Quartus II Training 2

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Quartus II Basic Training

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Programmable Logic Families

Structured ASIC
HardCopy II, HardCopy Stratix

High & Medium Density FPGAs

Stratix II, Stratix, APEX II, APEX 20K, & FLEX 10K

Low-Cost FPGAs
Cyclone II & Cyclone

FPGAs with Clock Data Recovery

Stratix II GX

MAX II, MAX 7000 & MAX 3000

Embedded Processor Solutions

Nios II

Configuration Devices
Serial (EPCS) & Enhanced (EPC)
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 2

MAX 7000A & MAX 3000A Family Overview


MAX 3000A
EPM7032AE EPM3064A EPM3128A EPM3256A EPM3512A

MAX 7000A
EPM7064AE EPM7128AE EPM7512AE 512 212 7.5 116 5.6 4.7

Useable Gates Macrocells Maximum User I/O Pins tPD (ns) fCNT (MHz) tSU (ns) tCO1 (ns)

600 1,250 2,500 32 34 4.5 227 2.9 3.0 64 66 4.5 222 2.8 3.1 128 96 5.0 192 3.3 3.4

5,000 10,000 256 158 7.5 127 5.2 4.8 512 208 7.5 116 5.6 4.7

600 1,250 2,500 32 36 4.5 227 2.9 3.0 64 68 4.5 222 2.8 3.1 128 100 5.0 192 3.3 3.4

5,000 10,000 256 164 5.5 172 3.9 3.5

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 3

Complete Voltage Portfolio

5.0 V
MAX 7000S

3.3 V
High Performance Feature Leader Wide Range of
MAX 7000AE

2.5 V
High Performance Feature Leader Wide Range of
Package Offerings

MAX 7000B

Leader Feature Leader Wide Range of Package Offerings Industrial-Grade Offerings

Package Offerings

Price Leader Feature & Package

Subset of MAX 7000AE

MAX 3000A

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 4

MAX Device Block Diagram

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 5

MAX Macrocell

Global Global Clear Clock

Parallel Logic Expanders (from other MCs)

7000 has two Global Clock

Programmable Register
Register Bypass PRn D Q ENA CLRn

ProductTerm Select Matrix

to I/O Control Block

VCC Clear Select

36 Programmable Interconnect Signals


Shared Logic Expanders

Clock/ Enable to PIA Select

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

16 Expander Product Terms

MAX II: The Lowest-Cost CPLD Ever

New Logic Architecture
1/2 the Cost 1/10 the Power Consumption 2X the Performance 4X the Density

Non-Volatile, Instant-On Supports 3.3-, 2.5- & 1.8-V Supply Voltages

Breakthrough Technology to Expand the Market

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 7

Flexible Supply Voltage

On-Chip Voltage Regulator Accepts 3.3-, 2.5- & 1.8-V Supply Inputs Internally Converted to 1.8-V Core Voltage

Convenience of 3.3 V with the Power & Performance of 1.8 V

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 8

MAX II Device Family

Typical Logic Elements Macro(LEs) cells 240 570 1,270 2,210 192 440 980 1,700 User I/O Pins 80 160 212 272 Speed Grades 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 Fastest tpd1 (ns) 4.7 5.5 6.3 7.1 User Flash Memory (bits) 8,192 8,192 8,192 8,192


EPM240 EPM570 EPM1270 EPM2210

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 9

MAX II Packaging & User I/O Pins

Device 100-Pin TQFP1 144-Pin TQFP 256-Pin FBGA2 0.5-mm Pitch 0.5-mm Pitch 1.0-mm Pitch 16 x 16 mm 22 x 22 mm 17 x 17 mm 324-Pin FBGA 1.0-mm Pitch 19 x 19 mm

EPM240 EPM570 EPM1270 EPM2210

80 76 116 116 160 212 204 272

Denotes Vertical Migration Notes: 1. TQFP: thin quad flat pack 2. FineLine BGA package (1.0-mm pitch)

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 10

New Small Packages

T100 0.5mm TQFP 16x16mm New Packages F256 1.0mm FBGA 17x17mm

Partial M100 0.5mm MBGA 6x6mm

Partial M256 0.5mm MBGA 11x11mm

Packages minimize PCB area and optimize ease-of-use

Partial arrays allow for 2 layer PCB break out
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 11

