDN) and
Software Defined Storage (SDS);

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4) Cloud storage technologies and relevant distributed file systems, NoSQL databases and
object storage;
5) The variety of programming models and develop working experience in several of them.

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this
paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges
brought about by the various models and services in cloud computing.
CO2 Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to understand the trade-
offs in power, efficiency and cost, and then study how to leverage
CO3 Discuss system, network and storage virtualization and outline their role in
enabling the cloud computing system model.
CO4 Manage single and multiple data centres to build and deploy cloud applications
that are resilient, elastic and cost-efficient.
CO5 Illustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage and demonstrate their use in
storage systems such as Amazon S3 and HDFS.
CO6 Analyse various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems
on the cloud.


Industrial Training for BCA students plays really a big role in their future growth. As we
know that industrial training is a necessity for any technical education or we can say that now
a day’s industrial training is the backbone of every technical education.

To get closer one step to the industries, we need to adapt according to the changing needs and
scenarios of the industries. Industrial training provides us the insight to understand the actual
behaviour of the industry and what is the interaction we follow after we enter the industry.

The Courses we cover in the Industrial training program for BCA students are:

 BlockChain / Ethical Hacking / Cyber Security in the Security World

 Python, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence in the
Intelligence World
 Big Data in the Data Processing World
 World Control: Cloud Computing and IoT
 Communication World: CCNA and Networking
 Web Designing in the Programming World: Java,.Net, and PHP

 To build strength, teamwork spirit, and self-confidence in students’ life.
 Assist students to evaluate and understand how work experience relates to their
personal or career and future professional development
 To build good communication skills with the group

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 To Develop employability, skills, intellectual skills, the core of key skills, personal
attributes, and knowledge about how organizations work
 Maintain and develop links between the university, the placement provider, and the
 Develop professional skills and strengthen the application of theory to practice.
 Enhance students’ familiarity with the world of work and enable them to reflect
constructively on issues related to work





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1. Course Objectives:
This course intends to acquaint the students with the ancient scripts of the bronze as well as
the iron age civilizations that are awaiting decipherment, especially the Linear A and B
scripts, the enigmatic Indus Valley Civilization Script (IVCS), the Rongorongo script and the
Egyptian script that however, has been deciphered. It will trace the history of the study of
these scripts and shall look into the modern computational methods and the latest discoveries
in the field of computational and cognitive linguistics that have been used to study them.

2. Course Outcomes:
After taking this course, students are expected to gain an understanding of the basic
orthography as well as the real problems that lie in the path of decipherment of the same and
also understand the various research methods employed to study them.

Unit I: The History of Language Decipherment:

Decipherment and the underlying theory, first and second order language, the concept of
underlying language, famous linguists, structuralism and structural linguistics, Chomsky and
the cognitive revolution, ethnography, archaeology and the study of scripts.

Unit II: Scripts: An Introduction

Linear A and B, Rongorongo, IVC, Egyptian.

Unit III: The Indus Valley Script—Detailed Study

Problems posed by short inscriptions and orthography, the proto-Dravidian Hypothesis,
IravathanMahadevan’s concordance of the IVC signs, AskoParpola and his hypothesis, Nisha
Yadav’s and Rajesh Rao’s observations, the study of select seals from Dholavira and
Harappa, the Dholavira sign board, the possible reasons for the decline of the script, IVC
painted pottery, the ‘Pashupatinath’ seal, the dancing girl and female iconography, trade
practices and the IVC script, the anti-literate hypothesis: S. Farmer et al. , animal figurines in
the seals, seals found in Mesopotamia: issues.

Unit IV: Modern techniques to study the IVC script:

The idea of conditional entropy, recent advances in computational linguistics, the use of
sound silencing, AI and decipherment, the Chennai team and deep neural networks, efforts in
IIT Kharagpur to understand the disappearance of the civilization and the script through
climate modelling simulation, other relevant techniques.

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Select Readings:
1) Robinson, Andrew, Lost Languages: The Enigma of World’s Undeciphered Scripts. New
York: Mac-Graw-Hill, 2005.
2) Shendge, Malati J, Unsealing the Indus Script: Anatomy of its Decipherment. New Delhi:
Atlantic, 2010.
3) Yule, George, The Study of Language. New Delhi: CUP, [2007?].


1. Course Objectives:
After taking this course, the students are expected to understand the nuances of translation
and the act of transcreation itself that often takes into account the fact that the translator has
to possess a sound understanding of both the language and the general vocabulary of the
target text and the source text.

2. Course Outcomes:
After going through the course, the students are expected to understand the theory and the
praxis of the very enterprise of transcreation.

Unit I: Transcreation: Theory and History

The history of translation and the emergence of translation studies, translation as a discipline
in ancient Greece and Rome, translation in India, the theory of translation, translation or

Unit II: Translation: Issues at Work

Translation and the issue of vocabulary, the ‘loss’ of meaning during the act of translation,
‘good’ and ‘bad’ translation, the issue of copyright © in translation, translation as a

Unit III: Transcreation : Practice 1

Translating from select texts into English (from Bengali to English and Hindi to English and
vice versa).

