Obstetrics - Topical Past Papers (2007-2019)
Obstetrics - Topical Past Papers (2007-2019)
Obstetrics - Topical Past Papers (2007-2019)
(Compiled by Shahroze Ahmed, N-66, Nishtar
Medical University)
SR # Unit Page #
1 Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy 2
2 Antenatal Care 3
3 Normal Fetal Development & Growth 6
4 Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing 6
5 Prenatal Diagnosis 7
6 Antenatal Obstetric Complications 8
7 Multiple Pregnancy 11
8 Preterm Labor 12
9 Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy 13
10 Medical Complications of Pregnancy 15
11 Labor: Normal and Abnormal 19
12 Operative Delivery 25
13 Obstetric Emergencies 26
14 The Puerperium 29
Changes in Cardiovascular System
1. Enlist three changes in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy. [Annual 2018]
2. Enlist two changes in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy. [Annual 2017]
2. Enlist two adaptations in the respiratory system during pregnancy. [Annual 2017]
a) How will you make sure whether she has developed gestational diabetes or not?
b) Which physiological change in renal system is responsible for this glycosuria?
c) What are normal physiological changes which take place in renal system?
[Supple 2011 held in 2012]
Hematological Changes
1. A young primigravida books in the antenatal clinic. Describe the cardiovascular,
pulmonary and hematological changes in a normal singleton pregnancy.
[Supple 2017 held in 2018]
Endocrine Changes
1. Enlist changes in fasting plasma glucose concentrations in first half of pregnancy.
[Annual 2017]
Aims of Antenatal Care
1. What is the aim of antenatal care? [Annual 2019]
2. What are the aims of antenatal care? [Supple 2015 held in 2016]
4. A G3P2+0 came for antenatal checkup at 12 weeks of pregnancy. What are the aims
of antenatal care? [Annual 2010]
Advice in Pregnancy
1. A primigravida is visiting the antenatal clinic for the first time after missing two
periods. Her urine for pregnancy test is positive. Enlist three dietary advices for
optimal weight control in pregnancy. [Annual 2017]
3. A 24-year-old PG has come for antenatal checkup. Her LMP was two months back.
What advice will you give her? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
2. A primigravida is visiting the antenatal clinic for the first time after missing two
periods. Her urine for pregnancy test is positive. Enlist two investigations with an
indication why it will be carried out. [Annual 2017]
4. A primigravida comes to antenatal clinic for booking. She is unsure of dates. Her past
medical, surgical and family history is not significant. General Physical Examination is
normal and per-abdominal examination fundal height is up to the level of umbilicus,
a) What would be the gestational age with fundal height up to the level of
b) What relevant investigations would you offer her? [Supple 2015 held in 2016]
6. What investigations are routinely carried out at booking visit? And how they should
be planned? [Annual 2010]
7. A 24-year-old PG has come for antenatal checkup. Her LMP was 2 months back.
What are the investigations required? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
8. A 38-year-old primigravida comes for routine antenatal visit. Her LMP was 3 months
a) How is it different from a 24-year-old primigravida?
b) What investigations will you advise her? [Annual 2008]
1. A primigravida at 15 weeks of gestation is present in OPD for antenatal booking.
a) What is dating scan and how it is helpful in antenatal care?
b) Outline steps of antenatal examination and how frequently you will call her for
antenatal visit. [Annual 2014]
2. A 26-year-old Mrs. Salma is married to her first cousin for 4 years. She has conceived
on treatment for the first time and comes for her antenatal booking at 21 weeks. Her
BMI is 36 and fundal height is 24 weeks.
a) List three most important things to be screened.
b) Mrs. Tara is G2P1 coming for antenatal checkup at 28 weeks. Her Hb is 9 gm/dl,
MCV 60 fl MCH 25 pg, MCHC 33 g/dl. Name two most probable diagnoses.
[Annual 2009]
Amniotic Fluid
a) How is amniotic fluid produced?
b) What are its functions?
c) What are its abnormalities and what conditions lead to these abnormalities?