MAX II Architecture
Logic Elements (LEs) Staggered I/O Pads

Configuration Flash Memory User Flash Memory

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 12

JTAG & Control Circuitry

MAX II Logic Element (LE)

sload sclear aload


Register Chain Row, Column & Direct Link Routing Local Routing LUT Chain Register Chain

Reg data1 data2 data3 cin data4 4-Input LUT clock ena aclr

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 13

User Flash Memory

Flash Memory Storage Bank 8,192 Bits Per Device Interface to SPI, I2C, Parallel, or Proprietary Buses Industry First!

Store Revision & Serial Number Data Store Boot-Up & Configuration Data
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 14

User Flash Memory Block

MAX & MAX II Comparison

Process Technology Logic Architecture Density Range Routing Architecture On-Chip Flash Memory Maximum User I/O Pins Supply Voltage I/O Voltages Global Clock Networks Output Enables (OEs) Schmitt Triggers
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 15

0.3-um EEPROM Product Term 32 to 512 Macrocells Global None 212 5.0 V, 3.3 V, 2.5 V 5.0 V, 3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V 2 per Device 6 to 10 per Device None

0.18-um Flash Look-Up Table (LUT) 128 to 2210 Macrocells (240 to 2,210 LEs) Row & Column 8 Kbits 272 3.3 V/2.5 V, 1.8 V 3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.5 V 4 per Device 1 per I/O Pin 1 per I/O Pin

What is Nios II?

Alteras Second Generation Soft-Core 32 Bit RISC Microprocessor
Developed By Altera - Nios II Plus Internally All Peripherals Written In HDL Harvard Architecture - Can Be Targeted For All Altera FPGAs Royalty-Free - Synthesis Using Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

Avalon Switch Fabric


UART GPIO Timer SPI SDRAM Controller

On-Chip ROM On-Chip RAM

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 16

Nios II Processor Architecture

Classic Pipelined RISC Machine


32 General Purpose Registers 3 Instruction Formats 32-Bit Instructions 32-Bit Data Path Flat Register File Separate Instruction and Data Cache (configurable sizes) Tightly-Coupled Memory Options Branch Prediction 32 Prioritized Interrupts On-Chip Hardware (Multiply, Shift, Rotate) Custom Instructions JTAG-Based Hardware Debug Unit

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Problem: Reduce Cost, Complexity & Power







Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 18

Solution: Replace External Devices with Programmable Logic

Problem: Reduce Cost, Complexity & System On A Programmable Chip (SOPC) Power



CPU is a Critical Function Solution: ReplaceControl External Devices Required for System-Level Logic Integration with Programmable
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 19

Nios II Delivered As Encrypted Megacore
Licensed Via Feature Line In Existing Quartus II License File Consistent With General Altera Megacore Delivery Mechanism Enables Detection Of Nios II In Customer Designs (Talkback) System Runs If Tethered To Host PC System Times Out If Disconnected from PC After ~ 1 hr

No Nios II Feature Line (OpenCore Plus Mode) Nios II Feature Line (Active Subscriber)

Subscription and New Dev Kit Customers Obtain Licenses From www.altera.com Nios II CPU RTL Remains Encrypted

Nios II Source License

Available Upon Request On Case-By-Case Basis Included With Purchase Of Nios II ASIC License

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 20

Quartus II Basic Training

Quartus II Development System Feature Overview
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Software & Development Tools

Quartus II
All Stratix, Cyclone & Hardcopy Devices APEX II, APEX 20K/E/C, Excalibur, & Mercury Devices FLEX 10K/A/E, ACEX 1K, FLEX 6000 Devices MAX II, MAX 7000S/AE/B, MAX 3000A Devices Free Version Not All Features & Devices Included
See www.altera.com for Feature Comparison

Quartus II Web Edition

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 22

All FLEX, ACEX, & MAX Devices

Quartus II Development System

Fully-Integrated Design Tool
Multiple Design Entry Methods Logic Synthesis Place & Route Simulation Timing & Power Analysis Device Programming

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Typical PLD Design Flow

Design Specification

Design Entry/RTL Coding

- Behavioral or Structural Description of Design

RTL Simulation
- Functional Simulation (Modelsim, Quartus II) - Verify Logic Model & Data Flow (No Timing Delays)