Unit IV: Transcreation: Practice 2

The concept of computer/ machine translation and the use of software and translation blogs
and services.

Select Readings:
Munday, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. New York;
London: Routledge, 2012.


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Unit 1: Data representation (4 Lectures):

Data vs Information: Bit, byte number system: binary, octal, hexadecimal, 1’s, 2’s
complement arithmetic, digital logic: AND, OR etc.

Unit 2: General problem Solving concepts (6 Lectures):

Algorithm and Flowchart for problem solving with Sequential Logic Structure, Decisions and
Loops, time & space complexity; Imperative languages: Introduction to imperative language;
syntax and constructs of a specific language (ANSI C).

Unit 3: Human Computer Interface: (7 Lectures):

Types of software, operating system as user interface, utility programs; Computing systems:
hardware & software, Architecture & organization history: von Neumann Architecture:
memory, processor, I/O; BIOS, Booting, Application software, system software, introduction
of programming languages: brief overview of Pascal, FORTRAN, and BASIC.

Unit 4: Devices:(6 Lectures):

Input and output devices (with connections and practical demo), keyboard, mouse, joystick,
scanner, OCR, OMR, bar code reader, web camera, monitor, printer, plotter Memory:
Primary, secondary, auxiliary memory, RAM, ROM, cache memory, hard disks, optical

Unit 5: Computer Organisation and Architecture: (5 Lectures):

C.P.U., registers, system bus, main memory unit, cache memory, Inside a computer, SMPS,
Motherboard, Ports and Interfaces, expansion cards, ribbon cables, memory chips, processors.

Unit 6: Overview of Emerging Technologies: (4 Lectures)

Bluetooth, cloud computing, big data, data mining, mobile computing and embedded

Unit 7: Use of Computers in Education and Research: (4 Lectures)

Data analysis, Heterogeneous storage, e-Library, Google Scholar, Domain specific packages
such as SPSS, Mathematica etc.

Reference Books:
1. A. Goel, Computer Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 2010.
2. P. Aksoy, L. DeNardis, Introduction to Information Technology, Cengage Learning, 2006
3. P. K.Sinha, P. Sinha, Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publishers, 2007.


(36 LECTURES); L-T-P: 3-0-2

Module 1: (8 Lectures)

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Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary Data Organizations, Data Structure

Operations: insertion, deletion, traversal Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search
Techniques and their complexity analysis.

Module2: (10 Lectures)

StacksandQueues: ADT Stack and its operations: Algorithms and their complexity
analysis, Applications of Stacks: Expression Conversion and evaluation –
corresponding algorithms and complexity analysis. ADT queue, Types of Queue:
Simple Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue; Operations on each types of Queues

Module3: (10 Lectures)

LinkedLists: Singly linked lists: Representation in memory, Algorithms of several
operations: Traversing, Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list; Linked
representation of Stack and Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list

Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded
Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree; Tree operations on each of the trees

Module4: (10 Lectures)

Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of different sorting algorithms:
Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort;

Suggested books:
1. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Illustrated Edition by Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni,
Computer Science Press.

Suggested reference books:

1. Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++”, Illustrated
Edition by Mark Allen Weiss, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company

2. “How to Solve it by Computer”, 2nd Impression by R. G. Dromey, Pearson



(30 Lectures); L-T-P: 3-0-2

Module 1: Abstract data types and their specification. How to implement an ADT. Concrete
state space, concrete invariant, abstraction function. Implementing operations, illustrated by
the Text example. Features of object-oriented programming. Encapsulation, object identity,
polymorphism – but not inheritance. Inheritance in OO design. [10L]
Module 2: Design patterns. Introduction and classification. The iterator pattern. Model-view-
controller pattern. Commands as methods and as objects. Implementing OO language
features. Memory management. Generic types and collections [12L]

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Module 3: The software development process. The concepts should be practised using Java.
Suggested books
1. Barbara Liskov, Program Development in Java, Addison-Wesley, 2001
Suggested reference books
1. Any book on Core Java 2. Any book on C++


(36 Lectures); L-T-P: 3-0-2
Module 1: (10L)
Database system architecture: Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Data Definition
Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML). Data models: Entity-relationship
model, network model, relational and object oriented data models, integrity constraints, data
manipulation operations.
Module 2:(10L)
Relational query languages: Relational algebra, Tuple and domain relational calculus, SQL3,
DDL and DML constructs, Open source and Commercial DBMS - MYSQL, ORACLE, DB2,
SQL server. Relational database design: Domain and data dependency, Armstrong's axioms,
Normal forms, Dependency preservation, Lossless design. Query processing and
optimization: Evaluation of relational algebra expressions, Query equivalence, Join strategies,
Query optimization algorithms.
Module 3:(6L)
Storage strategies: Indices, hashing.
Module 4:(10L) Transaction processing: Concurrency control, ACID property,
Serializability of scheduling, Locking and timestamp based schedulers, Multi-version and
optimistic Concurrency Control schemes, Database recovery.

Suggested books:
1. “Database System Concepts”, 6th Edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S.
Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill.

