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Best Practices in Teaching Science Subjects To The Grade 9 High School Students Simplified Thesis

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Best Practices in Teaching Science Subjects

to the Grade 9 High School


A Simplified Thesis
Presented to
the Faculty of
College of Education
University of Rizal System
Morong, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
for the Degree
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Science

Patricia Mae H. Angco

Sunshine S. Cenina
Joanna Lorraine E.S. Cruz
John Mari Lloyd M. Daos
Trish Dhanielle V. De Guzman
Catherine Jade I. De Leon

April 2021
TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………… ii


Background of the study………………………………….………….. 1

Theoretical Framework…………………………..…….…..…........... 3
Objectives of the Study….……………………………….….…….….. 4
Significance of the Study………………………….………………….. 4
Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………….......... 5


Research Design……………………..……………………………… 7
Research Instrument………………………….……………….……. 7
Procedure of the Study……………………………..………………. 9



Summary of Findings……………………………………………..…. 16
Conclusions………………………………………………………...… 17
Recommendations……………………..……………………………. 17

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………….. 18

C Letter………………………………………………………….….…… 19



This chapter includes Background of the study, Objectives of the Study,

Theoretical Framework and Scope and Limitations.

Background of the Study

Effective science education aims students to develop their critical and evaluative

habits of mind. In line with this, active learning is centered around the idea that it

encourages students to engage in their own learning ( Grinath & Southerland, 2018) in

which instructors plays a vital role in influencing students for in-class discussion. This is

challenging since accordingly, research shows that quality of science education in

schools is greatly influenced by the quality of science teachers. Nevertheless, raising the

learning standards can be achieved through a responsive teacher preparation program

and continuing professional development program for all practicing teachers.

“Section 4.(a) and Section 4 (b) under Republic Act No. 7784 known as An act to

Strengthen Teachers Education in the Philippines by Establishing Center of Excellence

and Teacher Education Council” states that center of excellence shall be able to (a)

Experiment and try out relevant and innovative pre-service/in-service teacher

education/training programs; and (b) Organize and coordinate collaborative research on

identified areas for systematic investigation in teacher education as basis for improving

teacher education programs.

The preceding law explicitly expressed that teachers' education has a vital role to

students' learning capabilities. Pursuant to the law, the study aims to identify the Best

Practices of Selected Grade 9 Teachers for Teaching Science Subjects. Moreover,

science teaching is a dynamic profession that's why a continuous effort shall be made to

maintain and up skill science teachers as preparation for a real classroom set up. The

law helps the study to identify the best practices in teaching science by providing first-

hand experience from the pre-service and in-service education/training programs that

science teachers attended to improve and up skill/re-skill their abilities which they can

use to create or modify practices that are beneficial to aid their science teaching. Thus,

teachers' Science education should also be fortified to address different ways to improve

or raise the quality of teaching practices, and personal attributes which can influence the

learners learning experience.

Biology is not taught and learned the same way teachers teach and students learn

physics, social science or other branches of science (SK Abell, K Appleton, DL Hanuscin

2013). When dealing with chemistry, students learn more effectively in the science

laboratory. In fact, Avi Hofstein and Rachel Mamlok-Naaman stated in their article The

Laboratory in Science Education: The Ste of the Art that laboratory experiences have

been purported to promote central science education goals including the enhancement

of students' understanding of concepts in science and its applications; scientific practical

skills and problem solving abilities; scientific ‘habits of mind’; understanding of how

science and scientists work; interest and motivation. Now at the beginning of the 21st

century it looks as if the issue regarding learning in and from the science laboratory and

the laboratory in the context of teaching and learning chemistry is still relevant regarding

research issues as well as developmental and implementation issues. Furthermore,

Probyn (2005) and Thomas and Collier (2002) agree that using a second language to

teach science is a barrier to students’ understanding.

