Sorensen - Age of Exploration and Native Americans Inquiry

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Native Americans & European Explorers and the New World

What Compels Us to Treat

People the Way We Do?


Supporting Questions
1. SQ #1: Who were the Native Americans? Why should we know?
2. SQ #2: What was the greatest motivation for explorers to take risks in order to
discover the New World?
3. SQ #3: What was the Columbian Exchange and why was it important? Who benefitted
the most by the blending of these two worlds?
4. SQ #4: Why did Europeans and Native Americans treat each other the way they did?

Native Americans & European Explorers and the New World

What compels us to treat people the way we do? Lesson Alignment

Standards Social Studies
and SS.5.14 Analyze the way in which Native, European, and African Cultures were Supporting Question 3 Day 1,
Content impacted by conflict and compromise in our nation’s early history. 2, 3, & 4
SS.5.15 Analyze how various political, religious, and intellectual ideas have Supporting Question 2 Day 1,
influenced the development of early American society and government. 2, 3 & 4
SS.5.17 Analyze how and why racial, ethnic and other groups were oppressed in Supporting Question 4 Day 1,
early American history. 2, 3 & 4
SS.5.29 Evaluate the relationship between humans and the environment in early Supporting Question 1 Day 1,
American History 2, 3 & 4
SS.5.31 Analyze how physical geography and natural resources affected Supporting Question 2 Day 1,
exploration within the settlement of people, and the development of culture in 2, 3 & 4
Early U.S. History.
RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &
and when drawing inferences from the text. 4
RI.5.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, Supporting Question 3 & 4
events, ideas, or concepts in a historically, scientific or technical text based on
specific information in the text.
Supporting Questions 1, 2, 3 &
RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words and 4
phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.
RI.5.6 Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important
Supporting Question 2
similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.
Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &
RI.5.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating
the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem
W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas Supporting Question 2 & 4
and information clearly.
W.5.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, Supporting Question 2 & 4
and style are appropriate to task, purpose , and audience.
W.5.7 Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge Supporting Question 1, 2, 3, &
through investigation of different aspects of a topic. 4
W.5.8 REcall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information Supporting Question 3 & 4
from print and digital sources, summarize or paraphrase information in notes and
finished work, and provide a list of sources. Supporting Question 3 & 4
W.5.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &
SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussion (one-on-one, in 4
groups, and teachecher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Supporting Question 3 & 4
SL.5.2 Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in diverse
media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically Supporting Question 2, 3, & 4
and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas
or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
SL.5.5 Include multimedia components (e.g. graphics, sound) and visual displays in Supporting Question 2 & 4
presentation when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or

L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and Supporting Question 2, 3,& 4
usage when writing and speaking.
L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization Supporting Question 2 & 4
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &
reading, or listening. 4
L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &
and phrases based on Grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range 4
of strategies.
L.5.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain
Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &
specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and
other local relationships (e.g. however, although, nevertheless, similarly,
moreover, in addition).

Staging the Discuss the question: What compels us to treat people the way they do?Use this
Compelling powerpoint: QFT Discovery of the Mississippi to pose questions with students
Question about the painting.

Supporting Question 1 Supporting Question 2 Supporting Question 3 Supporting Question 4

Who were the native What was the greatest What was the Columbian Why did the Europeans
Americans? motivation for explorers to Exchange and why was it and Native Americans
Why should we know? take risks in order to discover important? treat each other the way
the New World? Who benefitted the most they did?
by the blending of these
two worlds?
Formative Performance Formative Performance Formative Performance
Formative Performance Task
Task Task Task
Students will pick a Native Students will design a Students will complete a Students will choose to
American region to sampling remix song to writing reflection after prepare either a poster,
research and study. explain the greatest participating in a socratic essay, powerpoint or
They will prepare a motivation for explorers to seminar. movie to explain why
Powerpoint presentation to take risks. Europeans and Native
teach the class about the Americans treated each
different native american other the way that they
groups that lived did.
throughout the United
Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources
Cultivated Myon Native Myon Explorers Book The effect of European First Encounters in the
American Library Bundle contact on Native America’s
QFT Discovery of the Explorers Article Set Americans
Mississippi God, Gold & Glory Remix 3 minute Columbian
God, Gold and Glory Remix Single Point Rubric
Powerpoint Activity with Exchange
Graphic Organizer Christopher Columbus and
Single Point Rubric the Colombian Exchange
Inuit Gallery Walk Images
Desert Southwest Gallery video
Walk Images Columbian Exchange
Eastern Woodland Gallery Infographic
Walk Images NewsEla article
Great Plains Gallery Walk Single Point Rubric
Images Written Reflection Page
Pacific Northwest Gallery
Walk Images

Single Point Rubric

ARGUMENT: What compels us to treat people the way that we do? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed
outline, poster, essay) that evaluates the need to study, remember, and/or highlight this period of history using
Summative specific claims and relevant evidence from sources while acknowledging competing views.
Task EXTENSION. Instead of making a poster or essay, students may make a powerpoint or movie presentation to
share their ideas.

