3ms Sequence 2 2022

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3ms Sequence two

ME and lifestyles

by djamel djamel
Pre- requisites
Prerequisites are mentioned. No need to re-teach them unless there is a need

* Past simple tense - *Pronunciation of the final ‘ed’

Communicative tasks
Diary/ journal - Survey - Posters - Charters - Formal letters - Newspaper article

I pronounce (the final ‘ed’ pronunciation)

Pronunciation should be taught implicitly, in an integrated way
and not through isolated sessions.
Pronunciation should be integrated into your day-to-day
classroom work.
Pronunciation should be taught from the very beginning
and during the different parts of the sequence.
Pronunciation should be assessed continuously and
each time the learners meet the target sound.
The tasks should be simple and graded like :
Listen and repeat
Listen /read and pick out the intruder (different sound)
Listen/ read and classify
Review and Reinforce
Objective ; : By the end of this review ,my pupils will be able to report and talk about what they or other
people did appropriately using a correct pronunciation of the ending ‘ed’.
Language Exponent: simple past (the three forms)
Teacher asks his PPs to think of what they did last weekend and do the following tasks.
Task one : List four things you did last weekend;
I helped my father.
I went to the mosque.
I visited my family.
I played a football match
The teacher reminds his PPs of the difference between present and past by writing an example on the board such as, I
finish, I finished , go and went and the difference between regular and irregular verbs.
Task two : Put the following verbs into the past simple (the teacher focusses on the regular verbs) :
To finish finished
To greet greeted
To watch watched

Task two : list three things you didn’t do last weekend .

I didn’t go to the stadium
I didn’t visit my grand grandfather.
I didn’t play video games.
The teacher discusses with his learners the rules of how to use the negative form of past simple.

 The teacher draws the learners attention to how the final “ed” is pronounced.
 The teacher explains briefly the rules of the correct pronunciation of the final ed

/t/ /d/ /Id/

 /p/ – hoped All vowels : married /t/ invited
 /k/ –liked All the remaining /d/ ended
 /f/ – laughed, consonants
 /θ/ – bathed,
 /s/ – danced, placed,
kissed, missed, faxed
 /∫/ – finished,
 /t∫/ – watched

Task three: Ask your partner about possible things she he did yesterday and report to the rest of the class.
Did you watch TV, yesterday?
Did you revise your lessons?
Did you help your father?
Yesterday, my partner watched TV and revised his lessons but he didn’t help his father.
The rest of the class are invited to listen for any possible mistakes (the pronunciation of the final ‘ed ‘should be
assessed ,too).
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson: 1 Framework: PPU
Language focus : language use.

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to talk and ask questions past events ,
memories and experiences or things which no longer exist in the present using the semi model verb used to
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce. /textbooks
Target structure: - used to ( the three
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel:  Valuing the past to build better future

learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal
 Meth: He can develop effective study methods,
mobilise his resources efficiently and manage his time
 Com:
he can work in pairs or in groups
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up Teacher greets his learners and shows them a

picture of a famous retired sports man Eg: T/L to pave the way Pictures
Maradona , Belloumi or any other sports man for the of
then asks some questions : presentation famous V
-Who is this ? sports A
-What did he use to be ? men
-Does he still play …?
T asks his pps to work in small groups, read the T/L
following dialogue and put it in the correct
order(number one is done):
Presentation Journalist : what sports did you use to do when
you were a child? To introduce the
Karim : I used to play it everyday. target structure W board
Journalist : when did you use to play football ? in context
Karim : I used to play football T/L V/A
Journalist : do you play football now,
Karim : No , I don’t.
The teacher invites his learners to read the
dialogue and sort out sentences which talk about
something happened in the past .
The supposed answer: L
I used to play football .
I used to play it every day.
The teacher devotes time to present the rules
focussing on the right pronunciation of used to
T tells his pps that they can use the semi model
verb used + verb to talk about repeated actions
or activities which happened in the past but are Highlighting rules V/A
no longer true in the present
Example : I used to play football
The teacher presents the rule (The form and the
meaning): T
1)Interrogative form : To familiarize the
learners with the V/A
Did you use to help your mother?
target structure
Did + S+ use + to + verb + the rest of the focusing on the
sentence right W board
2)Negative answer : pronunciation
a) Short answer: No , I didn’t.
b) long answer : No, I didn’t use to help her .
3) affirmative answer :
a) short form : yes ,I did.
Practice : b) long form :yes ,I used to help her .
Task 1 : I order the words to get meaningful
1- use to/ you/Did/?/ watch /cartoon
…………………………………………. Check and
2- Karima/ in a farmhouse / used to/ live/. reinforce
3- play / They/ use to / electronic
games/didn’t/./ Wboard

