A1 Book SoundGrammar

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Conversations - elllo.org


1) Who is a doctor?
a) The mom and dad

b) Just the mom

2) Her husband is _____ .

a) cute

b) a fireman

3) Who is a pilot?
Lesson A1-01 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) The sister

b) The brother

Be Simple Present 4) Where are the grandparents?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) In town

b) In the countryside

Conversation 1

Man: I like your __________ photos. Who is


Woman: That is my dad. He is a doctor.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Wow. He is very __________ .

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, __________ .

Man: Is this your mom?

Con #1 Con #2 Con #3 Con #4
Woman: Yes, she is a __________ , too.

tall this is is my country

Man: Wow, smart family.

he is she is jobs farm

Conversation 2 family is he brother are my
doctor he is at are the who are
Man: Who are these people?

Woman: That is my husband. In this picture, __________ work.

Man: Oh, __________ a fireman?

Woman: Yes, he is. And __________ my


Man: Wow! She is so cute.

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yes, __________ cute!
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) How many people are in your family?

Man: Who __________ people in this

2) What are their names?

Woman: That __________ older brother and

younger sister.
3) How old is everyone?

4) What are their jobs?

Man: Oh, what do they do?

5) When is your birthday?
Woman: My sister is a pilot. My __________ is a farmer.

Man: Wow. They have cool __________ .

[ _ ] It is June 17th.

Woman: Yeah, they do! [ _ ] My mom is 50. My dad is 52.

[ _ ] Just three. My mom, dad and myself.

Conversation 4 [ _ ] My mom's name is Sue. My dad's name is Joe.

[ _ ] My mom is a teacher. My dad is dentist.

Man: And __________ these people?

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Woman: Those __________ grandparents.

Man: Oh, do they live in town?

Woman: No, they live in the _______ . They

have a ______ .

Man: How nice!

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Woman: Yeah, I go there often.

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1) Is it hot in the car?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it is not.

2) Is her house nice?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it is not.

3) Are the shoes expensive?

Lesson A1-02 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Yes, they are.

b) No, they are not.

Yes / No Questions with Be Verbs 4) Is the pizza shop closed?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it is not.

Conversation 1

Man: Are __________ ?

Woman: Yes, I am __________ .

Grammar Challenge
Man: Is the air-con on?

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Woman: No, is __________ ?

Man: Can I turn it on?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yes, __________ do.
please very old expensive still open
Conversation 2 you hot house big guess 24 hours
it off it nice very cheap very hungry
Man: Is your __________ ?

very hot pretty big they new you hungry

Woman: Yes, it is __________ .

Man: Is it new?

Woman: No, it is __________ .

Man: Is __________ ?
Speaking Challenge
Woman: Not really. I want to move.
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) Is it hot today?

2) Is your house big?

Man: I like your shoes. Are __________ ?

3) Are you hungry?

Woman: Yes, I just got them.

4) Are your shoes new?

Man: Are they __________ ?

5) Is English difficult?
Woman: No, they are __________ .

Man: Are they from the discount shoe shop?

[ _ ] No, I just had lunch.

Woman: Yes! How did you __________ ? [ _ ] No, it is pretty small.

[ _ ] Yes, but it is fun.

[ _ ] No, it is very cool.

Conversation 4 [ _ ] No, they are very old.

Man: Are __________ ?

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Yes, I am __________ .

Man: Do you want pizza?

Woman: Yes, let's get some.

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Man: Is the pizza shop __________ ?

Woman: Yes, it is open __________ . Go online for the complete lesson!

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Conversations - elllo.org


1) What food does she like?

a) pizza

b) pasta

2) What does he like?

a) tea

b) coffee

3) What flavor does she like?

Lesson A1-03 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) vanilla

b) chocolate

Likes 4) What snack does she like?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) cookies

b) potato chips

Conversation 1

Man: So what foods do you like?

Woman: Hmm, I __________ cream, and pizza,

and apples.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Oh, I __________ foods, too.

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: What foods do __________ ?

Man: I like fish, vegetables, and bananas.

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Together?

like those cold tea kind of I love

Man: No, __________ !
like ice both too really like and oranges
Conversation 2 not together and hot flavor do to eat
you like drinks do cake and what fruits
Man: What __________ you like?

Woman: I like tea, and I like juice.

Man: Ooh, hot tea or __________ ?

Woman: Both. What about you?

Speaking Challenge
Man: I like coffee, __________ chocolate.

Woman: Ooh, I like __________ ! Match the answers with the questions.
1) What foods do you like?

Conversation 3 2) What drinks do you like?

3) What desserts do you like?

Man: What desserts do you like?

4) Do you ever eat snacks between meals?

Woman: I __________ ice-cream.

5) Do you like to eat vegetables?
Man: Oh! What __________ you like?

Woman: Hmm, I like strawberry. I like vanilla

[ _ ] No! I am on a diet.

[ _ ] Yes, I love carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Man: Nice! I like __________ I like pie!

[ _ ] I really like coffee. Juice too!

Woman: What __________ pie?

[ _ ] I love pasta and pizza too!

Man: I really like apple pie with ice cream! [ _ ] Ice cream and apple pie!
Woman: Yum! What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: What snacks do you like?

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Woman: I like __________ fruit.

Man: Oh yeah? And __________ do you

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Woman: I like apples __________ . And

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: I like strawberries and watermelon!

2. Check your answers.
Woman: Do you like to eat cookies?
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Of course! __________ chocolate chip

Woman: Me too!
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Conversations - elllo.org


1) When does she get up?

a) 5

b) 6

2) What does he do at the bike shop?

a) Fix bikes

b) Ride bikes

3) What does she read?

Lesson A1-04 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) History

b) Stories

Basic Verbs - Present Simple 4) What sport does she play?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) soccer

b) tennis

Conversation 1

Man: What do you do in the morning?

Woman: I _______ , I _______ a

shower, I get dressed, and I
Grammar Challenge
eat breakfast.

Use the words below to complete each

Man: Oh! When do you get up?

Woman: I _______ up at 6.
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Wow! That’s early.

take fix eat in study

Woman: I know! I _______ mornings, though!

wake up work read on play

Conversation 2 like go eat with soccer with
get do read about books
Man: What do you _______ during the day?

Woman: Well, I _______ to school. I teach


Man: Oh! What do you teach?

Woman: I teach maths. What do you do?

Speaking Challenge
Man: I _______ at a bike shop!

Woman: Really? What do you do at the shop?

Match the answers with the questions.
Man: I _______ and sell bikes!
1) What do you do in the morning?

Woman: Sounds fun!

2) When do you get up?

3) What do you do during the day?

Conversation 3 4) What do you do on the weekend?

5) What sports do you play?

Man: What do you do at lunch?

Woman: I _______ my friends. And you?

[ _ ] Usually at 6 or 6:30.

Man: I _______ in the park.

[ _ ] Soccer. I am on a team.

[ _ ] I go hiking or go shopping.

Woman: That’s nice.

[ _ ] I go to school most days.

Man: Yeah, I like to _______ my lunch

[ _ ] I get early and workout.
Woman: Oh! What do you read?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: I _______ history.

Woman: Interesting.

Conversation 4 Go online to elllo.org

Man: What do you do on the weekend?

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Woman: I _______ sports at the park. How
about you?

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: I _______ at the library.

2. Check your answers.
Woman: Oh, right! You love _______ .
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Yeah. So, what sports do you play?

Woman: I play __________ my friends.

Man: Sounds fun.

Woman: It is!

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar

Conversations - elllo.org


1) Who plays baseball?

a) The man

b) The woman

2) Who has a cat?

a) The man

b) The woman

3) Does the woman cook much?

Lesson A1-05 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Yes, she does.

b) No, she does not.

Yes / No Questions with Verbs 4) Where does the woman live?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) In the city

b) In the country

Conversation 1

Man: Do you play sports?

Woman: Yes, I play sports. I really love


Grammar Challenge
Man: _____ you play on a team?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, but we do_____play in winter.

Man: Oh,_____you_____in summer?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yes, we play in spring and summer.

not don't do you So, do

Conversation 2 play have Yes, I buy Yes, it is
Do Yeah you cook Do you
Man: _______ have any pets?

do Do you don't like you like

Woman: Yes, I have a cat. What about you? Do you?

Man: I _______ have a cat, but I have a


Woman: Nice. Do you _______ a big yard?

Man: Yes, I have a big yard, so it is perfect for

my dog.
Speaking Challenge
Woman: ____, I don't have a yard, so I
can only have a cat.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3
1) Do you play sports?

2) Do you have any pets?

Man: Do _______ much?

3) Do you cook much?

Woman: Yes, I cook all the time. Do you cook?

4) Do you live downtown?

Man: No, I _______ to cook very much.

5) Do you take the train?
Woman: Oh, so _______ buy your dinner?

Man: _______ it at the supermarket.

[ _ ] Yes, I always make dinner.

Woman: That must be expensive.

[ _ ] No, I have a car.

[ _ ] No, but I want a dog.

Man: Yes, it is. [ _ ] Yes, I live by the station.

[ _ ] Yes, I play football.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: _______ live downtown?

Woman: Yes, I live near the train station.

Man: Nice. _______ you take the train to

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Woman: Yes, most days. What about you?

Man: I live far away, so I drive to work.

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Woman: Do _______ it?

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: _______ a nice drive.

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1) Where does his mom work?

a) A store

b) A factory

2) Where does her brother live?

a) At home

b) Near campus

3) Who watches her child?

Lesson A1-06 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Her mom

b) Her daughter

Third Person Singular - Present Simple 4) What does she say about the movie?
Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) It starts soon.

b) It ends soon.

Conversation 1

Woman: What _______ your mom do?

Man: She _______ women’s clothing.

Grammar Challenge
Woman: Oh, yeah? Where does she _______ ?

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Man: She has a small shop in the mall.

Woman: Does she _______ clothing for teens?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: No, she only has stuff for adults.

work doesn’t takes stars

Conversation 2 does studies does start
sell come walks star
Man: What does your brother do?

sells lives watches starts

Woman: He is a university student. He _______ engineering.

Man: Oh! Does he live at home?

Woman: No, he ____ near campus. He has a small apartment.

Man: Does he _______ home much?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: No, he _______ ’t. He doesn’t have much free time.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3
1) What does your mom do?

2) What does your father do?

Man: Who _______ care of your daughter when you’re at work?

3) Who makes a lot of money?

Woman: My mom _______ her. She lives near my house.

4) Who talks to you every day?

Man: Oh, that’s convenient.

5) Who stars in your favorite movie?
Woman: Yeah. My daughter _______ there after school.

Man: Wow. That works out well for you.

[ _ ] Daniel Craig. He plays 007.

[ _ ] She works in an office.

Woman: It _______ . Plus, my daughter loves staying with her

[ _ ] My friend. He works in Wall Street.

[ _ ] He does not work anymore.

[ _ ] My sister. She calls me every night.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: When does the movie _______ ?

Woman: It _______ in about ten minutes.

Man: Cool! Who does it _______ , again?

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Woman: It _______ Brad Pitt. He plays a cop in the future.

Man: Does it have good reviews?

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Woman: It does. Everyone says it is a great movie.

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1) How is his math class?

a) Easy

b) Hard

2) How does he want his mocha?

a) Hot

b) Cold

3) What is slow?
Lesson A1-07 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) The wifi

b) The computer

Adjectives 4) Who is not hungry?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) The man

b) The woman

Conversation 1

Man: How are your classes?