Unit Focus

Unit Overview: Capacities of a Literate Individual:

My goal for fifth grade social studies is to build our ● Demonstrate Independence
understanding as to why we choose to treat others the ** Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 & 4
way we do through the lens of our national history. ● Build Strong Content Knowledge
This unit is focused on looking at who the native ** Supporting Question 1, 2,3, & 4
Americans and European explorers were and why they ● Come to understand other perspectives and
interacted the way that they did. It is my hope in cultures
analyzing history in this way that it will encourage my **Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 & 4
students to look at their personal history and why they
act or react the way that they do.
Prior to teaching this unit, I will spend time in these
● Think like a Historian
● Transcending Single Stories
● What do we do with a Difference
● Universe of Obligation
● Understanding Strangers

NEPF: Disciplinary Skills:

● Standard 3 ● Construct Compelling Questions
○ Students Engage in Meaning-Making ** Found in Staging the Compelling Question
through Discourse and Other Strategies and Supporting Question 1, 3 & 4
■ Indicator 1: Teacher provides ● Develop claims and use evidence
opportunities for extended, ** Supporting Question 1, 3 & 4
productive discourse between ● Communicate and Critique Conclusions
the teacher and student(s) **Supporting Question 1, 3 & 4
and among students.
**Staging the Compelling
Question, Supporting Question
1, 2, 3, & 4

● Indicator 2:
Teacher provides opportunities
for all students to create and
interpret multiple
**Supporting Question 1, 2, 3, &
● Indicator 3: Teacher assists all
students to use existing
knowledge and prior
experience to make
relationships, connections and
**Supporting Question 3, & 4

● Indicator 4:
Teacher structures the
classroom environment to
enable collaboration,
participation, and a positive
affective experience for all
** Supporting Question 1, 2, 3 &

Text Set & Text Complexity

Text Complexity Scaffolding

Powerpoint Activity with Graphic The complexity of this powerpoint Students will be working with
Organizer runs in the middle low range. For partners and may have access to the

the purpose of building background read/write app on chromebook
knowledge, the more simple nature which will read the slides for them
of this text will help prepare if they need.
students for more complex texts as
they move through the unit.
The lexile complexity of this
powerpoint is between 810-1000.

Explorers Article Set The complexity runs in the middle Students who are in need of
low- middle high complexity ranges. support have access to the
read/write app on chromebook
which will read the articles for them
if they need.

God, Gold & Glory Remix While the language and knowledge Students will have printed lyrics
God, Gold and Glory Remix Lyrics demands of this activity are in the and all students will be able to hear
middle low range, the purpose and the song as it’s played. Teacher
structure of these texts run in the support will be provided if needed.
middle high range.

Columbian Exchange Infographic The complexity of this text runs in The teacher will model how to read
the middle low to middle high this text if necessary.

NewsEla article The lexile complexity of this article This article can be read to students
is at a 660, however the language if necessary.
and knowledge demands of this text
run in the middle high range.

First Encounters in the America’s The lexile complexity of this article Scaffolding will be provided
set is between 1,010-1,200. The through the Jigsaw process and
complexity rides in the language additional support will be provided
and knowledge demands of this as needed for students based on
article. The purpose and structure their individual needs.
are in the low to middle low range.

The effect of European contact on Native The complexity of purpose and Students will be able to watch this
Americans structure are in the middle low video as many times as needed and
3 minute Columbian Exchange range, but the language and the teacher will support as needed.
Christopher Columbus and the knowledge demands are in the
Colombian Exchange video middle high range.

Cultivated Myon Native American The purpose of this library is to Students who need scaffolding will
Library provide a variety of books to build be able to listen to the text as well
background knowledge. The as click on vocabulary words as
complexity varies between the needed.
different texts.

Myon Explorers Book Bundle The purpose of this library is to Students who need scaffolding will
provide a variety of books to build be able to listen to the text as well
background knowledge. The as click on vocabulary words as
complexity varies between the needed.
different texts.

Staging the Compelling Question

Compelling Question
What compels us to treat people the way that we do?

Discuss the question: What compels us to treat people the way they do? Use this link to a QFT powerpoint about the painting: Discovery of the Mississippi by Desoto to pose questions w
students about the painting.
Complete the activity:
Have students share with their groups their priority questions.
QFT Discovery of the Mississippi

Supporting Question 1

Supporting Question 1
Who were the native Americans?
Why should we know?