Task 2 : I complete with :used to – use to –

didn’t use to
A)Where did you _______ to play?
b)I.............................................play outside.
I …………. play at home because we used to
live in a small house . wboard
T invites his learners to work in pairs and check To encourage the
the answers of each other and correct them. peer assessment
Task : 3 I remember when I was at the primary T/L
school and answer my partner’s questions.
a) Which primary school did you use to
b) Who used to be your teacher of T/L
Use : Arabic?...................................... The L reinvests V/A
c) What about your teacher of French? What he learnt to
…………………………….. answer an
d) Did you use to eat at the canteen? interview about
…………………………… his memories
e) Did you use to go on foot? L/L
f) Who used to be your best friend?
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson 2: I listen and do 1 Framework: PDP
Language focus : language

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to talk about his grandparents old days
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce. audio scripts/textbooks
Target structure: - simple past /
/question words / lexis related to table
Adverbs of frequency: always , never
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel:  Valuing the past to build better future

learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal  Raising teenagers awareness of the elderly as a source of
for the transmission of historical and cultural heritage
 Meth: He can use his listening strategies.
 Com: He can use a role play to communicate
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up The teacher shows his learners a picture of a Brainstorm ideas

farmhouse in the past and starts a discussion T/L about Life in the Flash
about it and its different rooms . past Cards
When do you think the photo was taken ? V
Why do you think so? To elicit A
What do you see ?
information and
Can you name the different rooms inside this
farmhouse ? introduce a new
Then ,T shows his learners the second picture Topical lexis
which talks about women’s chores in the past
and their ways of wearing and asks some Flash
questions about that : cards
What do you see ? T/L
What are they doing ?
What is the grandmother wearing ?


Afterthat , T shows them a picture of a family

gathered around the table to eat , then asks
some questions :
How many ….? Is it a big family ? Who is serving
them ?
How are the children behaving ?......? T/L
T talks about some table manners then.
Are there Pizza and hamburgers on the table?
Did they use microwaves to cook their food?


Pre listening T invites his learners to work in pairs and list

other chores women used to do?

The 1st listening :

Jenny, a fourteen-year-old English girl is filming Au
While her grandmother Elizabeth and interviewing her Student
listening for a school project about the old days Text
due on “Grandparents Day” book
T invites his learners to listen to the interview
part 1 and write true or false (task 1 page 48) T/L
The 2nd listening : To listen and
T invites his learners to listen again to the Identify the
interview part 1 and correct the wrong statement wrong /the right
then work in pairs to correct the answers of each information W
other. board
The 3rd listening : To involve every
T invites his learners to listen to the interview one and
part 2 and number each bubble in the order (task encourage the
7page 49). peer correction V/A/
The 4th listening : K
T invites his learners to listen again to the T/L To listen and
interview part 2 to check their answers then order an Student
work in pairs to correct the answers of each interview text
other. The L reinvests book
What he learnt to
Post T invites his learners to do task 5 page 49 . answer an
listening and act out this interview . interview about
L/L his grandparents
old days
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson3: I listen and do 2 Framework: PDP
Language focus : language