Woman: Good. I really like my English class. It is _______ Grammar Challenge


Man: That’s nice. My English class is fun too, but it _______ .

Use the words below to complete each conversation.
Woman: What about your math class?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: It is easy, but it is very boring. Plus, the room is very small
strict expensive is fast salty, too
and hot.

Woman: Is the teacher _______ ?

fun and small and a short delicious
Man: Yes, but she is very nice and friendly.
no fun cheap is perfect nice of
Woman: That is important. Math is _______ without a good is difficult or cold new one so hungry

Man: I think so too.

Conversation 2 Speaking Challenge

Woman: Hello, can I help you?
Match the answers with the questions.
Man: Yes, can I have a cafe mocha?

1) What class is diffcult for you?

Woman: OK, hot __________ ?

2) Is the wifi fast at your house?

Man: Ice mocha, please. Is it sweet?

3) Do you like hot or iced coffee?

4) Do you want a new computer?

Woman: It is a little sweet. What size do you want?

5) What food is very delicious?
Man: Medium, please.

Woman: We only have __________ large sizes.

[ _ ] I like cold drinks.

Man: In that case, large please.

[ _ ] Pizza and pasta.

Woman: OK, that will be 8.50. [ _ ] Math is very hard for me.

[ _ ] No, it is super slow.

Man: Wow! That’s __________ .

[ _ ] Yes, mine is super slow.
Woman: Yeah, it’s not __________ . Do you still want it?

Man: Yes, please.

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 3

Man: What a beautiful day!

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Woman: Yes, the weather is _______ . Not too hot, not too
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Man: How is the wifi speed?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: It is _______ , but my computer is slow, though. It is a 2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
very old computer.

Man: My computer is old, too. I want a _______ .

Woman: Me too, but computers are so expensive.

Man: Some basic computers are cheap, but they are not very

Woman: Yeah, and they have _______ life, and they are slow.

Man: Yes, no more slow computers for me!

Woman: Same here!

Conversation 4
Man: How is your food?

Woman: It is OK, but the sauce is a little salty.

Man: My food is _______ .

Woman: Do you like it?

Man: Yes, it is very _______ , but I am full.

Woman: Really? I am still _______ .

Man: Oh, please have mine. I cannot finish.

Woman: Thanks! That is very _______ you.

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1) Who works on Wednesday?

a) The man

b) The woman

2) Who is free on Sunday?

a) The man

b) The woman

3) What class does she have on Friday?

Lesson A1-08 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Math

b) English

Days of the Week 4) When will they play soccer?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Tuesday

b) Saturday

Conversation 1

Man: What days do you work?

Woman: I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I don't Grammar Challenge
work Wednesday.

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Man: Wow, that is a nice _______ .

Woman: Yeah, but I sometimes _______ Saturday. What about Con #1 Con #2 Con #3 Con #4

schedule free on class on nights

Man: I work Monday to Friday.

work on busy every day weekend

Woman: Nice, you have _______ .

Man: Yes, I never work on Saturday _______ .

weekdays too bad a busy weekends
or Sunday is on days play on
Conversation 2

Man: When is the party?

Woman: The party _______ Saturday.

Man: Ooh, I have a game on Saturday.

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Oh, that's _______ .

Man: I am only _______ Sunday.

Match the answers with the questions.

Woman: Sorry! On Sunday I am _______ .

1) What days do you work or go to school?

Conversation 3 2) What days do you have English class?

3) What days are you busy?

4) What days are you free?

Man: What _______ do you have English class?

5) When is your birthday this year?
Woman: I have _______ Monday and Thursday.

Man: When do you have math class?

[ _ ] I study on Tuesday nights.

Woman: I have maths class _______ .

[ _ ] Monday to Friday like most people.

Man: Ooh, what about history class?

[ _ ] Friday. It is crazy at work!

Woman: I have history class on Wednesday.

[ _ ] It is on a Monday.

[ _ ] Sunday. I stay home and relax.

Man: Wow, you have _______ schedule.

Woman: I know!
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Woman: When do you play soccer?

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Man: I play on Tuesday and Friday _______ .

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Woman: Nice. I only play on the _______ .

Man: Really? Can I play with you?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Yes, we _______ Saturday and Sunday at the park at 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.

Man: Great! See you this _______ !

Woman: See you then!

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1) What can her mom do?

a) Speak Italian

b) Make delicious food

2) What does she say about her dad?

a) He is tall.

b) He is hard-working.

3) Where are the students from?

Lesson A1-09 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) The same place

b) Different places

Subject Pronouns 4) Does she think they are lost?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Yes

b) No

Conversation 1

Man: What does _______ mom do?

Woman: She is a _______ at a restaurant.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Cool! That means she's a _______ cook.

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Woman: Yes, _______ is a great cook.

Man: Where does she work?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: She works at an Italian restaurant.

she is all not

Conversation 2 your he they are
chef does from we
Man: What _______ your dad like?

good like here there

Woman: He is funny. He's very friendly.

Man: What _______ he look _______ ?

Woman: He is tall and big.

Man: Oh! How old is _______ ? Speaking Challenge

Woman: He is 47.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3
1) Who is your favorite actress? Where is she

2) What movie is she in?

Man: Who are your friends?

3) Who is your favorite actor? Where is he from?

Woman: Betty, Jason, and Laura.

4) What movie is he in?

Man: Oh, are they students?

5) What is your favorite band? Where are they
Woman: Yes, _______ are. They _______ study business.

Man: Are they from around _______ ?

[ _ ] Michael J. Fox. He is Canadian.
Woman: No, they are all _______ different cities.
[ _ ] He is in Back to the Future.

[ _ ] U2. They are from Ireland.

[ _ ] Nicole Kidman. She is from Australia.

Conversation 4 [ _ ] She is in Days of Thunder.

Man: Are we _______ yet?

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: No, but we _______ close, I think.

Man: How close are _______ ?

Woman: We are ten, maybe twenty minutes away.

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Man: What? Twenty minutes! Are we lost?

Woman: No, we are _______ lost. Trust me!

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1) What will the man do?

a) Take her to school.
b) Pick her up.

2) Where does she see Sue?

a) She sees her at school.
b) She sees her at work.

3) Who likes Mr. Wilson?

Lesson A1-10 | True Beginner | CEFR A1 a) No one likes him.

b) Everyone likes him.

Object Pronouns
4) What will they look for?
Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.
a) His keys

b) His wallet
Conversation 1

Man: Did you call _______ ?

you help me today?
Woman: Yes, I called you. Can Grammar Challenge

Man: Sure, _______ can I do for you?

Use the words below to complete each conversation.
Woman: Can you take me _______ school?

Man: OK, I can pick you up at 10.

Con #1 Con #2 Con #3 Con #4
Woman: Great! See you _______ .

me and he us
Conversation 2 then her him it

Man: Who is _______ best friend? what day me them

Woman: My best friend is Sue. to your your you

Man: Do you talk to her every _______ ?

meet her for lunch.
Woman: Yes, I see her at school. I always

Man: Oh, why do you like _______ ?

Woman: She is nice _______ funny! She makes me laugh.

Speaking Challenge

Conversation 3 Match the answers with the questions.

1) Who are your best friends?
Man: Who is _______ teacher?

2) Do you talk to them every day?

I _______ him a lot. 3) Why do you like them?

Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson.

4) Who is your favorite actor?

Man: Why do you like him?

5) Who is your favorite athlete?
Woman: Well, _______ is nice and he always helps _______
with my homework.

[ _ ] They are funny and really nice.
Man: He sounds nice.

[ _ ] Julia Roberts. I like her very much.

Woman: He is. We all love him.

[ _ ] Joe and Kelly. I met them in high school.

[ _ ] Usain Bolt. I loved to watch him in the Olympics.

[ _ ] Yes, I see them or call them every day.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your answers to the questions.
Man: Do you have my keys?

Woman: No. I put _______ on the table.

Man: Great! I see them. What about my wallet?

Woman: I think _______ set it on the counter.

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Man: Really? I don't see _______ .

Woman: Well, I'll help you. One of _______ will find it. Go online for the complete lesson!

1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.

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Conversations - elllo.org


1) What belongs to the woman?

a) The book

b) The pencil

2) What does the woman like?

a) the blue shirt

b) the jeans

3) How much is the total cost?

Lesson A1-11 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) about ten dollars

b) over twenty dollars

This, That, These, Those 4) What item is very cheap?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) The plates

b) The spoon

Conversation 1

Man: Is _________ book?

Woman: Yes, _________ my book.

Grammar Challenge
Man: And _________ your pencil?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: No, _________ not my pencil.

Man: Whose pencil is it?

#1 Con
#2 Con
Woman: I'm not sure.

is this those too Those are

Conversation 2 that is these jeans this coffee
this your that color are these
Man: I like _________ .

that is like this That is

Woman: I like _________ .

Man: Do you _________ shirt?

Woman: No, but I like that shirt.

Man: The blue one?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: No, the green one.

Man: Hmm, I don't like _________ .

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: Really? I like it!
1) Is that shirt new?

2) Is this your book?

Conversation 3 3) Are those shoes new?

4) Whose jacket is this?

Man: How much is _________ maker?

5) Are these your papers?
Woman: _________ ten dollars.

Man: And how much _________ plates?

[ _ ] No, this shirt is very old.

[ _ ] That is Bob's.

Woman: _________ five dollars each.

[ _ ] No, those are not mine.

Man: What about these?

[ _ ] Yes, it is mine.

Woman: Those spoons are one dollar each.

[ _ ] Yes, I got these at the mall.
Man: I'll take them all.
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Sold!

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1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Who lives in New Zealand?

a) He does.

b) She does.

2) When is summer in his country?

a) July

b) December

3) What is her favorite month?

Lesson A1-13 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) September

b) February

Months 4) What month is wet?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) March

b) August

Conversation 1

Woman: When is fall in America?

Man: It is in _______ , October,

November, and December.
Grammar Challenge
Woman: Oh! That is _______ in New Zealand.

Use the words below to complete each

Man: When is _______ in New Zealand?

Woman: It is in _______ , April, May, and

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Oh, cool!

September December February January

Conversation 2 March July month month
fall summer reason wet in
Woman: So, when is summer in America?

spring June weather April and

Man: It is in June, _______ , August, and

Woman: _______ to September is winter in New


Man: Hmm. So, when is _______ ?

Woman: Summer is _______ , January,

February, and March.
Speaking Challenge
Man: I want to go to New Zealand then.

Woman: Please come!

Match the answers with the questions.
1) When is summer in your country?

Conversation 3
2) When is spring in your country?

3) What is the fall in your country?

Woman: What is your favorite month?

4) When is it really hot in your country?

Man: My favorite _______ is July.

5) When does it rain in your country?
Woman: Why do you like July?

Man: Because the _______ is hot, and it

is my birthday!
[ _ ] In Argentina it is is October.

Woman: Nice! My favorite month is _______ .

[ _ ] In Canada, it is from June to September.

[ _ ] In Vietnam is rains a lot in August.

Man: Why? Do you have a birthday in February?

[ _ ] In France it starts in September.

Woman: No, but I have no school!

[ _ ] In Thailand, it is very hot in April.
Man: Good _______ !
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Woman: In your country, what month is hot?

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Man: July is very hot.

Woman: What _______ is cold?

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Man: _______ is very cold.

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: What month gets lots of rain?

2. Check your answers.
Man: March. It is very _______ March.
3. Access more free lessons.
Woman: What month is cool?

Man: Both _______ October have cool


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1) Who has a birthday in May?

a) He does

b) She does

2) Who comes back on the 16th?

a) He does

b) She does

3) Where can you get a soccer ball?

