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Group 4
Overview or Background of Research

One of the curriculum exits the K to 12 graduates may take

is entering a college course. However, students must be
ready and prepared before they pursue higher education.
That is why work immersion has been created to guide the
students and prepare them to become ready to face the
challenges. Students' readiness for college courses requires
much preparation and building cognitive strategies,
including contextual awareness such as the college
environment that
will prepare the high school students (Gee et al., 2019). The
school must early expose the students to career options and
prepare them for college and careers (Jimenez, 2020). So, work
immersion is an excellent avenue to open the students' eyes to the
world of higher education. Work immersion teachers must prepare
students to face challenges in any college course.
Work immersion provides a learning experience for the graduating
students in the field of work related to their preferred college
course on school premises relevant to the job market needs. Also,
it develops relevant students' skills (Acar, 2019; Mahaguay &
Mahaguay, 2020) by giving them opportunities to apply their
acquired knowledge, skills, and values from school. However,
Echague National High School, San Fabian Echague Isabela offers
different tracks and strands for senior high school.
One of the tracks that were given the focus on this study was on
Academic Track, having the Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) as a strand. The grade 12 HUMSS students were
required to take work immersion subjects in the second semester.
The said subject aims to provide the opportunity for the students
to integrate learning areas through a creative culminating activity
or a field experience that was usually done inside the campus or
an outside field, either private or government offices.
The readiness of HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
students for work immersion may depend on various factors,
including their academic performance, personal and interpersonal
skills, and their exposure to practical experiences in a professional
Academically, HUMSS students may have a strong foundation in
theoretical concepts, critical thinking, and research skills, which
can be beneficial in a work immersion program. However, they
may need to apply these skills in a practical setting, which may
require additional training and guidance.
Personal and interpersonal skills, such as communication, time
management, adaptability, and teamwork, can also contribute to
the readiness of HUMSS students for work immersion. These
skills can be developed through classroom activities,
extracurricular activities, and social interactions, among others.
In terms of exposure to practical experiences, some HUMSS
students may have previous experience in internships, volunteer
work, or part-time jobs that can help them prepare for work
However, those who do not have prior experience may need to
undergo training and orientation to familiarize themselves with the
workplace culture, expectations, and procedures.
Overall, the readiness of HUMSS students for work immersion
can be enhanced through a combination of academic preparation,
personal and interpersonal skills development, and practical
experience. Employers and educators can also play a crucial role
in supporting and guiding students during the program to ensure
their success and growth
Conceptual framework

Figure 1: framework of the study through IPO model


Profile of the 1. Survey The level of
readiness of Grade
Respondent 2. Gather Data
3. Evaluate Demeter on work
Research Question

This study aimed to evaluate the level of readiness of Grade

12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of
Echague National High School pertaining Work immersion.
1. What is the respondent profile according to;
-Marital Status
-Monhtly Income of Parents
2. What is the level of readiness of grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter
students on Echague National High School in terms of;

3. What is the implication of work immersion assignment of
course to be taken in college?

4. Is there a significant difference when readiness in work

immersion is grouped according to profile?

5. Is there a significant relationship between level of readiness

and course to be taken in college?

6. What is the propose solution to identified problem?

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted at Echague National High School of

Echague Isabela that has 50 Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter students
who underwent work immersion. The time frame of the study was
from February 2023 to April 2023. This study was limited only to
analyze the level of readiness of grade 12 students in work
immersion. This research will limit itself to respondents who are
currently enrolled in the said school and underwent in a work
immersion program. The study will be focusing on the level of
readiness of Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter on work immersion.
Significance of the study

Future Generations - this research study will soon serve as

a positive impact on pursuing passion in desired field
and preparation on work immersion.

HUMSS students- This research study aims to better

prepare senior high school students for college, work, or
business; develop life and career skills; and have attitudes,
appreciation, and respect for work.
Teachers- the result of this study will provide further
knowledge and understanding of the readiness in work immersion
Future Researcher-the result of this study will serve as a
reference for those individuals who want to conduct studies
regarding level of readiness in work immersion.
Parents/guardians- the result of this study will serve as a
basis of the guardians or parents of HUMSS students in the
supporting of their son or daughter in participating in work
immersion , as well as to give them knowledge about the
Definition of terms

Readiness- the state of fully prepared of something. A state

of being ready and able to deal with what might or will

HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) - state of being

engaged or involved. The act of immersing or the state of
being immersed.
Work Immersion -a key feature in the DHA curriculum which
involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which
students can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge
relevant to their track.
This chapter contains a number of related literature from
articles, journals, books, and studies from different authors,
which the researchers thought to be necessary in obtaining
broader background information about the current study. The
materials are thought to be significant and perceived to have a
certain relatedness with the study which the writer thought to
have contributed to the in-dept presentation.

Former Pres. Benigno S. Aquino III approved the

Republic Act 10533 or the “Enhanced Basic Education Act
of 2013” last May 15, 2013. The program encompasses at
least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of
elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary
education, in that sequence. Secondary education includes
four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of
senior high school education (Official Gazette, 2013).
This information is one of the most basic concepts of the reformed
educational curriculum. Two years has been added up by the
Government in the applied curriculum. This additional time will
be a great preparation of the students for job, college and life as
pursuant to the new curriculum’s vision. In connection with this,
the Department of Education (DepEd) included the Work
Immersion as one of the key feature of the K to12.
DepEd describes Work Immersion as one of the course
requirements for graduation. A Senior High School student has to
undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the
student’s post secondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the
students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their
competence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant
and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
(ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and
theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical knowledge
and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in communications and human
relations; and (v) develop good work habits, attitudes,
appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the
needs and challenges of employment or higher education after
graduation. (DepEd, April 2017).
According to Trade Congress of the Philippines (2015) the
word “immersion” as it applies to the K to 12 curriculum is
defined in the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 40,
series of 2015. “Work Immersion refers to the part of the Senior
High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on
experience or work simulation which the Grades 11 and 12
students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace
setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school
under the supervision of the School Head and
the designated personnel of the Partner.”Immersion is done
outside the school campus in a “Workplace Immersion Venue,”
defined as “the place where work immersion of students is done.
Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories,
shops and project sites.”What could lead to confusion is that the
word “immersion” actually has two meanings in K to 12. The first
meaning refers to a required SHS subject in the curriculum. The
second meaning refers not to a subject but to a preferred mode of
delivery of Tech-Voc subjects.
The K–12 curriculum, in accordance with Lopez (2018), has
given pupils the morals, expertise, and technical know-how that
businesses require. Graduates would also be able to blend theory
and practice thanks to strong partnerships with many companies.