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to ask and talk about clothing related to
past and present daily and special wear and school uniform (teenage and traditional lifestyles)
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce. audio scripts/textbooks
Target structure: - /simple present /
simple past /used
Adverbs of frequency: always , never …..
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel:  Valuing the past to build better future

learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal  Raising teenagers awareness of the elderly as a source of
for the transmission of historical and cultural heritage
 Meth: He can use listening strategies.
 Com: He can use a role play to communicate
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt
After greeting his students, T starts describing To review
what he is wearing by saying :Example ‘’ today , clothes
I’m wearing a white shirt , blue jeans and black T/L vocabulary
Warm up shoes ‘’ . Then asks:
Who is wearing a shirt ,too ? V
Who is wearing jeans ,too ? A
Ca n you describe what are you wearing ? to pave the way
What is your favorite type of clothing?
(T talks about casual and formal clothes)
what do you wear on special occasions (wedding
,anniversaries ….etc ? Flash
T/L to introduce the cards
Pre listening Using flash cards the teacher presents some keys words which V/A
English clothing items related to past : may hamper the
clogs ,beret , cap , shawl learner

While T invites his learners to listen to part 3 of the

Listening interview between Jenny and her grandmother
and tick the boxes next to the item s of clothing to listen and tick W
that correspond to each person (Task 9 page 50) the right box Board/
T/L Text A/V
T invites his learners to listen to part 5 of the book
interview between jenny and her grand mother
and tick the boxes next to the school wear items
that correspond to each person (Task 18 page 53) T/
T invites his learners to listen to part 5 interview
and do Task 20 page 53 To listen and
match each word
Pps listen to part 5 an other time and fill in the with its
gaps with the names of the school wears (Task corresponding
22page 54) picture
To reinvest what Wboard
Use Task 24 page 54 : I answer my partner questions he learnt to /
about boys and girls wear then change the roles . conduct an Text /AV/
T invites his learners to act it out L/L interview about book K/
Clothing then
and now
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson 4: I listen and do 3 Framework: PDP
Language focus : language
learning/use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to ask and talk about past and present
children games using the semi model used to .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board/
interpret – produce. audio scripts/textbooks
Target structure: - simple past /used to
Adverbs of frequency: always , never ..
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel:  Valuing the past to build better future for the one’s community.
learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal Raising teenagers awareness about the importance of
messages. past games to preserve the national heritage
 Meth: He can use listening strategies.
 Com: He can use a role play to communicate
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt
After greeting his students the teacher asks them
Warm up about which games they used to play when they
were younger. To brainstorm W board
*The pps may answer in their 1st language T/L ideas about
because they don’t know how to call these games children games Au
in English .So , the teacher should help them .

Prelistening The teacher invites his learners to work in pairs Flash

and classify the following games (the teacher can cards
use flash cards and gestures to explain these
games) : To introduce the
Hide and seek , video games -hopscotch , Ragdoll key words which A/V
, skipping rope T/L may hamper
traditional Modern The learner
children children understanding W
games games Board

L Listens and
circles the word A/V
W listening Pps listen to part 4 of the interview between which he hears
Jenny and her grandmother and do Task 12 page T/L
51. Reinforce
Ls listen again and work in pairs to correct the co learning Text
answers of each other book/
T asks his pps to do Task 14 page 51 L/L L reinvests what W
T asks his students to do task 15 page 52 I he learnt to Board A/V
answer my partner’s questions about my answer an
childhood . T/L interview about /AV/
After listening Task 28 page : the pps work together to complete L/L his childhood K
the interview card about “Grand ma childhood” games
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson: 5 Framework: PPU
Language focus : language use.

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to ask and talk about actions/activities
and events that happened in a specific period in the past using simple past tense with ago.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ /textbooks
interpret – produce.
Target structure: - simple past (all
forms) , ago , how long ago………..?

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel:  Valuing the past to build better future for the one’s community.
learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal
 Meth: He can work I pairs or in small groups
 Com: He can use a role play to communicate
appropriately./ he can conduct an interview
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral /written
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

After greeting his student the teacher asks some

Warm up questions :
Did you remember your first day at primary T/L Brainstorm ideas
school? About the past to W V
How old were you at that time pave the way Board A
Did you put on new clothes?
Did you enjoy it?
What subjects did you remember studying?

Presentation The teacher invites his learners to work in pairs To elicit the
read the bubble and do the following Task : T/L target structure
a) I read and sort out a time marker. L/L W V/A
b) I read and sort out 4 verbs Board
c) I find in which tense these verbs are.
d)I give their infinitive.

