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Aprilyani, Mahanal, Sulisetijono–Does Ricosre Learning Have The Potential.....

Available online at http://journal.um.ac.id/index.php/jps Jurnal Pendidikan Sains
ISSN: 2338-9117 (print)/2442-3904 (electronic) Volume 8, Number 1, March 2020, pp. 7–11

Does Ricosre Learning Have The Potential to Improve

Students’ Decision Making Ability?

Aprilyani, Susriyati Mahanal, Sulisetijono

Biology Education-Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang 5 Malang-65145, East Java, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The RICOSRE learning model can influence the decision making skills of class X students of two
high school. The research used was quasi-experimental with pretest and posttest non-equivalent control
group design. The research sample was students of two high school which are determined by random
sampling. Data collected in the form of pretest and posttest scores. It used Anakova technique to analyze the
data. The result confirmed that the RICOSRE learning model affected the decision making skills of class X
students with an increase of 63.69%.

Key Words: RICOSRE learning model; decision making skills

Abstrak: Model pembelajaran RICOSRE dapat berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan pengambilan keputusan
siswa kelas X di kedua SMA. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan pretest posttest non-
equivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian, yaitu siswa di kedua SMA yang ditentukan secara random
sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa skor pretest dan posttest. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Anakova
dan hasilnya yaitu model pembelajaran RICOSRE berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan pengambilan keputusan
siswa kelas X dengan peningkatan sebesar 63,69%.

Kata kunci: model pembelajaran RICOSRE; keterampilan pengambilan keputusan

INTRODUCTION decision-making skills are due to the fact that students

are only taught based on content thus students do not
he key to education systems around the world

T is skills of the 21st Century that can improve

the abilities and competitiveness of students
when faced with real-life challenges (Talat & Chaundry,
experience the opportunity to discuss and argue before
making decisions, lack of interaction between students.
In addition, students have less potential in scientific
decision making and the knowledge that students
2014). Skills of the 21st Century stress the capacity of
acquired is never applied in the decision-making process
students to express ideas and opinions in different ways
(Siribunnam, Nuangchalerm, & Jansawang, 2014). 
and contexts as an important part of scientific literacy
The RICOSRE Learning Model can be used as a
(Chung, Yoo, Kim, Lee, & Zeidler, 2016). Skills of the
solution to overcome the problems found and train
21st Century include all the skills a person requires to
students’ decision-making skills. This problem-based
meet challenges effectively in an increasingly complex
learning model is expected to improve decision-making
life (Redhana, 2019). Decision-making skills are gained
skills. The RICOSRE learning model was developed
by the awareness and reasoning of students in order to
by (Mahanal & Zubaidah, 2017) which consists of (1)
consider problems and are a learning technique (Freed
Reading, (2) Identifying the Problem, (3) Constructing the Solution,
& Wong, 2019). Thinking by using reasoning aims at
(4) Solving the Problem, (5) Reviewing the Problem Solving, and
obtaining proper choice or decision (Soenarko, An-
(6) Extending the Problem Solving. The RICOSRE learning
dayani, & Junaidi, 2018).
model has several advantages, one of which is to activate
The preliminary test results that were administered
students’ creative thinking skills through problem-
at Malang City’s state senior high schools suggest that
solving skills. The RICOSRE learning model can help
the decision-making skills of the students are still weak.
students to be actively involved in identifying problems,
In particular, the literacy capacity of students in Malang
solving problems and finding solutions to solve the
is still poor, including decision-making skills. The low
7 Article received 29/12/2019; Approved 6/2/2020
8 Jurnal Pendidikan Sains – Volume 8, Number 1, March 2020, pp. 7–11

This research was a quasi-experimental study with The results showed the potential of the RICOSRE
a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The inde- learning model in influencing and improving students’
pendent variable was a learning model (RICOSRE),  decision-making skills due to the syntax in the learning
while the dependent variable was the student’s deci- model which will be described as follows. First, there
sion-making skills. The sample used was students in are several syntaxes in the RICOSRE learning model
three classes at SMAN 1 and SMAN 7 Malang with a which is able to facilitate students in enriching activities
total of 187 students who were selected using random and gathering information, such as reading, identifying
sampling after going through the equivalence test. The problems, extension problem solving, and reviewing problem solving.
research was conducted in the odd semester of the Student decision-making during RICOSRE
2019/2020 school year. A pretest and posttest were also learning is higher compared to conventional learning
administered as data collection instrument. The data obtained and it cannot be separated from the characteristics of
were first tested using the prerequisite test and it was RICOSRE learning. Reading activities, identifying
followed by a hypothesis test carried out using the problems, and forming solutions in the RICOSRE
Anacova test. syntax are activities that empower higher-order thinking
skills. Increasing students’ decision-making skills is
indicated by an increase in activities that can spur activities
RESULTS to make choices through the stage of reading. Reading
The summary of Anacova test for hypothesis test- is an activity that can be used to obtain information
ing about students’ decision-making skills is presented and can empower higher-order thinking skills and create
in Table 1. a person’s mindset (Zubaidah, 2014). Higher-order
The summary of the results of the hypothesis test thinking skills in reading are carried out by making
of the student’s decision-making skills (Table 2) shows connections with interrelated elements in the reading
that F counts 20,835 and 0,000 < 0.05. Based on the text, carrying out correct thought processes and conclud-
results of the analysis, students’ decision-making skills ing the reading logically (El-Koumy, 2006). Choosing
are influenced by the learning model. The decision the type of information to read includes making deci-
making skills of students in the positive control class sions for yourself (Mañá, Vidal-Abarca, & Salmerón,
and the negative control class differed significantly from 2017).
the experimental class with a corrected average differ- Identifying problems is a process of training students
ence of 55.00 (50%) for the experimental class, 37.00 to identify problems in reading. Problem identification
(%) for the positive control class and 18.00 (%) for the is a problem-solving process by considering various
negative control class which confirm the RICOSRE conditions around (Abazov, 2016). Problem solving is
learning model affect students’ decision-making skills. an activity of thinking and analyzing to find answers to