Based from the data gathered from the under the cognitive
category the thing that still need to address is the computer still of
the respondents, in terms of affective and psycho-motor what is
lacking to them is the initiative.
In general Grade 12 students in San Isidro National High School
were ready to take work immersion. It is recommended that
School should conduct activities that can enhance their
knowledge, skills and attitude that they are going to use in work
immersion, and school should create activities that can enhance
the knowledge of students when it comes to computer skill and
practice the attitude of taking initiative always. Mayo,
Henry ( 2011) asserts that experiencing the immersion was an
excellent way to get a sense of what it's like to be at work. These
students offer insightful perspectives on what it's like to work full
time in a technologically advanced, international workplace.
Learning the skills required to get employment and pursue a
profession after graduation is one of the main reasons why many
of us attend college. In order to work in an industry, we want to
develop the necessary abilities.
This is what really sold me on the GET experience. I was able
to go to work for 40 hours a week, get real, hands on knowledge
of applications, development, and corporate culture, as well as
earn credit towards my major. The best part was that they treated
me like a full time employee, not an intern.

In order to fulfill the requirement for a work immersion course

for Grade 12 students under the K–12 basic education curriculum,
the Department of Education (DepEd) is relying on its "strong
partnerships" with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (PCCI) and other business organizations, according to
Ronda (2018).Work immersion, according to the DepEd, is a key
subject under the Senior High School curriculum that may be
conducted in different way sand time frame as needed by SHS
learners. The subject provides learners opportunities to familiarize
themselves with the workplace; to simulate employment, and to
apply their competencies in areas
of specialization/applied subjects in authentic work
environments. The SHS curriculum provides four “exits” for
graduates –  higher education, entrepreneurship, employment or
middle-level skills development  –  where the first batch of Grade
12 learners is expected to become full-fledged contributors to
social development and nation-building. The DepEd noted that the
K-12 Basic Education Program was created to equip graduates
with values, knowledge and skills that communities, businesses
and industries need. The DepEd said it recognized the PCCI’s
concern regarding the minimum number of training hours.
Victory Christian International School (2015) stated that
through immersion that students get to discover themselves and
jump start their professional growth. Students become good team
players. A person who works well with others can go places.
Students who know this early on are better able to improve their
communication skills and can be an asset to the team in building
projects. Students become financially aware at an early age.
By being exposed to the daily operations of a real work
environment, students learn how to think like an adult, manage
their finances effectively, and be exposed to acquiring other
related skills such as budgeting and marketing. Students have
goals. Immersion trains them how to achieve these goals by giving
them an opportunity to work with and be supervised by
professionals and highly creative people. 
According to the study of Alipour (2009), any organization that
wants to succeed, and to continue to succeed, has to maintain
workforce consisting of people who are willing to learn and
develop continuously. Training and developing human capital is
tremendously important in the effective management and
maintenance of a skilled workforce.
The students’ work knowledge could be enhanced through
activities and tasks like field orientations and practical
examinations initiated by their teachers in specialized subjects to
prepare them to actual work during immersion. Also, it is
suggested that they be given lectures on work ethics,
communication in the workplace, stress management, and career
orientation.Valdez, A. B., Lapid-Ladwingon, R. R., & Baggas, E.
W. (2019).

Salatan  (2016)reiterated  in  her  study  shows  that  each  of 

the  three  factors  is  significant different to one another and the
respondents  see  at  least  one  of  the  factors  as  the  most 
important in  their  internship 
experience.For this reason,    the internship  program planning  is 
the  most important factor for the respondents. Since the program
planning is mostly done by the schools, this shows that schools
have the most influence in providing a good internship program to
their students. The design of the internship program is also
essential for the respondents. Holding career consultations helps
them to gain ideas  where they would want to have their
In  terms  of  the  industry’s  involvement  in  the  internship 
experience of  the respondents, training is important for them.
Majority of them are eager to learn more skills and  knowledge 
during  their  internship    training.   They    believe    that   
rotation  opportunities  are  essential  for  their    training  where 
they  can  gain  more knowledge  and  skills by    working    with 
the    different  departments  of    the  establishment.    