Suggested reference books:

1 “Principles of Database and Knowledge – Base Systems”, Vol 1 by J. D. Ullman, Computer
Science Press.
2 “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 5th Edition by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, Pearson
Education 3 “Foundations of Databases”, Reprint by Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor
Vianu, Addison-Wesley


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The course will provide a basic knowledge of applications of Biotechnology in industrial and
medical field.

Unit 1: Environmental Biotechnology

Water and waste water treatment process: Current community drinking water treatment
process disinfection of water (chlorination and ozonation), primary, secondary and advanced
treatment of sewage (domestic waste water), Definition and concept of: biodegradation, bio
deterioration and biotransformation.Biodegradation of plastic, pesticides and hydrocarbons
Bioremediation, Bioleaching, Biosorption, Biopesticides, Biofertilizers, Biofuels, Biosensors,
Bioindicators, Biodegradable plastics

Unit II: Xenobiotic and recalcitrant compounds

Bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Assessment of water and wastewater quality:
Concept of COD, DO and BOD. Indicators of faecal pollution and MPN and MFtechnique
for coliforms. Significance and principal of IMViC.

UNIT III: Industrial Biotechnology

Basic Principles of Industrial Biotechnology: Important commercial products produced by
microorganisms and GMOs and their applications. Microbes in industry – foods from
microorganism (vinegar and cheese). production of citric acid, amylases, proteases, vitamin
B12, beer, wine, biogas, methane, hydrogen.

Unit IV: Food Biotechnology

Production and types of cheese, microorganisms as food –production of mushroom and
spirulina, assessment of microbiological quality of various foods. Industrial awareness:
Quality control and quality assurance in food and pharamaceutical industry, concept of
current good manufacturing practices in pharmaceutical industry

Unit V: Agricultural Biotechnology

crop improvement, herbicide resistance, insect resistance, virus resistance, plants as
bioreactors. Genetic modification in Agriculture –transgenic plants, genetically modified
foods, application, future applications, ecological impact of transgenic plants


This course presents the genetic, cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the
development of animal embryology

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Unit I: Gametogenesis and Fertilization

Definition, scope & historical perspective of development Biology, Gametogenesis –

Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis Fertilization - Definition, mechanism, types of fertilization.
Different types of eggs on the basis ofyolk.

Unit II: Early embryonic development

Cleavage: Definition, types, patterns & mechanism Blastulation: Process, types & mechanism
Gastrulation: Morphogenetic movements– epiboly, emboly, extension, invagination,
convergence, de-lamination. Formation & differentiation of primary germ layers, Fate Maps
in early embryos.

Unit III: Embryonic Differentiation

Differentiation: Cell commitment and determination- the epigenetic landscape: a model of

determination and differentiation, control of differentiation at the level of genome,
transcription and post-translation level Concept of embryonic induction: Primary, secondary
& tertiary
embryonic induction, Neural induction and induction of vertebrate lens.

Unit IV: Organogenesis

Neurulation, notogenesis, development of vertebrate eye. Fate of different primary
germlayers Development of behaviour: constancy & plasticity, Extra embryonic membranes,
placenta in Mammals



Pre requisites: Basic Knowledge of 12th grade communicative English.

Course Objective:

1.Gain an overview of news journalism’s public service role in a democratic society

2.Become familiar with fundamental principles of journalism, such as truth-telling, watchdog
accuracy, courage, tolerance, justice, minimizing harm
3.Learn basics of journalism law, history and ethics

Course Outcome:

Demonstrate critical thinking skills necessary to collect, evaluate, organize and disseminate
1.Analyze relative newsworthiness of various fact sets, using elements of newsworthiness

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(proximity, interest, importance, impact, timeliness)

2.Write a simple news using set of facts
3.Distinguish news from infotainment, public relations, advertising and non-journalistic
blogging, as well as the difference between news and opinion

Unit 1: Understanding News Ingredients of news meaning, definition, nature The news
process: from the event to the reader (how news is carried from event to reader) Hard news
vs. Soft news, basic components of a news story Attribution, embargo, verification, balance
and fairness, brevity, dateline, credit line, byline.

Unit 2:Tabloid press Language of news- Robert Gunning: Principles of clear writing, Rudolf
Flesch formula- skills to write news.

Unit 3:Understanding the structure and construction of news Organizing a news story, 5W‘s
and 1H, Inverted pyramid Criteria for news worthiness, principles of news selection,
importance of research in news, sources of news, use of internet

Unit 4:Different mediums-a comparison Language and principles of writing: Basic

differences between the print, electronic and online journalism Citizen journalism

Unit 5: Role of Media in a Democracy Responsibility to Society press and Democracy

Contemporary debates and issues relating to media Ethics in journalism, debates discussion
and practical writing /Viva.


1. Bruce D. Itule and Douglas A. Anderson. News writing and reporting for today’s
media; McGraw Hill Publication, 2000. –
2. M.L. Stein, Susan Paterno& R. Christopher Burnett. News writer’s Handbook: An
Introduction to Journalism; Blackwell Publishing,2006.
3. George Rodmann. Mass Media in a Changing World; Mcgraw Hill
4. Carole Flemming and Emma Hemmingway. An Introduction to Journalism; Vistaar
Publications,2006. Richard Keeble. The Newspaper’s Handbook; Routledge
5. JohnHohenberg: Professional Journalists; Thomson Learning.
6. M.V. Kamath: Professional Journalism; Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.