[Annual 2011]
a) Write down what is cardiotocograph.
b) Enlist and define the four features of CTG. [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
a) What is CTG? What are the features of normal CTG?
b) What is stress and non-stress CTG? [Annual 2008]
Use of Ultrasound
1. A G3, with previous 2 term normal deliveries, has presented in the outdoor at 20
weeks of pregnancy
a) Briefly give three important features you would look in ultrasound to assess fetal
well-being at this stage.
b) Enlist two indications for 3D ultrasound in assessing fetal wellbeing. [Annual
Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
1. A 20-year-old G2P1 has come to antenatal clinic concerned for the wellbeing of her
baby. Her last baby was small for gestational age. Now she is at 18 weeks of
a) Which single best investigation you will carry out at 18 weeks?
b) Enlist three reasons why you would carry the investigation.
c) When will you repeat this investigation? [Annual 2017]
3. Mrs. A G2P1 at 7 weeks of gestation presented in the antenatal clinic with history of
previous Down syndrome baby, who died at the age of five months due to
pneumonia. now she is very worried about her current pregnancy. She wants to
a) What are different types of prenatal diagnostic tests available?
b) At what gestational age are they carried out?
c) What are their complications? [Annual 2011]
Down Syndrome
1. A 32-year-old G2P1+0 at 6 weeks of gestation, previous baby with Down syndrome,
came to discuss the antenatal screening in the current pregnancy.
a) Discuss the non-invasive screening methods for Down syndrome.
b) If non-invasive tests show high risk for Down syndrome, what invasive tests
would you discuss with risks and benefits? [Supple 2015 held in 2016]
2. A G2P1 previous baby with Down syndrome attended antenatal clinic at 10 weeks of
gestation. She is very anxious to know if her fetus is normal or not.
a) What are the screening tests for Down syndrome in the first trimester of
b) How will you confirm the diagnosis at this gestation?
c) How will you counsel the patient regarding the risk involved in this patient?
[Supple 2014 held in 2015]
c) How will you evaluate the patient?
d) Enumerate three management options. [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
Venous Thromboembolism
1. A primigravida at 8 weeks of gestation presented with painful swelling in right leg.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Discuss physiological changes which increase the risk during pregnancy.
c) Discuss physiological changes in procoagulant factors during pregnancy.
[Supple 2015 held in 2016]
2. A 25-year-old primigravida at 30 weeks of gestation presented with reduced fetal
movements and small for dates baby.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Outline her management plan. [Annual 2007]
3. A second gravid with previous normal vaginal delivery has presented in the antenatal
clinic at 38 weeks of gestation with an ultrasound report showing breech
presentation of the fetus.
a) What option will you offer her for delivery?
b) What are the risks of external cephalic version?
c) What are the pre-requisites for external cephalic version (ECV)?
d) What are the selection criteria for normal vaginal delivery of breech fetus?
[Supple 2010 held in 2011]
Rhesus Isoimmunization
1. A G2P1 having O-ve blood group presents at 28 weeks gestation with reports of
indirect Coombs’s test positive and antibody level of 10 IU/ml. her husband blood
group is B positive.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) Explain the physiology.
c) What can be done to prevent this? [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
1. A primigravida has presented in antenatal clinic at 14 weeks. On examination, she
was found to have symphysis fundal height larger than the dates. On ultrasound, she
is diagnosed to have twin pregnancy.
a) Enlist five maternal complications that can occur with twin pregnancy.
b) Enlist five fetal complications more common in twins than single pregnancy.
[Annual 2019]
Antenatal Care
1. A 28-year-old primigravida attended antenatal clinic at 12 weeks of gestation. She
conceived after induction of ovulation. Her Body Mass Index (BMI) is 35. Previous
ultrasound at 8 weeks showed viable twins.
a) What are the obstetric risks to this patient?
b) What antenatal measures should be taken? [Annual 2015]
1. A G3P2+0 at 37 weeks comes with labor pain 2 hours. She is diagnosed to have a
twin pregnancy and 1st twin is breech.
a) How will you manage her?
b) What is the criterion for twin labor? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
Preterm Labor
1. A 22-year-old G2P1 at 32 weeks of gestation gives history of preterm rupture of
membranes. On vaginal examination, cervix is 6 cm dilated. She delivers a 1700 gm
male baby with good Apgar score.
a) How will you evaluate the patient?
b) What are the complications of preterm delivery?
c) What is the management option? [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
1. A 22-year-old primigravida at 32 weeks of gestation presents with leaking per vagina,
for 2 hours. On examination, height corresponds with gestational age, cephalic
presentation, FHR: 140/min
a) Write down your diagnosis.
b) Write down steroid prophylaxis.