Lesson A1-14 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Third floor

b) Fifth floor

Ordinals 4) What do they have together?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) English class

b) Art class

Conversation 1

Man: When is your birthday?

Woman: It is October _______ . When is your _______ ?

Grammar Challenge
Man: It is May 5th.

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Oh, my sister's birthday is in _______ .

Man: Oh! What _______ ?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: May 11th.

day on the fifth floor third

Conversation 2 May vacation second second
birthday the 15th sixth first
Man: When is your _______ ?

18th 8th to the third class

Woman: It is from the _______ the 12th.
And you?

Man: It is from the 9th to _______ .

Woman: Wow! So lucky! I work _______ 13th.

Man: Yeah, I am lucky.

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Do you start work on the 16th?

Man: Yes, I start work on the 16th.

Match the answers with the questions.

1) What is your birthday?

Conversation 3 2) When does your vacation begin?

3) What is the first thing you do every day?

Man: Excuse me, where are the books?

4) What is the second biggest city in your

Woman: The books are on the _______ .

5) Is your bedroom on the first floor?
Man: Fifth floor. Got it. And where are the
sporting goods?

Woman: Sporting goods are on _______ floor.

[ _ ] No, it is on the second floor.

Man: Third floor. Great! And the restrooms?

[ _ ] It is May 2nd. I will be 30.

[ _ ] Los Angeles is the second biggest city.

Woman: They are on the first, _______ ,

fourth, and _______ [ _ ] On the 8th. I can't wait!

[ _ ] I check my email.
Man: Great! Thanks so much.
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: My pleasure.

Conversation 4
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Man: What do you have _______ period?

Woman: I have math. And you?

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Man: I have English. What about _______ period?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: I have P.E. What about you?

2. Check your answers.
Man: I have history class.
3. Access more free lessons.
Woman: What do you have _______ period?

Man: I have art class.

Woman: Really? I have art _______ third

period, too!

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1) When is the meeeting over?

a) a quater to seven

b) half past seven

2) What happens at quarter to four?

a) Her class starts.

b) Her class ends.

3) What time is it?

Lesson A1-15 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) half past seven

b) half past ten

Telling Time 4) What does the man want to do?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Get the next bus

b) Get a coffee

Conversation 1

Man: What time is the meeting?

Woman: It starts at 6 _______ .

Grammar Challenge
Man: When is it _______ ?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: It is over _______ .

Man: Wow! So long!

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Well, it might _______ 7:15.

o'clock at 8:30 got it to nine

Conversation 2 at 7:30 finish 10:30 quarter
over first past ten 9:30
Man: When is your _______ class?

finish by 3:45 past seven at 9:15

Woman: It is _______ .

Man: Me too! When is your last class?

Woman: My last class is at _______ .

Man: When does it _______ ?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: At 5:15.

Man: Wow, so late!

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: I know.

1) When do you wake up?

2) When do you start work?

Conversation 3 3) When do you eat lunch?

4) What time do you get home?

Man: Excuse me. What time is it?

5) When do you go to bed?
Woman: It is half past ten.

Man: I'm sorry, I don't understand.

[ _ ] At half past eight.

Woman: Oh, it is 10:30.

[ _ ] At nine o'clock.

[ _ ] Usually at noon.

Man: Oh, thanks. Half _______ means _______ ?

[ _ ] Usually at 6 p.m.

Woman: Yes, it does.

[ _ ] Usually around midnight.
Man: So, half _______ means 7:30?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Yes, you _______ !

Conversation 4
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Man: When is the next bus?

Woman: It is at _______ past eight.

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Man: 8:15! That's too early. I want to get a
coffee. And when is
1. Watch the animation video.

the next one?

2. Check your answers.
Woman: The next bus is at quarter _______ .
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: 8:45. OK, I can take that one.

Woman: There is also one _______ .

Man: Hmm. 9:15 is too late. I have class at _______ .

Woman: Don't miss it then!

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1) Where is the hotel?

a) On a hill.

b) Near the park.

2) Where does the woman live?

a) Near a college

b) On the beach

3) Where is the gym?

Lesson A1-16 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) In the mall.

b) Across from the mall.

Prepositions 4) Where is the language schools?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Behind the bank.

b) Between the bank and the post office.

Conversation 1

Man: Where's the hotel?

Woman: It is downtown. It is _______ park.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Is _______ the museum?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, the museum is _____ from the hotel in the park.

Man: That is a good location.

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yes, and the mall is _______ ,
nearby of in the away
Conversation 2 it near in from close
near the on the next on
Man: Where do you live?

across away on the between

Woman: I live ____ the east side _____ town.

Man: Are you near the university?

Woman: Yes, it is not far ____ .

Man: Are you _______ beach?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yes, I live on the beach
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) Where is your house?

2) Where is your town?

Woman: Where's the mall?

3) Where is your office?

Man: It is _______ to the train

4) Where is the nearest store?

Woman: Where's the cafe?

5) Where is your bike?
Man: It is across _______ the
train station.

Woman: And where's the nearest gym?

[ _ ] I live in an apartment on A Street.

Man: There's one _______ mall _______ second floor. [ _ ] It is across the river. I can walk to work.

[ _ ] It is on the coast. It gets lots of


[ _ ] There is one between the cafe and the bank.

Conversation 4 [ _ ] It is across the street against the wall.

Man: Does your town have a language

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Yes, there is one ____ A


Man: Where on A Street?

Woman: It is _____ the bank

and the post office.
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Man: Oh, that is _____ .

Woman: Yes, it is only five minutes _____ . Go online for the complete lesson!

1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
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1) What do they say about the jacket?

a) It is not his jacket.

b) It is her jacket.

2) What do they say about the car?

a) It is their new car.

b) It belongs to their friends.

3) When is the meeting?

Lesson A1-17 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) two o'clock

b) two thirteen

Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 4) Where is her desk?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Next to his.

b) Next to Bob's desk

Conversation 1

Man: Is this _______ jacket?

Grammar Challenge
Woman: No, that's not _______ .

Use the words below to complete each

Man: _______ is it?

Woman: Maybe it is Tom's jacket?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: No, that is _______ jacket
over there.

mine belongs anymore Yours

Woman: I'm not sure, then.

Whose for their Our new my

Man: Is it Beth's jacket?

Woman: No, it is too big to be her

your Whose our His
Man: Well, it belongs to someone. his their we Hers

Conversation 2

Man: _______ car is this?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: That _______ to Joe and

Man: Wow! I like _______ car.

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: I know. It is very nice.

1) Is this your jacket?

Man: It's big, too!

2) Is this her jacket?

Woman: Yes, they need space _______ kids. 3) Is this his backpack?

4) Is that your car?

5) Is this our table?

Conversation 3

Man: When is _______ meeting?

[ _ ] Yes, I think that is hers.

Woman: It is not until 2.

[ _ ] No, ours is over there.

[ _ ] No, my jacket is blue.

Man: Are _______ in room 213?

[ _ ] No, that is not his, it is mine.

Woman: No, not _______ .

[ _ ] No, mine is at home. I walked here.
Man: OK, where is the meeting then?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: _______ room is 216.

Man: Got it.

Conversation 4 Go online to elllo.org

Man: I like the new office. So, where

is _______ desk?
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Woman: _______ is over there. It
is next to mine.

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: Nice. And where is Jill's desk?

2. Check your answers.
Woman: _______ is over there.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Where is Bob's desk?

Woman: _______ is in the back, by

the window.

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1) What do they watch?

a) Spanish TV

b) Mexican TV

2) What does she say about Japan?

a) She can speak Japanese.

b) She can cook Japanese food.

3) What kind of music does he like?

Lesson A1-18 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) French music

b) Korean music

Nationalities 4) Who likes Italian football?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) He does.

b) She does.

Conversation 1

Man: What languages do you speak?

Woman: I _______ English and I

study Spanish.

Grammar Challenge
Man: That's cool. Do you have friends _______ ?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: No, but I like _______ TV shows.

Man: Me too. I love _______ in

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yeah. Spanish is so cool!
speak English is Korean in Italy
Conversation 2 Mexican Japan and Thai the English
movies Japanese like French to England
Man: Do you like _______ food?

from Spain with them Chinese German

Woman: Yes, I love Japanese food. I
lived in _______ before.

Man: Oh, do you speak Japanese?

Woman: Some. I have Japanese friends. I

practice _______ .

Man: Do they speak _______ ?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yes, they speak English very
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) What languages do you speak?

2) Do you have friends from another country?

Man: What foods do you like?

3) Do you like Thai food?

Woman: I _______ food _______ food.

4) What is Spain famous for?

Man: Me too. I also love _______ food.

5) Where do people eat lots of fish?
Woman: Do you like Korean food?

Man: Yes, and I also love K-Pop.

[ _ ] Yes, I love spicy food!

Woman: What is K-Pop?

[ _ ] Spanish food and football!

[ _ ] Yes, my friend is from Germany.

Man: K-Pop _______ pop music. [ _ ] In Japan. Japanese people love sushi.

[ _ ] I speak Russian and French.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: Do you like football?

Woman: Yes, I love football. I watch _______ football, Italian

football, Spanish football.
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Man: Me too! I want to go _______ to watch my team.

Woman: What is your team?

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Man: Chelsea. They play in _______ Premiere League.

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Oh! My favorite team is AC

Milan. They play _____ . 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Who can play football?

a) He can.

b) She can.

2) Who can speak Thai?

a) He can.

b) She can.

3) What can he make?

Lesson A1-19 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) pancakes

b) omelets

Can - Abilities 4) Who can sing well?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Just her

b) Just him

Conversation 1

Woman: What _______ can you

Grammar Challenge
Man: I can _______ baseball a bit,
and I can play tennis pretty
Use the words below to complete each
Woman: Can you play football?
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: No, I am terrible at football.
What about you?

play write can't should

Woman: Yeah, I can play football. I
like it a lot, but I'm not
sports can good sing
_______ .

Man: I bet you're _______ good.

pretty read can a little bit
Woman: No, really! I'm not that good. great speak make at all

Conversation 2

Man: What languages can you speak?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: I can _______ Japanese and

Man: Wow, can you _______ in

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: I _______ write a little bit
but not that much.

1) What sports can you play?

Man: Yeah, I hear kanji is really

2) What dishes can you cook?

Woman: Yeah, it's really difficult.

What about you? What 3) Can you sing very well?

4) What else can you do?

languages can you speak?

5) What languages can you speak?
Man: I can speak some Spanish, but not
great. I can also speak

[ _ ] No, I have a terrible voice.

Woman: Wow! Can you write in Thai?

[ _ ] I can read and write in French.

Man: No, but I can _______ it.

Writing is really difficult.
[ _ ] I can play basketball.

[ _ ] I can make pasta.

Woman: Still, that's pretty cool. [ _ ] I can paint pretty well.

Conversation 3 What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Man: So, are you a _______ cook?

Woman: Not really, but I can cook basic


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Man: Yeah? What _______ you cook?

Woman: I can make pasta dishes and some

French cuisine.
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What about you?

Man: I _______ cook anything. I

can only _______ an omelet.
1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

Woman: Well, that's not too bad. Can
you make pancakes?

3. Access more free lessons.

Man: No, I can't even make that.

Conversation 4

Man: What are you doing tonight?

Woman: I am going to Karaoke with

friends. Do you want to

Man: No, thanks. I can't sing _______

Woman: Oh, you _______ come.

Singing is fun.

