Section 2 Section 2
i i
Contents Page No.
Safety Notices 14
Genoral Safoty a4
Operating Safety 341
Maintenance Safety a
803260 issue!Section 2
Section 2
Safety Notices
In this publication and on the machine, there are safely notices. Each notice starts with a
signal word, The signal word meanings are given below.
Denotes an extreme hazard exists. If proper precautions are not taken, it is highly
probable that the operaior (or others) could be kiled or seriously injured,
Denotes a hazard exists. f propor precautions are not taken, the operator (or othors)
could be killed or seriously injured
Denotes a reminder of safely practices. Failure to folow these safety practices could
result in injury to the operator (or others) and possible damage to the machine.
‘e097a260Section 2
Section 2
All construction and agricultural equipment can be
hazardous. When a JCB machine is correctly operated and
properly maintained, it is a safe machine to work with. But
when it is carelessly operated or poorly maintained it can
become a danger to you (the operator) and others
Do nat work with the machine until you are sure that you can
control it,
Do not start any job until you are sure that you and those
around you will be safe,
Hf you are unsure of anything, about the machine or the job,
‘ask someone who knows. Do not assume anything,
General Safety
You can be injured if you do not obey the decal safety
insiructions. Keep decals clean. Replace unreadable of
missing decals with new ones before operating the machine.
Make sure replacement parts include warning decals where
Care and Alertness
Al the time you are working with of on the machine, take
care and stay alert. Always be carelul. Alvays be alert for
You can be injured it you do not wear the proper clothing
Loose clothing can get caught in the machinery. Wear
protective clothing to suit the job. Examples of protective
Clothing are:a hard hat, safety shoes, safety glasses, a well
fitting overal, ear-protectors and industrial gloves. Koop
cuffs fastened, Do not wear a necktie or scat. Keep long
hair restrained.
A warnine
Lifting Equipment
You can be injured i you se fait lifting equipment. Make
sure that liting equipment is in good condition. Make sure
that lting tackte complies with all local regulations and is
suitable for the job. Make sure that lifting equipment is
strong enough for the job.
4 warnine
Ralsed Attachments
Raised attachments can fall and injure you. Do not walk oF
work under raised attachments unless they are safely
‘e097a260Section 2 Section 2
3-4 3-4
Operating Safety
Machine Condition
‘Adofective machine ean injure you or others. Do not operate
a machine which is defective or has missing parts. Make
sure the maintenance procedures in this handbook are
‘completed before using the machine.
You or others can be kiled or seriously inured if you operate
the contol levers from outside the cab. Operate the contro
levers only when you are correctly seated inside the cab.
Machine Limits
Operating the machine beyond its design lmits can damage
the machine, it can algo be dangerous. Do not operate the
machine outside its limits, Do not tty to upgrade the
machine performance with unapproved modifications.
Engine/Steering Failure
ifthe engine or steering fal, stop the machine as quickly as
possible. Do not operate the machine until the fault has been
The engine has exposed rotating parts. Do not open the
engine cover while the engine is sunning. Do not use the
machine with the cover open.
‘Always face the machine when entering and leaving the cab,
Use the step(s) and handrails. Make sure the step(s),
handrails and your boot soles are clean and dry. Do not
jump from the machine. Do not use the machine controls as
handholds, use the handrails.
Exhaust Gases
Breathing the machine ethaust gases can harm and
possibly kil you. Do not operate the machine in closed
Spaces without making sure there is good ventilation. i
possible, fi an exhaust extension. i you begin to feel
{rowsy, stop the machine at once. Get out of the cab into
fresh at.
ROPS/FOPS Structure
The machine is fited with @ Roll Over Protection Structure
(POPS) and a Faling Objects Protection Structure FOPS).
You could be killed or seriously injured if you operate the
machine with a damaged or missing ROPSIFOPS, If the
ROPSIFOPS has been in an accident, do not use the
machine until the etucture has been renewed, Medications
ahd repairs thal are not approved by the manulacurer may
be dangerous “and wil invalidate’ the ROPS/FOPS
Bad communications can cause accidents. Keep people
around you informed of whet you will be doing, If you willbe
working with other people, make sure any hand signals that
may be used are understood by everybody. Work sites can
be noisy, do not rely on spoken commands
Ramps and Trailers
Water, mud, ice, grease and oil on ramps or trailers can
cause serious accidents. Make sure ramps and trailers are
clean before driving onto them. Use extreme caution when
driving onto ramps and trailers.