c) Enlist three maternal and three fetal complications of this problem. [Supple 2018
held in 2019]
5. A 28-year-old primigravida at 38 weeks gestation attending antenatal clinic was
found to have a blood pressure 180/120 mm Hg and two pluses of protein. She also
had a headache with nausea and vomiting over the past two days.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What investigations will you order?
c) What will be your management? [Annual 2012]
1. An 18-year-old primigravida at 35 weeks of gestation has reported in emergency
with sudden onset of tonic-clonic fits since morning. Her blood pressure is 190/110
mm Hg.
a) Describe initial management of patient.
b) How and when will you deliver her? [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
3. A primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation presents with history of fits for last three
hours. Her blood pressure is 160/80 mm Hg. Proteinuria is +++.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Enlist important investigations.
c) Outline the management plan. [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
fetal head and abdominal circumference are less than 5th centile for gestational age
and reduced liquor.
a) Which ultrasound findings are supporting your diagnosis of SGA?
b) How will you assess further fetal well-being? [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
Diabetes Mellitus
a) Which women are at average or high risk for diabetes in pregnancy?
b) Discuss screening protocol for diabetes in the antenatal period.
[Supple 2017 held in 2018]
2. A G4P3 previous SVDs, presents in OPD at 32 weeks of pregnancy with history of one
still birth ad one early neonatal death. Her ultrasound reveals fetal macrosomia and
polyhydramnios. Her blood sugar fasting is 130 gm/dl & BSR is 240 g/dl.
a) What is this condition called?
b) Outline management plan.
c) When and how will you deliver the patient?
d) Enumerate the neonatal complications. [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
a) What are the causes of glycosuria in pregnancy?
b) How will you confirm the diagnosis?
c) What are risks to the fetus and neonate in the case of impaired glucose
[Supple 2014 held in 2015]
5. A 35-year obese diabetic G2P1 books for antenatal clinic at 12 weeks gestation.
a) What are the risks involved in this pregnancy?
b) What steps will you take to improve the outcome? [Annual 2012]
7. A G3P2+0 with previous two C-sections known diabetic for last four years on regular
insulin has presented in antenatal clinic at 30 weeks of gestation with complaints of
vaginal discharge and vulval itching.
a) What are the maternal and neonatal complications of diabetes?
b) How will you manage her? [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
10. A 36-year-old primigravida with diabetes and acute polyhydramnios at 34 weeks of
gestation presents in emergency. Outline the steps in evaluation and management of
this patient. [Annual 2007]
Thyroid Disease
1. A G2P0A1 presented in OPD with complaints of tiredness, cold intolerance and
hoarse voice. In investigations her TSH was raised and free T4 level was below
normal. She is a diagnosed case of hypothyroidism.
a) What is the incidence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy?
b) How often thyroid function test should be repeated in pregnancy?
c) What would be the fetal effects of suboptimal thyroxine replacement?
[Annual 2019]
Heart Disease
1. A 28-year-old primigravida with known mitral stenosis at 10 weeks of pregnancy has
come in the antenatal clinic.
a) Enlist two important points you would like to counsel to this patient.
b) Enlist three fetal risks to her baby. [Annual 2018]
Pressure is 90/60 and respiratory rate is 36. Chest examination reveals pulmonary
edema and low pitched mid-diastolic murmur.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Why she has presented at this gestational age?
c) How will you treat her? [Annual 2015]
5. A 22-year-old newly married lady has come for pre-pregnancy advice as she is known
case of congenital heart disease.
a) What issues in pre-pregnancy counselling you would like to discuss?
b) Enumerate six risk factors which can lead to heart failure due to preexisting heart
disease in pregnancy. [Annual 2014]
1. A G4P3 presents at 29 weeks of gestation with hemoglobin report of 7 g/dl with
following red cell indices: MCV 66 fl, MCH 23 pg, MCHC 29 g/dl. Peripheral smear
shows microcytic hypochromic anemia. Serum ferritin = 8 ng/dl, Hb electrophoresis
is normal.
a) Write down your diagnosis.
b) Enlist steps of your management plan. [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
3. A woman G8P6+1 age 35 years presents in antenatal clinic at 24 weeks with Hb 8.5
gm/dl. She reports lethargy and easy fatigability with off and on palpitations. Cardiac
disease is ruled out by cardiologist. What may be the problem of the lady and how it
can be managed? [Annual 2014]
c) What are the risks of anemia in the mother and fetus? [Supple 2010 held in
Liver Disease
1. A 22-year-old primigravida at 30 weeks of pregnancy complains of malaise, vomiting
and epigastric pain along with yellow coloration of eyes.