Man: Maybe for you. I hear you can _______ really well.

Woman: I can sing _______ ,

but I am not great.

Man: That's not what I heard.

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1) Where does she say about the lake?

a) She goes there often.

b) She rarely goes there.

2) What does she often have for dinner?

a) Vegetables

b) Stir-fry

3) How does he get to work?

Lesson A1-20 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) He always drives.

b) He sometimes takes the bus.

Adverbs of Frequency 4) How does she watch movies?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) She rents DVDs.

b) She streams movies.

Conversation 1

Man: What do you do on the weekend?

Woman: I _______ stay home, but _______ I go out.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Oh? Where do you go?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Sometimes I go to the beach.
Sometimes I go to the
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: I _______ go there too. Do
you ever go to the lake?

sometimes Sometimes never rarely

Woman: No, very _______ . It is
too far from my house.
rarely often usually usually
Conversation 2 usually usually always never
often very rarely often
Man: What do you usually have for

Woman: I try to eat healthy, so I _______ cook vegetables.

Man: Really? What kind of stuff do you


Woman: _______ I make soups.

Sometimes I make stir-fry.
Speaking Challenge
Man: Stir-fry? That's not _______ healthy.

Woman: I know, but I don't eat it that _______ . Match the answers with the questions.

1) How often do you eat out?

Conversation 3 2) How often do you go to the movies?

3) Do you usually bring a lunch to work?

Woman: Do you take the bus to work?

4) Do you usually eat breakfast?

Man: No, I _______ take the bus.

I _______ drive.
5) How often do you take the bus?
Woman: Yeah, it's so much easier to

Man: Do you drive to work?

[ _ ] Never. I always drive.

[ _ ] Not often. I like to cook at home.

Woman: Actually, I _______ drive. I _______ walk to work. I

[ _ ] No, I always buy something at the store.

live near the

office. [ _ ] Never. I always watch them online.

Man: Lucky you! [ _ ] Yes, I usually have cereal.

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: Do you ever go to the movies?

Woman: I _______ do. It is too

expensive. Do you?
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Man: No, not _______ . I _______ rent DVDs.

Woman: Really? I _______ do that.

I usually stream movies.
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Man: Nice. Do you have fast Internet?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Yeah, usually it is fast, but

sometimes it’s slow. 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
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1) What is on the roof?

a) A changing room

b) A restroom

2) What places are in town?

a) Parks

b) Cafes

3) What will he eat?

Lesson A1-21 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Pasta

b) A sandwich

There is / There are 4) Are there any students from Paris?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Yes, there are.

b) No, there are not.

Conversation 1

Man: Excuse me, is there a gym in the


Woman: Yes, there’s _______ on the

first floor.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Great! And _______ a

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, there’s a pool on the roof.

Man: Is there a changing room up _______ ?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: No, there isn’t, but _______ a restroom.

there’s Is there there is there are

Man: OK, thanks.
is there there are some in There is
Conversation 2 one there is is there Are there
there is there there Is there
Man: So, what _______ to do
in your town?

Woman: Well, _______ a mall, a

cinema, and t _______a few

Man: Oh, parks, nice. I love nature.

Which one do you Speaking Challenge

Woman: I think Central City park is the

best. There’s a huge Match the answers with the questions.
garden there.
1) Is there a gym in your town?

Man: _______ parking nearby?

2) Is there a park in your town?

Woman: Yeah, there’s a huge parking lot

across the street. 3) What is there to do in your town?

4) What is there to eat in your fridge?

5) Are there many foreigners in your town?

Conversation 3

Man: What is _______ to eat?

[ _ ] Yes, there is. It is has lots of trees.

[ _ ] No, there is not, but there is a pool.

Woman: Ah, _______ some pasta

in the fridge.

[ _ ] There is some cake.

Man: Mm, I just had pasta for lunch.

What else i _______
[ _ ] Yes, there are lots of tourists.

Woman: Well, there's some stuff to make

[ _ ] There is a nice shopping area.
Man: That will do. Where is the bread?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: There’s _______ the

cupboard, I think.

Conversation 4
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Man: _______ any exchange

students at your school?

Woman: Yes, _______ a few.

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Man: Really. What countries are they

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Ah, let’s see. _______ one student from Italy, and 2. Check your answers.
there are a few students
from France.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Oh, cool. _______ anyone
from Paris?

Woman: No, they are all from Leon!

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1) How was the movie?

a) Scary

b) Boring

2) Where was she last night?

a) Back home

b) At work

3) How was the test?

Lesson A1-22 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Very long

b) Not easy

Was / Were - Be - Simple Past 4) Who was not there?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Jason and Sue

b) Tom and Katie

Conversation 1

Man: How was the movie?

Grammar Challenge
Woman: It was really good.

Man: Was it scary?

Use the words below to complete each
Woman: Yes, it _______ really

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Nice. _______ it crowded?

wasn’t weren’t were were

Woman: No, it _______ . There _______ many people there,
surprisingly. was were was weren’t
Was there What was
Conversation 2 weren’t was wasn’t was a
Man: Where _______ you last

Woman: I _______ at work.

Man: Really? I was at your shop. You _______ there.
Speaking Challenge
Woman: No, I was in the back, working.

Man: You were?

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: Really! I was _______ .
1) Where were you last night?

2) Who were you with?

Conversation 3 3) How was the movie?

4) Who was in the movie?

Man: How _______ the test?

5) How much was the ticket?
Woman: It was really hard.

Man: How long was it?

[ _ ] I was at the mall.

Woman: There _______ about 20

[ _ ] I was funny.

[ _ ] Tom Cruise.

Man: Yeah? _______ was your score?

[ _ ] It was 15 dollars.

Woman: Let’s just say, it _______ great,

but it wasn’t bad [ _ ] I was with my friend. We saw a movie.
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: Do you know who was at the party?

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Woman: Jason _______ there. So was


Man: Oh, _______ Tom and Katie

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Woman: No, they _______ there,
but their son was.

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: Oh, I see. So, was it fun?

2. Check your answers.
Woman: Yeah, it _______ fun
evening. 3. Access more free lessons.
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1) What did she do at home?

a) She watched TV.

b) She cleaned the house.

2) What did she do in the city?

a) She bought clothes.

b) She met her friend.

3) Who helped them at work?

Lesson A1-23 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Her friend

b) The Boss

Past Tense 4) What did Bob say?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) He is sorry.

b) He cried.

Conversation 1
Grammar Challenge
Man: What did you do yesterday?

Woman: Nothing much. I just _______ at home and cleaned Use the words below to complete each
the house.

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: How boring!

Woman: Yeah, it was. And you? What _______ you do?

had met called Did
Man: I _______ to the mountains
and went hiking.
did had helped didn’t
Woman: That sounds fun!
drove took was said
Man: It was. I _______ a great
time. stayed didn’t were made

Conversation 2

Man: Did you do anything this weekend?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: I did. I _______ the train
to the city and _______ my
Match the answers with the questions.
Man: Oh, yeah? What did you do?

1) What did you do yesterday?

Woman: We _______ lunch and did
some shopping.

2) Did you buy anything?

Man: Did you buy anything?
3) How much was it?

Woman: No, I _______ . I just

went window shopping. I’m trying 4) What else did you do?

5) What did you order?

to save money.

Man: Me too!
[ _ ] I had vegetable pasta.

Conversation 3 [ _ ] I went shopping.

[ _ ] Yes, I bought a jacket.

[ _ ] It was on sale. It was 20 dollars.

Man: How was your day?

[ _ ] I ate lunch at a cafe.
Woman: Terrible! I _______ so busy.

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Man: Oh, that’s too bad.

Woman: Yeah, we _______ so busy at

lunch. One person
called in sick, so we _______ short-staffed.

Man: That’s no good. How did you

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Woman: The boss came in and _______ us.

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Conversation 4
1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

Man: _______ you talk to Bob?
3. Access more free lessons.
Woman: I did. He _______ he was

Man: What did he say?

Woman: He said he _______ mean

to get mad at you.

Man: Well, he did. He _______ me


Woman: I know. But he's really sorry

about it.
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1) What does she offer?

a) a pen

b) a pencil

2) What will she get?

a) a sandwich

b) a drink

3) What does Katie have at her house?

Lesson A1-24 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) a yard

b) a patio

Articles 4) Who did not like the book?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Todd

b) Katie


Man: Do you have _______ I can


Woman: No, but I _______ pencil.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Thanks. Do you _______ eraser?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: The pencil has an eraser.

Man: Great. And _______ paper?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: My gosh, you don’t have
some a drink is a like the
Conversation 2 a pen some has a The
have an have a have a everything
Man: Would you _______ sandwich?

have a like a a big the end

Woman: I would love a sandwich.

Man: And _______ chips?

Woman: Some chips sounds lovely.

Man: And _______ ?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: I’m OK. I _______ water.
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) Do you have a pencil?
2) Do you have a dog?

Man: How do you like your new house?

3) Do you need some money?

Woman: It’s nice. It _______ kitchen, _______ bedroom, and a 4) Do you want a coffee?

nice bathroom.
5) Do you have a car?
Man: Do you _______ yard?

Woman: No, but I have a patio.

[ _ ] No, I am alright.

[ _ ] I would love one.

Man: Nice, do you have a good view?

[ _ ] No, but I have a pen.

Woman: No, there _______ building

next door. [ _ ] No, I have a cat.

[ _ ] No, I take the bus.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: Do you _______ book?

Woman: Yes, I loved the ending.

Man: Really? I thought the ending was

not that good.
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Woman: No way! _______ surprise at _______ was great.

Man: Did you like the characters?
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Woman: Yes, I liked _______ about it.
1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Does she have any paper?

a) Yes, she has some.

b) No, she does not have any.

2) Do they have any cheese?

a) Yes, they have some.

b) No, they do not have any.

3) Do they have any cream?

Lesson A1-25 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Yes, some.

b) No, they do not.

Any / Some 4) Why did she not buy any chips?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) They have some.

b) She did not see any.

Conversation 1

Man: Do you have _______ paper?

Grammar Challenge
Woman: I have _______ , but not

Use the words below to complete each

Man: How much do you have?

Woman: I have _______ 10 sheets

of paper.
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Oh, that is plenty. I just need _______ sheets.

about some would work

Woman: OK, here you go.
some any any did not
Conversation 2 any have any a little any
five don't some some
Man: Do we have _______ eggs?

Woman: We have _______ . Maybe

three eggs.

Man: OK, and do we _______ cheese?

Woman: No, we _______ have any

Speaking Challenge
Man: Oh, that’s too bad. I want to make
an omelet.

Woman: Well, I can go to the store and

buy some.
Match the answers with the questions.
Man: No, that’s OK. I’ll just have
toast. 1) Do you have any paper?

2) Do you have any ice?

Conversation 3 3) Would you like some coffee?

4) What did you have for lunch?

Man: Care for _______ coffee?

5) Do you have an internationals friends?
Woman: I _______ love some.

Man: Cream or sugar?

[ _ ] Yes, I would love some.

Woman: No sugar, but I’ll take _______ cream, please!

[ _ ] Yes, there is some in my fridge.

[ _ ] Yes, I have a few sheets.

Man: Oh, you know what? We don’t have _______ cream. Is [ _ ] I ate some salad.

milk OK?
[ _ ] Yes, I have a few.
Woman: That’s fine. What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: So, what did you get for lunch?

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Woman: I bought _______ stuff to

make sandwiches.

Man: Oh, great! Did you buy any potato

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Woman: No, I _______ . I did not
see _______ .
1. Watch the animation video.