Explosions and fire can be caused by sparks from the
‘exhaust or the electrical system. Do not use the machine in
closed areas where there is flammable material, vapour or
A warninc
Powershift Transmission
Do not change from a high gear to low gear (or instance,
4th fo tet) in one sudden movement whilst the machine is
moving. Otherwise the machine wil rapidly decelerate, you
‘oF others could be kiled or seriously injured. When selecting
Tower gears, allow the engine speed to drop before each
gear change.
‘e097a260Section 2
Section 2
Maintenance Safety
Do not try to do repairs or any other type of maintenance
work you do not understand. To avoid injury and/or damage
get the work done by a specialist engineer.
Modifications and Welding
Non-approved modifications can cause injury and damage.
Parts of the machine are made from east iron; welds on cast
iron can weaken the structure and break. Do not weld cast
iron. Contact your JCB distrbutor for advice before
‘moditying the machine.
A warninc
Metal Spinters
You can be injured by flying metal splinters when driving
metal pins in or out. Use @ soll faced hammer ordi 10
remove and ft metal pins. Always wear safety glasses.
Electrical Circuits
Understand the electrical circuit before connecting or
cisconnecting an electrical component. A wrong connection
‘can cause injury and/or damage.
Bad communications can cause accidents. i two or more
people are working on the machine, make sure each is
ware of what the others are doing. Before starting the
engine make sure the others are clear of the danger areas:
‘examples of danger areas are: the rotating blades and belt
fon the engine, the attachments and linkages, and anywhere
beneath or behind the machine. People can be killed or
injured if these precautions are not taken.
1o not use petrol inthis machine, Do net mix petrol withthe
close ual in storage tanks the petrol will ise fo the top and
form flammable vapours.
A warnine
A battery with frozen electrolyte can explode if it is used or
‘charged. Do not use a machine with frozen battery. To
help prevent the baltery from freezing, keep the battery fully
Battery Gases
Batteries give off explosive gases. Keep flames and sparks
away trom the battery, Do not smoke close to the battery
Make sure there is good ventilation in closed areas where
batteries are being used or charged. Do no! check the
battery charge by shorting the terminals with metal; use a
hydrometer or voltmeter.
A warnine
Battery Terminals
‘The machine is negatively earthed, Always connect the
negative pole of the Battery to earth.
‘When connecting the battery, connect the earth () lead last,
When disconnecting the battery, disconnect the earth (-)
lead first
Hydraulic Fluid
Fine jets of hydraulic uid at high pressure can penetrate the
skin, Do not use your fingers to check for hydraulie fluid
leaks. Do not put your face close to suspected leaks. Hold a
piece of cardboard close to suspected leaks and then
inspect the cardboard for signs of hydraulic uid. Mt
hydraulic fluid penetrates your skin, get medical help
Hydraulic Pressure
Hydraulic fluid at system pressure can injure you. Before
disconnecting or connecting hydraulic hoses, stop the
‘engine and operate the controls to release pressure trapped
in the hoses. Make sure the engine cannot be started while
the hoses are open.
‘e097a260Section 2
Section 2
Maintenance Safety (cont'd)
Diesel Fuel
Diese ful is flammable; keep naked flames away trom the
machine. Do not emoke while refueling the machine or
working on the engine. Do not refuel with the engine
running. There could be a fre and injury you do not folow
these precautions,
Ol is toxic. f you swallow any oi, do not induce vomiting
seek medical advice. Used engine oll contains harmful
contaminants which can cause skin cancer. Do not handle
Used engine oll more than necessary. Always use barrier
cream of wear gloves to prevent skin contact. Wash skin
Contaminated with oll thoroughly in warm soapy water. Do
not use petro, cies! fuel or parafin to clean your skin
Soft Ground
AA machine can sink into soft ground. Never work under a
machine on soft ground.
‘Tyres and Rims
Over-inflated or over-heated tyres can explode. Follow the
instructions in this handbook for inflating the tyres. Do not
weld o cut rims. Get a tyre/wheel specialist to do any repair
Hot Coolant
The cooling system is pressurised when the engin is hot
Hot coolant can spray out when you remove the radiator
cap. Let the system cool before removing the radiator cap
To remove the cap; turn it to the first notch and let the
system pressure escape, then remove the cap.
Always woar safety glasses when dismantling assemblies
containing components under pressure from springs. This
will protect against eye injury from components accidently
flying out.