Thus, it is observable that not all teachers practice effective ways in teaching

science because of factors liable to this case including proficiency, lab equipment and

mode of discourse which results in unsatisfactory outcomes both for teachers and

learners. In response to this, the researchers look for possible practices that are desirable

and are effective in teaching science. These might resolve the context of teaching


Theoretical Framework

The theory of Multiple Intelligences propounded by Howard Gardner (1983) states

that all human beings have different ways of learning and intelligence that they use in

everyday lives.

Hani Morgan (2014) supports Gardner’s theory. Morgan’s research indicated that

differentiated instruction benefits all students, but must be presented by well-prepared,

experienced and knowledgeable teachers. This theory can explain how students learn

and acquire information. These multiple intelligences range from the use of words,

numbers, pictures and music, to the importance of social interactions, introspection,

physical movement and being in tune with nature. Understanding which type/s of

intelligence a student may possess can help the teachers to adjust teaching-learning

styles and techniques. In its relation to the study, the researchers determined the best

practices in teaching Science subjects to the grade 9 students.

Objectives of the Study

The study aims to determine the best practices in teaching science subjects in

University of Rizal System – Morong Campus.

This study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. To identify the specific best teaching practices of the teacher – respondents and find

out why or how they are effective.

2. To identify the teaching practices of the teachers that the student – respondents find


3. To find out the similarities and differences of the opinions of the two groups of

respondents in regard to best practices for teaching Science subjects.

Significance of the Study

This research aims to discover the best practices that every educational institution

can do in teaching Science subjects to the students. It has its goal of enhancing the way

of teaching the science subject in every educational institution.

It provides information about what approach is the most effective for the students,

considering their raw knowledge and skills. With this discovery, the students will be able

to learn science subjects in an easy way. They will be capable of confidently sharing

knowledgeable ideas to their co-learners through brainstorming because of an effective

learning process between them and the professional conveyor of knowledge.

The teachers as well will be able to conduct classes in a smooth way without

worries of being ineffective. Through the discovery of the best practices that they can do

to convey the lesson effectively, they can provide the knowledge about the Science

subject efficiently and learn as well in this educational cycle. They will also discover new

ideas regarding the learning materials for the students such as the modules, activity

sheets, projects, and etc.

The knowledge and skills of the teachers and the students about the Science

subject will be enhanced. As a domino effect, the whole community will be developed as

well, especially in terms of Science and Technology. The country will achieve the

development of the economy and the ability to go with the flow in the process of


Indeed, Science subjects in the Philippine Educational Curriculum must be

enhanced. This research will provide a stepping stone in improving the educational

system and the goal of everyone in terms of ending ignorance.

Scope and Limitations

The study focused on determining the best practices of science teachers in

teaching Science subjects at the University of Rizal System – Morong Campus.

The study was conducted to grade 9 students and science teachers of University

of Rizal System – Morong Campus, Academic Year 2020 – 2021.

The study could have been carried out in grade 9 students of University of Rizal

System - Morong Campus. It could also have been extended to science teachers. This

will involve and be limited to two (2) grade 9 students and two (2) science teachers as

respondents for the study. The respondents were about to answer a researcher-made

question for the interview. By this, researchers gathered and discovered the best

practices in teaching Science subjects.

The study covered the third week of April, 2021 in gathering and evaluating the




This chapter presents the research design, research instrument, and procedure of

the study.

Research Design

The researchers used qualitative and descriptive research design. Aspers et al

(2019) defined qualitative research as an iterative process in which an improved

understanding of the scientific community is achieved by making new significant

distinctions resulting from getting closer to the phenomenon studied. This formulation is

developed as a tool to help improve research designs while stressing that a qualitative

dimension is present in quantitative work as well. The researchers used a qualitative

method to know the perspective of respondents regarding the best way of teaching

Science subjects in high school students.

According to Calderon (2012), descriptive research involves the description,

recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, the composition of processes

of a phenomenon which focuses on prevailing conditions, or how a person, group, or thing

behavior functions in the present. The researchers aimed to identify the best practices in

teaching Science subjects to high school students.