Man: That’s OK. We have some pretzels.

2. Check your answers.
Woman: That will _______ . 3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Who is a doctor?
a) The mom and dad

b) Just the mom

2) Her husband is _____ .

a) cute

b) a fireman

3) Who is a pilot?
Lesson A1-01 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) The sister

b) The brother

Be Simple Present 4) Where are the grandparents?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) In town

b) In the countryside

Conversation 1

Man: I like your family photos. Who is


Woman: That is my dad. He is a doctor.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Wow. He is very tall.

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, he is.

Man: Is this your mom?

Con #1 Con #2 Con #3 Con #4
Woman: Yes, she is a doctor, too.

tall this is is my country

Man: Wow, smart family.

he is she is jobs farm

Conversation 2 family is he brother are my
doctor he is at are the who are
Man: Who are these people?

Woman: That is my husband. In this picture, he

is at work.

Man: Oh, is he a fireman?

Woman: Yes, he is. And this is my


Man: Wow! She is so cute.

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yes, she is cute!
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) How many people are in your family?

Man: Who are the people in this

2) What are their names?

Woman: That is my older brother and

younger sister.
3) How old is everyone?

4) What are their jobs?

Man: Oh, what do they do?

5) When is your birthday?
Woman: My sister is a pilot. My brother
is a farmer.

Man: Wow. They have cool jobs.

[ 5 ] It is June 17th.

Woman: Yeah, they do! [ 3 ] My mom is 50. My dad is 52.

[ 1 ] Just three. My mom, dad and myself.

Conversation 4 [ 2 ] My mom's name is Sue. My dad's name is Joe.

[ 4 ] My mom is a teacher. My dad is dentist.

Man: And who are these people?

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Woman: Those are my grandparents.

Man: Oh, do they live in town?

Woman: No, they live in the country. They

have a farm.

Man: How nice!

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Woman: Yeah, I go there often.

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1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Is it hot in the car?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it is not.

2) Is her house nice?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it is not.

3) Are the shoes expensive?

Lesson A1-02 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Yes, they are.

b) No, they are not.

Yes / No Questions with Be Verbs 4) Is the pizza shop closed?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it is not.

Conversation 1

Man: Are you hot?

Woman: Yes, I am very hot.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Is the air-con on?

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Woman: No, is it off?

Man: Can I turn it on?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yes, please do.
please very old expensive still open
Conversation 2 you hot house big guess 24 hours
it off it nice very cheap very hungry
Man: Is your house big?

very hot pretty big they new you hungry

Woman: Yes, it is pretty big.

Man: Is it new?

Woman: No, it is very old.

Man: Is it nice?
Speaking Challenge
Woman: Not really. I want to move.
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) Is it hot today?

2) Is your house big?

Man: I like your shoes. Are they new?

3) Are you hungry?

Woman: Yes, I just got them.

4) Are your shoes new?

Man: Are they expensive?

5) Is English difficult?
Woman: No, they are very cheap.

Man: Are they from the discount shoe shop?

[ 3 ] No, I just had lunch.

Woman: Yes! How did you guess? [ 2 ] No, it is pretty small.

[ 5 ] Yes, but it is fun.

[ 1 ] No, it is very cool.

Conversation 4 [ 4 ] No, they are very old.

Man: Are you hungry?

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Yes, I am very hungry.

Man: Do you want pizza?

Woman: Yes, let's get some.

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Man: Is the pizza shop still open?

Woman: Yes, it is open 24 hours. Go online for the complete lesson!

1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
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1) What food does she like?

a) pizza

b) pasta

2) What does he like?

a) tea

b) coffee

3) What flavor does she like?

Lesson A1-03 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) vanilla

b) chocolate

Likes 4) What snack does she like?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) cookies

b) potato chips

Conversation 1

Man: So what foods do you like?

Woman: Hmm, I like ice cream, and pizza,

and apples.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Oh, I like those foods, too.

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: What foods do you like?

Man: I like fish, vegetables, and bananas.

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Together?

like those cold tea kind of I love

Man: No, not together!
like ice both too really like and oranges
Conversation 2 not together and hot flavor do to eat
you like drinks do cake and what fruits
Man: What drinks do you like?

Woman: I like tea, and I like juice.

Man: Ooh, hot tea or cold tea?

Woman: Both. What about you?

Speaking Challenge
Man: I like coffee, and hot chocolate.

Woman: Ooh, I like both too! Match the answers with the questions.
1) What foods do you like?

Conversation 3 2) What drinks do you like?

3) What desserts do you like?

Man: What desserts do you like?

4) Do you ever eat snacks between meals?

Woman: I really like ice-cream.

5) Do you like to eat vegetables?
Man: Oh! What flavor do you like?

Woman: Hmm, I like strawberry. I like vanilla

[ 4 ] No! I am on a diet.

[ 5 ] Yes, I love carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Man: Nice! I like cake and I like pie!

[ 2 ] I really like coffee. Juice too!

Woman: What kind of pie?

[ 1 ] I love pasta and pizza too!

Man: I really like apple pie with ice cream! [ 3 ] Ice cream and apple pie!
Woman: Yum! What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: What snacks do you like?

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Woman: I like to eat fruit.

Man: Oh yeah? And what fruits do you

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Woman: I like apples and oranges. And

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: I like strawberries and watermelon!

2. Check your answers.
Woman: Do you like to eat cookies?
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Of course! I love chocolate chip

Woman: Me too!
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1) When does she get up?

a) 5

b) 6

2) What does he do at the bike shop?

a) Fix bikes

b) Ride bikes

3) What does she read?

Lesson A1-04 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) History

b) Stories

Basic Verbs - Present Simple 4) What sport does she play?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) soccer

b) tennis

Conversation 1

Man: What do you do in the morning?

Woman: I wake up, I take a

shower, I get dressed, and I eat
Grammar Challenge

Use the words below to complete each

Man: Oh! When do you get up?

Woman: I get up at 6.
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Wow! That’s early.

take fix eat in study

Woman: I know! I like mornings, though!

wake up work read on play

Conversation 2 like go eat with soccer with
get do read about books
Man: What do you do during the day?

Woman: Well, I go to school. I teach


Man: Oh! What do you teach?

Woman: I teach maths. What do you do?

Speaking Challenge
Man: I work at a bike shop!

Woman: Really? What do you do at the shop?

Match the answers with the questions.
Man: I fix and sell bikes!
1) What do you do in the morning?

Woman: Sounds fun!

2) When do you get up?

3) What do you do during the day?

Conversation 3 4) What do you do on the weekend?

5) What sports do you play?

Man: What do you do at lunch?

Woman: I eat with my friends. And you?

[ 2 ] Usually at 6 or 6:30.

Man: I eat in the park.

[ 5 ] Soccer. I am on a team.

[ 4 ] I go hiking or go shopping.

Woman: That’s nice.

[ 3 ] I go to school most days.

Man: Yeah, I like to read on my lunch

[ 1 ] I get early and workout.
Woman: Oh! What do you read?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: I read about history.

Woman: Interesting.

Conversation 4 Go online to elllo.org

Man: What do you do on the weekend?

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Woman: I play sports at the park. How
about you?

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: I study at the library.

2. Check your answers.
Woman: Oh, right! You love books.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Yeah. So, what sports do you play?

Woman: I play soccer with my friends.

Man: Sounds fun.

Woman: It is!

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1) Who plays baseball?

a) The man

b) The woman

2) Who has a cat?

a) The man

b) The woman

3) Does the woman cook much?

Lesson A1-05 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Yes, she does.

b) No, she does not.

Yes / No Questions with Verbs 4) Where does the woman live?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) In the city

b) In the country

Conversation 1

Man: Do you play sports?

Woman: Yes, I play sports. I really love


Grammar Challenge
Man: Do you play on a team?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, but we do not play in winter.

Man: Oh, do you play in summer?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yes, we play in spring and summer.

not don't do you So, do

Conversation 2 play have Yes, I buy Yes, it is
Do Yeah you cook Do you
Man: Do you have any pets?

do Do you don't like you like

Woman: Yes, I have a cat. What about you? Do you?

Man: I don't have a cat, but I have a


Woman: Nice. Do you have a big yard?

Man: Yes, I have a big yard, so it is perfect for

my dog.
Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yeah, I don't have a yard, so I
can only have a cat.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3
1) Do you play sports?

2) Do you have any pets?

Man: Do you cook much?

3) Do you cook much?

Woman: Yes, I cook all the time. Do you cook?

4) Do you live downtown?

Man: No, I don't like to cook very much.

5) Do you take the train?
Woman: Oh, so do you buy your dinner?

Man: Yes, I buy it at the supermarket.

[ 3 ] Yes, I always make dinner.

Woman: That must be expensive.

[ 5 ] No, I have a car.

[ 2 ] No, but I want a dog.

Man: Yes, it is. [ 4 ] Yes, I live by the station.

[ 1 ] Yes, I play football.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: Do you live downtown?

Woman: Yes, I live near the train station.

Man: Nice. So, do you take the train to

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Woman: Yes, most days. What about you?

Man: I live far away, so I drive to work.

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Woman: Do you like it?

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: Yes, it is a nice drive.

2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Where does his mom work?

a) A store

b) A factory

2) Where does her brother live?

a) At home

b) Near campus

3) Who watches her child?

Lesson A1-06 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Her mom

b) Her daughter

Third Person Singular - Present Simple 4) What does she say about the movie?
Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) It starts soon.

b) It ends soon.

Conversation 1

Woman: What does your mom do?

Man: She sells women’s clothing.

Grammar Challenge
Woman: Oh, yeah? Where does she work?

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Man: She has a small shop in the mall.

Woman: Does she sell clothing for teens?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: No, she only has stuff for adults.

work doesn’t takes stars

Conversation 2 does studies does start
sell come walks star
Man: What does your brother do?

sells lives watches starts

Woman: He is a university student. He studies engineering.

Man: Oh! Does he live at home?

Woman: No, he lives near campus. He has a small apartment.

Man: Does he come home much?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t have much free time.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3
1) What does your mom do?

2) What does your father do?

Man: Who takes care of your daughter when you’re at work?

3) Who makes a lot of money?

Woman: My mom watches her. She lives near my house.

4) Who talks to you every day?

Man: Oh, that’s convenient.

5) Who stars in your favorite movie?
Woman: Yeah. My daughter walks there after school.

Man: Wow. That works out well for you.

[ 5 ] Daniel Craig. He plays 007.

[ 1 ] She works in an office.

Woman: It does. Plus, my daughter loves staying with her

[ 3 ] My friend. He works in Wall Street.

[ 2 ] He does not work anymore.

[ 4 ] My sister. She calls me every night.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: When does the movie start?

Woman: It starts in about ten minutes.

Man: Cool! Who does it star, again?

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Woman: It stars Brad Pitt. He plays a cop in the future.

Man: Does it have good reviews?

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Woman: It does. Everyone says it is a great movie.

1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
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1) How is his math class?

a) Easy

b) Hard

2) How does he want his mocha?

a) Hot

b) Cold

3) What is slow?
Lesson A1-07 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) The wifi

b) The computer

Adjectives 4) Who is not hungry?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) The man

b) The woman

Conversation 1

Man: How are your classes?

Woman: Good. I really like my English class. It is fun and Grammar Challenge

Man: That’s nice. My English class is fun too, but it is difficult.

Use the words below to complete each conversation.
Woman: What about your math class?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: It is easy, but it is very boring. Plus, the room is very small
strict expensive is fast salty, too
and hot.