a) What is the differential diagnosis?
b) Enumerate five relevant investigations.
c) How is the fetal outcome affected? [Supple 2017 held in 2018]
2. A primigravida has just delivered a baby. You are waiting for the placenta to deliver.
a) What signs you will observe for placental separation?
b) How will you active manage 3rd stage of labor? [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
3. An unbook primigravida is admitted in emergency labor room. She gives history of
having labor pains for the last 2 hours. Briefly give three important relevant points in
history you would like to ask. [Annual 2018]
4. A primigravida comes with labor pains for 4 hours. Examination shows term
pregnancy with normal fatal heart sounds. Pelvic findings are cervix 80% effaced, 4
cm dilated membrane present Vx at station -1 and pelvis adequate. Give her
intrapartum management. [Annual 2016]
5. A woman who is G3P2+0 aged 28 years with previous all spontaneous vaginal
deliveries has come in early labor at 39 weeks. On examination, her cervix is 3 cm
dilated & 50% effaced, membrane is intact and head is at -2 station.
a) Explain the partographic components and during which phase of first stage you
start filling it?
b) What are the key principles of 1st stage management of normal labor?
[Annual 2014]
8. A healthy G3P2+0 comes to you in labor. His first stage of labor was uneventful and
second stage has just started.
a) How do you plan to manage 3rd stage of labor? Describe the management. What
are the benefits of this management?
b) What are the signs of placental separation? [Annual 2010]
9. A 26-year-old PG has come in labor room with labor pains 6 hours. She is at 38 weeks
gestation and no risk factors in pregnancy.
a) What will you do to confirm the labor?
b) How will you manage if she is in labor? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
10. A 28-year-old G4P3+0 with 39 weeks of pregnancy comes to labor room with labor
pains of 3 hours duration. She is 3 cm dilated when artificial rupture of membranes is
done. You see Grade 1 meconium. She has otherwise uncomplicated pregnancy with
all previous simple vaginal deliveries. How will you manage this case? [Annual 2008]
2. G2P1+0 presents at 38 weeks of gestation in active phase of labor. Her CTG shows
a) Discuss the parameters of Cardiotocography (CTG) you look for its interpretation.
b) Outline the management of her labor. [Supple 2015 held in 2016]
3. A primigravida is present with active phase of labor. What are different methods of
fetal assessment in labor? [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
A woman who is G3P2+0 reports to labor ward at 38 weeks gestation having mild
labor pains for two hours. On pelvic examination, cervix is 4 cm dilated and 70%
effaced. Her admission cardiotocography (CTG) is reactive.
a) What are the features of reactive CTG?
b) What other methods are available for fetal monitoring during labor?
c) After 2 hours she still has same pelvic findings and her CTG trace shows late
deceleration. What would be your management? [Annual 2014]
5. You are monitoring the labor of G2P2+0 whose gestational age is more than 42
a) Is she a high-risk case for developing intrapartum fetal distress?
b) What tools/tests are available to assess fetal well-being during labor?
[Annual 2010]
antenatal ward because of regular uterine contractions. Speculum examination
revealed that the cervical os was effaced and 1 cm dilated.
a) What are the laboratory tests related to the investigation of the cause of this
condition? Name two.
b) Enlist five important features you should note during an ultrasound scan
c) How would you manage her if there was no contraindication for use of
tocolytics? [Annual 2009]
7. What can you do to assess the status of fetus in labor? [Annual 2008]
1. What is the significance of a Partogram? [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
3. 32-year-old G3 is in labor for last 6 hours. She is at term and started with
spontaneous labor. Oxytocin infusion was started one hour back. Her CTG is showing
normal baseline heart rate with good variability but with occasional type 1
decelerations. She has 4 cm dilation on vaginal examination.
a) Enlist three findings suggestive of cephalopelvic disproportion.
b) Suggest atleast two important points in her management plan at this stage.
[Annual 2018]
4. A 25-year-old primigravida is in second stage of labor for the last 1.5 hours. The head
is at ischial spine (zero station). Liquor is clear and fetal heart rate is within normal
a) What are the causes of delay in second stage of labor?
b) How would you manage it? [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
5. A G2P1+0 with previous unexplained IUD at term has presented in active phase of
a) How will you monitor her wellbeing?
b) How will you monitor progress of labor?
c) If there is any delay in first stage of labor, how will you correct it?
d) If there is any delay in 2nd stage of labor, what will be the management?
e) What will be the indications of C-section in this patient?
