2Ms Seq 02 Direction Lesson Plan Sample by Teacher Toula Batoul 2017 2018 1

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time object Procedure inte comp vakt

Ask for and give directions

Warmin Warm up: T welcomes learners and asks t/l Inter
g them to correct the home work after r Visu
And checking if they did it learners correct then Board
Reviewi copy it on their copybook
ng Now teacher invites learners to write the
Presentation : T deals with the following t/l
Present Lynda ‘s small brother wants to r
ing go to the supermarket alone to buy Visual
The some sweets and cake. He asks you to Board
situ show himthe way to the supermarket.
Let’s help Sam to get to the t/l
supermarket and the bakery

Now teacher invites learners to look at the F.C
Present flash cards and take notes. Here learners
The are going to arouse their vocabulary about L Inter
new e directions. p Visu
lexis Now teacher invites learners to watch the Video
following video and then answer the
Task one : watch then answer the following L
New lge questions
forms 1- Is the cafeteria next to the school? Inter
No, it isn’t p Visu
2- Could you show me the way to the Board
rest room?
Go straight and turn left, it is on
your right t/l
3- Is the science museum at the right Inter
of the bank? r Visua
Yes, it is. Board
Learners watch and do on their exercise t
T sets a time limit, walks around and Inter
Stating checks. ls correct on the board r
The T writes on the board
rules Could you show me the way to…..?
What does this question ask about?
Ls react T: it asks about the directions

Now teacher draws the following table Inter
Ask for directions Give direction
1- Could/can 1- Yes , it is L
you show me over there
the way to 2- Yes sure, go
….? straight Visua
2- Can/could ahead….. board
you tell me 3- Go along
where is……? this road, it
3- Can/could is opposite
Use and you tell me to/ it is l/l
manipul how do I next to /it
ate get to …….? is behind to
T asks learners to give example
Eg: could you show the way to the 2Ms7
Yes sure, go straight ahead, it is over there. Prod
Learners work in pairs orally giving their
Practice :
T invites learners to write the following
Task : Look at the map. Sam is the child
riding the bike. Write directions to help him
get to the supermarket and the bakery
Library / sport centre / supermarket /
How do you get to the library?................
How do you get to the sport centre?
How do you get to the supermarket?
How do you get to the bakery?
T sets a time limit walks around and checks
learners correct on the board then copy it
on their copybooks.


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