For Checking

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A. Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of time, standard measures of
length, mass and capacity and area using square-tile units.
B. Performance Standard: Able to apply knowledge of time, standard measures of
length, weight, and capacity, and area using square-tile units in mathematical
problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competency: Compares mass in grams or kilograms. M2ME-IVd-29


a. Topic: Comparing Mass in Grams or Kilograms

b. References:
Teacher’s Guide pp. 92 Grade2
Learner’s Manual pp. 305 Grade 2
c. Materials: powerpoint presentation, realia, weighing scale, pieces of fruits (paki edit po ang mga
objects na gagamitin ditto)


Terms Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer “Stand up, everyone, and let’s pray. Yes Ma’am. Everyone let’s
Ms. __________, please lead the pray.”
(A student will lead the

“Amen” “Amen.”

“You may now take your seats.

2. Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today? None ma’am .

Very Good! We have perfect attendance

for today.

3. Greetings “Good morning, class!

Good morning ma’am.

“How’s your day, my dear students?”

“It’s good ma’am!”

“   It’s nice to hear that. Before we

start the class, I have our classroom
rules that I want you to follow.


1. Wear your facemasks

2. Observe proper social
3. Wash your hands with soap
before and after eating and
going to the bathroom
4. Observe one-mouth rule
5. Raise your hands if you have
6. Avoid getting in and out of
the classroom many times.

Are we clear?
Yes teacher!

Alright! Before we properly start the

class, please listen to the teacher
and look at the teacher. Okay? “Yes teacher!”

A. Review of Previous
Let us have a short review of our last
topic. Who can still recall our
previous lesson?
( Students raise their
  Ma’am, the last lesson was
about measuring objects
using grams (g) and
kilograms (kg).

 Very good! So I will show you

different pictures of an object, and
you will answer g if it is measured
using grams and kg if the object is
measured using kilograms. Do you
Yes teacher!

“The answer is kg.”

1. ______

“The answer is g.”

2. ______

“The answer is kg.”

3. _______

4. ________

“The answer is g.”

5. ________
“The answer is g.”

Excellent class! What is used to measure

“We use grams and
kilograms in measuring

“When do we use grams? Kilograms?”

“Grams is used to measure

light objects.”

“Kilograms is used to
measure heavy objects.”

Very good class! Now, let us proceed to

our next lesson.

B. Establishing Purpose for

the Lesson Class, take a look at the picture we have
on the monitor.

Are you familiar with the place seen in

the picture?

“Yes teacher!”
What do we call this place?

Very good! Have you been to the “The public market.”


“Yes, teacher!”

Who were you with when you went to

the market?

“I went to the public

market with my mother.”
(Students answer may

What do we do when we go to the

market? What do you usually buy at the

“We buy the food that we

eat in the market.”

Excellent class! We buy the foods we

eat at the market. Now, when you are at
the market, and you buy meat and fish,
what is the instrument used to measure
the weight of the food you buy? “A weighing scale,

Very good, class! We use a weighing

scale to measure weight.

(Show a weighing scale and objects you

want to weigh. Make sure to pick
objects that have a big difference in

Now, class, I have sets of objects that

we need to weigh on the scale. I want
you to observe and tell which is heavier
and lighter. Do you understand the
C. Presenting Examples /
Instances of the New

“Yes teacher.”

“Very good! Let’s start.”

(Teacher will weigh various objects on

the weighing scale. E.g pieces of fruits.)

A handful of concrete nails weigh about

700g, while the pieces of banana weigh
250g. Which is heavier?

“A handful of concrete
nails, teacher!”
“Very good class! The handful of nails is
heavier than the pieces of banana.”


Class, in measuring and comparing

different masses of objects, we use the
key term such as greater than (>) if an
object is heavier, less than (<) if the
object is lighter, or equal (=) if the
objects have the same mass.

Now, which is heavier, 700g of concrete

nails or the 250g of bananas?

“The 700g of concrete nails

(Yes, repeated po ang questions dito is greater than (>) 250g of
dahil after niyo idiscuss ang paggamit ng bananas, teacher!”
>,< = need to ask the learners again
using >,< , = not just by saying “mas
mabigat po ang pako” YOU MAY EDIT

(The teacher will weigh various objects.

Let the students compare the masses of
the things.)
(Continue weighing objects.)

Very good class!

D. Discussing New Concepts

and Practicing New Skills #1

Now class, let us assume that you are a

human weighing scale. Look around you
and gather two objects; tell which is
heavier and lighter, just by holding the “Yes teacher!”
sets of things on your hands. Are we
clear on the instructions?
E. Discussing New Concepts
(The students gathers
and Practicing and Concern
to New Skills #2 objects around them and
tell which is heavier and
Very good! lighter.)

(Continue by asking students which of

the objects they are holding are heavy
and light. Use >,<, and = in comparing
the mass.)

Now, let us have an activity. I will group

you into two groups. Each group must
draw a heavier and lighter object and
F. Developing Mastery assume its mass. Compare the items
Leads to Formative and present your work in front of the
class. Do you understand the
Assessment instructions?

(Show the rubrics po for the criteria.)

Good! Before we start, what are the “Yes teacher!”
rules to be remembered while doing a
group activity?

“Follow the instruction.”

“Be cooperative.”
Very good! Let us start the activity.
“Work in silence.”

“Listen to the teacher.”

Now, each group will present their


(Student’s start their work.)

Group 1…

Group 2…

Let’s clap for a job well done, class!

(Students’ will clap.)

Now, we have here pictures of objects;
let us compare them. Write >, <, and =
in comparing the images.
G. Finding Practical
Applications of Concepts
and Skills in Daily Living
Who wants to compare the first sets of
pictures? Raise your hands!

(The teacher will call students and let

them answer compare the sets of

(Students will raise their


75 g 120 g



Very good, class! (>)

What instrument do we use in

measuring mass?
“Very good! How do we compare the
mass of an object to another sets of

Very good class! “We use a weighing scale in

measuring mass.”

H. Making Generalization
and Abstraction about the “In measuring and
Lessons comparing different masses
of objects, we use the key
term such as greater than
(>), less than (<), or equal
Compare the sets of pictures by using (=) if the objects have the
>,< and =. Write your answer on a piece same mass.”
of paper.


I. Evaluating Learning



1. >
2. <
3. >
4. <
5. >


Compare the sets of pictures by using

>,< and =. Write your answer on your
J. Additional Activities for
Application in Remediation

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