[Supple 2011 held in 2012]
6. A 22-year-old primigravida came 8 hours back in labor room with labor pains. She is
now fully dilated for 1 hour V b/w -1 and zero.
a) What are the possible causes of prolonged labor?
b) What should be done? [Annual 2008]
2. Enumerate the risk factors causing fetal compromise in labor requiring intensive
care. [Annual 2010]
2. A primigravida is your booked patient. During her antenatal visit at 36 weeks, she
wants to know about the pain relief measures available to her during labor.
a) What options will you give her?
b) What are the risks/complications of epidural analgesia?
c) What are the contraindications of epidural analgesia? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
4. Name the types of regional anesthetics blocks used for labor. Give pros & cons of
epidural anesthesia. [Annual 2007]
Induction of Labor
1. A primigravida came at 38 weeks of pregnancy with BP of 160/100 mm Hg and
proteinuria. Induction of labor has been decided.
a) How this patient should be evaluated before induction of labor?
b) What are the methods of induction of labor?
c) Enlist the complications of induction of labor. [Annual 2010]
Obstructed Labor
1. A G3P2+0 with previous two normal vaginal deliveries, had a trial of labor at home
by some dai, she presented in labor room with sings of obstructed labor,
a) What are the signs of obstructed labor?
b) What are the common causes?
c) How will you manage this patient? [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
Perineal Repair
1. A primigravida delivered 2.8 kg baby spontaneously per vaginum. On inspection, 3rd
degree tear was found.
a) Define perineal tear.
b) How you establish the diagnosis of 3rd degree tear?
c) What is the management plan? [Annual 2015]
2. A 26-year-old primigravida waws delivered by outlet forceps and during delivery. She
suffered from 3rd degree perennial tear.
a) How will you manage her?
b) What are the complications associated with it? [Annual 2008]
1. Regarding episiotomy enumerate the:
a) Indications
b) Timing
c) Types
d) Steps of suturing [Supple 2017 held in 2018]
2. A G5P4 is in second stage of labor for the last 2 hours. The senior obstetrician is
counseling her for a vacuum delivery.
a) Enlist three pre-requisites for vacuum delivery.
b) Enlist two possible complications to the mother. [Annual 2017]
3. A G2P1 presents in Emergency Labor Room at term with labor pains for 6-8 hours
and she is fully dilated after two hours. A baby boy of 3.8 kg delivered with outlet
a) What are the prerequisites for instrumental delivery?
b) What are the risks associated with instrumental delivery?
[Supple 2016 held in 2017]
4. A primigravida at term is in second stage of labor for last two hours. Pelvic findings
are: os fully dilated. Vertex at +2 right occipitoposterior with membranes absent and
fetal heart sounds normal.
a) How would you manage her?
b) What are the maternal and fetal risks associated with the procedure?
[Supple 2015 held in 2016]
Antepartum Hemorrhage
1. A G4P2+1 came in shock like state at 34 weeks with profuse vaginal bleeding. She
died within 5-10 minutes of admission despite prompt resuscitation measures.
a) What type of maternal death it is?
b) What is the most likely cause of death in this patient?
c) How this death could have been avoided?
d) Enlist the causes of maternal death. [Annual 2010]
Placental Abruption
1. A 38-year-old G5P4 (previous spontaneous vaginal delivery) presents in emergency
with the complaints of painful moderate vaginal bleeding at term. On examination
her pulse is 120 bpm and BP is 80/50 mm Hg. Her abdomen is tense and tender on
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Outline the management plan of this obstetrical emergency. [Annual 2013]
2. G3P2A0 presents at 34 weeks of gestation with history of heavy vaginal bleeding,
abdominal pain and decreased fetal movements and on examination, uterus is tense
and tender.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Give steps of management plan. [Annual 2009]
Placenta Previa
1. A G3P2+0 with previous two C-sections has presented in emergency at 35 weeks of
gestation with the complaint of painless bleeding per vagina for last two hours. Her
vital signs are normal.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) What investigations will you advise?
c) How will you manage the patient? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
2. A 35-year-old P6 comes with bleeding PV after home delivery. She gives history of
profuse bleeding with clots. On examination her pulse is 120/min and BP 90/60 mm
Hg with cold clammy extremities.
a) What is the most likely cause of bleeding?
b) Enumerate important steps in the medical management of this lady.