- Translate Design into Device Specific Primitives - Optimization to Meet Required Area & Performance Constraints - Precision Synthesis, Synplify/Synplify Pro, Design Compiler FPGA, Quartus II


Place & Route

- Map Primitives to Specific Locations inside Target Technology with Reference to Area & Performance Constraints - Specify Routing Resources to Be Used
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 24

Typical PLD Design Flow


Timing Analysis
- Verify Performance Specifications Were Met - Static Timing Analysis

Gate Level Simulation

- Timing Simulation - Verify Design Will Work in Target Technology

PC Board Simulation & Test

- Simulate Board Design - Program & Test Device on Board - Use SignalTap II for Debugging
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 25

Design Entry Methods

Quartus II

Text Editor

TopLevel File

Top-level design files can be schematic, HDL or 3rdParty Netlist File

Schematic Editor Memory Editor

HEX MIF Block Diagram File Graphic Design File

.bdf .gdf Block File





.edf .edif Text File

.v, vlg, .vhd, .vhdl, vqm Text File

Symbol File

Text File

Text File

Text File

Generated within Quartus II

Imported from 3rd-Party EDA tools

3rd-Party EDA Tools


Mixing & Matching Design Files Allowed

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 26

Quartus II Basic Training

Quartus II Quick Start LAB1
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Create a project using the New Project Wizard Name the project Add design files Pick a device

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 28

Step 1 (Setup Project for QII5_1)

Under File, Select New Project Wizard. A new window appears. If an Introduction screen appears, click Next.

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 29

Step 2 (Setup Project for QII5_1)

Page 1 of the wizard should be completed with the following
working directory for this project name of project <lab_install_directory> \Dsp_7_segment\ Dsp_7_segment

top-level design entity


Copy state_machine.v and past in Dsp_7_segment

Click Next to advance to the Project Wizard: Add Files [page 2 of 5].

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 30

Step 3 (Setup Project for QII5_1)

Using the browse button, select state_machine.v Add to the project. Click Next.

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 31

Step 4 (Setup Project for QII5_1)

On page 3, select Stratix as the Family. Also, in the Filters section, set Package to FBFA, Pin count to 780, and Speed grade to 5. Select the EP1S25F780C5 device from the Available devices: window. Click Next.

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 32

Step 5 (Setup Project for QII5_1)

On page 4 , you can specify any third party EDA tools you may be using along with Quartus II. Since these exercises will be done entirely within Quartus II, click Next.

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 33

Step 6 (Setup Project for QII5_1)

The summary screen appears as shown. Click Finish. The project is now created.

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 34

Quartus II Basic Training

Quartus II Quick Start LAB2
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Create a counter using the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Build a design using the schematic editor Analyze and elaborate the design to check for errors

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 36

Step 1 Create schematic file

Select File New and select Block Diagram/Schematic File. Click OK. Select File Save As and save the file as <lab_install_directory> \Dsp_7_segment\ Dsp_7_segment.bdf

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 37

Step 2 Build an 23 bits counter using the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager

1.Choose Tools MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. In the window that appears, select Create a new custom megafunction variation. Click on Next. 2.On page 2a of the MegaWizard expand the arithmetic folder and select LPM_COUNTER. 3.Choose Verilog HDL output For the name of the output file, type timer_1s. Click on Next

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 38

Step 3
1. 2. 3. Set the output bus to 27 bits. For the remaining settings in this window, use the defaults that appear .. Select next .Turn on Modulus , with a count modulus of and key in 79999999 Select finish

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 39

Step 4
In the Graphic Editor, double-click in the screen so that the Symbol Window appears. Inside the symbol window, click on to expand the symbols defined in the Project folder. Double-click on timer_1s. Click the left mouse button to put down the symbol inside the schematic file.. The symbol for timer_1s now appears in the schematic.

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 40

Step 5
1. 2. From the File menu, open the file state_machine.v From the File menu, go the Create/Update menu option and select Create Symbol Files for Current File. Click Yes to save changes to Dsp_7_segment.bdf. Once Quartus II is finished creating the symbol, click OK. Close the state_machine.v file In the Graphic Editor, double-click in the screen so that the Symbol Window appears again. Double-click on state_machine in the Project folder. Click OK... The symbol for state_machine now appears in the schematic.


Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 41

Step 6 Add Pins to the Design

Input sys_clk reset Output 7_out[6..0] Dig1

For each of the pins listed in left Table , you must insert a pin and change its name

1. 2. 3. 4. .

To place pins in the schematic file, go to Edit Insert Symbol OR double-click in any empty location of the Graphic Editor. Browse to libraries primitives pin folder. Double-click on input or output Hint: To insert multiple pins select Repeat Insert Mode. To rename the pins double-click on the pin name after it has been inserted. Type the name in the Pin name(s) field and Click OK

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 42

Step 7 Connect the Pins and Blocks in the Schematic

1. In the left hand tool bar click on button to draw a wire and button to draw a bus. Another way to draw wires and busses is to place the cursor next to the port of any symbol. When you do this, the wire or bus tool will automatically appear.


Connect all of the pins and blocks as shown in the figure below

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 43

Step 8 Save and check the schematic

1. 2. Click on the Save button in the toolbar to save the schematic. From the Project menu, select Add/Remove Files in Project. Click on the browse button to make sure the Dsp_7_segment.bdf, timer_1s and state_machine are added to the project. From the Processing menu, select Start Start Analysis & Elaboration. Analysis and elaboration checks that all the design files are present and connections have been made correctly. Click OK when analysis and elaboration is completed



Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 44

Quartus II Basic Training

Quartus II Quick Start LAB3
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation

Pin assignment Perform full compilation Build a design using the schematic editor How to Download programming file

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 46

Step 1
1. 2. 3. Choose Assignments Assignment editor. From the View menu, select Show All Know Pin Names. Please click Pin in Category

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 47

Step 2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pls install DSP Development Kit Stratix edtion CD Open ds_stratix_dsp_bd.pdf from C:\megacore\stratix_dsp_kit-v1.1.0\Doc Check clk , pushbotton and seven segment display pin location from ds_stratix_dsp_bd.pdf Key your pin number in location Click on the Save button in the toolbar From Assignments, select Device. Click Device & Pin options. Click Unused pins .Select As input tri-stated from Reserve all unused pins From the Processing menu, select Start Compilation

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 48

Step 3
1. 2. 3. 4. From the Tools menu, select programmer Click on Add File. Select Dsp_7_segment.sof. Check Hardware Setup. Select your download cable on Currently selected hardware(ByteBlasterII) Select JTAG from Mode

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 49

Step 4
1. 2. 3. Turn on Program/configure. Or see figure below Click Start See 7-segment status

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 50

SignalTap II Agenda
SignalTap II Overview & Features Using SignalTap II Interface Advanced Triggering

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 51

SignalTap II ELA
Captures the Logic State of FPGA Internal Signals Using a Defined Clock Signal Gives Designers Ability to Monitor Buried Signals Connects to Quartus II through FPGA JTAG Pins Captures Real-Time Data
Up to 200 Mhz

Is Available for Free

Installed with Full Subscription or Web Edition Installed with Stand-Alone Programmer

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 52

SignalTap II Device Support

Stratix & Stratix II Stratix GX Cyclone & Cyclone II Excalibur Mercury APEX II APEX 20K/E/C

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 53

How Does It Work?

1. Configure ELA 2. Download ELA into FPGA along with Design 3. ELA Samples Internal Signals 4. Quartus II Communicates with ELA through JTAG

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 54

Stratix/Cyclone Sample Resource Usage

Number of Channels 8 32 256 Number of Channels 8 32 256 Logic Elements
Trigger Level 1 Trigger Level 2 Trigger Level 3

316 566 2900

371 773 4528

426 981 6156

M4Ks Based on Sample Depth

256 512 2K 8K 32K

<1 2 16

1 4 32

4 16 128

16 64 512

64 256

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 55

Modes of Operation
Three Different Configurations
Internal RAM ELA Configuration Debug Port ELA Configuration Hybrid Approach

Provides Flexibility Based on Available Device Resources

Memory Resources Are Limited
Use Debug Port Configuration

Pin Resources Are Limited

Use Internal RAM Configuration
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 56