Woman: Is the teacher strict?

fun and small and a short delicious
Man: Yes, but she is very nice and friendly.
no fun cheap is perfect nice of
Woman: That is important. Math is no fun without a good is difficult or cold new one so hungry

Man: I think so too.

Conversation 2 Speaking Challenge

Woman: Hello, can I help you?
Match the answers with the questions.
Man: Yes, can I have a cafe mocha?

1) What class is diffcult for you?

Woman: OK, hot or cold?

2) Is the wifi fast at your house?

Man: Ice mocha, please. Is it sweet?

3) Do you like hot or iced coffee?

4) Do you want a new computer?

Woman: It is a little sweet. What size do you want?

5) What food is very delicious?
Man: Medium, please.

Woman: We only have small and large sizes.

[ 3 ] I like cold drinks.

Man: In that case, large please.

[ 5 ] Pizza and pasta.

Woman: OK, that will be 8.50. [ 1 ] Math is very hard for me.

[ 2 ] No, it is super slow.

Man: Wow! That’s expensive.

[ 4 ] Yes, mine is super slow.
Woman: Yeah, it’s not cheap. Do you still want it?

Man: Yes, please.

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 3

Man: What a beautiful day!

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Woman: Yes, the weather is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold.

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Man: How is the wifi speed?

Woman: It is fast, but my computer is slow, though. It is a very 1. Watch the animation video.

old computer.
2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: My computer is old, too. I want a new one.

Woman: Me too, but computers are so expensive.

Man: Some basic computers are cheap, but they are not very

Woman: Yeah, and they have a short life, and they are slow.

Man: Yes, no more slow computers for me!

Woman: Same here!

Conversation 4
Man: How is your food?

Woman: It is OK, but the sauce is a little salty.

Man: My food is salty, too.

Woman: Do you like it?

Man: Yes, it is very delicious, but I am full.

Woman: Really? I am still so hungry.

Man: Oh, please have mine. I cannot finish.

Woman: Thanks! That is very nice of you.

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1) Who works on Wednesday?

a) The man

b) The woman

2) Who is free on Sunday?

a) The man

b) The woman

3) What class does she have on Friday?

Lesson A1-08 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Math
b) English

Days of the Week 4) When will they play soccer?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Tuesday

b) Saturday

Conversation 1

Man: What days do you work?

Woman: I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I don't Grammar Challenge
work Wednesday.

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Man: Wow, that is a nice schedule.

Woman: Yeah, but I sometimes work on Saturday. What about Con #1 Con #2 Con #3 Con #4

schedule free on class on nights

Man: I work Monday to Friday.

work on busy every day weekend

Woman: Nice, you have weekends off.

Man: Yes, I never work on Saturday or Sunday.

weekdays too bad a busy weekends
or Sunday is on days play on
Conversation 2

Man: When is the party?

Woman: The party is on Saturday.

Man: Ooh, I have a game on Saturday.

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Oh, that's too bad.
Man: I am only free on Sunday.

Match the answers with the questions.

Woman: Sorry! On Sunday I am busy.

1) What days do you work or go to school?

Conversation 3 2) What days do you have English class?

3) What days are you busy?

4) What days are you free?

Man: What days do you have English class?

5) When is your birthday this year?
Woman: I have class on Monday and Thursday.

Man: When do you have math class?

[ 2 ] I study on Tuesday nights.

Woman: I have maths class every day.

[ 1 ] Monday to Friday like most people.

Man: Ooh, what about history class?

[ 3 ] Friday. It is crazy at work!

Woman: I have history class on Wednesday.

[ 5 ] It is on a Monday.

[ 4 ] Sunday. I stay home and relax.

Man: Wow, you have a busy schedule.

Woman: I know!
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Woman: When do you play soccer?

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Man: I play on Tuesday and Friday nights.

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Woman: Nice. I only play on the weekends.

Man: Really? Can I play with you?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Yes, we play on Saturday and Sunday at the park at 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.

Man: Great! See you this weekend!

Woman: See you then!

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1) What can her mom do?

a) Speak Italian

b) Make delicious food

2) What does she say about her dad?

a) He is tall.

b) He is hard-working.

3) Where are the students from?

Lesson A1-09 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) The same place

b) Different places

Subject Pronouns 4) Does she think they are lost?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Yes

b) No

Conversation 1

Man: What does your mom do?

Woman: She is a chef at a restaurant.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Cool! That means she's a good cook.

Use the words below to complete each conversation.

Woman: Yes, she is a great cook.

Man: Where does she work?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: She works at an Italian restaurant.

she is all not

Conversation 2 your he they are
chef does from we
Man: What is your dad like?

good like here there

Woman: He is funny. He's very friendly.

Man: What does he look like?

Woman: He is tall and big.

Man: Oh! How old is he?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: He is 47.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3
1) Who is your favorite actress? Where is she

2) What movie is she in?

Man: Who are your friends?

3) Who is your favorite actor? Where is he from?

Woman: Betty, Jason, and Laura.

4) What movie is he in?

Man: Oh, are they students?

5) What is your favorite band? Where are they
Woman: Yes, they are. They all study business.

Man: Are they from around here?

[ 3 ] Michael J. Fox. He is Canadian.
Woman: No, they are all from different cities.
[ 4 ] He is in Back to the Future.

[ 5 ] U2. They are from Ireland.

[ 1 ] Nicole Kidman. She is from Australia.

Conversation 4 [ 2 ] She is in Days of Thunder.

Man: Are we there yet?

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: No, but we are close, I think.

Man: How close are we?

Woman: We are ten, maybe twenty minutes away.

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Man: What? Twenty minutes! Are we lost?

Woman: No, we are not lost. Trust me!

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1) What will the man do?

a) Take her to school.
b) Pick her up.

2) Where does she see Sue?

a) She sees her at school.
b) She sees her at work.

3) Who likes Mr. Wilson?

Lesson A1-10 | True Beginner | CEFR A1 a) No one likes him.

b) Everyone likes him.

Object Pronouns
4) What will they look for?
Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.
a) His keys

b) His wallet
Conversation 1

Man: Did you call me?

Woman: Yes, I called you. Can you help me today? Grammar Challenge

Man: Sure, what can I do for you?

Use the words below to complete each conversation.
Woman: Can you take me to school?

Man: OK, I can pick you up at 10.

Con #1 Con #2 Con #3 Con #4
Woman: Great! See you then.

me and he us
Conversation 2 then her him it

Man: Who is your best friend? what day me them

Woman: My best friend is Sue. to your your you

Man: Do you talk to her every day?

Woman: Yes, I see her at school. I always meet her for lunch.

Man: Oh, why do you like her?

Woman: She is nice and funny! She makes me laugh.

Speaking Challenge

Conversation 3 Match the answers with the questions.

1) Who are your best friends?
Man: Who is your teacher?

2) Do you talk to them every day?

3) Why do you like them?

Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson. I like him a lot.

4) Who is your favorite actor?

Man: Why do you like him?

5) Who is your favorite athlete?
Woman: Well, he is nice and he always helps me with my

[ 3 ] They are funny and really nice.
Man: He sounds nice.

[ 4 ] Julia Roberts. I like her very much.

Woman: He is. We all love him.

[ 1 ] Joe and Kelly. I met them in high school.

[ 5 ] Usain Bolt. I loved to watch him in the Olympics.

[ 2 ] Yes, I see them or call them every day.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your answers to the questions.
Man: Do you have my keys?

Woman: No. I put them on the table.

Man: Great! I see them. What about my
Woman: I think you set it on the counter.

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Man: Really? I don't see it.

Woman: Well, I'll help you.

One of us will find it. Go online for the complete lesson!

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2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.

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1) What belongs to the woman?

a) The book

b) The pencil

2) What does the woman like?

a) the blue shirt

b) the jeans

3) How much is the total cost?

Lesson A1-11 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) about ten dollars

b) over twenty dollars

This, That, These, Those 4) What item is very cheap?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) The plates

b) The spoon

Conversation 1

Man: Is this your book?

Woman: Yes, that is my book.

Grammar Challenge
Man: And is this your pencil?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: No, that is not my pencil.

Man: Whose pencil is it?

#1 Con
#2 Con
Woman: I'm not sure.

is this those too Those are

Conversation 2 that is these jeans this coffee
this your that color are these
Man: I like these jeans.

that is like this That is

Woman: I like those too.

Man: Do you like this shirt?

Woman: No, but I like that shirt.

Man: The blue one?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: No, the green one.

Man: Hmm, I don't like that color.

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: Really? I like it!
1) Is that shirt new?

2) Is this your book?

Conversation 3 3) Are those shoes new?

4) Whose jacket is this?

Man: How much is this coffee maker?

5) Are these your papers?
Woman: That is ten dollars.

Man: And how much are these plates?

[ 1 ] No, this shirt is very old.

[ 4 ] That is Bob's.

Woman: Those are five dollars each.

[ 5 ] No, those are not mine.

Man: What about these?

[ 2 ] Yes, it is mine.

Woman: Those spoons are one dollar each.

[ 3 ] Yes, I got these at the mall.
Man: I'll take them all.
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Sold!

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2. Check your answers.

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1) Who lives in New Zealand?

a) He does.

b) She does.

2) When is summer in his country?

a) July

b) December

3) What is her favorite month?

Lesson A1-13 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) September

b) February

Months 4) What month is wet?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) March

b) August

Conversation 1

Woman: When is fall in America?

Man: It is in September, October,

November, and December.
Grammar Challenge
Woman: Oh! That is spring in New Zealand.

Use the words below to complete each

Man: When is fall in New Zealand?

Woman: It is in March, April, May, and

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Oh, cool!

September December February January

Conversation 2 March July month month
fall summer reason wet in
Woman: So, when is summer in America?

spring June weather April and

Man: It is in June, July, August, and

Woman: June to September is winter in New


Man: Hmm. So, when is summer?

Woman: Summer is December, January,

February, and March.
Speaking Challenge
Man: I want to go to New Zealand then.

Woman: Please come!

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 1) When is summer in your country?

2) When is spring in your country?

3) What is the fall in your country?

Woman: What is your favorite month?

4) When is it really hot in your country?

Man: My favorite month is July.

5) When does it rain in your country?
Woman: Why do you like July?

Man: Because the weather is hot, and it

is my birthday!
[ 2 ] In Argentina it is is October.

Woman: Nice! My favorite month is February.

[ 1 ] In Canada, it is from June to September.

[ 5 ] In Vietnam is rains a lot in August.

Man: Why? Do you have a birthday in February?

[ 3 ] In France it starts in September.

Woman: No, but I have no school!

[ 4 ] In Thailand, it is very hot in April.
Man: Good reason!
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Woman: In your country, what month is hot?

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Man: July is very hot.

Woman: What month is cold?

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Man: January is very cold.

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: What month gets lots of rain?

2. Check your answers.
Man: March. It is very wet in March.
3. Access more free lessons.
Woman: What month is cool?

Man: Both April and October have cool


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1) Who has a birthday in May?

a) He does

b) She does

2) Who comes back on the 16th?

a) He does

b) She does

3) Where can you get a soccer ball?

Lesson A1-14 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Third floor

b) Fifth floor

Ordinals 4) What do they have together?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) English class

b) Art class

Conversation 1

Man: When is your birthday?

Woman: It is October 18th. When is your birthday?

Grammar Challenge
Man: It is May 5th.

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Oh, my sister's birthday is in May.

Man: Oh! What day?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: May 11th.

day on the fifth floor third

Conversation 2 May vacation second second
birthday the 15th sixth first
Man: When is your vacation?