Work immersion refers to the part of the Senior High

School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on
experience or work simulation which the grades 11and 12
students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace
setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the
school under the supervision of the school head and the
designated personnel of the partner.
In contrast, internships or on-the-job training completed by
college students are somewhat akin to work immersion. They all
allow students to participate in and experience real work in a
particular business, for example. On the other hand, they vary in
some loads and the amount of time they will spend working. The
majority of the studies that follow examine on-the-job training as
a result.
Student organization might improve their ability to support
students' takes the lead in organizing, coordinating, and putting the
department's programs into action. To make them more
competitive and self-assured in their abilities, students may always
be encouraged to participate in extracurricular and curricular
activities, especially in academic competitions. Students benefit
from learning chances by expanding their knowledge, developing
their skills, and finding new abilities. (Britiller et al., 2014).
Immersion increases level of consciousness about a certain
work community. As students immerse in the workplace of their
interest, they get to know more about what’s, whys, and how’s of
working in that area. They get a glimpse of other people’s attitude
and principles while being receptive and adjusted to differences
and ironies present in the work environment. In the long run, they
gain a depth of understanding and sense of readiness needed for
their future professional lives. Immersion reinforces lost values
and standards.
The new age has brought ways that changed the significant values
that should have nurtured students’ character at home and in
school. Yet immersion programs help students find places which
have retained the old, good days and ways. Students can find a
workplace that values honesty and integrity in work documents; a
company that promotes genuine help and care through excellent
customer service; or an organization that trains its workers to
become people with vision, plans, and leadership.
Cognitive performance is a significant matter for readiness and
effectiveness.. Readiness, in contrast, refers to the potential of
units or individuals to perform well work immersion. It is usually
measured by assessing a subset of hypothetical elements or
components of effectiveness. Thus, readiness represents an
estimate or prediction of effectiveness Cognitive readiness denotes
the mental preparation for effective changes in response to altered
or unpredictable situations in this fast-changing world. The key
constructs in our model are knowledge, skills, and attributes.
Knowledge includes domain-specific knowledge for developing
cognitive readiness in specific content/process domains as well as
prerequisite skills. There are five skills—adaptability, adaptive
problem solving, communication, decision making, and situation
awareness—and four attributes, i.e., adaptive expertise, creative
thinking, meta cognition, and teamwork. The implication is that
individual must be mentally prepared to sustain better in doing
work immersion.
This environment requires more than simple endurance. It requires
the individual to be flexible, and even creative, in responding to
the challenges presented by the supervisors. So in connection to
this research we need cognitive or knowledge of the students
about work immersion for us to know if they are ready in taking it.
As mention above cognitive have effects in the readiness of
individual, so students should be mentally prepared to gain better
performance in work Immersion.  
This is related to the work immersion process where the learner
in one sense takes a degree of ownership in the sense that their
emotions and feelings take over enabling them to get involved.
One question that arises is that in the absence or low level of
affect, can the learner, through psycho-motor immersion, raise that
level of affect as they become more aware on what work
immersion is all about.. Another way of looking at this would be
the possible creation of an “artificial affect”, one that did not
previously exist or ex-isted to a relatively low degree and yet not
part of the per-son’s personality since
the affective domainincludes objectives that emphasize interests,
attributes, and values (Smith, 1981) and more concisely can be
one of attitudinal change (Blanchett, 1993).
Psycho-motor skills are important in implementation, and
hence the importance of “Work immersion” in increasing the
impact of experiential learning in “whole-person” learning in
executive skill acquisition. This then lends to asking the question
of how to accomplish the learning person involvement, through
the whole person, required to complete the learning
cycle from cognition awareness to successful skill demonstration
(Giambatista, et.al., 2009). (Micklich. D. Examining the cognitive,
affective, and psycho-motor dimensions in )

The internship program is designed to provide you the chance

to apply the information and skills you learn in the classroom to
the operations of the company, claims Fitchburg State University
(2019). Considerable care is taken to ensure that your work
experience is clearly related to your coursework and major field of
study. It is
hoped that the internship experience will enhance your total
university experience by forging a link between conceptual and
applied knowledge of the major field of study. Ideally, the training
and experience that you gain as a result of the internship can be
valuable in two ways. First, the experience could give you a
competitive advantage when searching for a permanent position.
Many employers seek students with a higher education who have
also acquired meaningful on-the-job training prior to graduation.
In some cases, internships can lead to full-time employment with
the host firm.
Second, the internship experience can enable you to see various
career opportunities and to clarify your own career objectives.
In addition, the College of Charleston (2017), reiterated in their
internship manual that each student is required to work at an
approved internship agency for a minimum of 120 hours of
professional practice over a period of 10 to 12 weeks in a given
semester or during the second summer session. The intern should
assume a wide range of responsibilities during their work
On the other hand, Shinas College of Technology (2019), stated
on their On-the Job Training Manual the OJT department will
have the following responsibilities and authority; Coordinating
between academic departments regarding industrial links and their
counterparts in industry and other concerned bodies; Maintaining
a departmental database comprising departmental activities,
industrial links, jobs and training opportunities.
Organizing student visits to industrial establishments and joint
events. Coordinating on-the job-training between departments and
industrial establishments, and ensuring students' compliance to
bylaws, rules and regulations; Making arrangements for guest
speakers, exhibitions and seminars in coordination with the
concerned departments and industrial establishments; and Develop
job searching techniques in the market.
According to Texas Education Agency (2017), practicum in
Hospitality Services is a unique practicum experience to provide
opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience
that combines classroom instruction with actual business and
industry career experiences. Practicum in Hospitality Services
integrates academic and career and technical education; provides
more interdisciplinary instruction; and supports strong
partnerships among schools, businesses, and community
institutions with the goal of preparing students with a variety of
skills in a fast-changing culinary art based
workplace or Krathwohl the taxonomy is ordered according to the
principle of internalization. Internalization refers to the process
whereby a person’s affect toward an object passes from a general
awareness level to a point where the affect is “internalized”, and
consistently guides or controls the person’s behavior. (Seels &
Glasgow 1990). 

Asian Foundation (2018) claims that in the Philippines, young

unemployment prevents real economic growth. They are at a
disadvantage due to a lack
of knowledge, abilities, and job experience in the field The
Department of Education's Senior High School (SHS) program,
which was made possible by the K–12 education reform, is one
strategy to deal with problem. The work immersion program, one
of its components, gives students "actual workplace" experience
and a set of technical-vocational and lifestyle skills that can assist
them in making better career decisions and increase their job
Moreover, training is a learning process through which
employees acquire the attitudes, information, abilities, and
experiences they need to do their tasks well for the organization.
success for their organization' 's objectives. Employee training is
therefore a learning process through which individuals gain the
knowledge, skills, experience, and attitudes necessary to
accomplish their respective organizational and personal goals.
Here, the terms "knowledge," "skills," "experience," and
"attitudes" are used to refer to the abilities that trainees acquire
during training. K+S+E+A = Employee Performance Capabilities
(Ngirwa, 2006).
This chapter describes the method of research
design, the respondents of the study, the instrument
used, data gathering procedures, and statistical
treatment of data.

The researcher employed the mixed

method, which is a combination of qualitative and
quantitative approaches to collect and analyze data, and
used a descriptive design to determine the level of
readiness of Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter on work
immersion. This method utilized an adopted
questionnaire as a tool for gathering the data.
The survey research is appropriate in the study because the
researchers intend to determine the level of readiness of grade 12
HUMSS-Demeter on work immersion.