Research Instrument

In gathering the data, the researchers used interview questions as their instrument.

Interviews happen when there's an interviewee and an interviewer. The advantages of an

interview are that it is a low-cost method and the researchers' can ensure the factuality of

the answers of the respondents. It also collects richer sources of information.

1. As a teacher, what are the most effective method/ approach in teaching science


As a student, what is the most effective method in teaching science subjects? (can

be: Enquiry approach, Problems solving approach, Laboratory method, Scientific method

and Project method)

2. What practices can trigger the attention of the students in learning science subjects?

(can be: making the student watch videos, presenting power points, letting the students

read a document.)

3. What practices can increase the students' interest and motivation in teaching science

subjects? (can be pictures, visual aids, power point presentations, dramatization, use of


4. Does the attitude of a teacher affect the students' engagement in the discussion? Why

or Why not?

5. Does the atmosphere of the classroom affect the performances of the students? Or

does the relationship of the teacher with the students can make a difference in the

performances of the students during discussions and quiz? Yes or No, Give a short insight

about your answer.

Procedures of the Study

After the title has been made, the researchers have gathered necessary

information including related literature and studies. The construction of Chapter One

starts with the background, theoretical framework, significance of the study, scope and

limitations of the study and the objectives of the study. After working on Chapter One, the

researchers started dealing with Chapter Two wherein the research design, output

design, research instrument and procedure of the study are included which then be

anchored by the interview. In research design, the researchers used qualitative and

descriptive to know their perspectives and experiences with regards to the practices that

they have encountered in learning/teaching the science subjects. The research

instrument that the researchers used in collecting the data is interview. Through an

interview we can get the whole perspective of one's self to the topic of the researcher's


After the colloquium, the researchers began revising the manuscript following the

suggestion of the panelist. The researchers then started preparing for the interview. After

the interview through google forms, the researchers started analyzing the data.

Afterwards, the researchers interpreted and analyzed the result and finished the chapter

3 and 4 including the appendices.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of all the data

gathered for the study.

The researchers used interview/questions to gather data through the use of google


Respondent number 1 (Student)

Mishca is a Grade 9 student in University of Rizal System Morong (Campus

Laboratory School).

The respondent number one answered the questions “As a student, what is the

most effective method in teaching science subjects? (can be: Enquiry approach,

Problems solving approach, Laboratory method, Scientific method and Project

method).” The respondent said “Scientific, Laboratory and Project Method”. For the

second question which is “Does the attitude of a teacher affect the students'

engagement in the discussion? Why or Why not?” She responded with “Yes. If the

teacher's aura/attitude seems off, we will either be too intimidated or find ourselves not

interested in them and their topic. Third question “Does the atmosphere of the classroom

affect the performances of the students? Or does the relationship of the teacher with

the students can make a difference in the performances of the students during

discussions and quiz? Yes or No, Give a short insight about your answer.” The

respondent answered “Yes, one example is sir Payuran, his way of teaching is both fun

and exciting. He incorporates humor into his teaching so we can retain the lessons more

and I firmly believe that it applies to all lectures and lectors.

Respondent number 1 said that the most effective method for her are science

method, laboratory method and project method. Based from her answer, the attitude of

the teacher can affect the performance or the engagement of the learners to the class.

Same goes with the question number 3, she said that the relationship of the learners and

teacher can make a difference to the performance of the students during discussion and

quiz. If the teacher’s way of teaching is fun, the students will be excited and will retain to

the lessons.

Respondent number 2 (Student)

Niña is a Grade 9 student in University of Rizal System Morong (Campus

Laboratory School).