Supported Download Cables

USB Blaster
USB Port Cable

ByteBlaster II
Parallel Port Cable

Parallel Port

USB / Serial Port Cable
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 57

SignalTap II Key Features

Setup Data Triggering Data Capture Data Analysis

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 58

Setup Features
Up to 1024 Data Channels Multiple Analyzers in One Device
Supports Analysis of Multiple Clock Domains Each Analyzer Can Run Simultaneously

Data Triggering

Data Capture

Resource Usage Estimation Incremental Design Support

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 59

Data Analysis

Data Triggering Features

Up to 10 Trigger Levels Per Channel
Allows Application of Simple (Basic) & Complex (Advanced) Triggering Schemes
Defines a Sequential Pattern of Logic Conditions
Data Triggering Setup

Each Trigger Level is Logically ANDED

If (L1 & L2 ... & L10) == TRUE Data Capture
Data Capture

Data Analysis

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 60

Data Triggering Features (Cont.)

Three Main Trigger Positions


Samples Captured
Old Samples

Samples Captured
New Samples


Data Triggering

Trigger Input

Setup External Trigger to Trigger the Analyzer Data Capture

Trigger Output

Signifies Trigger Event Occurred with SignalTap II Data Analysis

Use One ELAs Trigger Output as Trigger Input for Another

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 61

Data Capture Features

Up to 128K Samples Per Channel
Increases Chance of Catching Target Event

Two Methods of Data Acquisition

1. Circular 2. Segmented

Data Triggering

Data Capture

Mnemonic Tables
Create User-Defined Labels for Bit Sequences (Ex. State Machine)
Data Analysis

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 62

SignalTap II Design Flow

1) Use SignalTap II File (.STP)
Use Quartus II GUI STP Separate from Design Files

2) Use Quartus II MegaWizard

Instantiate Directly into HDL

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 63

Using STP File

1. Create .STP File
Assign Sample Clock Specify Sample Depth Assign Signals to STP File Specify Triggering Setup JTAG

2. Save .STP File & Compile with Design 3. Program Device 4. Acquire Data
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 64

1) Creating a New .STP File

To Create a .STP File
Method 1
Select the in Quartus II

Method 2
Select New (File Menu) Other Files SignalTap II File

Default File Name Will Be STP1.stp

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 65

Main .STP File Components

.STP File
Instance Manager JTAG Chain Configuration

Waveform Viewer

Signal Configuration

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 66

Instance Manager
Instance Manager
Selects Current ELA to Setup/View Displays the Current Status of each Instance Displays Size (Resource Usage) of ELA

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 67

Assign Sample Clock

Use Global Clock for Best Results Data Written to Memory on Every Sample Clock Rising Edge Clock Signal Cannot Be Monitored as Data External Clock Pin Created Automatically if Clock Unassigned

auto_stp_external_clock ELA Expects External Signal to be Connected to Clock Pin

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 68

Specify Sample Depth

Sample Depth
Set Number of Samples Stored for each Data Signal 0 to 128K Sample Depth
0 Selected When External Analyzer Is Used

Select RAM Type for Stratix & Stratix II Devices

Useful when Preserving a Specific Memory Type is Necessary
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 69

Data Capture
Specify Trigger Position
Pre Center Post Continuous

Specify Segment Depth

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 70

Trigger Levels
Indicate up to 10 Trigger Conditions

Any I/O Pin Can Trigger the SignalTap II Analyzer Generates auto_stp_trigger_in_n Pin

Indicates When a Trigger Pattern Occurs Generates auto_stp_trigger_out_n Pin
Delayed 4 Clock Cycles after Actual Trigger Event

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 71

Waveform Viewer
Setup Tab Describes the Signal Settings
Data Signals vs. Trigger Signals Sets up Each Triggering Level (L1 L10)

Data Tab Displays Captured Data

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 72

STP File Waveform Viewer

Setup Tab

Data Tab
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 73

Basic Triggering
All Signals Must Be True for Level to Cause Data Capture

Right-Click to Set Value

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 74

Debug Port
Routes Data Signals to Spare I/O Pins for Capture by External Logic Analyzer Quartus II Automatically Generates auto_stp_debug_out_m_n Pin
m Represents the Instance Number of the Analyzer n Represents the Order the Debug Port Pin Occurs in the Signal List