The total enumeration of the population is important

because it provides a comprehensive and accurate count of the
entire population rather than just a sample. This can be useful
for researchers who are interested in studying the entire
population, rather than just a subset. Therefore, the researchers
obtained the total number of populations with thirty-seven (37)
HUMSS-Demeter students in Echague National High School.
The said respondents will answer the researchers adopted
Data Gathering Method

This research paper sought to determine the levels of

readiness of Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter on work
immersion. Respondents in this study were the Senior
High School students enrolled in the HUMSS Track at
Echague National High School. As its respondents, the
study will concentrate on collecting information and
data from grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter students.
The data required for the study were gathered using a survey
questionnaire based on previous research instruments. The
questions compiled from different surveys were critically selected
by the researchers to achieve the objectives. The self-made
questionnaire has undergone validity and reliability tests.

To make sure that respondents comprehend the research while

also getting their approval and participation, the researcher used
survey questions and a disclaimer addressing the study.
Data Analysis

The researchers gathered information from the

respondents. The primary sources were the Grade 12
HUMSS-Demeter students of Echague National High
School. The research instrument used in the study was a
questionnaire that was based upon published materials,
updates from the internet, magazines, and books.
The questionnaire consisted of questions prepared by the
researcher with structured responses or choices for the convenience
of the respondents. The questionnaire consisted of two sections:
section A, which is about the level of readiness of Grade 12
HUMSS-Demeter students at Echague National High School in
terms of cognitive, affective, and psycho-motor aspects, and section
B, which is about the implications of a work immersion assignment
in a course to be taken in college. The prepared questionnaire was
presented to their research adviser for any corrections and
Before answering any of the sections, the respondents were first
tasked to fill in their
demographic profile, which asked the gender, age, marital status,
and monthly allowance of parents.
The two sections mentioned before use the four-point Likert
scale (4=strongly agree,3-Agree ,2-Dis Agree and 1=strongly
disagree) as the basis for answering. The Likert scale is a rating
system used in questionnaires that are designed to measure people's
attitudes, opinions, or perceptions (Jaimeson, 2017). As this study is
investigating the level of readiness of Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter
on work immersion.
Statistical Treatment

For valid and reliable interpretation of data, the

following statistical tools and methods were used: After
gathering data from the respondents, the data were
subjected to computation and analysis.
Frequencies and Percentage is used to determine the
Demographic Profile of the Respondents. And the formula is;

P= Percentage
f= Frequency
N= total Number of Students
The weighted mean method was used to identify  the level of
readiness of grade 12 HUMMS-Demeter students of Echague
National High School in terms of: A. cognitive, B. affective, C.
psychomotor, and the implications of a work immersion assignment
in a course to be taken in college. The formula for the weighted
mean follows:

TWT= Total Weighted frequency

f= frequency
Weight Mean range Interpretation

4 3.51-4.50 Highly Ready

3 2.51-3.50 Moderately Ready

2 1.51-2.50 Slightly Ready

1 1.0-1.50 Not ready

Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Size of Correlation Interpretation

0.90 to 1.00( or -0.90 T0 - 1.00) Very high positive (or negative)

0.70 to 0.90(or -0.70 to -0.90) High positive (or negative)
0.50 to 0.70(or -0.50 to -0.70) Moderate positive (or negative)
0.30 to 0.50(or -0.30 to -0.50) Low positive (or negative)
0.00 to 0.30(or -0.00 to -0.30) Very low positive (or negative)
correlation/Negligible correlation
This chapter discussed the findings of the study. The findings
were presented, analyzed, and interpreted. The presentation of the
findings was made into six (6) sections. Part 1 dealt with the
demographic profile of the respondents, Part 2 showed the level of
readiness of HUMSS-Demeter on Work Immersion as per: A.
Cognitive, B. Affective, and C. Psycho-motor, Part 3 dealt with the
implication of a work immersion assignment in a course to be taken
in college for HUMSS-Demeter, Part 4 dealt with the significance
different when readiness on work immersion is group according to
Part 5 dealt with the significant relationship between level of
readiness and course to be taken in college, and Part 6 showed the
proposed solution to identified problem.

Part I discussed the results of the survey that was conducted on

the Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter students along the variables such as
gender, age, marital status, and monthly income of their parents.
Table 4.1: The Demographic Profile of the respondents
PROFILE Frequency (37) Percentage
Gender Male 21 57%

Female 14 38%

LGBTQ 2 5%
Age 16 0 0%

17 21 57%

18 12 33%
19 2 5%

20 and Above 2 5%
Marital Status Single 37 100%

Married 0 0%

Live-In 0 0%

Single Parent 0 0%
Monthly 3,000 - 4,000 10 27%
Income of
4,000 - 5,000 8 22%

5,000 - 6,000 5 13%

6,000 - 7,000 2 5%

7,000 - 8,000 1 3%

9,000 and 11 30%

Table 1 presented the frequency and percentage distribution of
the respondent’s gender, age, and marital status. The survey was
conducted among 37 learners in grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter, and
according to the table below, the results showed 57% (21) of males,
38% (14) of females, and 5% (2) of LGBTQ, for a total of 100% of
the sample size. In examining the respective ages of the students in
the survey, the results revealed that most of the students are 17
(57%) years old, 33% of the students are 18 years old, 5% of the
students are 19% years old, and 5% of the students are 20 years old
or older. The survey result showed that all of the respondents were
single based on their marital status.
Their estimated monthly income of parents revealed 27% of the
students are 3,000-4,000,22% are 4,000- 5,000, 13% of the students
are 5,000- 6,000, 5% of the students have 6,000-7,000 monthly
income of parents , 3% are 7,000-8,000 monthly income of parents,
while 30% of them are 9,000 and above.
Table 4.2: The level of readiness of HUMSS-Demeter on work
immersion as per:
A. Cognitive
Items Weighted Mean Description
1.I can communicate 3.05 Moderately Ready
well with other