Natural Resources
Culture group
physical surroundings
Totem Pole
Daily Schedule
Day 1: Have students working in groups of 4 travel to 5 stations:
● Myon Reading activity on Chromebooks
● Powerpoint Activity with Graphic Organizer on chromebooks
○ Graphic Organizer
● Gallery walk of Native American Tribes at 3 stations:
■ Desert Southwest and Pacific Southwest
■ Arctic and Eastern Woodlands
■ Great Plains
Students pick 2 out of 8 images from each region and will:
Inuit Gallery Walk Images

Desert Southwest Gallery Walk Images
Eastern Woodland Gallery Walk Images
Great Plains Gallery Walk Images
Pacific Northwest Gallery Walk Images
○ Choose five words to best describe the image
○ What, in your opinion, is the most important feature in this image?
○ Write one question you have about this image
Day 2: Invite students to pick which region they would like, 5 groups of 4 students, to make a poster about. Remind students that their focus question is: Who were the native Americans
about them?
Day 3:
❏ Create a single point Rubric with students
❏ Have students work on their presentation
Day 4: Have students place their posters around the room for a gallery walk. Have students complete a graphic organizer about each region. What they felt was interesting and what wa
Native Americans?
Featured Sources

Inuit Gallery Walk Images

Desert Southwest Gallery Walk Images
Eastern Woodland Gallery Walk Images
Great Plains Gallery Walk Images
Pacific Northwest Gallery Walk Images
Powerpoint Activity with Graphic Organizer
Cultivated Myon Library
Single Point Rubric

Supporting Question 2

Supporting Question 2
What was the greatest motivation for explorers to take risks in order to discover the New World?
School of Navigation
Age of Exploration
Daily Schedule
Day 1: What is Sampling? Share with students activity from p. 200 Comprehension Across the Curriculum. Have students review this video: God, Gold & Glory Remix and Royals. Under P
that we are going to make our own sampling about the explorers that came to the new world. How should we do that?
Day 2: Have three stations Including text:
Myon Book Bundle
Explorers Article Set
God, Gold & Glory Remix
Age of Exploration Two Texts, One Topic Graphic Organizer
Invite students to pick two of the three activities and complete a What is interesting? What is important? graphic organizer
Have students discuss in a block party the most interesting thing/ the most important, Have them do 4 rotations. Have students build a chart about what students felt was most importan
Day 3: Have students chose a song and begin writing lyrics for their sampling remix
Day 4: Students will complete their sampling remix about Early Explorers to explain the greatest motivation for explorers to take risks.
Featured Sources
Myon Book Bundle
Explorers Article Set
God, Gold & Glory Remix
Age of Exploration Two Texts, One Topic Graphic Organizer
God, Gold & Glory Remix
Single Point Rubric

Supporting Question 3

Supporting Question 3
What was the Columbian Exchange and why was it important?
Who benefitted the most by the blending of these two worlds?

continent Unified Mesoamerica
exchange Biologically Andes
ill transform Indigenous
globalization catastrophe
continuation Columbian
Afro-Eurasia hypotheticals
consequences Pangaea
societies domesticated

Daily Schedule
Day 1: Watch Videos and complete Graphic Organizer
Invite student to complete the Tic Tac Toe Notes while they are watching the video putting the most important information in each box
Day 2: Shared Read aloud:
● Teacher will model paragraph one of Going Global
● In groups of 2 students will continue reading together and complete an additional graphic organizer
Day 3: Students will read this NewsEla article
● students will complete the graphic organizer and answer the questions (with evidence) What was the Colombian Exchange? Who benefitted the most by the blending of these tw
Day 4: Summative Activity: Socratic Seminar
● Students will discuss in 4 groups of 5 about the two supporting questions.
● 2 groups will discuss What the Colombian Exchange was and why it was important.
● 2 Groups will discuss who benefited most from the blending of these two worlds.
● All students will complete a reflection activity after they complete the seminar.
Students will complete a Written Reflection Page at the end of our socratic seminar.

Featured Sources

Going Global
NewsEla article
The effect of European contact on Native Americans
3 minute Columbian Exchange
Christopher Columbus and the Colombian Exchange video
Columbian Exchange Infographic
Single Point Rubric
Written Reflection Page

Supporting Question 4

Supporting Question 4
Why did the Europeans and Native Americans treat each other the way they did?
Daily Schedule
Day:1 Using a Jigsaw format, have half the students read First Encounters in the America’s in groups of 5. WIth students make a chart o
After completing the Jigsaw, have groups discuss the question: Why did the Europeans and Native Americans treat each other the way they d
Day 2: Have students decide if they will make a poster, essay, powerpoint or movie presentation to share their thinking. HAve students use t
knowledge in their presentation.
Day 3: Have students continue working on their performance task.
Day 4: Have students present their final project to the class.
Featured Sources
First Encounters in the America’s
Single Point Rubric

Summative Assessment

ARGUMENT: What compels us to treat people the way that we do? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed
outline, poster, essay) that evaluates the need to study, remember, and/or highlight this period of history using
specific claims and relevant evidence from sources while acknowledging competing views.
Task EXTENSION. Instead of making a poster or essay, students may make a powerpoint or movie presentation to
share their ideas.


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