18th 8th to the third class

Woman: It is from the 8th to the 12th.
And you?

Man: It is from the 9th to the 15th.

Woman: Wow! So lucky! I work on the 13th.

Man: Yeah, I am lucky.

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Do you start work on the 16th?

Man: Yes, I start work on the 16th.

Match the answers with the questions.

1) What is your birthday?

Conversation 3 2) When does your vacation begin?

3) What is the first thing you do every day?

Man: Excuse me, where are the books?

4) What is the second biggest city in your

Woman: The books are on the fifth floor.

5) Is your bedroom on the first floor?
Man: Fifth floor. Got it. And where are the
sporting goods?

Woman: Sporting goods are on the third

[ 5 ] No, it is on the second floor.

Man: Third floor. Great! And the restrooms?

[ 1 ] It is May 2nd. I will be 30.

[ 4 ] Los Angeles is the second biggest city.

Woman: They are on the first, second,

fourth, and sixth floors.
[ 2 ] On the 8th. I can't wait!

Man: Great! Thanks so much.

[ 3 ] I check my email.
Woman: My pleasure.
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: What do you have first period?

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Woman: I have math. And you?

Man: I have English. What about second

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Woman: I have P.E. What about you?

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: I have history class.

2. Check your answers.
Woman: What do you have third period?
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: I have art class.

Woman: Really? I have art class third

period, too!

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1) When is the meeeting over?

a) a quater to seven

b) half past seven

2) What happens at quarter to four?

a) Her class starts.

b) Her class ends.

3) What time is it?

Lesson A1-15 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) half past seven

b) half past ten

Telling Time 4) What does the man want to do?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Get the next bus

b) Get a coffee

Conversation 1

Man: What time is the meeting?

Woman: It starts at 6 o'clock.

Grammar Challenge
Man: When is it over?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: It is over at 7:30.

Man: Wow! So long!

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Well, it might finish by 7:15.

o'clock at 8:30 got it to nine

Conversation 2 at 7:30 finish 10:30 quarter
over first past ten 9:30
Man: When is your first class?

finish by 3:45 past seven at 9:15

Woman: It is at 8:30.

Man: Me too! When is your last class?

Woman: My last class is at 3:45.

Man: When does it finish?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: At 5:15.

Man: Wow, so late!

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: I know.

1) When do you wake up?

2) When do you start work?

Conversation 3 3) When do you eat lunch?

4) What time do you get home?

Man: Excuse me. What time is it?

5) When do you go to bed?
Woman: It is half past ten.

Man: I'm sorry, I don't understand.

[ 1 ] At half past eight.

Woman: Oh, it is 10:30.

[ 2 ] At nine o'clock.

[ 3 ] Usually at noon.

Man: Oh, thanks. Half past ten means 10:30?

[ 4 ] Usually at 6 p.m.

Woman: Yes, it does.

[ 5 ] Usually around midnight.
Man: So, half past seven means 7:30?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Yes, you got it!

Conversation 4
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Man: When is the next bus?

Woman: It is at quarter past eight.

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Man: 8:15! That's too early. I want to get a
coffee. And when is
1. Watch the animation video.

the next one?

2. Check your answers.
Woman: The next bus is at quarter to nine.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: 8:45. OK, I can take that one.

Woman: There is also one at 9:15.

Man: Hmm. 9:15 is too late. I have class at 9:30.

Woman: Don't miss it then!

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1) Where is the hotel?

a) On a hill.

b) Near the park.

2) Where does the woman live?

a) Near a college

b) On the beach

3) Where is the gym?

Lesson A1-16 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) In the mall.

b) Across from the mall.

Prepositions 4) Where is the language schools?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Behind the bank.

b) Between the bank and the post office.

Conversation 1

Man: Where's the hotel?

Woman: It is downtown. It is near

the park.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Is it near the museum?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, the museum is across
from the hotel in the park.

Man: That is a good location.

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yes, and the mall is nearby,
nearby of in the away
Conversation 2 it near in from close
near the on the next on
Man: Where do you live?

across away on the between

Woman: I live in the east side
of town.

Man: Are you near the university?

Woman: Yes, it is not far away.

Man: Are you near the beach?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yes, I live on the beach
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) Where is your house?

2) Where is your town?

Woman: Where's the mall?

3) Where is your office?

Man: It is next to the train

4) Where is the nearest store?

Woman: Where's the cafe?

5) Where is your bike?
Man: It is across from the
train station.

Woman: And where's the nearest gym?

[ 1 ] I live in an apartment on A Street.

Man: There's one in the mall on

the second floor. [ 3 ] It is across the river. I can walk to work.

[ 2 ] It is on the coast. It gets lots of


[ 4 ] There is one between the cafe and the bank.

Conversation 4 [ 5 ] It is across the street against the wall.

Man: Does your town have a language

What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Yes, there is one on A


Man: Where on A Street?

Woman: It is between the bank

and the post office.
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Man: Oh, that is close.

Woman: Yes, it is only five minutes away. Go online for the complete lesson!

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1) What do they say about the jacket?

a) It is not his jacket.

b) It is her jacket.

2) What do they say about the car?

a) It is their new car.

b) It belongs to their friends.

3) When is the meeting?

Lesson A1-17 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) two o'clock

b) two thirteen

Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 4) Where is her desk?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Next to his.

b) Next to Bob's desk

Conversation 1

Man: Is this your jacket?

Grammar Challenge
Woman: No, that's not mine.

Use the words below to complete each

Man: Whose is it?

Woman: Maybe it is Tom's jacket?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: No, that is his jacket
over there.

mine belongs anymore Yours

Woman: I'm not sure, then.

Whose for their Our new my

Man: Is it Beth's jacket?

Woman: No, it is too big to be her

your Whose our His
Man: Well, it belongs to someone. his their we Hers

Conversation 2

Man: Whose car is this?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: That belongs to Joe and

Man: Wow! I like their car.

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: I know. It is very nice.

1) Is this your jacket?

Man: It's big, too!

2) Is this her jacket?

Woman: Yes, they need space for

their kids. 3) Is this his backpack?

4) Is that your car?

5) Is this our table?

Conversation 3

Man: When is our meeting?

[ 2 ] Yes, I think that is hers.

Woman: It is not until 2.

[ 5 ] No, ours is over there.

[ 1 ] No, my jacket is blue.

Man: Are we in room 213?

[ 3 ] No, that is not his, it is mine.

Woman: No, not anymore.

[ 4 ] No, mine is at home. I walked here.
Man: OK, where is the meeting then?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: Our new room is 216.

Man: Got it.

Conversation 4 Go online to elllo.org

Man: I like the new office. So, where

is my desk?
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Woman: Yours is over there. It
is next to mine.

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: Nice. And where is Jill's desk?

2. Check your answers.
Woman: Hers is over there.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Where is Bob's desk?

Woman: His is in the back, by

the window.

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1) What do they watch?

a) Spanish TV

b) Mexican TV

2) What does she say about Japan?

a) She can speak Japanese.

b) She can cook Japanese food.

3) What kind of music does he like?

Lesson A1-18 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) French music

b) Korean music

Nationalities 4) Who likes Italian football?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) He does.

b) She does.

Conversation 1

Man: What languages do you speak?

Woman: I speak English and I

study Spanish.

Grammar Challenge
Man: That's cool. Do you have friends from

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: No, but I like Mexican
TV shows.

Man: Me too. I love movies in

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yeah. Spanish is so cool!
speak English is Korean in Italy
Conversation 2 Mexican Japan and Thai the English
movies Japanese like French to England
Man: Do you like Japanese

from Spain with them Chinese German

Woman: Yes, I love Japanese food. I
lived in Japan before.

Man: Oh, do you speak Japanese?

Woman: Some. I have Japanese friends. I

practice with them.

Man: Do they speak English?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: Yes, they speak English very
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) What languages do you speak?

2) Do you have friends from another country?

Man: What foods do you like?

3) Do you like Thai food?

Woman: I like French food and

Thai food.
4) What is Spain famous for?

Man: Me too. I also love Chinese

5) Where do people eat lots of fish?
Woman: Do you like Korean food?

Man: Yes, and I also love K-Pop.

[ 3 ] Yes, I love spicy food!

Woman: What is K-Pop?

[ 4 ] Spanish food and football!

[ 2 ] Yes, my friend is from Germany.

Man: K-Pop is Korean pop music. [ 5 ] In Japan. Japanese people love sushi.

[ 1 ] I speak Russian and French.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: Do you like football?

Woman: Yes, I love football. I watch German

football, Italian
football, Spanish football.
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Man: Me too! I want to go to

England to watch my team.

Woman: What is your team?

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Man: Chelsea. They play in the
English Premiere League.

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Oh! My favorite team is AC

Milan. They play in Italy. 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
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1) Who can play football?

a) He can.

b) She can.

2) Who can speak Thai?

a) He can.

b) She can.

3) What can he make?

Lesson A1-19 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) pancakes

b) omelets

Can - Abilities 4) Who can sing well?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Just her

b) Just him

Conversation 1

Woman: What sports can you

Grammar Challenge
Man: I can play baseball a bit,
and I can play tennis pretty well.

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Can you play football?

Man: No, I am terrible at football.

What about you?
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: Yeah, I can play football. I
like it a lot, but I'm not
play write can't should

sports can good sing

Man: I bet you're pretty good.

Woman: No, really! I'm not that good. pretty read can a little bit
great speak make at all
Conversation 2

Man: What languages can you speak?

Woman: I can speak Japanese and

Speaking Challenge
Man: Wow, can you write in

Woman: I can write a little bit

but not that much.
Match the answers with the questions.
Man: Yeah, I hear kanji is really

1) What sports can you play?

Woman: Yeah, it's really difficult.

What about you? What 2) What dishes can you cook?

languages can you speak?

3) Can you sing very well?

4) What else can you do?

Man: I can speak some Spanish, but not

great. I can also speak 5) What languages can you speak?

Woman: Wow! Can you write in Thai?

[ 3 ] No, I have a terrible voice.

Man: No, but I can read it.

Writing is really difficult.
[ 4 ] I can read and write in French.

Woman: Still, that's pretty cool. [ 1 ] I can play basketball.

[ 2 ] I can make pasta.

[ 4 ] I can paint pretty well.

Conversation 3
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: So, are you a good cook?

Woman: Not really, but I can cook basic


Man: Yeah? What can you cook?

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Woman: I can make pasta dishes and some

French cuisine.
What about you?

Go online for the complete lesson!

Man: I can't cook anything. I
can only make an omelet.

Woman: Well, that's not too bad. Can

you make pancakes?
1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

Man: No, I can't even make that.

3. Access more free lessons.

Conversation 4

Man: What are you doing tonight?

Woman: I am going to Karaoke with

friends. Do you want to

Man: No, thanks. I can't sing at


Woman: Oh, you should come.

Singing is fun.

Man: Maybe for you. I hear you can sing

really well.

Woman: I can sing a little bit,

but I am not great.

Man: That's not what I heard.

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1) Where does she say about the lake?

a) She goes there often.

b) She rarely goes there.

2) What does she often have for dinner?

a) Vegetables

b) Stir-fry

3) How does he get to work?

Lesson A1-20 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) He always drives.

b) He sometimes takes the bus.

Adverbs of Frequency 4) How does she watch movies?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) She rents DVDs.

b) She streams movies.

Conversation 1

Man: What do you do on the weekend?

Woman: I usually stay home, but

sometimes I go out.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Oh? Where do you go?