2. I am ready to take 2.86 Moderately Ready

my work immersion.
3. I am able to 2.94 Moderately Ready
communicate orally
with others.
4. I am computer 2.83 Moderately Ready
literate, so I can
perform the assigned
5.I am willing to do 3.13 Moderately Ready
the right things that
can enhance my
Grand Mean 2.96 Moderately Ready
Based on the table, most of the HUMSS-Demeter students were
moderately ready in terms of "I can communicate well with other
employees" with a weighted mean of 3.05, "I am ready to take my
work immersion" with a range score of 2.86, "I am able to
communicate orally with others" with a range score of 2.94, "I am
computer literate, so I can perform the assigned task" with a
weighted mean of 2.83, and "I am willing to do the right things that
can enhance my knowledge" with a weighted mean of 3.13, I am
willing to do the right things that can enhance my knowledge with a
weighted mean of 3.13.
Therefore, with a grand mean of 2.96, the HUMSS-Demeter
students are moderately ready for the incoming work immersion in
terms of cognitive.
B. Affective
Items Weighted Mean Description
Q1. I must deal with 3.08 Moderately Ready
supervisor and others
with courtesy.

Q2.I work 3.18 Moderately Ready

collaboratively with
the supervisor and my
Q3.It is important that I 3.16 Moderately Ready
have patience and
diligence in performing
assigned tasks.
Q4.It is important for me 3.10 Moderately Ready
to come to office in time.
Q5. I work 3.08 Moderately Ready
collaboratively and
cooperatively with the
supervisor and co-
Grand Mean 3.12 Moderately Ready
The table illustrates that all of the HUMSS-Demeter students
were moderately ready for the upcoming work immersion. The item
with the highest score ranges of 3.18 in this item is "I work
collaboratively with the supervisor and my co-workers. It is
important that I have patience and diligence in performing assigned
tasks" with a weighted mean of 3.16, "It is important for me to
come to the office on time" with a score range of 3.10, and finally
"I must deal with the supervisor and others with courtesy."

Therefore, the grand mean in this table is 3.12, which has an

interpretation of moderately ready for the upcoming work
C. Psychomotor
Items Weighted Mean Description
Q1. I can easily 3.21 Moderately Ready
follow the
Q2. I am able to 3.18 Moderately Ready
achieve satisfactory
results for duties and
task completed.
Q3. I am able to 3.08 Moderately Ready
interact well with
others in the office.
Q4. I am able to take 3.05 Moderately Ready
the initiative ways.

Q5. I am punctual and 3.08 Moderately Ready

reliable in attendance.

Grand Mean 3.12 Moderately Ready

Most of the HUMSS-Demeter students are moderately ready in
terms of their ability to easily follow the instructions, with a score
range of 3.21. They are able to achieve satisfactory results for
duties and tasks completed with a weighted mean of 3.18; they are
able to interact well with others in the office, and they are punctual
and reliable in their attendance with a range score of 3.08, and they
are  able to take the initiative with a weighted mean of 3.05.
Therefore, with the grand mean of 3.12, the HUMSS-
Demeter students were moderately ready for the incoming work
Table 4. 3 The implication of a work immersion assignmaents
in course to be taken in college of HUMSS-Demeter.
Items Weighted Mean Description
1. I put more effort 3.40 Moderately Ready
into my work
assignments to
develop my skills for
my future college
2. I became more self- 3.27 Moderately Ready
aware regarding my
strengths and
weaknesses for my
future college course.

3. I gathered some 3.08 Moderately Ready

strategies on how to
deal with my career
4. I enjoyed every 3.16 Moderately Ready
work assignments to
fulfill my career

5. I gave some time 2.91 Moderately Ready

for my work
assignments to fulfill
my career choice.

Grand Mean 3.02 Moderately Ready

Based on the table below, most of the Grade 12 HUMSS-
Demeter students are moderately ready in terms of "I put more
effort into my work assignments to develop my skills for my future
college course" with a weighted mean of 3.40, "I became more self-
aware regarding my strengths and weaknesses for my future college
course" with a ranges score of 3.27, "I enjoyed every work
assignment to fulfill my career choice with a ranges score of 3.16, I
gathered some strategies on how to deal with my career choice with
a ranges score of 3.08, I gave my work assignments to fulfill my
career choice" with a weighted mean of 2.91,
I enjoyed my career choice with a weighted a 3.08, I gave my
career choice with a weighted." with ranges score of 3.08, and "I
gave some time for my work assignments to fulfill my career
choice." with a weighted mean of 2.91.

Therefore, most of the HUMSS-Demeter students are

moderately ready for the course to be taken in college, with a grand
mean of 3.02. 
Table 4.4: The significant difference when readiness in work
immersion is grouped according to profile as per;
COGNITIVE Interpretat
Gender F P-value ion
1. I can communicate Male 1.120 0.33775 Not
well with other Female 847 2 Significant
2. I am ready to take my Male 0.095 0.90947 Not
work immersion. Female 154 4 significant

3. I am able to

communicate orally with Female


0.843 0.43905 Not

LGBTQ 391 2 Significant
4. I am computer literate, Male
so I can perform the
assigned task. Female 2.068 0.14199 Not
LGBTQ 476 1 Significant
The data in Table 2 showed, that there is no
significant difference when readiness for work
immersion is grouped according to gender in terms
of cognitive, since the P value is greater than 0.05. 
AFFECTIVE Interpreta
Gender F P-value tion
1. I must deal with the
supervisor and other with
courtesy. 0.062 0.93990 Not
Male 089 5 Significant
2. I work collaboratively
with the supervisor and
my co-workers. 0.695 0.50583 Not
Male 398 2 Significant
3. It is important
that I have patience and Male
diligence in performing
assigned tasks.

0.416 0.66291 Not

LGBTQ 114 9 Significant
4. It is important for me to
come to office in time. Male
Female 0.179 0.83663 Not
LGBTQ 301 9 Significant
5. I work collaboratively Male
and cooperatively with
Based on the table below, all the results are not
significant since the P value is greater than 0.05.

This means that the emotions of the students in

Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter show no significant
difference when readiness in work immersion is
grouped according to gender in terms of affective.
Gender F P-value tion
1. I can easily follow the
instructions. 5.813 0.00673
Male 448 6 Significant
2. I am able to achieve
satisfactory results for
duties and task
completed. Male 2.841 Not
58 0.07225 Significant
3. I am able to
interact well with others in
the office.