I went to elementary school the year

WWII ended, seventy years ago. I was
about 6 at the time. I put on my new
school uniform , a nice black gymslip and
a white blouse with a nice big collar.

T. highlights the rule of the past simple tense To highlight rules

with to be, to have ,regular verbs and irregular
ones , with all forms ( affirmative , negative and Student V/A
interrogative forms) and how to use and ask To familiarize the book
questions with the time marker ago ( see my Ls with the tarhet and
grammar tools page 63) T/L structure w
Practice Task 1 : I order the words to get meaningful
sentences .
1) My father / ten years ago , / a car/ Check and
bought. reinforce
2) I / a white shirt/ put on / blue jeans/and/.
3) was/ There / in /the kitchen/ a burning
stove/. V
4) didn’t/ Ahmed /enjoy / some
subjects/primary school/at . Student
Task 2 (Tasks 1 and 2 page 66)
L reinvests what V/A
Use Childhood memory test ( Do you have good he learnt to
memory?) T/L answer an
 Did you have a happy childhood? interview about
 What did you like to do when you were a his past / V/A/
child? memories using K
 What did you look like? the past tense
 Where were you born? L/L
 When were you born? Wboard
 Did you have your own room ?
 Which food did you like best
 How old were you when you learned to ride
a bicycle?
 Did you remember your first day at primary
school ?
 what did you wear that day?
 How long ago did you leave your primary

1) I Write the past simple of these verbs.

1. copy __________

2. revise __________

3. cycle __________

4. listen __________

5. practice __________

6. play __________

7. like __________

8. move __________

2) Write the questions in the correct order.

Example :

night? / meet / Did / you / them / last /

Did you meet them last night?

1. film? / like / you / Did / the /


2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people /


3. a / have / time? / they / Did / good /


4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at /


5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy /


6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / Did / to /

_3)Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:

break -swim –have- make -sit -write- spend- buy –

drink- lose -wash

1. She ………………….. a cake an hour ago.

2. She ………………….. a hat last week.

3. The boy ………………….. a letter yesterday.

4. They ……………………. in the sea for an hour.

5. They ………………….. a lot of Coke last night.

6. She ………………… her arm last week.

7. He ……………………. all his money last week.

8. She …………………… a bath two minutes ago.

9. He ……………………. his wallet last night.

10. She ………………….. on the old chair a minute ago.

11. She ………………….. the clothes yesterday.

4) Fill in the blanks with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in brackets:

Last Saturday my father …. took…. (take) my friends and me to the circus. We ………(see)

lots of things. My father …………………. (buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. We

……………………. (eat) the popcorn and ………………………… (drink) the orange juice.

We …………………….. (laugh) at the funny clowns. There …………………. (be) a lion-tamer.

The lions …………………… (do) tricks; they ………………………… (jump) through hoops.

A girl ………………………. (ride) an elephant around the ring. We all ………………… (have)

a wonderful time.

5) Write what Jean DID or DIDN’T do yesterday:

go shopping ( - ) ………… Jean didn’t go shopping yesterday. …………….

clean the house ( + ) ………………………………………………………………

feed the cat ( + ) .………………………………………………………………

telephone Mary ( - ) ………………………………………………………………

watch a film on TV ( - ) ………………………………………………………………

visit her grandparents ( + ) ………………………………………………………………

take them a cake ( + ) ………………………………………………………………

Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson: 6 Framework: PPU
Language focus : language use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to say and ask questions about how often
actions/activities and events are repeated using adverbs of frequency.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ /textbooks
interpret – produce.
Target structure: - adverbs of

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Being polite .
 Intel:  Being positive
learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal
 Meth: He can work I pairs or in small groups
 Com: He can use a role play to communicate
appropriately./ he can conduct an interview
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral /written
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Lead in The teacher writes on the board the following

sentence : T/L Brainstorm ideas W
I always brush my teeth three times a day. about daily Board V
Do you brush your teeth ? routine A
How often do you brush your teeth ?
The teacher asks about other daily routines
Presentation The teacher invites his learners to listen to the
following dialogue between Salima and Karima
and answer with true and false .
Salima : Do you share chores in your family ? To introduce the
Karima : Yes , We do . I always make my bed , Target structure
wash dishes and clean the rooms.
Salima : How often do you tidy the rooms?
Karima : I usually tidy only my room.
Salima : What about your brother Hamid?
Karima : He sometimes washes my father’s car W
but he never takes out the garbage. Board

Karima sometimes makes her bed. T/L V/A

Karima usually tidies her room.
Hamid always washes his father’s car.
Hamid never takes out the garbage .