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 75

Mnemonic Table
Allows a Set of Bit Patterns to Be Assigned UserDefined Names
Right-Click in the Setup View of an STP File & Select Mnemonic Setup Select Add Table Select Add Entry

Ex. State Machines or Decoders/Encoders

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 76

JTAG Chain Configuration

Select Programming Hardware Scan Chan Button Automatically Determines Devices Physically Connected to the Chain
Detects Non-Altera Devices & Displays Them as Unknown

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 77

2) Save .STP File & Compile

SignalTap II Logic Analyzer Control in Compiler Settings

Assignments Settings Specify the STP File to Compile with Project

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 78

3) Program Device(s)
Use Quartus II Programmer or STP File
Program Button in the SignalTap II Interface Only Configures the Selected Device in Chain Use Quartus II Programmer to Program Multiple Devices
Can Create a STP File for each Device in the JTAG Chain

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 79

4) Acquire Data
SignalTap II Toolbar & STP File Controls
Run Autorun Stop Read Data (Reads in Data from Last Analysis)

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 80

Displaying Acquired Data

Format in Time or Sample Number

Display Signal as Bar or Line Chart Export to Other Tools for Viewing or Analysis (File Menu)
Creates .VWF, .TBL, .CSV, .VCD, .JPG or .BMP File
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 81

Using STP File Review

1. Create .STP File
Assign Sample Clock Specify Sample Depth Assign Signals to STP File Specify Triggering Setup JTAG

2. Save .STP File & Compile with Design 3. Program Device 4. Acquire Data
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 82

Recompilation Required
Addition/Removal of Instance, Data or Trigger Modifying the Sample Clock or Buffer Depth Enabling/Modifying Trigger-In/Trigger-Out Enabling the Debug Port

Lock Mode Prevents Changes Requiring Recompilation

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 83

Reducing Recompilation Times

Incremental Compilation
Maintains Design Synthesis & Placement Recompiles Only Logic Analyzer
Change SignalTap II Configuration without Affecting Existing Logic

Incremental Routing
Allows Switching Trigger & Data Nodes without Full Recompilation

Cannot Be Used Together in 5.0

Use Incremental Compilation First, Switch to Routing Will Be Supported in Future Version of Quartus II
Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 84

SignalTap II Incremental Compilation

1) Enable Full Incremental Compilation
Any User-Defined Partitions Must Be Removed (5.0 Limitation)
Assignments Menu


Set Netlist Type of Top-Level Partition to Post-Fit

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 85

SignalTap II Incremental Compilation

3) 4) Compile Design Enable SignalTap II Incremental Compilation
Only Post Fitting Nodes Can Be Incrementally Compiled Quartus II Will Automatically Convert Pre-Synthesis Nodes to Post-Fitting

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 86

SignalTap II Incremental Routing

1) 2)

Enable Smart Recompilation Manually Set the Number of Allocated Nodes

Nodes Acts as Place Holders for Real Signals that Can Be Added Later Auto Creates Enough Nodes for Current Number of Data/Triggers

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 87

SignalTap II Incremental Routing


Add Post-Fitting nodes to STP file

SignalTap II: Post-Fitting Nodes Always Incrementally Routed SignalTap II: Pre-Synthesis Nodes Always Cause Full Recompilation if Added Later
Benefit of Enabling Incremental Routing on Pre-Synthesis Nodes is They Can Be Removed & Replaced with Post-fitting Nodes without Total Recompilation

Pre-Synthesis Nodes

Post-fitting Nodes

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 88

Quartus II Netlist Optimization

New Synthesis Optimization Features Do Not Work Well with SignalTap II
SignalTap II Nodes may Disappear Register Re-timing & WYSIWYG Re-Synthesis Should be Disabled if SignalTap II is Used

Set Netlist Optimizations Logic Option to Never Allow on Entities which Have SignalTap II Nodes

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 89

Performance Preservation
SignalTap II can Potentially Effect the Performance of a Design
Routing and/or Placement Can Change

Possible Solution
Back-Annotate Design before Adding SignalTap II See Quartus II Handbook, Volume 3, Chapter 10 for More Suggestions

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 90

Thank You

Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation 91

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