1.927 0.16106 Not

LGBTQ 617 5 Significant
4. I am able to take the Male
initiative ways.
Female 0.058 0.94298 Not
LGBTQ 811 1 Significant
5. I am punctual and
reliable in attendance. Male
2.553 0.09264 Not
The table showed that the majority of the
results are not significant, since the P-value is
greater than 0.05, which means that there is no
significant difference in psycho-motor and when
Readiness in work immersion is grouped
according to gender.
Income of Interpreta
Parents F P-value tion
I can communicate well
with other employees. 3,000-4,000
4,000-5,000 0.714 0.61680 Not
5,000-6,000 964 8 Significant
9,000 &
I am ready to take my work 5,000-6,000
immersion. 6,000-7,000
0.7366 0.60152 Not
35 9 Significant

9,000 & above

4,000-5,000 0.5714 0.72125 Not
I am able to communicate 58 3 Significant
I am computer literate, so I
can perform the assigned 3,000-4,000
task. 4,000-5,000

2.6406 0.04153
9,000 & above 47 3 Significant
I am willing to do the things 3,000-4,000
that can enhance my 4,000-5,000
knowledge. 5,000-6,000
The table showed that there is no significant
difference when readiness in work immersion is
grouped according to the monthly income of
parents in terms of Cognitive, since the P value
is greater than 0.05.
Income of
Parents F P-value Interpretation
I must deal with
the supervisor and 3,000-4,000
other with 4,000-5,000
courtesy. 1.36 0.2617
5,000-6,000 948 52 Not Significant

9,000 & above

I work collaboratively with 5,000-6,000
the supervisor and my co- 6,000-7,000
workers. 7,000-8,000

1.2356 0.31556 Not

09 6 Significant

9,000 & above

It is important that I have Not
5,000-6,000 1.2819 0.29592 Significant
patience and diligence in 6,000-7,000 32 1
It is important for me to 4,000-5,000
come to office in time. 5,000-6,000

1.350 0.2689 Not

9,000 & above 115 87 Significant
I work collaboratively 4,000-5,000
and cooperatively with 5,000-6,000
the supervisor and co- 6,000-7,000
workers. 7,000-8,000
1.211 0.3261 Not
Based on the table below, all the results are not
significant since the P value is greater than 0.05.
This means that the emotions of the students in
Grade 12 HUMSS-Demeter show no significant
difference when their readiness in for work
immersion is grouped according to the monthly
income of their parents in terms of their affective.
Income of Interpreta
Parents F P-value tion
I can easily follow the
4,000-5,000 1.038 0.41209 Not
5,000-6,000 596 5 Significant
9,000 &
I am able to achieve 5,000-6,000
satisfactory results for duties 6,000-7,000
and task completed. 7,000-8,000

0.836 0.53346 Not

842 1 Significant

9,000 & above

I am able to interact well with 4,000-5,000
others in the office. 5,000-6,000 0.668 0.65024 Not
6,000-7,000 309 6 Significant
I am able to take the initiative
ways. 5,000-6,000
0.194 0.96259 Not
02 9 Significant

9,000 & above

I am punctual and reliable in
attendance. 5,000-6,000
6,000-7,000 0.468 0.79699 Not
221 Significant
The table showed that the majority of the results
are not significant, as the P-values are greater than
0.05, implying that there is no significant difference
in terms of psycho-motor , when readiness in work
immersion is grouped according to monthly income
of parents.
Table 4.5: The significant relationship between level of
readiness and course to be taken in college.
1. I put more effort into my work assignment to develop my skills for
my future college course.
Cognitive r value P value* Interpretation

I can communicate well with other 0.4426 0.006086 Low positive

employees. correlation

I am ready to take my work 0.3543 0.031437 Low positive

immersion. correlation
0.438 0.006702 Low positive
I am able to communicate orally correlation
with others

I am computer literate, so I can 0.2183 0.194283 Negligible

perform the assigned task. correlation

I am willing to do the things that 0.4035 0.013269 Low positive

can enhance my knowledge. . correlation
Based on the table below, the majority of the results
show a low positive correlation. Although
technically a positive correlation, the relationship
between your variable is weak (n.b. The closer the
value is to zero, the weaker the relationship.
Affective r value P value* Interpretation
I must deal with the supervisor 0.3688 0.02469 Low positive
and other with courtesy. 4 correlation
I work collaboratively with the 0.3777 0.02118 Low positive
supervisor and my co-workers. 3. correlation
It is important that I have patience 0.6213 0.00004 Moderate positive
and diligence in performing 1. correlation
assigned tasks.
It is important for me to come to 0.6089 0.00006 Moderate positive
office in time. 4 correlation
I work collaboratively and 0.4201 0.00963 Low positive
cooperatively with the supervisor 5 correlation
and co-workers.
The majority of the results are low positive correlations,
as seen in the table below. Although there is technically
a positive correlation, the relationship between your
variables is weak (n.b. The closer the value is to zero,
the weaker the relationship.
Psycho-motor r value P Interpretation
I can easily follow the 0.6974 0.00001 Moderate Positive
instructions. Correlation
I am able to achieve satisfactory 0.6354 0.00002 Moderate Positive
results for duties and task 4 Correlation
I am able to interact well with 0.5861 0.00013 Moderate Positive
others in the office. 8 Correlation
I am able to take the initiative 0.5636 0.00028 Moderate Positive
ways. 1 Correlation
I am punctual and reliable in 0.4947 0.00185 Low positive
attendance. 5. correlation
The majority of the results in the table below have
low positive correlations, which means there is a
tendency for high X variable scores go with high Y
variable scores (and vice versa).
2. I become more self aware regarding my strength and
weaknesses for my future college course.
Cognitive r value P value* Interpretation

I can communicate well with other 0.537 0.000611 Moderate

employees. positive

I am ready to take my work 0.6566 0.00001. Moderate

immersion. positive
0.4642 0.003802 Low positive
I am able to communicate orally correlation
with others