Course Overview
Science and technology profoundly shape our lives, changing the way we communicate with
others, the kinds of careers we will have, and the quality of our natural environment. When
science and technology move from laboratory to corporate boardroom to Media houses
writing is involved in every step in this process. This course will focus on the writing that
constitute science and technology. We will explore the writing done by scientists,

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technologists, will examine how writing circulates through society journalism, press releases,
policy makers, citizens.
Course Outcome
• Use writing for the purposes of reflection, action, and participation in academic inquiry
• Work within a repertoire of genres and modes—including digital media—to meet
appropriate rhetorical purposes
• Exercise a flexible repertoire of invention, arrangement, and revision strategies
• Engage in reading for the purposes of reflection, critical analysis, decision-making, and
• Demonstrate the ability to locate, critically evaluate, and employ a variety of sources for a
range of purposes
• Synthesize external data and documentary sources into your own writing with greater
awareness of proper citation

Unit 1: (4 Lectures)

Introduction to Science Writer Profile; Stories about Scientists;Introduction to New

Discovery Story; Science communication models - problems, its solutions; writing science as
news; engaging writing style; Article analysis – structure, style, voice, narrative.

Unit 2: (8 Lectures)

Writing from science journals; Language goals in scientific writing; reporting on new
research; explanatory writing; Avoiding jargon; New discovery story analysis, Introduction to
Feature Article, Explanatory features; Ethics in writing.

Unit 3: (6 Lectures)
Select a recent healthcare research study and find both the original study published in a
biomedical journal and another (non-academic) article written about the study findings;
Target Audience-Who is the audience? Purpose of the article; Bibliographic Database
Searching and Citation Management Software; Fact-checking
Unit 4: (8 Lectures)

Interviewing a scientist; Questionnaire Design; Prepare Press releases; Workshopping ideas;

Presentations and Posters; Presentation Slides; Presenting Research; Grant Proposals; Writing
Abstracts; Writing Thesis and Capstone Documents; Survey: Schedule, Sample; Tools of
Data Collection

Unit 5: (6 Lectures)
Planning for print-size, anatomy, grid, design; Format, typography, copy, pictures,
advertisements; Plotting text: headlines, editing pictures, captions; Page-making; Technology
and Print; layout, use of graphics and photographs; Printing Processes: Traditional vs
modern; Desk Top Publishing: Quark Express, Coral Draw, Photoshop
Unit 6: (6 Lectures)

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Online Story Package – Use of text, photos, video, audio, graphics; working together to tell a
story; Types of Multimedia Content; Supporting Text; Story Pitch; Search Operators;
Database; Hyperlink; Rule of Thirds; Rendering; Authenticity; In-Depth Story


1. Alley, Michael. The Craft of Scientific Writing, third edition. New York: Springer, 2009.
ISBN: 0387947663 ISBN-13: 9780387947662
2. Alley, Michael. The Craft of Scientific Presentations, second edition. New York: Springer,
2013. ISBN: 1441982787 ISBN-13: 9781441982780




Introduction to Entrepreneurship Development: Definition of entrepreneurship-

emergence of entrepreneurial classes-theories of entrepreneurship-role of socio-economic
environment-characteristics of entrepreneur-leadership, risk taking, decision-making &
business planning.
Scope in tourism. Introduction to entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.

Opportunity analysis: External environmental analysis (economic, social & technological)-

competitive factors-legal requirements for establishment of a new unit related to tourism &
raising of funds-venture capital sources & documentation required.


Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Innovation and entrepreneur, entrepreneurial behaviour &

psychological theories.


Entrepreneurial Development Program (EDP): EDPs & their role, relevance and
achievements-role of Government in organizing EDPs-evolution of EDPs. Social
responsibility in business.


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Role of Entrepreneur:Role of an entrepreneur in economic growth as an innovator,

generation of employment opportunities, complementing economic growth, bringing about
social stability & balanced regional development of industries with emphasis on tourism,
foreign earnings etc.


Unit I- 4 lectures
Introduction to bio data, features of a bio data, types of bio data, importance of bio data,
specifications, preparation of bio data.

Unit II- 4 lectures

Group discussion: importance, participation, rules to be followed, listening skills, do’s and
don’ts Personal interview: Self introduction, expressing yourself, understanding the
interviewers’ need, do’s and don’ts

Unit III- 4 lectures

Grooming and hygiene: basic grooming ideas, self-check of grooming, healthy practices.

Unit IV- 6 lectures

Speech on a given topic (extempore speech); presentation Skills; public speaking.
Time Management; Organizational Skills; Stress management; Team Building Skills; Change

Unit V- 4 lectures
Table manners, telephone etiquettes, body language



Unit 1: Origin of Life:
Formation of life, Concept of Biogenesis and abiogenesis, Miller-Urey experiment, properties
of water, contribution of scientists to the journey of biology,Discovery of microscope and its
types. Theories of evolution, Contribution of Lamarck and Darwin.