The efficiency of the rams wil be affected if they are not
opt freo of soled dir. Clean din from around the rams
regularly. When leaving or parking the machine, close all
rams it possible to reduce the risk of weather corrosion.
Cleaning metal parts with incorrect solvents can cause
corrosion. Use only recommended cleaning agents and
“0' rings, Seals and Gaskets
Badly fitted, damaged or rotted "0" rings, seals and gaskets
can cause leakages and possible accidents. lenew
Whenever cisturbed unless otherwise insttucted, Do not use
‘Triochioroethane or paint thinners near "O" rings and seals.
A warnine
Wf your machine is equipped with a fre extinguisher, make
sure it fs checked regulary. Keep itn the operator's cab
tnt you need to use i
Do not use water to put out a machine fire, you could
spread an oil fire or get a shack from an elecrical fire. Use
‘carbon dioxide, dry chemical or foam extinguishers. Contact
your nearest fire department as quickly as possible.
Firefighters should use sel-contained breathing apparatus.
A warnine
‘A machine can roll off jacks and crush you unless the
‘heels have been chocked. Always chock the wheels at the
‘opposite end of the machine that is to be jacked, Do not
work underneath a machine supported only by jacks.
‘Always support a jacked-up machine on axle stands before
working undemeath it,
‘e097a260Section 2
Section 2
Maintenance Safety (cont'd)
Hydraulic Hoses
Damaged hoses can cause fatal accidents. Inspect the
hoses regularly for:
= Damaged end fittings
= Chafed outer covers
= Ballooned outer covers
- Kinked or crushed hoses
= Embedded armouring in outer covers
= Displaced end fittings.
A warnina
Safety Strut
Raised loader arms can drop suddenly and cause serious
injury. Betore working under raised loader arms, fit the
loader arm safety strut.
A raised and badly supported machine can tall on you
Position the machine on a frm, level surlace before raising
fone end. Ensure the other end is securely chocked. Do not
rely solely on the machine hydraulics or jacks to suppor the
machine when working under it
Disconnect the battery, to prevent the engine being started
while you are beneath the machine,
Waxoyl contains turpentine substitute, which is flammable.
Keep flames away when applying Waxoyl. Waxoyl can take
afew weeks to dry completely. Keep flames away during the
chying period
Do not weld near the affected area during the drying period.
Take the same precautions as for ol to keep Waxoyl off your
skin. Do not breathe the fumes. Apply in a well-ventilated
Make the machine safe before working underneath it. Park
the machine on level ground, lower the arms. Apply the
parking brake, put the transmission in neutral and stop the
fengine. Chock both sides ofall four wheois
Disconnect the battery, to prevent the engine being started
while you are beneath the machine.
A warnine
To avoid burning, wear protective gloves when handling hot
components, To protect your eyes, wear goggles when
using a wire brush to clean components.
A warnine
JCB Extradig Dipper Lubricant
JOB Extradig dipper lubrieart contains 1.53% lead. The
repeated swallowing of very small quantities can cause
chronic lead poisoning. Do not smoke or touch food while
handling this lubricant. Dispose of waste (rage etc.) in
accordance with local regulations
Fluoroolastomeric Materials
Certain seals and gaskets (¢.g, crankshaft oll seal) on JCB,
machines contain fluoroelastomerie materials such as Viton,
Fluorel and’ Technoflon. Fluoroelastomerie mateials
subjected to high temperatures can. produce highly
corrosive hydrofluoric acid. THIS ACID GAN SEVERELY
New fluoroelastomeric components at ambient temperature
require no special safety precautions.
Used fluoroelastomeric components whose temperatures
have not exceeded 300°C require no special safety
precautions. If evidence of decomposition (e.g. charting) is
‘ound, refer to the next paragraph for safety instructions DO
Used fluoroelastomeric components subjected to
temperatures greater than 300° (e.g. engine fire) must be
treated using the following safety procedure. Make sure that
heavy duty gloves and special safety glasses are worn:
1 Ensure that components have cooled then remove and
place material into plastic bags.
2 Thoroughly wash contaminated area with 10% calcium
hydroxide or other suitable alkali solution, if necessary
se wire woo! to remove burnt remains.
3 Thoroughly wash contaminated area with detergent
and water.
4 Contain all removed material, gloves etc. used in this
operation in sealed plastic bags and dispose of in
accordance with Local Authority Regulations.
'W contamination of skin or eyes occurs, wash the affected
area with a continuous supply of clean water or with calcium
hydroxide solution for 15-60 minutes. Get medical attention