Table 1. The Summary of ANACOVA Test on Students’ Decision-Making Skills

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 9611.293 9 1067.921 30.63 0.000
Intercept 4273.641 1 4273.641 122.58 0.000
Pre_PK 6461.663 1 6461.663 185.34 0.000
Model 1452.823 2 726.411 20.835 0.000
Error 6171.06 177 34.865
Total 856700 187
Corrected Total 15782.352 186

Table 2. The Summary of ANACOVA Test about The Influence of Learning Model on Students’
Decision-Making Skills
Class Pretest Posttest Margin Increase PKCorr Notation
Conventional 32.63 68.19 35.55 108.94% 68.19 a
RICOSRE 27.86 70.56 42.69 153.23% 70.56 b
Guided Inquiry 32.25 74.24 41.98 130.14% 74.24 c
Aprilyani, Mahanal, Sulisetijono–Does Ricosre Learning Have The Potential.....9

a problem (Fema, 2005). Problem solving done by stu- making wrong decisions will have a negative impact
dents is able to find the solution criteria needed to solve (Kaşkaya & Calp, 2017). Most of the students stated
a problem (Mahanal & Zubaidah, 2017). The activity that the things that determine the decision-making pro-
of identifying problems provides a contribution to em- cess are attitudes, values, ethics, knowledge and per-
power indicators to identify choices in decision-making sonal experiences (Eş & Öztürk, 2019). The stages of
skills. decision-making are finding problems to solving prob-
The third stage of the RICOSRE syntax is con- lems using the best problem solving. Small mistakes in
structing solution. It is the stage for solving the problems solving a problem or making decisions can have a neg-
that they found. Constructing the solution determines ative impact on a process and can even lead to new
a strategy to form a solution that will be used to solve problems (Hapsari, 2016). In determining the right
a problem (Posamentier & Krulik, 2009). The solutions choice, there are usually two or more alternative choic-
developed or found can be obtained through the brain- es based on information and experience and at the end
storming which is a process to produce as many solutions of the process it is expected to find an appropriate,
as possible (Montesinos, 2010). The activity of building quality and reasonable solution (Vrchota & Švárová,
solutions contributes to empower indicators to find 2015).
relevant information on decision-making skills. Decision-making needs to pay attention to student
The fourth stage of the RICOSRE syntax is Solving characteristics that lead to the development of students’
the Problem. Problem-solving is a process of finding re- thinking skills towards problematic material and further
lationships between previous experiences that have been leads students to think critically in seeing the phenomena
obtained from the reading process and then given that occur in the surrounding environment to then
solutions to solve pre-existing problems (Olatide, 2015). decide something to solve the problem (Badarudin,
The information that students have should be used to 2017). Someone who thinks scientifically to make a
solve problems in problem-solving activities. The stage decision first applies it with action (Rofiq, 2016). When
of problem-solving trains students to synthesize informa- students make decisions, they must pay attention to
tion from various sources using information-seeking several perspectives from different points of view
strategies using effective keywords to find solutions to where the interaction between these points of view
problems (Greenstein, 2012). Students are expected to will affect all decisions that have been taken (Halverson,
be able to think deeply to identify information that will Siegel, & Freyermuth, 2009). Decision-making is
be used to solve problems. This activity contributes to determined as a student guide in considering a problem
empowering the indicators to determine the choice of from various perspectives (Lee & Grace, 2010). Every
decision-making skills. individual has different knowledge or opinions to make
The fifth stage of the RICOSRE syntax is Review- decisions (Carnevale, Inbar, & Lerner, 2011). Discussions
ing the Problem Solution. Previously several solutions have can be obtained of high quality decision making where
been selected to solve the problem, but at this stage, the guidelines for decision-making frameworks are very
the best solution will be chosen to solve the problem. useful for students because they can guide students in
The solution chosen is reviewed for its advantages and discussions and do not miss the topic of discussion
disadvantages before use. The sixth stage of the (Grace, 2009). To generate an adaptive solution should
RICOSRE syntax is Extending the Problem Solving. At this present the choices to other people and ask for support
stage, the previously selected solution is used to solve a (Memorandum & Soresi, 2004).
similar problem. This means that students expand the
problem or look for similar problems and then solve
it with the solution they have chosen. CONCLUSION
Decision making is a series of activities that in- RICOSRE learning model is potential in influenc-
volve the purpose of the decision to be taken, devel- ing and improving the decision-making skills of the
oping and evaluating the effectiveness of the various tenth graders of senior high in Malang. The future re-
alternatives available, selecting and implementing alter- search could test the consistency of RICOSRE’s po-
native choices and ultimately monitoring the results of tential in its influence on students’ decision-making skills
implementation to ensure that the decision objectives and its interactions with the dependent variable and
are achieved (Sola, 2019). Decision-making is a very other independent variables that influence the learning
important skill in life because making the right deci- process in the classroom.
sions will lead to positive changes in a person’s life while
10 Jurnal Pendidikan Sains – Volume 8, Number 1, March 2020, pp. 7–11

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