Unit 2: Cell structure and function:

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure. Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell,
Plant and animal cell, Cell envelop, Cell organelles and their functions. Eukaryotic cycle
definition and its regulation, phases of cell cycle, Cell division and its significance, types of
cell division, Mitosis and meiosis, different stages of cell division.

Unit 3: Biodiversity and classification:

Classification living organisms, nomenclature system, Characteristics of different classes of
organisms, Three domains of life,
Unit 4: Macromolecules of life:
Carbohydrates and sugars, amino acids and proteins, enzymes, Lipids, Nucleic acid (both
DNA and RNA)

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Unit 5: Information flow in life:

Concept of gene and chromosome, Replication, Transcription, Translation, Methods of gene
transfer in prokaryotes like Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation, Operon concept,
Unit 6: Metabolic pathways in life:
Carbohydrate metabolism – glycolysis, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation. Amino acid
metabolism and urea cycle, Fatty acid metabolism – β oxidation of saturated and unsaturated
fatty acids, photosynthesis.


Unit 1: History of Development of Forensic Science in India:
Functions of forensic science. Historical aspects of forensic science. Definitions and concepts
in forensic science. Scope of forensic science. Need of forensic science. Basic principles of
forensic science. Frye case and Daubert standard.
Unit 2: Tools and Techniques in Forensic Science:
Branches of forensic science. Forensic science in international perspectives, including set up
of INTERPOL and FBI. Duties of forensic scientists. Data depiction. Report writing.
Unit 3: Organizational set up of Forensic Science Laboratories in India
Hierarchical set up of Central Forensic Science Laboratories, State Forensic Science
Laboratories, Government Examiners of Questioned Documents, Fingerprint Bureaus,
National Crime Records Bureau, Police & Detective Training Schools, Bureau of Police
Research & Development, Directorate of Forensic Science and Mobile Crime Laboratories.
Police Academies. Police dogs. Services of crime laboratories. Basic services and optional
Unit 4: Instrumentation:
Sample preparation for chromatographic and spectroscopic evidence. Chromatographic
methods. Fundamental principles and forensic applications of thin layer chromatography, gas
chromatography and liquid chromatography. Spectroscopic methods. Fundamental principles
and forensic applications of Ultravioletvisible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, atomic
absorption spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy. X-ray
spectrometry. Colorimetric analysis and Lambert-Beer law. Electrophoresis – fundamental
principles and forensic applications. Neutron activation analysis – fundamental principles and
forensic applications.

Unit 5: Basics of Criminology:

Definition, aims and scope. Theories of criminal behavior – classical, positivist, sociological.
Criminal anthropology. Criminal profiling. Understanding modus operandi. Investigative
strategy. Role of media.
Unit 6: Basics of Fingerprinting:
Introduction and history, with special reference to India. Biological basis of fingerprints.
Formation of ridges. Fundamental principles of fingerprinting. Types of fingerprints.
Fingerprint patterns. Fingerprint characters/minutiae. Plain and rolled fingerprints.

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Classification and cataloguing of fingerprint record. Automated Fingerprint Identification

System. Significance of poroscopy and edgeoscopy.
Unit 7: Biological Evidence:
Nature and importance of biological evidence. Significance of hair evidence. Transfer,
persistence and recovery of hair evidence. Structure of human hair. Comparison of hair
samples. Morphology and biochemistry of human hair. Comparison of human and animal
hair. Types and identification of microbial organisms of forensic significance. Identification
of wood, leaves, pollens and juices as botanical evidence. Diatoms and their forensic



Course Description
Using appropriate analytical frameworks, this course reviews major trends in economic
indicators and policy debates in India in the post-Independence period, with particular
emphasis on paradigm shifts and turning points. Given the rapid changes taking place in
India, the reading list will have to be updated annually.
Course Outline
Unit 1: Economic Development since Independence
Major features of the economy at independence; growth and development under different
policy regimes-goals, constraints, institutions and policy framework; an assessment of
performance-sustainability and regional contrasts; structural change, savings and investment.
Unit 2: Population and Human Development
Demographic trends and issues; education; health and malnutrition.
Unit 3; Growth and Distribution
Trends and policies in poverty; inequality and unemployment
Unit 4: Policies and Performance in Agriculture
Growth; productivity; agrarian structure and technology; capital formation; trade; pricing and
Unit 4: Policies and Performance in Industry
Growth; productivity; diversification; small scale industries; public sector; competition
policy; foreign investment.
Unit 6: Trends and Performance in Services

1. Kaushik Basu, 2009, ―China and India: Idiosyncratic Paths to High Growth,
Economic and Political Weekly, September.
2. Himanshu. 2011, ―Employment Trends in India: A Re-examination, Economic
and Political Weekly, September.
3. Rama Baru et al, 2010, ―Inequities in Access to Health Services in India: Caste,
Class and Region, Economic and Political Weekly, September.
4. Geeta G. Kingdon, 2007, ―The Progress of School Education in India, Oxford
Review of Economic Policy


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Unit 1: Meanings and nature of development – economic growth, redistribution from growth
and capabilities approach to development, Objectives of development, Measures of
development – Purchasing power parity and Per capita income as an index of development,
difference between growth and development, human development index, developing
economy – features, Introduction to concept of sustainable development,

Unit 2: Factors in economic development - Land: Ownership and tenancy system – fixed rent
contract and share cropping, role of agriculture in development, barriers to agricultural
development and land reforms, Labour – Population and Labor force growth, casual and long
term labor, permanent labor market, Capital: Role of capital accumulation in economic
development. Significance of capital-output ratio, role of technology and technological
progress, learning, human capital, Natural Capital & concept of investment.