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Sometimes I go to the beach.
Sometimes I go to the
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: I often go there too. Do
you ever go to the lake?

sometimes Sometimes never rarely

Woman: No, very rarely. It is
too far from my house.
rarely often usually usually
Conversation 2 usually usually always never
often very rarely often
Man: What do you usually have for

Woman: I try to eat healthy, so I usually

cook vegetables.

Man: Really? What kind of stuff do you


Woman: Sometimes I make soups.

Sometimes I make stir-fry.
Speaking Challenge
Man: Stir-fry? That's not very

Woman: I know, but I don't eat it that

often. Match the answers with the questions.

1) How often do you eat out?

Conversation 3 2) How often do you go to the movies?

3) Do you usually bring a lunch to work?

Woman: Do you take the bus to work?

4) Do you usually eat breakfast?

Man: No, I never take the bus.

I always drive.
5) How often do you take the bus?
Woman: Yeah, it's so much easier to

Man: Do you drive to work?

[ 5 ] Never. I always drive.

[ 1 ] Not often. I like to cook at home.

Woman: Actually, I rarely

drive. I usually walk to work. I live
[ 3 ] No, I always buy something at the store.

near the
[ 2 ] Never. I always watch them online.

Man: Lucky you! [ 4 ] Yes, I usually have cereal.

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: Do you ever go to the movies?

Woman: I rarely do. It is too

expensive. Do you?
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Man: No, not often. I usually

rent DVDs.

Woman: Really? I never do that.

I usually stream movies.
Go online for the complete lesson!
Man: Nice. Do you have fast Internet?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Yeah, usually it is fast, but

sometimes it’s slow. 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
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1) What is on the roof?

a) A changing room

b) A restroom

2) What places are in town?

a) Parks

b) Cafes

3) What will he eat?

Lesson A1-21 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Pasta

b) A sandwich

There is / There are 4) Are there any students from Paris?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Yes, there are.

b) No, there are not.

Conversation 1

Man: Excuse me, is there a gym in the


Woman: Yes, there’s one on the

first floor.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Great! And is there a

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: Yes, there’s a pool on the roof.

Man: Is there a changing room up there?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: No, there isn’t, but there’s
a restroom.

there’s Is there there is there are

Man: OK, thanks.
is there there are some in There is
Conversation 2 one there is is there Are there
there is there there Is there
Man: So, what is there to do
in your town?

Woman: Well, there is a mall, a

cinema, and there are a few

Man: Oh, parks, nice. I love nature.

Which one do you Speaking Challenge

Woman: I think Central City park is the

best. There’s a huge Match the answers with the questions.
garden there.
1) Is there a gym in your town?

Man: Is there parking nearby?

2) Is there a park in your town?

Woman: Yeah, there’s a huge parking lot

across the street. 3) What is there to do in your town?

4) What is there to eat in your fridge?

5) Are there many foreigners in your town?

Conversation 3

Man: What is there to eat?

[ 2 ] Yes, there is. It is has lots of trees.

[ 1 ] No, there is not, but there is a pool.

Woman: Ah, there is some pasta

in the fridge.

[ 4 ] There is some cake.

Man: Mm, I just had pasta for lunch.

What else is there?
[ 5 ] Yes, there are lots of tourists.

Woman: Well, there's some stuff to make

[ 3 ] There is a nice shopping area.
Man: That will do. Where is the bread?
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Woman: There’s some in the

cupboard, I think.

Conversation 4
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Man: Are there any exchange

students at your school?

Woman: Yes, there are a few.

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Man: Really. What countries are they

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Ah, let’s see. There is

one student from Italy, and 2. Check your answers.
there are a few students
from France.
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: Oh, cool. Is there anyone
from Paris?

Woman: No, they are all from Leon!

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1) How was the movie?

a) Scary

b) Boring

2) Where was she last night?

a) Back home

b) At work

3) How was the test?

Lesson A1-22 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Very long

b) Not easy

Was / Were - Be - Simple Past 4) Who was not there?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Jason and Sue

b) Tom and Katie

Conversation 1

Man: How was the movie?

Grammar Challenge
Woman: It was really good.

Man: Was it scary?

Use the words below to complete each
Woman: Yes, it was really

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Nice. Was it crowded?

wasn’t weren’t were were

Woman: No, it wasn’t. There weren’t
many people there,
surprisingly. was were was weren’t
Was there What was
Conversation 2 weren’t was wasn’t was a
Man: Where were you last

Woman: I was at work.

Man: Really? I was at your shop. You weren’t

Speaking Challenge
Woman: No, I was in the back, working.

Man: You were?

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: Really! I was there.
1) Where were you last night?

2) Who were you with?

Conversation 3 3) How was the movie?

4) Who was in the movie?

Man: How was the test?

5) How much was the ticket?
Woman: It was really hard.

Man: How long was it?

[ 1 ] I was at the mall.

Woman: There were about 20

[ 3 ] I was funny.

[ 4 ] Tom Cruise.

Man: Yeah? What was your score?

[ 5 ] It was 15 dollars.

Woman: Let’s just say, it wasn’t great,

but it wasn’t bad either. [ 2 ] I was with my friend. We saw a movie.

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: Do you know who was at the party?

Woman: Jason was there. So was

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Man: Oh, were Tom and Katie


Woman: No, they weren’t there,

but their son was.
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Man: Oh, I see. So, was it fun?

1. Watch the animation video.

Woman: Yeah, it was a fun

evening. 2. Check your answers.
3. Access more free lessons.
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Conversations - elllo.org


1) What did she do at home?

a) She watched TV.

b) She cleaned the house.

2) What did she do in the city?

a) She bought clothes.

b) She met her friend.

3) Who helped them at work?

Lesson A1-23 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Her friend

b) The Boss

Past Tense 4) What did Bob say?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) He is sorry.

b) He cried.

Conversation 1
Grammar Challenge
Man: What did you do yesterday?

Woman: Nothing much. I just stayed

at home and cleaned the Use the words below to complete each

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: How boring!

Woman: Yeah, it was. And you? What did

you do?
had met called Did
Man: I drove to the mountains
and went hiking.
did had helped didn’t
Woman: That sounds fun!
drove took was said
Man: It was. I had a great
time. stayed didn’t were made

Conversation 2

Man: Did you do anything this weekend?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: I did. I took the train
to the city and met my friend.

Man: Oh, yeah? What did you do?

Match the answers with the questions.
Woman: We had lunch and did
some shopping.
Man: Did you buy anything?
1) What did you do yesterday?
2) Did you buy anything?
Woman: No, I didn’t. I just
went window shopping. I’m trying to 3) How much was it?

save money.
4) What else did you do?

5) What did you order?

Man: Me too!

Conversation 3 [ 5 ] I had vegetable pasta.

[ 1 ] I went shopping.

Man: How was your day?

[ 2 ] Yes, I bought a jacket.

[ 3 ] It was on sale. It was 20 dollars.

Woman: Terrible! I was so busy.

[ 4 ] I ate lunch at a cafe.
Man: Oh, that’s too bad.

What about you? Share your

answers to the questions.

Woman: Yeah, we were so busy at

lunch. One person called in
sick, so we were

Man: That’s no good. How did you


Woman: The boss came in and helped

us. Go online to elllo.org

Conversation 4 Go online for the complete lesson!

Man: Did you talk to Bob?

1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

Woman: I did. He said he was
3. Access more free lessons.
Man: What did he say?

Woman: He said he didn’t mean

to get mad at you.

Man: Well, he did. He made me


Woman: I know. But he's really sorry

about it.
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Conversations - elllo.org


1) What does she offer?

a) a pen

b) a pencil

2) What will she get?

a) a sandwich

b) a drink

3) What does Katie have at her house?

Lesson A1-24 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) a yard

b) a patio

Articles 4) Who did not like the book?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) Todd

b) Katie


Man: Do you have a pen I can


Woman: No, but I have a pencil.

Grammar Challenge
Man: Thanks. Do you have an

Use the words below to complete each

Woman: The pencil has an eraser.

Man: Great. And some paper?

#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Woman: My gosh, you don’t have
some a drink is a like the
Conversation 2 a pen some has a The
have an have a have a everything
Man: Would you like a

have a like a a big the end

Woman: I would love a sandwich.

Man: And some chips?

Woman: Some chips sounds lovely.

Man: And a drink?

Speaking Challenge
Woman: I’m OK. I have a water.
Match the answers with the questions.
Conversation 3
1) Do you have a pencil?
2) Do you have a dog?

Man: How do you like your new house?

3) Do you need some money?

Woman: It’s nice. It has a

kitchen, a big bedroom, and a nice 4) Do you want a coffee?

5) Do you have a car?
Man: Do you have a yard?

Woman: No, but I have a patio.

[ 3 ] No, I am alright.

[ 4 ] I would love one.

Man: Nice, do you have a good view?

[ 1 ] No, but I have a pen.

Woman: No, there is a building

next door. [ 2 ] No, I have a cat.

[ 5 ] No, I take the bus.

Conversation 4
What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Man: Do you like the book?

Woman: Yes, I loved the ending.

Man: Really? I thought the ending was

not that good.
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Woman: No way! The surprise at

the end was great.

Man: Did you like the characters?

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Woman: Yes, I liked everything
about it.
1. Watch the animation video.

2. Check your answers.

3. Access more free lessons.
English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar
Conversations - elllo.org


1) Does she have any paper?

a) Yes, she has some.

b) No, she does not have any.

2) Do they have any cheese?

a) Yes, they have some.

b) No, they do not have any.

3) Do they have any cream?

Lesson A1-25 | True Beginner |
CEFR A1 a) Yes, some.

b) No, they do not.

Any / Some 4) Why did she not buy any chips?

Use the words in the Grammar
Challenge to complete the gaps. a) They have some.

b) She did not see any.

Conversation 1

Man: Do you have any paper?

Grammar Challenge
Woman: I have some, but not

Use the words below to complete each

Man: How much do you have?

Woman: I have about 10 sheets

of paper.
#1 Con
#2 Con
#3 Con
Man: Oh, that is plenty. I just need five

about some would work

Woman: OK, here you go.
some any any did not
Conversation 2 any have any a little any
five don't some some
Man: Do we have any eggs?

Woman: We have some. Maybe

three eggs.

Man: OK, and do we have any


Woman: No, we don’t have any

Speaking Challenge
Man: Oh, that’s too bad. I want to make
an omelet.

Woman: Well, I can go to the store and

buy some.
Match the answers with the questions.
Man: No, that’s OK. I’ll just have
toast. 1) Do you have any paper?

2) Do you have any ice?

Conversation 3 3) Would you like some coffee?

4) What did you have for lunch?

Man: Care for some coffee?

5) Do you have an internationals friends?
Woman: I would love some.

Man: Cream or sugar?

[ 3 ] Yes, I would love some.

Woman: No sugar, but I’ll take a

little cream, please!
[ 2 ] Yes, there is some in my fridge.

[ 1 ] Yes, I have a few sheets.

Man: Oh, you know what? We don’t have any

cream. Is milk [ 4 ] I ate some salad.

[ 5 ] Yes, I have a few.
Woman: That’s fine. What about you? Share your
answers to the questions.

Conversation 4

Man: So, what did you get for lunch?

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Woman: I bought some stuff to

make sandwiches.

Man: Oh, great! Did you buy any potato

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Woman: No, I did not. I did not
see any.

1. Watch the animation video.

Man: That’s OK. We have some pretzels.

2. Check your answers.
Woman: That will work. 3. Access more free lessons.

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