Respondent number two answered the questions “As a student, what is the most

effective method in teaching science subjects? (can be: Enquiry approach, Problems

solving approach, Laboratory method, Scientific method and Project method).” Inquiry

Approach. “Does the attitude of a teacher affect the students' engagement in the

discussion? Why or Why not?” For me, yes it does. The teacher’s attitude influences

how students learn from them and how they perceive the subject itself. When a teacher

is too strict, students dislike the class and fail to listen to what the teacher is saying; this

causes them to dislike the subject as well. In some situations, they attend class solely

to avoid being scolded rather than to understand the lesson. However, when a teacher

is fun to be with and shows that they love what they’re doing, students are more likely

to listen, participate in class, and look forward to attending it every day. “Does the

atmosphere of the classroom affect the performances of the students? Or does the

relationship of the teacher with the students can make a difference in the performances

of the students during discussions and quiz? Yes or No, Give a short insight about your

answer.” When a teacher is new or is not that close to the students, they tend to get shy

and refuse to participate as they don’t know each other well. However, as they get to

know each other, they become closer and students perform better in discussions and

quizzes because they become more comfortable around the teacher. The same goes

for the atmosphere of the classroom. Students might participate less in an awkward

atmosphere, while a relaxed or comfortable atmosphere will give them more confidence

to participate in class.

The researchers observed that the Respondent number 2 preferred Inquiry

Approach as the most effective method in teaching science subject for her. She also

stated that the attitude of a teacher does affect the engagement in the class. For her, if

the lecturer is strict the students will dislike the teacher and the subject as well. She

added, if the teacher is fun in the class the students will gain interest in listening to the

lessons and will also participate. She stated that the atmosphere during class can affect

the student’s performance. She said that if the class is awkward, the tendency of it is less

participation of the students but if the atmosphere is comfortable for students, the learners

will have more confidence to participate in the discussion.

Respondent number 3

Mr. Payuran is a Grade 9 teacher in Laboratory School (URSM).

The respondent 3 answered the question, “As a teacher, what is the most effective

method / approach in teaching science subjects?” with “There is no single effective

method or approach in teaching Science, Method and approaches will be more effective

when combined with other and if these are suitable for the topic. Most of the times,

students enjoy cooperative learning approach and also the Socratic Method.” Second

question “What practices can trigger the attention of the students in learning science

subjects? (can be: making the student watch videos, presenting ppt, letting the students

read a document.)” He responded with “Asking them thought-provoking questions that

cannot be readily answered, hence the reason for discussing the lesson, taking the

discussion literally out of the four corners of the classroom. Students enjoy change in

learning setting and the discussion will become meaningful because of this change, as

applicable to the topic, experiments, memes, hugots and life lessons, and using new

technologies that enrich student’s experience.” For the third question “What practices can

increase the student’s interest and motivation in teaching science subjects? (can be

pictures, visual aids, ppt, dramatization, use of technology)”. He answered “Same as the

above practices.” For the respondent number 3, there is no single effective method in

teaching science subject but teaching will be more effective if you combines it with other

approaches that suits the topic. Based from his answers, the thing that triggers the

attention of the students are by asking provoking questions, using technologies, stating

applicable hugot lines or memes, and life lessons. For him, the socratic method and

cooperative learning method are the ones that the students enjoy.

Respondent number 4

Ms. De Leon is a Grade 9 teacher in Laboratory School (URSM).

The respondent number 4 answered the question “As a teacher, what is the most

effective method/ approach in teaching science subjects?” with “There is no such thing

as most effective. Because the approach will always vary according to what kind of

students you are handling. I think it's so easy to know what kind of approach you need

to use direct method or experimental etc. if you know the kind of students you have.

Teaching science should not be spoon-feeding process, it should target the HOTS or

higher order thinking skills of the students where in they are the key players of their

own learning rather than a passive participant”. Second question “What practices can

trigger the attention of the students in learning science subjects? (can be: making the

student watch videos, presenting ppt, letting the students read a document.)”. The

respondent stated “First you need to know the preferences of the students. Powerpoint

presentation is a great help to the students who prefer visually stimulated presentation,

some students prefer having a student-teacher dialogue to catch their attention and to

start igniting the ideas about a specific lesson”. For the last question “What practices

can increase the students' interest and motivation in teaching science subjects? (can

be pictures, visual aids, ppt, dramatization, use of technology)”. She responded with

“Any source of technology supported materials can be a greater help. Especially to the

subject like astronomy where in by using pictures and presenting videos, we can able

to show them the realistic image of the heavenly bodies. So, I think, it will vary of course

to the topic. In Physics and Chemistry, pictures and videos will not be enough; there

should an actual presentation if possible. Like experimentation and of course

computation. So, there's no fixed formula that I can give to ensure a 100 percent

success in teaching Science, it will always vary. We need to consider a lot of factors.”