Unit 3: Population and Development - Concepts of Population: definitions of fertility,

mortality, birthrates, death rates, fertility rate, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, youth
dependency ratio. Theory of demographic transition

Unit 4: Development strategies - Complementarity and Coordination, Poverty Trap of

Nurkse and Big Push theory of Rosenstein-Rodan , Linkages – backward and forward;
linkages, policy and big push,,
Choice of technology and choice of scale (large vs small) and criteria for investment, Gains
from trade, sustainable development strategies.

Unit 5: Development in a Labour surplus economy - The concept of economic dualism,

Disguised Unemployment, The Informal Sector, Rural-urban migration of labour – Harris-
Todaro model, development in natural resource rich contest

Unit 6:Development, Inequality and poverty - Meaning of inequality, inequality measures,

Lorenz Curve, Range, Coefficient of variation, Gini-coefficient, Kuznet’s Inverted U
hypothesis. Poverty, relative and absolute deprivation with respect to income, Poverty line,
Poverty measures – Head count ratio, Poverty gap ratio, Income gap ratio, Human Poverty
Index. Social dimensions of poverty – rural poverty, women and ethnic minorities and
indigenous populations


Development Economics Debraj Ray

Development Economics Hayami



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Unit 1: Basic concepts of Organic Chemistry

Fundamentals and Applications:
Basic Organic Chemistry Concepts: introduction to organic molecules and functional groups
understanding organic reactions, atomic orbitals, hybridization, orbital representation of
methane, ethane, ethyne and benzene.
Polarity of bonds: Inductive, resonance and steric effects hyper conjugation, and their
influence on acidity and basicity of organic compounds.
Green Chemistry introduction and principles.

Unit 2: Basic concepts of Physical Chemistry

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: Equilibrium, State Functions, Temperature, Equations of State.

First Law of Thermodynamics: Work, Heat, Internal Energy, Heat Capacity, Concept of Enthalpy.

Open thermodynamics.

Solutions: Molarity, Normality, Partial Molar Quantities, Ideal Solutions, Non Ideal Solutions,
Electrolytes, Ionic activity and the Debye Huckel Theory, Colligative properties.

Reaction Kinetics: Reaction Rates, Rate Laws, Application.

Unit 3: Basic concepts of Inorganic Chemistry

Atomic Structure &Study of matter:
Study of matter – its properties and behavior; Atomic Structure: Discovery of Electron by J J
Thomson, Bohr’s Theory, De Broglie Hypothesis, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.



Unit 1: Stereochemistry

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Introduction, Chirality,Concepts of Isomerism, Types of Isomerism: Structural and

(R) and (S) Nomenclature of asymmetric carbon atoms.
Optical Isomerism or Enantiomerism, Optical Activity.
Biological discrimination of enantiomers.
Racemic mixtures, Enantiomeric excess, Optical purity.
Fischer Projections and their use.
Diastereomers, stereochemistry of molecules with two or more asymmetric carbons.
Geometrical isomerism: cis–trans and, syn-anti isomerism and E/Z notations.
Unit 2 - Conformation
Cycloalkanes and Conformational Isomerism,
Conformational analysis of ethane and n-butane,
Conformation analysis of alkanes: Relative stability, Axial and Equatorial bonds.
Energy diagrams of cyclohexane: Chair, Boat and Twist boat forms; Relative stability with
energy diagrams.




Unit 1: Radiation from stars: spectral lines and their formation; stellar atmosphere.
Unit 2: Telescopes and other detectors.
Unit 3: Special relativity - Basic ideas.
Unit 4: Stellar parameters; Binary stars.
Unit 5: Main sequence stars and their structure; Nuclear processes in stars; End points of
stellar evolution; White dwarfs, Neutron stars and Black holes.
Unit 6: Interstellar medium and star formation.
Unit 7: Cluster of stars.
Unit 8: Galaxies.
Unit 9: Universe on large scale: an overview.
Unit 10: Cosmological moles for a homogeneous and isotropic universe.
Unit 11: Early Universe.

1. The Physical Universe: an introduction to Astronomy - Frank H. Shu
2. Cosmos - Carl Sagan

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3. Fundamental Astronomy - H. Karttunen et. al


Unit 1:What is Science?
Unit 2:Scientific Reasoning.
Unit 3:Explanation in Science.
Unit 4:Realism and Anti-realism.
Unit 5:Scientific change and Scientific evolution.
Unit 6:Philosophical problems in physics, biology and psychology.
Unit 7:Science and its critics.
Unit 8:Conclusions.