T : sometimes , usually , always , never are called

adverbs of time .
The teacher highlights the rules : (see my Highlight rules
grammar tools page 64 / 65) Text

Practice Task 1 : I Put the words in the correct order. Check and
reinforce W
- have dinner sometimes pizza for We L/L Board
- never I to talk strangers V/A
- TV rarely English They watch in Encourage
Task 2 : T invites his learners to check the
answers of each other and correct them. L reinvest what
Task 3 task 10 page 70 T/L he learnt to Text
conduct an books
Use Task 4 ; I write true personal answers to my Interview about V/A
partner’s questions .(the pps can add more L/L how often his
questions) actions/activitie
s and events
are repeated
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson: Language focus : Framework: PPU
language learning.

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to : a)Describe some clothes and
costumes, the material they are made of and the place where they made , b) Describe traditional dishes and the
ingredients which they are made with..
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/
interpret – produce. /textbooks/flash cards
Target structure: made of / made in/
made with .

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel:  Valuing the past to build better future for the one’s community.
learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal  Being proud of traditional and ancestral clothing and dishes
 Meth: He can work in pairs or in small groups
He uses ICT
 Com: he can use information and communication
technology such as blogs , websites page , discussion
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral /written
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up The teacher draws two graphic organizers and

invites his learners to work in small groups to fill to brainstorm Graphic
it . ideas about Organiz V
traditional ers A

Traditional dishes

Traditional clothes

The teacher pins on the board a picture of a
traditional clothing then invites his learners to
focus on the information (label) and answer the
questions : To elicit the Flash
Example : Target structure cards
and introduce a
new topical lexis V/A

Item : burnous
Colour : white
Made of Wool
Made in Djelfa
Weight :2.5 kg
Price :9000 dinars

What is it ?
What colour is it ?
Is it made of cotton?
What is it made of ?
Is it made in Algeria ?
Where is it made ?
How much is it ?

Note : the teacher should devote time to

highlight rules :
To highlight rules
To talk about the material ( plastic ,glass, iron ,
silk , wool ,cotton ,gold, wood ……etc)something
is formed I use : “made + of + the name of
material “ Example :
Bottles are usually made of plastic or glass .
To ask about material I can say :
What is it made of ?
- To talk about the place ( city , country ..) Where
an item is manufactured ( produced / made )
to ask about material I can say :
I use : “made + in + the name of the place “
Example : This jacket is made in France
To ask about the place where something is made
I can say : Where is it made ?
-To talk about food ingredients I use made with
instead of made of
Example :The soup is made with vegetable and
Task 1 : I work with my partner and match the
1)This handbag is made a) with fresh fruit
To check and
2)Our yoghurt is made b) of gold
reinforce W V
3)These jeans were made c) of crocodile skin
4) this ring is made d) made in Turkey

Task 2 :Task 8 page 69 Consolidate Text

Task 3 : Task 13 page71 books V/A

Task 14 page 72

T invites his learners to work in groups to make a
poster where he describes a traditional dish or a Make a poster to
costume which are famous and popular in this save traditional
region . clothes , V/A/
Example 1: This dish is called ………………………….. costumes and K/T
It is made with ………………………… it is very well dishes
known in my region .
Example 2 : x is a traditional costume . it is
made of ……………………….it is very famous in my
region .

 the posters will be published on the internet

( social network pages : blogs , websites page
, discussion forums )
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson: I read and do 1 Framework: PDP
Language focus : language