As per the answers of the respondent number 4, same with the respondent number 3

that for them, there is no such thing as most effective method in teaching science

subject. She stated that the approach will vary to the students, and in teaching science

it should target the higher order thinking skills. She also said that using any type of

technologies can be a greater help in triggering the learners' attention, especially to a

certain lessons where you can present realistic images. For her, there are a lot of things

to consider in achieving the success in teaching science because the approaches

varies to the course or the topics.



This chapter includes the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

of the study.

Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study are summarized as follow:

1. On identifying the specific best teaching practices of the teacher – respondents

and find out why or how they are effective.

On students' point of view, the best practices of selected grade 9 teachers for teaching

science subject are with the use of scientific and laboratory method at the same time

utilizing Inquiry approach. With respect to identifying the specific best teaching practices,

educators feedback on the other hand prefer to practice cooperative learning approach

and Socratic Method which are effective when combined together and suited to the topic.

2. On identifying the teaching practices of the teachers that the student – respondents

find effective.

Teachers’ attitude towards teaching science subject also affects the learning of the

students making them pay little to no attention on the subject matter. However, base on

the educators' response to this they exercise thought-provoking questions, use

experiments, memes and new technologies to get their students' attention.

3. On finding out the similarities and differences of the opinions of the two groups of

respondents in regard to best practices for teaching Science subjects.

The classroom atmosphere and a teacher's relationship to his students also affect the

engagement of students in the discussion. Based on the result, student-participants tend

to perform better if the classroom atmosphere is comfortable, student - teacher

relationship are developed making their confidence to participate be built and have a

better retention of the subject matter.


The study concluded that the best practices in teaching science subject varies

according to the students' learning approach preference. The teachers' attitude towards

teaching science and the rapport they build with the students are significant in relation to

the students' learning performance in science subject. Positive attitude of teachers in

science discussions is one of the best practices in teaching science.


The following recommendations for the research were based on the analysis and

interpretation of data, findings, and conclusions.

 To have more accurate results, the researchers recommend adding more numbers

of respondents.

 Teachers may use the parameters of the study for their teaching in science.

 Future studies on best practices in teaching science may be conducted.


Chavan, R, L.(2013) Difficulties Encountered By Science Teachers During Teaching

Concepts Of Science. Retrieved from:

SEI-DOST & UP NISMED, (2011). Framework for philippine science teacher education.

Manila: SEI-DOST & UP NISMED. Retrieved from:


Abell, S,K., Appleton, K., & Hanuscin, D,L. (2013, October). Handbook of Research on
Science Education. Retrieved from:



Republic of the Philippines

Morong, Campus


24 April 2021


URSM, Laboratory School



Towards the development of highly competent teachers, the Commission on Higher Education
through the CHED Memorandum Order Series of 2013 includes Purposive Communication as
one of the subjects which will help students understand how communication can be effectively
used to achieve pedagogical objectives.

In view of the above, the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in General Science students of
University of Rizal System – Morong Campus listed below would like to have your permission to
interview two (2) science teachers and two (2) grade nine students as their respondents for their
simplified thesis entitled Best Practices in Teaching Selected Science Subjects to Grade Nine
Students, which is one of the requirements for Purposive Communication or ENG 1.

Your favourable response and assistance will surely help the future teachers become effective
facilitators of learning. More power and Godspeed!

Very respectfully yours,







The Researchers



Professor, ENG 1



Principal, URSM Laboratory School


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