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
4. A woman who just had vaginal delivery is bleeding profusely from vagina.
a) Outline initial management.
b) Discuss complications of massive hemorrhage (PPH). [Annual 2012]
5. You are called to see a woman who has had a normal labor and delivery of a healthy
infant. She commenced bleeding profusely from her vagina soon after the delivery of
the placenta. Outline your steps of immediate and subsequent management of this
patient. [Annual 2009]
6. A 32-year-old G6P5+0 delivered by SVD and started bleeding from vagina, she had all
SVDs previously.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) What measures you will take to manage her? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
1. An 18-year-old primigravida at 35 weeks of gestation has reported in emergency
with sudden onset of tonic-clonic fits since morning. Her blood pressure is 190/110
mm Hg.
a) Describe initial management of patient.
b) How and when will you deliver her? [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
b) What other investigations are required?
c) What are the initial steps of management? [Annual 2017]
3. A primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation presents with history of fits for last three
hours. Her blood pressure is 160/80 mm Hg. Proteinuria is +++.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Enlist important investigations.
c) Outline the management plan. [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
Shoulder Dystocia
a) What is shoulder dystocia?
b) Enumerate the risk factors.
c) List the steps to manage shoulder dystocia. [Annual 2013]
Secondary Postpartum Hemorrhage
1. A 34-year-old delivered a full-term baby 2 weeks ago by vaginal delivery. She gives
history of low-grade fever, abdominal cramps, pungent lochia and heavy vaginal
bleeding for last 24 hours.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Enlist two investigations.
c) Outline management plan. [Annual 2018]
2. A 20-year-old woman, para one, presents in labor room after one week of normal
vaginal delivery with heavy bleeding per vagina for one day.
a) Define secondary Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH).
b) What are the most common causes of secondary PPH?
c) How will you manage the patient? [Annual 2017]
1. An obese 20-year-old had emergency cesarean section due to failed induction for
pre-eclampsia. She is given prophylactic antibiotic at the time of surgery. She is
discharged home two days later feeling well. Nine days later, she was admitted in
emergency with complains of low-grade fever, pyrexia 37-37.5 C. On examination,
her chest is normal and uterus is palpable just above pelvic brim. Her both legs are
swollen but left calf is also tender.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What risk factors are present for that disease in this patient?
c) What specific investigations and treatment you will plan for her?
[Supple 2019 held in 2020]
2. A 36-year-old para 4 delivered five days back by LSCS for obstructed labor has
presented in emergency with history of breathlessness for 1 hour, pain, redness and
swelling in right calf since morning.
a) What is most likely diagnosis?
b) What are risk factors for this problem in her?
c) How will you manage her? [Annual 2011]
2. A 30-year-old P2 presents in the labor ward with history of home delivery three days
back, high grade fever with rigors, dysuria and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you manage her? [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
4. A P3+0 had spontaneous vaginal delivery two days back. She has presented in
emergency with 102 C fever. On examination, her episiotomy wound is health, chest,
breast and legs are normal.
a) What is the most likely cause of her fever?
b) What are the most likely organisms involved?
c) What are the risk factors for puerperal sepsis?
d) What investigations will you advise? [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
5. A 35-year-old para 3 presented in the labor ward with the history of delivery at
home two days back with history of pyrexia, rigors, dysuria and foul-smelling vaginal
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2011]
Psychiatric Disorders
1. You are called out to evaluate a young lady delivered two days ago whom the family
describes as ‘depressed’. She is physically okay, has a healthy alive son.
a) What are the psychiatric ailments in puerperium?
b) What can you do for her? [Supple 2007 held in 2008]
1. A P2+0 delivered by you decided not to breastfeed her baby.
a) How will you counsel her regarding breast feeding?
b) What breast problems she can develop if she does not start breast feeding and
how can they be managed? [Annual 2010]
Breast Disorders
1. A woman presents with high grade fever, chills and painful red swollen right breast
on 14th day of delivery.
a) What are the common breast conditions that commonly develop in puerperium?
b) What is the common infecting organism in this case?
c) How will you treat her? [Annual 2015]
2. A P2+0 has presented on the 4th postnatal day, normal vaginal delivery with
complaints of 102 F fever, rigors, chills and red, hot and tender left breast.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis?
b) What investigations will you advise?
c) How will treat her? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]