I am computer literate, so I can 0.1148 0.498675 Negligible

perform the assigned task. . correlation

I am willing to do the things that 0.4374 0.006786 Low positive

can enhance my knowledge. correlation
This is a moderate positive correlation, which
means there is a tendency for high X variable scores
go with high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
AFFECTIVE r value P value* Interpretation
I must deal with the supervisor 0.2832 0.089417 Negligible
and other with courtesy. correlation
I work collaboratively with the 0.499 0.001668 Low positive
supervisor and my co-workers. correlation
It is important that I have patience 0.5059 0.001401 Moderate
and diligence in performing positive
assigned tasks. correlation
It is important for me to come to 0.4424 0.006112 Low positive
office in time. . correlation
I work collaboratively and 0.475 0.002971 Low positive
cooperatively with the supervisor correlation
and co-workers.
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means
there is a tendency for high X variable scores go
with high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
Psycho-motor r value P Interpretation
I can easily follow the 0.571 0.00022 Moderate positive
instructions. 4 correlation
I am able to achieve satisfactory 0.4453 0.00574 Low positive
results for duties and task 8 correlation
I am able to interact well with 0.609 0.00006 Moderate positive
others in the office. 3 correlation
I am able to take the initiative 0.6268 0.00003 Moderate positive
ways. 3 correlation
I am punctual and reliable in 0.6034 0.00007 Moderate positive
attendance. 7. correlation
Although technically a positive correlation, the
relationship between your variable is weak (nb. The
nearer the value is to zero, the weaker the
3. I gathered some strategies on how to deal with my career choice.
Cognitive r value P Interpretation
I can communicate well with other 0.5065 0.00138 Moderate positive
employees. . correlation
I am ready to take my work 0.5596 0.00031 Moderate positive
immersion. 7. correlation
I am able to communicate orally 0.4612 0.00406 Low positive
with others 6. correlation
I am computer literate, so I can 0.1296 0.44456 Negligible
perform the assigned task. 8. correlation
I am willing to do the things that 0.3834 0.01916 Low positive
can enhance my knowledge. 1. correlation
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means
there is a tendency for high X variable scores go with
high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
AFFECTIVE r value P value* Interpretation
I must deal with the supervisor 0.1848 0.273527 Negligible
and other with courtesy. correlation
I work collaboratively with the 0.2454 0.143202 Negligible
supervisor and my co-workers. correlation
It is important that I have patience 0.3649 0.026377 Low positive
and diligence in performing . correlation
assigned tasks.
It is important for me to come to 0.3673 0.02533 Low positive
office in time. correlation
I work collaboratively and 0.2436 0.146253 Negligible
cooperatively with the supervisor correlation
and co-workers.
Although technically a positive correlation, the
relationship between your variable is weak (nb. The
nearer the value is to zero, the weaker the
Psycho-motor r value P value* Interpretation
I can easily follow the 0.3831 0.019263 Low positive
instructions. correlation
I am able to achieve satisfactory 0.3917 0.016506 Low positive
results for duties and task correlation
I am able to interact well with 0.5413 0.000541 Moderate
others in the office. positive
I am able to take the initiative 0.4682 0.003473 Low positive
ways. correlation
I am punctual and reliable in 0.3402 0.039376 Low positive
attendance. . correlation
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means
there is a tendency for high X variable scores go
with high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
4.I enjoyed every work assignment to fulfill my career choice.
Cognitive r value P value* Interpretation
I can communicate well with 0.7056 0.00001 High Positive
other employees. correlation
I am ready to take my work 0.7056 0.00001 High positive
immersion. correlation
I am able to communicate orally 0.6085 0.000065 Moderate
with others . positive
I am computer literate, so I can 0.3153 0.057319 Low positive
perform the assigned task. correlation
I am willing to do the things that 0.4644 0.003785 Low positive
can enhance my knowledge. correlation
This is a strong positive correlation, which means
that high X variable scores go with high Y variable
scores (and vice versa).
AFFECTIVE r value P value* Interpretation
I must deal with the supervisor 0.3472 0.035253 Low positive
and other with courtesy. correlation
I work collaboratively with the 0.4172 0.0102. Low positive
supervisor and my co-workers. correlation
It is important that I have patience 0.4433 0.005997 Low positive
and diligence in performing correlation
assigned tasks.
It is important for me to come to 0.3613 0.028014 Low positive
office in time. correlation
I work collaboratively and 0.5367 0.000616 Moderate
cooperatively with the supervisor positive
and co-workers. correlation
Although technically a positive correlation, the
relationship between your variable is weak (nb. The
nearer the value is to zero, the weaker the
5. I gave some time for my work assignment to fulfill my career choice.
Cognitive r value P Interpretation
I can communicate well with other 0.5985 0.00009 Moderate positive
employees. 1 correlation
I am ready to take my work 0.6693 0.00001 Moderate positive
immersion. correlation
I am able to communicate orally 0.5583 0.00033 Moderate positive
with others correlation
I am computer literate, so I can 0.2067 0.21964 Negligible
perform the assigned task. 9 correlation
I am willing to do the things that 0.5194 0.00098 Moderate positive
can enhance my knowledge. 7 correlation
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means
there is a tendency for high X variable scores go
with high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
AFFECTIVE r value P value* Interpretation

I must deal with the supervisor 0.5237 0.00088. Moderate positive

and other with courtesy. correlation
I work collaboratively with the 0.5724 0.00021 Moderate positive
supervisor and my co-workers. 4. correlation
It is important that I have patience 0.5237 -.00088 Moderate positive
and diligence in performing correlation
assigned tasks.
It is important for me to come to 0.5607 0.00030 Moderate positive
office in time. 7. correlation
I work collaboratively and 0.5905 0.00011 Moderate positive
cooperatively with the supervisor 9 correlation
and co-workers.
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means
there is a tendency for high X variable scores go
with high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
X Mea Y Mean R P value Interpret
PSYCHOM values n values Calcula ation
OTOR tion