1. Science order and creativity -D. Bohm and D. Peat
2. Understanding Philosophy of Science - J. Ladyman
3. Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary introduction - A. Rosenberg


1) Organization- the concept.

2) Human behavior- concepts and practice.
3) Leadership and leadership styles.
4) Motivation- theory and practice.
5) Communication.
6) Individual and Group dynamics.
7) OB and decision making.
8) Presentation and case studies.

1) Concept of business strategy- reactive, preactive and proactive strategies.

2) McKinsey 7S framework.
3) Impact of environment in strategy formulation.
4) Mega, Micro and relevant environment.
5) The strategic management pyramid.
6) Swot analysis.
7) BCG growth share matrix.

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Course: SEC1 – Mentored Seminar I
Credit: 1 (1L-0T-0P)
In this course, every student has to prepare presentations during the first semester under the
guidance of any faculty of the department who will mentor the student’s work. The students
are taught how to prepare a presentation, how to deliver seminar and to make them
comfortable in answering the questions asked to them during the interactive session. At the
end of the semester, the student has to deliver a lecture on a specific topic.

Course: SEC2 – Mentored Seminar II

Credit: 1 (1L-0T-0P)
In this course, every student has to prepare presentations during the second semester under
the guidance of any faculty of the department who will mentor the student’s work. The
students are taught how to prepare a presentation, how to deliver seminar and to make them
comfortable in answering the questions asked to them during the interactive session. At the
end of the semester, the student has to deliver a lecture on a specific topic

Course: SEC3 – Mentored Seminar III

Credit: 1 (1L-0T-0P)
In this course, every student has to prepare presentations during the third semester under the
guidance of any faculty of the department who will mentor the student’s work. The students
are taught how to prepare a presentation, how to deliver seminar and to make them
comfortable in answering the questions asked to them during the interactive session. At the
end of the semester, the student has to deliver a lecture on a specific topic

Course: SEC4 – Mentored Seminar IV

Credit: 1 (1L-0T-0P)
In this course, every student has to prepare presentations during the fourth semester under the
guidance of any faculty of the department who will mentor the student’s work. The students
are taught how to prepare a presentation, how to deliver seminar and to make them

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comfortable in answering the questions asked to them during the interactive session. At the
end of the semester, the student has to deliver a lecture on a specific topic

Course: AECC1 – Communicative English
Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

Unit 1 - Functional grammar

Tenses: basic forms and use; sentence formation; common errors; parts of speech, direct and
reported speech structures and voices

Unit 2 - Letter Writing

Job application; business letter; editorial letter; email

Unit 3 - Essay Writing

Overall argument; consistent logic; main points; paragraphs; introduction & conclusion

Unit 4 - Report Writing

Manuscript; memo

Unit 5 - Precis Writing

Understanding main points; inculcating precision; reducing to basics

Unit 6 - Note Making

Unit 7 - Other Kinds of Texts

Notice; Circular; Agenda; Minutes

Unit 8 - Presentation Skills

Soft skills; relevance of content; knowledge and confidence

Unit 9 - Group Discussion

The basic structure of GD's; workshops to develop participation and team-work skills

Unit 10 - Role play

What is 'role play'? identifying and understanding one's role; workshops

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Unit 11 - Developing Interview Skills

The "Do's & Don'ts" of Interviews; verbal proficiency; personality development; mock-


Nilanjana Gupta - Communicate with Confidence (Anthem Press, 2011)

BarunMitra - Effective Technical Communication: Guide for Scientists and Engineers (OUP,

Course: AECC1 – Environmental Science

Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

Unit 1: Environment and its components:

Definition, Geographical distribution of environment, Environmental chemistry, Atmosphere
and its composition.

Unit 2: Forest resources:

Use and over exploitation, deforestation, timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on
forests, tribal people.

Unit 3: Water resources:

Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water,
dams- benefits and problems.

Unit 4: Food resources:

World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and over-grazing, effects of modern
agriculture, fertilizer and pesticides, water logging, salinity.

Unit 5: Energy resources:

Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy resources, use of alternative
energy sources.

Unit 6: Land resources:

Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.

Unit 7: Ecosystem, Biodiversity and its Conservation:

Concept of ecosystem, structure and function of ecosystem, Energy flow, Bio-geological
cycles, Introduction to biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity, ecological diversity,
Biogeographical classification of India, Biodiversity Hot-spots, conservation of biodiversity.
Unit 8: Environmental Pollution:
Definition, cause and effect of pollution, Control measures of pollution, Air pollution, Water
pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, Solid waste management, Disaster management,
role of the society to control pollution.

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Unit 9: Environmental issues, Laws and ethics:

Water conservation, climate change: cause and effect, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, hazardous material industries, Wasteland reclamation, Environment protection act,
Air (prevention and control of pollution) act, Water (prevention and control of pollution) act,
Wildlife protection act, Forest conservation act, issues involved in enforcement of
environment legislation, Public awareness.