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to read a text about Setif in the past and
gather information.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/
interpret – produce. /textbooks/video about the history
Target structure: simple past – used to of Algeria
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel: He can understand and interpret non-verbal Valuing the past to build better future for the one’s community.
 Meth: He can work in pairs or in small groups. Valuing and sharing national cultural diversity with its
He can evaluate his peer. regional cultural differences.
 Com : he can develop effective reading strategies Valuing travelling as a source for knowledge and
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral /written learning

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up The teacher invites his learners to watch the To motivate and
following video(1.55 m): pave the way Video
www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpevE_XxwM8 about the T/L strip
history of Algeria and start a discussion about V
people and civilisations who came to Algeria and A
left their mark . (pps complete the time line by
choosing one of the following words)
(French - Roman – Turkish)

42 BC 1518 1830 today
…………. …………… ……

Pre read The teacher writes 5 or 6 words from the text on

the board and asks his students to work in To introduce the
groups and guess the topic. ( pps can use their key
dictionaries ): w/board
Example : journey ,Setif , museum , statue ,
market , pretty gardens , boulevards T/L course
book V/A
While T invites his pps to read text 1 page 73 and
read check whether or not their predictions and
guesses are confirmed .
Teacher invites the learners to read text 1 page T/L To read and fill in
73 and fill in the bibliographical notes(task 1 page a bibliographical
73) notes
T asks his pps to work with their partners to L/L
check their answers and correct each other. To read and
interpret a text in
T invites his learners to read the text again and terms of lexis and
answer the questions ( task 2 page 73) T/L comprehension
T asks his pps to work with their partners to L/L
check their answers and correct each other.
Task 3 :
I find in the text words that are closest in
meaning to the following:
Trip =…………..
Also known as =………………….

I find in the text words that are opposite in

meaning to the following:
many ≠………………………….
To recall and
After the students have read the text, T asks L/L identify the main
Post read them to work in small groups to brainstorm as information in
many facts about Setif as they can in a limited the text
time. The group that can recall the most is the
Level : MS3 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME and lifestyles Lesson: I read and do 2 Framework: PDP
Language focus : language

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to read a text and gather information
about Constantine in the past .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/
interpret – produce. /textbooks/pictures
Target structure: simple past / made of
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel: He can understand and interpret non-verbal Valuing the past to build better future for the one’s community.
 Meth: He can work in pairs or in small groups. Valuing and sharing national cultural diversity with its
He can evaluate his peer. regional cultural differences.
 Com : he can develop effective reading strategies Valuing travelling as a source for knowledge and
 Per and soc: He can socialize through oral /written learning

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up After greeting his pps the teacher pins three or To brainstorm
four pictures of some Algerian towns or districts T/L ideas about life in
taken in the past ( example : Casbah , cities in the past Pictures
Constantine , Ghardaia) and invites the learners V/A
to answer the following questions :
Do you know these cities (or districts) To introduce the
Were the streets large or narrow? key words
What clothes did women/men use to wear ,then?
Can you name some handicrafts people used to
do at that period of time ?

Pre read The teacher writes on the board the word

“Constantine” and invites his learners to pool To prepare the Ls
what they know about this city and share their for the reading W
knowledge in the target language or L1 and the T/L phase Board V/A
teacher helps them to find the right word in
While read
The teacher invites his learners to read text 2
page 74 and fill in the bibliographical notes(Task To read and fill in
4 page 74) Bibliographical
Teacher invites his learners to read the following notes
statements and write “True”, “False”, or “Not
mentioned” : T/L
1) Constantine is devided into two towns. Course
2) The streets in Constantine are very large? book
3) Burnouses and Haiks are very cheap V/a
T asks his learners to work with their partners to To interpret and W
check their answers and correct each other. develop Board
T asks his learners to read the text again and reading skills
answer the questions (task5 page ). T/L strategies
T pins seven or eight pictures. Some of these book
After read should relate to the topic of the text the students
have read. T asks his pps to make small groups L uses the text as
and work together to decide which pictures best T/L a support to V/A/
associate with the reading. T encourages them to L/L interpret pictures W K
provide reasons for a picture being associated or Talking about board
not. After they have finished doing this, each how cities and
group can take it in turns presenting their ideas. life used to be in
the past .

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