I can easily ∑ = 114 3.08 ∑ = 119 3.216 0.3831 0.01926 Significant

follow the 1 3

I am able to ∑ = 114 3.08 ∑ = 118 3.189 0.3917 0.01650 Significant

achieve 1 6
results for
duties and
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means
there is a tendency for high X variable scores go
with high Y variable scores (and vice versa).
Psycho-motor r value P value* Interpretation
I can easily follow the 0.3722 0.023299 Low positive
instructions. correlation
I am able to achieve satisfactory 0.3035 0.067836 Low positive
results for duties and task correlation
I am able to interact well with 0.4432 0.006009 Low positive
others in the office. correlation
I am able to take the initiative 0.4104 0.011638 Low positive
ways. correlation
I am punctual and reliable in 0.5053 0.001423 Moderate
attendance. . positive
Although technically a positive correlation, the
relationship between your variable is weak (nb. The
nearer the value is to zero, the weaker the

Recommendations. Based on the findings, the

researchers recommend the following.
1.Develop a positive attitude: Developing a positive
attitude towards the work immersion program and the
tasks assigned to you is crucial for a successful work
immersion experience. Approach the work with
enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, even if some
tasks may seem repetitive or mundane.
2.Build relationships: Work immersion provides an
opportunity to network and build professional
relationships with industry professionals. Take advantage
of this opportunity by connecting with your colleagues
and supervisors, and learning from their experiences and
3.Stay organized: It is important to stay organized during your
work immersion program, as you will be juggling schoolwork and
work responsibilities simultaneously. Make sure to prioritize your
tasks, manage your time effectively, and maintain clear
communication with your teachers and supervisors.
Celfocus Delivery Framework. Operational Defintion. Retrieved from

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De La Salle–Colege of Saint Benilde. BS Accountancy (BSA 2004). Chapter 1-
3-Revision – A research about how helpful Work Immersion is. Retrieved from

DepEd. (2017). Department of Education. Retrieved from

Alcobendas, J. R. (2022, April 13). Profile and Work Immersion Performance
of Accountancy, Business, and Man-agement (ABM) Students of Selected
Implementing Schools in Subic District, Zambales, Philippines | International
Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research.
Profile and Work Immersion Performance of Accountancy, Business, and
Man-agement (ABM) Students of Selected Implementing Schools in Subic
District, Zambales, Philippines | International Journal of Multidisciplinary:
Applied Business and Education Research.
Cruz, J. N. D. ., Permejo, M. M. ., & Permejo, M. M. . (2020). Workplace Skills
and Competencies: An Industry Partners Appraisal on Work Immersion
Program Among Senior High School Learners. Journal of Business and
Management Studies, 2(3), 41– 48. Retrieved from
Insorio 1,2,3* , Cherrie Coronado Manaloto 3, Jenneth Jonos Lareña
31 , Building awareness, interest, and readiness towards collegecourse through
work immersion Lubaiano, Daniel /INFLUENCE OF WORK IMMERSION

Mayo, K.C.P(2018).Analyzing the level of readiness in work immersion as

perceived by Grade 12 students in San Isidro National High School.
Document (2) (5).docx. (n.d.). Microsoft OneDrive - Access Files
Anywhere. Create Docs WithFreeOfficeOnline.
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Influence of Work Immersion On Enhancing The Knowledge | PDF |
Apprenticeship | Employment. (n.d.). Scribd.
Rodriguez, M. (2019, January 18). Work Immersion Among ABM Grade 12
Senior High School Students of the Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National
High School | Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Abstracts. Work Immersion Among ABM Grade 12 Senior High School
Students of the Anselmo a. Sandoval Memorial National High School |
Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts.
Salvador, J. P. (n.d.). The Impact of the Work Immersion Program to the Grade
12 Students of John J Russell Memorial High School. (DOC) the Impact of the
Work Immersion Program to the Grade 12 Students of John J Russell
Memorial High School | Jomarie P Salvador - Academia.edu.
Valdez, A. B., Lapid-Ladwingon, R. R., & Baggas, E. W. (2019). The real-work
readiness of the grade 12 STEM students. KSU Research Journal. The
students’ work knowledge could be enhanced through activities and tasks
like field orientations and practical examinations initiated by their teachers
in specialized subjects to prepare them to actual work during immersion.
Also, it is suggested that they be given lectures on work ethics,
communication in the workplace, stress management, and career
orientation.Valdez, A. B., Lapid-Ladwingon, R. R., & Baggas, E. W. (2019).
Work Immersion Research - PDFCOFFEE.COM. (n.d.). pdfcoffee.com.
Gender: Male__ Female__ LGBTQ__
Age: Marital Status: 16__
Single__ 17__
Married__ 18__
19__ Single Parent __
20 & Above__
Monthly income of parents:
9,000 & above__
Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate how much
you agree or disagree with the statement by putting a check in the
box on the right side of each statement. There are no right or wrong
answers. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and you will
not be identified.
4-Strongly Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
What is the level of readiness of grade 12 HUMMS-Demeter students
of Echague National High School in terms of:
4 3 2 1
1. I can communicate well with other employees
2. I am ready to take my work immersion.
3. I am able to communicate orally with others.
4. I am computer literate, so I can perform the
assigned task
5. I am willing to do the things that can enhance
my knowledge
4 3 2 1
1. I must deal with supervisor and others with
2. I work collaboratively with the supervisor and
my co-workers.
3. It is important that i have patience and dilligence
in performing assigned tasks.
4. It is important for me to come to ofiice in time.
5. I work collaboratively and cooperatively with
the supervisor and co-workers.
A. Psychomotor
4 3 2 1
1. I can easily follow the instructions
2. I am able to achieve satisfactory results for
duties and task completed.

3. I am able to interactwell with others in the

4. I am able to take the initiative ways.
5. I am punctual and reliable in attendance.
What is the Implication of a work immersion assignments in
course to be taken in college?
4 3 2 1
1. I put more effort into my work assignments to
develop my skills for my future college course
2. I became more self aware regarding my
strengths and weaknesses for my future college
3. I gathered some strategies on how to deal with
my career choice
4. I enjoyed every work assignments to fulfill my
career choice
5. I gave some time for my work assignments to
fulfill my career choice

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