Course: USC1 – Foreign Language –I (German)
Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

Lesson 1
Speech acts:
Greetings and farewells
1st, 2nd and 3rd person introduction.
Speaking about other persons
Numbers till 20
Exchanging telephone numbers and E-mail addresses.
How to spell a word?
Speaking about countries and languages.
Grammar: W-Questions and declarative sentences, personal pronouns- I.
Vocabulary: Numbers, countries and languages.

Lesson 2:
Speech acts:
Speaking about hobbies.
Weekdays and weekends.
Speaking about work, profession and working hours.
Numbers above 20
Making profiles on the internet
Grammar: Definitive articles, verbs and personal pronouns-II, yes/no questions, plurals, verbs
'haben’ and ‘sein’.
Vocabulary: Hobbies, Days of the week, numbers from 20, months of the year, seasons

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Lesson 3
Speech acts:
To name places and buildings
To ask questions about places
Picture stories
To enquire about things
Concept of international words
Grammar: Articles for nouns, definite articles, indefinite articles, negative articles, imperative
Vocabulary: Places and buildings, transportation, directions.

Course: USC1 – Foreign Language –I (Spanish)

Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

1. Introduction, Alphabets

2. Vocabulary (Relatives, Fruits, Flowers, Colours, Food, Dress, Days of Week, Month,
year etc.)
3. Numbers
4. Noun
5. Subject Pronoun
6. Indicative Mood
7. Verbs: - Regular
8. Verbs Irregular: - Ser, Estar, Tener, Haber, poder, poner etc.
9. Verbs Irregular: - Stem Changing (e to ie), (e to i), (o to ue)
10. Adjective: -Regular Comparative and Superlative
11. Reflexive Verb
12. Object Pronoun
13. Preposition
14. Demonstrative Adjective
15. Possesive Adjective
16. Possesive Pronoun
17. Por and Para
18. Past Tense: - Preterite
19. Audio
20. Conversation

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Course: USC1 – Foreign Language I (Japanese)

Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory:

a. Course Title: Japanese Language Course

b. Learning Objectives:
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the
satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal
details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is
prepared to help.

Text Books:
①Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative
language competences (Goyal Publisher & Distributer Pvt Ltd. New Delhi)
②Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative
language activities (Goyal Publisher & Distributer Pvt Ltd. New Delhi)
1. Japanese Script & Greetings
Hiragana (Japanese Native Script)
Katakana (Foreign Script)
Exchange greetings in Japanese

2. Japanese Vocabulary
Country Names, Languages, Occupations, Family, People, Numbers
Food, Drinks, Food for Lunch, Easting Places
Home, Furniture, Places to visit Near buy, Rooms, Things in the room
Daily routines, Time, Free-time activities, Places, Calendar

3. Basic Conversation & Grammar

4. Listening, Reading and Writing activities in Japanese
My Family
Favorite Food
My family's breakfast
My breakfast, My lunch
My home, My room
My daily life
My week's schedule

Course: USC2 – Foreign Language II (German)

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Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

Lesson 4:

Speech acts:Talk about food, planning a shopping, conversations during shipping,

conversations in a Restaurant, understanding texts with W-Questions.

Grammar: Positions in a sentence, sentence structure, ‘Akkusativ’ and 'Akkusativ'-verbs.

Vocabulary: meals, groceries, beverages, shops and businesses.

Lesson 5:

Speech acts:Understanding of time and to call, informations with date and time, talking
about family, planning an appointment, to apologise for delay, cancellation of an appointment
over the telephone.

Grammar: Informations with date and time with prepositions 'um’, 'am’, 'von’……. ‘bis’,
possessive articles, Modal verbs,

Vocabulary: Daily routine, time, family.

Lesson 6:

Speech acts:Planning something together, to speak about birthdays, to receive and send
invitations, talk about events, finding of particular informations in a text.

Grammar: separable verbs, preposition 'für’ for ‘Akkusativ’, personal pronouns, past tense
of 'haben’ and 'sein’.

Vocabularies: Hobbies, food, beverages, passion and events

Course: USC2 – Foreign Language II (Spanish)

Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

1. Gustar ,Encantar, Doler Verb

2. Some More irregular Verbs-Saber ,Conocer , querer, haceretc
3. Past Tense:-Preteriteindefinido
4. Audio
5. Conversation
6. Comprehension
7. Picture description
8. Letter Writing

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9. Paragraph Writing
10. Form Filling

Course: USC2 – Foreign Language II (Japanese)

Credit: 2 (2L-0T-0P)
Component: Theory

a. Course Title: Japanese Language Course

b. Learning Objectives:
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the
satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal
details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is
prepared to help.

d. Text Books:
①Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative
language competences (Goyal Publisher & Distributer Pvt Ltd. New Delhi)
②Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative
language activities (Goyal Publisher & Distributer Pvt Ltd. New Delhi)

1. Japanese Script
2. Japanese Vocabulary
Hobbies (sports, films, music, etc.), Places, Events, Calendar
Transport, Places in Town, Locations
Souvenirs, Counting Numbers, Clothes, Prices
Holiday activities
3. Conversation & Grammar
4. Listening, Reading and Writing activities in Japanese
My hobby
My town
My shopping last week
Clothes that I like
My Holiday trip
Experiences in Japan

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